
Freedom of information pages

Freedom Pages & understanding your rights

Friday, December 31, 2010

If we are to teach real peace in this world

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.Any one who will look through blind eyes do,s not see the beauty all people hold with in them selfs to see some one as ugly by apperance makes a fool of themselfs for as i see it beauty is not in looks it is in the humanbeing themselfs and what a wonderful gift I have to see through eyes that are clear and free

In Spain and will be haveing a blast for the new year wish all love and joy,About me:
If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children. The science of war leads one to dictatorship, pure and simple. The science of non-violence alone can lead one to pure democracy...Power based on love is thousand times more effective and permanent than power derived from fear of punishment....It is a blasphemy to say non-violence can be practiced only by individuals and never by nations which are composed of individuals...The nearest approach to purest anarchy would be a democracy based on non-violence...A society organised and run on the basis of complete non-violence would be the purest anarchy

Why I hate religion

People lose fingers all the time that naturally can partially grow back. People believe in that , because it is explained by science. Someone could claim to have caught an ailment and then claim to be cured the next day. Doctors would totally believe that.

But what if people do grow arms back , but nobody believes that the arm was lost in the first place?

There is no way to say that it was a miracle or not . Just because you don't see something , doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Is religion the real cause of war?

Humans are to blame for war not religion, even if we were all atheist we would find an excuse to blow each other up. We use any excuse to go to war or to fight, people LIKE to fight and watch people fight. go and look at the videos which get over 10 million hits on youtube for an example, type in peace and love see the highest rated video prob has like 2k views. then type in sick streetfight or guy gets shot in head, then you will see some vids have like 10 million views. face it ppl like 2fight

US 'Human Rights' Black List: Police Brutality, Abuses, Death Row

Reason: The US is the 3rd most populous nation on earth. And i doubt china has less people in prison but one reason if they do?: There is less freedom in china, more gov. control of the people. In the US, there's there's too much crime sure, but this is the land of opportunists. Do you think crimes against women are punished in INdia? Men go unpunished for rape there.

U ask prisoners in the USwhom they fear- most often i bet it's other prisoners-but yes, we should do better.

robi2000 1 month ago robi2000 1 month ago "The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men."

-Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899).

Religious freedom

Freedom of Religion
Did you know that you have two Freedoms
granted by the First Amendment regarding Religion?

Pilgrims were called Separatists back in England because they wanted independence from the established Church of England. In 1620, they sailed the stormy Atlantic for 63 days on the tiny Mayflower, seeking freedom of religion in the New World.

The First Amendment contains two clauses about the Freedom of Religion. The first part is known as the Establishment Clause, and the second as the Free Exercise Clause.

The Establishment Clause prohibits the government from passing laws that will establish an official religion or preferring one religion over another. The courts have interpreted the establishment clause to accomplish the separation of church and state.

The Free Exercise Clause prohibits the government from interfering with a person’s practice of his or her religion. However, religious actions and rituals can be limited by civil and federal laws.

Religious freedom is an absolute right, and includes the right to practice any religion of one’s choice, or no religion at all, and to do this without government control.

Your rights to Freedom of Religion and the free exercise thereof means:
•The Freedom of Religion is an inalienable right.
•The First Amendment provides for the Freedom of Religion for all Americans.
•The Free Exercise Clause provides that government will neither control nor prohibit the free exercise of one’s religion.
•The government will remain neutral.
So, go ahead and pray - or don’t. Go to church - or sleep in.

Marvel in the illusion of your life here on Earth.

Money is a way to ration resources, to keep the rich in power, create class divsions. We have always had some sort of currency but that was in a different time were everyone was struggling. In a modern society I see no need for this false sense of security. A person could actually die due to lack of money. A better system needs to be created. I think the best system would be a true democracy were the people rule and this has nothing to with being rich!

We would live according to Maslow's higherarchy of needs. The new incentive would be to become self fulfilled and aware. This is a much better incentive than being rich yet not being self fulfilled or aware. If we could get the basic needs taken off very quickly we would not have people spending their whole lives just to live and not enjoy. How many people miss the sunrises and sunsets or do not notice the beauty around them? They have no time they are busy making MONEY for the rich.

My basic idea would phase out the use of money overtime not suddenly. You would almost need a complete collapse of society, infastucture and government to go completely without a currency. I would have an intermediate step such as making prices of housing and utlies based off of a person's income. We no longer have to qualify to their standards but they to ours. Slowly I would weed people off the addiction to money. No we would not all be poor or rich. We would live happy according to Maslow.
I don't want the rich to rule me because they have more money! I like some key comptants of the Venus project but I like the basic structure of the USA where we have a country with smaller sections inside. I am not for a one world government but for small local communities that are coperative in nature. I am for a sustainable society;in all aspects; technologically, fincially and environmentally. This does not mean we fire up another coal plant! (KCPL's answer to the green movement!)

I hate our current system now. It is so corrupt and the rich are in charge. I am happy with little money. I find the more money I have the more someone wants it from me anyway. I like to live a decent life but why does it have to cost so much? If I don't have any money no matter how bad I need something I can't get it. Everyone has times when they have no money in their account yet if your toothpaste runs out at that point then you can't brush your teeth.

Money & Greed created so many problems in society. Just imagine, we have the talent, knowledge, and resources to make free energy power plants and transportation. The only thing stopping these technologies from emerging is greed. Someone wants to make something off someone else which is why our world is so corrupt. Why can't everyone own a house? Why can't everyone be seen by a doctor? Why can't we have free education? Why can't everyone have internet to see this video? Greed & Money= Corruption

Monday, November 22, 2010

War in Palestine & Iraq

War in Palestine & Iraq

"Freedom cannot be licensed, liberties cannot be regulated and rights cannot be granted. History teaches us that when the rights and liberties of a free people have restrictions upon them, they cease to be freedoms and rights. Instead, the government becomes like a king, bestowing privileges upon the chosen few and servitude upon everyone else.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

You haven’t done anything wrong

You haven’t done anything wrong
Domestic Terrorist"

You haven’t done anything wrong, so why should you worry about surveillance? It was Cardinal Richelieu who said, “If

you give me six lines written by the most honest man, I will find something in them to hang him.” The United States

doesn’t hang innocent people any more, but it certainly does imprison them by the millions, and occasionally does

kill them.

So why worry about surveillance, if you are honest? As the Miranda saying goes, anything can be used against you in

a court of law. Law enforcement’s job is to come up with things to use against you, and the most innocent bits of

data, combined together in ways you might not expect, can paint the most honest, innocent person as a criminal.

Someday you could find yourself on trial for a crime you never committed, for instance, or you could be detained for

hours every time you try to board an airplane or cross the border.

Last week the Electronic Frontier Foundation launched its Surveillance Self-Defense project, an online guide for

protecting your private data against government spying. EFF created the guide, it said in a news release, “to

educate Americans about the law and technology of communications surveillance and computer searches and seizures,

and to provide the information and tools necessary to keep their private data out of the government’s hands.”

After all, data the government doesn’t have can’t be used against you. I presume, of course, that you are innocent

of wrongdoing, and it is for innocent people that this guide is designed: activists who use their First Amendment

rights to lobby for changes in government policy, for example, or ordinary Americans who get caught up in a criminal

investigation due to a computer error, or simple human mistake such as police serving a warrant at the wrong house.

Unfortunately this sort of thing happens far too often.

“Despite a long and troubling history in this country of the government abusing its surveillance powers, most

Americans know very little about how the law protects them or about how they can take steps to protect themselves

against government surveillance,” said EFF senior staff attorney Kevin Bankston. “The Surveillance Self-Defense

project offers citizens a legal and technical toolkit with tips on how to defend themselves in case the government

attempts to search, seize, subpoena or spy on their most private data.”

The site explains the law in the United States as it applies to what data the law enforcement and intelligence

communities can obtain about you and how they obtain it. It then covers in depth how to protect your personal data

on your computer, as it is in transit over the Internet, and while it is held by third parties. Importantly, it also

provides an easy to understand overview of what security is and how to assess your personal security risks so that

you can implement security measures which make sense for your own circumstances. Finally it covers specific security

measures and technologies which you can use to protect yourself.

I’ve reviewed the site myself and I highly recommend it for anyone who has even the slightest possibility of being

targeted by the government for any reason. And, unfortunately, that means every single individual, since, but for

happenstance, the next person who gets their house mistakenly raided and their dog shot to death by a SWAT team

could be you. Protecting your privacy using these techniques won’t guarantee your security, of course, but it will

certainly reduce the likelihood of becoming the next victim of government surveillance.

USA using Patriot Act against its own citizens

USA using Patriot Act against its own citizens


















I just want to say, look beyond what you say and what you do! Look beyond your government. To beat your enemy, you have to stick together. (Divide and conquer) they have done it to the Muslims followers of Islam (Sunni/ Shia), they did it to humans (Black/ White/ Hispanic) through racism! Thy started with classification, so how do you beat them? Through unity, you beat them at their own game. Don't believe everything they say on CNN

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed! Red Alert!!!!!!

Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed! Red Alert!!!!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

You are the homegrown terrorist threat

You are the homegrown terrorist threat
If you’re an American reading this, then under expansive definitions being used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and several states in their counterterrorism training, you just might be a domestic terrorist.

The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force in Phoenix, Ariz., distributed a brochure (Images: 1, 2) to local law enforcement agencies a few years ago which defines terrorism as individuals or groups within the U.S. who engage in criminal activity to promote political or social changes. This is correct, as far as it goes, but the brochure then gives a listing of “suspicious” activities, telling law enforcement officers: “If you encounter any of the following, call the Joint Terrorism Task Force.”Some of the things for which you should be reported as a suspected terrorist include the usual things, like weapons of mass destruction, and hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazis, but also includes people who “Make numerous references to US Constitution,” “Claim driving is a right, not a privilege” and “Attempt to ‘police the police.’”In addition, “People whose political motivation is usually Marxist/Leninist philosophy,” “‘defenders’ of the US Constitution against federal government and the UN,” computer hackers, and “Lone Individuals” should also be reported.Do you fall under any of those categories? I certainly do; more than one, in fact. So I’m probably under suspicion somewhere as a domestic terrorist.

Last week, the state of Alabama Department of Homeland Security got scrutinized for an interactive terrorism awareness training section of its Web site, which said much the same things. The bureaucrats removed the entire training after it wound up on, a popular Web site where users can promote news to the site’s front page.In Alabama, it seems, promoting gun rights can also get you branded a domestic terrorist.Alabama’s site was based on a similar one from the state of Pennsylvania, which in addition to all of the above, says that promoting jury nullification, secession, or the belief that all governments must ultimately become corrupted by power also makes you a domestic terrorist worth watching.But it gets worse.

But you see, I once read Unintended Consequences and was quite impressed with the book. Then one day I attended a FBI security briefing for technology security and was confronted with an image of the book — strongly implying those who own or read the book were terrorists.

But now I find I’m considered a terrorist by many other government agencies! Seriously, I wonder when I shall be arrested and “Detained.” . . .

The state of Virginia also says I’m a terrorist. (PDF) Why there? Because I’m a “property rights advocate.” Seriously, in Virginia, you’re a TERRORIST if you advocate for property rights. I think they’re going to need to build more jails to house us all. . . .

Incredibly, none of this is in jest. These various government agencies honestly believe *I* am a “domestic terrorist.” That is so sad. Indeed, this once-great country has nowhere to go but down. — Ogre’s Politics & Views

Ogre also put together a nice interactive quiz which you can use to determine if you are a domestic terrorist. I scored a 70, which apparently means there’s a cell with my name on it in Guantanamo Bay.So in keeping with my mandate to make fun of government stupidity, I’m offering these web banners so you can identify yourself as a domestic terrorist on your own Myspace, blog or Web site. Just copy and paste the code for the one you want.468�60 Banner
Certified Domestic Terrorist

234×60 Half Banner

Certified Domestic Terrorist


Certified Domestic Terrorist


Certified Domestic Terrorist

It’s clear that in every meaningful way, the government considers ordinary Americans the enemy; their actions speak it unmistakably. Proudly display your status as a Certified Domestic Terrorist!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

America is at the crossroads

Judicial Failures
Is there Justice in america for those with out money
A place to voice your Opinion with out being marginalized or Set aside, Freedom of Expression is the purest form of freedom we have left. So try it out "EXPRESS YOURSELF AND BE HEARD"

America is at the crossroads
They have attacked our heritage with an endless array of hate literature, movies, and television that vilifies our White history, character, values, and traditions. They have hurt American businesses and workers, and are reducing the overall standard of living and independence of the American people through New World Order inspired trade policies such as NAFTA and GATT.

Saving the Planet

Saving the Planet

In fact, I have to disagree with george. Maybe our impact was not as self evident back then as it is now. But we are fucking this planet, dry humping it, actually. As if we AREN'T having a negative impact on the environment. We pollute, we kill, we destroy, and now we do it on a GLOBAL SCALE. Sure, we might not destroy the globe itself, but we are doing a fine job of fucking everything that lives on it., and we first have to admit this before we can curb it.

George Carlin

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Capitalism vs.Democracy

"fascism is more appropriately called corporatism as it is a perfect merger of state and corporate power" - Benito Mussolini

If we allow any form of government, it shall be used by those who are fearful of their competition to stifle competition, to erect barriers to entry, barring new entrepreneurs from the marketplace.

"Competition is sin" - John D. Rockefeller (champion corporatist)

Prior to the rise of corporatism, capitialism operated quite well and society was wealthy as a result

Terence Mckenna - Capitalism vs.Democracy

I believe he said it correctly. With capitalism, corporatism is a natural outgrowth because the role the ego plays. Competition is an innate reality within capitalism. Competition says that I have to have more/bigger/better things than those around me, therefore I devise a means to gain these "things" whatever my society dictates that they are, while using my resources to limit the access of these things to "others." Dissolve the ego & the illusory constructions disappear. Truth appears.

Capitalism (just as most "isms" out there) are dangerous, materialistic, sadistic, predictable, egocentrical and even in most cases comepletely psychotic in a culture. Look around and see what the invention of 'capital' has done. We lost our way with nature and ourselfs. Everyone is trying to screw everybody because of a system based on primitive ideas. I always laugh at "rich" people. because they are mostly a patethic excuse for a "loving/moral/sophisticated" human being.

Before modern corporatism, capitalism was still fucked up. There was a little incident called the slave trade that lasted for 400 years in America. The only thing good about the economy at hat time was most farms were family run. People weren't forced to stay dependent on wage slavery, because they lived off their own land and grew their own food Of course, that changed in the post-war period when they had to compete with industrial farming.

Having to buy off government is just an annoyance and costs them extra money. In reality, they don't even want government. I don't think that taking away all labour laws, like those protecting children and making sure people are paid a minimum wage, is going to make all the bad aspects about multi-nationals disappear overnight.They'll still be rich and still have a lot of capital, which is only leverage.Whoever has the most money, in the absence of formal government, becomes the defacto regime.

they're winning, and they're evil. This has been a very consistent trend.Their current tactic is is getting around labour laws by shipping jobs to third world counties where they don't exist. It doesn't matter if you get rid of government or not. The truth is that democracy is an obstacle that they have to buy off through corporatism. If they have enough money to lobby congress, they have enough to block innovation without government. Without copyright laws, it'll be much easier

I think through competition & educating people/consumers about the practices of malignant companies, there will be social justice in a libertarian society. So long as there isn't an instrument of oppression that can be wielded by wealthy interests to block competition, innovators, entrepreneurs. If there is, then we must attack it by informing people of the particular injustice & thereby weaken & dismantle it. They will not win by being evil.

If capitalism simply means trading commodities, then I guess I'm a capitalist. If capitalism represents using desperation as a bargaining chip to the point that factory owners pay sweat shop workers the bare minimum to produce goods that are sold at a maximum price to maximize profits for their corporation at the expense of labor, then I'm against it. I believe in free markets but with an economy dominated by worker owned cooperatives or some socially conscious form of capitalist production.

The socialist critiques of capitalism argue against it from the standpoint of class stratification and the formation of social hierarchies. It formed predominately as a reaction to the Laissez Faire capitalism of the 19th century that created the robber barons of the Gilded Age. Fascism was a 20th century phenomenon that attempted to unite left and right politics under a banner of nationalism, statism, and reactionary populism. Most educated socialists can tell the difference.

I have no disagreements with you about the FED or central banking. It appeared to me that you were attempting to pin down the term capitalism to mean singularly what the socialists mean it to imply (fascism). I'm an anarcho-capitalist, hence I support capitalism without government interference. I'm fully aware of the manipulations of the markets by fascists. You can see my writings at earthsociety (dot) org

I am not taking my definition from socialist sources. Capitalism has many different definitions, as you know, depending on who you talk to. It is presented as free market by its advocates, in reality it is not. The Austrain School of economics (mises org) is 'capitalist' not socialist and they agree with my definition. In any case the problem is fractional reserve banking and fiat money created by Central Banks. Incidently the Communist Manifesto recmends the setup of centbank




We need this message -- so well told here. Now if only we can get America to pay attention for 5 minutes when we're usually burned out in 30 seconds. Let's give it a try!!!

Terence Mckenna on Truth

Terence Mckenna on Truth

The planet has a kind of intelligence, that it can actually open a channel of communication with an individual human being. Consider this, one can easily imagine all of us being intimately connected, just as the stars, quantum-bits, and all the matter are connected to each other.

Are the world wide web and the internet creating some sort of extra layer of an unified global grid, which could be the ultimate technological expression of the underlying sub-conscious will of humanity to embrace Unity. If we are indeed all a single Consciousness, then we are already a unified global brain, we just don’t know it! The Internet may assist in manifesting that hidden Truth step by step.

The message that nature sends is, transform your language through a synergy between opposite forces, a synergy between dance and idea, a synergy between understanding and intuition, and dissolve the boundaries that your culture has sanctioned between you.

The combination of the human teleological instinct and the uniquely inexhaustible human capacity for self-delusion can suitably explain the mirroring between nature and mathematics; after all, an arbitrary system of numerology can, if assumed to be true, seem to mirror the world just as well. Of course, mathematics has been used to model nature (and to model our models of nature, interacting with our mental models of nature and both informing and interfering with them) for far longer than our...

'Respecting Humanity'

'Respecting Humanity'
"seeing our world Through there Eyes Our children"

Differences makes us unique. Unconditional LOVE Unite us as ONE ♥
'We Must Not allow other people's limited perceptions to define who we are.

seeing our world Through there Eyes Our children

Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can't love and respect yourself - no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are - completely; the good and the bad - and make changes as YOU see fit - not because you think someone else wants you to be different.
~ Stacey Charter ~

Never take a person's dignity: its worth everything to them & nothing to you ~Frank Barron~

Peace & Blessings

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



A Note to and old friend

Hello Scott, this is Joe I guess you know that. In the 20 years I have known you, I had always had high hopes and I have told your sister the same, that with time, Scott will mature and his actions will change for the better. But seeing your recent actions and following years of your progress in maturing, which believe me I have been following, your business and you, I can see now, that you have not grown or matured into a better man. I know what your going to say now, fuck you. Right? Well lets talk about the truth for a minute. A persons actions display the character of individual they are or will become. In the 20 years of our acquaintance your actions have shown others and your family how very little you have matured. Like I should care really, yet weather I like it or not your still my brother-in-law. i had also hoped when your child was born we would see a great change in how you treated others.And that you may become more like your father we all can see that is not so.Who in my eyes was one of the best people I have ever known and did help me become a better person by his actions and acceptance of me.Some thing you nor your sister has been able to do.For that I am had a perfect opertunity to show every one the grown and mature wise man you had become.I feel sorry for you Scott Dakota is a good boy just young and to try and blame him for your actions or the actions of others is wrong and an uneducated way of thinking.I wonder how or if the community around you is aware of the other side of Scott?Or have you done so well as to wear two faces,and your actions what or how you would have Riley to become think about that a second Scott,I only say this because I do have a past as well and my conscience is proof of that but at least I have tried to become a better person and man by my actions alone and my loyalty to my family after all this time you would think you could see that yet some times you can not see if you look through blind eyes dude.You do not have to like me I can live with that, but to blame others for your actions or hatred for some thing that is wrong is wrong any way you shake it.You do realize we all have opinions or thoughts and we do not have to like them but being able to except them with out taking it is a little thing I call wisdom,Well I wanted to voice my opinion and I have for what it is worth.Now on to the subject I would gratefully appreciate it if you would stop your actions you are imposing on my son and his friend.Some where inside you Scott there is a better man I believe that but by your actions it seems to me you just have not found you yet.So as everyone in the family is patient with you I ask you to be the same with your nephew and his friend.And remember family first no exceptions.That is if you except Dakota as family if not,That is truly your loss.

Obama No Longer ‘Most Powerful in World

1. Obama No Longer ‘Most Powerful in World’
Chinese President Hu Jintao has replaced President Barack Obama at the top of Forbes magazine’s annual list of “The Most Powerful People in the World.”
Obama headed the list last year, followed by the Chinese leader.
Forbes describes Hu as: “Paramount political leader of more people than anyone else on the planet; exercises near dictatorial control over 1.3 billion people, one-fifth of world's population. Unlike Western counterparts, Hu can divert rivers, build cities, jail dissidents and censor Internet without meddling from pesky bureaucrats, courts.”
As for No. 2 on the list, Forbes states: “Obama's Democrats suffered a mighty blow in U.S. midterm elections, with the president decisively losing support of the House of Representatives, and barely holding onto the Senate. It's quite a come-down for last year's most powerful person, who after enacting widespread reforms in his first two years in office will be hard-pressed to implement his agenda in the next two.”
Next on the list is Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia: “Absolute ruler of desert kingdom that contains the world's largest crude oil reserves, two holiest sites in Islam.”
Rounding out the top 10 are Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Pope Benedict XVI, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Indian National Congress President Sonia Gandhi, and Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Others on the list of 68 people are News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch (No. 13), Apple CEO Steve Jobs (17), Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (20), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (24), Iranian Grand Ayatollah Ali Hoseini-Khamenei (26), and al-Qaida founder Osama bin Laden (57).


Think we have a free market? Think again. Think it was free market capitalism that collapsed the financial system? Think again.

What America has, and what we've had for a long time, is Cartelism. It is becoming increasingly evident that every industry has been infected by "Too-Big-to-Fail" consolidation that has resulted in a near-picture-perfect oligarchy -- a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small segment of society distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, or military control (Wiki).

It's only natural that a hierarchical system would result in exponential attraction of power to the few at the top. The pyramid structure we find in all institutions rewards the thirst for more power at every level. In our system, it was simply a matter of time before several of these pyramids that share a common interest combined forces to drive the direction of their industry to only benefit the newly formed mega-pyramid cartel. Thus, these cartels can then systematically eliminate their free-market competition through government regulation and other well-calculated economic maneuvers.

Each major industry in America, and globally, is predominantly run by a handful of companies who are aided by the corporate-government revolving door. They work in unison to effectively control the direction of their respective industries, the economy as a whole, geopolitics, society, and humanity. Consequently, there is no longer a free market for basic human necessities, or even human thought.

Here are descriptions of 7 mega-cartels that killed the free market and effectively run America's oligarchy beginning at the top of the pyramid and cascading down:

Banking: The Federal Reserve and their consortium of the "Too-Big-to-Fail" mega-banks make up the Wall Street cartel at the apex of all other pyramids. The entire world economy is at the mercy of money creators, managers, and manipulators; using debt they control every nation, industry and person. This cartel, which primarily includes Goldman Sachs, BoA-Merrill, JP Morgan-Chase, Wachovia, Wells Fargo, and CitiBank, has been fully exposed to the public since the 2008 financial collapse where under the guise of crisis the final consolidation occurred. The top four banks, in 2009, controlled 40% of all FDIC insured deposits, have made record profits, and continue to pay record bonuses since the 2008-2009 bailouts. The public was told they needed the TARP bailout because they were too big to fail and so they can restart lending again. The only notable thing the TARP money was used for was further consolidation. It is clear that this most-powerful cartel now has full ownership of the government -- SEC and Congress.

All of these institutions were originally founded by European bankers yet their connections now expand to nearly every central bank and the IMF and World Bank. Together they form a much-too-big-to-fail global cartel who are in complete control of the world's finances and economy and all industry players are subservient to their command.

Intelligence: The intelligence cartel -- the brain and coordinator of the military-industrial complex -- has always worked to expand and enforce America's corporate interests at home and abroad. Therefore, it may be more appropriate to label them the enforcement cartel. On the homeland, the CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS with their corporate partners are now openly monitoring groups such as peace activists to protect the big military industry, anti-gas drilling protesters to protect big energy, End-the-Fed activists, and organic food producers to protect the big agribusiness -- and anyone else who poses a threat to all of the respective cartels. It seems that if your principles or actions threaten the profits or the control grid, the full force of the intelligence cartel will be used on you. This goes for foreign nations as well.

The CIA has become infamous for staging coups on governments who don't adhere to the will of American-based multinational cartels; every attempted coup now has their fingerprints on it. It has been proven that the CIA is also involved with illegal drug trafficking, torture, and other mafia-style business activities. This intelligence cartel is the glue that keeps the matrix together, or what some refer to as the unelected, unaccountable Shadow Government. After all, they can't allow nations or sovereign people to develop solidarity against the system without squashing it.


The business of war is booming. It makes sense that this industry would be run by a closely knit group directed by the Pentagon due to the sensitivity of their products. Nonetheless, the military-industrial complex is run by a cartel that takes in four times the amount of money we spend on domestic issues. In other words, our society seems okay with spending far more to kill people than to help its citizens. Although this industry covers a wide range of fields other than bullets and missiles, such as chemicals, nuclear, aircraft, etc., the top companies that essentially control this racket are the usual names: Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and BAE Systems in the UK. Although some of them may appear to be in direct competition, they all make remarkably similar income.

Additionally, the massive amount of government research into the military-industrial complex (also at the taxpayer's expense) has gone on for centuries now and has resulted in this cartel controlling or having a hand in many other industries -- most notably, Big Energy, Big Pharma, and Big Chemical which is also Big Agribusiness. Stated goals for the use of the military-industrial complex have been reported to be full spectrum dominance over human civilization and the eco-system.

Energy: Oil, gas and coal have been the most valuable resources in society for the last 100 years, and there has never been a free market for energy in America, or the world. U.S. Big Oil and Gas has long been run by a cartel, while OPEC is openly called a cartel. Again, there has only ever been a few major oil companies who effectively control the entire industry. These oil companies were originally funded by the European banking cartels, leaving some of the biggest names in America remaining Royal Dutch/Shell and British Petroleum. Since the time of Rockefeller's early-American near-monopoly Standard Oil, the modern-day fossil fuel industry is still ultra-consolidated with Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, and the second-largest privately-owned U.S. company Koch Industries overwhelmingly controlling the U.S. market. It was Rockefeller himself who coined the term "competition is a sin." Although these companies appear minor compared to the world's largest producing oil companies, the same European banking/oil powers dictate to the largest company, "state-owned" Saudi Arabian Oil Co that was originally founded by British Petroleum. The only large companies that appear to be rogues despite their involvement in the Anglo-run OPEC, are the National Iranian Oil Co and Petroleos de Venezuela, which the establishment has conveniently made the enemies of the West.

It is important to note that these monopolies, along with their bankster beneficiaries, were the founding force behind the electric grid as well. Additionally, because petroleum is a natural resource for many other industries such as plastics and agri-chemicals, they effectively have a strong hand in those sectors. Furthermore, massive engineering companies like Halliburton, Bechtel, and General Electric are all off-shoot pyramids of the oil/energy cartel as well. Indeed all industrial activity needs their energy and byproducts, therefore all industrial production is dependent (if not subservient) to Big Oil and Gas.


The food leaders came to realize that there are three basic building blocks from which all food products stem from: corn, wheat, and soy. Those who gain control of these natural resources will sit atop the food industry pyramid. The poster child for the food cartel, GMO-chemical giant Monsanto, has control of 90% of the U.S. soybean crop and 80% of the corn crop, while most of the cotton crop is also grown with seeds containing Monsanto's technology. They have three times the sales of seeds as their nearest competitor, Dupont. It also has been reported that they have systematically bought up the majority of heirloom seed companies, and are rumored to be systematically eliminating heirlooms in favor of their patented GMOs or hybrids. Furthermore, nearly all other industrial crops depend on agri-chemicals sold by Monsanto or Dupont, as well as some dairy farms.

There are also major livestock and poultry monopolies that depend on the corn and soy for feed. Cargill, the largest privately-owned company in America, is also a major player in the cartel. The company that represents the gatekeeper for food processing companies is Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) where cereal grains and oilseeds are processed into products used in food, beverage, nutraceutical, industrial and animal feed markets worldwide. This cartel now fully controls the FDA and USDA and operates a global food empire.

Medicine: The Big Pharma cartel is a Euro-American conglomerate, including big names like Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and others. As Americans continue to eat GMO and other disease-causing foods, the pharmaceutical companies conveniently develop remedies for the most minor ailments. Big Pharma works with establishment psychiatrists that seem to create false demand by inventing new mental disorders every week -- where more than 25% of children in the U.S., nearly 30% of adolescents, and over 50% of adults now take prescription drugs. In addition to those numbers, roughly 50% of the public takes the seasonal flu vaccinations, while 76% of children still get all of their establishment-recommended immunizations. They effectively co-own the FDA (with big chemical-agribusinesses), who are increasingly trying to regulate natural remedies out of the market place. Driven by profit, they admittedly guide the World Health Organization and CDC to fear-monger epidemics and pandemics to push their vaccines and other remedies. Given that every other commercial on television is a drug ad, they have major influence over what constitutes "health news" in the mainstream.


America's Ministry of Truth cartel is primarily made up of only 5 mega-media companies; General Electric, CBS/Viacom, Time Warner, News Corp, and Walt Disney, who control nearly every single channel on the TV and radio dials, in addition to most leading newspapers, magazines, and movies. They are tasked with selling and protecting the cartels' agendas by creating and controlling the public's reality matrix, making it difficult to find outlets to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming. Their news departments are driven by corporate-government propaganda news agencies like Reuters and the Associated Press, where they diligently press the proper fear buttons to get desired responses. Former Director of the CIA, William Colby, disclosed that "The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

Feeling threatened by the free flow of information on the Internet this cartel, along with their government thugs, are increasingly trying to tier the level-playing-field Internet into their desired pyramid. The bulge of mainstream news coverage of a possible cyber 'Pearl Harbor' gives sufficient cover for proposed Internet-controlling legislation, while the Pentagon begins collaboration with the Intelligence cartel to monitor all Internet activities. When competition is a sin, and reality cannot be thoroughly controlled by this cartel, we can expect a massive event to frighten the public into submission -- be on the lookout for false flag Internet attacks.

These cartels have wholly consumed our federal government through the revolving door to function as an oligarchy for the wealthy. As long as these cartels are allowed to persist, we will never have truly free market and free consumer choices, let alone a sovereign democracy.

Terrorism, and the U.S. Governments Actions on our own people??????

Terrorism, and the U.S. Governments Actions on our own people??????

America Wake Up or Waco documentary Part 1 of 11

Waco and Ruby Ridge. Both were a show put on by an out of control fedzilla, used to bring more restrictions on We The People. They wanted to scare us and show us who was boss, damn the Constitution. The Texas Sheriff wouldnt act on NON CRIMES so Butch Reno acted on trumped up federal charges.. Then on orders of Butch, ATF killed a young boy and his mother, and their dog over a few inches off of a shotgun barrel.. Was that worth two lives?!?! BTW, the .50 BMG is legel, so are full autos..

America Wake Up or Waco documentary Part 2 of 11

This is a small taste of what the new world order has in store for us all.The order to burn the compound came from the top.Yes the Clintons.What "sick" person will they go after next?Your pastor.priest.Or maybe your gun owners.Special ops from the military were there the last night of the standoff.I dont know about you esf but thats a no no in the laws that our forfathers wrote to make or laws for our republic

911 Loose Change (full-length)

For anyone who still has doubts about 911, weigh out the facts and the overwhelming amount of evidence supporting the reality that the events of 911 were one big set-up.

This exposes the lies, disproving every aspect of the bogus 911 commission report put forth by the corrupt government.

Judge for yourselves, but investigate the facts and evidence before jumping to a conclsuion.

A comprehensive list of over 100 lies and omissions in the 911 commission report can be found in this link:

I would be happy to fight against a bunch of muslims in the desert than a CIA and MOSSAD whom have the best psychological, biological, chemical, and technological weapons in the world. Control the world through economic slavery and are weaseling their way into controlling all of our lives using the mass media etc. YOU are the one who is scared my friend.

Maybe YOU need to do a little research yourself on the way science works. Like jet fuel, it does not burn hot enough to melt steel. Look at the periodic table of elements for the things that make jet fuel. Not scientifically possible. Do you know what DOES melt steel, thermite. Guess where that is found, nope not jet fuel, bombs. Scientific FACT is hard to disprove. Deny it all you want, but you sound like an idiot if you try to say science made an exception for this one event.

"the jig is up" USA Funds Terrorist Organization Since 1948 -"Israel"

"the jig is up" USA Funds Terrorist Organization Since 1948 -"Israel"

The difference being that fanatics in Israel are being outlawed and punished. In Arab countries they are being praised.

The Jewish "terrorist" groups targeted the British officers, while Arab terrorists target children, women, civilians, babies, elderly.

FACT: The US has given more than $15 Billion in foreign aid/military aid in 2009. In recent years Israel received an average of $3Billion a year, while America's physical economy continues to degrade and collapse.

FACT! Irgun was a Zionist paramilitary group that operated in the British mandate of Palestine between 1931 and 1948. It was an offshoot of the earlier and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah. Since the group originally broke from the Haganah it became known as the Haganah Bet. Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defence Forces at the start of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. In present-day Israel, the Irgun is commonly referred to as Etzel.

The Irgun policy was based on what was then called Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. According to Howard Sachar, "The policy of the new organization was based squarely on Jabotinsky's teachings: every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state".

Some of the better-known attacks by the Irgun were the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre (carried out together with Lehi) on 9 April 1948.

Critics of the Irgun have seen it as a terrorist organization. It was legally classified as such by the new State of Israel in 1948. The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party. Likud has led or been part of most Israeli governments since 1977.

Likud's leader is Benjamin Netanyahu !

Some now have power in the US government! Does the US have a double standard for Israel? We know all about Hamas and Hezbollah, but why don't Americans know more about other militant organizations—particularly those in Israel? Danny Schechter says that the media doesn't help people understand the dynamics and instead engages in mass deception.

Reuploaded from RTAmerica's channel-