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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

10 Reasons to Keep Women Out of the Infantry

10 Reasons to Keep Women Out of the Infantry


The issue isn't women in combat. Women have always been near or in combat. Women in our U.S. Army have been pushed closer and closer to the front lines of the Infantry in combat by politicians of both parties since the 1970s. In campaigns where there are no front lines women ride in vehicles that get blown up – but that isn't the Infantry. Women pilot helicopters, get shot down and lose their legs – but that isn't the Infantry. Women shoot back when they are ambushed – but that isn't the Infantry. The issue is forcing the Infantry to become girl compatible.

Since the 1970s, everywhere women entered in the military the adjustment was to make the military organization, school, or course girl-compatible. Women served well where assigned. The quality of female military service doesn't change the reality that adjustments were made for women. The compromises didn't cost The Army too much – enough to lose a war.

Adjusting the Infantry for girls may mean America loses a war. At the least it will cost the unnecessary additional loss of life, because the Infantry won't be as good as it could be. The girlish Infantry won't be all it can be.

Here are 10 reasons to not create girlish Infantry.

No improvement to combat effectiveness. Name one way a woman improves the combat effectiveness of a rifle squad. Cite one measure of effectiveness or performance that a woman makes better. Name one. Then, prove it.

Equity is for lawyers, victory is for the Infantry. Promoting more women generals doesn't make America win wars. Promotions for women isn't protection for America.

Women in the Infantry are like women in the NFL, NBA or NHL. If women could play professional sports as well as men, they would. The Infantry is more demanding, like professional sports are, than any other branch. The only way women can compete with men in professional sports is if the standards are compromised. Change the rules. Except the rules of Land Warfare don't submit to political whimsy. Ground combat is an equal opportunity killer. Separate male and female physical and appearance standards reaffirm that separate, but equal, is never equal.

More Women will be injured. Basic sports medicine applies. More women will be injured in training and combat. Women's bodies are different from men. Women aren't men. More injuries cost the military many ways and society in lifetime disabilities.

More Women will be raped. Sooner or later women will face aggressive demands for sex from their battle buddies. Women will be raped by the enemy – and the Infantry faces capture more than any other soldiers.

Women will be degraded. There is no privacy in the Infantry. Creating privacy burdens and distracts leaders from training good Infantry. And, often it will be impossible. Decency demands differences between sexes. No differences means no decency and real degradation of womanhood.

Women will be drafted into the Infantry. Some day in the future there will be a war of national survival, or a really big war. Young people will be drafted. For legal equity women will be drafted into the Infantry. Your daughters, granddaughters, nieces and neighbors will go serve. The children of the elites won't be in the Infantry. Yours will suffer and die so the Elite Class can feel so superior – for the sake of equality, diversity, and political correctness.

Women aren't men. Male-bonding matters. Liberals and rabid feminists hate that. Women don't bond with men the way men bond with men. Neither do men who act like women as open homosexuals. It's science. It's culture. It's history. It's truth. The Infantry is based on squads of men working as a team. All male teams fight better.

Women don't win wars. A Nation that relies on its women to fight for it – deserves to die. Women in the infantry don't make the best infantry. They'll be the best politically-correct infantry and play that part until the dogs of war are unleashed.

Homosexuals will be jealous. Real women will compete with the homosexuals for sex with the men in the Infantry. It gets more complicated when the lesbian women compete with real men for sex with the women in the Infantry. Infantrymen and Infantrygirls are a volatile mix every day, let alone in combat. Ask a Combat Infantryman what combat does to arouse a man's senses.

Making the Infantry girl-compatible is another national folly. Except this one will get Americans killed. America may lose battles – even a war - for the cause of creating girlish Infantry.

Joseph F Barber served in 75th U.S. Army Divisions as an Airborne, Ranger Infantry Officer.

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