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This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.


"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Time to Fight Back is NOW

The radical Left's efforts to punish people essentially for being Christians and for morally opposing the Gaystapo agenda

The Time to Fight Back is NOW


If you’re like me, you are astounded at the way our nation has taken a turn for the worse within just the past two weeks.  At the flick of a few pens, radical, overreaching judges have overthrown the will of large majorities of the people in half our states and imposed the perversion of gay “marriage” onto these states.  As a consequence, we have seen an acceleration in the radical Left’s efforts to punish people essentially for being Christians and for morally opposing the Gaystapo agenda.  We’ve seen the Obama administration completely fail in its duty to protect the people of this nation from a deadly disease introduced from outside our borders.

Indeed, the failure has been of such magnitude that it has many wondering if it may not be purposefully done so as to allow the imposition of martial law and the formal suspension of the Constitution as a response to an emergency breakout of epidemic proportions (especially given how all signs point to the Pres__ent’s party receiving a massive drubbing in next month’s election).  All across this country, it seems that the Left – fresh from its seemingly successful judicial coups – is running roughshod over our actual constitutional rights.

We should not at all be surprised that the Left is seeking to press its seeming advantage.  Not only because it’s simply good strategy to try to keep your momentum going, but also because the Left is extremely adept at using the power of “social totalitarianism” against its opponents.  By that term, I am referring to how the Left will use its organs in the media and the schools to create the impression (no matter how far it is removed from actual reality) that “history is on our side” and that “everybody is with us, nobody is with you.”  By using the left-wing controlled media to constantly beat the drum for its particular social agenda and to ridicule and marginalize its opponents, the cultural Marxists will enforce silence from those who disagree with them.

In an earlier article, I noted that there is a psychological basis for these efforts.  In the study that was performed, it was found that a large majority of participants would conform to the opinions of the majority when they felt that they were the only one who held a contrary opinion.  Indeed, the participants could be looking at test shapes that were clearly and obviously defined, and would still report that they saw shapes that were obviously wrong, so long as all the other study members (who were working for the professor performing the study) agreed that the wrong shape was in fact the right one.  This study demonstrated how easy it is for many people to just “go with the flow” when an obviously false “truth” is being foisted onto them.

As I said, the Left is very adept at creating this illusion of support for their own positions and agenda.  To do this, the Left relies on a tremendous amount of psychological bullying.  If a public figure steps out of line, he or she will face weeks or months of defamation, lies, innuendo, and negative reporting.  Yet, it is all driven by relatively small circles of left-wing agitators and their organs in the media.  A good recent example of this is the revelation that the supposedly massive social media effort to target Rush Limbaugh’s advertisers and scare them off from his show was largely being perpetrated by a mere ten individuals using multiple Twitter accounts and email addresses.  Thus, you had a small group of left-wingers trying to scare off businesses by making it appear as if there was this huge grassroots reaction against Limbaugh – which in fact did not exist.  The grassroots turned out to be astroturf.

The Left cannot allow dissent against its agenda to remain unpunished, for to do so would be to reveal the paucity of actual support (as shown in the Limbaugh case), and would blow the lid off of their falsehoods.  Successful dissent, as Mollie Hemingway noted a few months ago, is absolutely catastrophic to the leftist agenda.

As a result—and because the Left is so authoritarian—they cannot help but seek to close off all avenues for dissent.  A couple of years ago, I wrote about this and observed that when this happens, when the Left manages to successfully shut off all peaceful means of dissent from their agenda, they create an atmosphere where the only remaining alternatives tend towards violence.

We see the Left pushing us in this direction.  At every turn, the Left is seeking to illegally illegalize dissent from their agenda – and they’ve been kicking it into high gear within the past year.  For months, we have seen how left-wingers all across this country have sought to fine and punish Christian business owners who refuse to support gay “marriage.” 

But, think about everything else we’ve seen:  In Houston, the openly lesbian mayor and the city attorney sent subpoenas to the city’s pastors, demanding that they hand over the content of their sermons to see if they had been speaking on certain verboten topics.  This came on the heels of a wildly-successful petition (receiving five times the number of signatures needed) to withdraw the city’s recent ordinance stipulating that “transgendered” individuals be allowed to use either bathroom in ANY publicly-accessible facility (obvious opposed by the pastors and their churches, as well as by all other reasonable people in general).  However, the petition was summarily (and illegally) thrown out by the city.  In essence, the city was seeking to punish pastors who helped to promote the petition against that ordinance.

Elsewhere, in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, a couple who operates a wedding chapel has been threatened with fines and jail time for refusing to marry gays.  In North Carolina, county and state magistrates have completely had their freedom of conscience taken away at the behest of gay-marriage supporting judges in Raleigh.

Gay marriage isn’t the only aspect of the leftist agenda that is being forced onto an unwilling population.  “Hate speech” laws and political correctness are used to suppress any dissent on any topic.  The 4th amendment has basically been gutted by liberal judges who allow the police state to do whatever it likes.  The radical environmentalist agenda – deindustrialization because of “global warming,” Agenda 21, the theft of private property because of “wetlands,” and the like – proceeds apace.  We have a government that wants to monitor your social media postings to see if they agree with the government’s positions.  The FBI is so adamant about being able to crack your encrypted data without a warrant that they are openly threatening companies like Apple and Google for creating essentially unbreakable encryptions and making them standard on their products.  Everywhere you look, the Left’s war on liberty advances.

But the thing to keep in mind is that the Left’s bullying efforts rely upon the acquiescence of its victims.  Like other more garden-variety bullies, the Left is counting on the person being persecuted feeling isolated, hopeless, helpless, and therefore willing to yield to the Left’s assaults.  The last thing a bully expects is that his intended victim will punch his lights out.

Therefore, this is EXACTLY what we need to be doing to the Left.

If you think about it, every time that we have done so, it’s been successful.  Take the case in Houston just recently, the one where the city demanded that pastors turn over their sermons for government inspection.  Instead of acquiescing, the pastors fought back, told the city that they weren’t going to do it, and raised a ruckus.  The city backed down, and the mayor behind it all is currently trying to pretend that she didn’t know anything about it (despite documentation that clearly says otherwise).

Look at the effort by the radical gay lobby to attack Chick-Fil-A a couple of years ago when its president stated his disagreement with gay “marriage” - instead of harming that company, all that ended up happening was that millions of Americans rallied to the defense of Chick-Fil-A’s freedom of speech, and the company ended having by far the single best day of sales on record.  The gays went after Duck Dynasty – but Phil Robertson stood firm and people rallied behind him, and the gays got another big black eye.

Clearly, the time has come for us to fight back against the Gaystapo and other elements of the radical Left’s coalition.  I don’t just mean sporadically, but through a concentrated effort that proactively seeks out incipient left-wing efforts at suppressing liberty, and rallies millions against it within the space of a single day.  In short, conservatives and liberty-lovers need to get organized.  The Left counts on being able to enforce its agenda by making the target – a school board, a business, a private organization, etc. - think it is in the fight alone.  We need to be able to show the target that it is NOT in that fight alone.

Of course this relies upon people becoming involved.  Too often – and this is because it is in our nature not to be agitators and rabble-rousers – conservatives and liberty lovers are content to stand aside, shake our heads, tut-tut about what is going on, but otherwise do nothing.  We complain on internet forums and comments sections, but we don’t DO anything.  Yet, we’ve seen that the few times we DO do something, we can be very effective.  The Left is a paper tiger – all that is needed is to push back, and it will most often fold.

What all of this simply means is that when the Left tries something – threatening the free speech of pastors,  threatening to sue a school board, whatever it may be – we fight back with every resource we have.  And by that, I mean EVERY resource.  It’s time to stop playing nice with the Left.  The Left is in the game to win it, we need to be as well.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Christians started asking gay-owned businesses to do work for us – say, bake a cake for our pro-traditional marriage rally or something like that – and sued them when they refused?  And what if we kept suing them until they were all put out of business?  

What would happen if the city of Houston found itself on the receiving end of hundreds of separate civil rights lawsuits alleging its violation of the 1st amendment rights to free speech and to petition for redress?  What would happen if a thousand vocal patriots showed up at a school board meeting to protest some idiotic move that a couple of left-wing board members were trying to push through?  

What would happen if those patriots stood united and even went so far as to refuse to allow police officers to arrest a couple of the more vocal opponents?  Seriously, folks, it is time that we started to consider robust civil disobedience.  It’s time to consider harassing the Left with a thousand pinpricks every time they attack somebody’s constitutional liberties.  It’s sad to have to contemplate this, but the Left has brought us to this point- there’s really no going back. 

So what would happen when the ACLU finds out that they’re not the only ones who can file a lawsuit?  What if the Communists and Black Panthers in Ferguson, Missouri were to discover that they aren’t the only ones who can rustle up a large crowd of engaged activists?

And this may sound scary to some folks, but the time has also come to begin considering armed resistance to the Left when it uses the police powers of the state to deny liberty to the people.

Armed resistance does not necessarily imply actual shooting, or civil war, or anything like that.  Look at the example of the patriots who came to the Cliven Bundy ranch earlier this year.  Not a shot was fired – but the BLM and the other alphabet agencies stood down, ultimately, because there were more of us than there were of them.  And police agencies, like other elements of the left-wing coalition, count on disunity and isolation to allow them to take away liberty.  What would happen if a city arrested a pastor for preaching against homosexuality, only to have a couple of thousand armed patriots surround the jail politely requesting the pastor’s release?  It’s time to stop assuming that that sort of activity would be wrong, or that talking about it is “out of bounds.”  When you are defending constitutional liberty, any police agency or other element of government that is violating that document is in the wrong, THEY are the ones who are illegitimate and without standing for their activities.

Even further, what do you do when the government finally crosses the line and starts trying to round people up or otherwise go full-out totalitarian, as may well be a distinct possibility, given the direction in which this administration is headed?

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Solzhenitsyn explains why it was so easy for the Bolsheviks under Stalin to establish their reign of terror and round up millions into the gulags.

Let it be a lesson for us, so that it is not repeated here. We have millions of guns in this nation. If or when the Obama administration reaches a point where it begins trying to confiscate guns, sets up roadblocks and other travel restrictions because of its engineered “Ebola outbreak,” or begins arresting dissidents who speak out against government policies - it will be time for us to do what the Russians in the 1930s did not do, which is to fight back. There aren’t enough police, not even enough military, to be able to do the job if we were serious about defending our freedoms.

Think about it. Let’s say that the police start setting up roadblocks all over America, demanding to “see your papers” and arresting anyone who is on their list of subversives, or who questions them for violating the Constitution, or whatever else. Now, what happens if patriots armed with hunting rifles and AR-15s start sniping those roadblocks from the woods or from buildings a couple of hundred meters away? And say that this happens all over the country, all at the same time. There are not enough police at all levels to even begin to deal with that. And when you factor in that a good chunk of the military will take its oath to the Constitution seriously and will side with us over the administration…well…I just don’t see how the Regime can hold out.


It takes patriotic American citizens willing to stand up for their rights to do it. If we sit in our houses waiting for the Feds to show up to confiscate our guns, one house at a time, well, we’ll deserve the fate that the Russians in Solzhenitsyn’s day got.

Let’s face it, folks – the day may well come where this sort of thing happens.

But it doesn’t have to.  If we stop the Left NOW, then we can keep it from proceeding to actual violence and civil disorder.  What if millions of conservatives and liberty-lovers were “on call” at a moment’s notice to stand up for any one of us who was being attacked by the Left?  What if the good people of this nation stood together against the evil ones in our society?  Instead of sitting idly by, what if we were willing to use some time and money to take the fight to the Left?  Lawfare, civil disobedience, psychological weight of numbers – these are our tools, if we will only use them.

By Tim Dunkin

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right