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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Totalitarian America, or a life-or-death fight for our liberty

It is time to commit one way or the other: capitulation to a dysfunctional, deviant, totalitarian America, or a life-or-death fight for our liberty Obama's Gun Control Mirroring Health Care Reform Last week, I was taken to task by liberal stalwart Alan Colmes on his radio show over a statement I’d made in a recent column that the government (and the Obama administration in particular) want Americans’ firearms because they know that they already merit being removed by force of arms. Naturally, Colmes jumped to the conclusion that I was advocating for an armed assault on Washington. I pointed out that there is a vast difference between asserting that the government merits being removed by force of arms by virtue of their unlawful actions, and attempting to foment an armed insurgency. The Obama administration’s war against the Second Amendment rages on, most notably in Colorado (the state in which I happen to live). As I write this, the Senate’s resident putrid harridan Dianne Feinstein and Senate Democrats are trying to pass a package of national firearms control laws similar to the draconian measures recently passed in Colorado. As AWR Hawkins pointed out in his Dec. 30, 2012 column for Breitbart, it is President Obama’s intention that the city of Chicago serve as the “blueprint for national gun laws.” In other words (Hawkins’), “When President Obama appeared on Meet the Press (NBC News) on Dec. 30, he made it clear that the same gun laws that have made Chicago a criminal’s paradise are going to be pushed on the entire country during 2013.” I would urge everyone with a dog in the gun control fight to watch that segment of Meet the Press, which is available on numerous online venues. It is very telling. As we know, the city of Chicago has some of the most stringent gun control laws in the country, yet that city has become the most dangerous in America. So why would an American President want to impose firearms laws that are both ineffectual and render the jurisdiction a “criminal’s paradise” upon the entire nation? The chief issue is control, of course. So much of this comes down to the fact that the people in government are arrogant, narcissistic little control freaks who get a massive ego orgasm in exercising power over others. It really is that simple. The method, however, is what I find curious, and I believe the reader will, too. It hearkens back to the issue of health care reform. If one is old enough to recall, there was a time in America when most people received adequate health care without breaking their bank, that of their employers, or the government. By and by, through government over-regulation, over-taxation, and with the aid of far-left trial attorneys, health care costs and the resulting gaps in coverage reached the point where a preponderance of Americans began to squeal. “There oughta be a law!” many cried – and government was more than willing to provide one. Of course, the blame for this debacle was placed on capitalism, the greed of doctors, health insurance companies, health care providers, medical device manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies. So progressives got their health care law in Obamacare; the unlawful overreach of that obscene leviathan has yet to be realized – but it will. In the meantime, the Marxists who had lain in wait for decades (I hope you appreciate my sense of drama, because the liberal press definitely does) were crafting means by which they might accomplish from within what decades of others’ efforts from without had been unable to accomplish. As with most of Americans’ liberties, we have taken those of our Second Amendment for granted; it is a foregone conclusion that many Americans will not appreciate it until they are staring down the barrel of a government operative’s firearm. That said, how does the Obama administration cultivate an environment wherein Americans will capitulate to the gun control component of the left’s totalitarian agenda? As with so many mysteries surrounding this president, the answer lies in Chicago. Imposing the same gun control that exists in Chicago nationally, of course we can expect the same explosion of violent crime. And what will Americans have to say about that? Once again, a preponderance of Americans will begin to squeal. “There oughta be a law!” they will cry – and once again, government will be more than willing to provide one. While some of us clamor for a return of our firearms, the government, the press, and far-left activists will be advancing a government fix in the form of an exponential increase in police on the streets – or better yet, a national police force such as Obama touted during his 2008 campaign. Some Americans are finally beginning to ask the question: Just what part of “shall not be infringed” [as stated in the Second Amendment] does the government not understand? And well they should. Indeed, all gun control measures, past, present, and proposed, are unlawful under the Bill of Rights, and should be universally repealed, excepting provisions for those convicted of violent gun crimes, and the demonstrably mentally incompetent. Americans need to wise up – fast – to the fact that the people bringing all this about are evil, period. They lust for total power, and there is no lie too large for them to tell, no pretext too weak for them to employ in order to attain that power. It is time to commit one way or the other: capitulation to a dysfunctional, deviant, totalitarian America, or a life-or-death fight for our liberty - and the politicians, the low-information voters, the ignorant well-intentioned, the indoctrinated, and our deluded ideological liberal neighbors be damned

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right