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Saturday, December 29, 2018

Breaking Out of the Matrix 101

Breaking Out of the Matrix 101

There is a battle going on. It is not a battle in some distant country, although, those do exist more then we care to discuss. This war is for your mind and your consciousness. It involves the use of words, frequency, conditioning, imprinting and programming. It goes on every day and your antagonist has one intent — to suck you deeper into the matrix, into a dimension with a dismal ending.

Now more than ever it’s time to think for yourself. Time to recognize the power you have within and stop allowing outsides sources to dictate your security and happiness. Step out of the illusion otherwise you remain a somnambulist locked in a life of robotic routines subject to the whims of the day until that fateful day you slide into the grave. Unfortunately, what many people do not understand is that only the physical part of you that slides into that grave; your consciousness is the one that continues on and the mind has a significant influence on where your consciousness lands in the next world.

It has been said down through the ages that there are many worlds and illusions abound. They are all around us and have been for eons. The ancients have also spoken about a time when the societal institutions built on fear would start to crumble. As with anything built on faulty foundations there would be a time when the world would become aware of their nefarious activities. If you look around that time is now. Societal institutions are contaminated and are crumbling.

So, what are you going to do? Remain asleep and drift along fulfilling society’s prescribed path in your quest for happiness? Or maybe you have decided that you are in this world to be miserable. It is your lot in life and you have undertaken that mission to ensure you spread your hatred. Perhaps you are drifting along feeding all those hungry ghosts telling you: “Buy me, acquire me and you will be happy.” If, however you are rousing from your sleep and thinking something is majorly wrong with this world you might want to read on.

Somewhere in our journey some of us have forgotten who we are. We have fallen asleep and have accepted the propaganda and conditioning that our power resides outside ourselves. It is time to awaken to the power that resides within us. We have a choice in this experience and now more than ever the responsibility for that choice rests with us. Time to go down the Rabbit Hole but you ask: How and who do I believe? That, my friend, is the first lesson in stepping out of the programming. Below are a few tips to assist you in the journey.

1. Trust yourself
You are the authority of you and no one else is the authority over you. Begin stilling the mind and listening to that inner guide. It comes through in all of your senses. You can get: a feeling, thought, voice, sensation, poke, etc. All you have to do is tune to the love vibration. If you still the mind and trust in that inner being you will be guided. Information will appear. You will run into someone who provides you with a piece of the puzzle. There are no coincidences. When you trust yourself, life always becomes a synchronistic ride.

2. Stop manufacturing fear in your mind
Fear, with its cousins, blame, doubt and worry, are the tools that lower your vibration and send you in a direction which is not in your best interests. All are designed to waste your energy and through negative thinking and emotions you end up using your imagination to create what you don’t want. They lead you down a path away from love. Learn to shut them down. Monitor your mind!

3. Get out of the identity game
Stop letting labels define who you are. No one really fits into these labels and it is a good thing that everyone and everything is unique. We are not robots. You are not a label. You are a unique being. The only acceptance you should expect out of this life is from yourself. No one has to validate you but you and until you accept this truth you will blindly look to outside sources to authorize your existence. Unfortunately for most, when they do get the slightest validation they find that there is still this unhappiness within them or the validation came with strings. Time to get to know yourself and it involves going within.

4. Recognize everything you were taught is based on lies
Going down the rabbit’s hole is not for the faint of heart. It is a real lunch bag letdown when you learn the history you were taught neglected to provide the truth. Wars were never fought for what we thought. People we thought were heroes were actually living dual lives. Institutions and government programs were not developed for the good of the whole. The whole system has been built by disreputable means and it is controlled by a few sinister families and cartels. So, when you find out that nothing is really as it seems and things seem to be falling apart, don’t despair. Don’t get depressed. Buy some popcorn and watch the show.

5. Take responsibility for your own thoughts and emotions
Emotions cloud judgment and often when you are caught in anger or hate you end up making decisions that don’t work in your favour. You can’t see the forest through the trees when your emotions rule. Start watching how your emotions influence the outcome of your day. If you are continually riding the negative wave and allowing your thinking and emotions to follow this direction, you miss out on what’s around. There is a lot of good around us.

6. It’s a world of inversion
At the present moment our world is upside down. Right is wrong. Wrong is right. People and things are really not what they appear to be. Stop judging the world based on the superficial. Those we see as philanthropists, leaders, politicians, celebrities and do-gooders may in fact be very dark. Many are following their approved talking points in a script that is not working in the interests of the whole. It is working for profit-making machine whose owners do not operate from ethical moral principles. Might is right is how it has operated. A machine that all over the world there are foundations developed to assist with the flow of dark money. Ever wonder where all that money went that was donated to the various world calamities?

7. Do your own research
Unlike the previous century, this century has the internet. Now there is no excuse not to educate yourself and find out your own information. Recognize that the media is the propaganda arm of a machine that is designed to shape your thinking. It’s the 4 a.m. talking points and they are half-truths. Be wary of information provided to you. It was said Hitler operated by a motto that if you tell a lie long enough the people will believe it.

8. Words have now become weapons
Diversity in thought is not accepted by the propaganda machine. Through political correctness we are being programmed to limit our thinking and accept a world that dispenses puffery and lies while rejecting dialogue and communication. Those who scream the loudest and toss around meaningless words like daggers are usually the ones who are committing the crime. Political correctness is a tool for creating chaos and division. Instead of focusing on our inherent connectedness in love, it takes us in the opposite direction.

9. Don’t engage in conversations that drag you down
Be discerning in your conversations. When you find yourself being sucked into a negative confrontation it is sometimes best to change the subject or walk away. Change the way you breathe. No conversation is worth bringing your vibration down into the negative. Besides there are people that no matter how much evidence you place in front of them they will not change their mind. Let them be.

10. Technology is not necessarily your friend
We all rely on technology and it has made our lives easier. It has also for some become an obsession. Technology and social media have offered us an illusion where we think we have reality in our hand. Our value in this world is based on how many likes we get. What happens if there is a more sinister side to this story? What if all that data that was being collected was actually being used to create a new labour force? What if that labour force was a clone of you? Only a thought!

Wishing you days filled with many pleasant surprises!


“A Clear Provocation”

“A Clear Provocation”

In August of 1983, Andrei Berezhkov, the teen-aged son of a Soviet diplomat in Washington, apparently wrote a letter to President Reagan and another one to the New York Times in which he denounced the Soviet regime and asked for asylum in the United States. From press reports of the incident it would seem that the boy soon gave in to pressure from his father. Despite certain opportunities offered by American authorities, he hastily returned to the Soviet Union with his family. But before this denouncement there were some days of suspense during which both Soviet and American officials issued a variety of statements. By far the most interesting of these, to me, was reported by the New York Times (13 August):

“A Soviet Embasssy official, contending that the incident was a ‘clear provocation,’ said Thursday that the letters were forgeries.”

Provocation — what could the Soviet spokesman have meant? It is reasonable, from a Soviet point of view, to charge the Americans with forgery. It makes sense to charge them with a desire to score a propaganda point, whether or not the letters were genuine. But how could it conceivably be in the interest of the United States, no matter how dishonest, aggressive, or devious its officials might be, to “provoke” the Soviet Union in this instance? A charge of “provocation”, without any accompanying explanation, can only blunt and obscure the much more plausible (and therefore more potentially damaging) charge of forgery.

Less than a month after the Berezhkov case — on 1 September to be exact — a Soviet military airplane fired upon a civilian South Korean airliner and killed 269 people. The two cases had little similarity except for the language of the accompanying Soviet propaganda.

On 4 September the Soviet press agency TASS described the Korean flight as “a rude and deliberate provocation.” Two days later, a Soviet Embassy official in Ottawa declared it “a deliberate provocation” (Vancouver Sun, 7 September). In Moscow, 6 September, a lengthy TASS statement explained Soviet reasoning as follows:

“It was not a technical error [on the part of the Korean crew]. The plan was to carry out without a hitch the … intelligence operation but if it was stymied to turn all this into a political provocation against the Soviet Union.”

On 7 September Andrei Gromyko omitted any mention of intelligence gathering but again charged “provocation”:

“No matter who resorts to provocation of that kind, he should know that he will bear the full brunt of responsibility for it. … Those who today are still giving credence to [the American] falsehood will, no doubt, at long last understand the true aim of this major provocation. …”

Finally on 6 September Marshal Ogarkov, chief of the Soviet General Staff, conducted a press conference on the affair in Moscow. He charged a “deliberate, thoroughly planned intelligence operation”, but only after beginning his speech by charging a “provocation perpetrated by the US secret services.”

Elsewhere, pro-Moscow Communists spoke of both espionage and “provocation.” On 17 October, the New York Times reported from the United Nations that Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Cuba and Mongolia had all “defended the Soviet Union, saying that the airliner was a spy plane and represented a provocation by the United States.” William Kashtan, leader of the Canadian CP, declared that “The KAL incident … was an imperialist provocation.” Vancouver’s Communist Pacific Tribune of 19 October allowed itself a somewhat less formal style and said in an editorial that

“hysterical mesmerism is evidently the major stock-in-trade of imperialism these days … there was a load of provocative garbage about the USSR ‘knowing’ it was a 747 … Reagan-led hysteria, hate-peddling, provocation and boycotts eagerly lapped up by every stray dog of imperialism. …”

Those who read Communist propaganda habitually are of course inured and may not even notice that the use of “provocation” in these contexts, from a non-Communist point of view, is strange, illogical, and self-defeating.

Strange. Communist spokesmen are often attuned to current moods and fashions and can sound eminently reasonable to the Western ear. But there seems to be a sudden shift to the outlandish with an insistence on “provocation.” The effect on New York Times commentators like Serge Schmemann (14 September) and John F. Burns (11 September) may be taken as typical: they stumble over the word and put it between puzzled quotation marks.

Illogical. The Soviets charge that the Americans wanted to both “provoke” and to spy. But a spy defeats his purpose if he provokes his target into any sort of action. The TASS statement of 6 September tries to get around this conundrum by claiming to know a secret American plan to use the incident as “provocation” only if the espionage mission should fail. The difficulty here is that this is not a plausible plan for an intelligence operation and none of the other Soviet statements try to rationalise in this manner. Moreover, there is a further problem that demands explanation. If the American plan had been to “provoke”, and if the Soviets are so well aware of this American proclivity, why did they assist the American ploy by shooting at the plane? In other words if the whole thing was bait and the fish knew that it was bait, why did it bite?

Self-defeating. An argument is persuasive only if it is believable and coherent. To say that Americans are engaged in espionage against the Soviet Union is plausible; it is consistent with what most people know or suspect of the behaviour and the self-interest of modern governments. But to say that the Americans wish to “provoke” the Soviet Union is inconsistent with all such rational assumptions. There is no reason, at least no obvious reason, why Americans should wish to “provoke”, and any propaganda based on such allegation cannot be successful. Nevertheless, the Soviets and the pro-Soviet Communists persist in such allegations, usually without the slightest attempt to explain the puzzling irrationality with which they charge their opponents.

Nor is this new to Communist propaganda. The Red Army started its invasion of Finland on 30 November 1939. Twelve days before, TASS reported from Helsinki that “ruling circles in Finland [are] provoking war against the USSR.” The day before the invasion, on 29 November, a resolution of Moscow writers and poets solemnly expressed “indignation and anger that the Finns, prompted by the warmongers, have permitted wanton provocation.” The next day Molotov announced the invasion, declaring that “orders have been issued to the Red Army and Navy … to put an end to all Finnish provocations.” (The German-Soviet invasion of Poland, two months earlier, was not accompanied by such charges. Hitler merely complained that “the Polish nation refused my efforts for a peaceful regulation of neighbourly relations”, and the Soviets, then perhaps under Nazi influence, by and large limited their accusations against the Poles to that of “chauvinistic treatment of minorities”.)


How and why the Communists came to their fondness for “provocation” becomes clear enough once we take a look at the Russia of the late 19th century.

The various revolutionary groups (socialist, anarchist, populist) on the one hand, and the government’s secret police (the Okhrana) on the other, lived in an atmosphere of intrigue and conspiracy.

“Secrecy [Lenin wrote in 1902] is such a necessary condition for [our] kind of organisation that all the other conditions (number and selection of members, functions, etc.) must be made to conform to it.” [1]

Much of the secrecy had to do with spies which the revolutionary groups had in the police, and, more commonly, which the police had in the revolutionary organisations. Occasionally such agents entrapped (“provoked”) revolutionaries into actions for which the police would then arrest them. Such provocation soon became merged with simple espionage in the minds of the revolutionaries. By the 1890s all police spies in the Russian revolutionary movement were called “agents provocateurs” (provokatori) by the members of these movements.[2]

The Russian cognates of “provocation” and of the French “provocateur” (i.e. provokatsia and provokator) took on even broader meanings in the writings of Lenin. It is rare that he used either expression in the narrow sense — i.e. actual entrapment or provocation. Most frequently his usage relates to a suspected police spy or informer. Sometimes Lenin used such terms even more broadly, as very general pejoratives whose only connection to the original “provocation” is the allegation of deviousness. Thus, in a polemical reference to the Social Democratic founders of the Weimar Republic, he charged that “over 15,000 German Communists were killed as a result of the wily provocation and cunning manoeuvres of Scheidemann and Noske. …” [3]

There seems to be only one core idea that has remained with the term from beginning to end: a perception of a devious, conspiratorial enemy. But this idea is hidden to outsiders. To those to whom a “capitalist” world is engaged in a permanent conspiracy against the Soviet Union, and who see the need (as Lenin saw it) for a counter-conspiracy against these forces of darkness, the Communist usage of “provocation” becomes meaningful and natural. To everyone else the term must seem, as I have suggested, strange, illogical, self-defeating. It is a piece of esoterica, understandable only to the initiates.


Social scientists accept as a commonplace that there is some reciprocal influence between language and culture (although the exact nature of this relationship is under continuing debate). Consequently a number of writers have looked at Communist ideology by studying the Communists’ language.[4] But just about all of this literature has the crippling limitation of focusing on manifest ideology, on that which Communists profess.[5] These studies tell us about items like “proletariat”, “bourgeoisie”, “imperialism”, and so forth. Not one of them discusses “provocation” or other terms which form part of the non-professed or latent ideology.[6]

But it is most especially the latent ideology that needs to be studied. This is not easy. How do we know what a man believes in the absence of his own testimony? In general we must judge his actions more than his words. But his words too can be revealing of thoughts he may wish to hide. This is particularly so when these words seem odd, incongruous, and inconsistent with what he professes as his creed.

Many items of Communist vocabulary may serve both manifest and latent functions. One such item, in many ways a curiosity, is “red-baiting.” The expression has entered a number of American dictionaries in recent years, and is sometimes used by non-Communists who wish to make a point of being particularly liberal in respect to the rights of Communists. But generally its use is restricted to Communists and fellow-travellers. Moreover, unlike most other such technical Communist terms, there do not seem to be close equivalents in other languages.

My Unabridged Webster’s Dictionary defines “red-baiting” as “the act of baiting or harassing as a red often in a malicious or irresponsible manner.” [7] Not wishing harassment is of course a straightforward, perfectly understandable sentiment; but it constitutes only one — the manifest — meaning of the expression. An additional usage may be illustrated by the following very typical illustration.

In 1983, the Vancouver City Council contained four aldermen who prominently associated themselves with Communist causes, but only one of these was a professed Party member. When a letter to a local newspaper alleged all four to be Communists, one replied as follows: “There are no members of Council who belong to the Communist Party … [the first writer’s] approach to informing the public is red-baiting.” In this context, the term constitutes a complaint that a Communist is being identified as a Communist.

The resistance to such identification is the other — the latent — meaning of “red-baiting” that emerges from the contexts in which the phrase appears in the English-language Communist literature.[8] Since the 1920s, international Communism has distinguished itself from all other political movements by having a portion of its membership deny its political affiliation.[9] (I do not refer here to countries in which the Party is illegal.) This desire to hide its political identity — especially necessary for activity in front organisations — is part of the latent ideology of the Communist movement, and it is not surprising to find it reflected in what amounts to a piece of technical terminology.

One of the curious aspects of this usage is that, like “provocation”, it can only baffle the uninitiated. Sometimes the denial of Communist membership is transparently untruthful, as indeed it was in the Vancouver case. Moreover, from the point of view of the very outsider whom Communist propaganda wishes to influence, why should a Communist label be so vigorously resisted by Communist spokesmen? Doesn’t this invite the impression that it is shameful to be a Communist? Here again we see something that is strange to the outsider, illogical, and self-defeating to the Communist propagandist.

The term appears only in English although the camouflaging occurs everywhere. We don’t expect a one-to-one relationship between language and ideology,[10] but we might speculate on why the term is absent elsewhere: perhaps the small American and British Communist movements, lacking mass parties and mass followings, rely even more than those of the Continent on dissimulation, disguise, concealment. While Communists in France and Italy can get a respectful hearing under their own label, this is only barely possible in the English-speaking world. Perhaps the appearance of “red-baiting” as a term is related to the relative importance of the hidden when compared to the open Communist.


The interpretation of the latent content in Communist language, like that of dreams, can offer temptations for loose theorising. The exegeses I have offered so far — a Communist penchant for conspiracy, a Communist tendency toward disguise and dissimulation — are not very daring because there is ample non-linguistic evidence for them. But I wish to offer two final suggestions of a more speculative nature.

(1) Both “provocation” and “red-baiting” give the impression of a Communist who is acted upon rather than acting on his own responsibility. He is victimised (“baited”), and when he acts it is not because he wishes to but because he is pushed (“provoked”).[11]

(2) The second suggestion is of an altogether different nature. I have tried to show that the Communist’s persistent use of technical vocabulary is related to latent ideology and strikes the outsider as strange, illogical, and self-defeating. Yet Communist propagandists persist in this usage, from the highest authorities in the Kremlin to the minor functionary in Canada. By doing so, I suggest, they give evidence that ideology, properly understood as including the latent, can take precedence over an opportunist desire to influence the Western public. Another way of putting this is that no matter how worldly-wise the Communists may be, they remain, at least to some extent, the prisoners of an irrational ideology that prevents them from any real communication with the rest of us.

Western Communist Parties which want to make themselves “wide open to the masses” were criticised yesterday in a “Pravda” article by Mr Vadim Zagladin, deputy chief of the Kremlin’s International Information Department.

It appeared to be a response to last month’s congress of the Finnish Communist Party, at which moderate “Eurocommunists” ousted pro-Moscow hardliners from all leading posts.

Mr Zagladin said that recently in certain countries a feeling had arisen that strictly orthodox Leninist Communist parties were no longer needed. But this denied the class criteria of Communism, the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism, and the ideal of proletarian internationalism, he said.

In Soviet political language “proletarian internationalism” means unswerving loyalty to Moscow.

Mr Zagladin said the new type of Western Communist Party, “wide open to the masses,” was really a retreat to the old social-democratic model. Experience had shown that social-democratic parties could never bring about revolution or socialism. According to Lenin, a Communist party must be a “vanguard party” of tightly-disciplined activists leading the working masses.

Nigel Wade
reporting from Moscow

The Six Kill-Shots Directed At Humanity

The Six Kill-Shots Directed At Humanity

In previous articles, I have begun to detail how we can know that demonic entities, some call Fallen Angels are making their way into our reality. The contextual background for today’s part in this series, lie below with the following three articles.

Is This the Last Generation Humans? Major Revelations and Big Changes Lie Ahead

Why Was Ken Lay and Enron Taken Down by the Global Elite? I know, I Was There

The Arrival: Bad Entities with Demonic Intentions
In past articles I alluded to how Bill Pawelec, Vance Davis and myself were involved with Enron when they were taken down because they wanted to dabble in technology that is tremendous in its scope. However, certain entities are denying access, thus, we see the complete fabrication of our history and disguised depopulation events being put into play.

In a survey format, today’s article details how the globalists and their demonic allies have constructed a plot, consisting of at least six parts to this depopulation plan and how this plan will be implemented.

Fukushima: A Planetary Kill Shot of the Highest Order
Fukushima, which is far worse than most people realize has killed the Pacific Ocean.But it is not just the Pacific Ocean that we need to worry about. This is having a planetary effect because their life cycle between the health of the ocean (eg plankton, the interrelationship between weather, growing season, the food chain, etc.) have been permanently altered. This is leading to a food shortage and will culminate in massive bouts with starvation. The problem is getting far worse and will be covered later in this article as a depopulation event and will be covered in more detail in a future and related article.

The Gulf Oil Spill and the Destruction of Europe
The far-reaching effects of the Gulf Oil Spill. As I originally covered in my seven part series on the Gulf Oil Spill, the event was contrived and was designed to produce a slower, but ultimately, just as deadly set of planetary effects as Fukushima. As I have covered through both the NOAA data and the not so subtle pronouncements of the globalists, Europe is in trouble and eventually, Europeans will have to migrate to Africa to survive, only, as I have learned, viruses such as Ebola will be unleashed at an opportune time to kill off European migrants. I was told about this in confidence by a Russian official approximately 12 years ago. This is one of the reasons why Putin has adopted a defensive and hostile demeanor toward the globalists. This is something that I will greatly expand on in a future article as I will be discussing how the Gulf Stream has been permanently altered by the Gulf Oil Spill.

GMO’s Are Destroying Human DNA
GMO’s and the destruction of our collective DNA is an absolute goal of the globalists. Yes, I am saying that humans are being terraformed. GMO’s are one of the precursorx to Transhumanism and the permanent alteration of the human species as it can be said that human DNA is being morphed through the food supply in order to bring about permanent changes which will set the stage for destroying human beings as we now know the species.

Although GMO manipulation of Human DNA is the not the focus of this article, it should be mentioned that Vance Davis had much to say about this in an early 1990’s book, Unbroken Promises.

Upon my first and ultimate meeting with Vance Davis, he told me that his NSA training consisted of a remarkable history lesson. He was taught by his NSA handlers that the Universe was involved in a classic struggle between what we would call good and evil. The evil (ie Fallen Angels in today’s lexicon) had a goal which was to destroy the soul of humans. The soul has always been considered one of the ultimate creations of God. Destroying the soul would have been considered to be one of the ultimate slaps in the face to God. However, the evil entities could not crack the code of the soul and as it turned out, only God has the code.  Subsequently, Vance was taught that the decision was made to permanently alter human beings through Transhumanism. When I first met Vance in 1993, he was already talking about, what we call today, Transhumanism. It should be noted here that as long as one human being survives intact, the soul also survives. Therefore, complete genocide against all humans in their present form is the goal of the globalists.

Along with consumables such as GMO’s I would also place vaccine danger.

The Last Generation of Humans
Transhumanism is the ultimate goal. I attended the Gen Six Branson conference on this topic. Transhumanism is designed to make this generation, the last generation of humans as know them.  I cannot elaborate any more eloquently that the guests that made public presentation in Branson in September of 2018.

In September of 2019, the relationship between these entities and world events will be unveiled at the next Legends Conference. Ticket information is available here.

Chemtrails and Dimming the Sun

Chemtrails are largely responsible for the explosion in such debilitating illnesses such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s. A full 18% of the Earth’s sunlight is not being blocked from reaching the planet. Now, as I have recently covered, the globalists have a new plan, it is called the “Dimming the sun”, though the dispersion of chemical particles in the Stratosphere, in which the globalists admit that Chemtrails are real and the strategy is designed to block sunlight from reaching the earth and will limit crop yield. This, too, will lead to mass starvation events.

This fraud against humanity is discussed in detail here.

The concept is discussed in detail in the following:

The 5G Death Rays

The implementation of 5G, that humanity will not survive. Brain cancer rates, due to the widespread implementation of 4G, are skyrocketing! This Sunday evening, 5G expert, Virginia Farver tells the audience about how NONE of us are going to survive 5G and this is by design. It is absolutely a depopulation device.

Here is a previous interview with Virginia Farver as we introduced the dangers of 5G.

 Many future articles and radio interviews are planned in the near future as we expose this deadly threat to humanity.

Determining Demonic Intentionality
Ronald Reagan Understood
President Reagan understood a common enemy had the potential to unite humanity. He often spoke a potential alien threat to mankind as being the unifying force which had the potential to bring all of us together.

Indeed, all of mankind does face a common foe. However, it is not aliens. Our common foe are the elite that presume that they have  the God-given right to exert ownership over all of us including the right to life or death. And for 95% of us, the elite are actively engaged in systematic extermination of mankind.

If we were to borrow from Reagan’s wisdom, we have the potential to unite humanity against our common foe. For those who are awake, it is your duty to your creator and to fellow man to relentlessly educate humanity as to the true nature of the elite along with exposing their final solution.

Along these lines, I have collected a sample of well-known quotes from the global elite, both past and present. And even people who cannot find the courage to abandon their normalcy bias, will have a difficult time denying the disturbing quotes which follow. .

Officials in the United Nations
Want You Dead
Surely, the peace loving United Nations, complete with its expressed desire to save the world from any and all evil would stand in line to thwart any expressed threat to inhabitants of this planet, right? Well, not exactly. The United Nations is permeated with individuals who are Satanically inspired and have repeatedly, on many fronts, have expressed their intent to reduce the world’s population by dramatic means, if necessary. Please consider the following quotes:

“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.”
David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.”

Initiative for the United Nations ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER

“One America burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say in order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.”

Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier

“A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.”

United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment

“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline would be ideal.”

Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major United Nations contributor

We know that the global elite, and the Deep State (eg Hillary Clinton) are demonic in nature. Hillary, as repeatedly covered in the election, is a 4th degree Coven Witch. All of these people worship Satan. All are involved in this great deception.

My advice to the world, is to get down on your knees and beg the Lord for forgiveness and wisdom about how to respond to this threat.  There is still more to come.

Government Shutdown or Not, the Police State Will Continue to Flourish

Government Shutdown or Not, the Police State Will Continue to Flourish

There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men.”—Ludwig von Mises

The government has shut down again. 
At least, parts of the government have temporarily shut down over President Trump’s demand for a $5 billion border wall.
Yet while these political games dominate news headlines, send the stock market into a nosedive, and put more than 800,000 federal employees at risk of having to work without pay, nothing about this government shutdown will diminish the immediate and very real dangers of the American Police State with its roadside strip searches, government surveillance, biometric databases, citizens being treated like terrorists, imprisonments for criticizing the government, national ID cards, SWAT team raids, censorship, forcible blood draws and DNA extractions, private prisons, weaponized drones, red light cameras, tasers, active shooter drills, police misconduct and government corruption.
Shutdown or not, war will continue. Drone killings will continue. Surveillance will continue. Censorship and persecution of anyone who criticizes the government will continue. The government’s efforts to label dissidents as extremists and terrorists will continue.
Police shootings will continue. Highway robbery meted out by government officials will continue. Corrupt government will continue. Profit-driven prisons will continue. And the militarization of the police will continue.
Indeed, take a look at the programs and policies that are not affected by a government shutdown, and you’ll get a clearer sense of the government’s priorities, which have little to do with serving taxpayers and everything to do with amassing money, power and control.
Not even NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command that tracks Santa Claus’ route across the globe, will have its surveillance efforts curtailed one iota.
Surveillance will continue unabated. On any given day, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency, whether the NSA or some other entity, is listening in and tracking your behavior. Police have been outfitted with a litany of surveillance gear, from license plate readers and cell phone tracking devices to biometric data recorders. Technology now makes it possible for the police to scan passersby in order to detect the contents of their pockets, purses, briefcases, etc. Full-body scanners, which perform virtual strip-searches of Americans traveling by plane, have gone mobile, with roving police vans that peer into vehicles and buildings alike—including homes. Coupled with the nation’s growing network of real-time surveillance cameras and facial recognition software, soon there really will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
Government spying will continue unabated. Government shutdown or not, the National Security Agency (NSA), with its $10.8 billion black ops annual budget, will continue to spy on every person in the United States who uses a computer or phone using programs such as PRISM and XKEYSCORE. By cracking the security of all major smartphones, including iPhone, Android, and Blackberry devices, NSA agents harvest such information as contacts, text messages, and location data. And then there are the NSA agents who will continue to use and abuse their surveillance powers for personal means, to spy on girlfriends, lovers and first dates.
Global spying will continue unabated. The NSA’s massive surveillance network, what the Washington Post refers to as a $500 billion “espionage empire,” will continue to span the globe and target every single person on the planet who uses a phone or a computer. The NSA’s Echelon program intercepts and analyzes virtually every phone call, fax and email message sent anywhere in the world. In addition to carrying out domestic surveillance on peaceful political groups such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace and several religious groups, Echelon has also been a keystone to the government’s attempts at political and corporate espionage.
Egregious searches will continue unabated. Under the pretext of protecting the nation’s infrastructure (roads, mass transit systems, water and power supplies, telecommunications systems and so on) against criminal or terrorist attacks, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) task forces (comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection canine teams) will continue to do random security sweeps of nexuses of transportation, including ports, railway and bus stations, airports, ferries and subways. Sweep tactics include the use of x-ray technology, pat-downs and drug-sniffing dogs, among other things.
The undermining of the Constitution will continue unabated. America’s so-called war on terror, which it has relentlessly pursued since 9/11, has chipped away at our freedoms, unraveled our Constitution and transformed our nation into a battlefield, thanks in large part to such subversive legislation as the USA Patriot Act and National Defense Authorization Act. These laws—which completely circumvent the rule of law and the constitutional rights of American citizens, re-orienting our legal landscape in such a way as to ensure that martial law, rather than the rule of law, our U.S. Constitution, becomes the map by which we navigate life in the United States—will continue to be enforced.
Militarized policing will continue unabated. Thanks to federal grant programs allowing the Pentagon to transfer surplus military supplies and weapons to local law enforcement agencies without charge, police forces will continue to be transformed from peace officers into heavily armed extensions of the military, complete with jackboots, helmets, shields, batons, pepper-spray, stun guns, assault rifles, body armor, miniature tanks and weaponized drones. Having been given the green light to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, all with the general blessing of the courts, America’s law enforcement officials, no longer mere servants of the people entrusted with keeping the peace, will continue to keep the masses corralled, under control, and treated like suspects and enemies rather than citizens.
SWAT team raids will continue unabated. With more than 80,000 SWAT team raids carried out every year on unsuspecting Americans for relatively routine police matters and federal agencies laying claim to their own law enforcement divisions, the incidence of botched raids and related casualties will continue to rise. Nationwide, SWAT teams will continue to be employed to address an astonishingly trivial array of criminal activity or mere community nuisances including angry dogs, domestic disputes, improper paperwork filed by an orchid farmer, and misdemeanor marijuana possession.
Overcriminalization will continue unabated. The government bureaucracy will continue to churn out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies, rendering the rest of us petty criminals. The average American now unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to this overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal. Consequently, small farmers who dare to make unpasteurized goat cheese and share it with members of their community will continue to have their farms raided.
The shadow government— a.k.a. the Deep State, a.k.a. the police state, a.k.a. the military industrial complex, a.k.a. the surveillance state complex—will continue unabated. This corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials will continue to call the shots in Washington DC, no matter who sits in the White House or controls Congress. By “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.
These issues are not going away.
They are the backbone of an increasingly aggressive authoritarian government, formed by an unholy alliance between the mega-corporations with little concern for the Constitution and elected officials and bureaucrats incapable or unwilling to represent the best interests of their constituents.
When it comes right down to it, no matter how long a government shutdown lasts, it will remain business as usual in terms of the government’s unceasing pursuit of greater powers and control.
So where do we go from here?
If public opposition, outright challenges, and a government shutdown don’t stop or even slow down the police state, what’s to be done?
Do what you must to survive.
Go to work, take care of your family, pay off your debts.
All the while you’re doing those things which allow you to survive from one day to the next, plan for the future and strive for freedom.
Pay attention to the political structure that is being created in the shadows, the economic system that is chaining us down with debt, and the feudal, fascist society borne out of the marriage of government and big business.
Avoid the propaganda mills posing as news sources.
Express your outrage, loudly and tirelessly, to the government’s incursions on our freedoms.

Act locally—taking issue with any and every encroachment on your rights, no matter how minor, whether it’s a ban on goat cheese or installations of red light cameras at intersections and on school buses—because reclaiming our rights from the ground up, starting locally and trickling up, remains our only hope.
Resistance may seem futile, it will be hard, and as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, there will inevitably be a price to pay for resisting the emerging tyranny, but to the extent that you are able, RESIST.

Government Shutdown or Not, the Police State Will Continue to Flourish

Government Shutdown or Not, the Police State Will Continue to Flourish

The government has shut down again. 
At least, parts of the government have temporarily shut down over President Trump’s demand for a $5 billion border wall.
Yet while these political games dominate news headlines, send the stock market into a nosedive, and put more than 800,000 federal employees at risk of having to work without pay, nothing about this government shutdown will diminish the immediate and very real dangers of the American Police State with its roadside strip searches, government surveillance, biometric databases, citizens being treated like terrorists, imprisonments for criticizing the government, national ID cards, SWAT team raids, censorship, forcible blood draws and DNA extractions, private prisons, weaponized drones, red light cameras, tasers, active shooter drills, police misconduct and government corruption.
Shutdown or not, war will continue. Drone killings will continue. Surveillance will continue. Censorship and persecution of anyone who criticizes the government will continue. The government’s efforts to label dissidents as extremists and terrorists will continue.
Police shootings will continue. Highway robbery meted out by government officials will continue. Corrupt government will continue. Profit-driven prisons will continue. And the militarization of the police will continue.
Indeed, take a look at the programs and policies that are not affected by a government shutdown, and you’ll get a clearer sense of the government’s priorities, which have little to do with serving taxpayers and everything to do with amassing money, power and control.
Not even NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command that tracks Santa Claus’ route across the globe, will have its surveillance efforts curtailed one iota.
Surveillance will continue unabated. On any given day, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency, whether the NSA or some other entity, is listening in and tracking your behavior. Police have been outfitted with a litany of surveillance gear, from license plate readers and cell phone tracking devices to biometric data recorders. Technology now makes it possible for the police to scan passersby in order to detect the contents of their pockets, purses, briefcases, etc. Full-body scanners, which perform virtual strip-searches of Americans traveling by plane, have gone mobile, with roving police vans that peer into vehicles and buildings alike—including homes. Coupled with the nation’s growing network of real-time surveillance cameras and facial recognition software, soon there really will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
Government spying will continue unabated. Government shutdown or not, the National Security Agency (NSA), with its $10.8 billion black ops annual budget, will continue to spy on every person in the United States who uses a computer or phone using programs such as PRISM and XKEYSCORE. By cracking the security of all major smartphones, including iPhone, Android, and Blackberry devices, NSA agents harvest such information as contacts, text messages, and location data. And then there are the NSA agents who will continue to use and abuse their surveillance powers for personal means, to spy on girlfriends, lovers and first dates.
Global spying will continue unabated. The NSA’s massive surveillance network, what the Washington Post refers to as a $500 billion “espionage empire,” will continue to span the globe and target every single person on the planet who uses a phone or a computer. The NSA’s Echelon program intercepts and analyzes virtually every phone call, fax and email message sent anywhere in the world. In addition to carrying out domestic surveillance on peaceful political groups such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace and several religious groups, Echelon has also been a keystone to the government’s attempts at political and corporate espionage.
Egregious searches will continue unabated. Under the pretext of protecting the nation’s infrastructure (roads, mass transit systems, water and power supplies, telecommunications systems and so on) against criminal or terrorist attacks, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) task forces (comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection canine teams) will continue to do random security sweeps of nexuses of transportation, including ports, railway and bus stations, airports, ferries and subways. Sweep tactics include the use of x-ray technology, pat-downs and drug-sniffing dogs, among other things.
The undermining of the Constitution will continue unabated. America’s so-called war on terror, which it has relentlessly pursued since 9/11, has chipped away at our freedoms, unraveled our Constitution and transformed our nation into a battlefield, thanks in large part to such subversive legislation as the USA Patriot Act and National Defense Authorization Act. These laws—which completely circumvent the rule of law and the constitutional rights of American citizens, re-orienting our legal landscape in such a way as to ensure that martial law, rather than the rule of law, our U.S. Constitution, becomes the map by which we navigate life in the United States—will continue to be enforced.
Militarized policing will continue unabated. Thanks to federal grant programs allowing the Pentagon to transfer surplus military supplies and weapons to local law enforcement agencies without charge, police forces will continue to be transformed from peace officers into heavily armed extensions of the military, complete with jackboots, helmets, shields, batons, pepper-spray, stun guns, assault rifles, body armor, miniature tanks and weaponized drones. Having been given the green light to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, all with the general blessing of the courts, America’s law enforcement officials, no longer mere servants of the people entrusted with keeping the peace, will continue to keep the masses corralled, under control, and treated like suspects and enemies rather than citizens.
SWAT team raids will continue unabated. With more than 80,000 SWAT team raids carried out every year on unsuspecting Americans for relatively routine police matters and federal agencies laying claim to their own law enforcement divisions, the incidence of botched raids and related casualties will continue to rise. Nationwide, SWAT teams will continue to be employed to address an astonishingly trivial array of criminal activity or mere community nuisances including angry dogs, domestic disputes, improper paperwork filed by an orchid farmer, and misdemeanor marijuana possession.
Overcriminalization will continue unabated. The government bureaucracy will continue to churn out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies, rendering the rest of us petty criminals. The average American now unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to this overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal. Consequently, small farmers who dare to make unpasteurized goat cheese and share it with members of their community will continue to have their farms raided.
The shadow government— a.k.a. the Deep State, a.k.a. the police state, a.k.a. the military industrial complex, a.k.a. the surveillance state complex—will continue unabated. This corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials will continue to call the shots in Washington DC, no matter who sits in the White House or controls Congress. By “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.
These issues are not going away.
They are the backbone of an increasingly aggressive authoritarian government, formed by an unholy alliance between the mega-corporations with little concern for the Constitution and elected officials and bureaucrats incapable or unwilling to represent the best interests of their constituents.
When it comes right down to it, no matter how long a government shutdown lasts, it will remain business as usual in terms of the government’s unceasing pursuit of greater powers and control.
So where do we go from here?
If public opposition, outright challenges, and a government shutdown don’t stop or even slow down the police state, what’s to be done?
Do what you must to survive.
Go to work, take care of your family, pay off your debts.
All the while you’re doing those things which allow you to survive from one day to the next, plan for the future and strive for freedom.
Pay attention to the political structure that is being created in the shadows, the economic system that is chaining us down with debt, and the feudal, fascist society borne out of the marriage of government and big business.
Avoid the propaganda mills posing as news sources.
Express your outrage, loudly and tirelessly, to the government’s incursions on our freedoms.
Act locally—taking issue with any and every encroachment on your rights, no matter how minor, whether it’s a ban on goat cheese or installations of red light cameras at intersections and on school buses—because reclaiming our rights from the ground up, starting locally and trickling up, remains our only hope.
Resistance may seem futile, it will be hard, and as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, there will inevitably be a price to pay for resisting the emerging tyranny, but to the extent that you are able, RESIST.

Say No to Government Grinches and Corporate Scrooges

Say No to Government Grinches and Corporate Scrooges

"Once upon a midnight clear, there was a child’s cry, a blazing star hung over a stable, and wise men came with birthday gifts. We haven’t forgotten that night down the centuries. We celebrate it with stars on Christmas trees, with the sound of bells, and with gifts… We forget nobody, adult or child. All the stockings are filled, all that is, except one. And we have even forgotten to hang it up. The stocking for the child born in a manger. It’s his birthday we’re celebrating. Don’t let us ever forget that. Let us ask ourselves what He would wish for most. And then, let each put in his share, loving kindness, warm hearts, and a stretched out hand of tolerance. All the shining gifts that make peace on earth.”—The Bishop’s Wife (1947)
What a year.
It feels as if government Grinches and corporate Scrooges have been working overtime to drain every last drop of joy, kindness and liberty from the world.
After endless months of gloom and doom, it’s hard not to feel like Charlie Brown in A Charlie Brown Christmas as he struggles to feel happy and find the true meaning of Christmas in the midst of rampant commercialism, political correctness and the casual cruelty of an apathetic, self-absorbed, dog-eat-dog world.
Then again, isn’t that struggle to overcome the darkness and find the light within exactly what Christmas—the celebration of a baby born in a manger—is all about? The reminder that we have not been forgotten or forsaken. Glad tidings in the midst of hard times. Goodwill to counter meanness. Innocence in the face of cynicism. Hope in the midst of despair. Comfort to soothe our fears. Peace as an answer to war. Love that conquers hate.
As “fellow-passengers to the grave,” we all have a moral duty to make this world (or at least our small corners of it) just a little bit kinder, a little less hostile and a lot more helpful to those in need.
No matter what one’s budget, religion, or political persuasion, there is no shortage of things we can each do right now to pay our blessings forward and recapture the true spirit of Christmas.
For starters, move beyond the “us” vs. “them” mentality. Tune into what’s happening in your family, in your community and your world, and get active. Show compassion to those in need, be kind to those around you, forgive those who have wronged you, and teach your children to do the same. Talk less, and listen more. Take less, and give more. Stop being a hater. Stop acting entitled and start being empowered. Learn tolerance in the true sense of the word. Value your family. Count your blessings. Share your blessings. Feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and comfort the lonely and broken-hearted. Bridge bridges, and tear down walls. Stand for freedom. Strive for peace.
One thing more: make time for joy and laughter. Shake off the blues with some Christmas tunes, whatever fits the bill for you, be it traditional carols, rollicking oldies, or some rocking new tunes. Watch a Christmas movie that reinforces your faith in humanity.
Here are ten of my favorite Christmas movies and music albums to get you started.
First the movies.
It’s A Wonderful Life (1946). An American classic about a despondent man, George Bailey who is saved from suicide by an angel working to get his wings. This film is a testament to director Frank Capra’s faith in people. Sublime performances by James Stewart and Donna Reed.
The Bishop’s Wife (1947). An angel comes to earth in answer to a bishop’s prayer for help. Cary Grant, David Niven and Loretta Young help energize this tale of lost visions and longings of the heart.
Miracle on 34th Street (1947). By happenchance, Kris Kringle is hired as Santa Claus by Macy’s Department Store in New York City for the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Before long, Kringle, who believes himself to be the one and only Santa Claus, has impacted virtually everyone around him. Funny, witty and heartwarming, this film is stocked with some fine performances from Maureen O’Hara, John Payne and young Natalie Wood. Edmund Gwenn won the Academy Award for best supporting actor for his role as Saint Nick.
A Christmas Carol (1951). This is the best film version of the penny-pinching Scrooge’s journey to spiritual enlightenment by way of visits from supernatural visitors. Alastair Sim as Scrooge gives one of the finest film performances never to win an Oscar. The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) provides a wonderful glimpse into how Charles Dickens came to write A Christmas Carol.
A Christmas Story (1983). Ralphie is a young boy obsessed with one thing and only one thing: how to get a Red Ryder BB-gun for Christmas. Ralphie’s parents are wary, and his mother continually warns him that “you’ll shoot your eye out.” Based on Jean Shepherd’s autobiographical book In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash, at the heart of this timeless comedy is the universal yearning of a child for the magic of Christmas morning. A great cast, which includes Darren McGavin, Peter Billingsley, Melinda Dillon and a voice-over narrative by Shepherd himself.
One Magic Christmas (1985). If you grew up in a family where times were tough, this film is for you. A guardian angel comes to earth to help a disillusioned woman who hates Christmas. This tale of redemption and second chances is a delight to watch. And Harry Dean Stanton makes a first-class offbeat angel.
Prancer (1989). This story of an eight-year-old girl who believes that an injured reindeer in her barn is actually one of Santa’s reindeer is one of the most down-to-earth Christmas films ever made. It’s a testament to the transforming power of love and childhood innocence. Sam Elliott and Cloris Leachman are fine in supporting roles, but Rebecca Harrell shines. Filmed on location in freezing, snowy weather, this film is a treat for those who love Christmas.
Home Alone (1990). Eight-year-old Kevin, accidentally left behind at home when his family flies to Paris for Christmas, thinks he’s got it made. Hijinks ensue when two burglars match their wits against his. A funny, tender tribute to childhood and the bonds of family.
Elf (2003). Another modern classic with a lot of heart. Buddy, played to the hilt by Will Ferrell, is a human who was raised by elves at the North Pole. Determined to find his birth father, Buddy travels to the Big Apple and spreads his Christmas cheer to everyone he meets. This film has it all: Santa, elves, family problems, humor, emotion and above all else, a large dose of the Christmas spirit. One of the best Christmas movies ever made.
The Christmas Chronicles (2018). The story of a sister and brother, Kate and Teddy Pierce, whose Christmas Eve plan to catch Santa Claus on camera turns into an unexpected journey that most kids could only dream about. Kurt Russell’s star turn as Santa makes for movie magic.
Now for the music.
Out of the hundreds of Christmas albums I’ve listened to over the years, the following, covering a broad range of musical styles, moods and tastes, each in its own way perfectly captures the essence of Christmas for me.
It’s Christmas (EMI, 1989): 18 great songs, ranging from John Lennon’s “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” to Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas.” The real treats on this album are Greg Lake’s “I Believe in Father Christmas,” Kate Bush’s “December Will Be Magic Again” and Aled Jones’ “Walking in the Air.”
Christmas Guitar (Rounder, 1986): 28 beautifully done traditional Christmas songs by master guitarist John Fahey. Hearing Fahey’s guitar strings plucking out “Joy to the World,” “Good King Wenceslas,” “Jolly Old Saint Nicholas,” among others, is a sublime experience.
Christmas Is A Special Day (The Right Stuff, 1993): 12 fine songs by Fats Domino, the great Fifties rocker, ranging from “Amazing Grace” to “Jingle Bells.” The title song, written by Domino himself, is a real treat. No one has ever played the piano keys like Fats.
Christmas Island (August/Private Music, 1989): “Frosty the Snowman” will never sound the same after you hear Leon Redbone and Dr. John do their duet. Neither will “Christmas Island” or “Toyland” on this collection of 11 traditional and rather offbeat songs.
A Holiday Celebration (Gold Castle, 1988): The classic folk trio Peter, Paul & Mary, backed by the New York Choral Society, sing traditional and nontraditional holiday fare on 12 beautifully orchestrated songs. Included are “I Wonder as I Wander,” “Children Go Where I Send Thee,” and “The Cherry Tree Carol.” Also thrown in is Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind.”
The Christmas Album (Columbia, 1992): Neil Diamond sings 14 songs, ranging from “Silent Night” to “Jingle Bell Rock” to “The Christmas Song” to “Come, O Come Emmanuel.” Diamond also gives us a great rendition of Lennon’s “Happy Xmas (War Is Over).” A delightful album.
A Charlie Brown Christmas (Fantasy, 1988): 12 traditional Christmas songs by the Vince Guaraldi Trio. The pianist extraordinaire and his trio perform “O Tannenbaum,” “The Christmas Song” and “Greensleeves.” Also included is the Charlie Brown Christmas theme.
The Jethro Tull Christmas Album (Fuel Records, 2003): If you like deep-rooted traditional holiday songs, you’ll love this album. The 16 songs range from “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” to Ian Anderson originals such as “Another Christmas Song” and “Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow.” With Anderson on flute and vocals, this album has an old world flavor that will have you wanting mince pie and plum pudding.
A Twisted Christmas (Razor Tie, 2006): Twisted Sister, the heavy metal group, knocks the socks off a bevy of traditional and pop Christmas songs. Dee Snider’s amazing vocals brings to life “Oh Come All Ye Faithful,” “Deck the Halls,” “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus,” among others—including “Heavy Metal Christmas (The Twelve Days of Christmas).” Great fun and a great band.
Songs for Christmas (Asthmatic Kitty, 2006): In 2001, independent singer/songwriter Sufjan Stevens set out to create a Christmas gift through songs for his friends and family. It eventually grew to a 5-CD box set, which includes Stevens’ original take on such standards as “Amazing Grace” and “We Three Kings” and some inventive yuletide creations of his own. A lot of fun.
Before you know it, Christmas will be a distant memory and we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming of politics, war, violence, materialism and mayhem.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, there may not be much we can do to avoid the dismal reality of the American police state in the long term—not so long as the powers-that-be continue to call the shots and allow profit margins to take precedence over the needs of people—but in the short term, I hope you’ll do your part to “spread a smile of joy” and “throw your arms around the world at Christmastime.”
As Frank Cross, the Scrooge character in Scrooged (1988), remarks:
“I’m not crazy. It’s Christmas Eve! It’s the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more. For a couple of hours out of the whole year, we are the people that we always hoped we would be! It’s a sort of a miracle because it happens every Christmas Eve. And if you waste that miracle, you’re gonna burn for it. I know what I’m talking about. You have to do something. You have to take a chance. You do have to get involved. There are people that are having trouble making their miracle happen. There are people that don’t have enough to eat, and there are people that are cold. You can go out and say ‘hello’ to these people. You can take an old blanket out of the closet and say, ‘here.’ You can make ‘em a sandwich, and say ‘Oh, by the way, here!’ And if you give, then it can happen. Then the miracle can happen to you. It’s not just the poor and the hungry, it’s everybody that’s gotta have this miracle! And it can happen tonight for all of you! If you believe in this pure thing, the miracle will happen and then you’ll want it to happen again tomorrow! You won’t be one of these bastards who says, ‘Christmas is once a year and it’s a fraud.’ It’s not! It can happen every day! You’ve just got to want that feeling! And if you like it and you want it, you’ll get greedy for it. You’ll want it every day of your life, and it can happen to you! I believe in it now. I believe it’s gonna happen to me now. I’m ready for it! And it’s great. It’s a good feeling. It’s really better than I’ve felt in a long time. I’m ready. Have a Merry Christmas, everybody.”