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Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Course of World War III

The Course of World War III

The world sits upon the precipice of World War III. The programs are printed and the players have been identified. The coming global conflict is divided into two camps, the BRIC nations and the USA and her allies and both sides are preparing to go toe-to-toe. The following is a breakdown of the relative strengths of each side and a discussion about the likely course of events given the relative military strengths of each side.

Comparative Conventional Military Strength Between the BRIC NATIONS AND USA ALLIES

The United States and her allies have a decided advantage of quick strike, long range battlefield capabilities because of superior aircraft and carrier strike capabilities. The BRIC nations have an advantage with manpower, rocket propelled weapons and tanks. The USA and her allies cannot win a sustained battlefield campaign because of the attrition factor. The Chinese have demonstrated the ability to negate the United States Navy’s technological advantage through the use of killer satellites.

Nuclear submarines are often looked at as the great equalizer. No matter who is winning on the ground, in the air and on the surface of the oceans, the submarine force has the capability to reign down unimaginable destruction upon their enemy. In the case of submarines, the USA and her allies are matched by their BRIC counterparts. Most subs carry eight nuclear missiles, each capable of destroying a major city. The USA presumably has superior evasive techniques and therefore, would survive sub-killer strategies with greater frequency that their BRIC adversaries.

For the United States and her allies to win a conventional war, a quick strike, surprise engagement is critical to the success of these forces. The BRICS would have an advantage in a longer prolonged conflict.This is particularly true when one considers that if time permitted, the Chinese have bragged that they could put 100 million men on a battlefield. Following the teachings of Sun Tsu in the famous, The Art of War, it is critical that the BRIC nations be brought to the battlefield of choice by the USA for a quick and decisive engagement. The engagement is likely to be naval and involve aircraft. This plays to the advantage to the USA, whose superior long range strike capability is enhanced by their superior aircraft carriers.The USA forces would likely engage in a distracting land engagement first to hold the maximum number of forces. The land strike, a first strike, will be directed at Syria. Given the present crisis, the Russians would have to decide on choosing between protecting its eastern border with the NATO forces or launching an offensive directed at protecting Syria. The Russians will choose self-defense. The timing of the American invasion of Syria will take place when a sufficient number of American naval vessels are present in the Black Sea to checkmate the Russia military build up in Crimea which would serve as a staging area for military action in Syria. At the end of the day, once the American navy has moved into position off of the Baltic states, Russia will be powerless to prevent an US takeover of Syria.

Once the US occupies Syria, Russia will be powerless to intervene on behalf of America’s next target, Iran because the US medium range missile batteries will prevent the Russian army from moving south into the region. With Russia out of the way, Iran will capitulate and stop selling oil for gold to the BRIC nations and the Petrodollar will be preserved. Iran will agree to the control of their oil fields by the US to avoid an invasion. They will capitulate because nobody will come to their rescue.

What about India and China? Won’t they move to protect Iran and thus, erode the Petrodollar? Not exactly, as China and India will have their hands full. The naval strike of I speak of will be directed at China. Before the commencement of hostilities, China will be given a short time to stand down or face destruction by the US submarines and the long range capabilities of US carriers. It is only necessary to target China’s major cities to force capitulation. This strategy would free the disenchanted Chinese, living in the rebellious outlying provinces to launch a revolution against Beijing. It is also rumored that the US does have space based nuclear weapons. If this is the case, this conflict could be over in the early morning hours of the first day. The Chinese submarine force could be capable of taking out several US cities, however, their submarines alone will not change the outcome. India will be held in check by Pakistan and her nuclear weapons. Subsequently, India will never enter the fight. US forces in Afghanistan could block a Russian invasion of Pakistan from the north. It is clear that the USA and her allies will decisively defeat the BRIC nations in a conventional war, so long as it is a short conflict.

However, there is one game-changing strategy that the BRICS could employ. If the BRIC nations were to simultaneously launch a series of high altitude ICBM’s over every theater of potential war, the high altitude nuclear blast could create an EMP attack on a global scale. Such an action would negate the technological advantage of the US military and reduce the conflict to brutal savagery which would be dominated by global famine. Certainly the super elite would experience population reduction on an unprecedented scale.This action would ultimately produce a military stalemate and the war would disintegrate into one brute force versus another for a very long time. The popular TV show, Revolution, comes to mind.


                  BRIC Nations Conventional Military Strength
                                          Most Likely to Fight

               Men      Planes       Tanks      Carriers  Subs    Rockets

Russia      766,000      3,082        1,550         1            62          3,781

China     2,825,000     2,788         9,150         1            69          1,770

India     1,325,000     1,785         3,569         2            17            292

Total     4,916, 000    7,655       14,269          4           148          5,843

(NOTE: The forces of North Korea would be absorbed by China        

 Ukraine and Belarus have a combined military strength of 200,000 men)  

 USA Allied Nations Conventional Military Strength

               Men             Planes        Tanks     Carriers   Subs    Rockets

USA        1,430,000    13,685       8,325       10          72        1,330

UK             205,330           900       400        1            11           60

FR           230,000           1,200       420        1            10           60

GRM         180,000         710          410        0              4          250

TURK        410,500         990       3,660         0          14          650

S KOR       640,000       1,400      2,350         0          14          250

JAP            250,000       1,600          770         1         16          100

TOT          3,345,830    20,475      8,325         13      141        2,700

Source: Global Fire Power


The nuclear arsenals of the BRICS vs. the USA and her allies are equivalent on paper. However, the reliability factor clearly favors the USA. The topic is almost a moot point. If either side resorts to the use of nuclear weapons on anything more than a battlefield scale with tactical nuclear weapons, this would render the conflict meaningless as the planet would be a very undesirable place to inhabit. The following data demonstrates the ultimate futility of employing nuclear weapons on a regional and intercontinental basis.

Warheads active/total
Date of first test

 United States

2,150 / 7,700

16 July 1945 (“Trinity“) NATO


1,800 / 8,500

29 August 1949 (“RDS-1“) NATO

 United Kingdom

160 / 225

3 October 1952 (“Hurricane“) NATO


290 / 300

13 February 1960 (“Gerboise Bleue“) NATO


n.a. / 250

16 October 1964 (“596“) BRIC


n.a. / 90–110

18 May 1974 (“Smiling Buddha“) BRIC


n.a. / 100–120

28 May 1998 (“Chagai-I“) UNDETERMINED

 North Korea

n.a. / <10 p="">
9 October 2006 BRIC (CHINA)
Undeclared nuclear powers


n.a. / 60-200

Unknown (possibly 22 September 1979) INDEPENDENT
Source: Federation of American Scientists: Status of World Nuclear Forces”. Early 2013.

U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe

Country Air base Custodian Warheads

Belgium Kleine Brogel 52nd Fighter Wing 10~20

Germany Büchel 52nd Fighter Wing 10~20

Italy Ghedi Torre 6th Fighter Wing 40

Aviano 31st Fighter Wing 50

Netherlands Volkel 52nd Fighter Wing 10~20

Turkey Incirlik 39th Air Base Wing 60~70

Total 150~200

Source:  Hans M. Kristensen (26 June 2008). Status of U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe.Federation of American Scientist


Your children picked one helluva time to be born. The only winners in what is coming will be the Satan-serving bankers who are bankrolling both sides of the coming conflict.
It is the hope of this author that these facts will demonstrate the utter destruction that billions of innocent people on this planet face. Could these be the last days before the Tribulation and ultimate judgment? Perhaps, but the Bible cautions us that we will not know the exact time of Jesus return. Certainly, the conditions are ripe and it is all so tragic and avoidable.
jesus and the money changersJesus showed humanity over 2,000 years ago, who the real enemy of humanity is in human form. Man was not meant to engage in banker wars of profit. No wonder Jesus chased the money changers from the Temple with a whip. The world needs an “Occupy Basel” movement in order to save humanity. These psychopathic bankers need to be imprisoned in order to save humanity from complete destruction.
As I have repeatedly stated, martial law in the US will precede any global conflict. This topic will be the topic of Part four.

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right