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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

One hundred million new illiterate American citizens competing for jobs and soaking up our dying social services

One hundred million new illiterate American citizens competing for jobs and soaking up our dying social services
Obama, the ‘Pinball Wizard’, Tilting America

Ladies and Gentlemen, redistribution of wealth – a Marxist staple from way back – was one objective of King Barry-Care.  This was admitted by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) on the ABC television network program This Week in 2013.

According to Ben Shapiro at Breitbart (November 17, 2013) in his article titled ‘Dem Senator: ‘We All Knew’ Obama Was Lying’.

When asked whether Democrats were misled by President Obama about whether Americans would be able to keep their plans in the individual insurance market, Gillibrand answered: “He should’ve just been specific. No, we all knew.”
She added that the whole point of Obamacare was “covering things people need, like preventive care, birth control, pregnancy.” The redistributive nature of Obamacare, Gillibrand stated, was the point of the program; anyone claiming ignorance, therefore, is not telling the truth.

Redistribution of wealth wasn’t the only goal; King Barry-Care was – and is – a multi-pronged assault on individual liberty, property rights, the rule of law, the Declaration, and the Constitution.

Along with attacking the middle class through escalating insurance costs and punishing taxation in order to redistribute taxpayer income as subsidies for those unable to afford King Barry-Care, the other nefariously intended outcome of King Barry-Care was fomenting frustration, fear, and uncertainty in civil society, along with driving up our debt to levels yielding a collapse of the American economy: as if our economy needed this back-breaking load of further fiscal burden before the gremlin known as inertia brings about an economic succumbing of a most unpleasant sort best described econometrically by a term referred to as “tilt.”

Tilting America
Well, actually it’s my term for the coming collapse, but whatever; it hits the nail on the head with precision, because that’s how it will happen when it happens: the dollar will lose its status as the reserve currency of the world, and the free ride we’ve enjoyed will be over in a matter of hours.

“Tilt” is what used to happen when one banged the old analog pinball machines too hard; the lights went out, the flippers stopped working, the silver ball rolled straight to the hole, and the game was over until real money was inserted into the coin slot for a new game.

Russia and China are working on it from afar, while King Barry does his part right here at home as Congress sits on its thumbs and digs the thrills and money inside the Beltway Bubble.  Power tends to titillate the little megalomaniacs, does it not?

Planning the Decline of America spells out how and why we are on an intercept course with “tilt.”  You may want to better grasp the concept yourself, and you may want to help warn those you care about.

What could it hurt to read up on it just a bit and to consider the unthinkable as a mental exercise?

You may also want to explain how it is the harder we fight now to beat back the Progressive RINO Establishment, the more civil and orderly – with Constitutional Conservatives representing us – will be our recovery to and restoration of the American Constitutional Republic our Framers bequeathed us; explain what it will be like when the glue goes soft and threads unravel, and we must reassemble the pieces of our broken Republic after decades of civic neglect brought about through a deft infiltration of our institutions and government by Progressive Marxists devout in their neurotic pursuit of a Utopian fantasy new world order.

It is historically interesting how the totalitarians never suffer from want, while the unwilling victims of unproven social experimentations get to suffer a most miserable fate.

Here’s the link to Planning the Decline of America:

Tactical Maneuvers
King Barry-Care is one of many tactical maneuvers implemented by our Progressive Marxist king; this particular goal of Socialized Health Care – which is a poor-mouthed way of saying Fascist Health Care – has been a goal of Progressive Marxists for almost a century. Control healthcare for the proletariat, and you control the proletariat.

Marxist fundamentalists may not have thought in those terms, but the Progressive Marxist whom came to the fore during the early part of the 20th Century certainly understood it.  Their goal was control, and they gained it by changing the way in which we viewed ourselves as Americans; in other words, we’ve been undergoing an indoctrination process for almost an entire century.  You may have noticed it.

As water erodes rocks, our fundamental transformation has been a case of gradual incrementalism; understanding the culture war illuminates how far we’ve fallen from the virtuous manner and principled stand of the Founders and Framers in defense of liberty.  It is time we begin acting as patriots again, and stand fast against the double-time tempo of tyranny taking place before our unbelieving eyes.

We may yet be able to stop King Barry-Care, but we must create a clamor; just as we must bang the pots and pans around our politicians heads on the Amnesty for Illegals political charade to help them understand that we really, really don’t want a permanent restructuring of the American electorate that favors a permanent Democrat majority.

Amnesty – whether driven by King Barry or the Bush family, Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Dr. Ben Carson, Karl Rove, Rupert Murdoch, or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce – is a stab at the heart of America, a premeditated attempt that will further balkanize, bankrupt, and obliterate the traditional values and fighting spirit of an exhausted and battle-weary portion of the citizenry resisting the dismantling of our republic.

You may have already connected the dots and ascertained patterns: one staged crisis after another.  The Progressive RINO Establishment must be viewed as guilty through capitulation and cooperation with King Barry on Amnesty as is King Barry himself. Until they are defeated and the Party of Lincoln, Coolidge, and Reagan is recliamed, We the People are in for a ride.  They are not worthy of our trust.

Chain Migration
Another disastrous yet seldom discussed consequence of Amnesty may be found in chain migration.

We already have thirty million illegals in America, not the absurd figure of eleven million. What happens when King Barry brings in ten million more through unconstitutional executive orders, open borders, catch and release, and curtailed use of Border Patrol agents too busy changing diapers and playing baby-sitter to do their actual jobs?

This theoritical number of ten million new illegal aliens is quite doable since Congress likely won’t lift a finger to stop King Barry unless they find a way to ditch Mitch and Little Johnny, and we end up with a unified majority of patriotic constitutional conservatives willing to quit being too clever by half and start doing the right things for the right reasons, as would someone like, say, Gov. Sarah Palin.

That’s forty million illegal aliens, although of the ten million new illegal aliens we don’t know how many are MS-13, diseased, insane, crippled, illiterate, or seeking to punish the Great Satan (that would be us) for crimes against Islam and Allah, peace be upon him, by detonating a dirty bomb or engaging in CGW (that’s the acronym for Chemical and Germ Warfare); then again, maybe all they seek in the way of retribution is to poison a water supply or shoot down a commercial jet with a MANPAD (the acronym for a “Man-Portable Air Defense” shoulder fired missile): there are plenty of those available – many of U.S. quality and realibility – courtesy of the illegal wars King Barry waged in the Mid-East.

Its About Citizenship
The kicker to a permanent Democrat majority in Congress and Democrat Presidency is citizenship.

If King Barry somehow unconstitutionally grants citizenship to illegals – or as Marco “Amnesty” Rubio railed on and on to disguise the true intent of his Amnesty Bill – gives them a simple “pathway to citizenship,” the result is going to be…citizenship; sooner rather than later.

As citizens, of course, they can legally vote, legally collect welfare, and legally clog emergency rooms from coast to coast; but that’s not all.

As citizens they can now bring to the United States relatives and family members from their home country, or who knows where.  It is no exaggeration to project an additional hundred million people in our country over the next several decades, mostly from Mexico, Central, and South America.

While you’re digesting one hundred million new illiterate American citizens competing for jobs and soaking up our dying social services, consider how desperately certain politicians and their crony capitalist buddies have been dreaming of a North American Union. What does that means for America?

© Sandy Stringfellow/2014

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right