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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

One Speech Too Many

A nation increasingly worried about Obama’s abilities, dissatisfied with the economy, and fearful for the country’s future

One Speech Too Many

I didn’t take notes while President Obama gave his State of the Union speech. There was no need to.

There was a time when the SOTU was a just a letter sent to Congress, but in the era of radio and television, Presidents took advantage of the opportunity to be seen and heard laying out their priorities and asking Congress to fulfill them.  Since then they have become little more than laundry lists and rarely memorable.

More people will watch a sporting event than tuned in to listen to Obama. In five years he has probably given more speeches than several previous Presidents combined. His first term felt like an extension of his election campaign with one speech following another and soon enough his reliance on a Tele-Prompter became a joke.

Suffice to say that Obama has given one speech too many. Or is that one hundred speeches too many?

A second term, according to the political pundits, is usually a more subdued time as a President seeks to get a few “legacy” pieces of legislation passed and, by then, most people have taken their measure of the President, either liking or disliking him. A President’s popularity or approval ratings usually decline.

Obama’s refusal and failure to work with Congress, combined with the disaster of Obamacare that was passed with only Democratic Party votes and, even then, required Chicago-style bribery and pressure, has seen not just his approval begin to slip away, but it includes the whole of Congress.

Obama’s assertion that he will use executive orders to get his way is simply an admission that he has failed to work with Congress and intends to continue as his second term shapes up to be one of increased resistance. Earlier presidents faced with a Congress whose power was held by another party used persuasion and compromise, but Obama uses neither.

In late January a Gallup poll revealed that “The enduring unpopularity of Congress appears to have seeped into the nation’s 435 congressional districts, as a record-low percentage of registered voters, 46%, now say that the U.S. representative in their own congressional district deserves re-election. Equally historic, the share of voters saying most members of Congress deserve re-election has fallen to 17%, a new nadir.”

It’s worth noting that the 17% who say most of Congress deserves re-election is well below the roughly 40% that has been around for decades and Gallup says “Typically, results like these have presaged significant turnover in Congress, as in 1994, 2006, and 2010. So Congress could be headed for a major shake-up in its membership this fall.”

There’s a history lesson in the 1994 election which occurred when Bill Clinton was President. It marked the greatest victory of the Republican Party since 1980. The GOP picked up 54 seats in the House of Representatives and 8 seats in the Senate. The issue that drove this change was Clinton’s advocacy of a change in the nation’s healthcare system. The Democrats did not learn anything from that defeat and Obama doubled-down on it.

While the media naturally focuses on the President, many Americans appear to have made a shift to Republicans because, at present, there are 30 Republican governors in America. Since Obama took office, Republicans have picked up a net nine governorships. In 24 of those States, Republicans control the legislatures. Democrats have similar power in just 12 States. So, at the State level, voters have already demonstrated their preferences.

A Wall Street Journal-NBC poll published on January 28, the day of the SOTU speech, revealed a nation “increasingly worried about (Obama’s) abilities, dissatisfied with the economy, and fearful for the country’s future.”

“Large majorities of respondents said they want the White House and lawmakers to focus on job creation and early-childhood education, and a slimmer majority favored increasing the minimum wage.” Just over half expressed an interest in “reducing income inequality.” Obama is appealing to the “low-information” voters these days, but the majority understands that only a growing economy can address the need for more jobs.

“The survey found that just over half of Americans disapprove of the President’s performance, with 43% approving, a trough that remains little changed since the early summer. Nearly six in 10 say they are uncertain, worried or pessimistic about what he will do with the remainder of his presidency. Disapproval for Congress, too, is near its all-time high.”

The midterm elections in November are likely to change Congress by adding many more Republicans in the House and enough in the Senate to give the GOP control of Congress. That will eliminate the choke-hold that Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate Majority Leader, has exercised to kill more than a hundred and fifty pieces of legislation sent by the House to repair the nation’s stagnant economy. It will likely override the President’s veto power.

Obama’s SOTU will receive a cascade of political analysis, but if the polls are any indication, the public is far less interested in another Obama speech than they are in getting the kind of change the nation really needs to grow its economy and address its problems.

The Greatest Threat to Our Freedoms Is the Government

Americans no longer have a representative government. We have moved beyond the era of representative government and entered a new age

The State of Our Nation: The Greatest Threat to Our Freedoms Is the Government

“Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” ― George Orwell, Animal Farm

What was striking about this year’s State of the Union address was not the sheer arrogance of the president’s remarks, the staged nature of the proceedings and interactions, or the predictable posturing of the rebuttals, but the extent to which the members of the various branches of government—President Obama, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the assorted government agencies—are just one big, brawling, noisy, semi-incestuous clan.

Watching these bureaucrats, both elected and appointed, interact in the unguarded moments before the event, with their hugging and kissing and nudging and joking and hobnobbing and general high spirits, I was reminded anew that these people—Republicans and Democrats alike—are united in a common goal, and it is not to protect and defend the Constitution. No, as Orwell recognized in Animal Farm, their common goal is to maintain the status quo, a goal that is helped along by an unquestioning, easily mollified, corporate media. In this way, the carefully crafted spectacle that is the State of the Union address is just that: an exaggerated farce of political theater intended to dazzle, distract and divide us, all the while the police state marches steadily forward.

No matter what the president and his cohorts say or how convincingly they say it, the reality Americans must contend with is that the world is no better the day after President Obama’s State of the Union address than it was the day before. Indeed, if the following rundown on the actual state of our freedoms is anything to go by, the world is a far more dangerous place.

Americans have no protection against police abuse. It is no longer unusual to hear about incidents in which police shoot unarmed individuals first and ask questions later, such as the 16-year-old teenager who skipped school only to be shot by police after they mistook him for a fleeing burglar. Then there was the unarmed black man in Texas “who was pursued and shot in the back of the neck by Austin Police… after failing to properly identify himself and leaving the scene of an unrelated incident.” And who could forget the 19-year-old Seattle woman who was accidentally shot in the leg by police after she refused to show her hands? What is increasingly common, however, is the news that the officers involved in these incidents get off with little more than a slap on the hands.

Americans are little more than pocketbooks to fund the police state

Americans are little more than pocketbooks to fund the police state. If there is any absolute maxim by which the federal government seems to operate, it is that the American taxpayer always gets ripped off. This is true, whether you’re talking about taxpayers being forced to fund high-priced weaponry that will be used against us, endless wars that do little for our safety or our freedoms, or bloated government agencies such as the National Security Agency with its secret budgets, covert agendas and clandestine activities. Rubbing salt in the wound, even monetary awards in lawsuits against government officials who are found guilty of wrongdoing are paid by the taxpayer.

Americans are no longer innocent until proven guilty. We once operated under the assumption that you were innocent until proven guilty. Due in large part to rapid advances in technology and a heightened surveillance culture, the burden of proof has been shifted so that the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty has been usurped by a new norm in which all citizens are suspects. This is exemplified by police practices of stopping and frisking people who are merely walking down the street and where there is no evidence of wrongdoing. Likewise, by subjecting Americans to full-body scans and license-plate readers without their knowledge or compliance and then storing the scans for later use, the government—in cahoots with the corporate state—has erected the ultimate suspect society. In such an environment, we are all potentially guilty of some wrongdoing or other.

Americans no longer have a right to self-defense. In the wake of various shootings in recent years, “gun control” has become a resounding theme for government officials, with President Obama even going so far as to pledge to reduce gun violence “with or without Congress.” Those advocating gun reform see the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms as applying only to government officials. As a result, even Americans who legally own firearms are being treated with suspicion and, in some cases, undue violence. In one case, a Texas man had his home subjected to a no-knock raid and was shot in his bed after police, attempting to deliver a routine search warrant, learned that he was in legal possession of a firearm. In another incident, a Florida man who was licensed to carry a concealed firearm found himself detained for two hours during a routine traffic stop in Maryland while the arresting officer searched his vehicle in vain for the man’s gun, which he had left at home.

Americans no longer have a right to private property. If government agents can invade your home, break down your doors, kill your dog, damage your furnishings and terrorize your family, your property is no longer private and secure—it belongs to the government. Likewise, if government officials can fine and arrest you for growing vegetables in your front yard, praying with friends in your living room, installing solar panels on your roof, and raising chickens in your backyard, you’re no longer the owner of your property.

Americans no longer have a say about what their children are exposed to in school
Americans no longer have a say about what their children are exposed to in school. Incredibly, the government continues to insist that parents essentially forfeit their rights when they send their children to a public school. This growing tension over whether young people, especially those in the public schools, are essentially wards of the state, to do with as government officials deem appropriate, in defiance of the children’s constitutional rights and those of their parents, is reflected in the debate over sex education programs that expose young people to all manner of sexual practices and terminology, zero tolerance policies that strip students of any due process rights, let alone parental involvement in school discipline, and Common Core programs that teach students to be test-takers rather than critical thinkers.

Americans are powerless in the face of militarized police. In early America, citizens were considered equals with law enforcement officials. Authorities were rarely permitted to enter one’s home without permission or in a deceitful manner. And it was not uncommon for police officers to be held personally liable for trespass when they wrongfully invaded a citizen’s home. Unlike today, early Americans could resist arrest when a police officer tried to restrain them without proper justification or a warrant—which the police had to allow citizens to read before arresting them. (Daring to dispute a warrant with a police official today who is armed with high-tech military weapons and tasers would be nothing short of suicidal.) As police forces across the country continue to be transformed into outposts of the military, with police agencies acquiring military-grade hardware in droves, Americans are finding their once-peaceful communities transformed into military outposts, complete with tanks, weaponry, and other equipment designed for the battlefield.

Americans no longer have a right to bodily integrity. Court rulings undermining the Fourth Amendment and justifying invasive strip searches have left us powerless against police empowered to forcefully draw our blood, strip search us, and probe us intimately. Accounts are on the rise of individuals—men and women—being subjected to what is essentially government-sanctioned rape by police in the course of “routine” traffic stops. Most recently, a New Mexico man was subjected to a 12-hour ordeal of anal probes, X-rays, enemas, and finally a colonoscopy because he allegedly rolled through a stop sign.

Life in this electronic concentration camp

Americans no longer have a right to the expectation of privacy. Despite the staggering number of revelations about government spying on Americans’ phone calls, Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, Google searches, emails, bookstore and grocery purchases, bank statements, commuter toll records, etc., Congress, the president and the courts have done little to nothing to counteract these abuses. Instead, they seem determined to accustom us to life in this electronic concentration camp.

Americans no longer have a representative government. We have moved beyond the era of representative government and entered a new age, let’s call it the age of authoritarianism. History may show that from this point forward, we will have left behind any semblance of constitutional government and entered into a militaristic state where all citizens are suspects and security trumps freedom. Even with its constantly shifting terrain, this topsy-turvy travesty of law and government has become America’s new normal. It is not overstating matters to say that Congress, which has done its best to keep their unhappy constituents at a distance, may well be the most self-serving, semi-corrupt institution in America.

Americans can no longer rely on the courts to mete out justice. The U.S. Supreme Court was intended to be an institution established to intervene and protect the people against the government and its agents when they overstep their bounds. Yet through their deference to police power, preference for security over freedom, and evisceration of our most basic rights for the sake of order and expediency, the justices of the Supreme Court have become the architects of the American police state in which we now live, while the lower courts have appointed themselves courts of order, concerned primarily with advancing the government’s agenda, no matter how unjust or illegal.

Yes, the world is a far more dangerous place than it was a year ago. What the president failed to mention in his State of the Union address, however (and what I document in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State), is the fact that it’s the government that poses the gravest threat to our freedoms and way of life, and no amount of politicking, parsing or pandering will change that.






what I learned from them has served me well most of all The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are,I was by the age of 9 years old a SOVEREIGN CITIZEN,taught to think outside the box and to live outside the cage of man and his idealism that has made slaves of most who have forgotten the truths that make us free.We are all captives of government, because we have forgotten what truth makes us free. Government truth is qualified as to people, place and purpose. God’s truth is universal. It is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith that obedience to God’s laws will make us free. God makes His laws easily known by writing them on every human heart. The Congress of the United States has become the Tower of Babel of written law.

As a follower of God’s law, you need only learn how to avoid becoming a person in a place with a government purpose to stay clear of government and its laws

through out my life I have seen far more than most and have brought away with me a loss of my own humanity in many forms and yet in these stories of my life I tell you one thing stands true at least for me You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world's problems at once, but don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.

As I stated above I was by the age of 9 years old a SOVEREIGN CITIZEN,it is best said as truth and legal fact to the people, understand my words only seek to expand the truth to the people as to know my heart and in hopes they to can see through my eyes what it is to be a SOVEREIGN CITIZEN,of our world and nation.


Our federal government has instructed our federal, state and local police agencies that everyone who purports to be a SOVEREIGN should be TREATED as a TERRORIST! They have also brainwashed the American public into believing that being a SOVEREIGN is anti-American and unpatriotic! Perhaps this is: “The POT calling the KETTLE black?”

WHAT IS SOVEREIGNTY? It is the inherent right and prerogative of a civilized people to rule itself, and to dictate all of the forms and conditions of the institutions it sets up to carry out this rule. Ironically, the U.S. SUPREME COURT agrees with those people who claim to be SOVEREIGN citizens of the American Republic!
Bond vs. UNITED STATES, 529 US 334 – 2000, The Supreme Court held that the American People are in fact Sovereign and not the States or the Government. The court went on to define that local, state and federal law enforcement officers were committing unlawful actions against the Sovereign People by the enforcement of the laws and are personally liable for their actions.
Bond v. United States, 529 US 334 – 2000 – ‎Supreme Court – Cited by 761 litigants in other cases.
Bond v. US, 131 S. Ct. 2355 – 2011 – ‎Supreme Court – Cited by 306 “ “
Bond v. US, 1 F. 3d 631 – 1993 – ‎Court of Appeals, 7th – Cited by 66 “ “
What are the implications of this 2000, U. S. Supreme Court ruling?

1] The delegates to the first Federal Convention prohibited the use of corporations by all governments representing the American Republic. Therefore, all of these corporate governments and their corporate laws are a usurpation of the organic Constitution of the United States of America. All State Governments are now sub-corporations of the Federal Government, making all Courts and all law enforcement personnel, corporate federal agencies or employees. [See: James Madison Journal of the Federal Convention, Vol. 2, P. 722] and [Pull up your State Code on your PC and search the Code for the words “District of Columbia” and “Federal Government.” You will receive about 1000 references linking your state to the federal government.]

2] The state and federal government is a corporation and therefore the Congress, State Legislatures, City Councils, Municipalities and all State and Federal Courts are corporate entities posing as Constitutional branches of government.

3] Corporations are privately owned businesses, meaning that the Corporate United States belongs to one or more private individuals, which is always governed by a Board of Directors. The Corporate United States is privately owned by a group of European Royal and Elite individuals tied to the Federal Reserve System and the letters of incorporation are recorded in the Vatican. The President of the United States is actually the CEO of the United States and the Congress and all others are corporate employees. Everything they do is in the interest of the corporate owners! I can’t access those documents because of National Security.

4] In order to promulgate and enforce Criminal Laws to govern the SOVEREIGN public, government must be SOVEREIGN too, which is an accepted RULE of LAW derived from the, Ancient Law of Kings. Corporations are not and can never be SOVEREIGN. They are not real, they are a fiction and only exist on paper.

5] Therefore, all laws created by these government corporations are private corporate regulations called public law, statutes, codes and ordinances to conceal there true nature. Do the Judge and your lawyer know about this? You bet they do!

6] Since these government bodies are not SOVEREIGN, they cannot promulgate or enforce CRIMINAL LAWS; they can only create and enforce CIVIL LAWS, which are duty bound to comply with the LAW of CONTRACTS. The Law of Contracts requires signed written agreements and complete transparency! Did you ever agree to be arrested and tried under any of their corporate statutes? For that matter, did you ever agree to contract with them by agreeing to be sued for violating their corporate regulations?

[Citations and Complaints are contracts but they lack transparency because you were never told what might happen to you if you agree to contract, and that you had a right to refuse the accommodation!]

7] Do any of Americas Courts have Jurisdiction over a SOVEREIGN? Yes … but only by your consent to be judged by the Court. Can they compel [Summon or Subpoena] you to appear or participate in their process? No … they can’t compel you and Yes … they can ask but you can reject the accommodation in writing and nothing can be done about it because you have refused to give the court jurisdiction over you!

8] Enforcement of these corporate statutes by local, state and federal law enforcement officers are unlawful actions being committed against the SOVEREIGN public and these officers can be held personally liable for their actions. [Bank v. U.S., 529 US 334-2000]

9] There being no Constitutional Criminal Laws or Transparency in the American Justice System, everyone arrested, convicted and sentenced to prison under these CIVIL LAWS are in prison by CONSENT and therein, all American Jails are actually DEBTORS PRISONS!

10] Most of the County and State Prisons and all of the Federal Prisons are privately owned corporate businesses for profit, which kick back to the sentencing Judges. The Bureau of Prisons Privatization Management Branch provides general oversight, for these institutions. So if you are convicted in these Courts, you can expect to serve some jail time! Now you know why America has such high prison populations!
11] Can the State Government and Courts take Custody of your children? Only with your consent, otherwise their agents and officers can be held personally liable for their actions! Orphans are a different matter and can become wards of the Court until emancipated.

Corporate governments are a usurpation of the organic American Constitution and this corporatist onslaught in America has since its creation, been an ANTI-SOVEREIGN and TERRORIST REGIME and are in fact the real TERRORIST and TRAITORS to the American Republic.

This should be fine for any citizens to understand and the facts of law are relavant to this day for and by the people 


"By the age of 9,I had began my training as a soldier in Christ"

 I had began my training as a soldier in Christ and for the people many will say I was trained from birth like many terrorists in our world as and extremist and that is simple indoctrination at its finest, the truth is my grandparents on both sides of our family experienced the true terrorists their governments,

THE TRUTH IN MY EYES "The heart of the Warrior is a protective heart. The Warrior shields, defends, stands between, and guards…He invests himself in “the energy of self-disciplined, aggressive action.” By Warrior I do not mean one who loves war or draws sadistic pleasure from fighting or bloodshed. There is a difference between a warrior and a brute. A warrior is a protector…Men stand tallest when they are protecting and defending.”

On the side,  My father our heritage and cultures extends back and before the five hundred year wars some thing never taught to the people in school was that the Nazi Holocaust was not the greatest ever,it in fact was The American Indian Holocaust,known as the “500 year war” and the “World’s Longest Holocaust In The History Of Mankind And Loss Of Human Lives.”

It is best explained by the link above to save time and help in the length of my story of my life.


I feel her statement says every thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

And know we move to my grand parents on my mothers side her father and mother both strong Resistance fighters against Hitler and Musolinee were many of their family and friends were murdered under the occupation of both dictators of their governments they shared many stories through out my life of these events they were subject to, "some thing not done any more I think is families sitting around the kitchen table and talking and being taught the true stories of their heratage and faiths".


There is one thing I have taken from this and the truths told to me is just one Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you;they're supposed to help you discover who you are. 

I believe we as a people have forgotten these truths at 50 years of age I have seen with my own eyes death ,starvation of human beings on and unimaginable scale horror that only may be the gods had any privy to and yet for what ever the reason I was given a chance to see with my own eyes the truth of humanity and what it has become my grandfather once tole me Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can’t get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you are doing. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover will be yourself.I asked him what it was he expected of me, he said son We never know which lives we influence, or when, or why.just be yourself for you are beautiful and unique forget what man has taught you to believe your heart knows the truth,

In the country of "Chad" as well as in the "mogue" I witnessed starvation of human beings that "no words can explain only the smell of the rotting flesh of those alive best explains my heart and feelings on this issue" I did not get the full effect until may 1985 when I witnessed a women as we were trying to give out food from a UN resource,a women walk over to a barbed wire fence grabed a hold of it and give birth to a child a little boy and fall over dead her and the child the umbilical cord still hanging out of her her eyes wide open and grey it was then I realized the truth of humanity and its cruel idealism it was also then this statement became all to clear with in my heart 
Freedom cannot be licensed, liberties cannot be regulated, and rights cannot be granted. History teaches us that when the rights and liberties of a free people have restrictions upon them, they cease to be freedoms and rights. Instead, the government becomes like a king, bestowing privileges upon the chosen few and servitude upon everyone else.

I have come to realize that There is no valid argument for the destruction of our planet and any form of life on it.As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.and it is only when we Become the change that you want to see in the world.that true change will become truth in the hearts and minds of the citizens of humanity.


"I will not conform I stand as a free man" 

I will not conform I stand as a free man with the power of the human voice in my heart I will not conform ever to unjust and unconstitutional laws of this administration or any government that wishes to enslave its people by the color of authority I will not you can become a slave to the machine that is your choice but I will not and I will support any who have the same way of thinking,stand as free men and women your heart knows the way have the courage to follow her.I do not hesitate one second to state clearly and unmistakably: I belong to the American resistance movement.


I Have killed another some 33 times along with two women and two boys whom I can state for a fact were some of the best fighters I have Ever come across at such a young age later I found out they had been trained by those we trained years back at that time they were called the "Mujahideen", which is one of the oldest tribes still in existence today, and many know call them the "Taliban"  yet with this historians will call me a liere and yet those who have hung our patriots were those who have written the false truths of history.


"They Take Our Money For WAR!!"

BROTHERS & SISTERs,They Take Our Money For WAR!! in the name of Humanitarian action; another war to expend American money in exchange for favor with the political party who will eventually control the country; another war in which American soldiers will be used as chattel as we march closer to a New World Order; another war justified by mass media, convincing American automatons that it is for our mutual freedoms and the protection of America. The reasons will vary that they will present to We the People in order to justify another war but they will never tell us the truth for these actions. 

They will tell us this war is to combat terrorism when that very "terrorism" represents the actions of a people standing against a world power who is destroying the very fabric of their existence and is to them an act of protecting themselves in a war brought on by Western greed. 

They will tell us it is for humanitarian action when the American initiated war against Iraq cost the lives of over a million civilians. Civilians: Women and children and unarmed men, trying to live the life given to them but having that life taken so easily by Western intervention. Civilians who knew nothing of the power struggle our, now dead. 

They will tell us it is to protect the American way when that "way" is taking us all toward a future where freedom will be a commodity bought and sold as part of a Global workforce. The destruction of Unions is a major step toward this goal. 

They will tell us that Wikileaks, the people who uncovered the real reasons and secrecy behind American "Intervention" is un-American and new age cyber-terrorism when they are the ones who had spawned it with their secrecy and villainous acts of global dominance. They still have Bradley Manning suffering torture for his act of true Patriotism. 

They will have the mass media parade in the trenches of faux-patriotism to anoint a new generation of the blind hiding behind the guise of Christianity while condemning anyone who does not conform to this new Order. Islam is evil they will tell us. They will claim that the Muslim Brotherhood is poised to take over in these countries if we do not act. They will and have mislead America into a false action of protecting ourselves from Islam when we should be more concerned about the threat from our own government. 

They will also tell us to condemn those among us who will stand up to them and label us as traitors and Liberal demons while they rob this country of its meaning and their corporate backers race to profit from a new cultural kill zone. Madison, Wisconsin saw the rising up of a people but F.E.M.A. camps stand ready to imprison many if a National uprising should occur. 

They will tell us many things to justify the means but none of these reasons are what this country stands for. The new Patriots are self proclaimed, self-labeled and self-touting devils trying to convince us all with the last of their breaths that we should be supporting their greed in the name of Liberty. These people stand behind lapels and love of God when the only god they know is He who hides in the shadows of death: The God of Money. The devils we know, the demons of hate and the greedy of our system strengthened by the people's ignorance and controlling all information to further their message of hate. 

We know them for the masks they wear have been seen many times in the history of this world and they stand united for a system that favors the few and imprisons the rest in chains woven from the strongest metals of deception. They have been here before but we had defeated them. Now, they have the people behind them; the poor, blinded people so intoxicated by materialism and excess and so fearful of losing it that they parade behind the Masters hoping to be among the chosen who will survive the new global holocaust. 

Today, we stand on yet another battle ground in the name of this American fiction called freedom while the poor and downtrodden are stripped of their rights, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They take our money for War while shutting down the schools; they take our money for War while denying the voice of a people; they take our money for War while our fellow citizens lose their homes; they take our money for War while our national infrastructure crumbles"They take our money for WAR."

by: Joseph F. Barber




If the word FREEDOM OR SOVEREIGNTY has the potency to revive and make us free, it has also the power to blind, imprison, and destroy. 

AND TODAY AS I LOOK AROUND OUR WORLD I SEE JUST THAT It is this power that is blinding, imprisoning, and destroying the truths that have made all people free not only in our country but on a global scale,AS AND AMERICAN I ONCE READ A STATEMENT BY NELSON MENDELA I WAS IN AFRICA AT THE TIME AND SENCE THAT TIME IT HAS RANG TRUE THROUGH OUT THE WORLD Communists have always played an active role in the fight by colonial countries for their freedom, because the short-term objects of Communism would always correspond with the long-term objects of freedom movements'

I find myself know no longer just a citizen or patriot of one nation but a citizen of the world,

I am a citizen of the world and by the power vested in me by God, as a child of God and a sovereign being, I declare that all my brothers and sisters are free, all deserve the necessaries of life equally, and all merit the acceptance of the world without exception.
A world that works for everyone is a world that won’t tolerate turning aside from poverty, want, hunger, homelessness, inequality, illness, or disability. It doesn’t have to waste its energy doing thaT Citizens of the world 
to which it cannot do. It does need to increase its own energy by seeing things as clearly as it can and leaving behind the limiting beliefs that a growing elite, or shrinking elite, depending on your point of view, foisted upon us when we hadn’t the power, ability or will to resist it.
We’re citizens of the world, gathered together in communication every day, in touch with each other and agreed on creating a world that works.
We’re citizens of the world, speaking with one voice to have the world work according to the divine qualities, right conduct, a new paradigm that raises all bars to eliminate inequality, want, and servitude.
We’re citizens of the world and there’s no going back to the way it was. Our global citizenship is not the crystal ceiling; it’s the golden floor. It’s not the project’s conclusion; it’s only the invitation. It’s not the destination of our journey; it’s just the first step on a road we cannot see or know but can only sense and feel.

There is a statment that I have held close to me many years I am an invisible man. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids - and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me."Author Ralph Ellison"

And so true these words are for many in our world has our governments seek to kill,AND silence the authors of peace so many we can name just a few John F keneddy, malcolm X, Martin luther King, Gandi, and so on so is freedom or the truth dangerouse absolutly I say what is it that we the people have chosen to live by is it our hearts our minds or is it our fear of the truth as we hide from it When freedom does not have a purpose, when it does not wish to know anything about the rule of law engraved in the hearts of men and women, when it does not listen to the voice of conscience, it turns against humanity and society
Pope John Paul II

I have all ways stood firm against any and all organized religions as in my eyes they seperate the people from each other and the truth 

many will not except the truth in my words and that is what freedom is about a choice and yet I feel "Anyone who shirks the labors, sacrifices, and dangers that his people must undergo is a coward. But no less a coward and traitor is the man who betrays the principles of thought to material interests, who, for example, is willing to let the holders of power decide how much is two times two. To sacrifice intellectual integrity, love of truth, the laws and methods of thought to any other interest, even that of the fatherland, is treason. When in the battle of interests and slogans the truth, like the individual, is in danger of being devalued, disfigured, and trampled under foot, our one duty is to resist and to save the truth--or rather, the striving for truth--for that is our highest article of faith."

As I have stated before Historians will call me a leier I except that has history shows the false truths written by those that have taken the truths from free men and women from every culture ,race and creed of people world wide.

"We are living in a demented world. . . Everywhere there are doubts as to the solidity of our social structure, vague fears of the imminent future, a feeling that our civilization is on the way to ruin. They are not merely the shapeless anxieties which beset us in the small hours of the night when the flame of life burns low. They are considered expectations founded on observation and judgment of an overwhelming multitude of facts. How to avoid the recognition that almost all things which once seemed sacred and immutable have now become unsettled, truth and humanity, justice and reason? We see forms of government no longer capable of functioning, production systems on the verge of collapse, social forces gone wild with power. The roaring engine of this tremendous time seems to be heading for a breakdown. But immediately the antithesis forces itself on our minds. Never has there been a time when men were so clearly conscious of their commanding duty to co-operate in the task of preserving and improving the world's well being and human civilization."



I AM OF A MIXED BREED OF PEOPLE NATIVE ORIGANALS OF THIS LAND WE CALL AMERICA AND THAT OF NATIVE ITIALY AND BEING SUCH I TELL YOU THIS I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man.


Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.”

How often do we stand up to stamp out hate in our daily lives? Like most parents, I have taught my kids from pre-school to not engage in mean behavior toward classmates and to not go along with any crowd that is, but I’ve also discussed that when they see a kid who is being taunted, they should speak up. Hopefully, when kids are aware of that from an early age, they will continue to be conscious of it when kids go through the sometimes nasty and mean-spirited years of adolescence.

As a writer, I find myself drawn to Martin Luther King’s quotes and speeches not just for their content, but for the cadence and the rhythm and the eloquence of his carefully chosen words. They are nothing short of poetry. This is a man who understood that words have weight. And that the words we project into the world can result in action. As I read his words, I’m reminded of another well-known quote:

“Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
 Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
 Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
 Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
 Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.” 

We all need to be careful of the words that we project into the world, whether in our everyday conversation, in a blog post, in an anonymous comment on a message board, or in the words that we choose when we speak to our children. Because words have power — and consequences. They have the potential to reverberate in people’s lives for years to come. As parents, we need to be especially mindful of the words we choose when we speak to our children. The good words and the bad words — the gushing praise and the hurtful words blurted out in a moment of anger — will be carried with them, long after we’re gone, and will no doubt shape their destiny.


FROM SO MANY AS I HAVE SEEN THROUGH MY EYES Sometimes people just misunderstand, sometimes they cannot understand or choose not to see things from a different point of view. When they judge you, in reality they are judging themselves, and that can be a sad moment when you realize as much as you love someone, as deep as the caring goes, there will never be a true understanding. Some people are just very different from each other, and cannot seem to meet halfway. It is in those times the hard choices come, do I stifle myself, my voice, my being? All for the approval of someone who may never approve, no matter what? Or do I keep being me, expresssing my view of the Universe, even if that other person chooses to walk away forever? Sadly, too many say no, and give in, give up and conform, in the process they die a little more inside each day. I choose a different path, a harder, rockier, steeper path it may be, but the view, oh the fabulous wonder of just being able to BE, no matter what. I choose this, I choose an immortal life. And I wish you well on your journey too. Maybe our paths will cross again some day, things will be different, maybe. But I refuse to give up who, all that makes me me, just to please you. I hope you will understand, but understand that you probably will not.

MY FREINDS ,BROTHERS AND SISTERS ,PATRIOTS AND CITIZENS ONE OF THE BEST OBSERVATIONS I HAVE EVER FOUND TO BE TRUE IS SIMPLE THIS, A great life lesson for every single one of us to understand is that life is what we make out of it. Your life, your wealth, your whole being isn't determined by status, or material things, it is determined by how you live it, and how you make use of every single resource that you may have available in it. Life is not about how much you have or where you have been, life is about what you will have
 with the hard work that you put into it, and where you will someday go with your hard work as well. 

Life isn't about the miserable job that you may have right now, but instead it is about how you will use this miserable job as a step in your journey in life towards happiness and being fulfilled. Live your life to the fullest in every moment, and remember that we must treat all the little things in life as importantly as we treat the areas in our lives that we see as much larger.


"ONLY because my conscience leaves me no other choice".

I HAVE WRITTEN THESE WORDS TO THE PEOPLE AND AM SHAREING MY HEART WITH YOU ALL FOR ONE REASON ONLY because my conscience leaves me no other choice. I join you in this meeting because I am in deepest agreement with the aims and work of the organization which has brought us together:The Resistance, Clergy and Laymen Concerned about the many wars in our world and the condition of our own nation and its people. The recent statements of the people of our world are the sentiments of my own heart, and I found myself in full accord when I read its opening lines to we the people: "A time comes when silence is betrayal." And that time has come for us in relation to .Iraq and Afganistan,and the destruction of the American way of life and the life of all people on our planet.

 The truth of these words is beyond doubt, but the mission to which they call us is a most difficult one. Even when pressed by the demands of inner truth, men do not easily assume the task of opposing their government's policy, especially in time of war and we are at war patriots and citizens and the enemy is with in our own government. Nor does the human spirit move without great difficulty against all the apathy of conformist thought within one's own bosom and in the surrounding world. Moreover, when the issues at hand seem as perplexed as they often do in the case of this dreadful conflict, we are always on the verge of being mesmerized by uncertainty; but we must move on we the people must stand our ground not only for ourselves but the future generations to come.

 And some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak. We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. And we must rejoice as well, for surely this is the first time in our nation's history that a significant number of its religious leaders have chosen to move beyond the prophesying of smooth patriotism to the high grounds of a firm dissent based upon the mandates of conscience and the reading of history. Perhaps a new spirit is rising among us. If it is, let us trace its movements and pray that our own inner being may be sensitive to its guidance, for we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us.

 Over the past eight years, as I have moved to break the betrayal of my own silences and to speak from the burnings of my own heart, as I have called for radical departures from the destruction of war , many persons have questioned me about the wisdom of my path. At the heart of their concerns this query has often loomed large and loud: "Why are you speaking about the war, Joseph barber?" "Why are you joining the voices of dissent?" "Peace and civil rights don't mix," they say. "Aren't you hurting the cause of your people,I say it is not my people we are the human family,and the future generations to come this Is what I am concerned about " they ask? And when I hear them, though I often understand the source of their concern, I am nevertheless greatly saddened, for such questions mean that the inquirers have not really known me, my commitment or my calling. Indeed, their questions suggest that they do not know the world in which they live.

 In the light of such tragic misunderstanding, I deem it of signal importance to try to state clearly, and I trust concisely, why I believe that the path from the Baptist Church I heard the word of god from - the church in Mussel shouls , Alabama, where I began my awakining - leads clearly to this sanctuary tonight.IN WHICH I WRITE THESE WORDS THAT I AM POSSITIVE AND HAVE BEEN "WARNED" SHALL GET ME DETAINED BY THE GOVERNMENT WE SO TRUSTED TO LEAD WE THE PEOPLE TO FREEDOM

I  make a passionate plea to my beloved nation. These words are not addressed to Washington or to  any form of occupy movement or any other political or religouse organization. It is not addressed to China or to Russia. Nor is it an attempt to overlook the ambiguity of the total situation and the need for a collective solution to the tragedy of Vietnam, Iraq or afganistain. Neither is it an attempt to make Islam or any movement paragons of virtue, nor to overlook the role they must play in the successful resolution of the problem. While they all may have justifiable reasons to be suspicious of the good faith of the United States, life and history give eloquent testimony to the fact that conflicts are never resolved without trustful give and take on both sides. 
Today, however, I wish not to speak with the people of all nations and the National of America , but rather to my fellow Americans, who, with me, bear the greatest responsibility in ending a conflict that has exacted a heavy price on all continents.


"Since I am a Soldier by trade"

Since I am a Soldier by trade, I suppose it is not surprising that I have seven major reasons for bringing wars into the field of my moral vision. There is at the outset a very obvious and almost facile connection between the wars in our world and the struggle I, and others, have been waging in America. A few years ago there was a shining moment in that struggle. It seemed as if there was a real promise of hope for the poor - both black and white - through the poverty programS. There were experiments, hopes, new beginnings. Then came the buildup in iraq and afganistain, and I watched this program broken and eviscerated, as if it were some idle political plaything of a society gone mad on war, and I knew that America would never invest the necessary funds or energies in rehabilitation of its poor so long as adventures like Iraq and afganistain and soon to be Seria continued to draw men and skills and money like some demonic destructive suction tube.

So, I was increasingly compelled to see the war as an enemy of the poor and to attack it as such. Perhaps the more tragic recognition of reality took place when it became clear to me that the war was doing far more than devastating the hopes of the poor at home. It was sending their sons and their brothers and their husbands to fight and to die in extraordinarily high proportions relative to the rest of the population. We were taking the  young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in the Middle east which they had not found in southwest Georgia and East Harlem or any were else in this nation called america. And so we have been repeatedly faced with the cruel irony of watching Negro and white boys,AND MANY OTHERS CULTURES OF THIS MELTING POT on TV screens as they kill and die together for a nation that has been unable to seat them together in the same schools. And so we watch them in brutal solidarity burning the huts of a poor village, but we realize that they would hardly live on the same block in Chicago. I could not be silent in the face of such cruel manipulation of the poor.OR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE 

 My third reason moves to an even deeper level of awareness, for it grows out of my experience in the ghettoes of the Nation in which we live  over the last three years - especially the last three summers. As I have walked among the desperate, rejected, and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems. I have tried to offer them my deepest compassion while maintaining my conviction that social change comes most meaningfully through nonviolent action. But they ask - and rightly so - what about ,iraq and afganistan and the detruction of our way of life by our own government? They ask if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted. Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today - my own government. For the sake of those boys, for the sake of this government, for the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent.

 For those who ask the question, "Aren't you a civil rights leader?" and thereby mean to exclude me from the movement for peace, I have this further answer. In 1990 when a group of us formed the Resistance,Southern Christian Leadership , we chose as our motto: "To save the soul of America brother to brother,sister to sister in life and death ." We were convinced that we could not limit our vision to certain rights for white peopl, black people or of any culture or creed , but instead affirmed the conviction that America would never be free or saved from itself until the descendants of its slaves of all colors and races were loosed completely from the shackles they still wear. 

 O, yes, I say it plain, America never was America to me, And yet I swear this oath - America will be!

 Now, it should be incandescently clear that no one who has any concern for the integrity and life of America today can ignore the present war. If America's soul becomes totally poisoned, part of the autopsy must read:  Iraq and Afganistain. It can never be saved so long as it destroys the deepest hopes of men the world over. So it is that those of us who are yet determined that America will be are led down the path of protest and dissent, working for the health of our land.

 As if the weight of such a commitment to the life and health of America were not enough, another burden of responsibility was placed upon me in 1995; and I cannot forget my seeking of the  Nobel Prize for Peace was also a commission I have been seeking - a commission to "work harder than I had ever worked before" for "the brotherhood of man."AS TO EARN THE RIGHT OF THIS HONOR AND NOT BE GIVEN SOME THING NOT EARNED BY MY ACTIONS AND LEADERSHIP" This is a calling that takes me beyond national allegiances, but even if it were not present I would yet have to live with the meaning of my commitment to the ministry of Jesus Christ. To me the relationship of this ministry to the making of peace is so obvious that I sometimes marvel at those who ask me why I'm speaking against the war. Could it be that they do not know that the good news was meant for all men - for Communist and capitalist, for their children and ours, for black and for white, for revolutionary and conservative? Have they forgotten that my ministry is in obedience to the One who loved his enemies so fully that he died for them? What then can I say to the people of our world as a faithful minister of this One? Can I threaten them with death or must I not share with them my life?

 And finally, as I try to explain for you and for myself the road that leads from Mussel shouls to this place I would have offered all that was most valid if I simply said that I must be true to my conviction that I share with all men the calling to be a son of the living God or by what ever name you may call him. Beyond the calling of race or nation or creed is this vocation of sonship and brotherhood, and because I believe that the Father is deeply concerned especially for his suffering and helpless and outcast children, I come tonight to speak for them and for all the people of our world.

I am Joseph F Barber,Free inhabitant and citizen of our world 



"The human word is neither immortal nor invulnerable; but it is the power that orders our chaos, and the light by which we live." - Northrop Frye: Northrop Frye's Writings on Education; pg. 85.

Brothers and sisters patriots and Citizens hear my words as I speak out in defiance of terriony and theft of the people , “They’ve poisoned the air we breathe, contaminated the water we drink, and copyrighted the food we eat. We fight in their wars, die for their causes, and sacrifice our freedoms to protect them. They’ve liquidated our savings, destroyed our middle class, and used our tax dollars to bailout their unending greed. We are slaves to their corporations, zombies to their airwaves, servants to their decadence. They’ve stolen our elec
tions, assassinated our leaders, and abolished our basic rights as human beings. They own our property, shipped away our jobs, and shredded our unions. They’ve profited off of disaster, destabilized our currencies, and raised our cost of living. They’ve monopolized our freedom, stripped away our education, and have almost extinguished our flame. We are hit… we are bleeding… but we ain’t got time to bleed. We will bring the giants to their knees and they will witness our (R)Evolution!”


Every politician in office today, Democrat and Republican alike, accepts corporate bribes and is therefore corrupt. Their election is perverse evidence that they groveled before corporate lords and do not serve the will of the people. We know this because on January 21, 2010, the US Supreme Court told us who runs the nation by granting corporations the freedom to donate unlimited amounts of money to political candidates. As it is already an established statistical fact that the candidate who spends the most money wins in 9 out of 10 races, it is undeniable that we live in an era where anyone genuinely opposed to the corporate takeover of America, and unwilling to compromise, will never be elected. That makes the government a dangerous enterprise that is a hazard to individual freedom.


The police have shown they will always collude against the people with the powerful and will smash the people for the benefit of those who sign their police paychecks. All police need is to be given $60,000 per year salary and a preferred status in a higher caste system and they will lie, torture, and murder for the state. Since when hasn’t a government existed that didn’t nurture and reward these qualities in its minions or lacked for dupes displaying authoritarian traits? The police are the essence of the state and as such are enemies of the people. The people have the ability to protect themselves from petty criminals. But, the police seek to keep people dependant on them and act as if the surrender of all the peoples’ rights and liberties is a needed and worthy exchange for security or the illusion thereof. The people are increasingly conditioned to believe that the loss of justice and basic human rights to the onslaught of state power is a good bargain never realizing that governments are responsible for killing 260 million people in wars and another 300 million in non-combat democide.

"Democracy don't rule the world, You'd better get that in your head; This world is ruled by violence, But I guess that's better left unsaid." 

Everywhere we look there are signs of moral decay, political corruption and fascistic tendencies. However, activists have not been passive. For decades, since the end of democracy in America first became undeniable, we have tried every tactic to avert catastrophe. We have voted, written letters, donated money, held signs, protested in marches, clicked links, signed petitions, tweeted websites, written books, taught classes, knitted sweaters, learned how to farm, turned off the television, programmed apps, engaged in direct action, committed petty vandalism … All this has been for naught. Popular revolution remains the only reasonably viable tactic remaining.

In the 18th century, America’s founding fathers were in the same situation as we are today. They also sought justification to start a rebellion against a despotic empire that claimed to be their rightful government. They knew that what they intended to do was illegal from the king’s perspective, but they found solace in a higher law, a universal law that takes priority over temporal authority. The thirteen colonies made the case for insurrection in the Declaration of Independence of the United States and thereby permanently enshrined as inalienable “the Right of the People to alter or abolish” the government. The precedent of our own history grants us the right to revolt. Further, the seriousness of corporate America’s threat to the world puts us under obligation to act. Now we will sweep the parasites out of power and reinstate the rule of the people.

There is no valid argument for the destruction of our planet and any form of life on it.As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves. Be the change that you want to see in the world.

Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.” 
― Frédéric Bastiat, The Law


"Welcome to Plantation America".

It's been said that the rich are different than you and me. What most Americans don't know is that they're also quite different from each other, and that which faction is currently running the show ultimately makes a vast difference in the kind of country we are.

Right now, a lot of our problems stem directly from the fact that the wrong sort has finally gotten the upper hand; a particularly brutal and anti-democratic strain of American aristocrat that the other elites have mostly managed to keep away from the levers of power since the Revolution. Worse: this bunch has set a very ugly tone that's corrupted how people with power and money behave in every corner of our culture. Here's what happened, and how it happened, and what it means for America now.

It's not an overstatement to say that we're now living in Plantation America. As Lind points out: to the horror of his Yankee father, George W. Bush proceeded to run the country exactly like Woodard's description of a Barbadian slave lord. And Barack Obama has done almost nothing to roll this victory back.

We're now living in an America where rampant inequality is accepted, and even celebrated.

Torture and extrajudicial killing have been reinstated, with no due process required.

The wealthy and powerful are free to abuse employees, break laws, destroy the commons, and crash the economy — without ever being held to account.

The rich flaunt their ostentatious wealth without even the pretense of humility, modesty, generosity, or gratitude.

The military — always a Southern-dominated institution — sucks down 60% of our federal discretionary spending, and is undergoing a rapid evangelical takeover as well.

Our police are being given paramilitary training and powers that are completely out of line with their duty to serve and protect, but much more in keeping with a mission to subdue and suppress. Even liberal cities like Seattle are now home to the kind of local justice that used to be the hallmark of small-town Alabama sheriffs.

Segregation is increasing everywhere. The rights of women and people of color are under assault. Violence against leaders who agitate for progressive change is up. Racist organizations are undergoing a renaissance nationwide.

We are withdrawing government investments in public education, libraries, infrastructure, health care, and technological innovation — in many areas, to the point where we are falling behind the standards that prevail in every other developed country.

Elites who dare to argue for increased investment in the common good, and believe that we should lay the groundwork for a better future, are regarded as not just silly and soft-headed, but also inviting underclass revolt. The Yankees thought that government's job was to better the lot of the lower classes. The Southern aristocrats know that its real purpose is to deprive them of all possible means of rising up against their betters.

The rich are different now because the elites who spent four centuries sucking the South dry and turning it into an economic and political backwater have now vanquished the more forward-thinking, democratic Northern elites. Their attitudes towards freedom, authority, community, government, and the social contract aren't just confined to the country clubs of the Gulf Coast; they can now be found on the ground from Hollywood and Silicon Valley to Wall Street. And because of that quiet coup, the entire US is now turning into the global equivalent of a Deep South state.

As long as America runs according to the rules of Southern politics, economics and culture, we're no longer free citizens exercising our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as we've always understood them. Instead, we're being treated like serfs on Massa's plantation — and increasingly, we're being granted our liberties only at Massa's pleasure. Welcome to Plantation America.

How do we even begin to unmask and redress these crises of a modernist empire spiraling out of control? Will it be fixed  by carping on the marginal excesses of it, as seen in the issues of drones, national detention controversies and bank bailouts? Or will it be by finding new leadership and policy precepts that replace the ones which are clearly failing to provide for the common good? Ones not motivated by wealth accumulation or careerist ambitions, but rather by a sincere desire to advance our species toward its collective survival and some kind of satisfying intellectual and cultural status quo that endures long enough to reward successive generations without falling victim to them.


"The Battle Between the Elites"

Since shortly after the Revolution, the Yankee elites have worked hard to keep the upper hand on America's culture, economy and politics -- and much of our success as a nation rests on their success at keeping plantation culture sequestered in the South, and its scions largely away from the levers of power. If we have to have an elite -- and there's never been a society as complex as ours that didn't have some kind of upper class maintaining social order -- we're far better off in the hands of one that's essentially meritocratic, civic-minded and generally believes that it will do better when everybody else does better, too.

The Civil War was, at its core, a military battle between these two elites for the soul of the country. It pitted the more communalist, democratic and industrialized Northern vision of the American future against the hierarchical, aristocratic, agrarian Southern one. Though the Union won the war, the fundamental conflict at its root still hasn't been resolved to this day. (The current conservative culture war is the Civil War still being re-fought by other means.) After the war, the rise of Northern industrialists and the dominance of Northern universities and media ensured that subsequent generations of the American power elite continued to subscribe to the Northern worldview -- even when the individual leaders came from other parts of the country.

Ironically, though: it was that old Yankee commitment to national betterment that ultimately gave the Southern aristocracy its big chance to break out and go national. According to Lind, it was easy for the Northeast to hold onto cultural, political and economic power as long as all the country's major banks, businesses, universities, and industries were headquartered there. But the New Deal -- and, especially, the post-war interstate highways, dams, power grids, and other infrastructure investments that gave rise to the Sun Belt -- fatally loosened the Yankees' stranglehold on national power. The gleaming new cities of the South and West shifted the American population centers westward, unleashing new political and economic forces with real power to challenge the Yankee consensus. And because a vast number of these westward migrants came out of the South, the elites that rose along with these cities tended to hew to the old Southern code, and either tacitly or openly resist the moral imperatives of the Yankee canon. The soaring postwar fortunes of cities like Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas, and Atlanta fed that ancient Barbadian slaveholder model of power with plenty of room and resources to launch a fresh and unexpected 20th-century revival.

According to historian Darren Dochuk, the author of From Bible Belt to Sunbelt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism, these post-war Southerners and Westerners drew their power from the new wealth provided by the defense, energy, real estate, and other economic booms in their regions. They also had a profound evangelical conviction, brought with them out of the South, that God wanted them to take America back from the Yankee liberals -- a conviction that expressed itself simultaneously in both the formation of the vast post-war evangelical churches (which were major disseminators of Southern culture around the country); and in their takeover of the GOP, starting with Barry Goldwater's campaign in 1964 and culminating with Ronald Reagan's election in 1980.

They countered Yankee hegemony by building their own universities, grooming their own leaders and creating their own media. By the 1990s, they were staging the RINO hunts that drove the last Republican moderates (almost all of them Yankees, by either geography or cultural background) and the meritocratic order they represented to total extinction within the GOP. A decade later, the Tea Party became the voice of the unleashed id of the old Southern order, bringing it forward into the 21st century with its full measure of selfishness, racism, superstition, and brutality intact.

"Plantation America"

From its origins in the fever swamps of the lowland south, the worldview of the old Southern aristocracy can now be found nationwide. Buttressed by the arguments of Ayn Rand -- who updated the ancient slaveholder ethic for the modern age -- it has been exported to every corner of the culture, infected most of our other elite communities and killed off all but the very last vestiges of noblesse oblige.

It's not an overstatement to say that we're now living in Plantation America. As Lind points out: to the horror of his Yankee father, George W. Bush proceeded to run the country exactly like Woodard's description of a Barbadian slavelord. And Barack Obama has done almost nothing to roll this victory back. We're now living in an America where rampant inequality is accepted, and even celebrated.

Torture and extrajudicial killing have been reinstated, with no due process required.

The wealthy and powerful are free to abuse employees, break laws, destroy the commons, and crash the economy -- without ever being held to account.

The rich flaunt their ostentatious wealth without even the pretense of humility, modesty, generosity, or gratitude.

The military -- always a Southern-dominated institution -- sucks down 60% of our federal discretionary spending, and is undergoing a rapid evangelical takeover as well.

Our police are being given paramilitary training and powers that are completely out of line with their duty to serve and protect, but much more in keeping with a mission to subdue and suppress. Even liberal cities like Seattle are now home to the kind of local justice that used to be the hallmark of small-town Alabama sheriffs.

Segregation is increasing everywhere. The rights of women and people of color are under assault. Violence against leaders who agitate for progressive change is up. Racist organizations are undergoing a renaissance nationwide.

We are withdrawing government investments in public education, libraries, infrastructure, health care, and technological innovation -- in many areas, to the point where we are falling behind the standards that prevail in every other developed country.

Elites who dare to argue for increased investment in the common good, and believe that we should lay the groundwork for a better future, are regarded as not just silly and soft-headed, but also inviting underclass revolt. The Yankees thought that government's job was to better the lot of the lower classes. The Southern aristocrats know that its real purpose is to deprive them of all possible means of rising up against their betters.

The rich are different now because the elites who spent four centuries sucking the South dry and turning it into an economic and political backwater have now vanquished the more forward-thinking, democratic Northern elites. Their attitudes towards freedom, authority, community, government, and the social contract aren't just confined to the country clubs of the Gulf Coast; they can now be found on the ground from Hollywood and Silicon Valley to Wall Street. And because of that quiet coup, the entire US is now turning into the global equivalent of a Deep South state.

As long as America runs according to the rules of Southern politics,OR NORTHERN HIPOCRACY AND  economics and culture, we're no longer free citizens exercising our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as we've always understood them. Instead, we're being treated like serfs on Massa's plantation -- and increasingly, we're being granted our liberties only at Massa's pleasure. Welcome to Plantation America.



IN MY 50 YEARS I've learned- that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.

I've learned- that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back.

I've learned-Know your rights Because freedom can't protect itself.

I've learned-A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.

I've learned-To live outside the law, you must be honest. 

I've learned- that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.

I've learned- that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

I've learned- that it's not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts.

I've learned- that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes, after that, you'd better know something.

I've learned-Understanding the circumstances where one is legally justified in the use of deadly force is very confusing given the myths surrounding this subject matter and also the vast sea of convoluted laws that govern its use. This is a very complex, somber, and unpleasant subject that many prefer to avoid all together. Unfortunately though, by not knowing the rules of engagement, many individuals including police officers and law-abiding citizens find themselves being prosecuted for actions that they believed to be reasonable, just, and within the confines of the law. One way to avoid such a predicament is to just avoid self-defense altogether. The best way however, is to become knowledgeable in the intricate inner workings of the legal system with regard to self-defense.

I've learned-, I did see where the people dissing me were coming from. But, it's like, anything that happened in the past between black and white, I can't really speak on it, because I wasn't there. I don't feel like me being born the color I am makes me any less of a person.

I've learned-Written laws can only be made from human language and at their best they are only marginally accurate in their prescriptions and descriptions. While God’s laws are the truths that make us free, written laws have become traps that imprison us. For example, unalienable rights are God’s laws and written laws must, as supported by the Declaration of Independence, apply only to a government whose purpose it is to secure those unalienable rights for the people. Complex and intricate bureaucratic government institutions are meant to ensnare those looking for the simple application of God’s unwritten law. Government laws must conform with God’s laws, so as with all written laws loopholes abound in government laws.

I've learned-The United States continues to restrict its citizens rights, and sets eerie precedents for a worldwide trend to restrict people’s freedom, sovereignty, and basic human rights. After Homesteading has severely been restricted, no doubt by the presence of big Agricultural Corporations in the US government, laws against growing food continue to spread around the world

I've learned-The question is no longer rhetorical. We are not yet living in a total police state, but it is fast approaching. The seeds of future tyranny have been sown, and many of our basic protections against government have been undermined. The atmosphere since 2001 has permitted Congress to create whole new departments and agencies that purport to make us safer- always at the expense of our liberty. But security and liberty go hand-in-hand. Members of Congress, like too many Americans, don’t understand that a society with no constraints on its government cannot be secure. History proves that societies crumble when their governments become more powerful than the people and private institutions.

I've learned-BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF HUMANITY OF ALL FAITHS ,RELIGIONS AND CULTURES,THIS IS OUR WORLD AND GOVERNMENTS BELIEVE IT BELONGS TO THEM AND NOT THE PEOPLE WHO BUILT IT YOU AND ME AND OUR ANCESTORS I TELL YOU THIS MY FRIENDS :“They’ve poisoned the air we breathe, contaminated the water we drink, and copyrighted the food we eat. We fight in their wars, die for their causes, and sacrifice our freedoms to protect them. They’ve liquidated our savings, destroyed our middle class, and used our tax dollars to bailout their unending greed. We are slaves to their corporations, zombies to their airwaves, servants to their decadence. They’ve stolen our elec
 tions, assassinated our leaders, and abolished our basic rights as human beings. They own our property, shipped away our jobs, and shredded our unions. They’ve profited off of disaster, destabilized our currencies, and raised our cost of living. They’ve monopolized our freedom, stripped away our education, and have almost extinguished our flame. We are hit… we are bleeding… but we ain’t got time to bleed. We will bring the giants to their knees and they will witness our (R)Evolution!” which fights against American imperialism, just as the resistance movement fought against Hitler. AND THE CRUELTY OF MAN AGAINST THE CITIZENS OF HUMANITY 

I've learned-
American government is based on the perpetual lies told by every person elected to the Office of President, an office of the Articles of Confederation. These lies are based on the premise that the Constitution has repealed and replaced the Articles of Confederation. I deal with that erroneous contention by showing that though there are attempt to ordain and establish the written Constitution for the “People of the United States” and that same Constitution provides for ratification by the States no “Adoption” of the Constitution ever takes place. Without an “Adoption” of the Constitution by the person elected to the Office of President, the only Officer capable of that act, the Constitution is limited to the function of acting as an amendment to the Articles of Confederation.

I've learned-
Everyone should know that it is the Presidential Electors now called the Electoral College not the voters who elect the person who fills the Office of President. No one knows that the person elected President takes the oath of Office for another Office and never takes the oath of Office of President. A vacant Office of President makes it impossible for there to be a Constitution for the United States of America. Millions of voters cast their ballots for a President of the United States knowing that they aren’t really going to elect a President of the United States. What would happen if they learned the truth? The truth is the person elected President by the Electoral College should take an oath to hold the Office of President and to support the Constitution as it is written.

I've learned-What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? 

I've learned- that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do.

I've learned- that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.

I've learned- that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

I've learned- that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

I've learned- that you can keep going long after you can't.

I've learned- that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I've learned- that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I've learned- that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.

I've learned- that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I've learned- that money is a lousy way of keeping score.

I've learned- that my best friend and can do anything or nothing and have the best time.

I've learned- that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up.

I've learned- that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I've learned- that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.

I've learned- that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

I've learned-that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.

I've learned- that you should never tell a child their dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if they believed it.

I've learned- that your family won't always be there for you. It may seem funny, but people you aren't related to can take care of you and love you and teach you to trust people again. Families aren't biological.

I've learned- that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I've learned- that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.

I've learned- that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I've learned- that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.

I've learned- that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

I've learned- that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.

I've learned- that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.

I've learned- that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get hurt and you will hurt in the process.

I've learned- that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.

I've learned- that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.

MAY BY WHAT EVER GOD YOU FOLLOW OR YOU CALL HIM MAY HE BLESS US ALL AND IT IS IS MY HOPE THAT ALL HUMAN BEINGS COME TO THE REALIZATION OF THE TRUE TRUTH THAT MAKE USE FREE AS FOR ME AS I HAVE SEEN OUR WORLD THROUGH MY EYES I SAY THIS I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.SO HELP ME GOD 

.For all those who feel I am unstable I tell you this I do not hesitate one second to state clearly and unmistakably: I belong to the American resistance movement which fights against American imperialism,and corruption and the deception being played out on the American people and the world  just as the resistance movement fought against Hitler.
I fight for no country any more I fight for the people of our world and for the free men and women who will over come the ideas of governments and man these are the corrupt and cruel designs man has givin and forced upon all humanity by the color of athourity ,There is no Justice In amarica for those with out money !!!!!!and that is a fact

Here is were I stand people and the way I have been raised,I am a american ,I am a warrior and a member of a team ,I serve the people of the united states and live the army values I have been taught ,I will always place the mission first ,I will never except defeat,I will never quit,I will never leave a fallen comrade I am disciplined,physically and mentally tough,trained and proficient in my warrior task, and drills I always maintain my arms ,my equipmentand my self.I am an expert I am a professional.I stand ready to deploy,engage and destroy the enemy of the people in close combat I am a guardian of freedom and the american way of life I am an AMERICAN HOOAH



,Know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. -- John 8:32

Ignorance is enslaving. It makes men the slaves of fear. Truth kills fear. The light of scientific knowledge has swept the world clear of many of its superstitions-superstitions born or ignorance. And thus men have been freed from many of those superstitious fears which for long ages have enslaved the race.

The most cruel bondage is the bondage of sin. The most enslaving fear is that which is born of a guilty conscience. But it is the truth that God forgives sin and cleanses away its stain of guilt from the soul. When the sinner comes to know this truth, and through repentance and faith accepts it as applying to himself, he is set free from sin's bondage and guilty fears. No longer does he "flee when no man pursueth"; but in his new-found liberty he is "bold as a lion." He no longer has an accusing conscience dogging his every step, and making him afraid of every shadow that falls across his path. The truth of God's forgiveness has freed him from all such fear, and he is now able to face the world with the courage and boldness of a free and righteous man.

There are other fears that make slave - victims of men - the fear of sickness, the fear of death, the fear of poverty, the fear of calamity, the fear of misfortune and other possible evils. Why do men live in slavish fear of these things? It is because they do not know the truth about God and His loving care. They do not realize that they live in a friendly universe, created and controlled by a friendly God. If men knew and realized this truth, they would nevermore be afraid of any possible contingency of evil or disaster. If everybody knew God, nobody would be anxious or fearful about anything.

Thus we see how truth makes men free. Let us therefore seek to know the truth and live in the truth, that we may be delivered from the bondage of ignorance and be no more the slaves of fear.