
Freedom of information pages

Freedom Pages & understanding your rights

Friday, December 31, 2010

If we are to teach real peace in this world

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.Any one who will look through blind eyes do,s not see the beauty all people hold with in them selfs to see some one as ugly by apperance makes a fool of themselfs for as i see it beauty is not in looks it is in the humanbeing themselfs and what a wonderful gift I have to see through eyes that are clear and free

In Spain and will be haveing a blast for the new year wish all love and joy,About me:
If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children. The science of war leads one to dictatorship, pure and simple. The science of non-violence alone can lead one to pure democracy...Power based on love is thousand times more effective and permanent than power derived from fear of punishment....It is a blasphemy to say non-violence can be practiced only by individuals and never by nations which are composed of individuals...The nearest approach to purest anarchy would be a democracy based on non-violence...A society organised and run on the basis of complete non-violence would be the purest anarchy

Why I hate religion

People lose fingers all the time that naturally can partially grow back. People believe in that , because it is explained by science. Someone could claim to have caught an ailment and then claim to be cured the next day. Doctors would totally believe that.

But what if people do grow arms back , but nobody believes that the arm was lost in the first place?

There is no way to say that it was a miracle or not . Just because you don't see something , doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Is religion the real cause of war?

Humans are to blame for war not religion, even if we were all atheist we would find an excuse to blow each other up. We use any excuse to go to war or to fight, people LIKE to fight and watch people fight. go and look at the videos which get over 10 million hits on youtube for an example, type in peace and love see the highest rated video prob has like 2k views. then type in sick streetfight or guy gets shot in head, then you will see some vids have like 10 million views. face it ppl like 2fight

US 'Human Rights' Black List: Police Brutality, Abuses, Death Row

Reason: The US is the 3rd most populous nation on earth. And i doubt china has less people in prison but one reason if they do?: There is less freedom in china, more gov. control of the people. In the US, there's there's too much crime sure, but this is the land of opportunists. Do you think crimes against women are punished in INdia? Men go unpunished for rape there.

U ask prisoners in the USwhom they fear- most often i bet it's other prisoners-but yes, we should do better.

robi2000 1 month ago robi2000 1 month ago "The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men."

-Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899).

Religious freedom

Freedom of Religion
Did you know that you have two Freedoms
granted by the First Amendment regarding Religion?

Pilgrims were called Separatists back in England because they wanted independence from the established Church of England. In 1620, they sailed the stormy Atlantic for 63 days on the tiny Mayflower, seeking freedom of religion in the New World.

The First Amendment contains two clauses about the Freedom of Religion. The first part is known as the Establishment Clause, and the second as the Free Exercise Clause.

The Establishment Clause prohibits the government from passing laws that will establish an official religion or preferring one religion over another. The courts have interpreted the establishment clause to accomplish the separation of church and state.

The Free Exercise Clause prohibits the government from interfering with a person’s practice of his or her religion. However, religious actions and rituals can be limited by civil and federal laws.

Religious freedom is an absolute right, and includes the right to practice any religion of one’s choice, or no religion at all, and to do this without government control.

Your rights to Freedom of Religion and the free exercise thereof means:
•The Freedom of Religion is an inalienable right.
•The First Amendment provides for the Freedom of Religion for all Americans.
•The Free Exercise Clause provides that government will neither control nor prohibit the free exercise of one’s religion.
•The government will remain neutral.
So, go ahead and pray - or don’t. Go to church - or sleep in.

Marvel in the illusion of your life here on Earth.

Money is a way to ration resources, to keep the rich in power, create class divsions. We have always had some sort of currency but that was in a different time were everyone was struggling. In a modern society I see no need for this false sense of security. A person could actually die due to lack of money. A better system needs to be created. I think the best system would be a true democracy were the people rule and this has nothing to with being rich!

We would live according to Maslow's higherarchy of needs. The new incentive would be to become self fulfilled and aware. This is a much better incentive than being rich yet not being self fulfilled or aware. If we could get the basic needs taken off very quickly we would not have people spending their whole lives just to live and not enjoy. How many people miss the sunrises and sunsets or do not notice the beauty around them? They have no time they are busy making MONEY for the rich.

My basic idea would phase out the use of money overtime not suddenly. You would almost need a complete collapse of society, infastucture and government to go completely without a currency. I would have an intermediate step such as making prices of housing and utlies based off of a person's income. We no longer have to qualify to their standards but they to ours. Slowly I would weed people off the addiction to money. No we would not all be poor or rich. We would live happy according to Maslow.
I don't want the rich to rule me because they have more money! I like some key comptants of the Venus project but I like the basic structure of the USA where we have a country with smaller sections inside. I am not for a one world government but for small local communities that are coperative in nature. I am for a sustainable society;in all aspects; technologically, fincially and environmentally. This does not mean we fire up another coal plant! (KCPL's answer to the green movement!)

I hate our current system now. It is so corrupt and the rich are in charge. I am happy with little money. I find the more money I have the more someone wants it from me anyway. I like to live a decent life but why does it have to cost so much? If I don't have any money no matter how bad I need something I can't get it. Everyone has times when they have no money in their account yet if your toothpaste runs out at that point then you can't brush your teeth.

Money & Greed created so many problems in society. Just imagine, we have the talent, knowledge, and resources to make free energy power plants and transportation. The only thing stopping these technologies from emerging is greed. Someone wants to make something off someone else which is why our world is so corrupt. Why can't everyone own a house? Why can't everyone be seen by a doctor? Why can't we have free education? Why can't everyone have internet to see this video? Greed & Money= Corruption