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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Why are Wars Fought?

Why are Wars Fought? Actually, I think that most of America is in 'ostrich mode' with their collective heads in the sand, or in another more local orifice. It's hard to believe that people haven't figured out that 'government' is in fact manned up with very very nasty, evil, sick people, especially when there has been so much evidence to support that assertion. as for the people doing the fighting, I once was one of them. I would never follow an illegal order that would lead to innocent person's deaths or murder, no matter who issued the order and I can say that with a straight face. Those U.S. soldiers who willingly load 'WP' shells into the 155 m.m. guns, or helicopter pods, or wherever they put them, know they are absolutely forbidden to use against non-combattants and can only be used for 'illumination' purposes, not for bombardment of populated areas. as for 'heroism' there is no honor or heroism in any military member carrying out illegal orders, and if these folks are so brainwashed that they can neither recognize nor differentiate between an 'illegal order' and one that is morally and ethically correct, then they shouldn't be wearing a uniform for this country.
back to the people. they have no excuse. as far as I am concerned, whether they know it or not, they are accessories before and after the fact. if the day comes when a 'future' and not 'false flag' operation against U.S. ever takes place with mass casualties, I will not shed a single tear, but instead, I will sit on my ass if I am still alive, and think to myself; "it couldn't have happened to a nastier bunch of a-holes and hypocrites" and think about how very many years of 'kicking the dog' it took for a bona fide and real genuine terrorist attack took from the time the U.S. began planting the seeds with it's global hegemony and conquests for EMPIRE and remote control military action for Israel. we've not had a single bona-fide terrorist attack against this nation yet, only 'false flag', "feel sorry for us, puleeeezeeee!!!!" actions carried out by U.S. government against it's own citizenry, but someday it will happen, and it will have been oh so very long overdue. paybacks are a bitch. I hope people who allowed the abuses and mis-use of U.S. military might for so many years can accept the fact that there is some mighty shitty Karma coming this direction, and if and when it comes, it'll be well justified by whomever carries it to this shore. I can no longer, with a straight face, consider any of my neighbors 'innocent civilians' in light of what they have willingly allowed, on their behalf, for so very very many years.
their day of reckoning is coming. How dare they think that there won't be retribution for all the harm they have caused by remaining silent and passive and disconnected by what the U.S. has dealt, world-wide, to virtually every nation on earth, in their behalf. They won't be able to sit on their hands an longer and not come to grips with their own complicity if and when that day indeed comes. They bought and paid for it.

They Take Our Money For WAR!!

They Take Our Money For WAR!! in the name of Humanitarian action; another war to expend American money in exchange for favor with the political party who will eventually control the country; another war in which American soldiers will be used as chattel as we march closer to a New World Order; another war justified by mass media, convincing American automatons that it is for our mutual freedoms and the protection of America. The reasons will vary that they will present to We the People in order to justify another war but they will never tell us the truth for these actions. They will tell us this war is to combat terrorism when that very "terrorism" represents the actions of a people standing against a world power who is destroying the very fabric of their existence and is to them an act of protecting themselves in a war brought on by Western greed. They will tell us it is for humanitarian action when the American initiated war against Iraq cost the lives of over a million civilians. Civilians: Women and children and unarmed men, trying to live the life given to them but having that life taken so easily by Western intervention. Civilians who knew nothing of the power struggle our, now dead. They will tell us it is to protect the American way when that "way" is taking us all toward a future where freedom will be a commodity bought and sold as part of a Global workforce. The destruction of Unions is a major step toward this goal. They will tell us that Wikileaks, the people who uncovered the real reasons and secrecy behind American "Intervention" is un-American and new age cyber-terrorism when they are the ones who had spawned it with their secrecy and villainous acts of global dominance. They still have Bradley Manning suffering torture for his act of true Patriotism. They will have the mass media parade in the trenches of faux-patriotism to anoint a new generation of the blind hiding behind the guise of Christianity while condemning anyone who does not conform to this new Order. Islam is evil they will tell us. They will claim that the Muslim Brotherhood is poised to take over in these countries if we do not act. They will and have mislead America into a false action of protecting ourselves from Islam when we should be more concerned about the threat from our own government. They will also tell us to condemn those among us who will stand up to them and label us as traitors and Liberal demons while they rob this country of its meaning and their corporate backers race to profit from a new cultural kill zone. Madison, Wisconsin saw the rising up of a people but F.E.M.A. camps stand ready to imprison many if a National uprising should occur.
They will tell us many things to justify the means but none of these reasons are what this country stands for. The new Patriots are self proclaimed, self-labeled and self-touting devils trying to convince us all with the last of their breaths that we should be supporting their greed in the name of Liberty. These people stand behind lapels and love of God when the only god they know is He who hides in the shadows of death: The God of Money. The devils we know, the demons of hate and the greedy of our system strengthened by the people's ignorance and controlling all information to further their message of hate. We know them for the masks they wear have been seen many times in the history of this world and they stand united for a system that favors the few and imprisons the rest in chains woven from the strongest metals of deception. They have been here before but we had defeated them. Now, they have the people behind them; the poor, blinded people so intoxicated by materialism and excess and so fearful of losing it that they parade behind the Masters hoping to be among the chosen who will survive the new global holocaust.

I am Joseph Barber and I aprrove this message

I am Joseph Barber and I aprrove this message HOOAH “They’ve poisoned the air we breathe, contaminated the water we drink, and copyrighted the food we eat. We fight in their wars, die for their causes, and sacrifice our freedoms to protect them. They’ve liquidated our savings, destroyed our middle class, and used our tax dollars to bailout their unending greed. We are slaves to their corporations, zombies to their airwaves, servants to their decadence. They’ve stolen our elec tions, assassinated our leaders, and abolished our basic rights as human beings. They own our property, shipped away our jobs, and shredded our unions. They’ve profited off of disaster, destabilized our currencies, and raised our cost of living. They’ve monopolized our freedom, stripped away our education, and have almost extinguished our flame. We are hit… we are bleeding… but we ain’t got time to bleed. We will bring the giants to their knees and they will witness our (R)Evolution!” Every politician in office today, Democrat and Republican alike, accepts corporate bribes and is therefore corrupt. Their election is perverse evidence that they groveled before corporate lords and do not serve the will of the people. We know this because on January 21, 2010, the US Supreme Court told us who runs the nation by granting corporations the freedom to donate unlimited amounts of money to political candidates. As it is already an established statistical fact that the candidate who spends the most money wins in 9 out of 10 races, it is undeniable that we live in an era where anyone genuinely opposed to the corporate takeover of America, and unwilling to compromise, will never be elected. That makes the government a dangerous enterprise that is a hazard to individual freedom.