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Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Cause of Syrian Uprising

The Cause of Syrian Uprising And why it may lead to another deadly war in Middle East. Mainstream media continue reporting the uprising in Syria as a “fight for democracy,” but the reality there is not that simple. We all know what happened in Egypt and Syria is not that much different. President Assad is a brutal dictator and there is no doubt about it, but what Syria will get if his regime falls is not a democracy in the way we understand it in the West.
What we are witnessing in Syria is a religious struggle, not civil or political freedom movement. Bashar Assad is a Shia Muslim leader with close political ties with Iran in the country where the majority of people are Sunni Muslims. At one point in history Damascus was the seat of Sunni caliphate, so it is an offense to Sunnis to have a Shia leader dominating Syria. Sunni victories thanks to the backing they got from the West and (Sunni) Arab League encouraged Sunnis in Syria to rise against Assad regime. Now that Iran is about to acquire atomic weapons, the Sunni Muslim states are all afraid of its dominance in the region. This is why they support the Sunni Muslim uprising against Assad. If the uprising was to be successful, Iran would lose an important strategic ally and it will do anything in its power to prevent that from happening.
It is very possible that this uprising will spark a war in Middle East and the rest of the world will be directly or indirectly pulled into this conflict as well. It might play out in two ways. Iran and Syria could start a war against Israel in order to make all Muslims unite against common enemy, as Muslim Brotherhood now effectively ruling Egypt and Libya is also hostile to the Jewish state and committed to free Palestinians from Israeli “occupation” of once Muslim land, or the blood bath in Syria will force Arab League and the West to attack Syria. That in turn would cause both Iran and Russia to enter the war as well, which would not be a good prospect either. Only the future will show, which direction the events are going to take, but it doesn’t look good for anyone involved.

How Muslim Brotherhood Fools The West & the citizens of the world

How Muslim Brotherhood Fools The West & the citizens of the world The truth about Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and other terror groups. What all people in the West and their political leaders should know. Most western politicians, chief among them being the President of United States of America, Barack Obama, consider Muslim Brotherhood to be a moderate Islamic organization that does not support and is separate from terror groups such as Hamas and Al-Qaida. Based on this misconception the western nations allowed the sweeping victory of Muslim Brotherhood in what was dubbed an Arab Spring. By giving this organization his support Barack Obama made one of the gravest errors in history of mankind and so did the United Nations. To see the truth you need only to watch and listen to what Muslim Brotherhood’s leading cleric, Safwat Higazi, was saying to the crowd of thousands gathered in support of Mohammad Morsi who has recently been elected as Egypt’s first civilian president. Pay close attention to what he is saying and what the crowds are chanting. Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are one. Higazi openly calls for martyrs to march against Jerusalem because their sole purpose is to destroy Israel and to establish an Islamic empire.
Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi: Muslim Brotherhood Presidential Candidate Will Liberate Jerusalem This is the very thing that Mossab Hassan Yousef was trying to warn the West against in his memoir “Son of Hamas,” which became an international best seller. He is a young man who saw Hamas created. His father is one of the founders of both Muslim Brotherhood and of Hamas in Palestinian Authority. Here is the latest speech he gave in Jerusalem while promoting a movie he is working on, also called “Son of Hamas.”
ITLD Media - Son of Hamas - Mosab Hassan Yousef - Press Briefing in Jerusalem Mossab certainly does not mince words, but he is not afraid to say the truth in order to prevent violence and bloodshed from continuing. If only western politicians had ears open to listen to his warning and the warnings of others who know the true nature of these organizations. Muslim Brotherhood members are not peace loving moderate Muslims. They identify themselves with terror groups, support them, and praise them. This is in fact an organization that gave birth to these terror groups. Barack Obama might have killed Osama Bin Laden, but at the same time he is supporting those who incited the very violence Bin Laden helped to perpetrate. Fanatic leaders of Islam see it as a weakness and it will only encourage them to commit terror on American soil again. It is just a matter of time, as long as the West is buying the lie. It is time to wake up.