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"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier

Saturday, August 2, 2014


The only way to counter the profligate Democrat lies and distortions is in the two most dreaded words to the left - TERM LIMITS
Finally - Liberals Are Beginning to Protest Obama’s Immigrant Decisions

Maybe Obama has overstepped his bounds of authority once too often.  Judging by the size of a protest rally in, of all unexpected places, Boston, Massachusetts, which by one account, that of rally organizer Jeff Kuhner, host of WRKO’s The Kuhner Report, put the number close to 10,000.

That is not normally described as being “in the hundreds” for an estimate of the number of participants, in fact, it is a genuine monster-sized gathering given the nature and location of the event.  When was the last time Boston had a non-liberal Democrat assembly anywhere near that size?  It could be labeled as ‘colossal’.

According to Dave Urbanski, July 28, 2014, of “The Blaze” a news, information and opinion site brought to you by “”, Boston ‘Teeming with Protestors’ in Giant Rally Against Housing Illegal Immigrants in the State, these immigration protesters descended upon historic Boston on Saturday decrying Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s decision to offer shelter in the state to unaccompanied minors.”

Here is a case of a liberal Democrat mayor of a large city, typically with an overwhelming majority of liberal Democrat residents, happily volunteering “to offer shelter in the state to unaccompanied minors” presumably to make points with the president by helping to clear a mess made solely by that president as a result of his refusal to properly mind our southern borders.

The Blaze also reported, “While Bree Sison of WBZ-TV estimated the crowd numbering in the hundreds, described the area in front of the State House as “teeming with protesters,” noting that rally organizer Jeff Kuhner, host of WRKO’s The Kuhner Report, put the number closer to 10,000.” also noted, “This week, a state official said it remained ‘unclear’ how many unaccompanied minors crossing the nation’s southern border illegally would be coming to Massachusetts and how many could stay in the state longer. The state has offered to house up to 1,000 children at one of two secure facilities for up to four months.

“I’ve never seen any kind of a backlash like this before on any issue ever,” Kuhner said of Patrick’s decision, noted. “People in this state are livid. They feel betrayed by the political elite.

“Kuhner also noted what he saw as a diverse group:

“When I see this army (protesters) in front of me, and I see them black and white, Hispanic, young, old, men, women, Americans, children, adults, rich, poor, veterans, legal immigrants… that’s when I raised the alarm, when I called out for all of you to come, and I see so many of you here standing by me shoulder to shoulder, I can’t tell you . . . how honored, humbled, and touched I am.”

Another site,  also reported on the gathering in Boston saying, “Organizers hope the surprisingly large turnout will set the stage for a new wave of protests planned for Saturday in Tennessee and two other states.

“It was not only the size of the Boston crowd and its enthusiasm for the issue but it’s location in a “blue state” that has organizers of this Saturday’s protests excited.

“I think it’s a sign of the times, a symptom of the problem we’ve got going on here. I think it shows this illegal immigration issue goes beyond party politics,” said James Neighbors, founder of Overpasses for America and one of the groups organizing the protests.

This has nothing to do with party politics whatsoever, he said. “This is about the future of America for all Americans regardless of whether liberal or conservative, libertarian, whatever. This is about America, and we’re going to be undermined by our own federal government if we don’t stop it.”

Neighbors said the crowd in Boston reflected a national mood of having lost patience with Washington establishment politicians.

At this point I would like to clarify that when the term ‘Washington establishment politicians’ appears in this case it is meant to encompass ALL Washington politicians of both major parties and not specifically the Republicans whom conservatives consider to be the older and more senior group of politicians who are also often referred to as RINO’s or Republicans In Name Only which is a self-explanatory term.

Neighbors continued, “These people that showed up in Boston, I think, like a lot of Americans they’re getting near their breaking point where they’re going to say ‘we’ve had enough,’ and when Americans reach that point we tend to do it in not a very pretty manner,” he said. “It was fantastic. I was shocked to see that many people gathered, you just don’t see that, and they are very, very rightly upset.”

Neighbors said he will be in Memphis Saturday to lead a protest.

“One of the issues fueling anger in many states is that the federal government is concealing from governors the locations where illegals are being transported, possibly in an effort to head off protests. Republican governors from Nebraska to South Carolina have complained about being kept in the dark by the feds.”

The rank and file Democrats have shied away from most discussions on these immigration shenanigans of Obama and his close followers due to the horrendous costs involved.  In the not-too-distant future though you will hear more from them as they rush to support Obama’s most-assuredly call to Congress for more money to fund these illegal aliens and probably more as the country-hating usurper president bids to please his superiors in the corrupt United Nations One World clique.

The National Debt ceiling will also be asked to be increased.  Then if Republicans don’t go along with an increase there, Democrats and Obama will label them “Obstructionists” or if the Republicans go along with the increase the libDems will blame them for allowing the National Debt to grow even higher.

The only way to counter the profligate Democrat lies and distortions is in the two most dreaded words to the left -  TERM LIMITS.

By Jerry McConnell

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right