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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Pelosi tells reporters that struggling Democrats need the press to be their ‘messengers’

Cheerleaders, please. Not watchdogs!
Pelosi tells reporters that struggling Democrats need the press to be their ‘messengers’

It’s no secret that the media is overwhelmingly friendly to the Democrats.  It’s let the current administration get away with scandals that, had they occurred under a Republican President, would have resulted in immediate calls for impeachment.  From Fast & Furious to Benghazi to the abject failure of Obama’s foreign policy, they’ve proven that no story is so big that they can’t ignore or white wash it.

...And Nancy Pelosi is very disappointed in them.  For her, it’s not enough that the media simply “looks the other way.”  According to Pelosi, the press is supposed to regurgitate the Democrat message without batting an eye - no matter how ridiculous that message may be.

Included in this is the idea that reporters should prop-up flailing Democrat candidates by repeating the parties “Republicans are meanies” mantra. If the press doesn’t make sure that people buy into the anti-GOP hype, it could spell disaster in the midterms.

“So, you make this case about the skepticism that people have of this anti-government premise here. You talk about how they’re riding this impeachment horse, and lawsuit horse, and all these things they are doing in the election,” a reporter asked Pelosi yesterday. “Why, for every political analysis that we see - and including top people in your party - don’t believe that the Democrats have a message that can get the House of Representatives back. ...Why are these things not resonating with the electorate and won’t resonate this fall?”

In other words: Nancy’s constant complaints about the evil Republicans aren’t working.  She whines and moans, but she’s not convincing anyone.  ...And at least one reporter has noticed.

Ms. Pelosi’s answer is telling.

  “Well, first of all, we need you to be messengers about what is actually going on here. But, apart from that, we have come forward with our middle-class jump start. The Republicans have tax breaks to send jobs overseas. Democrats want tax breaks to keep jobs here at home.”

See how that works?  Instead of being watchdogs who relentlessly uncover the truth, Pelosi has decided that reporters should be Democrat “messengers” who simply repeat her talking points. Who decides “what is actually going on here?”  Why, Nancy Pelosi of course.

....And you’d better get it right because the IRS is just a phone call away.

Obviously, conservatives are used to witnessing media bias, but it’s amazing that Pelosi is able to take it for granted - to the point where she can openly demand it and no one bats an eye.

Pelosi’s real problem is that, for the most part, the press is already doing exactly what she’s asking. The usual stuff just isn’t working anymore….

By Robert Laurie

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