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This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.


"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Race Toward an Age of Reason: Part I & PART 2

Race Toward an Age of Reason: Part I

No Paine; No Gain

By Debra Rae ·

Son of a working-class Quaker, radical pamphleteer and propagandist Thomas Paine was an Anglo-American intellectual, political theorist and activist. A community organizer of sorts, Paine provided a revolutionary voice for the common man (i.e., “Main StreetversusWall Street”).

Notably, however, Paine's 1794 publication, The Age of Reason, venomously assaulted biblical Christianity. Paine argued, “the Christian mythologists, calling themselves the Christian Church, have erected their fable which for absurdity and extravagance, is not exceeded by anything that is to be found in the mythology of the ancients.”

Thomas Paine in the Lincoln White House
Having fully assimilated Paine's Age of Reason, young Abraham Lincoln came to be known as an “infidel.” Perhaps surprising to some, not until the end of his life did Lincoln reconcile his battle with God. At his first inauguration, President Obama was described as standing on the shoulders of Abraham Lincoln. According to Richard Allen Greene (CNN, Washington), it was Thomas Paine who “seems to have informed some of the spirit of President Obama's inaugural speech.” Curiously, Obama had declared his candidacy on the very spot in Illinois where Lincoln launched his own first campaign and, then, took his oath of office on Lincoln's 1861 inaugural Bible.

Thomas Paine in the Obama White House

Referencing Paine's “gathering clouds and raging storms,” Obama acknowledged today's similarly troubling times. As is true today, the mid-1800s was marked by “a general dereliction of religious people and practices.” Deistic or “infidel” literature published in America in the late 18th and early 19th centuries incorporated some form of determinism to account for order in the universe apart from the divine.

Indeed, Paine was a self-proclaimed deist. Deism is known as the Clockwork Universe Theory that God designed and built the universe, but then stepped aside to let it run on its own. “My own mind,” Paine insisted, “is my own church.” Frontier freethinkers, as Lincoln, made this very affirmation, thereby belying “inner duplicity” as revealed in the atheist's confession, This is no God, and I hate him.”

In Obama's view, whatever we once were, we no longer consider ourselves a Christian nation. When it comes to policy, Obama declined to accept opposition from what he's characterized as “an obscure line in the book of Romans.” In Obama's belief system, many paths lead to some higher power; and we are “connected as a people” in its pursuit. In his latest State of the Union address, Obama explained that “the way we're made” is to “look out for one another” (“usually without fanfare”). With each one doing his “fair share,” choosing to believe in “the overwhelming judgment of science,” and championing toughening gun legislation, common sense will, after all, prevail.

Thomas Paine in Religion

An ardent fan of Thomas Paine, President Obama openly espouses tenets of The Rights of Man, Common Sense, and The Age of Reason. Paine's core message was this: “My country is the world; my religion is to do good.” Before reaching for the stars, one first must appeal to the collective reasoning of humanity, establish priorities, and thereby order one's home on earth (you know, as a community organizer might do).

At his first inauguration, Obama referred to “the rights of man” (title of Paine's book that praised the French Revolution). Thereafter, in his recent State of the Union address, Obama credited the allegedly increasing strength of our union on human rights, common sense and reason. While referencing hardworking Americans' taking personal responsibility, despite gender and sexual orientation, Obama applauded the courage and skills of women. Ironically, at the same time he advocated for the Violence Against Women Act, he commended women in combat.

Obama's first inauguration speech ended with a long quote from Paine's 1776 critical essay, “The Crisis,” which famously begins, “These are the times that try men's souls.” Such times purportedly suggest need for central, even global governance. In addressing the State of the Union, Obama explained how our union has met danger by becoming “the anchor of strong alliances” and by maintaining “the best military in the world.” Collective efforts in creating global public-private partnerships and a “durable legal and policy framework to guide our counterterrorism operations” promise to “clear away the rubble of crisis.”

Thomas Paine and the Bible Belt

In June 1979, a well-dressed, articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company in Georgia in order to commission a huge granite monument alternately referred to as the Georgia Guidestones or the American Stonehenge.

On behalf of a group of men who wished to convey a message to humanity, this outsider (R. C. Christian) commissioned a peculiar monument (smack dab in America's Bible belt) – this, to recognize Thomas Paine and what experts identify as the occult philosophy he espoused. Paine, you see, was a Rosicrucian and served on the ultimate governing body (the Council of Three) of this highly secretive fraternity.

To understand the nature of dark forces behind such groups is to grasp the unfolding of world events in this 21st century. The Rosicrucian “utopia” is global governance by a wise, benevolent elite much like Mikhail Gorbachev's Council of the Wise, consisting of one hundred innovative thinkers supposedly qualified to guide global interests.

Written in Greek, Sanskrit, Egyptian, and Babylonian, the Stonehenge capstone inscription, “Let These be Guidestones to an Age Of Reason,” reveals linkage to an occult hierarchy personified in Paine. To this very day, the Georgia Guidestones host occult ceremonies and mystic celebrations.

More to follow in Part 2.

Race Toward an Age of Reason: Part II

No Paine; No Gain

By Debra Rae ·

A hero to Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama, Anglo-American intellectual Thomas Paine was a radical pamphleteer, political theorist/ propagandist, and activist. Paine, the young Lincoln, and Obama (all three) are sons of the Enlightenment. On behalf of a group of men who wished to convey a message to humanity, a peculiar monument known as the Georgia Guidestones, or America's Stonehenge, was commissioned in 1979 to recognize Thomas Paine and to etch in stone his enlightened viewpoint.

10 Commandments; 29 Programs

Engraved in eight different languages on four giant stones that support a common capstone is a specific message to humanity summarized in Ten Commandments that, when aligned with the President's recent State of the Union address, outlines an agenda for establishing the coveted age of reason. Its four themes follow: (1) global governance, (2) population control, (3) man's relationship to nature, and (4) new spirituality.

Global Governance

The group that commissioned the Georgia Guidestones is likely one of many similar groups working together to establish a new, geo-political world order under elitist rule. One Guidestones' commandment is to “avoid petty laws and useless officials.” In Obama's words, “the greatest nation on earth cannot keep conducting its business by drifting from one manufactured crisis to the next. … The American people have worked too hard, for too long, rebuilding from one crisis to see their elected officials cause another.” This regrettable dilemma signals need for “soft law” at the global level. Hence, if a useless Congress won't act, Obama will (via executive order).

Population and Reproduction Control

The Guidestones' first commandment calls for exceedingly drastic population control, to which Obama nods by (1) thrusting women of childbearing age into combat, (2) sanctioning “sustainable” gay marriage, and (3) minimizing seed-planting as a sign of manliness (pronouncing rightly that fatherhood requires more). “If you work hard and meet your responsibilities,” Obama promises, “you can get ahead, no matter … who[m] you love."  Indeed, the Violence Against Women Act expands funding to same-sex couples and, for the first time in history, unconstitutionally allows tribal jurisdiction over non-tribal men accused of abuse.

Man's Relationship to Nature

As freedom in the Global Commons is said to bring ruin to all, radical environmentalism proposes a form of neo-feudalism, enforced out of "necessity” to prevent humanity from becoming (in the words of Guidestones) “a cancer on earth.” Leaving room for nature, Obama insists, “We must do more to combat climate change.” Several of Obama's proposed programs affirm a Guidestones' command to “balance personal rights with social duties.” Specifically, the President's proposed Energy Security Trust and his challenge to cut wasted energy in half promise to “speed the transition to more sustainable sources of energy.”

New Spirituality

According to the Guidestones, one must “rule passion, faith, and tradition with tempered reason.” Case in point: When initially sworn in as president, Obama identified America broadly as “a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and nonbelievers.” Obama's highly publicized speech to the United Nations promised to “unite humanity with a living new language,” for (says Obama) “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Indeed, the emerging Global Civic Ethic promotes illumined groupthink; “black-and-white” Bible fundamentalism simply doesn't cut the mustard. Syncretism distinguishes America's rational, duly tempered new spirituality stripped of Judeo-Christian “passion, faith, and tradition.” “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition,” explained Obama. “Instead, they overlap and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

Cradle-to-Grave Indoctrination

That most Americans have never heard of the Georgia Guidestones reflects the degree of control over what they think. Dramatic paradigm shift requires cradle-to-grave education (better, indoctrination); and Obama aims to deliver. Today's public education purposes to pinpoint, nurture, and place illumined, group conscious, politically eco-correct world citizens in the global work force. To this end, Obama proposes (1) preschool for all at the earliest possible age and (2) redesign of America's high schools.


Historically, the impact of the Enlightenment has been profoundly felt; however, not without divine counter: When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against him. Throughout the decades of America's history, revival and renewal, coupled with salt-and-light ministry of a faithful remnant church, have shed light on darkness.

Arguably, Lincoln's ever-evolving faith shaped the course of America. Thankfully, his journey with God eventually brought Lincoln to biblical appreciation and understandings. Toward the end of his life, Lincoln's concern was not whether God was on the side of the Union, but rather whether “this nation should be on the Lord's side.” Today's State of the Union depends more on our national response to this challenge than it does on twenty-nine new programs reflective of an enlightened age of reason.

Empowering plutocratic global oversight in the name of the common good may well complement Thomas Paine's core message – “My country is the world; my religion is to do good” – but it undercuts “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Only when our nation experiences a new birth of freedom under God will she escape socialist global governance. Otherwise, her lot is to perish from the earth.

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right