
Freedom of information pages

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

A time to break the silence.. Part 1

Good morning all you beautiful people!! From the words of Martin Luther king: 

A time to break the silence..
Part 1...

The french poet, Jean De La Fontaine's fable, "The monkey and the cat, duped by the monkey, uses it's paw to pull chestnuts from a hot fire, burning it's paw in the process, while the monkey happily gobbles up the chestnuts..

"A cat's paw," has come to mean, one used unwittingly by another to accomplish his own purpose.

It happens in america's justice system everyday..

Understanding injustice my friends.

No assassination instructions should ever be written or recorded, such is injustice.

My source: A study of: (assassinations)

CIA training manual: 1954

I am a story teller and today I share a story of my own,injustice.

Betrail of a system that was designed to protect, we the people, and yet is failing, we the people at an alarming rate. The founder's of this nation would see us as a country or government they warned, we the people about..

Sitting here in this county prison in San Bernardino county for a crime I didn't commit, I fell prey to a through diminished capacity and with stacked charges by a corrupt system of justice.
Where a victim of a crime, is made to be the criminal and a racist, as not to upset or challenge the African American community of Hesperia, Ca. 92345 for simply asking, "have you seen my dog?"

Let me explain these events of late 2011 and 2012 to you since the beginning of this crime of injustice my friends..

#1.  Joseph F. Barber,
beaten brutally by a back assailant, arrested and hospitalized with multiple injuries requiring 3 major surgeries to repair damage to his face, mouth, eye sockets, cheek bones and jaw, not to mention the loss of my front teeth. This was deemed justified for and by one Erick Nakota, judge for Victorville Superior court, Ca.
When I say justified, I ask we the people this?: Is a person justified for attacking and brutally beating another no mater race, color or creed, just for asking simply this, excuse me sir, have you seen my dog?

#2.  Since the beginning of this injustice Joseph Barber has lost his career, all personal property and in 2012 the Barber family have found themselves homeless and living out of their truck. Then on December 12, 2012 the barber family lost their oldest son, his name was Joshua Barber Christianson, he was 27 years. old.
My last conversation with him was short, he said; I'm sorry dad, I have been such a burden to you and mom.
He had issues yes, but was never that to me or my wife. Our lives, forever changed. As for me, I'm so sorry I didn't see the signs, as wise as I think I am.

#3.  Violation of my Soverign rights as well as my basic human rights as a human being and a tax payer afforded the protection due all victims of a violent crime.

#4.  Joseph suffers from P.T.S.D., this will be relevant in a few minutes, so we move to a personal statement:

I Joseph F. Barber, make this and these statements as an article of truth and reflection of my personal experience of a system of justice and corruption. A system for which, we the people place our faith into the  protection of we the people, has jailed many, myself and my family.

Again I state, were a victim of a violent crime, is made to be the criminal..

#1.  FACT: Executive sheriffs officer sided with the assailant and his son who was soon to enter the sheriff academy.

#2.  This same deputy sheriff committed perjury, while on the stand in my case: FACT: was and is serving as a Smash Officer, for the San Brnardino county Sheriff Dept.

#3.  FACT: Witnesses for the prosecution were the deputy, the assailant who violently attacked Joseph Barber and his son, soon to be sheriff. Then we have a woman named Cindy Moffett who claimed to be my Aunt, which is a lie and no factual evidence ever produced to show proof of who Cindy Moffett of PA. had any relationship with Joseph Barber or his family at any time, ever.

#4.  FACT: This woman, Cindy Moffett of Pennsylvania, claimed to be Joseph F. Barbers aunt, did file a false report and made false accusations against Joseph F. Barber, with the support of the aforementioned Sheriff deputy, also introduced false evidence against me in a court of law, as I at the time was being defended by the San Bernadino county public defenders office, all objections were over rulled and denied, by the Superior court judge Eric Nakota who I also claim is criminally accountable to the injustice against myself Joseph F. Barber and my family.

#5.  FACT:  As in the beginning of this assault on my personnel liberties and sovereign rights, again the victim of a violent crime is being held to what seems indefinite detention and without any legal representation, N.D.A.A at its finest and being used in the system as I write these words. At that time, as well as today I could use legal rep. but I am afforded none.

As stated earlier the subject of P.T.S.D., some may say I'm crazy yet those who read my works and articles see I am not, but at the time of admitting to anything in this case, I was under extreme duress and medications, it is a fact by my actions to the aforementioned events, lead to my blundering into incriminating myself, more to the point, I was coerced into making a false confession and confessed to a crime I did not commit and never committed, I was under the threat and power of the color of authority, fear for my families safety and my own well being.
Stand free people and your ground, feed another if you can..

HOOOOOOah, brother's, sister's, patriots and citizens..


Part 2 coming soon..

Brought to you from inside the San Bernadino corrections center in Rancho Cucamonga Ca.

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right