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Sunday, November 30, 2014

America’s newest War, the Palestinian War on American soil

There’s a new war now breaking out right on American soil. It’s the Palestinian War destined to find strong support among millions of illegal aliens shielded from deportation by Obama fiat.

America’s newest War, the Palestinian War on American soil

Ferguson, Missouri throws a new window wide open to the world.  Hijacked by globe-trotting gangs of anarchists, socialists, communists and Islamists, Ferguson, MO proves in digitalized real time that anarchists, socialists, communists and Islamists not only share the same bed, but are the real racists.

The protesters burning down homes and businesses and rioting and looting today in Ferguson are in fact exploiting the death of Michael Brown by making it second to Palestine.  The signage and banners hoisted high by masked millennials do not   bear the name of the media-dubbed “gentle giant” killed by now resigned police officer Darren Wilson.  They read:  ‘Occupation is a Crime Ferguson to Palestine’; ‘Resist US Racism’. ‘Boycott Israel’.

It is not the death of Michael Brown that enrages the protesters but the ‘Occupation’ of Palestine.

How does Boycotting Israel bring Michael Brown back to his grieving mother?

How does the torching of stores and homes by arson boycott Israel?

What’s happening in Ferguson is proof positive that the anarchists, socialists, communists and Islamists were only waiting for the right moment—and the most convenient powder keg—to stage worldwide mass outrage.

Authorities should expose the hijackers for what they are, kick them out of town and send them back to the hide-y-holes from which they crawled.

Al Sharpton and the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) millennials organized by the Canadian-headquartered AdBusters magazine,  are the commie-Islamo-Nazis’  most reliable useful idiots.

But even as the acrid smoke hangs over Ferguson on Thanksgiving weekend, the highjackers, who opened the door to anarchy, have also opened a window for the world masses who now clearly see how the Communists and radical Islamists operate in full sync.

The mainstream media and the Internet’s social networks are hyping it up in a way they never hyped ISIS.

“Scenes of police crushing protests in Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri where an unarmed black teenager was shot on Saturday, have prompted outrage in the U.S. and shock around the world. (Huffington Post, Aug. 14, 2014)

“Prompted outrage in the U.S. and shock around the world”?

It pales in comparison to the kind of shock that comes from the Islamists and Communists ganging up in Ferguson.

“As the streets of Ferguson filled with tear gas and heavily-armed SWAT teams moved in, some protesters said Ferguson feels like the war-torn Gaza Strip. Some chanted “Gaza Strip” as they faced the lines of police, L.A. Times reporter Matt Pearce wrote on Twitter. “We are being occupied,” one commented to the Daily Beast. “Will we as a people rise up like the people of Gaza?” (Huffington Post)

“As the town of Ferguson, Missouri, woke this morning to the sight of burned out cars and stores, following a night of rioting in protest at a Grand Jury decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, pro-Palestinian activists were quick to co-opt the tragic events – even managing an endorsement from an NFL star. (Algemeiner, Nov. 25, 2014)

Where were President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder when Ferguson was burning?

In the comfort of their families, Obama choosing from six different kind of pies at the White House.

While the deadly duo luxuriated in holiday comfort, a new war was emerging: in essence one that dictates to the masses that Brown’s killing and the war in Gaza are connected by “colonialism”  and “racism”, and that anyone who objects to this characterization is necessarily a racist (Algemeiner).

Racists are racists if only because the pillaging gangs sent from afar to descend on Ferguson get to advance the cause of the newly found “colonialism”.

“Detroit Lions running back Reggie Bush posted a photo on social media site Instagram of a man holding a sign that reads, “The Palestinian people know what it means to be shot while unarmed because of your ethnicity #ferguson #justice.” (Algemeiner)

“Bush added his own perspective: “No matter who you are, what color skin you have, where you live, we are all in this together! This isn’t a Ferguson problem it’s a Global Problem! We need change NOW! What happened to humanity? #JusticeForMikeBrown.”

”In downtown Oakland, meanwhile, a busy intersection was blocked by protesters with a banner reading, “Missouri, Palestine, Justice Now!”

The “Ferguson-Palestine” link has been pushed by left-wing activists ever since the fatal shooting of Michael Brown on August 9. A letter from Palestinian activists published on the anti-Semitic Electronic Intifada website – among them Diana Buttu, a legal adviser to the Palestinian Authority, which was funded to the tune of $440 million by the U.S. government in 2013 – ended with the following declaration: “With a Black Power fist in the air, we salute the people of Ferguson and join in your demands for justice.” (Gates of Vienna, Nov. 25, 2014)

From the Middle East Eye:
“Palestinian messages of solidarity with protesters in the American town of Ferguson were tweeted thousands of times overnight on Monday.

“Solidarity with Ferguson from the occupied besieged and bloodied Gaza. Palestinian lives matter. Black lives matter. All lives should matter,” read one.

“Another said: “The Palestinian people know what [it] mean[s] to be shot while unarmed because of your ethnicity.”

“Hands up, don’t shoot,” crowds chanted, referencing what witnesses said were Brown’s last words before being shot multiple times and killed.()

“Police fired tear gas to disperse crowds and some protesters set fire to several buildings. Thousands of other people took part in protests across the country – from Los Angeles to New York and Washington DC.”

Meanwhile, Palestinians have been tweeting advice on how to deal with tear gas to protesters in the riot-hit city of Ferguson.

Mariam Barghouti, a student at Birzeit University in the West Bank, wrote: “Solidarity with #Ferguson. Remember to not touch your face when tear-gassed or put water on it.”

There’s a new war now breaking out right on American soil.  It’s the Palestinian War destined to find strong support among millions of illegal aliens shielded from deportation by Obama fiat.

By Judi McLeod

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right