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Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Big Blackout: Why I’m Going Low-Tech

The Big Blackout: Why I’m Going Low-Tech to Prep for an EMP

This might be stating the obvious, but in the event of an EMP, things will not be the same, no matter how great your generator is.

Aaron Dykes of Truthstream Media wrote an excellent article about the extreme likelihood of a catastrophic event that could take out our power grid:

Billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer is warning investors – and more broadly, lawmakers and leaders – about the potential destructive power of an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, which could be triggered by solar events or artificially, via blasts in the atmosphere.

According to Singer, research shows that no other incident, including a nuclear bomb, has the potential for such wide-scale devastation, coupled with the relative likelihood of occurring. While a nuke would primarily impact on the location of a such (such a city), an EMP could occur globally or across large-scale regions, wreaking havoc on the entire electric grid and devices…

…Government agencies, such as NASA and Homeland Security, have taken some preliminary steps towards preparing for an EMP attack – regardless of the potential for natural of man made causes – but the public at large remains cripplingly unaware of the dangers present to modern life, and its reliance on all things electronic, digital and, thus, transient. (Check out the rest of this MUST-READ article HERE)

We’ve all read many articles about the likelihood of grid failure. We’ve been warned again and again that it isn’t a matter of if, but when, it happens.

Because of this, a lot of people are preparing for a very different future.  Folks are getting ready for the Big Blackout. The thing is, I am not sure everyone is thinking this through. Many people are spending buckets of money on preparations to try to keep their lives as similar as possible to how they are today. They’re investing in diesel generators and Faraday cages to protect their electronics. They are buying propane-fueled appliances.  They’re stashing away fuel to run these gadgets.

Generators are not a practical investment for EMP preparation.

The problem with that method of preparation is, the fuel-generated lifestyle will only last for as long as you have…well…fuel.

Very few of us have enough storage space or the proper facilities to store 5 years worth of fuel.  If the power grid goes down in a catastrophic way, it’s going to take at least 5 years to get things up and running again, and that’s assuming things ever get up and running again in the way they are now.

That means that people are spending thousands of dollars investing in items that will only sustain their lifestyles for a brief period of time.  Generators are not a long term solution unless you have renewable power. (More on that later). While a generator would be a blessing in a short-term emergency (think a week-long power outage due to a storm), for a permanent way of life they are completely impractical.

Furthermore, in the event of an EMP strike, if your generator is not protected, it may not work no matter how much fuel you have stored.

Maybe the fact that I’m not rolling in money is the reason I feel this way. Maybe people with lots of money to spare have ideas about how to keep their generators running forever. But for my personal situation, this is a preparation strategy that is completely impractical.

A low-tech lifestyle is the best way to prep for grid-down survival.

If money is an object in your preparedness endeavors, (and let’s face it, money is an object for most of us these days), then focus your dollars on preps that are sustainable without electrical power.
Instead of trying to live the exact same life you are living right now, only fueled by an individual generator, look for low-tech solutions instead.  This reminds me of people who stop eating gluten but still want to eat exactly like they have been eating their entire lives, only now with expensive gluten-free baked goods that cost 4 times the price of their wheat-filled counterparts. When things change dramatically, accept the change and adapt to it, instead of trying to maintain the illusion that everything is the same.

Whether you can get power from an outlet in the wall or not, the necessities of day-to-day life will remain the same:


Shelter and Warmth


Sanitation and Hygiene


The ultimate preparedness goal should be to provide those necessities without any help from the power grid, generators, or fossil fuel.

When my youngest daughter and I lived in the North Woods of Canada, we lost power frequently throughout the year. Lots of folks in the area had generators that they would fire up when the power went out, and that was a viable solution, since gas stations were available and fuel was pretty much unlimited as long as you could afford to go get it. We were on a tight budget, however, and we adapted our situation to live without power during those outages. After the first couple of outages, we had worked out most of the bugs and we even began to look forward to our time without power – it was like a little vacation from the regular workday. As plugged in as our society is, power is not actually a necessity – it’s a luxury, and we can live without it as long as we are adaptable, creative, willing, and prepared.

Let’s look at some specific examples of low-tech ways to take care of our necessities. These ideas are just food for thought, based on my own preparedness plan – they may not be the solutions that will work best for you, but the goal here is to brainstorm your own situation and figure out how to live your life low-tech if the need occurs.

Off-grid Water

If you haven’t located water sources near your home,  it’s time to break out the topographical maps of your area and find them!  A low-tech water plan might include some or all of the following:

A manual pump for your well:

Buckets and wheelbarrows for hauling water from a nearby source

Rain barrels for water harvesting (THIS is an inexpensive option with mixed reviews)

A gravity-fed water filtration system (we have THIS ONE)

A water dispenser for convenient access to filtered water (Be sure to get one with the bottle on top so that it can be operated without electricity, and not one that uses an electric pump to pull the water up from the bottom)

Storage units for water such as cisterns or tanks

Portable water filter bottles for safe water when you are away from home (we have THIS ONE)

Off-grid Shelter and Warmth

Homes these days aren’t built to function without a connection to the power grid.  If you aren’t fortunate enough to live in an older home that was designed for off-grid living, look at some ways to take your home back a century or so. A secondary heating system is vital in most climates.

An antique oil heater can use lots of different oils and requires little effort for installation (THIS SITE is loaded with information about Perfection oil heaters)

Have a woodstove installed

Clean your chimney and get your fireplace working

Set up an outdoor fireplace with large rocks to bring inside for radiant heat (this won’t get you super warm but it’s better than nothing)

Have a good supply of blankets, warm clothes, and cold-rated sleeping bags

Learn techniques to stay warm with less heat

Off-grid Food

Not only do you need access to food, but you also need a way to cook it and a way to keep your refrigerated and frozen items from spoiling.

Grow a garden and save your seeds:

Have a greenhouse or extend your growing season with cold frames and hoop houses

Have a well-stocked pantry

Have supplies for off-grid canning (Jars, lids, outdoor burner) - and learn how to can without a kitchen

Learn ways to get by without refrigeration

Outdoor cooking methods – THIS STOVE can be used with 3 different types of fuel

If you’re anything like me, have a French Press for off-grid coffee!

Make a solar cooker – learn how HERE:

Off-grid Sanitation and Hygiene

How will you keep clean and deal with human waste in the event of a long-term emergency?

If you are on a septic system, store water for flushing and have a collection system to save your used water in the future

If you are not on a septic system, devise a plan and get supplies for an outhouse or cathole

Learn how to do your laundry off-grid (I use a janitor’s bucket LIKE THIS for wringing out clothes – get the best quality you can afford – the cheap plastic ones will break when you use them for laundry)

Learn how to make your own cleaning products

Off-grid Lighting

The world is a scary place when it’s dark, and most of us have forgotten how dark TRUE dark really is, due to light pollution and the proximity of neighbors. Here are some lighting solutions for an off grid world:

Solar garden lights – store them outside to be charged during the day and bring them in and put them in vases where they’re needed at night

Oil lamps – you can recycle used cooking oil or use rendered fat to power these – they give a brighter light and can be used for reading and close-work (Learn more HERE)

Candles – stock them and learn to make them

Solar powered flashlights

Renewable power is practical power.

One exception to my no-generators rule is renewable power. If you can afford a solar set up for your home, then very little would change about your day-to-day life, aside from you being one of the few people with power.  You don’t have to go totally solar to have power for a few important items. Assuming you have electronics in working order, they can be powered with solar, wind, or water.

Most of us can’t afford an entire set up but these are some options to consider:

Build a DIY portable solar recharging station – learn how to make it HERE,

Solar-powered systems for specific items – learn more HERE,

Use wind power – learn more HERE,

Use water power – learn more HERE,

What will you do when the electrical power goes out?

Do you have plans in place for a long-term (or permanent) power outage?  Are you planning to use generators and maintain your current lifestyle, or are you planning to go low-tech? Share your opinions and some of your cost-effective ideas in the comments!

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, where this first appeared, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at

Daisy Luther
Activist Post

FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.

Scientist Warns 'Solar Super-Storms' Are Inevitable and a Significant Threat

Scientist Warns 'Solar Super-Storms' Are Inevitable and a Significant Threat

Solar flare NASA gif
In this month's issue of Physics World, Ashley Dale from the University of Bristol warns of the "catastrophic" and "long-lasting" impacts of "solar super-storms" and the dangers we face if the threat continues to go unnoticed.

Dale, who was a member of an international task force – dubbed SolarMAX – set up to identify the risks of a solar storm and how its impact could be minimized, explains how it is only a matter of time before an exceptionally violent solar storm is propelled towards Earth. Such a storm would wreak havoc with our communication systems and power supplies, crippling vital services such as transport, sanitation and medicine.

"Without power, people would struggle to fuel their cars at petrol stations, get money from cash dispensers or pay online. Water and sewage systems would be affected too, meaning that health epidemics in urbanized areas would quickly take a grip, with diseases we thought we had left behind centuries ago soon returning," Dale writes.

Solar storms are caused by violent eruptions on the surface of the Sun and are accompanied by coronal mass ejections (CME). CMEs are the most energetic events in our solar system and involve huge bubbles of plasma and magnetic fields being spewed from the Sun's surface into space.

CMEs are often preceded by a solar flare – a massive release of energy from the Sun in the form of gamma rays, X-rays, protons and electrons.

A solar super-storm occurs when a CME of sufficient magnitude tears into the Earth's surrounding magnetic field and rips it apart. Such an event would induce huge surges of electrical currents in the ground and in overhead transmission lines, causing widespread power outages and severely damaging critical electrical components.

The largest ever solar super-storm on record occurred in 1859 and is known as the Carrington Event, named after the English astronomer Richard Carrington who spotted the preceding solar flare.

This massive CME released about 1022 kJ of energy – the equivalent to 10 billion Hiroshima bombs exploding at the same time – and hurled around a trillion kilograms of charged particles towards the Earth at speeds of up to 3000 km/s. Its impact on the human population, though, was relatively benign as our electronic infrastructure at the time amounted to no more than about 200 000 km of telegraph lines.

Dale makes it clear that these types of events are not just a threat, but inevitable. Indeed, NASA scientists have predicted that the Earth is in the path of a Carrington-level event every 150 years on average – which means that we are currently five years overdue – and that the likelihood of one occurring in the next decade is as high as 12%.

The 40-strong international team of scientists from SolarMAX gathered at the International Space University in Strasbourg, France, last year to identify the best ways of limiting the potential damage of a solar super-storm.

A sub-group of scientists concluded that advanced space-weather forecasting is the best solution, which could be achieved by sending an array of 16 lunchbox-sized cube satellites into orbit around the Sun. This network could give around a week's notice of where, when and with what magnitude solar storms will take place, providing adequate time to switch off vulnerable power lines, re-orientate satellites, ground planes and begin national recovery programmes.

Dale's own solution is to design spacecraft and satellites so that the sensitive, on-board instruments are better protected again sudden increases in radiation from solar storms. He suggests redistributing the existing internal architecture of a craft so that sensitive payloads are surrounded by non-sensitive bulk material such as polyethylene, aluminium and water.

"As a species, we have never been more vulnerable to the volatile mood of our nearest star, but it is well within our ability, skill and expertise as humans to protect ourselves," Dale concludes.

Check and Mate

Europe committed suicide in two fratricidal world wars. We have allowed hubris abroad and greed at home to lead us down the same path.
Check and Mate

By Dr. Robert R. Owens

According to Zach Taylor an outspoken former Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent who is the chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, “As the government allocates resources to South Texas, it is systematically leaving areas within the U.S., as well as vast swaths of land along the border, unguarded.”  Taylor continues, “This gives people that are trying to get their infrastructure, their personnel, their drugs, their dirty bombs, their biological weapons, their chemical weapons into the United States without being noticed” the opportunity to do so, “because this part of the border is open, it is not being controlled.”

Taylor also said, If asymmetrical warfare is going to be successful, the first thing that has to be done is to compromise America’s defenses against invasion because they have to have their personnel inside the United States to affect the infrastructure… they have to affect the degeneration from inside the United States.

By constantly focusing on the 10% that is apprehended, and by consistently referring to the 1%who are immigrant minors, the government and their media fellow-travelers draw the attention of most Americans away from the hundreds of thousands who evade capture.  No one knows how many of these people are gang members.  It is known that in Central America children as young as ten join these gangs and that the initiation for many is committing murder.  These are the poor but not innocent children who may be in a classroom with your own sons and daughters come September.

According to a June press release Taylor elaborated, “This is not a humanitarian crisis.  It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor Illegal Alien children at risk for purely political purposes. Certainly, we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to America without the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States Government.”

Former Agent Taylor asked this pregnant question, Will this heartless criminal exploitation of Central American infants and children finally awaken Americans to the ruse being foisted upon them by their government, the media and other interested parties, or has America lost her ability to stand up against the tyrants and do what is right rather than what is easy? 

Perhaps the most chilling thing Taylor had to say was, “It is a perfect military strategy. It doesn’t raise any eyebrows because we’re focused on the children, but we need to focus on our children, because this is asymmetrical warfare. Everything says it is. And the way the United States government is responding to it is concealing that fact from the American people.  In other words they’re assisting in the downfall of America, and you need to understand that.”

What is the real scope of this invasion?  According to Dan Patrick a Texas State Senator, “Every week, week after week, we’ve been averaging for the last year apprehending between six and ten thousand people a week.  If we apprehend eight or nine thousand a week, that’s more people than are born in Texas each week.” The Senator continued, “Now, we think we catch one out of every five. That means twenty five or thirty thousand are crossing the border, that we don’t catch.  Don’t focus on the numbers that are apprehended, that’s the ones we catch.”

Ronald Colburn, former national deputy chief of the U.S. Border Patrol says, “According to my sources, it appears that this administration is causing that [bottleneck] on purpose.  So they [the Obama administration] may be saying they’re trying to resolve it, but they’re doing something different. They need to put their actions where their mouths are.”

According to a Pew Research study, “Even though the growth is higher among younger children, the bulk of unaccompanied children caught at the border remain teenagers. In fiscal year 2013, nine-in-ten minors apprehended at the border were teens. This share has dropped as the number of younger children making the dangerous trip has risen dramatically: In the first eight months of fiscal year 2014, 84% were teens.”

We are told every day all day by the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media and the cable clones that this is an emergency.  Or as they say it, “THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!”  Yet according to the Congressional Budget Office only $25 million out of the $4.3 billion request will be spent this year.  The CBO score conflicts with the argument of Democrats and Obama administration officials, that the money is urgently needed for border activities.  We are portrayed as heartless, as merely wanting to protect our own privilege while consigning the children to lives of hopeless poverty.  However, the fact is that according to Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) the Senate Budget Committee’s ranking member, “Between 2000 and 2013, we lawfully issued almost 30 million work and immigrant visas. To put that number in perspective, 30 million is about the population of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala combined.”

I believe it is time that those of us who believe in a traditional America and its values of limited government, personal liberty and economic freedom are honest with ourselves.  For the past 100 years when you compare the long game of the Progressives with the rest of us; we have been playing checkers and they have been playing chess.  Not only have they kept their end goals always in view through victory and defeat they have successfully captured education and media programming generations of people to if not think like them to at least accept the soundness of their premise: government can be all things to all people.  In this game of chess that we never realized we were playing, the current invasion, plotted and planned well in advance, may well be check and checkmate.  How can we ever recover from an influx of millions of new progressive supporters and voters shipped around the country to the districts needed to sway elections?  How are we ever going to come back from this?

Abraham Lincoln told us, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Europe committed suicide in two fratricidal world wars.  We have allowed hubris abroad and greed at home to lead us down the same path.  By establishing a world-girdling empire of nation building money pits and a centrally planned redistributionist attempt at utopia at home we have stifled freedom and killed the golden goose.  Now the preplanned crisis in the south is delivering the plurality of low information voters to seal the deal.

Finally, a plan by the Obama Administration to save the children from the train of death, pick them up in their home countries and fly the directly to the districts where democratic voters are most needed.  As far as political theater this comes under the Youve got to be kidding me category.  And as a bonus once the children are here we will need to bring their parents along to help preserve the family.  And now the undocumented democrats are demanding representation at any White House meetings designed to determine their fate.  They plan to protest in front of the White House until their demands are met with no fear of arrest.  Has Monty Python taken over this country?  How can living in the shadows include public demonstrations and representation in the government?

We cry about the people who have broken all the rules of our checker game while they move our pawns to the welfare line, our knights to the unemployment line, our rooks our bishops and our queen to the sidelines, and our king to the deadline.  Check and mate.

Voices of the Silenced Majority

Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance... it is the illusion of knowledge. A thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current and historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unlike any other film ever produced on the conflict - Occupation 101 presents a comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths surrounding the never ending controversy and dispels many of its long-perceived myths and misconceptions.
The film also details life under Israeli military rule, the role of the United States in the conflict, and the major obstacles that stand in the way of a lasting and viable peace. The roots of the conflict are explained through first-hand on-the-ground experiences from leading Middle East scholars, peace activists, journalists, religious leaders and humanitarian workers whose voices have too often been suppressed in American media outlets.
The film covers a wide range of topics - which include - the first wave of Jewish immigration from Europe in the 1880's, the 1920 tensions, the 1948 war, the 1967 war, the first Intifada of 1987, the Oslo Peace Process, Settlement expansion, the role of the United States Government, the second Intifada of 2000, the separation barrier and the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, as well as many heart wrenching testimonials from victims of this tragedy.

While society has evolved constantly over the last several centuries, few distinct patterns have remained in tact. People must look to these patterns in search of an understanding as to why the world is the way it is, or was the way it was. The idea of the Ritual of Consensus, primarily discussed by Sacvan Bercovitch in his “Rites of Assent,” is a pattern of societal behavior that has been at the root of history for centuries.
Rituals of consensus can be traced ages back to the Puritan’s, as depicted by Miller and Hawthorne. On the inside, the consensus is a certain manner of living, speaking, even thinking. The consensus provides a protection for its inhabitants, from the harsh, cold reality on the outside. In the case of the Salem Witches, those willing to face Witchcraft and support the consensus remained safe, while the rest met their demise.
While the Salem Witch Trials were a period of antiquated, fanatical belief, the ritual of consensus present within them is composed of the same skeleton as the concrete, ever-threatening issues of today’s world. A great example of this is characterized by the Patriot Act, passed post-9/11 to secure the US from internal terrorism. This act empowers the United States government to build firm walls of consensus, providing arbitrary power of search and seizure of suspected terrorists. This has caused an issue similar to that of 1692 Salem. People are giving up what they believe in, to build the walls of the consensus even higher, fearing that if they do not, they will be left outside it.

Even more recently, Americans see the walls of the consensus growing even more in recent years. The Military Commissions Act, passed to give the government power to freely try and obtain evidence against terrorists in military trials, forces Americans to throw out their common beliefs in order to cooperate with the government. This causes American Citizens and detainees to throw out their rights to Habeas Corpus and to deny the Bill of Rights in order to comply with the government’s desires. The leaders of the consensus, namely, the government have instilled a fear in the people, that if they do not join the consensus, they will be left outside of it. Americans are lulled into a sense of security by supporting acts such as these when in reality they are only hurting themselves by denying their own principles.

The Ritual of Consensus is ever revolving, spitting out old ideals and accepting new ones. The people who truly understand this ritual essentially form a tyranny, as the United States government is doing today. Because of this Tyranny, “American Voices” become shunned and the ideas of a select few become the actions of a nation.


This congressman has tried to warn the nation about the coming threat.

This congressman has tried to warn the nation about the coming threat.

The threats posed by a nuclear meltdown are catastrophic. What if the United States was facing 124 nuclear meltdowns, similar in scope to the meltdown at Fukushima, all at the same time?

Lessons Learned From Fukushima

Most aware Americans are cognizant of the fact that because of Fukushima, the fish of the earth are becoming inedible and the ocean currents as well as the prevailing ocean winds are carrying deadly radiation and the net effect is a lowering of life expectancy over the next generation. Additionally, the radioactivity has made its way into the transpiration cycle which means that crops are being dowsed with deadly radiation. The radiation has undoubtedly made its way into the water table in many areas and impacts every aspect of the food supply. One mere nuclear power plant meltdown has threatened the stability of the planet in so many ways. However, this article is not about the devastation of just one nuclear power plant failure at Fukushima, instead, this article focuses on the fact that the results from just ONE “successful false flag event, could launch North America into a doomsday scenario of having 124 Fukushima events occurring at the same time!

All that would have to happen for this nightmare to become a reality is a take down of the electrical grid presumably through the use of an EMP attack upon the power grid.

Do you know what the greatest threat posed to America with regard to an EMP attack would be? The facts behind the answer to this question will be addressed later in this article. Unfortunately, the immediate answer to this question is that America, and perhaps the entire planet, would be facing an EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT.

Warnings From On High

Some top officials in government and in business have taken notice of the threat posed to America by an EMP attack. In January of 2013, and again in her August 2013  farewell address as the outgoing  Director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano made it clear that it was a matter of when, not if the grid was taken down by a “cyber 911″.

It is not a matter of "if" but "when".

It is not a matter of “if” but “when”.

Joining the former DHS director in her concerns about an impending EMP attack is billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer who has issued a very dire warning for investors in which he calls the threat of a widespread blackout from an electromagnetic surge the “most significant danger” in the world.” Singer wrote to clients of his $24.8 billion Elliott Management on this past Monday in a standard investment update letter. “Even horrendous nuclear war, except in its most extreme form, can [be] a relatively localized issue, and the threat from asteroids can (possibly) be mitigated.”

Why isn’t something, along the lines of the Paul Singer proclamation of the need to do something to harden the grid against an EMP attack, being done right now? After all, Singer doesn’t pull any punches when he says that an EMP attack upon our grid would likely be worse than an asteroid strike upon the earth or all-out nuclear war. Are Paul Singer and Janet Napolitano simply lone voices in the wilderness whose dire warnings have no basis in fact? Or, is there is something much more dire going on?

American Regulators Are Aware of the Threat

American regulators have long known that a power failure lasting for days involving the power grid connected to a nuclear plant, regardless of the cause, would most likely lead to a dangerous radioactive leak in at least several nuclear power plants. A complete loss of electrical power poses a major problem for nuclear power plants because the reactor core must be kept cool as well as the back-up cooling systems, all of which require massive amounts of power to work. Heretofore, all the NERC drills which test the readiness of a nuclear power plant are predicated on the notion that a blackout will only last 24 hours or less. Amazingly, this is the sum total of a NERC litmus test. How long was power out to New Orleans following Katrina or to New Jersey due to Sandy? What are the odds that  power blackout effects of an EMP attack would last under 24 hours?

Although we have the technology needed to harden and protect our grid from an EMP event, whether natural or man-made, we have failed to do so. The cost for protecting the entire grid is placed at about the cost for one B-1 Stealth Bomber. Yet, as a nation, we have done nothing. This is inexplicable and inexcusable and any aware American would be within their rights to question the motives of the people who are running NERC. In this case, the buck stops with President Obama as the executive head of this agency.
Our collective inaction against protecting the grid prompted Congressman Franks to write a scathing letter to the top officials of NERC. The Franks’ letter can be accessed at this link. However, the good Congressman failed to mention the most important aspect of this problem. The problem is entirely fixable and NERC and the U.S. government are leaving the American people and its infrastructure totally unprotected from a total meltdown of nuclear power plants as a result of a prolonged power failure.

The Unresolved Power Blackout Problem

According to Judy Haar, a recognized expert in nuclear plant failure analyses, when a nuclear power plant loses access to off-grid electricity, the event is referred to as a “station blackout”. Haar states that all of the  US nuclear power plants are built to withstand electrical outages without experiencing any core damage, through the activation of an automatic start up of emergency generators powered by diesel. Further, when emergency power kicks in, an automatic shutdown of the nuclear power plant commences. The dangerous control rods are dropped into the core, while water is pumped by the diesel power generators into the reactor to reduce the heat and thus, prevent a meltdown. Here is the catch in this process, the spent fuel rods are encased in both a primary and secondary containment structure which is designed to withstand a core meltdown. However, should the pumps stop because either the generators fail or diesel fuel is not available, the fuel rods are subsequently uncovered and a Fukushima type of core meltdown commences immediately.
A long-term loss of outside electrical power will most certainly interrupt the circulation of cooling water to the pools. One of my Palo Verde nuclear power plant sources informed me that there is no long term solution to a power blackout and that all bets are off if the blackout is due to an EMP attack. A more detailed analysis reveals that the spent fuel pools carry depleted fuel for the reactor. Normally, this spent fuel has had time to considerably decay and therefore, reducing radioactivity and heat. However, the newer discharged fuel still produces heat and needs cooling. Housed in high density storage racks, contained in buildings that vent directly into the atmosphere, radiation containment is not accounted for with regard to the spent fuel racks. In other words, there is no capture mechanism.

In this scenario, accompanied by a lengthy electrical outage, and with the emergency power waning due to either generator failure or a lack of diesel needed to power the generators, the plant could lose the ability to provide cooling. The water will subsequently heat up, boil away and uncover the spent fuel rods which required being covered in at least 25 feet of water to remain benign from any deleterious effects. Ultimately, this would lead to fires as well and the release of radioactivity into the atmosphere. This would be the beginning of another Fukushima event right here on American soil. Both my insider Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant source and Haar shared exactly the same scenario about how a meltdown would occur.

Subsequently, I have spoken with my friend and colleague, Roger Landry, who worked for Raytheon in various Department of Defense projects for 28 years, many of them in this arena and Roger also confirmed this information and that the above information is well known in the industry. When I examine Congressman Franks letter to NERC and I read between the lines, it is clear that Congressman Franks knows of this risk as well, he just stops short of specifically mentioning it in his letter.

The Questions That Are Not Being Asked

None of the NERC, or the Nuclear Regulatory tests of handling a prolonged blackout at a nuclear power plant have answered two critical questions, “What happens when these nuclear power plants run out of diesel fuel needed to run the generators”, and “What happens when some of these generators fail”? In the event of an EMP attack, can tanker trucks with diesel fuel get to all of the nuclear power plants in the US in time to re-fuel them before they stop running? Will tanker trucks even be running themselves in the aftermath of an EMP attack? And in the event of an EMP attack, it is not likely that any plant which runs low on fuel, or has a generator malfunction, will ever get any help to mitigate the crisis prior to a plethora of meltdowns occurring. Thus, every nuclear power plant in the country has the potential to cause a Chernobyl or Fukushima type accident if our country is hit by an EMP attack.

What if the reason for the blackout is an EMP burst caused by a high altitude nuclear blast and transportation comes to a standstill? In this instance, the cavalry is not coming. No replacements or repairs requiring spare parts technology will be implemented. Adding fuel to the fire lies in the fact that the power transformers presently take at least one year to replace. Today, there is a three year backlog on ordering because so many have been ordered by China. This makes one wonder what the Chinese are preparing for with these multiple orders for both transformers and generators. In short, our unpreparedness is a prescription for disaster. As a byproduct of my investigation, I have discovered that most, if not all, of the nuclear power plants are on known earthquake fault lines. All of California’s nuclear power plants are located on an earthquake fault line.


Can anyone tell me why would anyone in their right mind build a nuclear power plant on a fault line?

Can anyone tell me why any government official, in their right mind, would fail to harden our power grid against an EMP attack for a mere $2 billion dollars?

To see the depth of this threat the reader can visit an interactive, overlay map at this site which clearly demonstrates that nuclear power plants lie on earthquake fault lines.
For those who think the Georgia Guidestones are prophetic warnings of the depopulation intentions of the elite in which humanity is reduced to mere 500 million people from the current 7 billion, just gained a lot of traction for their “conspiratorial beliefs”.

In summary, I agree with Paul Singer in that this is the defining threat of our time and we are doing nothing about it  except to live in a state of denial and governmental inaction.

by Dave Hodges

Obama is using Israel as a lever to push Egypt back into the Islamist camp

Obama is using Israel as a lever to push Egypt back into the Islamist camp

Obama’s Gaza Game

While Israelis are fighting and dying, families huddling in bomb shelters and soldiers going off to face death, the men and women in suits and power suits moving through the great halls of diplomacy are using them as pawns in a larger game.

During the Cold War, Israel was a pawn in a larger struggle between the US and the USSR. Now it is back to being a counter in a larger game.

Israel’s function within the great halls of diplomacy was always as a lever on the Arab states. It was not an end, but a means of moving them one way or another. When the Arab states drifted into the Soviet orbit, the “Special Relationship” was born. The relationship accomplished its goal once Egypt was pried out of the Soviet orbit. It has lingered on because of the emotional and cultural ties of Israel and the US.

Now Obama is using Israel as a lever to push Egypt back into the Islamist camp. Egypt’s rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood broke the Arab Spring. Political Islam, which seemed to be on the ascendance, is back to being a freak show represented by terrorists and Turkey’s mad mustachioed dictator.

Egypt was where Obama went to begin the Arab Spring. Egypt is still his target. Israel is just the lever.

The reason Israel was never allowed to truly win any wars was because it was being used as a lever. By being a “good lever” during the Cold War, it could damage Egypt enough that the latter would come to the negotiating table overseen by the US and move back into the Western sphere of influence.

Israel couldn’t be allowed to win a big enough victory because then there would nothing to negotiate. Likewise, Israel wouldn’t be allowed to keep what it won because then there would be no reason for Egypt to come to the negotiating table. Sometimes Israel would even be expected to lose, as in the Yom Kippur War, to force it to come to the negotiating table.

Swap Egypt for the PLO and that’s how the disastrous peace process happened. Then swap the PLO for Hamas and that is where we are now.

Israel is just the means; the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam are the objective
Obama’s initial support for Israel’s war on Hamas was only to the extent necessary to bring the terrorist group to the negotiating table. And then once Hamas comes to the negotiating table, the White House will back its demands against Israel in exchange for getting the Brotherhood on board with its agenda.

Israel is just the means; the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam are the objective. That objective may mean the end of the West, but those striding boldly through the halls of diplomacy are not worried.

The real target of the Hamas campaign wasnt Israel; it was Egypt.

Egypt’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood had included Hamas. That crackdown worried Hamas far more than anything that Israel was doing. Meanwhile the Muslim Brotherhood’s loss of power meant a major setback for the sugar daddies of the Arab Spring; Qatar, Turkey and their Western allies.

The new alignment had placed Qatar, Turkey, Obama and the EU in one row, while Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel and the PLO were in another row. The latest phase of the Gaza War between Israel and Hamas was meant to break apart that alignment.

Obama’s tilt toward Iran had encouraged Sunni Muslims to throw their backing behind ISIS

Obama’s tilt toward Iran had encouraged Sunni Muslims to throw their backing behind ISIS leading to significant gains in Iraq. Qatar and Turkey, backers of both Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood, then used ISIS to push the myth that the only counter to Al Qaeda was the Brotherhood’s political Islam.

Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood, political Islam and the Jihadist bands, have always been two sides of the same coin, but the argument remains a persuasive one in the great halls of diplomacy.

Egypt had bottled up Hamas to avoid a repetition of the jailbreaks, terrorist attacks and street violence that had freed Morsi and Brotherhood leaders and later enabled Morsi to attempt a takeover of the Egyptian military.

The path to putting the Muslim Brotherhood back in power in Egypt runs through Hamas.

Hamas attacked Israel. There was enough backing for Israel’s attack on Hamas to get it to the negotiating table. But once a ceasefire offer was on the table, Egypt would no longer be calling the shots. Instead the deal would come through two of Hamas’ state sponsors; Qatar and Turkey.

For this to work, Obama had to keep a leash on Israel, giving it permission to fight and then pulling it back at the critical moment. Meanwhile Egypt would be surprised to learn that it was no longer setting the terms of the ceasefire based on the same old arrangement, but that its place would be filled by Qatar and Turkey. Their ceasefire terms, approved by the US, would loosen the blockade around Hamas.

Egypt had attempted to hold Hamas to the original ceasefire terms. That was not in the interests of the White House. The ceasefire negotiations had to be sabotaged with a political intervention on behalf of Hamas. And who better to conduct that political intervention than Secretary of State John Kerry?

Egypt, Israel and the PLO had not wanted Kerry to come. Israel’s former ambassador to the US had said that he was not invited. But he was caught on a hot mic saying that he was going to come anyway.

Kerry, the UN and Hamas had all become projections of Qatari state power into Egypt and Israel
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was even more unwanted, but Qatar transported him to Israel.

Kerry, the UN and Hamas had all become projections of Qatari state power into Egypt and Israel.

The US and the UN pushed for an urgent and immediate ceasefire. Israel accepted the ceasefire several times, but Hamas resumed firing each time. While Israel thought that this demonstrated its peaceful intentions, what it actually did was give Hamas the power to set the terms of the ceasefire.

Once Hamas had that power, meeting its demands became the key element of ending the violence.

One of Egypt’s remaining political assets had been the ability to turn off Hamas violence. Now Qatar and Turkey had demonstrated that it could no longer do that. With Qatar, Turkey and the US undermining Egypt, it could no longer pressure Hamas. Meanwhile the UN and the US were pressuring Israel to accept the Qatar/Turkey ceasefire terms favorable to Hamas and unfavorable to Egypt and Israel.

But diplomacy was never Kerry’s strong suit. His blatant Qatari intervention instead alienated everyone.

The real objective of this war was to undermine Egypt
Netanyahu has chosen to extend the operation against Hamas. Backing him up are poll numbers which show that the vast majority of Israelis want the job done. The PLO now suspects that Obama is about to back a Hamas coup against it. And Egypt’s military has gotten a lot of recent experience watching Obama’s botched diplomatic strategies blow up in his face.

The real objective of this war was to undermine Egypt. Egypt was supposed to scramble into the new alignment by developing closer ties with Hamas and cutting a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood.

And if Egypt’s government wouldn’t cooperate, the Muslim Brotherhood might be able to tap into enough of the anti-Israel and pro-Hamas sentiment to topple the government a second time. But if Egypt remains opposed to Hamas and Israel pushes forward with a plan to demilitarize Gaza, then the goals of those in the great halls of diplomacy who are behind this war will fail.

By Daniel Greenfield

This is the real, little known trajectory Obama took into the Oval Office

This is the real, little known trajectory Obama took into the Oval Office

The Road to Hell Obama is taking the world down created by U.S. Catholic Bishops

The Catholic Church—through the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration—both paved the road for Barack Hussein Obama’s ultimate takeover of Free West society and continues to actively enable the Fundamental Transformation of America by sinking the US in a tsunami of illegal aliens.

In coming to Obama’s aid in erasing forever America’s borders, the bishops sold the USA out, including its Catholics, for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver.

In biblical terms, Obama and the Catholic bishops—who both birthed his progress to the seat of power and back him on his Fundamental Transformation mission—are in in league with the devil. The certain-to-come protestations of the bishops should fall on the same deaf ears they use to shun all pleas of mercy from Americans overwhelmed by invaders in their home towns and cities.

How dare these phony paragons of the pulpit ascribe to our Savior the manufactured invasion of America by millions of U.S. government made-to-order ‘refugees’?

It’s a crock that the bishops are saving illegal aliens rushing the U.S. border based on lofty claims of altruism or charity, when they are doing it for power and filthy lucre:

In the case of the Catholic Charities Diocese of Galveston, $15,549,078 in federal grants from Health and Human Services for “Unaccompanied Alien Children Project” with a program description of “Refugee and Entry Assistance”. (Eric Odom, Liberty News July 10, 2014)

“Last year, the Catholic Charities Diocese of Fort Worth received $350,000 from Department of Homeland Security for “citizenship and education training” with a program description of “citizenship and immigration services.”

Between September 2010 and September 2013, the Catholic Charities of Dallas received $823,658 from the Department of Homeland Security for “Citizenship Education Training” for “refugee and entrant assistance.”

It is no coincidence that the vice president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is his Eminence Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston and that the Conference Treasurer is the Most Reverend Kevin J. Farrell, Bishop of Dallas.

In fact, the Obama administration was bankrolling America’s churches back in 2010, and the tens of millions were flowing into church coffers to prepare for the invasion of America now underway.

Nor do protestants get a free ride in the bankrolled by Obama category with the Baptists taking government grants:From Dec 2012 to January 2014, Baptist Child & Family Services received $62,111,126 in federal grants from Health & Human Services for “Unaccompanied Alien Children Program”. (Liberty News)

Now infamous for his ‘I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone’ boast, the one fact Obama plays close to his chest is that he’s got some Catholic bishops and Baptist pastors in his back pocket.

The Catholic compliance that propelled Obama from the streets as a malcontent community organizer to the Oval office begins and continues with the Catholic Church.

No one has documented the trail more effectively than spunky Michael Voris, of ChurchMilitant.TV, formerly RealCatholicTV.

Who ever would have thought that the road to America’s destruction would be made a grim possibility through a host of Catholic priests and bishops?

It’s a story that should make you shudder because it’s how Barack Obama captured America like the proverbial fox in the henhouse.

Long in the telling, it takes patience to read:

“In the 1930s, Alinsky met the Meegan brothers, Joseph and Peter. Joseph introduced him to the Chicago Bishops and to his brother, Fr. Peter Meegan, who in turn introduced Saul to Aux. Bishop Bernard Sheil. Meegan and Sheil introduced Alinsky to the inner workings of the Catholic Church.” (Colorado Coalition for Life/Michael Voris, Feb. 18, 2012). “During this time, Saul organized his first community project called the “Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council”. At this point, Alinsky pulled off his greatest coup and garnered the Bishops’ public seal of approval. He convinced Aux. Bishop Sheil to join John L. Lewis, the head of the CIO (eventually known as the AFLCIO), on stage. At that moment the Catholic Church and the labor unions entered into an unholy partnership.

“Msgr. Jack Egan teamed up with Alinsky, and in time, Egan was affectionately known by the Chicago press as “Alinsky’s priest intern”. Egan promoted Alinsky so well that he was more popular among Catholics than the bishops. Through the ‘40s, ‘50s, and ‘60s, Egan and Alinsky developed a well oiled network of priests and bishops throughout the United States. In 1968, newly appointed Cardinal Cody realized that what Msgr. Egan was doing was not in line with Catholic doctrine and closed his office.

“Fr. Ted Hesburgh invited Msgr. Egan to Notre Dame for a sabbatical. He remained at Notre Dame for the next 14 years where he continued to develop his priest’s network. Egan periodically brought priests to the Catholic Mecca for conferences under the liberal eye of Hesburgh. Egan was now in mainstream Catholic life.

During Egan’s time at Notre Dame in the late ‘60s, race riots broke out around the country. A document called Black Manifesto was published which called for reparations for African Americans. The Catholic Church chose Msgr. Jack Egan and his network of priests to come up with plans to alleviate poverty. All of Egan’s priests, save one, were personally trained by Saul Alinsky in the tactics laid out in his book, Reveille for Radicals. This opportunity allowed Egan’s network of priests to implement Saul Alinsky’s radical community organizing tactics of gaining power and strength from the people and using it to empower and enlarge government.

“In a few months, the network created the “National Crusade Against Poverty” (NCAP) and committed to raise 50 million dollars over several years. The campaign should have raised the money and dissolved. It did not, and in fact, it is still in existence today under the name of the “Catholic Campaign for Human Development”. The CCHD has raised over $289,000,000 in 40 years, and by donating to the radical left, they have gained immense power in the abortion and homosexual communities.”

Anyone reading this who doesn’t feel a shiver down the spine when recalling that Obama successfully had authorities at Georgetown cover all religious symbols when he made his 2009 commencement speech there, isn’t awake.

“He was there to pay tribute to his mentors in community organizing. To pay tribute to those who helped put him in office. In his speech he mentioned his high regard for Cardinal Bernardin, who spoke at one of the first organizing meetings he ever attended.” (Michael Voris).

This is the real, little known trajectory Obama took into the Oval Office.

After four years living in New York City, Obama moved to Chicago to work as a community organizer. He worked for three years from June 1985 to May 1988 as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago’s far South Side. During his three years as the DCP’s director, its staff grew from 1 to 13 and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants’ rights organization in Altgeld Gardens. Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute. (Wikipedia)

The rest, as they say, is history. Make that history of the most tragic kind.

Meanwhile, the road to hell Obama is taking the world down was created for him by radical priests and bishops of the Catholic Church.

By Judi McLeod

China, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala have “fundamental rights” but not America?

Chinese spy ships off the coast of Hawaii, “Millions and millions” of undocumented illegals expected in America soon after Labor Day via an Obama executive order, who’s got America’s back?

China, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala have fundamental rights but not America?

The lay-down-and-play-dead spirit being spread throughout the U.S. military under President Barack Obama’s watch now includes an open door for a Chinese spy ship trailing the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise currently underway off the coast of Hawaii.

Make that four Chinese ships and 1,100 personnel with U.S.-granted spying ease.

Even though Navy Adm. Samuel Locklear, the head of the Pentagon’s Pacific Command finds it “a little odd”, he refers to China’s RIMPAC exercise as “a fundamental right nations have”.

“The fact that China is now doing what it has long complained about the United States doing off the Chinese coast —gathering signals intelligence — hasn’t rankled US officials or disrupted the RIMPAC exercise, Locklear insisted. (, July 29, 2014)

““The good news about this is that it’s a recognition, I think, or acceptance by the Chinese for what we’ve been saying to them for some time. Military operations and survey operations in another country’s [exclusive economic zone] are within international law and are acceptable. This is a fundamental right nations have.”

Good news to some is a definite worry to others.

Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, whose citizens are flooding America’s southern border by the tens of thousands, also think their right to invade the U.S. is “fundamental”.

“China has laid claim to vast swaths of the South and East China seas despite the fact that their claims are not supported by international law. (Defense News)

“There have been several incidents in recent years where Chinese ships have taken an aggressive posture against US naval vessels operating within 200 miles of the Chinese coast in order to collect signals intelligence —American activities that fall well within international law.

“The Chinese snooping “hasn’t stopped the exercise and it hasn’t created any difficulties for the exercise” Locklear told reporters at the Pentagon.

“In the coming weeks, the Chinese military will be conducting its unilateral “Blue Whale” exercise in the East China Sea featuring about 20 Chinese ships, and Locklear assured the Pentagon press corps that US will keep an eye on the proceedings, just as it always has.

“We all kind of keep an eye on each other” the PACOM chief said. “

Problem is that the US has turned its spying inward on its own citizens through government agencies like NSA and the IRS.

There are some who see Obama’s stance on Israel as his ‘Dance of the Seven Veils’, a means to deflect attention away from the border invasion back to Israel.

“The Obama administration condemned the deadly shelling of a United Nations school in Gaza Wednesday, using tough, yet carefully worded language that reflects growing White House irritation with Israel and the mounting civilian casualties stemming from its ground and air war against Hamas.” (ABC News, July 30, 2014)

Meanwhile, Rep Luis Gutierrez, for one, isn’t exactly laying down and playing dead.

“Rep. Luis Gutierrez, who has met with Obama, tells MSNBC’s Chris Hayes that he believes Obama is going “to act” both broadly and generously for millions upon millions of ‘undocumented workers’:

GUTIERREZ: Look. I don’t want to say the President said this but here’s my understanding from having met with him and talking to others. I believe that millions upon millions of undocumented workers who have roots in the community, who have American citizen children, who have established businesses, who would benefit from the senate bill, – I think the president’s going to act.

“And if the debate going into 2016 is – first it was repeal Obamacare and now it’s repeal the president’s executive order, that’s the fight i want to have.

HAYES: Millions upon millions. That’s the word?

GUTIERREZ: I’ve got to tell you. I believe the President of the United States is going to act broadly and generously. That’s my belief. He didn’t say that to me but that’s what I believe he’s going to do.”

With Chinese spy ships now off the coast of Hawaii and “millions and millions” of undocumented illegals expected in America soon after Labor Day via an Obama executive order, who’s got America’s back?

By Judi McLeod,  Editor of CFP, is an award-winning journalist.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Truth Behind How The Global Elite Will Achieve A New World Order and World Government

Truth Behind How The Global Elite Will Achieve A New World Order and World Government

End New World Order

I don’t fear a New World Order, the Globalist Agenda or even the establishment of World Government. I’m not afraid of groups like the Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Committee of 300 and the Skull and Bones Society.

In fact, the global elite who attend and control organizations like the Bilderberg Group that seek to establish a New World Order and World Government don’t intimidate me one bit.

I know for a fact that as individuals or even a collective, these secretive and shadowy organizations do not have the capacity to implement the agendas that they so desire. They are managed and controlled by weak, pathetic old men who would surrender at an instant when confronted.

However, although they cannot implements their agendas on their own, they can do so with the help of an ignorant and willing population.

It is the knowing that there are people who are willing to do the bidding of the Globalists and global Elite that terrifies me the most.

You see, for organizations such as the Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Committee of 300 and the Skull and Bones Society to implement their agendas, vast army’s of willing subordinates and volunteers are required to help them achieve their goals.

Who we should all fear the most are the people who can be found at all levels in our society that are willing to do harm to to us because either they are told to do so or because they believe that their purpose / function will benefit them or further progress their status in society.

For example, consider this:

Danges of New World OrderEveryone knows that people who smoke cigarettes are more likely to develop cancer than those who do not smoke cigarettes. Yet, there is someone out there who is willing to market and promote cigarettes as a safe and enjoyable product.

Everyone knows that drinking water that has been medicated with fluoride causes considerable harm to our health, yet there is someone out there who is willing to pour this toxic chemical into our drinking water supplies.

Everyone knows that children who eat fast food regularly are prone to becoming obese and developing health related issues such as diabetes. Yet, someone is willing to devise a marketing campaign that is designed to capture the attention of young children to encourage them to eat fast food.

The point that I’m trying to make here is that there are people in our community who are willing to do the bidding of others that is wrong and harmful.

Therefore, do not fear the global Elite and their ideology of a New World Order, Globalist Agenda or World Government. You should fear those who are willing to do the bidding of the global elite because the global elite on their own have no power to implement their ideology.

If a New World Order or World Government ever became a reality, it is your fellow countrymen who will betray you.

Who do you blame for the Holocaust? Hitler or the millions of soldiers who willingly captured and murdered their fellow countrymen because Hitler told them to do so?

How the Globalist Agenda Divides Us All

How the Globalist Agenda Divides Us All

Globalist Agenda Brain

THE Globalist Agenda divides us all by forcing everyone into a sphere that is defined by cultural, political and socio-economic norms.

Every day, people make choices about which allegiance to follow based on a misconception that in order to be classified as normal, one must associate themself as part of a group or clan.

On a daily basis we are forced to pick sides, collaborate and identify ourselves within a group.

The notion and ideology of the individualistic free thinking person in reality is not possible because the globalist agenda forces upon us the idea that if you are not part of us, you must be against us.

Our political system, social circles and other important environments such as the workplace are all driven by the idea that in order to remain together, we must unanimously share the same thoughts, feelings and opinions.

This is exactly what the globalist agenda is trying to achieve and how the Globalist Agenda divides us.

It is virtually impossible to associate yourself with a group or social circle without completely submitting yourself to the principles and norms that the group identifies itself with.

Therefore, for many people, it is impossible to live a life that is free from influence and prejudice that our social circles force upon us because they are forced to succumb to the rules of the groups they associate themselves with.

When people are forced and influenced to succumb to the rules of the groups that they associate themselves with, the concept of free thinking can no longer exist.

How is it possible for an individual in our society, especially in Western societies, to break free from the manipulation and pressure of the groups and social circles they belong to?

Think about it, what would be the reaction from your work colleagues if you said to them that the direction of the world we live in is heavily influenced by a small minority of bankers, globalists and hereditary land owning families?

Certainly, the response from your work colleagues would be to outcast you as a conspiracy theorist.

However, all you have done is expressed an opinion, and nothing more. Your opinion was based on the truth you believe, yet even though your opinion had nothing to with your everyday existence at work, your colleagues are so entrenched in the social norms of the group that even an opinion that has nothing to do with them personally, is rejected within the group.

The example above demonstrates the difficulty that everyone faces and how the globalist agenda to conquer and divide us all is succeeding.

Let’s consider the dynamics of the upcoming US presidential election. Americans are being forced to pick a side on the belief that both options will provide a solution to their economic woes.

Examples of how the Globalist Agenda divides us

This is how the Globalist Agenda divides us
The reality is that the only two options Americans are forced to pick, have almost identical policies, except on a handful of key issues. Ultimately, once the public has made a choice, nothing will change except the fact that the country has been divided into two segments, resulting in a society that has positioned its citizens into a corner that is almost unescapable.

The news is not all bad.

There is a growing minority who don’t identify themselves with the groups described above to the extent that ordinary people do.

However, they face an uphill battle because the pressure applied by the media and governments at present is far too strong.

To break yourself free from the globalist agenda of divide and conquer, you have to position yourself into a mindset that the groups you belong to only represent a very small portion of the reality of the world we live in.

Once you open your mind to the fact that the social norms you are born into are not necessarily true and once you take the time to holistically question how the fabric of your society has been constructed, then you can you begin to break yourself free from the globalist agenda.

FROM birth, we are forced to accept what we are told, we are told how to behave and we are pressured to conform to the norm. This is exactly what the globalists seek and how the globalist agenda divides us all.

For many, change is hard to accept. But once you cross that line and open your mind to the realities of our amazing world, change becomes the norm.
WHEN you accept change as the norm, your mind opens and separation from the social and political norms we are born into becomes easier.

Fearful or Fearless?

Fearful or Fearless?

“The powers of the heavens will be shaken, and people’s hearts will fail them for fear, anticipating the calamities that are destined for this world.” –Jesus
By nature I am a timid man. That is a polite way of saying I’m a coward. There are vivid memories – still painful – of moments when, in front of family and friends, I exhibited paralyzing fear.

I am not proud of those moments; in fact, you could say I loathe them…

There are, however, other moments in my journey through time when I demonstrated a degree of courage.

Clearly I like Richard the LyonHeart much more than Charlie the Cowardly Lyon.

In talking to business owners everyday I’ve seen a clear emotional progression after the last election from stunned disbelief (the USA actually re-hired this administration?!), to frustration & anger (greater uncertainty over the impact of new regulations and taxes), to a fear gripping hearts (no significant opposition to the lawless disregard for the rule of law).

Historically, the prevailing spiritual influence on America is Christianity. Christianity is not nearly as much about doctrinal beliefs as it is trust in a Living Leader whose own life and character defines the life and character of his followers, thus defining the character of individuals, families, communities and country.

If there were one single character quality for which followers of Jesus are persecuted, I believe it is courage, or at least our potential to be courageous when it counts most. Fear makes people vulnerable and easily manipulated. Those who would control the masses know that fear factors powerfully in managing behavior. But believers, trained in truth and trust, are not easily manipulated by hysterical cries of impending doom. “I know Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I’ve entrusted to Him…” is a life strengthening motto!

Jesus' most dire warning to his followers is that during times of great difficulty, when evil increases, the love of people grows cold. The cords of Love & Courage are inextricably woven into the fabric of Jesus' life and it’s tensile strength in the hearts of His followers is tested most severely in times of trial.

To say “We have no King but Jesus!” is not only a declaration of allegiance but a beacon of hope to those whose hearts would fail them in calamity.

“There is no fear in love” fearlessly declares the beloved disciple. “Perfect Love casts out fear.” Let us give ourselves to His perfecting love every minute of every day that we may share in the company of the courageous, confident we can withstand the worst the world has to try to scare us into submission.

“Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

Our turn is next if we do nothing but look the other way

Our turn is next if we do nothing but look the other way

Lt. Commander Walter Fiztpatrick has been falsely accused, tried and convicted of ‘aggravated perjury’ and ‘extortion’ and is facing years of prison time.

What on earth did he do? How could a man who served his country in the military for nearly 30 years end up this way? Sharon Rondeau, editor and publisher of has been leading the fight to get the truth out about the false accusations and conviction perpetrated against Lt. Commander Walter Fiztpatrick. She has exposed in several articles the Tennessee Corruption and how severe it is. In fact, it was rated third in public corruption by a joint study by Indiana University and the University of Hong Kong.   Recently, I interviewed Rondeau on my show who states from her research:

Fitzpatrick inadvertently discovered systemic corruption in eastern TN courts
After no law enforcer or agency would act, he tried to conduct a citizen’s arrest of the Monroe County grand jury foreman for over-serving a legal term

Instead, he himself was ordered arrested and jailed
Fitzpatrick has been jailed seven times in Monroe County and once in the adjoining county of McMinn, where he now lives, in the course of exposing a thoroughly corrupt system in which juries are manipulated and hand-picked and judges are protected by their colleagues and throughout the law enforcement/prosecutor community
Entrenched government corruption has been a way of life in Tennessee

Last month, a jury convicted Fitzpatrick of “aggravated perjury” and “extortion” for trying to bring a petition containing criminal evidence to the McMinn County grand jury, which Tennessee law allows
Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood is scheduled to sentence him on August 19, and it could be years in prison
This week I also interviewed Constitutional attorney Van Irion, the attorney representing Commander Fiztpatrick. The bottom line I took away from my interview with him is that Lt. Commander Fiztpatrick was denied his legal, Constitutional right to address a grievance to a grand jury. We all have that right and it is not a crime. The bottom line of his grievance was that the Judge assigned someone, attorney Jeffrey Cunningham (close confidant, associate and even friend) as attorney foreman and didn’t choose him from the jury pool of random names. On top of that, Cunningham had acted criminally for staying on for consecutive terms and wielding powerful influence over the grand jurors. This set up from the Judges appointment of a close insider to the Jury foreman position has meant that they can influence who is prosecuted and who is not.   This can redirect law and accountability…even ‘set ups for crimes’ as they see fit.

Their charges, arrest, harassment and bogus conviction of Fiztpatrick only prove that his corruption charges against them are correct. They have indeed used their influence as Judge and Jury foreman to twist and bend laws to protect their ‘good old boy’ power, social and political system. They had to get rid of the guy who was exposing the crimes and details of their false system of power set in place, Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick. We must not let this stand.

This case is in ALL of our faces and is only a taste of what may come to us if we dare to stand for what is right in our county or state. There is no doubt that these kinds of internal set ups are peppered through out the country, designed to further breakdown our legal system and fair representation, prosecution and conviction. In talking with Investigative Journalist, Sher Zieve on this case, she thought this was a test case by Obama to see just what the Government could get away with and what the people would do in response.  Could they get away with compromising and setting up Grand Jury Foreman’s with sell out Judges or not?   Could Obama and his minions use this kind of insider set up and corruption to set up his enemies and put them away in prison? I think, yes and yes if we all don’t rise up and start screaming, starting with this case. Does another innocent man have to go to prison or will you only be concerned when it is you sitting on a hard bed in a square room with no window?

Find the facts of this case and find ways to help at: 0 and