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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Unmask radical terrorists for the world

Stop allowing ravening terrorists in over the borders of the United States and Britain. Stop funding their wars against innocent civilians, Stop educating them

Unmask radical terrorists for the world

The governments of all Western countries should do the research, to come up with the full facial picture of one Abdullah al-Britani without the black mask,  and post it on the worldwide web for all to see.

“I’m ready to behead the next enemy,” al-Britani boasts to the tabloid Mirror.

The ‘Wanted Dead or Alive’ poster has never been so meaningful.

No Club Med type Gitmo imprisonment or civil court proceedings for al-Britani.  Death by decapitation instead.

In other words, western governments should rip the mask from the evil face of this boasting-from-the-cowardice-anonymity-provides, British-made monster.  The civilized world already identifies this terrorist as a beast complete with horn and tails, but let’s see the rest of him.

Let al-Britani’s mother, father, children, wife, girlfriend, aunts, uncles, cousins friends, both casual and intimate, see the rest of this brutal beheader’s face below the eyes.  His videotaped beheading,  which went viral on the Net, is nothing at all about Allah, which is only the at-the-ready justification he chose, but everything about evil.

“A British jihadist feared to be one of The Beatles militants behind US journalist James Foley’s killing has claimed Allah makes beheading victims “easy”.  (Mirror, August 23, 2014)

“Abu Abduallah al-Britani, who fled the UK for Syria earlier this year, made the horrific claim while ¬≠admitting he was ready to die fighting for the Islamic State.”

It is not the Islamic State al-Britani is ready to die fighting for, but the killing of any he can slaughter at will,  while under the anonymity of a black face covering.  The cowardly thugs of another culture refer to theirs as a ‘hoodie’.

“He told of his terror training and revealed his fitness regime to keep fit for battle. Chillingly, he even bragged that “wrist exercises” made it easier to cut off enemies’ heads. (Mirror)

“Until now his only contact with the outside world has been warped comments online, where he has posted pictures of life as an insurgent.”

This is not a made-for-Hollywood movie which now passes off bad guys as heroes,  or Reality TV, this is real life where all killers should be forced into the open of the Public Square.

“But now he has stepped out of the shadows to speak to one of our men acting on a tip-off that al-Britani, 23, was communicating through an obscure messaging app. (Mirror, Aug. 21, 2014)

“Speaking a day after the sickening video emerged of American James, 40, being beheaded, al-Britani said he had no fears about carrying out similar atrocities in Syria. Repeatedly calling our man “akhi”—or brother—al-Britani started the disturbing conversation by laughing at James’ horrific death.

“Our investigator then asked what he had to do to join the IS terrorists’ vile cause…

“Investigator: Hi bro, u ok? Got your contact from a friend… want to come join up and help over there if poss?

“Al-Britani: May Allah reward you for your intentions but right now ain’t the best time to come. I think it’s very risky ATM akhi. Just get your imaan and fitness up meanwhile.

“Investigator: Thanks akhi. I respect your words and advice. Staying fully disciplined both in body and mind. Is it more dangerous than usual there ATM? Or just harder to get thru?

“Al-Britani: Harder to get through akhi. JzkAllah khair my brother.

“Our investigator then raised the subject of James’ brutal beheading, wondering how the jihadists could carry out such acts. But al-Britani was insistent…

“Al-Britani: Allah make it easy.

“He said: “Life is the biggest blessing You having given us. Here we are ready to hand it back to You ya Allah.”

Our mainstream media, not just the tabloids, are luring bored millenials and rootless youth into the fold of radical terrorism by making them think Jihad is cool.  al- Britani himself is living proof of that.  The media gives the blood thirstiest of terrorists pet names like “Jihadi John”, dubbing them with mindless nicknames like ‘The Beatles’, ‘The White Widow’ and ‘Lady al Qaeda’.

Western leaders should take a proverbial leaf from the notebook of the Jewish civil rights organization, Shurat HaDin when it comes to radical terrorism.

...“The most important effect of Shurat HaDin’s efforts have been to put a massive roadblock in the path of terror funding. Whereas just a decade ago, terror money flowed freely throughout Western financial institutions and into the hands of terrorists, today the fear of court-ordered seizures resulting from civil suits has forced:

Hamas and other terror groups not to use the banking system in any way but rather to smuggle their money into Gaza through underground tunnels and suitcases;

Iran to pull its assets out of Europe, shifting its business to Asia; obstructing its use of hard currency;
and a great many banks to refuse to do business with terror-funding organizations, thoroughly investigate before opening new accounts with suspicious groups, and closing down accounts which are suspected to be identified with terror organizations.

“Indeed, the lawsuits have sent a shockwave throughout the international banking system, with many of the formerly reluctant financial institutions now fearful of massive civil liability and seeking the guidance of Western intelligence services concerning the identities of their customers. This has had a withering impact on terrorism itself: According to one high ranking Mossad official, Shurat Hadin’s legal activities have reduced actual terror activity in the Gaza Strip by as much as 60 percent.”

Message to President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron: Stop allowing ravening terrorists in over the borders of the United States and Britain.  Stop funding their wars against innocent civilians and each other and stop educating them in your universities.

Stop letting raging evil hide behind black ski masks and all facial coverings.  Stop giving terrorists the escape hatch of instant anonymity.

By Judi McLeod

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