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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

House Votes to Turn Vets into Psychotic Potheads

Vets being drafted into this “friendly fire” situation are guinea pigs who are putting their own health and the health of others, vets and civilians, in mortal danger

House Votes to Turn Vets into Psychotic Potheads

Donald J. Trump says vets are treated worse than illegal immigrants. But help is on the way. The U.S. House of Representatives recently voted to make it easier for veterans to get access to officially-approved marijuana. Rep. John Fleming (R-LA), a physician, argues that the proposal is “absolutely insane.”
It is estimated that nearly 30 percent of veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression. But Rep. Fleming notes evidence that marijuana “enhances psychosis and schizophrenia” in some people with these psychological problems.
Dr. Christine Miller asks, “Does no one remember Eddie Routh, the vet thought to have PTSD, who was diagnosed by psychiatrists for the prosecution with cannabis-induced psychosis, and who killed both Chris Kyle (“American Sniper”) and Chad Littlefield?”
The effort to authorize marijuana for vets was led by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and was co-sponsored by Representatives Joe Heck (R-NV), Sam Farr (D-CA), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Tom Reed (R-NY), Dina Titus (D-NV), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) and Jared Polis (D-CO).
Dr. Miller, who has studied the link between marijuana and mental illness, asks, “Don’t these members of Congress have any staffers capable of reading the study out of Yale of thousands of vets with PTSD showing that the marijuana users were less likely to improve and more likely to be violent?”
The Yale study referred to by Dr. Miller involved more than 2,000 participants who were admitted to specialized Veterans Administration treatment programs for PTSD. The study was titled, “Marijuana Use Is Associated With Worse Outcomes in Symptom Severity and Violent Behavior in Patients With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.”
“In this observational study,” it found that “initiating marijuana use after treatment was associated with worse PTSD symptoms, more violent behavior, and alcohol use. Marijuana may actually worsen PTSD symptoms or nullify the benefits of specialized, intensive treatment. Cessation or prevention of use may be an important goal of treatment.”
The Routh case included testimony from Dr. Randall Price, a forensic psychologist who testified as the prosecution’s medical expert. He said Routh’s heavy marijuana use caused a “substance-induced psychotic disorder.”
Routh’s attorneys argued that he was a mentally ill veteran who suffered from PTSD and paranoid schizophrenia. The prosecution said that Routh was a heavy user of marijuana and other drugs and suffered from cannabis-induced psychosis the day of the killings. Routh was found guilty of capital murder in the slayings and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

For-profit marijuana industry

CNN reported that during Routh’s trial, “Texas Ranger David Armstrong said investigators searched Routh’s residence and found drug paraphernalia, including a pipe commonly used for methamphetamine as well as ‘a ceramic pipe, what’s believed to be a bong, a grinder used to grind different substances and a loose leafy green substance’ which lab tests confirmed was marijuana.”
CNN added, “Routh’s uncle, James Watson, testified that on the day of the slayings he was rousted out of bed by a call from Routh’s girlfriend, asking him to come over because she and Routh had been arguing. He said he showed up and smoked marijuana with Routh, offered fatherly advice about women and played a hymn from his phone. They smoked marijuana together occasionally, Watson said, and Routh smoked ‘not every day, but pretty regular.’”
In Colorado, where marijuana is legal and has been linked to several cases of violence and psychosis, a group calledGrow for Vets boasts that it has given away hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of marijuana to military veterans “from across America.”
The sponsors include companies in the for-profit marijuana industry.
The increased availability of marijuana across the country can be directly linked to the Obama administration’s decision not to enforce federal laws against the use and cultivation of the mind-altering drug.
America’s veterans, who have been terribly treated by the VA and subjected to long waits for treatment, are now being told that their salvation lies in a drug that can make their health problems worse by triggering psychosis and violence.
The results from the Yale study showed that “those who never used marijuana had significantly lower symptom severity 4 months later than those who continued or started use after treatment,” the publication Medscape Medical News summarized.
The results were delivered at the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) 25th Annual Meeting by lead author Samuel T. Wilkinson, MD, from the Yale University School of Medicine. He told conference delegates that “we found that marijuana is not associated with improvement in PTSD and that initiating marijuana was associated with worsening outcomes in a number of measures.”

Smoking pot increases psychotic episodes by a factor of two to four times normal

Nevertheless, the House on May 19 passed an amendment to a Fiscal Year 2017 military appropriations bill to make it easier for veterans to get access to “state-legal medical marijuana.”
Rep. Fleming, a practicing physician and a veteran, had argued against the proposal, noting that the scientific evidence indicated that “Smoking pot increases psychotic episodes by a factor of two to four times normal. The conversion to schizophrenia, a permanent mental disorder, is enhanced by pot by a factor of two—double.”
The National Center for PTSD in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs acknowledges, “…there is no evidence at this time that marijuana is an effective treatment for PTSD. In fact, research suggests that marijuana can be harmful to individuals with PTSD.”
David W. Murray, who served as Chief Scientist in the Office of National Drug Control Strategy during the administration of George W. Bush, argues, “To insist on marijuana for America’s veterans is the political equivalent of ‘friendly fire,’ and puts the VA in the position of doing active harm to their interests.”
Vets being drafted into this “friendly fire” situation are guinea pigs who are putting their own health and the health of others, vets and civilians, in mortal danger.

Thoughts on the American Freedom Alliance

Western Civilization cannot die. It must win, or there is no civilization at all.

Thoughts on the American Freedom Alliance

Two years in a row, I have been invited to the American Freedom Alliance dinner in Los Angeles. This celebratory event recognizes men and women who have fought for the furtherance and survival of Western Civilization,  individual worth and local sovereignty, the pursuit of truth as paramount instead of power, and the respect for the Divine Creator and His objective justice: these values animate the life and worth of the entire world, and the manifold blessings of Western Civilization.

This year as well as last year, Larry Elder, the conservative radio host from KABC, hosted both events. His work to expand a respect for liberty and truth, at the expense of despotism and deception, influenced my understanding of free markets and free enterprise, spiritual authority working in   temporal settings.
Essayist and comedian Evan Sayet served as the Master of Ceremonies the second time.
I loved attending both events.
Avi Davis, the founder of the American Freedom Alliance, was alive in 2015.
We commemorated his work this year, since he passed away so suddenly, so sadly.
Two well-connected conservatives had invited me to both events, to meet the allies, friends, and even the family members of that great man.
Both times, incredible conservatives were honored for their work defending Western Civilization. Academics who stood up to government collusion in the sciences. Journalists who challenged the lies of the status quo. Economists and social scientists who debunked the progressive myths of our modern era—all were welcomed with great fanfare.
I met some of them outside of that event, and learned about their fights against oppressive regimes and a suspect media working to suppress the truth. A lot of information passes from media to man, and back and forth. Some of the well-educated speakers feared the worst for Europe.
“It’s too late,” one of the speakers grimly determined.
I cannot agree with that. However, if men and women choose to content themselves with the slow demise of the world around them, then indeed Europe is lost, and so is America.
For the two times that I attended, I found a great deal to be happy about, notwithstanding the dour state of our world and the warring nations within.
Freedom fighters are winning. They embrace the divine love and truth of God.
Many Jewish people were present both times. I respect the traditions and values of our Judeo-Christian culture, and the Orthodox Jews in attendance reminded me to retain a grave reverence for the Jewish people and the values which they have affirmed in our society.
And yet, we need more than a set of standards. We need the power to allow them into our lives. We need more than the law. We need the grace, the loving, unconditional favor of CHRIST.
I am not afraid to write those words. We must not be afraid to speak those words. Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson of South Los Angeles (a well-regarded contact and spokesman for the American Freedom Alliance) reached out and teaches boys to become men, even when their fathers have left them, or when they never knew their fathers to begin with.
These efforts, these alliances make all the difference. We cannot allow these victories to go unnoticed.
I also respected hearing about the deeper rot afflicting our culture. A perverse desire to remove distinctions has overtaken our leaders. Male and female should not mean anything. Right and wrong have no merit. Should life and death become a nullity, too?
Conservative Jewish columnist Dennis Prager recently wrote a thorough, probing article about the Left’s vicious ambitions, which proved this strange desire. The Left wants to get rid of standards. The Left wants everything to have an equal end, or to have the same status, just as Adam and Eve wanted to be like God, to have life independent of the Creator, who later had to become their Redeemer.
These observations were well-received. I ponder them still.
Discussion is good. Celebration of all that makes Western Civilization wonderful, that is welcome.
But discussion is not enough.
We need action.
We need to confront the malefactors in our streets, in our city councils. As Jude wrote to the Church: “We must contend earnestly for the faith.”
The wicked forces at work in our world will not be slayed with discussion. Their followers will understand once they are taught the truth from the error, from the lie, from the deception.
Those who thrive on the lies, who disseminate the falsehoods to bless themselves: they must be stopped.
Are we agitating against the corruption? Are we educating young people to care about the values of their elders?
The discussion groups, the seminars, the awards dinners will not save our culture.
To sit back and watch everything fall apart is not enough.
How many more dinners are people going to attend?
We need to raise funds to help individuals fight and win the culture wars.
The key word—win.
Western Civilization cannot die. It must win, or there is no civilization at all.
And we must fight—and we can fight, will fight—to ensure this victory.

The Twisting Noose

But in spite of the rigged super-delegate system by which Hillary would ascend to a nomination while losing the vast majority of the primary and caucus contests to Sen. Bernie Sanders, it looks like her expiration date is fast approaching

The Twisting Noose

When I think about the slow and inexorable—but, of course, inevitable—political demise of Hillary Clinton, I am reminded of T.S. Eliot’s poem, “The Hollow Men,” which ends with this haunting refrain:
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
 Hillary’s whimper, it seems clear, will come with an impotently furious last gasp, as the noose that Barack Obama has placed around her neck tightens and tightens and tightens until all we hear is her spasmodic cough, a few hoarse protestations, and a final pitiful bleat—and not the ear-splitting assault of “that voice,” which I described in a previous article.
How could this happen to the woman who former Democrat House Ways and Means Committee Chairman and convicted felon Dan Rostenkowski called “the smartest woman in the world’‘?
No doubt it started at Wellesley College where Hillary, born to a family of Republicans and an avid supporter herself of the1964 arch-conservative presidential candidate Barry Goldwater, as well as the president of the Wellesley College chapter of College Republicans, was irresistibly attracted to the writings of radical leftist Saul Alinsky, of Rules for Radicalsfame, who she wrote her thesis about and also kept in close touch with for years after she graduated.
At her graduation in 1969, Republican Senator Edward Brooke delivered a stirring and enthusiastically received commencement address. Hillary—whose graduation speech followed—exhibited a shocking display of rudeness when she slammed the first black senator to be elected to the U.S. Senate. It would not be the last time she displayed a remarkable aptitude for alienating an audience.
At Yale Law School, she hooked her wagon to the star of fellow student Bill Clinton, and when the roguish good ole boy became governor of Arkansas, Hillary served 12 years as the state’s First Lady, racking up an impressive list of scandals of her very own. The short list includes:
  • $100,000 windfall from cattle futures after a $1,000 investment (all the money she had in her account at the time).
  • The Castle Grande real estate scam.
  • Her role as attorney for the Rose law firm in what would become the putatively criminal Whitewater affair that would follow her to the White House.
  • The serial philandering of her husband in which she was either a willing collaborator or, as Donald Trump has said, an “enabler.”

    Within months of taking up residence in the White House as First Lady of the United States, Hillary put her scandal expertise to work. In May 1993, she was accused of having a central hand in firing several long-time employees of the White House Travel Office in order to give the pricey travel business to her Hollywood pals. A couple of months later, in July 1993, White House Deputy Counsel Vince Foster was said to have committed suicide, although the case for his murder has been made persuasively by, among others, founder Christopher Ruddy, in his 1993 book,“The Strange Death of Vincent Foster: An Investigation.”
    But the case didn’t end there. In 1996, Hillary was accused by the Senate Special Whitewater Committee of ordering the removal of potentially damaging files related to Whitewater from Foster’s office on the night of his death. Hillary denied everything, once again proving her adeptness in dodging accountability. But even today, Cliff Kincaid, in a must-read article, writes that Something Stinks: The “Fishy” Vince Foster Case.  “Trump, if elected president, could order a new investigation,” Kincaid says. “Such a probe might show media complicity in the cover-up…”
    During those years, Hillary vacillated between corruption and incompetence. When her devoted husband put her in charge of healthcare reform, she blew $13 million but couldn’t even get a Democrat Congress to pass the hated bill, in spite of the usual threats and intimidation.
    She chose Janet Reno as Attorney General, which her devoted husband called “my worst mistake.”
    Her other choices-of Lani Guinier to head the Civil Rights Commission, Webb Hubbell for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, William Kennedy for the Treasury Department, Craig Livingstone to be Director of White House security—all resulted in failure, ignominy, or scandalous controversy.
    And her vengeful pursuit of the women—including but not limited to Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Elizabeth Ward Gracen—who accused her devoted husband of rape or sexual harassment has now been documented by Candace E. Jackson in her book, Their Lives - The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine. That pursuit was so wildly successful that it resulted in her devoted husband losing his license for “lying under oath” to a grand jury and his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives.
    Not to forget the Clinton campaign-finance scandal of the late 1990s in which millions of dollars of illegal Chinese campaign cash found its way into Democrat Party and Clinton legal defense fund coffers, and, worse, American missile- guidance technology was given to Beijing. This outrage cannot be blamed solely on the Hillary’s devoted husband because he told us himself that with Hillary we were “getting two for the price of one.”
    Oh…and this little factoid: After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had stolen.
    In addition, Hillary’s co-presidency brought about the fall of more elected and appointed members, as well as “friends” who met untimely deaths, were indicted, pleaded the fifth, fled the country, and were imprisoned, than in any administration in American history.
    Besotted by the power she experienced as consort to the big kahuna Bill Clinton, Hillary decided to carpetbag her way to a senate seat in New York, with plans to spend as few years as possible as a junior senator before claiming what she believed was her rightful place in history as the first female president of the United States of America.

    Granted, she had to overcome a number of unfortunate personality traits. It had been decades since she was labeled “Sister Frigidaire” in her high school newspaper, but her image of being cold, robotic and inaccessible never seemed to go away. As writer Tim Cavanaugh said, “Plainly put…she still lacks a key quality that a politician can’t achieve through hard work: likeability.”

    Her senatorial campaign involved spinning the yarn that she was a long-time NY Yankees fan, assuring upstate conservative voters that she “cared” about their jobs, informing the large liberal base of NY City Jewish voters that she was part Jewish (endearing, coming from the wife of the first black president), and convincing the Chasidic New Square community in Rockland County (that had formerly voted overwhelmingly for arch-conservative Sen. Alfonse D’Amato) to vote 99 to 1 for her.

    Never mind that two months after her election in 2000, she pardoned four residents of New Square who had been convicted of defrauding the federal government, an act not quite as egregious as her husband’s attempt to win her New York’s Hispanic vote by pardoning 16 members of the FALN terrorist group who had planted over 130 bombs in the U.S., killed six people, and injured 70.

    But New York’s bleeding-heart liberals voted for the woman wronged by her predatory husband and his paramour Monica Lewinsky, and Hillary won the election, promptly relocated to the Empire State, and moved into an upscale house financed by the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. That would be the current governor of Virginia, one Terry McAuliffe, who just the other day was targeted by a federal investigation looking at donations to his gubernatorial campaign made by a man called Wang, a man he said he was “not even sure” he had met. According to Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller:

    Hillary Clinton met Chinese billionaire Wang Wenliang, whose involvement with Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is at the center of an FBI investigation, during a Sept. 30, 2013 fundraiser at her Chappaqua, N.Y. home, according to an explosive new report from Time. Less than a month after that fundraiser, in which Clinton and Wang reportedly shook hands, the businessman made a $500,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation. He would end up giving a total of $2 million to the Clinton charity, which is a major source of controversy for the Democratic presidential front-runner.

    After an undistinguished first term in the senate, Hillary ran again for the senate in 2006, and won. Two years later, she embarked on a run for the U.S. presidency, a race she lost to Barack Obama.

    Two particular incidents stand out in that race. The first is when Bill Clinton, speaking to the late Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy about Obama, remarked: “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.” He followed that remark by telling Kennedy that “the only reason you are endorsing him is because he’s black. Let’s just be clear.”

    The second revealing remark took place during the final debate of the New Hampshire campaign. Richard Cohen’s description of that exchange is excruciating: 

    After [Hillary] Clinton had good-naturedly responded to a question about what is sometimes called her “personality deficit”—“Well, that hurts my feelings”—she went on to concede that Obama is “very likeable.” Obama responded with a curt “You’re likeable enough, Hillary.”
    Right there and then, the hatred between the Clintons and the Obamas was etched in stone. But they still needed each other: Obama for the vast resources, connections and money sources the Clintons had access to, and the Clintons for the still-alive ambitions they harbored to someday reclaim the White House, no doubt to satisfy their seemingly insatiable lust for power.

    Ann Coulter has recently described that mutual hatred in a must read every word article. Here, in a mere tidbit, is Coulter’s premise:

    Barack Obama “hates Hillary Clinton and always has…Valerie Jarrett also hates Hillary…Obama adores his vice president, Joe Biden…He knows that Hillary can’t beat Trump… Who more perfectly encapsulates white privilege than Hillary Clinton? Obama resented her campaign and resented Bill Clinton’s not-so-coded racism. ...if Hillary were elected, she’d undo everything he’s done…what if Obama could contrive to give the nomination to a guy he likes?”
    Coulter suggests that FBI Director James Comey might recommend that Hillary be indicted, that Obama denounces Comey’s report, that Jarrett gets on the phone to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and says: “Disregard everything [Obama] is saying about Comey, if you get my meaning, Loretta…”, and then Lynch indicts Hillary, with Obama pretending that his hands are tied.

    As for Hillary, Coulter says that when the Clintons retreat to Chappaqua…they’ll find that “the going rate for a guy whose wife is about to be president is much higher than for an aging rapist whose wife is facing criminal charges.”

    I believe that going back to the 1940s, the White House has had total—or near total—control over the media and the so-called news of the day. This is why every major network and most if not all cable shows echo the exact same “news” to their viewers, often with identical language

    For the most part, the media lean left, which is particularly ironic given that the moguls who control the news are mega-millionaires and often billionaire businessmen and women who live and die by capitalism. But as we’ve seen with Barack Obama’s IRS (and the FEC, FCC, et al), the federal government has awesome punitive powers, so clearly it’s quite easy to extort money from the rich.

    But I digress. Have you noticed that after almost four decades of getting away with the most egregious abuses of power, a number of incidents have seemed to happen all at once to bring Hillary down? Consider the “coincidental” events of just the past few weeks:

    Leaks to the media that James Comey is about to suggest she be indicted. Twist of the noose.
    Front page headlines that her closest and most trusted aides, Sheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, will be deposed by Comey & Co. Twist of the noose.
    Increasing talk that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who my friend calls “the snarling head” of the Clinton-controlled Democratic National Committee, will soon be booted. Twist.
    Atypically aggressive questions by the Clinton bought-and-paid-for media, members of which always treated the couple with kid gloves and the softest of softball questions. Twist of the noose.
    A resurgence of interest in and information about the Benghazi murders of four Americans under Hillary’s none-too-watchful watch. Twist of the noose.
    The release of a blistering report by the State Department’s Inspector General that, according to Dick Morris and Eileen McGann in “,” reveals that Hillary’s emails [contain] evidence that the private email server that carried America’s top secret information to and from the Secretary of State was installed, maintained, and partially operated by a civilian aide to Bill Clinton who lacked any security clearance and did not even work for the government.” Double twist of the noose.
    News, reported this week by bestselling author and journalist Jerome Corsi, that “The Obama administration continues to suppress at least 12 versions of a 451-page draft indictment charging Hillary Clinton with criminal misconduct in the Whitewater case,” and which also includes such charges as “criminal cover-up; destroying legal files regarding the fraudulent transaction, lying under oath to federal investigators, including the FDIC and Congress; removing incriminating records from Vince Foster’s office after his death; and destroying other records, including Rose Law Firm records that would provide incriminating evidence against Clinton and [Webb] Hubbell in the Whitewater scandal. Ooooh…triple twist!
    A damning article by Scott Powell, managing partner of RemingtonRand LLC, who writes an article, the title of which says it all: “James Comey: Enforcing the Law Requires Indicting Hillary.” Addressing the e-mail scandal, Powell spells out the many violations Hillary committed, including: “the use of an unsecure private email server for conducting State Department business [with] reckless disregard of the security interests of the United States and [the violation of] some ten federal statutes. Several are national security-related felonies, just three of which include: 1) disclosure of classified information (22 of which documents were Top Secret); 2) unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents; and 3) destruction of evidence (erasure of the hard drive and deletion of some 30,000 emails by Secretary Clinton), after a government investigation had commenced (Benghazi hearings began October 10, 2012).”
    Powell continues: “Hillary Clinton has been an integral part of the Clinton Foundation, which is unprecedented in size and global scope as an influence peddling political slush fund. According to the foundation’s own recent tax returns, just 10% of expenditures go to charitable grants, with the bulk of the expenditure balance spent on salaries and benefits, lavish life-style travel and conference organizing. The record shows that the Clinton Foundation took large contributions from several business magnates who soon thereafter received clearance for controversial international business deals. Saudi Arabia contributed $10 million to the Clinton Foundation before Hillary became secretary of state. A few years later the Hillary Clinton State Department formally cleared the largest single sale of military aircraft to the Saudis.”   

    January 17, 2016 NEW YORK POST

    According to Peter Schweizer, author of “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” the shocking pardon Bill Clinton granted to international fugitive Marc Rich on January 20, 2001 (Clinton’s last day in office) was “perhaps the most condemned official act of Clinton’s political career.”

    “But while the pardon was a political mistake,” Schweizer writes, “it certainly was not a financial one. In the years following the scandal, the flow of funds from those connected to Marc Rich or the pardon scandal have continued to the Clintons. Rich died in 2013. But his business partners, lawyers, advisors and friends have showered millions of dollars on the Clintons in the decade and a half following the scandal.”

    Sounds like all this is being orchestrated directly from the White House, doesn’t it? Now that Barack Obama, his capo Valerie Jarrett, his in-house liar Ben Rhodes, his spokes-toady Josh Earnest, and Muslim Brotherhood operatives with whom he has seeded every department of our government, have all realized that Hillary is on her last legs and that Trump will crush her as he did 16 formidable primary opponents, the urgent goal is to bring her down—and to replace her with the quasi-demented VP Joe Biden and the fake Cherokee Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

    All in the fervent hope that these lily-white, American-born politicians will carry on his legacy, the top two priorities of which appear to be that men who “feel” like women and women who “feel” like men can use bathrooms that comport with their feelings and not their anatomies, and that the genocidal mullahs in Iran be given enough time, money, and duplicitous spin to launch nuclear weapons against Israel, the U.S., and the other western nations they so revile.

    To confirm the suspicion that Central Command for Hillary’s downfall is the Oval Office, here is recently-resigned Speaker of the House John Boehner in full speculation mode early in May: “Don’t be shocked ... if two weeks before the convention, here comes Joe Biden parachuting in and Barack Obama fanning the flames to make it all happen.”

    It looks like Barack Obama bet on the wrong horse. He followed the usual high-stakes game plan—keep your friends close but your enemies closer—by making Hillary Sec. of State, knowing of her overweening ambitions for the presidency and counting on her to win and continue his legacy of government control over the stupid masses through socialized medicine and education, the fetish of diversity and multiculturalism, the hoax of climate change, abolition of the 2nd Amendment, and especially the metastasis of Islam and Sharia Law throughout the West.

    But in spite of the rigged super-delegate system by which Hillary would ascend to a nomination while losing the vast majority of the primary and caucus contests to Sen. Bernie Sanders, it looks like her expiration date is fast approaching. As Ann Coulter suggested, it may just be Loretta Lynch who delivers the last twist.

Resistance to Tolerance Is Futile

Pancho Villa invaded the United States 100 years too early: Today Barack Obama would send social workers bearing vouchers

Resistance to Tolerance Is Futile

The legions of “tolerance” have crushed another dissenter.
Ron Schneider, owner of Leon’s Frozen Custard in Milwaukee, has been forced to surrender his English–only ordering policy after complaints from ethnic agitators. It started Tuesday, May 17th, when a customer in front of a prickly Hispanic tried to order his custard in Spanish.
The server replied, “I’m not allowed to speak Spanish to you.”
This exchange prompts a number of questions, beginning with why did the customer speak Spanish in the first place? Unless I’m in the Home Depot parking lot, strangers never come up to me speaking Spanish. A gutless Congress may not have ruled English as the nation’s official language, but the citizens certainly have.
One can only conclude the server appeared to be Hispanic and the customer assumed she spoke Spanish, too. This is certainly ethnic stereotyping, but we’ll let it pass.
Next the customer evidently re–ordered in English, was served and went on about his business exiting this column forever.
That would have been the end of the encounter, if Mr. Prickly hadn’t been there. Normally he orders in English, but evidently he prefers his frozen treats with a sprinkling of outrage. So Mr. Prickly makes a big production of ordering in Spanish, only to get the same response.
After getting his custard, the next stop wasn’t the napkin dispenser. It was Social Media: The home of manufactured outrage provided by the ignorant and easily offended.
Naturally Schneider and his operating policy were characterized as “racist.”
As the term is currently used, “racist” has no intrinsic meaning. As the great historian Paul Johnson wrote in his excellent “Modern Times.” The word was changed irretrievably in March 1975. An effort to expel Israel from the UN was blocked. As an alternative those midgets of diplomacy passed a resolution condemning Israel as “racist.”
Johnson writes, “As the American delegate Leonard Garment pointed out, the resolution was ‘ominous’ because it used ‘racism’ not as the word ‘for a very real and concrete set off injustices but merely as an epithet to be flung at whoever happens to be one’s adversary.’ It turned ‘an idea with a vivid and obnoxious meaning’ into ‘nothing more than an ideological tool.”
A tool limited to the Left and used most recently on custard impresario Schneider.
In a society that hadn’t completely lost it’s moorings, a trivial and foolish complaint like this would be ignored. Schneider’s wife is Hispanic and his kids are Hispanic making it tough to be a racist if he wants to eat dinner at home.
Second, English–only has been Leon’s policy for the past decade.
But facts didn’t matter to fulltime ethnic chauvinist and part–time legislator JoCasta Zamarripa. Interviewed by the Daily Mail, she says Schneider’s policy is illegal and he “owes the community an apology.”
No. He owes the community a good product at a good price and that’s it.
A variety of more Hispanic–than–thou organizations jumped into the manufactured controversy, united in their belief that someone should sic the government on Schneider before he started putting Trump signs in the parking lot.
Distraught Anglos considered dieting, rather than eat frozen custard tainted by the stain of nationalism. #BOYCOTTLEONS gained a bit of social justice momentum as protestors began gathering. A competing business, Bounce Milwaukee, had an inspired response and offered free ice cream to anyone who ordered in a foreign language.
English–speakers, as is customary here, had to pay full freight.
Trump can wait these ethnic popinjays out. He can also afford lawsuits. But Schneider can’t. He subsequently announced his employees would be allowed to speak other languages, “If you can help the customer, just help them any way you can,” he told a local broadcast outlet.
Zamarripa’s contribution to the controversy is employees are now expected to conduct business in multiple languages for the previously English–only pay.
Unfortunately, Leon’s isn’t off the hook. The wheels of government social justice grind slowly and are designed to grind you to powder. This time next year Leon’s may be under new ownership and called León’s.
This incident only proves Pancho Villa invaded the United States 100 years too early. In 1916 after he crossed the border and attacked Columbus, NM, Uncle Sam sent Gen. John J. Pershing (and my grandfather’s field artillery) to chase Villa down and bring him to justice.
Today Barack Obama would send social workers bearing vouchers

Michael R Shannon

A Spending Plan for Homeless People,

A Spending Plan for Homeless People, 

Learn what to put into a backpack to make it into a homelessness survival kit for yourself or others using this list as a guide. | Source

A Spending Plan for Homeless People, Suggestions for Those Who would Help

When I was homeless about twenty-five years ago I came across a hundred dollars in a cigarette pack. Someone's carelessness with his money saved my life. I think without it, my life would have been very different and may well have ended well before now.
The reason that relatively small amount of money made a life-changing difference is because I'd carefully worked out how to spend it long before that windfall came my way. I was tempted to spend it in other ways, like buying a couple nights in a motel room with a bed, a bathroom, and best of all a locking door or using it to go see a doctor.
Others might face different temptations but if carefully spent, even smaller amounts of money can be used to build a ramp up out of the pit of homelessness.
The purpose of this page is to give people who are homeless a little hope and a plan and to give people who wish to help a good idea of what they could do for or give to them to help them out. The Washington couple who started the $20 backpack homeless care kit charity movement claim it inspired the direction they took in helping those in need while sticking to a tight a budget.

What You Can Do With This List - What These Amazing People Did With This List - A personal note

I found this video about a $20 homeless backpack care kit because it had gone viral on the Internet and I clicked on it. You can not possibly imagine my surprise when I was watching it, not knowing I had anything to do with it when, there on the screen, was my article. They fulfilled my fondest wish, not only because they are doing what I hoped people would do with the information, but because they've successfully popularized the idea in a way I could not. Many more people will be doing this and other things to help people in need. It fills my heart with joy!
These lovely people not only put this list into use but were gracious enough to say where they got the idea. Putting love into action makes us all greater for it.
We need a great deal of social change in our country and this is not a solution to poverty. However, it is an action to spread the awareness necessary to make such change happen while helping some people a little directly in a concrete way. I think of it as an extremely kind advertising campaign for social change.
image by Fanginhoon,
image by Fanginhoon,

Goals, Tasks, and Items for Escaping Homelessness

What a survival kit can help you accomplish

  • Getting a regular job.
  • Keeping a regular job.
  • Conserving enough money to get an apartment or rent a room.
To do these things you must be:
  • Clean
  • Well-groomed
  • Rested
  • Fed
To accomplish your goals you must have:
  • An address
  • A phone number
  • An alarm clock or watch
  • A place to bathe
  • A clean place to sleep or a way to stay clean when you sleep
  • Clean clothes
  • Food
photo by Yiannis Papadimitriou,
photo by Yiannis Papadimitriou,

A Backpack

A place for all your important possessions

A backpack is probably the single most important item you can buy for your homeless survival kit.
A backpack allows you to carry all your belongings with you at all times. Unattended items will usually get stolen or vandalized, so everything you absolutely need must come with you wherever you go. Sleep with your backpack on. I used to reverse mine and wear it on my front and curled around it on my side when I slept. If you can, also tie the backpack shut securely with a piece of wire or string through its closures at night so thieves have to struggle to open it and wake you. It's very easy to do with backpacks that have a two tab zipper arrangement on their closures. In that case, you can take your wire or string and tie it through both zipper tab holes.
If you sleep in a homeless shelter, take your shoes off and put them in it at night to avoid getting them stolen. You will probably want to leave your shoes on when you sleep outside so you can run away from trouble if you need to.
You can buy a backpack at a thrift store like Goodwill or Salvation Army for about $5. Don't worry about how it looks, if it has cartoon characters on it or whatever, only concern yourself with whether or not it is tough and will hold up with lots of use. Be sure it closes completely and that the zippers are sturdy and not broken before buying.
Don't buy anything too fancy or it might get stolen and maybe even get you hurt in the process. Keep this in mind if you are buying a backpack for someone else, too.
If you wear your shoes while sleeping, undo the bow on each shoe and tie the shoestring loosely but firmly around your ankle. That way you'll wake up if someone tries to steal them.

A Mylar Emergency Blanket - Mylar blankets are great for any type of survival kit

A Mylar emergency blanket can keep you cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Face the shiny side in to stay warm. Face the shiny side out to stay cool.
Emergency preparedness kits have become popular and they usually include a Mylar blanket. You can usually find a kit containing a Mylar blanket and other useful items or a Mylar blanket by itself at stores like Target, Walmart, and K-Mart. I've also seen the blankets sold by themselves in drugstores like Walgreens, Rite-Aid, and CVS as well as in some dollar stores.
You can usually buy a Mylar emergency blanket for under $3.
Emergency Thermal Blankets 52" X 84", 10xPack
Emergency Thermal Blankets 52" X 84", 10xPack
I like this size of Mylar blanket for a wide variety of uses.

photo by Emiliano Spada,
photo by Emiliano Spada,

Bar Soap and Antiperspirant

It's hard to stay clean and smelling fresh without them

You can use bar soap to get yourself and even your clothes clean in a pinch. Combine it with a washcloth and a resealable plastic bag and it'll be a lot easier to wash up.
Bar soap usually costs less than $2 and washcloths can often be found in dollar stores.
Get some good, scented antiperspirant. Be sure it says it's antiperspirant and not just deodorant. Antiperspirant contains deodorant but it also reduces the amount you sweat. Deodorant usually just covers up odors with a scent or perhaps neutralizes them. But deodorant still allows you to sweat and the sweat that wicks into your clothes will soon start to stink.
You can get a stick of antiperspirant for around $2.
photo by Michal Zacharzewski, SXC
photo by Michal Zacharzewski, SXC

Brushes for Teeth and Hair

Homeless does not have to equal unkempt

Well-brushed hair can pass for clean longer than un-brushed hair. A comb will work too, and it is smaller to carry. You can buy travel-sized brushes for a dollar or less in many stores and combs run even less.
You can't keep your teeth clean and your breath fresh without using a toothbrush so invest in a toothbrush and some toothpaste. Toothbrushes and toothpaste can usually be found for $2 or less.
photo by Andrea Kratzenberg,
photo by Andrea Kratzenberg,

Pants and Shirts

Certain fabrics withstand the rigors of homelessness better than others.

Buy any clothing you can't get free from a charity at a thrift store. If you can't find everything you need at a single one, go to others. If you can't find a particular item, wait a few days, they might get it in.
Buy polyester or other thin, synthetic fiber shirts and pants; they might not look as nice but they shed dirt and wrinkles much more easily than natural fibers, also they can be rolled or folded up very small to pack away in a small bag. Additionally, they dry more quickly when washed.
Also, buy some cotton t-shirts of the sort that can be worn without a shirt over them. You can wear these on days you don't have a job interview or work to go to.
Try to get at least three shirts, three pairs of pants, and three t-shirts.
If you stick to the suggested fabrics, your entire wardrobe will fit in a single washer and dryer load so you may be able to cheaply wash your clothes at a Laundromat if your funds allow.

Underclothes - Underclothes that dry quickly are the best choices

image by Sanja Gjenero,
image by Sanja Gjenero,
For women, the socks to get are called trouser socks. For men they are called dress socks. You can usually get these for about a dollar a pair in dollar stores or big box stores. If you can't wear synthetic material socks, buy the kind you can wear. If synthetics don't work for you cotton socks usually work for anyone.
Try to have at least three pairs of socks. Some charities hand out socks. It's better to have more than three pairs because a sock change in the middle of the day can greatly increase foot comfort.
The best underpants you can get for men are actually those silky bikini style briefs. The best underwear and bras for women also follow this trend - thin, synthetic fabrics which can be hand wash and dry quickly. They don't take as long to dry as cotton but their most important factor is they are more resistant to mold and mildew.
Try to have at least three sets of underwear.
These are not the undergarments homed people tend to desire but their ease of care and ability to dry quickly allows you to have clean underclothes which feels a lot better than the alternative. Their resistance to mold and mildew helps prevent them from stinking up your pack when you have to store them damp inside it. It also helps you avoid stinking and having to wear moldy underwear.
Washing clean, shedding dirt easily, and resisting mildew as well as drying very quickly are what make me consider these types of underclothing to be good choices.

A Plastic Drop Cloth or Tarp

Protection from the elements and dirt

A plastic drop cloth of the kind people use to shield floors and furnishing when they paint will provide you with a clean surface to sleep on and can shelter you from the rain in a pinch. You can fold it up small to carry with you.
You can buy a plastic drop cloth for under $3 at most hardware or home improvement stores and in stores like Walmart, Target, or Sears.
image by Steven Goodwin,
image by Steven Goodwin,

How Did I Come Up With This Stuff?

Why would I even bother thinking about what things homeless people could use?

I spent a lot of time fantasizing about what I would buy if I ever got some cash when I didn't have a home. When I finally got some cash, I had a plan for how to spend it well. I'm also a bit obsessive about lists and planning.

Pepper Spray - Defense against the many predators who prey on the poor

I was reluctant to put this on the list because I've been strongly criticized for doing so but the fact is that homeless people are frequently assaulted or raped. It's not pretty but it's true. So pepper spray is a good thing to have on hand for protection.
However, if you are making up packs for other people, you can leave this item out if you are concerned it could be used to do harm.
1/2 oz 17% Pepper Spray in Hard Case w/ Black Case
1/2 oz 17% Pepper Spray in Hard Case w/ Black Case
The small size and cheap price of this pepper spray are what caused me to select this item to display.

photo by Ove T�pfer,
photo by Ove T�pfer,

A Phone Number

Cell phones can provide stable phone numbers.

If you can't convince someone to let you use their phone number as a message phone you may need to get a cell phone.
Pay as you go cell phones are getting cheaper these days. You can buy a cell phone for as little as $20 and you can get enough minutes for three months use for about $35. This will give you a functional phone number to put on job applications.
Additionally, many cell phones have an alarm clock function which will help you keep appointments and get to interviews on time. If your cell phone has a clock and alarm function, you won't need to also buy a watch or alarm clock.
It can be tricky to keep your cell phone charged. If possible, try to pick up a solar cell phone charger. If you have a job, plug your phone in at work. If not, perhaps a friend or acquaintance who has a home could be convinced to let you charge it at their home.

Solar Cell Phone Charger

A solar cell phone charger can solve the problem of charging a cell phone without a home.
12000mAh Portable Waterproof Solar Charger Dual USB External Battery Power Bank
12000mAh Portable Waterproof Solar Charger Dual USB External Battery Power Bank

The actual Swiss Army knife I used, photo by me
The actual Swiss Army knife I used, photo by me

A Swiss Army Knife or Other Pocket-Sized Multi-Tool

A good, sturdy Swiss Army knife or multi-tool can be a life-saver. I used mine to open bottles and cans, to pull out slivers, to cut food packages open, to cut loose threads off my clothes, and just so many other things I couldn't list them all here without it getting ridiculous.
A multi-tool or Swiss Army knife is clearly a tool so it might be less likely to get police all upset than a regular pocket knife if they do a stop and frisk on you. I found that to be the case but I was a small and very young-looking white woman so what applied to me might not apply to others. Maybe it helped that it was in my pocket with a sewing kit?

Tools for Sewing

You'll probably want to have a sewing kit so you can repair your clothing. It will help you keep your clothes looking presentable longer and fix functional issues like missing buttons. The sewing kit pictured below is a good example of a pocket-sized sewing kit. Choose a kit that has a sturdy case because the ones in plastic bags or flimsy cases will fall apart on you and leave you with a tangled up wad of thread with needles stuck in it eventually.
Mini Sewing Kit - A Portable Travel Kit You Can Keep In Your Pocket - Useful for Emergencies - Compact Size for Easy Transportation, But Large Enough to Be Comfortably Usable in Any Situation - 90 Day Guarantee!
Mini Sewing Kit - A Portable Travel Kit You Can Keep In Your Pocket - Useful for Emergencies - Compact Size for Easy Transportation, But Large Enough to Be Comfortably Usable in Any Situation - 90 Day Guarantee!
This is a good example of a travel sized sewing kit. You should be able to find one in a department store for under five dollars.

photo by Michelle Rau,
photo by Michelle Rau,

Beg, Borrow, or Buy an Address

Do your darnedest to get a friend or acquaintance to let you use their mailing address on job applications. It's the easiest option for many people. If none of your friends, family members, or acquaintances are willing to let you use their mailing address on job applications check at local churches to see if they would allow you to use their address for this purpose. I have heard that many of them will provide this service for homeless people.
Another option is to go to the Post Office and apply to get your mail by general delivery, which means you get your mail right at that specific Post Office. Unfortunately, many Post Offices don't do this anymore, but a few small town offices still do so it can't hurt to ask if you live somewhere rural.
The other alternative is to buy a Post Office box so you can have an address. The cost of this varies but you should be able to get a basic Post Office box for $50 - $85 for six months rent. Unfortunately, most PO boxes have to be paid in a lump sum and some of them require an additional deposit.
If you are unable to get a box at the Post Office due to not having an address, try the private mail service companies like Mail Boxes Etc, the UPS Store, Pak Mail, or similar stores.
Even if you can't get a friend or acquaintance to let you use their address to receive mail at or to list on applications, you may be able to get them to let you use their address to get a Post Office box or mail box at a mail store.
photo by Kylyssa Shay
photo by Kylyssa Shay

Hats and Gloves

Without a home, people need more protection from the elements

Even if it isn't particularly cold where you live, wearing a hat and gloves at night can help keep a homeless sleeper warmer. The hat will not only keep your head warm it will also keep you from getting stuff in your hair if you roll off your bedroll and onto the ground.
I've found some really great hats, gloves, and scarves in my local dollar stores lately so these can generally be found for a dollar or so.
image by Lode Van de Velde,
image by Lode Van de Velde,


It's not easy getting reliable meals

Check out the food banks and soup kitchens in your area before buying food. Also, apply for food assistance through your local human resources department. They may also be able to direct you to other helpful resources. It can be hard to take charity but this will allow you to save up for that apartment or room.
When those resources are exhausted and you must buy food, think cheap, easily prepared without a kitchen, and high in calories. This is not a nutritionally sound diet for long term use but it will prevent outright starvation. Ramen noodles are one of the best deals. They are high in calories, very light to carry around and you can eat them dry if necessary. Bread is also light and cheap, especially if you buy day-old baked goods. Canned beans are cheap and provide protein.
Once you can swing it, buy nutritious foods including plenty of vegetables and fruits. Avoid buying meat as it is difficult to prepare without a stove and is not a cost effective source of protein. Avoid soda, candy, and salty snacks, they have no real nutritive value and don't provide the energy other foods do. Obviously, you should avoid foods that require having a stove to prepare them.
If you live in a rural area, you may be able to convince farmers to either let you glean their fields (pick leftover fruit or vegetables after the harvest) or pay a small fee to pick fruit or vegetables from their fields.
This advice is not intended as a suggestion for your long-term diet. These are survival strategies intended to help you make it to a point when food is readily available and you have the luxury of making healthy choices rather than just staying alive.
If buying food to give to others choose ready-to-eat non-perishables like canned foods, granola bars, and peanut butter. Some people are allergic to peanut butter but they will usually know if they are and trade or give it to someone who can eat it. It's high in protein and doesn't spoil quickly. If you buy canned food be sure it has a pull top so it can be opened without a can opener.
photo by Ilker,
photo by Ilker,

A Watch or Travel Alarm

Helps people get to work, interviews, and other appointments on time

You will need something to keep time with such as a wrist watch or travel alarm if you want to get to interviews, appointments and work on time. A watch is probably most practical as you can look at it at any point without pulling it out of your pack.
You can usually buy a cheap digital watch for around ten dollars. If you are lucky, you may find a functioning watch with a battery in a second hand store for less.
If you already have a cell phone or intend to get one, check to see if it has an alarm and clock function before buying a watch.

If Making Up Knapsack Packs for Others...

Please include pads, tampons, hand sanitizer, and flushable moist wipes if making them up for women. These items can be assembled in plastic zipper bags ahead of time to add to kits as they are given out.


I'd suggest using public transportation, purchased in multi-use cards or tickets as they are cheaper per use than individual fares. For those who are physically able adding a decent used bicycle will add flexibility to transportation options and many city buses have racks to hold them to use them with public transportation.
image by Przemyslaw Szczepanski,
image by Przemyslaw Szczepanski,

What to Do With the Rest of Your Money

Save it.
If possible, put it in a bank account. If that isn't possible, buy travelers checks or money orders made out to yourself. This will prevent people from stealing your hard earned cash.
Do not spend any money on anything at all but necessities. This means no entertainment, no alcohol, no drugs, no single nights in motel rooms.
Be strong and think about the future. Save every penny you possibly can to get an apartment or to rent a room. Keep that room with a locking door in mind as your motivation.
photo by Csaba J. Szabo,
photo by Csaba J. Szabo,

Buying Showers and Keeping Clean

It's difficult to shower often enough

Now here's the difficult part. It's hard to stay clean when you are sleeping outside.
Lay down your tarp and put your bedding on it before lying down.
Wear the same clothes to sleep in for several nights and change into clean clothes from your backpack for work or interviews. Don't sleep in your day clothes, roll them up neatly and store them in your pack to avoid getting them soiled or wrinkled.
When you go into a public restroom, grab some paper towels and wet them before going into the stall. You can do a little clean up in the stall with the wet towels. It works better to have a washcloth that you can store in a Ziploc type storage bag or other waterproof container.
If you find a bathroom with a locking door like a gas station bathroom, wash right at the sink as best you can. Use lots of soap and water and use a lot of antiperspirant after you dry your underarms. Never leave a mess behind because it will encourage business owners to lock their bathroom and it's basic courtesy.
Wet wipes are your best friend. While the kind that come a whole bunch in a pack are cheaper, the individually wrapped ones remove concerns of all their liquid evaporating or leaking all over your stuff. The individually wrapped ones fit easily into your pocket.
To get even more out of your antiperspirant turn your shirts inside out and rub a bunch of antiperspirant into the cloth of the shirt everywhere your underarms might touch. That way, in case some of the antiperspirant wears off of your body there will be a little bit of a backup on your clothes. When you get laundry access, pre-treat the underarm area of shirts and dresses by putting the soap on them and rubbing it in before washing. It will help you avoid underarm stains.
If you can find a truck stop that sells showers, you have hit cleanliness gold. You can buy a shower for several dollars at many truck stops.

How You Can Use This Information to Help Homeless People

Please, if this page is useful to your mission to help homeless people, feel free to print it out to share. If you want to use it on the web, please link to this page instead of cutting and pasting it to use. Pasting it in big pieces may get it taken down by the host website and make this resource unavailable to others who find it through existing links on charity websites. Some charities and activists have plugged fairly big direct quotes into infographics programs to make images to use on their websites. I love it when they do that! Images with my words in them will not harm this page but I ask that you allow such images to be freely shared as I do not extend copyright permission for any kind of exclusive use.
Some soup kitchens have printed out a less detailed version to hand out, making a slightly edited version of the text available for people to read. Some churches have edited the information in this lens to add to church bulletins.
If you want to take it to a more personal level you could print off this page (or the parts you'd like to) and put it and as many of the items listed as is practical into backpacks to distribute to homeless people. For the clothing, many thrift stores either have gift certificates or credit vouchers one can buy to serve in its stead.
I have been delighted and humbled by the number of people asking me how they can use this information to help others.
photo by Sanja Gjenero,
photo by Sanja Gjenero,

What Purpose Does This Page Serve?

This Sounds Like A Good Idea, But What Good Will It Do? How Can This Info Be Used To Help Homeless People?

I wrote this page to help people without hope make a plan to spend any money they get to better their situations but mostly, I created it to encourage people to buy these sorts of items to give to homeless people they know. This list of items and suggestions comes from my own experience and these items are some of the things I bought with an unexpected windfall when I was homeless.
It's all about helping people make a plan, spreading awareness, and giving people something concrete and empowering to do about homelessness. I think it would be of great benefit to everyone if we citizens could take it upon ourselves to help end this problem, starting with the people we see every day.
This is not just about ending homelessness, it is about understanding our obligations to each other as human beings. I'm a humanist and to me that means that the only help and hope we have as human beings necessarily comes from each other. I also believe that helping the less fortunate members of the family of humanity helps the helpers as well. It's like being a good parent, child, or sibling; it gives a person a sense of connectedness and strength.


Please provide whatever you can- $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100- To Use your debit/credit card or check click here:

From Your Hand to the Homeless Veterans and citizens and children

We need your tax-deductible donation like never before. Please make it today.

Founder Veterans Project ,  Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber