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Sunday, April 6, 2014

My strategic assessment is spot on.

My strategic assessment is spot on. 

The tactical perspective is quite accurate. The game of brinksmanship is definitely on the move. A lot of moving parts here. I am of the opinion that Poland will not acquiesce on their petition to have NATO and/or US military forces on their lands. The fear there must be palpable, especially given their close proximity to Russia proper. They will not suffer another invasion from Russia like they did in the past and we saw how unpleasant that deal went for the years they endured the occupation, but I digress here. What we should be looking at with great concern is the domestic response here in CONUS to what is transpiring. Hussein Obama will be looking at marital law, should the 30-60 day window be taken into serious consideration. America, for the most part, has had it with war. Attrition and pointless battles with no real military objectives and/or goals being accomplished coupled with too many wounded warriors coming home and being labeled as potential enemies of the state via the NDAA, doesn’t sit well with those folks and veterans that are awake to what’s really coming down the pipe.

Let’s call a spade, a spade on this. We have a clear idea of whats coming. We as in the 3%, Veterans, #2 A advocates, Constitutionalists, etc… There would be no violent push back from the people when the balloon goes up on the Ukraine/Russia situation, martial law will be declared through a false flag that, in my opinion, will be somehow made to look like it has a direct connect to the situation overseas. A false flag that’s suppose to galvanize the people in support of direct military action against Russia, but as we all know, that’s not going to work out as they might have it planned. Again, this is my opinion on the matter, I have no open-source and/or confidential intel on how this thing will play out, I’m simply looking at a potential psyop going down this line in order to gain the support of the people who already view this Presidency as both unpopular in the least or treasonous at best. Perhaps, another play will be in motion. Who knows? Right now, we simply don’t have the numbers to wage a direct confrontation with Russia, unless the plan is to literally abandon Afghanistan. It’s no surprise that Hamid Karzai wants all U.S. combat forces out of his country and he wants to take the Taliban on his own. Good for him. It’s about bloody time, but those troops and support personnel that expect to come home would be given orders to reroute to the Baltic nations asap. That’s how things roll in the military. As a Marine Corps vet, I can attest to this.

Expect smoke and mirrors games to go into full-effect as the time progresses on the proposed timeframe for potential military action in that theater of action to-be. There is no denying something heavy is coming out of this. Vladimir Putin will not hesitate to respond. No doubt he either reads American alternative media news and/or FAPSI/SVR/FSB does in order to better ascertain US civilian observations on what this lame excuse of a U.S. Presidential administration sits in the eyes of the citizenry, so expect some psyop from the Russians to capitalize on this. Everything is up for grabs. Winning the hearts and minds of the people, the world over, is the ultimate name of the game here. Once that’s accomplished, action will take place whether anyone likes it or not. The Petrodollar is going the way of he dinosaur. Continue on making your individual and/or group preparations for that which is to come. Stay informed. Stay frosty.

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