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Monday, December 23, 2013

Will America Listen?

History Speaks — Will America Listen?

Part One

Almost everybody knows that something is terribly wrong. Even the most politically unaware person has a sense of foreboding, the calm before the storm feeling, if you will. Unfortunately, most Americans have been conditioned, dumbed down and kept in the dark regarding the hell that will soon await them.

Americans now live in a complete police state. The framework has been completed and now the real construction and implementation of this police state apparatus has begun in earnest.

Our banker hijacked government has eviscerated the Constitution through tyrannical legislative acts such as The Military Commissions Act, The Patriot Acts I and II, The John Warner Defense Act, The NDAA, Quantitative Easing I, II and to infinity.

Most disturbingly, over government shows every sign of beginning to carry out the Bill Ayer’s promised extermination of millions of Americans who could not be re-educated. Who was Bill Ayers? Ayers and fellow communist terrorist, his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, paid for Obama’s Harvard education and launched his political career in their Southside Chicago neighborhood home.

How do I know the American Genocide is ready to commence? I know this partly because Obama is the right man at the right time to carry this out. Further, every totalitarian regime commences its initial reign of terror by following the same exact steps   The plan is already in motion and consists of the following parts.

Gun Confiscation
gun control works Outlawing guns, followed by gun confiscation is the key step which precedes an impending holocaust. The masses must be rendered defenseless prior to the reign of terror commencing. It worked for Hitler, Stalin and Mao and now the same plan is being put together by Obama. It is no secret that Obama supports the UN version of gun confiscation. Obama has gone so far as to publish his gun ban list. Suffice it to say, if the gun has a trigger and fires bullets, it is probably on Obama’s list of banned guns.

Regime Control of All Communications
The state must prevent a coalescence of consciousness in which victims of the regime are allowed to communicate with another as a prelude to organized resistance. Therefore, every totalitarian regime must and will seize control of all major communications. It worked for Hitler, Stalin and Mao and now it is being put in place by Obama.

It is bad enough that Amber Lyons, three time Emmy award winning reporter and former CNN journalist, has revealed that CNN accepts government payment to cover some stories and to ignore other stories.

We also know that over 95% of the media is controlled by 6 corporations, all who have the same plans for global enslavement with a one world government, one world economy, carbon taxes, no freedom of speech or religion and no private property ownership.

Not to be outdone, Obama is preparing to use the United Nations in order to seize control over the one media by controlling the internet. The plan is simple, control the message and the regime stands a better chance of controlling the people. Obama has reportedly given the codes, which will lead to the total control the internet, Chinese style. This means that the UN has absolute access to the DNS servers and some behind-the-scenes foreign bureaucrat will shut your website down for daring to expose the truth about the oppressive world government being installed. When the internet is gone, the last uncontrolled mode of communication will be gone with it.

Many in the patriot movement bemoan the abject ignorance and apathy of most of their fellow Americans, now you know one of the major causes. The media is anesthetizing the American people prior to the coming genocide.

The Construction and Staffing
of Concentration Camps

All totalitarian regimes must have a place to house targeted groups and potential dissidents as the last societal remnants of protest are removed. It worked for Hitler, Stalin and Mao and now the same plan is being put together by Obama.

The construction and staffing of FEMA Camps, is now fully admitted by the mainstream media. KBR’s complicity in the construction of these camps, as well as the activation and staffing of these Bill Ayers type of re-education camps, has been fully acknowledged. Do you know where Hitler got the idea for concentration camps? Surprisingly, he got the idea from subjugation of Native Americans into reservations. The concept is on the verge of coming full circle.

Restriction of Travel and the
Dehumanization of the Public
It worked for Hitler, Stalin and Mao and now the same plan is being put together by Obama. Not only do the TSA perverts commit felonies against our flying public every day, as these pot-bellied misfits grope our mothers and our children, they are in the midst of rolling out a far-reaching VIPER program which would make Hitler’s Gestapo jealous. Very soon, if you want to travel on the street, go to a mall, attend a sporting event, enter a  school, attend the prom, board a bus or a train or travel from one city to another on the highway, you will be subjected to the same TSA felonious and invasive search protocols in the pursuit of any of the aforementioned activities.

This is all part of the conditioning process in which the average citizen is being programmed that it is the government that is the sovereign, not the people.

The Use of Citizen Spies
America is on the verge of reliving the horror of the Salem Witch Trials in which anyone with an ax to grind can bear false witness against their neighbor. Nobody is safe in such a society.

Chances are if your church is a tax-exempt organization they are working with DHS to brainwash you through the misapplication of Roman’s 13 as part of the Clergy Response Team. This also means that they are providing access to the personal information of their parishioners.

America is also witnessing the establishment of secular citizen groups, such as Infragard, which operates under the authority of the FBI. Infragard members are told to spy on fellow citizens and, in some cases, are even allowed to use lethal force.

And of course the DHS has recruited every citizen in the country to spy on their neighbor as illustrated by the following:

This goes hand in hand with the complete roll out of the police state surveillance grid in the government uses cell phone tracking to watch your every movement and to spy on you. Then there is the current roll out of light poles which tracks your every movement in a program called Intellistreets.

 And of course, let’s not forget that our every communication is monitored courtesy of the Patriot Acts. Every move you make, every breath you take, they will be watching you.

The Rise of Unsanctioned
Paramilitary Forces

It worked for Hitler, Stalin and Mao and now the same plan is being put together by Obama. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Obama promised the rise of American Brown Shirts as he stated, “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

Obama has now authorized DHS to use paramilitary organizations to enforce the coming Obama version of martial law. And of course, there are the omnipresent, voter intimidation thugs of Obama’s ACORN.

The Use of Dispassionate, Third Party
Entities to Implement Initial Reign of Terror
It worked for Hitler, Stalin and Mao and now the same plan is being put together by Obama. Dictators have long used dispassionate third parties to carry out their heinous acts designed to suppress all opposition to a burgeoning totalitarian regime. For several decades, the Chinese Communists have also suppressed dissent by the use of troops from provinces which are not in proximity to the troubled area.

Both Obama and his predecessor, George W. Bush, have amassed a mighty army of untold number designed to subjugate the American people. Why foreigners? Foreign troops will not hesitate to fire on American citizens. Today, in Colorado Springs, Russian commandos are wearing American military uniforms and are conducting regular policing activities. And this trend is not just happening on Colorado Springs, the use of foreign troops in preparation to the coming subjugation of the American people is seemingly happening everywhere.

Awaiting the False Flag Event
to Pull All of This Together
Every fire requires a spark. Every introduction of tyranny needs a provocative false flag event attack designed to give the authorities to roll out into plain view the police state apparatus which has been in the works for some time. It is impossible, with 100% accuracy, to predict the site of such an attack which will serve as the excuse to fully roll out martial law. However, for the reasons contained in the following link, my best guess is that Chicago will be the target.

This Genocidal Threat Is
Omnipresent and Still We Acquiesce

To the person who is a novice to this topic and to those who think this article represents the ramblings of a delusional boy calling “wolf,” please allow me to ask you one question. Does any single example of recent government action fully documented in this article represent anything remotely to do with protecting civil liberties, promoting freedom and defending the Constitution. If you answered yes, then my advice is to go back to sleep because no amount of evidence will wake you up. If you answered no to this question, but are too stunned that your government could be marking you for extermination, then my advice would be to read and watch every link contained in this article. If your bewilderment changes to fear, then begin to do your own research. And then, maybe you will be ready to join the fight, because this is the fight of our lives.

To the patriots who are aware,  I know that I could have also added the government control of food and water, the use of GMO’s etc., to the list of enslavement and extermination variables. However, the essential elements of a police state implementation plan are painfully obvious with what is written here.

My fellow Americans, please allow me to ask why we tolerate this abuse? The answer is simple, the globalists employ master psychologists whose job is to devise techniques designed to get the public to unquestionably accept authoritarianism. Using the same techniques that humans use to control circus animals and family pets, the American people have been conditioned and domesticated to believe and to accept anything told to them by their government. History has spoken will America listen?

Part two of this series will explore the psychological conditioning that is in play in which most of us have been conditioned to willingly and blindly follow all orders leading up to our collective deaths.

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right