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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Supreme Court Helps the EPA Shut Off Electricity in America

The “social cost” is a complete invention, a fiction without any basis in fact. It is a device to further restrict access and use of all fuel sources.

The Supreme Court Helps the EPA Shut Off Electricity in America

By Alan Caruba

April seems to be the month in which the Supreme Court devotes itself to decisions that have no basis in real science and can do maximum damage to the economy. Invariably, the cases are brought against the Environmental Protection Agency and are decided in its favor.

In April 2007, the Court decided that carbon dioxide, the second most essential gas for all life on the planet wasa pollutant, EPA had applied to it in order to regulate it. Now comes word that the Court had concluded that the EPA may regulate power-plant emissions that blow across state lines as per a 2011 regulation, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule. Not content having put nearly 150 or more coal-fired power plants out of commission, the Court’s rule now gives them the authority to do the same thing to about a thousand power plants in the eastern and western regions of the U.S. that will have to adopt new pollution controls or reduce operations.
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In effect, the Court has just agreed to a regulation that represents a major increase in the cost of electricity in 28 states deemed to be polluting the air in those around them. The EPA’s claims that this will save lives they attribute to the alleged pollution is as bogus as all the rest of their claims, the purpose of which is to undermine the nation’s economy in every way it can.

James M. Taylor, the Heartland Institute’s Senior Fellow for Environmental Policy said of Tuesday’s decision that It is a shame that the U.S. Supreme Court continues to empower EPA to issue nonsensical interpretations of statutes with the primary goal of amassing more money and power.

Every day the press is filled with reports of environmental groups suing to ensure that no new providers of electricity can be built. The Environmental Protection Agency has instituted all manner of regulations intended to shut down coal-fired plants and they are based on the total lie that carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse gases” are causing the Earth to warm. The science cited is entirely without merit and the Earth is cooling, not warming, and has been for the past seventeen years.

As winters grow colder, it is putting a tremendous demand on the nation’s electrical grid. In a recent commentary, Steve Gorham, the author of The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism: Mankind and Climate Change Mania, quoted Philip Moeller, Commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the experience of this past winter indicates that the power grid is now already at the limit.

EPA policies,” said Gorham, “such as the Mercury and Air Toxics rule and the Section 316 Cooling Water Rule, are forcing the closure of many coal-fired plants, which provided 39 percent of U.S. electricity last year. American Electric Power, a provider of about ten percent of the electricity to eastern states, will close almost one quarter of the firm’s coal-fired generating plants in the next fourteen months. Eighty-nine percent (89%) of the power scheduled for closure was needed to meet electricity demand in January. Not all of this capacity has replacement plans.”

Before Obama was elected, coal-fired plants provided fifty percent (50%) of the nation’s electricity.

What is the Obama administrations response to this? It is pouring billions into the wind and solar energy sector that provides barely one percent of all the electricity used in the nation and can never begin to replace traditional plants.

In an April 25 letter from the American Energy Alliance, joined by thirty other organizations, to the House Ways and Means Committee, opposition to the Wind Production Tax Credit was expressed: “The PTC has been a failure for taxpayers and ratepayers. In exchange for tens of billions of dollars in handouts to wind producers, the states with the highest wind production have seen their electricity rates increase nearly five times faster than the national average. In fact, states with at least 7 percent wind power have seen their electricity rates increase at an average of 17.4 percent over the last 5 years compared to an increase of only 3.5 percent for the U.S. as a whole” Why, indeed, are taxpayers being required to sustain providers of wind power that would not be able to stay in business otherwise?

In addition to the fact that you cannot manufacture anything without the use of electricity, a deliberate effort is being made to ensure that vast sections of the nation will not be able to receive electricity to warm homes and businesses in the winter and cool them in the summer. Simply put, people will die for lack of the warmth and coolness needed, not from the phony pollution the EPA cites.

This is the heart of an environmental agenda that views the human population as “a cancer” that needs to be vastly reduced.
This agenda is directed from the United Nations and its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that falsely claims that humans have a vast impact on the climate. They do not. Human activity barely, if at all, affects the climate. What does? The Sun! Add in factors that include the Earth’s oceans and volcanic activity, and it should be obvious that everyone is being targeted for extinction.

In an article, The EPA’s Science Problem, Arnold Ahlert, noted in early April that “In a stunning admission, Environmental Protection Agency administrator Gina McCarthyrevealed to House Science, Space and Technology Committee chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX)that the agency neither possesses, nor can produce, all the scientific data used to justify the rules and regulations they have imposed on Americans via the Clean Air Act. In short, science has been trumped by the radical environmental agenda.”

The Obama administration has done everything in its power to restrict and slow down access and use of America’s huge energy reserves, enough to ensure all the electrical power we will need for hundreds of years to come. The same policy applies to transportation’s petroleum needs. Oil and gas production on federal lands is down 40% compared to ten years ago.

According to the Institute for Energy Research notes that North America has enough oil to fuel every passenger car in the U.S. for 430 years, enough natural gas to provide the U.S. with electricity for 575 years, and enough coal to provide electricity for about 500 years. And that’s based on known reserves. They are, however, of little use if the Obama administration continues its efforts to restrict access to them.

In an August 2013 Washington Times commentary, Ben Wolfgang warned that the EPA, the Energy Department, and other agencies’ working group quietly raised their estimated social coast of carbon from $21 per ton of emissions to $35 per ton, noting thatThe dramatic increase greatly alters cost-benefit analyses offered by the EPA when floating rules, allowing the agency to claim that billions of dollars will be saved over a period of decades as a result of proposed limits on power plant emissions, tougher fuel economy standards and other steps.

The “social cost” is a complete invention, a fiction without any basis in fact. It is a device to further restrict access and use of all fuel sources.

Americans had better wake up to the fact that their governmentthe Obama administration
is doing everything in its power to cut off the provision of electrical power and access to transportation fuel that it can. And the Democrats in Congress, particularly Harry Reid the Senate Majority Leader, is doing everything to advance this agenda by blocking any legislation generated in the House to counter this agenda.

In November, the midterm elections offer an opportunity to elect enough Republicans to secure control of the Senate and increase its strength in the House.

Let me end with the good news. Despite what the enemies of energy are doing, the energy sector—coal, oil, and natural gas—in the decade ahead is going to grow, going to generate many new jobs, and is going to help dig us out of the huge government debt that too much borrowing and spending has generated.

UN’s ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ Puts China in Driver’s Seat

Predictions that came to be:

UN’s ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ Puts China in Driver’s Seat

By Judi McLeod

China surpassing the US as world economic superpower in 2014 is painful proof positive that the Free World is unfolding as it shouldn’t.

“The US is on the brink of losing its status as the world’s largest economy, and is likely to slip behind China this year, sooner than widely anticipated, according to the world’s leading statistical agencies. (Financial Times, April 30, 2014)

“The US has been the global leader since overtaking the UK in 1872. Most economists previously thought China would pull ahead in 2019.

The figures, compiled by the International Comparison Program hosted by the World Bank, are the most authoritative estimates of what money can buy in different countries and are used by most public and private sector organisations, such as the International Monetary Fund. This is the first time they have been updated since 2005.

Dare to believe that “the US is not on the brink of losing its status as the world’s largest economy, but has already been pushed over the top of the cliff.

Know that it was fully orchestrated from the wings of the stage left where the United Nations had been working feverishly to bring President Barack Obama to the world stage to complete the UN’s mission known as: “The Fundamental Transformation of America”.

Governments—both Democrat and Republican ones in the U.S—and those of Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan—G7 members all—and the entire European Union allowed it to happen.

Indeed, all well-heeled Western leaders looked the other way while top UN agents of destruction were doing their behind-the-scenes dirty work and allowed the image of the UN to masquerade as a warm and fuzzy blanket.

The UNs top gun of the economic takedown of America came right from the country next door.  UN Poster Boy Maurice Strong, who last week celebrated his 85th birthday, started his work on the downfall of America in Canada the country of his birth before moving to Beijing in 2006, during the fallout of the UN Oil-for-Food scandal.

The Oil-for-Food scandal went down in history as the biggest bureaucratic scandal worldwide, but back then who really knew what was coming?

Maurice StrongGodfather of Agenda 21, when he hooked up with -currency speculator George Soros, even bragged openly about his nefarious intentions for the U.S.

“As recently as 2006, speaking from an air-conditioned boardroom somewhere in Communist China, Maurice Strong—the same man who would deny air conditioning for you to save the environment—was hatching his latest anti-American initiative.

“Having cashed in his Kyoto credits and having launched his ManyOne Internet project from afar, Strong is back on the international scene, ready or not period. (Canada Free Press, May 13, 2010) “With his latest comeback, the elusive Strong is stepping back into the limelight after his alleged links to the UN Oil-for-Food scandal took him off the radar screen for more than a year.

“This comeback sees Strong teaming up in the biz world with George Soros.  The deadly duo aims to flood the American market with cheap, Chinese-made cars.  (‘Strong and Soros in Business: A Partnership in Hell’, CFP, June 15, 2006).

“Strong’s public predictions that China would replace the United States, as world superpower is not happening fast enough.  So Strong and Soros are contemplating pouring hundreds of millions into a Communist China automaker that manufactures the ‘Chery’.

“So Strong and Soros were working on anti-American schemes as far back as 2006.

“They had hoped to decimate Ford, Chrysler and GM by flooding the U.S. market with cheapo Cherys on a 2007 deadline.

“Well, we now know what happened to the U.S. auto industry in 2009.

“But it doesn’t even begin or stop there.

“Maurice Strong has almost as much impact on average Americans as the air that they breathe.

“All that President Barack Obama is doing to fundamentally transform America and the Free World over to One World Government begins and ends with one Maurice Strong.  Soros is merely the financier.

Here, in his own words, is what Strong wants for the middle class: It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class—involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air conditioning, and suburban housing—are not sustainable.  A shift is necessary towards lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns. (1992 Rio Earth Summit II).

By 2014 China now owns the GM Hummer and Fiat of Italy owns the Chrysler brand which includes the Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram, and the ownership list doesn’t even take into account that Obama already handed over part ownership of GM with no strings attached to the unions.

The world never caught up with Strong when he dodged the Oil-for-Food scandal, and won’t catch up with him now that the Fundamental Transformation of America is becoming a fait accompli, accomplished by President Man-Who-Isn’t-There Barack Obama.

While the dirty deed has tragically been lost on most of the masses, there are those like commenter Obamaroid Ointment who posted this to today’s Financial Times report:
The Obamacrats have pulled the U.S. economy out of the race, how can the Chicoms surpass something that isn’t there?

I have noticed that my faith has much more influence on my thinking than I had thought.

Adding Age AND Gaining Insight

I have noticed that my faith has much more influence on my thinking than I had thought.


Recently, I have noticed something a bit different in my work, that is to say — my writing, my commentaries, if you please.

I have noticed that my faith has much more influence on my thinking than I had thought.  I’m told that is a sign of aging and wisdom.  I can readily agree with the aging part.  However, the wisdom part, is something else  entirely.  That, dear reader, is decided by you.
That’s is a little out of character for me. I have always felt a man’s faith was between him and his chosen deity — and nobody else. As my family will unhesitatingly tell you “Papa” is subject to go off on a tear over a subject having to do with religion quicker than any other subject.

I have found, now that I am well into the eighth decade of my lifespan,  that I am far more able to cope with the vexing problems that living life as a human being tends to deliver to our doorstep.  That does not mean that I don’t stumble and fall every once in a while,  nor does it mean that I am mistake free.  Look.  ALL the erasers on my pencils are well worn.

Often, I have been extremely lucky, having the ability to learn (usually) from my mistakes.  That is a learned behavior, behavior taught me — along with many other things — by my father.  Thus armed, I have been able to inform those who follow behind me of my personal flawed processes that led to my latest embarrassment — whatever that might be.

One of life’s lessons I have learned (the hard way) is that a man who does not acknowledge and learn from his mistakes and then pass that invaluable information along to the younger generation — is a FOOL.

It is said that a man can count his real friends on the fingers of his hands.  Some say the fingers of ONE of his hands.  When I was younger I thought that was nonsensical.  As I have grown older I have learned that a man is blessed, indeed, if he has ONE real friend.

When I refer, to and use, the word friend,” please understand that I am not using that word in any context in which it can be associated with today’s social media on the Internet.  Those friends exist only in zeros and ones.  They are purely binary language.

I have made a number of acquaintances by way of the Internet that I most likely would not have made without the web.  I treasure these connections.

It is said that a friend will help you hide.  It is also said that a TRUE friend will help you hide the body! Sometimes, these hard sayings have a bit more truth to them than we are comfortable with.

I have become convinced that once the finish line of one’s life is peeking over the horizon, it tends to help one focus on that which is really important.

For a little over fifty years I have been walking my life’s pathway with death ever beside me.  We have become comfortable companions.  I know that sounds impossible, but like anything else in life, constant contact with a person, place, or thing, will result in a certain level of comfort in the presence of that companion.

Back in my mid-twenties, the family was summoned to my bedside and told that I would not live ’til morning.   Obviously, I did survive.

My doctor recently told me that he has been constantly surprised that I have survived the episode after episode of vicious attacks that should have taken my life and that he had expected me to die a number of times in the past fifty-three years only to have me still around making others uncomfortable, as is my wont.

So what keeps me going?  I wish I knew.  I have blamed it on pure stubbornness and persistence, something I believe I may have inherited from my Celtic ancestry.

More than anything, though, I believe it was my father.  He taught, he instructed, he indoctrinated persistence in ALL things.  You don’t quit, you don’t give up, you never give in, you never, ever, admit defeat — for a man is never conquered until he surrenders.

My father also taught self reliance.  A man should depend upon no one — or nothing — but himself … period.  A young man during the depression, my father was determined that his children would be able to fend for themselves if, and when, the time came.

He taught me to hunt and trap.  He taught me to build traps, bait, and set traps and those secrets that disguise the human scent on a trap.  He had me running the traps before school on icy Alabama mornings.

I thought of my Dad when the story on Cliven Bundy broke.  See, I have been there — with my Dad, too, many decades ago.

Our confrontation was over the state taking a portion of our land to change the path of a roadway. It seems the state engineers had built in a huge, unnecessary, curve in their plans for the new roadway and that curve would take a huge, unnecessary, bite out of our land, which sat in the corner of the planned new road and the existing highway with which it would intersect.

Dad went to the state capital and met with the state engineers and explained that their survey was wrong, and that it was unnecessary to take that chunk of land when  the old path of the roadway was a much better roadway than the newly planned one.

The state listenedand refused to change their plans.  So the morning they work crew showed up to begin bulldozing our land, my father and I met them — with our guns.  Dad, careful to remain on our property at all times, stepped up where he could be clearly seen and heard and announced that he intended to shoot the first man to climb aboard the bulldozer.

After a hurried conference, the work crew left.  A few days later we were visited by representatives of the state engineer’s office.  Dad had had me sketch out a route for the proposed roadway that would eliminate that godawful curve and not take a foot of our land.

Survey stakes were removed, a new survey was run, and the proposed roadway was moved, the curve was taken out, and wonder of wonders, we didn’t lose any land, at all.

At no time was law enforcement involved, period.

Would my father have opened fire?  Look. There was no political correctness in those days.  A man said what he meant and meant what he said.  I never doubted he would fire on those men.  More importantly, THEY never doubted it, either.

America was a better country then. We were tough, we had the honor and more importantly, we understood how important honor was.  Back then we still understood that a man’s home, his land, his livestock, belonged to him.  He had a right, indeed, a duty to defend them from all threats, no matter the quarter from which those threats came.

Individual rights, personal freedom and liberty, were the foundation of the constitution and the constitution the foundation of the country.

I mentioned earlier that my faith has become a mainstay, a source of support and stability for me as the years pile up.

I think all my life I have been training for the end of my life.  I think we are are granted that opportunity.  Some of us take advantage and prepare while others, well, just let it slide.

Remember the old Negro spiritual:  I MUST WALK MY LONESOME VALLEY?   Read the words:

I must walk my lonesome valley

I got to walk it for myself,

Nobody else can walk it for me,

I got to walk it for myself

I must go and stand my trial,

I got to stand it for myself,

Nobody else can stand it for me,

I got to stand it for myself.

Jesus walked his lonesome valley,

He had to walk it for himself,

Nobody else could walk it for him,

He had to walk it for himself.

There is a wonderful pearl of a lesson in those words.

I have to do it.  Nobody will do it for me.   I have to do it myself.

It’s the lesson my father instilled in me as a lad.  You are responsible, son.  Only you.

When it becomes my turn to walk that valley, God willing, I intend to walk it with my back straight, my head held high,  leaning slightly forward in expectation of the wondrous things awaiting my arrival at the end of the valley.

But, I’ve not entered the valley yet.  So, my pen shall not rest in my hand.  There is yet much to do, much to be said,  places to go, people to see, ideas to share, thoughts to formulate, … much to do.

Yes, I’m bent.  But I’m not bowed.  I’m bloodied, but I’m not slain. So I’ll lay me down and rest a bit — then, I’ll rise to fight again.

Deo Vindici!

The face of the globalist agenda in Syria

Our government is out of control by assisting terrorist groups to achieve their own despicable and diabolical ends to reshape the world according to the objectives of the globalists

The face of the globalist agenda in Syria

By Doug Hagmann

Take a good long look at the face of this 4-year-old boy. He could be your child, your grandchild or nephew. The photo seems to reflect a childhood innocence,  an innocence that is so treasured and so valued that it must be protected at all costs. Who among us could deny that this precious little boy deserves to be protected, deserves to experience the joys of a secure childhood like most of us had so long ago?

Funny, that, for it is the very same people who argue that they are acting “for the children” when instead, they are criminally responsible for destroying their childhood, by ruthlessly and shamelessly exploiting them for their own geopolitical agenda. Worse yet, it’s all being done in your name, in our names, with our collective, tacit approval. For behind this face of innocence is a veil of darkness so black that it should shake you to your core as you look at the next image of this same young boy.

Behind the black mask is the face of the young boy identified only as Muhammad, depicted here shooting an AK-47 in Syria. You’ve probably seen it, or at least heard about it. But do you know the whole story behind it? Do you know that it’s our government—your government—that is behind these unspeakable atrocities? Averting your gaze and claiming that this is mere hyperbole might make you feel more comfortable, but it will not change the fact that many of us have looked away for far too long or clung to the belief that what we are seeing is a centuries-old artifact of Islamic savagery.  Whatever helps you sleep at night. However, that does not change the truth, a truth from which you cannot flee.

For those unfamiliar with the images, they were copied from a video uploaded to the Internet titled “A message from one of the cubs of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,” known by the acronym ISIS. The video depicts this young boy, identified only as Muhammad, barely able to hold the weapon yet maintaining his posture as his proud father stands behind him amid shouts of “Allahua Akbar.” It’s a video that our elected officials from both sides of the aisle, the power elite and the globalist policymakers didn’t want you to see as the original video was scrubbed from the Internet. Only snippets of the original video remain, having been copied and reposted elsewhere. Nonetheless, the unintended message is clear. Welcome to the hell on earth that is being conducted in your name, with your tacit approval.

It’s a reality that is too disturbing, but one of our own making though the blindness caused by our partisan politics and normalcy bias. It is our death grip on a false political paradigm that has blinded us to the larger agenda of the globalist monsters who will stop at nothing to achieve their ends. It’s a reality brought to you courtesy of the Progressives including Barack Hussein Obama,  Hillary Clinton,  

John Brennanas well as the “Neo-Cons” from George H.W. Bush to every sitting member in congress who supports the policies of intervention in Syria and across the Middle East. Nearly every member of Congress, the Executive Branch, the Judiciary and others, from advisors to lobbyists who support such policies, regardless of their political affiliation, have sold their souls and allegiance to the higher power of a globalist agenda in your name. While they claim to intervene “for the sake of the children,” the blood of the innocents are on their hands. Like the unclothed emperor, the captured Western media dares not tell of covert, Western-backed assistance to the very same terrorist groups who have killed and maimed so many of our own.

What you are witnessing here is the extension of the activities that took place in Libya, specifically Benghazi, where the United States, the British, French and Saudi Arabia were involved in the largest arms running operation in the world, all in direct violation of international law. As I have written so many times, Benghazi was never a scandal, but a criminal enterprise conducted by the power elite of Western governments having the objective to topple Assad and destabilize Syria. This is part of a much larger agenda that includes the well planned and finely orchestrated Arab Spring, which was planned years in advance.

Yet, MSNBC types like Chris Matthews continue to wallow in the self-delusion that the deaths and destruction at Benghazi were the result of some obscure internet video, the origins of which should itself raise many questions. Such questions will never be asked by such pseudo-journalists like Matthews, who readily drinks the Kool-Aid from the same trough as many of theNeo-Con warmongers he claims to detest so much. Matthews’ love of his personal messiah and his cohorts, and the rabid right-wing cheerleaders serving as water boys for their personal political saviors, all serve to obfuscate the reality you see in the images shown here.

Our government is out of control by assisting terrorist groups to achieve their own despicable and diabolical ends to reshape the world according to the objectives of the globalists.
Meanwhile, the corporate media facilitates this agenda of death by rewriting current events to protect their own. Make no mistake, the operation that led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi under Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John O. Brennan as well as their foreign counterparts is continuing by other means. Yet no one is calling for accountability. No one is asking the right questions that require answers that would potentially expose their political icon to the wrath of truth. Instead, we’ve got a bunch of shameless politicians, an impotent press and clueless columnists hell-bent on convincing the American public that we’re fighting the good fight, for the sake of the children and their future. How dare you?

To me, the photographic evidence as well as the ample documented list of lies and damn lies prove otherwise. It is time to hold the purveyors of perversion accountable for their deeds. Who among us will be valiant for the sake of truth and justice? Who among us will be the voice of that young boy, armed by a bipartisan, globalist cabal of those seeking to reshape countries in our name? Who among us will speak on behalf of that young boy, who is being mercilessly used as cannon fodder in your name?

The sounds coming from the barrel of the AK-47 held by a 4 year-old cover the deafening silence of those in the seats of power and those tasked to confront them. May God help them, and may God help us all if we choose to remain silent.

For the sake of the Future Generations,It is time to choose our side

For the sake of the Future Generations,It is time to choose our side

It's time to choose our side not just for this battle, this war against our freedoms and the future of our country, but for the sake of the future generations

It is time to choose our side

The American Revolutionary War, or our war for independence from the oppression of the British that officially began in 1775 and birthed our nation, was a most pivotal time in our nation’s history. Many men and women of average means and intelligence rose to become celebrated heroes and heroines.

They placed everything on the line, from their families to their businesses to take up the cause of freedom to form the greatest nation in the world. In doing so, they risked their own freedom as well as their very lives. We can learn much from these wise and brave people, and owe much to their courageous actions and sacrifices. While many American heroes were created by their acts of total selflessness and fighting on behalf of all citizens of the American colonies, there were others who chose to sit out the fight… or worse.

One of the most villainous names in U.S. history is that of Benedict Arnold.So reviled were his traitorous actions that his name has become synonymous with betrayal. Once an important and very effective leader in the American cause, he turned his allegiance to the British at a most critical time in our war for independence. Some historians speculate that his betrayal against his own country originated by his hurt feelings that he was betrayed himself. Some accounts suggest that he felt personally slighted and unappreciated for the sacrifices he made and the battles he fought and won, during which his leg was badly injured, forcing him to walk with a limp for the rest of his life. Many historians suggest that he sustained a much deeper wound—a fatal wound to his pride that led him to turn against the noble fight for the freedoms and liberties for all Americans.

Today in America, there are an increasing number of men and women who see the ominous parallels between the pre-Revolutionary War days and the present day. Instead of an overt foreign enemy, we are facing a more insidious threat spoken of by not only some of the heroes of the Revolutionary War, but warned of by Communist insiders and defectors: the threat from within.

Only those buried deep in denial or their own normalcy bias refuse to see the increasing oppression against the citizens of America by their own government. Only those who are completely clueless or complicit cannot see or vociferously deny that the clouds on the horizon are not storm clouds, but the dust clouds of an approaching enemy selected and elected to retake our freedoms. Only those who have been effectively brainwashed believe that those currently in power reflect the true will of the people. History, it appears, is about to repeat itself as the overreach and aggression of an out-of-control government is ramping up their attacks against our God given freedoms and rights as enumerated in our Constitution.

Today, we are in the midst of a propaganda war where the contemporaries of our pre-Revolutionary history, the true American patriots who hold the principles upon which this nation was founded near and dear, have been openly identified as enemies of the leaders of our nation. There is no ambiguity in the statements or intent of those leading our country. There is only their resolve, where they are unified in their objectives to subjugate us to their royal ambitions at the expense of our rights and freedoms.

We, as the contemporaries of our forefathers, are now the domestic terrorists. We have been declared the enemy, in the speech and in writing, and there is a willing army forming at their hands to create two classes of people, those who are in power and those who are their subjects. Again, there is no ambiguity in their words and deeds.

If you do not—or choose not to— understand and call out the traitorous and seditious actions of those in power and their complicit media lapdogs, along with their resolve to use everything in their arsenal to marginalize and vilify the outspoken patriots who are fighting to stop further oppression while regaining lost ground, then you deserve what’s coming as that’s exactly what you’ve earned.

Just as no ambiguity exists in the statements made about and against true American patriots by our current oppressors, there must be no ambiguity or lack of resolve on our part. There cannot exist any gray area or middle ground for it is just such compromise that has contributed to our current state of affairs. We must fight this propaganda war head on, and call out those who have betrayed us and are betraying us for reasons that range from complicity to pride, from promises of seats at their table to the assurances that they will live life unscathed by royal mandate.  Whatever the reason, whatever the cause, there exist those who have turned against the greater objective of restoring and maintaining our freedoms by attacking those who are staying the course.

It is time that we must publicly choose the side for which we stand, be it for freedom as it was intended, or to be subjugated to the will of an elite ruling class who will decide what Constitutional rights we may retain that were won by the sweat and blood of our forefathers, for they are watching.

It is time that we must publicly question the motives of those once described as patriots in this fight for freedom and the future of our country, much like Benedict Arnold.

Recently, the American ruling class sent their foot soldiers to a small Nevada community named Bunkerville. It was there that the globalists dispatched a heavily armed contingent of federal agents and their mercenary supporters to face down a small group of patriots unwilling to be bystanders in an overt and aggressive overreach of power and control. The corporate media intentionally and with malice, mis-portrayed the intent of both sides and efficiently convoluted the true issues behind the stand-off. War and propaganda, however, are rarely simple in their public portrayal. When one side loses, however temporary the loss, they must exploit public opinion and perception to their favor. And that is exactly what is taking place today.

Although we know that the federal government will indeed return to Bunkerville, it will likely be with the orchestrated support of many Americans who have, or will have, fallen victim to the tactics of the enemies of freedom. Many have already acquiesced to the false narrative that demonizes not just Cliven Bundy, but those who actively support him in deeds and words. Despite their perceived intellectual prowess, they have either fallen for the lie, or worse, have already chosen their side.

It is with this spirit that I felt heartfelt sadness as I read and heard the words of self-proclaimed patriots and lovers of freedom such as Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media and Glenn Beck who, in this author’s opinion only, seem to be fueling the propaganda war by attacking those who are putting it all on the line for what is right and proper.

It is with great concern for every freedom loving patriot that I find myself questioning the true motives behind their Alinsky-style tactics of diverting the issue and marginalizing those who refuse to compromise our rights and freedoms that appear to be employed in this covert propaganda war. It is their ad hominem attacks against other fellow patriots, and their attempts to deceptively mischaracterize these messengers of freedom. Their shameful tactics are as transparent as those of the captured media speaking on behalf of the oppressors.

Will future historians write about Beck, Kincaid and others who appear to be turning against the very objectives they proclaim to promote much like what has been written about Benedict Arnold? Amid the white noise of diversion and orchestrated attempts to divide and conquer, I believe we must choose a side, right here and right now. We must choose the side of truth and righteousness, and shun those who want us to devolve into divisiveness and mire us in attacking our fellow patriots.

As we near an event, or events not of our choosing that will likely forever change the course of American history and the future of our families, our children and all future generations, the side we ultimately support will forever be recorded in the annals of history. It will determine whether our ancestors will visit our graves with deserved admiration or equally earned contempt.

It’s time to choose our side, not just for this battle, this war against our freedoms and the future of our country, but for the sake of the future generations.
It is up to you whether your ancestors will walk across your gave without reverence to that of another who had the will, the courage, and the integrity to stand up for truth and the preservation of the rights bestowed upon us by Almighty God.

Choose now, or accept the future you have so rightly earned and deserved.

People who believe in the sanctity of life

Please forward this to as many of your contacts that you can and ask them to support this cause and to forward it to their contacts as well.

Thanks for your support

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

John Kerry, Barack Obama

John Kerry, Barack Obama

Men for no seasons

By Sarge

John Kerry, a man for no seasons, has slid to a reality Global Warming is occasionally endured because political seasons change and not because of some nefarious right-wing conspiracy. Kerry is Secretary of State. He’s not very good at the job. He’s certainly no better at this job than he was at being a United States Senator. He is good at politics, which doesn’t require you be good at the job; merely that you appear to be good at the job.

The seasonal change is recognizable as the world frosts over from his latest gaffe.

Saying John Kerry is a statesman is akin to saying a donkey is a thoroughbred. The appearance from a distance, and through the haze and fog of political-speak and double talk causes people to accept what they’re told as gospel. Well, now they say there’s a gospel according to Judas and that upsets some people. As Kerry degraded and spoke badly of his fellows after leaving Vietnam, he’s showing his incompetence and lack of skills he has for the job and doesn’t need anybody to Swift-boathim. He’s shot himself in the foot again and the bullet’s traveled through the hull of our ship of state.

Old Johnny Boy said if Israel doesn’t agree to make peace soon, it could become “an apartheid state”. You know; like the South Africa once was. Jewish leaders are smoking hot over the comparison to a national policy found to be reprehensible by most of the free world. But, such is the world-based political acumen of a man selected for the job by another man no more qualified to navigate the politically intriguing waters of international relations.

Since Obama came to power, Israel has noted there’s a very poor performance factor exhibited by Obama and his flat-footed lackey Kerry. Obama can’t say anything while standing on foreign soil lest it be denigrating, insulting and offensive to America and her people. It’s become apparent Obama’s education in that Indonesian madrasa had a telling effect on his world-view.

And it sure as hell wasn’t a good one.

Obama and Kerry are weevils crawling out of Karl Marx’s beard.It’s amazing how they claim they believe in America but work so hard to drag her through the mud at every opportunity.
Kerry, as the highest level representative of the United States, has accomplished something we thought we’d never see: a Secretary of States more incompetent than Hilary Rodham Clinton. She screwed the pooch in Benghazi. Kerry is raping Israel; regularly. He’s doing this by demanding Israel give up more than they can hope to survive without. Israel has bent over backwards in many cases by releasing men and women held prisoner after committing horrendous terrorist acts and gotten no more for it than to be attacked by recidivist homicidal maniacs launching rockets and blowing up innocents in the marketplaces of their nation and the world. Kerry believes Hamas MUST be catered to in negotiations. Israel says shove it; it isn’t happening!

Kerry and his madrasa-taught Imam consistently denigrate Israel and America by misspeaking, inappropriately speaking and not having the good sense to stop speaking when they know better than to NOT pander to our competitors and enemies on the world stage. It’s obvious neither one of these two clowns has the ability to mask their true intent which is to weaken America in the eyes of the world.

And they’re too stupid to understand some of us are watching and speaking out about it. Obama and Kerry want a place in history. But, in that history book it’s possible to see the yin and yang of any historical act. It is true history is written by the victor, but it’s in the oral histories of any people beset upon we find myths exposed and greater truths understood. We can hear and see the truths concealed in artifice. We can see the truths accepted on faith in those who wouldn’t lie to us, but merely report the facts.

We’re moving back to that point with each stupid, tangle-tongued, insensitivepolicy statement issued by these two bungling, unskilled, hopelessly ineffectual clowns working overtime to determine which of them is least likely to save America.

There’s a circus where a clown is propelled head-first into a horse’s hind end. It’s hilarious. But we’re still waiting to see which of these two clowns pulls his head out: will it be Obama or Kerry?

Or will they just keep it stuck there so they don’t have to see what they’ve done to the greatest nation on

tax code

All roads of economic despair in this country lead back to the current tax code

Axe the tax code

By Herman Cain

If someone on this planet can come up with an improved axe, which they did, then why can’t we put an axe to our current tax code and replace it?

Answer! Career politicians and career bureaucrats consider it a radical idea.

The political class and the various federal agencies have a vested interest in keeping the current tax code. It’s a tool to control and intimidate the working class and dole out favors to their political friends. It’s also job security for IRS employees and career lobbyists.

I even had someone ask me, “What would all those IRS employees (over 100,000) do if we replaced the tax code and eliminated the IRS?” Holding back the laughter. I said that since they were capable enough to get a job working for the IRS, they are certainly capable enough to find another more productive job. Besides, that’s worrying about the wrong problem.

The last thing the political class wants to do is to give people more freedom over how they keep and spend their money. Most presidents have not led the charge to replace the tax code because their career staffers and political friends advise them not to propose such a radical idea. They say it’s politically impossible.

Therein lies the biggest barrier to solving a 101-year old problem. It’s not about the people. It’s about the politics.

This nation has a flood of good ideas for how to solve national policy issues, but they disappear once they encounter the mainstream media cutting board, and become little bits and pieces in the very crowded national narrative. They get washed away and forgotten before the next election.

MSM selectively reports the news

There is more than enough overwhelming evidence that the MSM selectively reports the news.  Understandably, they do so because there is so much stuff to report, and they are constantly looking for the big shocking story of the day. When there is no big story, they selectively tell people what they want them to believe by not telling the whole story. That’s not journalism. That’s dishonest.

If it were not for alternative media such as cable news and trustworthy Internet websites, we would all be wandering in the deceptive news wilderness. And no, Moses has not returned yet to lead us to the promised land of journalistic truth.

Big example! In the first three months of 2014, the three legacy MSM TV networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) reported on the problems with ObamaCare for only 31 minutes of air time combined! Their focus was not on the problems that millions of people were experiencing, but on the number of people signing up just as the administration had wanted them to focus on, despite the problems with the “never ready” health care exchanges.

I don’t give a rat’s-you-know-what about the number of people signing up! I care about the number of people losing their health insurance and the number of people who can no longer afford health insurance because of ObamaCare. The administration claims they do not have that information, which means they know, but don’t want to tell the general public. After all, this is the digital age of quick and readily accessible information of all types, but maybe the federal bureaucrats didn’t get the memo.

This is why most people don’t understand how important and viable it is to throw out the tax code in its entirety and replace it with a new one that simplifies the process and returns power back to the people. The idea is treated by the MSM like it’s implausible and ridiculous, because the MSM follows the lead of the political class.

The MSM’s viewing audience is about 50 percent of those who at least try to keep up with the news. This means that those people are getting slanted news, and not the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say. People who are depending on alternative media are finding the rest of the story, and sometimes getting the stories that are not being reported at all, and are connecting the dots for the truth.

November 2014 is a critical election for the soul and future of our country. But I have yet to hear any person running for federal office say the wordsreplace the federal tax code, and be willing to fight for making it happen.

All roads of economic despair in this country lead back to the current tax code.

We must reject the rhetoric of reform and simplifythe tax code. That’s political establishment code for status quo. What part of replacing don’t they understand?

They understand it. They would just rather keep the old pile of wood.

People who believe in the sanctity of life

Please forward this to as many of your contacts that you can and ask them to support this cause and to forward it to their contacts as well.

Thanks for your support
We will have to keep chopping away until we have a leader with the courage to lead.

Will You Be a Rebel, Revolutionary or a Slave?

A war against the American citizenry; America is a pressure cooker with no steam valve, and things are about to blow

The Bundy Paradigm: Will You Be a Rebel, Revolutionary or a Slave?

By John W. Whitehead

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.—John F. Kennedy

Those tempted to write off the standoff at the Bundy Ranch as little more than a show of force by militia-minded citizens would do well to reconsider their easy dismissal of this brewing rebellion. This goes far beyond concerns about grazing rights or the tension between the state and the federal government.

Few conflicts are ever black and white, and the Bundy situation, with its abundance of gray areas, is no exception. Yet the question is not whether Cliven Bundy and his supporters are domestic terrorists, as Harry Reid claims, or patriots, or something in between. Nor is it a question of whether the Nevada rancher is illegally grazing his cattle on federal land or whether that land should rightfully belong to the government. Nor is it even a question of who’s winning the showdown— the government with its arsenal of SWAT teams, firepower and assault vehicles, or Bundy’s militia supporters with their assortment of weapons—because if such altercations end in bloodshed, everyone loses.

What we’re really faced with, and what we’ll see more of before long, is a growing dissatisfaction with the government and its heavy-handed tactics by people who are tired of being used and abused and are ready to say “enough is enough.” And it won’t matter what the issue is—whether it’s a rancher standing his ground over grazing rights, a minister jailed for holding a Bible study in his own home, or a community outraged over police shootings of unarmed citizens—these are the building blocks of a political powder keg. Now all that remains is a spark, and it need not be a very big one, to set the whole powder keg aflame.

As shown in the book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State,
there’s a subtext to this incident that must not be ignored, and it is simply this: America is a pressure cooker with no steam valve, and things are about to blow. This is what happens when a parasitical government muzzles the citizenry, fences them in, herds them, brands them, whips them into submission, forces them to ante up the sweat of their brows while giving them little in return, and then provides them with little to no outlet for voicing their discontent.

The government has been anticipating and preparing for such an uprising for years. For example, in 2008, a U.S. Army War College report warned that the military must be prepared for aviolent, strategic dislocation inside the United States, which could be provoked by unforeseen economic collapse,” “purposeful domestic resistance,” “pervasive public health emergencies” or loss of functioning political and legal order—all related to dissent and protests over America’s economic and political disarray. Consequently, predicted the report, thewidespread civil violence would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.

One year later, in 2009, the Department of Homeland Security under President Obama issued its infamous reports on Rightwing and Leftwing “Extremism.” According to these reports, an extremist is defined as anyone who subscribes to a particular political viewpoint. Rightwing extremists, for example, are broadly defined in the report as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”

Despite no specific information that domestic rightwing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence,” the DHS listed a number of scenarios that could arise as a result of so-called rightwing extremists playing on the public’s fears and discontent over various issues, including the economic downturn, real estate foreclosures and unemployment.

Equally disconcerting, the reports use the words “terrorist” and “extremist” interchangeably. In other words, voicing what the government would consider to be extremist viewpoints is tantamount to being a terrorist. Under such a definition, I could very well be considered a terrorist. So too could John Lennon, Martin Luther King Jr., Roger Baldwin (founder of the ACLU), Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson 

and Samuel Adams—all of these men protested and passionately spoke out against government practices with which they disagreed and would be prime targets under this document.

The document also took pains to describe the political views of those who would qualify as being a rightwing extremist. For example, you are labeled a rightwing extremist if you voice concerns about a myriad of issues including: policy changes under President Obama; the economic downturn and home foreclosures; the loss of U.S. jobs in manufacturing and construction sectors; and social issues such as abortion, interracial crimes and immigration. DHS also issued a red-flag warning against anyone who promotes conspiracy theories involving declarations of martial law, impending civil strife or racial conflict, suspension of the U.S. Constitution, and the creation of citizen detention camps.

Fast forward five years, with all that has transpired, from the Occupy Protests and the targeting of military veterans to domestic surveillance, especially of activist-oriented groups and now, most recently, the Bundy Ranch showdown, and it would seem clear that the government has not veered one iota from its original playbook. Indeed, the government’s full-blown campaign of surveillance of Americans’ internet activity, phone calls, etc., makes complete sense in hindsight.

All that we have been subjected to in recent years—living under the shadow of NSA spying; motorists strip searched and anally probed on the side of the road; innocent Americans spied upon while going about their daily business in schools and stores; homeowners having their doors kicked in by militarized SWAT teams serving routine warrants—illustrates how the government deals with people it views as potential “extremists”: with heavy-handed tactics designed to intimidate the populace into submission and discourage anyone from stepping out of line or challenging the status quo.

It’s not just the Cliven Bundys of the world who are being dealt with in this manner. Don Miller, a 91-year-old antiques collector, recently had his Indiana home raided by the FBI, ostensibly because it might be in the nation’s best interest if the rare and valuable antiques and artifacts Miller had collected over the course of 80 years were cared for by the government. Such tactics carried out by anyone other than the government would be considered grand larceny, and yet the government gets a free pass.

In the same way, the government insists it can carry out all manner of surveillance on us—listen in on our phone calls, read our emails and text messages, track our movements, photograph our license plates, even enter our biometric information into DNA databases—but those who dare to return the favor, even a little, by filming potential police misconduct, get roughed up by the police, arrested, charged with violating various and sundry crimes.

When law enforcement officialsnot just the police, but every agent of the government entrusted with enforcing laws, from the president on down—are allowed to discard the law when convenient, and the only ones having to obey the law are the citizenry and not the enforcers, then the law becomes only a tool to punish us, rather than binding and controlling the government, as it was intended.

philosopher Abraham Kaplan

This phenomenon is what philosopher Abraham Kaplan referred to as the law of the instrument, which essentially says that to a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In the scenario that has been playing out in recent years, we the citizenry have become the nails to be hammered by the government’s henchmen, a.k.a. its guns for hire, a.k.a. its standing army, a.k.a. the nation’s law enforcement agencies.

Indeed, there can no longer be any doubt that militarized police officers, the end product of the government—federal, local and state—and law enforcement agencies having merged, have become a standing or permanent army, composed of full-time professional soldiers who do not disband. Yet these permanent armies are exactly what those who drafted the U.S. Constitution feared as tools used by despotic governments to wage war against its citizens.

That is exactly what we are witnessing today: a war against the American citizenry. Is it any wonder then that Americans are starting to resist?

More and more, Americans are tired, frustrated, anxious, and worried about the state of their country. They are afraid of an increasingly violent and oppressive federal government, and they are worried about the economic insecurity which still grips the nation. And they’re growing increasingly sick of being treated like suspects and criminals. As former law professor John Baker, who has studied the growing problem of over criminalization, noted, There is no one in the United States over the age of 18 who cannot be indicted for some federal crime. That is not an exaggeration.

To make matters worse, a recent scientific study by Princeton researchers confirms that the United States of America is not the democracy that is purports to be, but rather an oligarchy, in whicheconomic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy. As PolicyMic explains, An oligarchy is a system where power is effectively wielded by a small number of individuals defined by their status called oligarchs. Members of the oligarchy are the rich, the well connected and the politically powerful, as well as particularly well placed individuals in institutions like banking and finance or the military… In other words, their statistics say your opinion literally does not matter.

So if average Americans, having largely lost all of the conventional markers of influencing government, whether through elections, petition, or protest, have no way to impact their government, no way to be heard, no assurance that their concerns are truly being represented and their government is oneby the people, of the people, and for the people, as opposed to being engineered expressly for the benefit of the wealthy elite, then where does that leave them?

To some, the choice is clear. As psychologist Erich Fromm recognized in his insightful book, On Disobedience: If a man can only obey and not disobey, he is a slave; if he can only disobey and not obey, he is a rebel (not a revolutionary). He acts out of anger, disappointment, resentment, yet not in the name of a conviction or a principle.

Unfortunately, the intrepid, revolutionary American spirit that stood up to the British, blazed paths to the western territories, and prevailed despite a civil war, multiple world wars, and various economic depressions have taken quite a beating in recent years. Nevertheless, the time is coming when each American will have to decide: will you be a slave, rebel or revolutionary?