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Monday, April 14, 2014

The Four Weapons of Mass Destruction-Humanity May Not Survive

The Four Weapons of Mass Destruction-Humanity May Not Survive

By: Roger Landry (TLB).

WARNING: This is not a bedtime story!

Mankind has been inundated with natural disasters throughout it’s long history on this planet, some near extinction level in nature, but we have, as a species, always managed to bounce back and prosper following each of these cataclysmic events. What we endure today is the most serious threat to the  very survival of the human race ever encountered … and it is man made, legal and choreographed!

This  will expound on the multi-pronged attack against the masses utilizing four of the most deadly mechanisms ever developed by mans-mind … to ultimately destroy man-kind (or a vast majority of it). Understand all this is being accomplished Legally and with the Blessings of Many Governments, the United Nations and a sizable portion of the uneducated, MSM propagandized global masses.

So what are these Weapons of Mass Destruction being wielded so effectively against us under the guise of benign philanthropic assistance,

Perpetual Warfare
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Geo-Engineering (Chemtrails)

Now before you push back on any of these four mechanisms of destruction and their heinous role in this fiasco, please understand they are all … REALITY … not some conspiracy theory, or something out of a science fiction horror story, and the proof and documentation is readily available to all (see included links) with the awareness and the drive to seek it.

Each one of these mechanisms by themselves could seriously disrupt or even facilitate the extinction of humanity, but when used simultaneously, they create a perfect storm for massive population reduction. This perfect storm is manufactured and manipulated in a choreographed production who’s closing scene is the reduction of this planets population by almost 95% … and if you believe you are part of the remaining 5% … don’t count on it!

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Perpetual Warfare:

As we and our allies jump from one country to another wreaking havoc, destroying vital infrastructure, killing millions, poisoning millions in future generations (depleted uranium ammo), and raping them of their vital resources, we must understand the hate and need for revenge we are perpetuating. With the death toll so far  about three million people (90% or higher considered “Collateral Damage” by our govt.)The US and its allies have manufactured more terrorists in the last decade than the world prior to this ever saw in its combined history.

We are infuriating the Russians, the Chinese and other regional powers and moving ever closer to a global conflict. With the state of technological warfare today (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical), and all out global war (no holds barred) looming on the horizon, we can rest assured the survival rate of such an endeavor is just about ZERO!

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This grandiose experiment has been going on for literally hundreds of years, and even though we have passed well beyond the days of snakeskin oil and bleeding (leaching a patients blood to eradicate a sickness) science, the practice has taken on an entirely new life and role. These are the days when Bill Gates has paid well for the right to brag that vaccination can result in a positive reduction in the global population! In the vaccinated portion of this global population, the fertility rate is dropping at an almost exponential rate … and the rise in vaccinations coincides with the fall in fertility.

The CDC was stating on their website that as many as 30 MILLION Americans (well understated) given a Polio vaccination “could” have been injected with the SV40 Virus (known cancer causing) I would dare say having grown up at that point in history … the actual number is much closer to 100 million. America is close to the top of the nations dealing with a blight of cancer with one out of every three baby boomers having cancer (yes we where the ones vaccinated wth this very vaccine). And to top it off those in the field of GM (genetically Modified) Vaccines now openly joke about creating a better virus to accomplish population reduction …

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When a safety mechanism (vaccinations) induces more danger into a scenario than it is designed to prevent … it is time to remove and replace that system. But how do you do this when the very government charged with policing this function is so corrupt, complicit and just plain in-bed with its charges, that real change is almost impossible or if any changes do occur … it is all window dressing to play to the crowd and leaves intact the status-quo.

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GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms):

This topic I could speak volumes on and barely scratch the surface, but it is a serious issue that DEMANDS our attention NOW! We are talking about controling the population via GM Corn, specifically bread and engineered to cause sterility, funded by the US government and patented. We are talking about the contamination of the Biosphere by a multitude of GMO’s … and no one has a clue as to what is about to explode in our faces through Horizontal Gene Transfer. Scientists are screaming to put a moratorium on GMO cultivation until this issue can be resolved … to no avail.

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When an industry whose products are under fire from across the planet for eliciting extreme health and biosphere hazards, is allowed to police its own science and thereby set the acceptable standards, then greed and the lust for power become the standard, not ethics and concern for human life.

The Great GMO experiment underway is proving to be a colossal failure and eminent danger on so many levels, and may just as well prove to be the most heinous intrusion into the health of humanity and the global biosphere ever perpetrated … The most concerning aspect of all of this is that the GMO industry HAS to be aware of this on many levels! So just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

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This country is number one in Dementia and Autism on this planet … out of 192 listed nations. Cases (reported) of Autism have exploded from 1 in over 12,000 in the 1960′s to far less that one in 50 children borne today. This is a serious epidemic of biblical proportions but our government and the mainstream media are all but dead silent on the issue.

Again I point out the meteoric rise of both (but with emphasis on Autism), and this rise starts when vaccines are benevolently mandated on a massive level, on up to the first introduction of GMO crops into our daily diets, when the autism and dementia rate goes into overdrive.

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Vaccines and GMO’s are tied so closely together as to be Siamese twins. Most new vaccines now contain many genetically engineered components … with again no long term research to foresee the inevitable and impending disaster 10 – 20 or even 50 years down this mine strewn path.

Its not looking so good  for humanity at this point, and all of the first three WMD’s have a direct path to the extinction of humanity by warfare, disease, a collapsed Biosphere, or a negative population growth.

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So what about our final blight … I hope at this point in the article you wouldn’t think me anticlimactic, so I wont disappoint you. There is a definite tie, link, a sharing of thoughts and goals going on between all of these perpetrators …

Geo-Engineering (Chemtrails):

Chemtrails involve the deliberate spraying of hazardous materials into the atmosphere that goes back over 30 years. Also known as cloud seeding, the U.S. Government has been spraying harmful chemicals and heavy metals into the atmosphere for numerous reasons. Some say this is to prevent global warming; however, the lack of media acknowledged Chemtrails tells a different story.

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The presence of Aluminum Oxide and Barium in the air over the United States is now formally documented, in a scientifically reliable way. It can only get that dispersed and finely layered one way, airborne dispersal. So now that the poisoning is underway it is only a matter of time until humanity goes begging science for a ‘solution’ that the good boys of Monsanto won’t hesitate solving (they have already patented aluminum resistant seeds). Once more a noble cause, a threat to humanity and the environment will be averted thanks to Monsanto that will be releasing untold hundreds of exotic GMO bacterias each with a specific decontamination function as they roll out even more dangerous plant species like their Aluminum resistant sorghum that will make us reminisce about the good old days of Roundup ready plants and BT toxin crops…

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This article connected some of the important dots to the evidence of the tremendous amount of poisonings to which we are constantly assaulted daily. If we think we are anywhere close to safe, it is only an illusion. So much of this is invisible in daily life and, therefore, not thought of by many or often. But global signs of increases in cancer, autism and sterility (just to name a few)  do fit into this picture. There is a plethora of scientific and medical reports and years of research showing the insidious dangers of each and every mechanism mentioned in this article.

When one begins to add up the thousands of poisons we breath, ingest or are injected with, and what they do to any living organism, it is not surprising that we have dangerously high and increasing rates of cancers, multiple immune diseases, global hormone disruption, infertility, and a worldwide population that is crippled with the harm of perpetual warfare. The damage done to our children and their children is unthinkable, and the damage being perpetrated on this planet biosphere is rushing upon irreversible.


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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right