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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Will America Die On Her Feet, or Will We Continue to Bend Over?

Will America Die On Her Feet, or Will We Continue to Bend Over?

The Spartan King Leonidas hand-selected a force of 300 of the most courageous warriors in Sparta to defend the pass at Thermopylae. It was an impossible task, but the self-sacrificing action bought time for Sparta to mount a successful defense. As far as the 300, there were no survivors. However, their actions slowed down the Persian advance to the point that they could actually be stopped.

The approximate 180 defenders of the Alamo crossed the infamous line in the sand and sacrificed their lives at the Alamo in order that Sam Houston had time to organize a strong Texas Army in their revolution against Santa Anna.

One of the least discussed of the World War II battles, but one of the more significant, took place on Wake Island following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. The Japanese were ready for war, the Americans were not and needed time to prepare. The gallantry of the troops at Wake, bought some much needed time, which aided in American preparations for war, as they held out much longer than expected. The service academies and their military history courses revere the men who died at Wake Island.

In all three of these classic battles, the defenders knew they were going to die. However, they knew they were fighting for a higher purpose. Words like duty, honor and integrity meant something in regard to these aforementioned sacrifices. In America, today, where do we find our duty, honor and integrity?

America’s Day of Reckoning

America’s day of reckoning is nearly here. We are besieged by enemies both foreign and domestic. We are facing the gradual unveiling of the UN occupation forces, soon to be exposed under the umbrella of a completely preventable coming pandemic. With MS-13 and the Sinaloa cartel, and their Hamas terrorist connections, we have Fifth Column insurgency forces streaming into our country and all of this follows their paramilitary training outside of San Salvador. We are soon going to learn what it means to live in a narco-terrorist state.

We have the well-publicized presence of both Russian and Chinese soldiers training with FEMA on our soil during an era in which they have threatened the United States with nuclear attack over Syria and Iran. These are future UN martial law troops which will emerge when our challenges turn into a series of insurmountable crises.

On Friday, I exposed the readers to the fact that we even have a good portion of our naval forces on a permanent state of readiness stationed off of every coastline because they fear being disabled by an EMP attack.

We are facing the daunting task of going to war with Russia over Ukraine, or Syria, or wherever. And this is occurring at a time when we cannot even manage our domestic affairs. Further, our military leadership has been gutted by Obama’s firing of over 260 command leadership personnel, thus, leaving our fighting force in a weakened state.

Through the bailouts, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve have sucked the life out of our economy. Half of the country is on welfare as MSNBC reminds us daily how good we have it in America. And we continue to labor under a President who rules this country by autocratic decree through the executive orders process which has totally destroyed our Constitutional process. Can anyone reading this article name ONE thing that this President has done to improve any aspect of the middle class?

There is no one enemy that the American people can defeat in a vain attempt to remain free. We face impossible odds and a number pf challenges which I am not sure we can even accurately count. We, as Americans, have an endless supply of enemies and challenges, all of which are crushing the life right out of this country.

We have even been abandoned by many of our so-called religious leaders who have subverted their message to their flock in homage to the IRS policies which prevent political views from coming out of our church pulpits in order to maintain their church’s tax exempt status by sacrificing the true message of God.  Where are most of the pastors? My Bible tells me I have to keep fighting until Jesus shows up again. I haven’t seen him, yet, have you?

I scoff at the people who talk about the 2014 election cycle and how things are going to change. It is too late. The enemy is not at the gate, they are inside your front room in the form of the corrupt CPS workers who steal children from honorable parents for the federal remuneration monies they receive for committing such heinous acts (e.g. Stacy Lynne, Justina Pelletier, Monica Wesolowski).

Just like the defenders at Thermopylae, the Alamo and Wake Island, we have a choice on how we fall. Yes, it is likely that we are going to fall. Are you surprised? All institutions fall, as do nations. America is going to fall. You are going to fall. You have little to no control over what is coming. What you have control over is the degree of courage, honor and integrity that you display while you meet your greatest challenges.

The Choice Is Ours

Will you die on your feet defending your family and sanctity as a human being? Or, will you renounce your God in order to survive a few more days? Will you continue to give your children over to the New World Order and their satanic ways? Or, will you stand up against the usurpation of your parental rights? When the time comes, will you face starvation like a man, or take the mark of the beast? Finally, will you do what Christ did for his bride, the church?

As America approaches her final setting sun, what do we want our epitaph to be? In what spiritual shape do we want to face our maker? What do you want God to remember about your final days on the earth?

You are not going to have to wait long to decide. Soon, even the sheep will have nowhere to call home. Simply being quiet will no longer guarantee the anonymity associated with “survival by acquiescence”.

Prior to the execution of the events which will threaten our very existence, there is a great and last garage sale coming. Prior to an EMP, martial law or World War III, there are forces aligning to take one last shot at everything you own and I think you ought to know about it. Knowing what is on the immediate horizon, might help you discover your backbone before we slide into the annals of history. Knowing what is coming may help you depart with honor and a chance for a better existence on the other side. This will be the topic of the next part in this series.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world…”

Romans 12:2

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right