
Freedom of information pages

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Your Freedoms Don’t Have to Be Muzzled Just Because You’re Wearing a Mask

Your Freedoms Don’t Have to Be Muzzled Just Because You’re Wearing a Mask

“If 2019 was the year of the street protest, of tear gas and rubber bullets, 2020 might be the year the street protest died, or perhaps fell into a deep sleep, and went online.”—Journalist Christopher Miller
Despite all appearances to the contrary, martial law has not been declared in America.
We still have rights.
Technically, at least.
The government may act as if its police state powers suppress individual liberties during this COVID-19 pandemic, but for all intents and purposes, the Constitution—especially the battered, besieged Bill of Rights—still stands in theory, if not in practice.
Indeed, while federal and state governments have adopted specific restrictive measures in an effort to lockdown the nation and decelerate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the current public health situation has not resulted in the suspension of fundamental constitutional rights such as freedom of speech and the right of assembly.
Mind you, that’s not to say that the government has not tried its best to weaponize this crisis as it has weaponized so many other crises in order to expand its powers and silence its critics.
All over the country, government officials are using COVID-19 restrictions to muzzle protesters.
It doesn’t matter what the protest is about (church assemblies, the right to work, the timing for re-opening the country, discontent over police brutality, etc.): this is activity the First Amendment protects vociferously with only one qualification—that it be peaceful.
Yet even peaceful protesters mindful of the need to adhere to social distancing guidelines because of this COVID-19 are being muzzled, arrested and fined.
For example, a Maryland family was reportedly threatened with up to a year in jail and a $5000 fine if they dared to publicly protest the injustice of their son’s execution by a SWAT team.
If anyone had a legitimate reason to get out in the streets and protest, it’s the Lemp family, whose 21-year-old son Duncan was gunned down in his bedroom during an early morning, no-knock SWAT team raid on his family’s home.
Imagine it.
It was 4:30 a.m. on March 12, 2020, in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic that has most of the country under a partial lockdown and sheltering at home, when this masked SWAT team—deployed to execute a “high risk” search warrant for unauthorized firearms—stormed the suburban house where 21-year-old Duncan, a software engineer and Second Amendment advocate, lived with his parents and 19-year-old brother.
The entire household, including Lemp and his girlfriend, was reportedly asleep when the SWAT team directed flash bang grenades and gunfire through Lemp’s bedroom window.
Lemp was killed and his girlfriend injured.
No one in the house that morning, including Lemp, had a criminal record.
No one in the house that morning, including Lemp, was considered an “imminent threat” to law enforcement or the public, at least not according to the search warrant.
Now what was so urgent that militarized police felt compelled to employ battlefield tactics in the pre-dawn hours of a day when most people are asleep in bed, not to mention stuck at home as part of a nationwide lockdown?
According to police, they were tipped off that Lemp was in possession of “firearms.”
So instead of approaching the house by the front door at a reasonable hour in order to investigate this complaint—which is what the Fourth Amendment requires—police instead strapped on their guns, loaded up their flash bang grenades and acted like battle-crazed warriors.
This is the blowback from all that military weaponry flowing to domestic police departments.
This is what happens when you use SWAT teams to carry out routine search warrants.
This is what happens when you adopt red flag gun laws, which Maryland did in 2018, painting anyone who might be in possession of a gun—legal or otherwise—as a threat that must be neutralized.
These red flag gun laws allow the police to remove guns from people merely suspected of being threats.
While in theory it appears perfectly reasonable to want to “stop dangerous people before they act,” where the problem arises is when you put the power to determine who is a potential danger in the hands of government agencies, the courts and the police.
Remember, this is the same government that uses the words “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.
This is the same government whose agents are spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports using automated eyes and ears, social media, behavior sensing software, and citizen spies to identify potential threats.
This is the same government that keeps re-upping the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows the military to arrest and detain American citizens with no access to friends, family or the courts if the government believes them to be a threat.
This is the same government that has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state.
Let that sink in a moment.
If you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you are most likely at the top of the government’s terrorism watch list.
Moreover, as a New York Times editorial warns, you may be an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) in the eyes of the police if you are afraid that the government is plotting to confiscate your firearms, if you believe the economy is about to collapse and the government will soon declare martial law, or if you display an unusual number of political and/or ideological bumper stickers on your car.
Needless to say, if you happen to be passionate about the Constitution and a vocal critic of government corruption, you’ve already been flagged in a government database somewhere.
Likely, Lemp was, too.
Now Lemp is dead and his family is devastated, outraged and desperate to make sense of what appears to be an insensible act of violence resulting in an inexcusable loss of life.
As usual in these kinds of shootings, government officials have not been forthcoming with details about the shooting: police have refused to meet with family members, the contents of the warrant supporting the raid have not been revealed, and bodycam footage of the raid has not been disclosed.
So in order to voice their objections to police violence and demand answers about the shooting, Lemp’s family and friends planned to conduct an outdoor public demonstration—adhering to social distancing guidelines—only to be threatened with arrest, a year in jail and a $5000 fine for violating Maryland’s stay at home orders.
Yet here’s the thing: we don’t have to be muzzled and remain silent about government corruption, violence and misconduct just because we’re wearing masks and social distancing.
That’s not the point of this whole COVID-19 exercise, or is it?
While there is a moral responsibility to not endanger other lives with our actions, that does not mean relinquishing all of our freedoms.  
Be responsible in how you exercise your freedoms, but don’t allow yourselves to be muzzled or your individual freedoms to be undermined.
Understandably, no one wants to talk about individual freedoms when tens of thousands of people the world over are dying, and yet we must.
The decisions we make right now—about freedom, commerce, free will, how we care for the least of these in our communities, what it means to provide individuals and businesses with a safety net, how far we allow the government to go in “protecting” us against this virus, etc.—will haunt us for a long time to come.
At times like these, when emotions are heightened, fear dominates, common sense is in short supply, liberty takes a backseat to public safety, and democratic societies approach the tipping point towards mob rule, there is a tendency to cast those who exercise their individual freedoms (to freely speak, associate, assemble, protest, pursue a living, engage in commerce, etc.) as foolishly reckless, criminally selfish, or outright villains.
Sometimes that is true, but not always.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, there is always a balancing test between individual freedoms and the communal good.
What we must figure out is how to strike a balance that allows us to protect those who need protecting without leaving us chained and in bondage to the police state.
We must find ways to mitigate against this contagion needlessly claiming any more lives and crippling any more communities, but let’s not lose our heads: blindly following the path of least resistance—acquiescing without question to whatever the government dictates—can only lead to more misery, suffering and the erection of a totalitarian regime in which there is no balance.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute.

What We Give Up When We Compliantly Lockdown

What We Give Up When We Compliantly Lockdown

A Treatise On Choosing To Be Free

I had occasion to mind-wander with one of my friends.

We asked ourselves the question: “What have we lost so far?”  The setting was the breakfast room.  We were sitting at the opposite ends of the table, for distancing effect.

We thought together……

Imagine Orville & Wilbur Wright asking themselves, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could build something that could fly?   Imagine Wilbur replies to Orville: “we can’t do it.  One of us might die.  Imagine how mom would feel.”

Let’s consider the Pilgrims who got into flimsy sailing ships to have a life of freedom they never could have imagined.  The Pilgrims were willing to risk their own children in order to find freedom — 49 of 102 on the Mayflower died at sea or soon after landing.

The safety net is disappearing

They are laying off nurses because of your fear you might get the virus.  Hospitals are being closed for the public’s the fear of getting “coronavirused.”  Doctors are closing their offices for good too.  Many may not reopen.

The very safety net which our society depends upon so we can exercise the freedom to drive cars and fly in airplanes in relative safety is vanishing.  The very institutions and doctors that give us a sense of safety in our society are already gone, to produce a less-safe, not a more-safe country.

We may not have realized where this self-confinement was heading because, in the beginning, it was voluntary, then morphed into mandatory.  We were compliant, to a fault. We were not alert enough to see our freedoms were being taken away because of some intentionally exaggerated statistics that are now revealed to be scare tactics.


Fear in numbers

American news media is obsessed overstating the morality numbers to gain audience.  Government authorities are tossing a lot of alarming numbers at us.  Eighty-percent of the reported deaths are caused by other co-morbid diseases.  Most of these people were headed for their deathbed within days regardless of the virus.

Authorities say 53,000 have succumbed to COVID-19 coronavirus infections (4/25/2020), yet 42,400 of them died of an age-related disease (cancer, heart disease, diabetes), not the coronavirus, and only 10,600 were actually verified by (flawed) lab testing, and even among these, there were a lot of false positives.  The patients were sick, but succumbed to some other bacterium or virus.  The coronavirus show has become a Las Vegas stage trick.

We are talking about no more than a handful of deaths among 100,000 people. According to these odds, there are 4115 cities under 100,000 in the U.S. and the odds are, nobody would succumb to COVID-19 in any of these individual cities and towns, that is how small the risk is.  This is a smaller risk than the overstated death numbers issued by the CDC for a normal flu season.

When coronavirus deaths rose steeply, suddenly there was a sharp corresponding decline in pneumonia deaths.  That wasn’t a body count it was a paperwork adjustment.  All that was being done was to shift some of the 50,000 pneumonia deaths that occur each year onto the column that read coronavirus-related deaths.

Emotions overrule decisions

This is not a thinking man’s game.  It is a life-and-death emotional decision.  Our overseers know the three words that will strike fear in your soul: “Millions will die.”  That phrase is echoed on TV news.

If I attempt to reason with those who are now fearfully holed up in their homes, my arguments herein will fall flat.  If I show the masses that health authorities are playing fast and loose with the numbers, that is more likely to cause people to feel they have been duped.

You will never be free of fear until you turn off the television.  It is the devil’s tool.

Friend or foe?

Fear makes strangers of people
who would be friends.
–Shirley Maclaine

Now we are afraid of visiting family.
We are afraid of shopping.
In some cases, we are afraid of even taking a walk.
They are cancelling your child’s graduation because you are fearful.
You can’t go to your mother’s graveside to remember her.
You won’t hear songbirds sing, see hawks encircle their prey.
Either choose to fear or choose to live.

The odds of dying in an airplane crash are 1 in 5,400,000 million.  What if the plane never crashed? Then you really lived!

We are so afraid of dying, we stop living.

Is living in fear helping or hurting?

Is your compliance hurting others?

Are you hurting yourself?  What are the chances of blood clots from inactivity?

In an interdependent world, your fear is causing people to lose their jobs, lose their homes, our cities and towns to go bankrupt.   It is your inability to realize the full outcome of your unfailing agreeableness to lockdown that is causing the collapse of our society. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I will fear no evil…

The church is saying, “don’t be afraid.”  Pastors are teaching that now.  The Lord is going to be with you.  The church shepherds contradict themselves because they are actually promoting the fear of what we don’t want the people to face.

“Fear not, but stay home.”  That is what preachers are saying.   Isn’t the admonition “not to fear” an admonition to go, that despite your fear, you are going to take the risk?

Jesus says fear not.  Whenever God said “fear not” He followed it with risk.  Fear not, go in to battle. Fear not, walk on the water.

What we hear today is “fear not, but be safe.”  Take precautions.  Follow CDC guidelines.  We stopped listening to the voice of God and started listening to the voice of experts.  The experts say, be safe, fear the imagined virus.  Heed the words of the virologist.  The church is going along with it.

In order to conquer life, you have to face death.

The only way to conquer the virus is to face it head on.

The day may come when you go to church and the priest is inside a glass case and, with a gloved hand, places your communion wafer in a slot and it will be dispensed like a gum ball machine.

A handshake will never be the same now.  Some churches now have a hand sanitizer dispenser just outside the church door.  It is our souls that need cleansed.  We are sending the wrong message.

And if we face it head on together, like we have every other hidden virus, then biologically we will build the immunities to beat it.  They call it herd immunity.

You have to hand wrestle with the virus to beat it.

Now that we have retreated into our homes, it appears to be a frightening thing just to cross a crosswalk.

How to get an out of jail card

There are so many viruses, there are so many bacteria, are we ever going out again? Unsuspectingly, we don’t realize most of those bacteria live on our skin.

One mathematical analyst compared a dozen countries and found no matter what measures countries imposed to try to thwart it, coronavirus infections and deaths decline to near zero in about 70 days.  If you read anything else, suspect manipulation of the numbers.

Selling the lockdown

Now we live on the verge of mass hysteria and the new norm is government mandated agoraphobia.

A major sales point for the lockdown was, if we didn’t hibernate in our homes, we would spread this infection to others and they could die.  Not so. That dire outcome is determined by the recipient’s immunity, not by your infectivity.

Millions of high-risk Americans, in particular diabetics, the obese, the very young and very old, don’t develop adequate antibodies to ANY pathogenic germ whether these microbes are transferred via vaccination needle or environmentally from others.  By the way, these are also the individuals who experience side effects from vaccination.  Will they be perpetually locked down?

Virologists like to say some people are super spreaders, having spread coronavirus particles to dozens of others, but it could also be said they helped others make natural antibodies and develop life-long immunity, without the need for problematic vaccines.

Vaccines, even multivalent ones, only protect against a handful of infectious disease.  The human immune system develops antibodies against each and every disease without the need for vaccination.  Vaccination is a dead-end street.  There are more than 200 vaccines under development.  Are we going to jab our kids hundreds of times with booster shot after booster shot?

If you recall nothing else in this report it is that you may transmit viral particles to others but they won’t necessarily exhibit symptoms of illness unless their immune system isn’t up to par.  It is immunity, not transmission, that is paramount.

Everybody is a spreader of viral particles at one time or another.  You may shed viral particles to others, but their vulnerability to infection is largely determined by sunshine vitamin D blood levels and zinc-dependent T-cell activity.  T-cells make antibodies.   The longer you stay indoors the less life-giving sunshine vitamin D your body makes.  Notice the high death rates in nursing homes where elderly adults are shuttered from the sun. What is needed is required vitamin D testing prior to hospital admission, not coronavirus testing.

There is talk of required antibody tests before being allowed back into normal life.  But do we need an antibody test for the flu, or any other infectious disease, before we can go to back to work?  That is a false proposition.

Government control

Government finally has total control? Once achieved, what government ever gave it back?

Now government cannot fulfill one of its Constitutional obligations.  There is less crime, but by virtue of the lockdown, in legal matters the right to timely due process in a court of law is placed on indefinite hold.

When government fears the people,
there is liberty.
When the people fear the government,
there is tyranny.
–Thomas Jefferson

Ridicule is their tactic

When the opposition resorts to ridicule, you know public health authorities and the news media are grasping onto their last straw.  It is the most underhanded way of dismissing a truth that another person doesn’t really want to investigate.

First they ignore you,
Then they ridicule you,
Then they claim they invented it,
And then they say they knew it all along.

All alternative remedies for COVID-19 coronavirus infections are ridiculed outright.  Doctors say they are unproven.  But they have not been disproven.  And frankly, this time around, they are all we’ve got.

The pungent cure

Throughout history has there been a pathogen that garlic didn’t stand up to?  The Black Death, the Bubonic plague, anthrax, subdued by garlic. Garlic vanquishes influenza, herpes and coxsackie viruses, even coronavirus. You’ve heard of antibiotic resistance, but not garlic resistance.  Selenium in garlic thwarts viral mutations.

The trick with garlic is to use fresh-crushed bulbs to yield allicin, its major active ingredient, or use alkalinized garlic that withstands stomach acid to yield allicin.

In the 1600-1700s plague doctors wore a protective outfit with a mask as a crude type of respirator that held garlic to filter the air. Now we find that wasn’t an archaic idea – vaporized garlic kills lung pathogens!  Yet the CDC would be insulted by even the mention of garlic, and you would, of course, be ridiculed.

We must solely rely upon the god of government to protect our health.  Yet government had no plan in place, no ventilators, no medicines, no vaccine, not even masks.  Government has left us to fend for ourselves, maybe intentionally.  How can we turn to government to help spare us from the virus with this kind of track record?

Vitamins and minerals, considered by some to be the greatest discovery ever, go ignored.  Before their discovery, vitamins were invisible food factors that mysteriously kept us healthy, just like viruses are invisible factors only scientists can tell us are there.  Now we know vitamins are for real and without them, our immune system is compromised.

Is there a case of coronavirus infection that intravenous vitamin C hasn’t quelled?  Even the anti-vitamin National Institutes of Health has funded human clinical studies now.  Vitamins are the elephant in the room.

Don’t be absurd: you mean viruses aren’t for real?

Meanwhile there is still great question whether there is even such a thing as a virus, and it’s not coming from the Flat Earth Society.

To question the existence of viruses subjects one to ridicule.  Yet a report funded by the National Institutes of Allergy & Infectious Diseases calls the very existence of viruses into question.  The Devil isn’t real but the coronavirus is.

Nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more,
so that we may fear less.
– Marie Skiodowska-Curie (1867-1934)

Cowardice or bravado?

Fear of a hot flame is good fear.

There is bravado, to walk over hot coals, to disregard the hot flame, but these are dares.  Just jump off a roof.  That would be recklessness, not overcoming fear.

Fear is a reaction.  Courage is a decision.
– Winston S. Churchill

The people who are telling us to stay home are cowards, and they want us to be cowards.

Our politicians are telling us to live in fear.
Andrew Cuomo: “I need you to stay home because the virus may kill ME.”

Moral choice: the essence of man

Yes, there are some benefits to being quarantined in our homes.  Yes, if we lock-down everybody there will be little crime, there will be few roadway accidents, less rape, robbery, etc.  Even less pollution.

But with freedom also comes the choice to do wrong.  Robots have no choice, they are amoral.  Humans are moral beings who must makes choices, which is what this report is all about.

This is the price of freedom, that some will choose to do wrong.  Prisons prove that point.

Ironically, if indoor lock-down was practiced by parents they would be up for child abuse for their children never having to be allowed to go outside.  These are the contradictions we now live with.

Masked store robbers were always compliant. Give that a thought.

The dollars and sense of lockdown

Some university-based experts came up with a report showing the lockdown has saved $5.2 trillion so far.  If I asked your grandmother if she would accept a million dollars for not going to see her granddaughter in the school Christmas play, what answer do you think you would get? There are some things that ARE priceless, at least according to MasterCard.

Barbers, who rely on cash payments to survive, are told paper money may carry the virus and are forced to accept credit cards and have, as a result, compliantly closed their shops and stayed at home.  Just think how much disease they must have spread?  Now your barber will be wearing a mask and wearing gloves, or get sued.  Do you see where this kind of thinking is going?

Now, at the barber’s house, there is no food in the refrigerator.  What now?  Public health authorities have given us the tacit choice of standing in foodbank lines or breaking lockdown and infecting others who may die.   But then the foodbank line is a potential hazard, right?

The high price of complete safety

Safety comes at a high price.  What if your sole purpose in life was safety?  Look at the price of safety.   Joblessness, poverty, crushed dreams, the evaporation of all our accumulated achievements.

Safety comes at the price of life having meaning.
Safety comes at the cost of adventure.
Safety would not have liberated us from Hitler.
“Everything you want is
on the other side of fear.”
(George Addair)

Fear is a liar

The fear of the virus is an irrational fear.

In just one week, this became an indelible lifelong fear.

A sneeze in a crowded theatre will now send shivers down your spine.  We are now afraid of a sneeze.  And the sneezer feels guilty.

Gone is “God bless you” or “Gesundheit”.

Social distancing

Here is what happened when a group of people didn’t social distance:

On the USS Roosevelt, they tested the entire 4,600 crew. Only 710 tested positive, only 52 needed treatment, and only one died. 42 recovered and 9 are finishing recover-ing. So out of 4,600 tightly packed in birthing compart-ments, and eating and working tightly together 24/ 7, only 1.13% needed treat-ment of any kind, and only 1 out of 4,600 died.

Free market enterprise at the end of a freeway offramp

The people who were selling oranges at the freeway offramp are now selling masks they sewed together at home.  Private enterprise crossed up the new regulations because, by selling masks in the open and without a permit, they were helping others comply with the new rules.  Who would dare stop them?  They and the homeless are the only ones exempt from social distancing.

The homeless are the only ones who are exempt from CDC guidelines.

Which says, either our overseers don’t really care about the homeless or they really don’t think the virus is a threat.  And what does this say about how much they care about you?

The longer you stay home the longer you imperil the lives of others.

By collectively choosing to fear we have multiplied the harm.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
(Shawshank Redemption)

When will you break ranks?

Most of us are waiting for someone else to make the first move.  The population is gripped by paralysis.  Only when everybody else is breaking out from the lockdown will we join the crowd.

We are afraid to ask others if they are interested in breaking ranks.  At what point would you venture to inquire of your friends and loved ones, when will you chose to buck authority and opt for liberty?

There is such a day.  Why wait and have others endure the agony any longer?  When you consider what we lost in just one week, when this is over (if it ever is over), will you honestly be able to say it was worth it?  When you consider what was at stake, was it worth it?

Do the thing we fear, and death of fear is certain.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Will you ever be able to recover the time you lost?  The Apostle Paul says, “redeem the time for the days are evil.”  Ephesians 5:16

The News with Rick Sanchez: John Whitehead on the Government's Targeting of Military Veterans

The News with Rick Sanchez: John Whitehead on the Government's Targeting of Military Veterans

Author and civil rights attorney John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute joins Rick Sanchez to discuss the enduring effects of the PATRIOT Act and erosion of civil liberties in the US. He also explains "Operation Vigilant Eagle," a surveillance program to keep tabs on US veterans and track what they say online.

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Evidence That COVID Was a US Biowarfare Attack on China

The Evidence That COVID Was a US Biowarfare Attack on China

After Brainwashing People For Decades, MSM and Governments Are Losing Control of People

After Brainwashing People For Decades, MSM and Governments Are Losing Control of People

The mainstream media and governments are losing control of people all over the globe.  Humans are finally standing up for their rights to live not as slaves, but as free sovereign people capable of making their own decisions without rulers and elitists calling the shots.
Never before have we seen global tyranny at this scale. But, never before have we seen a mass uprising against governments and their propaganda outlets (the mainstream media) either.  As more and more people get off their knees and stand up for their basic human right to live freely, governments and the elitists that control them lose power. We are at that point where power will return to the people and the elitists will be the ones living in fear. All we have to do, is be free.
The mainstream media is going to continue its smear campaign against anyone who dares to believe they have the right to live freely so long as they aren’t harming others and take life’s risk upon themselves. But as fewer people tune in to listen to their propaganda, fewer people will be brainwashed by it. A lot of people have lost everything in the tyrannical liberty-crushing demands put upon them, and now that they have nothing to lose, they are finally realizing their rights don’t come from the government or elitists. And no smear campaign by government lapdogs will stop people from waking up at this point. The media has been enslaving our minds so the government won’t have to enslave our bodies.  But it’s out now and in broad daylight and people have had enough. The veil has been lifted.
People are realizing that we own ourselves. And we are finally standing together to let the “masters” know that we are not their slaves. The quote in the movie, a Bug’s Life can be applied today with a simple change of words.  “It’s not about food. It’s about keeping those ants in line!” We all know at this point, “it’s not about health. It’s about keeping those people in line!”
Take notice of the clips of this movie on YouTube.  The comments have been disabled, not by those posting the videos, but by YouTube.  It’s just another means to keep people “in line.”  They censor us, they brainwash us, and they expect us to obey their commands stay as their slaves. But people have had enough!
Mass civil disobedience, where people are going to cease to obey laws that control them is already happening. Governors who locked people in their homes and barked commands that some close their businesses will lose the power to dictate once enough people disobey, and that day is coming.  This horrific cycle of violence and slavery is ending and it’s panicking those who have had control of us for so long. You can read it in their headlines. “Fear the second wave.” “Anti-government extremists.” “We can’t reopen or people will die.” Well, guess what? You don’t own us. And your fear-mongering is falling on deaf ears.
Free platforms are rising up during the mass censorship and fear-mongering propaganda pushing:
Humanity is finally moving in the right direction.  The last step is to just live.  Protesting is begging the master to let you be free.  Just live free. Don’t ask permission. Conduct your life as the free, sovereign human being you were born as, and let the ruling class panic. If you don’t buy their fear, they cannot control you. The fact that humans are finally realizing they had this power all along is incredible. Live your life your way! That’s the biggest middle finger we can give to any tyrant, whether it be a cop, a governor, a politician, an elitist, or anyone else who wants our compliance and enslavement.
Freedom is not negotiable and rights are not gifts from governments or others.  We all have the basic human right to be free and live our life the way we see fit.  As more people realize this, our power grows and the mainstream media’s fear campaign fails. After all, if there are no order followers, there are no orders.
It’s about time we all stand together and abolish the last shred of modern-day slavery! I will not sit back and allow anyone to continue life as a slave if I can help it! I might not be able to do much, but I can promote peace, liberty, and the abolishment of all forms of slavery.
Some say the pen is mightier than the sword, maybe that’s true, maybe it’s not.  But I am tired of being told I have to give up my rights to live free for a false sense of security. I will no longer be owned or commanded. This is MY life and I am peacefully choosing to be free.
Reprinted with permission from