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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Who Controls Putin?

The world, over the course of human civilization, has always been a dangerous place. Much of the history of mankind is a history of wars, large and small. In the last century the U.S. military was involved in two world wars, a Korean conflict, a war in Vietnam, and the Gulf War to drive out Hussein’s Iraqi forces after he invaded Kuwait

Putin Controls the Fate of Ukraine, but Who Controls Putin?

Look, up in the sky, is it a bird, is it a plane, no, it’s Super Putin. He is single handedly taking on the evil bankers and winning.

According to some, Putin will singlehandedly rescue the world from the clutches of the Rothschild/Rockefeller criminal banking cartel. Putin is the modern day version of George Washington who will lead the world to the promise land while crushing the New World Order. I wish this was true, but to believe so would be to engage in the fantasy thinking of a five year old. There are no good guys, there are no bad guys. There are the banksters. They own everything and they control everything. It may be true that Putin appears in control of the world’s chessboard as evidenced by his repulsing of the planned American invasion of Syria and now he controls the high ground on regaining control of Ukraine. Putin may presently control the chessboard, but who is in control of Putin?

Putin’s Persona
Today, some are crediting Putin with paying off the Rothschild debt, kicking the banksters out of Russia and standing up to the New World Order in the same manner that the world witnessed Iceland jailing criminal bankers that had wrecked their economy. On the surface, the persona has been created that Putin is a freedom fighter against the NWO. If this is true, Putin will likely have a very short shelf life as Russia’s leader as history speaks clearly for itself on what happens to leaders who oppose the banksters.

The Fate of Those Who Say No to the Banksters
When Lincoln refused to bow down to Rothschild banking demands, he was assassinated. When McKinley refused to eagerly give the bankers the Spanish American War and he also refused to support the early attempts at establishing the Federal Reserve, he was assassinated. When JFK produced the now infamous Treasury Certificates  (C Notes) which were in competition to the fiat currency of the Federal Reserve, he was assassinated. When Reagan refused to prop up Middle East terrorism as the new boogey man which was being lined up by the bankers to replace the cold war conflict which had netted the bankers hundreds of trillions dollars of profits, he was shot and barely survived.

Saddam Hussein was murdered for the “human rights violations” associated with selling oil for Euros. OK, he did gas the Kurds, but is was Bechtel that provided the means to carry out the act. Hussein was killed by the banksters over the Petrodollar, not because of what he did to the Kurds. Hussein was a genocidal maniac, but that is not why the banksters got his own people to execute him.

When  Libyan leader Gaddafi refused to help create an African Union currency and establish a central bank inside of the booming economy that was Libya, he was murdered for human rights violations against his people. Really? The Libyan government provided a house to newly married couples. Gas was 14 cents per gallon. Libya had no national debt. The Rothschild/Rockefeller banksters could not tolerate a prosperous nation that they did not control through central banking. Did you know that the Libyan government paid for its citizens to go to college and paid for students to study abroad? The Libyan government provided its citizens with free health care and also paid for medical procedures to be performed in foreign countries. However, Gaddafi was taken out “for human rights violations”. Let’s be clear, he was killed because Libya was profitable and not under the control of the banksters.

Why would Putin be any different than any other leader who opposes the NWO?  And even if Putin was indeed as pure as the driven snow and is standing up to the NWO, then doesn’t that mean that Putin has to go to war with Western banking interests? Doesn’t that mean that Putin would be at war with the United States? Doesn’t that also mean that Putin’s nuclear missiles would have to reign down on American citizens killing hundreds of millions? Therefore, if you support Putin, doesn’t that prove that you are suicidal? Is Putin the latest hero in the fight against the banksters? Do you want to bet your life on it and the lives of your children as they will oppose Putin and die for the banksters?

Why Putin’s Independence Should Be Questioned

Did you know that Putin’s Russia controls much of the energy needs in Europe? Russia supplies 36% of German gas, 27% of Italy’s gas and 23% of France’s gas.  Does any rational person think that Putin would be allowed to be the major supplier or Europe’s energy needs without express approval of the bankers? Do you not think that the bankers are not taking a cut of the profits? The Rothschild banksters could simply ban Russian exported oil and force Europe to pay higher prices to obtain their energy needs by purchasing their oil elsewhere? Until someone can explain this discrepancy in Putin’s independence from the bankers, I have to believe that he is a banker plant designed to be the controlled opposition in a contrived and coming World War III in which billions will die. Maybe Putin is an unwilling stooge in this whole scenario. However, he is a former KGB Colonel, I do not see how he would NOT know the score of the game that he is playing in. Putin supplies Europe’s energy needs and the Rothschild’s sit on the sidelines and have just let it happen? are any of you really stupid enough to believe this flawed belief system? What is more likely is that the banksters are controlling both sides of the for a desired outcome which is par for the course and consistent with past history..

Bankers Control Both Sides
How many times in history have the bankers controlled both sides of a conflict? Rockefeller interests control both major American political parties?

Jesus was so upset by the practices of the money changers in the temple, he tipped over tables and drove the banksters out with a whip. This was the  one and only time that we witness Jesus using force during his entire ministry.

All Wars Are Controlled By the Bankers
World War I was waged by 27 nations. The number of participants totaled 66 million. There were 37 million casualties with seven million who were killed. Its direct costs are estimated at $210 trillion. The indirect costs of the war are estimated at $150 trillion dollars. And these figures do not include the additional billions in interest payments, veterans’ care and pensions, and similar expenses…” In WWI, we see the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking interests prolonging the conflict by at least three years. The only way that this war continued beyond 1915 was because the Federal Reserve was created in 1913 and could make up money out of thin air. This is how the bankers do it. This is how they get endless war by supplying both sides with fiat currency and promoting wars by controlling both sides of the conflict.

Many experts credit Standard Oil with giving the allies the ability to win WWII against the Nazi’s. Yet, The banksters also supported the Nazis in World War Two as Charles Higham documents in his classic book, Trading with the Enemy (1983). Higham clearly demonstrates that  Rockefeller’s Standard Oil supplied oil to the Nazis. George H. W. Bush’s father, Prescott Bush was actually charged with violating the Trading with the Enemies Act in WWII, because the elder Bush was supplying aid and comfort to the Nazis. The charges were eventually dropped and the event was covered up because Bush was in charge of the USO and the damage to American morale could have been significant. Coke and IBM supplied both sides in WWII and the list goes on and on. And Super Putin is above all of this control?

The next part in this series will demonstrate exactly how two sides of this conflict are being created by the banksters which will ultimately plunge the world into World War III. Whether or not Super Putin is a willing participant in the plans of the banksters is irrelevant. He and the Ukrainian leadership are playing their respective part in a pre-written script that was created for them in Basel. To believe otherwise, is to ignore the present facts as well as the lessons of history.

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right