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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Please stop insulting our intelligences

Please stop insulting our intelligences as if it will actually matter if the Republicans get the senate in 2014 as the likes of their latest 'undercover communist' Paul Ryan

You can’t Handle the Truth!

Most of our thoughts when we hear these well-known-words, go back to the courtroom scene where the defiant Colonel Jessup (Jack Nicholson) yelled them while protecting his call for a Code Red, during the defense attorney Lt. Daniel Kaffee’s (Tom Cruise) cross-examination of him. The action then reaches a fervor pitch:

Jessup grunts out loud, “You want answers?”

With Kaffee’s equally combative response, “I think I’m entitled.”

Jessup, this time ready to explode, yells again, “YOU - WANT - ANSWERS???”

And, Keffee shouts louder in reply, “I - WANT - THE - TRUTH!!!!”

With Jessup’s title line response…


Please stop insulting our intelligences

I’d ask you to close your eyes, but that would only hinder the reading process, so try visualizing as you read along. Try your best to see and feel that courtroom scene. It is as if we are living our lives in that exact scene through that old movie script; it is this precise moment in time that the American People find ourselves today, more than any other time in our Nation’s history. We find ourselves screaming, actually pleading, those infamous words as LOUD as we possibly can, with the identical amount of emotional conviction, knowing that within our Constitutional Representative Government, THEY REPRESENT US! - WE ARE ENTITLED - and - WE WANT THE TRUTH!!!

And yet, ALL our elected officials go blithely along as if it’s just another ho-hum day in our Nation’s Capital, stage acting through another vote for closure and then against it to somehow fool us again(?) through their scripted ‘nobody-really-cares-anymore-budget-deals,” noting that simply leaving the Continuing Resolution (CR) in place, as they have illegally done for the past 5-years, would have been a less expensive and/or much better deal for our veterans and an all around better deal - for We the People. BUT, NO! The show must go on to distract us, to show us how busy they are, as that dastardly deed, like so many before it, had already been decided in back-room-vote swaps (”..and next time you owe me that payback or amendment..”) They waste $30 billion dollars of our money and offer no remedy of how to fix that seemingly no-existent-problem and, in the very same breath, remove $6 billion from our veterans’ pensions, the very individuals who have protected their freedoms and liberties they take for granted. The only true job assignment they seem to believe in is to show up with (the proper makeup and all) their happy-face-smiles or conversely tough-faces-of-conviction for the TV cameras purportedly doing the ‘People’s Work’; while the one and only thing that counts is that big clock-on-the-wall, ticking away the minutes and hours until they can run away on their officially-stated holiday break—Christmas.

I can hear some of you saying, even as I write - Come on Joseph, they are not ALL like this, try to give a few of them a break. Some are truly trying to right-our-ship.

My reply - No! Not one of THEM deserves a break! Please read on as we…

Deep down inside, WE ALL KNOW! Although many of us have tried our very best to disbelieve, disguise or hide the fact, that EVERYONE OF THEM - KNOWS TOO! YES, there was surely a select group of THEM, from both the Democratic and Republican sides of their fantasy isle, who have known from the onset, even from the planning and implementing stages; but, others came to know as they too became ‘insiders’ only as they arrived amongst their Fellow-Elite-Brethren in Washington, DC. There should not be a single doubt in your mind, THEY ALL KNOW NOW! - They all know that it is a physical impossibility for an illegal usurper to place his hand on a Holy Bible to say the words, “I do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America…” Notice to Congress and our Supreme Court: Our nation will no longer accept his false testament. The core beliefs of this Judea-Christian Nation were built on THE TRUTH. And yes, We the People are entitled to it. WE WANT THE TRUTH!!!

News Flash! OBAMACARE NAVIGATORS ARE LYING! - I mean - Really? A more shocking headline in Obama’s world might read: An Obamacare Navigator Was Honest. When the big usurper boss lies with impunity, everybody below him lies too, because, “When lying becomes commonplace, truth telling is hard to recognize, and then so exceptional as impossible to be authentic. And when lying is the norm, greeted not only with impunity, but affection, why tell the truth?”

But, we no longer choose to hear them as more and more Americans have sadly come to realize that everything THEY SAY IS BASED ON LIES AND COVERUPS. We are not afraid of their usurper leader, no just the opposite is true. For when the government fears the People, there is liberty.

And, although I use these rather simplistic statements or the above repeated mantra to address an extremely complex situation, we first needed to get THEIR attention.

(* Please Note: A Hat Tip is in order here as I paraphrase the extraordinary writings of a commenter named cfbleachers in response to a well written article at PJ Media:

I AM an American. We ARE Americans. We are countrymen and we believe in one another and the power of God’s goodness that this great Nation which was founded upon His inalienable rights, and let no man take them away from us. We understand and believe in our very souls that the United States of America is a gift from Almighty God, and with its core covenant to one another that it is our duty to protect and cherish this gift that has been bequeathed upon us by those who sacrificed, up to and including the greatest sacrifice one can make in behalf of their country, so that We The People, may inherit from them, a life of freedom, a life without tyranny, a life of liberty and justice for all it people. We believe in God from whom we receive the greatest gift of all - our free will. This Exceptional Nation of ours was conceived in His image, that with all the flaws, faults and frailties known to mankind, this blessed land of ours is the closest thing to paradise that the somewhat clumsy, and oft times distracted, hands of men could have constructed. And, no man or army of men will ever take that away from us. NO ONE! WE WANT THE TRUTH!!!

Have all our Congressional Representatives lost their ability to have a rational assessment of the important issues threatening the very survival of our Republic—be it Obamacare, amnesty, or their phony Trillion Dollar budgets? Do they disregard that as our Representatives their job was to develop viable solutions to stop this madness, not to join it? NO! they have found it easier, and of course safer, to accept and have now become a party to his lies, they have lost their cognitive ability to understand that, based on their decisions to JOIN HIM IN HIS LIES and his destructive reasoning, that our country is now plunging down a death-spiraling-course to bankruptcy, with the possibility of OUR only solution of revolution growing more obvious by the day.

Please stop insulting our intelligences as if it will actually matter if the Republicans get the senate in 2014 as the likes of their latest ‘undercover communist’ Paul Ryan steps into the spotlight. No, the only difference the Republicans will bring is the now familiar cliché of going over the same cliff at 80 MPH, rather than the 100+ MPH Obama and his money-minions have planned for us.

And, so we pray. Here I am Lord: “I, the Lord of wind and flame, I have born my people’s pain, I have wept for Love of THEM - they turn away. I will break their hearts of stone. Give them hearts of Love alone. I will speak My words to THEM. Whom shall I send? - Here I am Lord, is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go Lord, if you need me. I will hold your people in my heart.”

And, as we take a well deserved break to celebrate the birth of Christ during this CHRISTMAS Holiday, allow me to remind you of what this season has always meant to me and my family. Firstly, life was never meant to be perfect, but we are all in this imperfect life together. Christmas is a time to come together, it is a time of sharing. It is a season of Joy! A season of Charity! Of Kindness! Of Generosity! Of Compassion! Of Faith! But most of all, Christmas is a season of—LOVE! Merry Christmas to you and your family and give your children (and grandchildren) an extra-tight hug this Christmas, because our ‘Happy’ New Year - will be one for the ages.

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right