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Friday, August 1, 2014

Ebola – What You Are Not Being Told

Ebola – What You Are Not Being Told – Storm Clouds Gathering

Is the “official” line, just that, a line of BS? In the latest Storm Clouds Gathering video and accompanying article, they provide what they believe is proof that that everything we continuously are being told about how Ebola is transmitted, is in fact, a lie.

They point to a published study from 2012, which does indicate that contrary to what is being told to the populace, over and over and over again by the MSM that Ebola can only be contracted through “physical contact with bodily fluids,” there is evidence, via the study, that in some cases Ebola is, indeed, of being transmitted by air, meaning the virus is airborne.

A study conducted in 2012 showed that Ebola was able to travel between pigs and monkeys that were in separate cages and were never placed in direct contact.

If they are correct, this is a game changer and explains the reports of comments like “out of control,” and “no end in sight,” as well as this being called the worst outbreak in history.

More the video below and at SCG.

[MAJOR UPDATE] American Ebola patient being flown into the US, Emory Hospital statement included.

In the two videos below, Charles Walton sends out an urgent warning about the recent reports that a person or persons with the Ebola virus is being flown into Atlanta, bringing one of the most deadly viruses in existence, one being called “out of control,” in Africa right now, right here into America.

Healthcare workers that are directly working with infected patients are at high risk and the patient or patients being flown to the Emory hospital in Atlanta, is reportedly one (or two) of those healthcare workers or aides, that caught the deadly virus while dealing with others infected.

Ebola kills 50 to 90 percent of those infected and showing symptoms.

I don’t know who made this hairbrained decision, but Walton has much to say on the topic, so watch and listen below.

[UPDATE] Statement from Emory Hospital via Business Insider, below:

Emory University Hospital has been informed that there are plans to transfer a patient with Ebola virus infection to its special facility containment unit within the next several days. We do not know at this time when the patient will arrive.

Emory University Hospital has a specially built isolation unit set up in collaboration with the CDC to treat patients who are exposed to certain serious infectious diseases. It is physically separate from other patient areas and has unique equipment and infrastructure that provide an extraordinarily high level of clinical isolation. It is one of only four such facilities in the country.

Emory University Hospital physicians, nurses and staff are highly trained in the specific and unique protocols and procedures necessary to treat and care for this type of patient. For this specially trained staff, these procedures are practiced on a regular basis throughout the year so we are fully prepared for this type of situation.

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