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Thursday, October 31, 2013

How do you simulate physical attacks during emergency drills?

“GridX 2”:
How do you simulate physical attacks during emergency drills?


If the National Spy Agency (NSA), which spies on all—citizenry and foreign nations alike—and therefore knows all, then why is it necessary for the emergency drill planned to take place across North America on November 13-14 “to test the resiliency of the U.S. power grid to withstand major damage caused by a natural disaster or deliberate attack?”

“GridEx 2” is coming soon to a town near you.

“That is why thousands of utility workers, business executives, National Guard officers, F.B.I. antiterrorism experts and officials from government agencies in the United States, Canada and Mexico are preparing for an emergency drill in November that will simulate physical attacks and cyberattacks that could take down large sections of the power grid.” (New York Times, Aug. 16, 2013)

According to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowdon, “no telephone in America makes call without leaving record with NSA.”

Ditto for emails.

Nothing is safe from prying government eyes.  Only yesterday, the FBI fined, threatened and forced Ladar Levison to suspend the operation of his secure email service, Lavabit LLC, telling the entrepreneur that his users were more likely to trust the government than him. (Daily Caller).

So, is the network keeping the lights on in North America somehow NSA exempt?

We’ll know the results of simulated cyberattacks during “GridEx 2” instantly.  It’s called no power.

But how do you simulate physical attacks, and will we ever read the results about any simulated physical attacks gone wrong?

What about terrorists planning a takedown of the grid.  Would November 13-14 appeal to them on the basis that their terrorism could be conveniently blamed on the “GridEx 2” massive simulation?

How do thousands of utility workers, business executives, bureaucrats communicate with each other if their simulation exercise actually takes down large parts of the power grid in Canada, the United Sates or Mexico?

Other than the New York Times and Facebook pickups on “GridEx 2” massive simulation plans,  do the populations of all three countries have any say when organizations decide to conduct dry runs?

“In excess of 150 entities have agreed to take part in the simulated event, called “GridEx 2,” the Times reports.

“GridEx 2” sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, but it is related to GridEx 2011, which took place November 16-17 in 2011, and involved not thousands but only 75 companies.

“Fears about the possible detonation of a nuclear warhead in the skies above the United States, for the purposes of creating an electromagnetic pulse aimed at sizzling electronics on the ground, have led a number of public figures to call for significant steps to strengthen the power grid. Ex-CIA head R. James Woolsey is planning a campaign to convince state governments to pass laws requiring utilities to harden their electronics against potential EMP attacks. (NYT)

“A key objective of GridEx 2 is to learn how governments would handle a loss of electrical power that is large enough to drastically affect the delivery of common and essential goods and services.”

Some say we’re about to find out without the simulation on November 1, 2013, when a 5 percent, across the board cut to America’s Food Stamp program begins.

Two weeks ago people panicked when EBT cards failed at supermarket cash outs.

Since October 1, the whole world had a front row seat to the colossal failure of Barack Obama’s signature, multi-million-dollar healthcare website.

Rehearsals, no matter how massive cannot change the fact Governments goof up all the time.

Air Force officers entrusted with the launch keys to long-range nuclear missiles have been caught twice this year leaving open a blast door that is intended to help prevent a terrorist or other intruder from entering their underground command post, Air Force officials said, according to the Associated Press.

“Government and utility companies have discussed in recent years how challenging it can be to protect the power grid, which is involved in nearly all aspects of modern life. It is managed in large part by a patchwork of regional and city authorities and privately owned firms.The grid is essential for almost everything, but it is mostly controlled by investor-owned companies or municipal or regional agencies. Ninety-nine percent of military facilities rely on commercial power, according to the White House.

“Some utility-sector officials blame the government for not sharing intelligence about threats to the power grid. In response, government leaders have recommended that some utility heads apply for security clearances that would allow them access to classified information.”

Meanwhile, what we are seeing is government administration by dress rehearsal.

Some people call them false flag operations.

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