
Freedom of information pages

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Monday, August 31, 2015

The Gatekeeper

The Gatekeeper

–William Shakespeare

“The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were quite ill at ease with the idea of when [the predator] made its appearance on Earth. They reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then, everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man. What I’m saying is that what we have against us is not a simple predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a methodical system to render us useless. Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer magical. He’s an average piece of meat. There are no more dreams for man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to become a piece of meat: trite, conventional, imbecilic.

In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous manoeuvre stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous manoeuvre from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.

Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of belief, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal.”

Carlos Castaneda.

The predator and the politics of deception

All my life I have strived for animal rights, and have faced many challenges, triumphs and defeats, but now, when I look back at the success and failures, a different perspective of reality emerges.

I remember how relieved I bloodsportswas when hunting with dogs was abolished in the UK. However, it didn’t take me long to realise that the legislation had no teeth… and was never intended to.

The orcs in their uniform of bloody death still carry on killing innocent creatures with the blessing of their satanic masters, the paedophile elite. They still carry on breaking the law, trespassing on private property; ripping up any unfortunate creature who happens to cross their path, and put motorists at risk when their dogs riot upon a busy road. And the guardians of the status quo… the corrupt police look the other way. But seasoned animal rights activists know the masonic score, and how the predator wriggles and squirms through sooty wormholes of corruption to seek its will against the peoples.

The falsity of change

Many of us still believe that direct action and confrontation with the status quo, can facilitate change for the betterment of all. But nothing has changed since time began. Humanity is still selfish, brutal and unthinking, and nothing will change in this abyss of opposites, for our reality is a construct governed by the parasitical ego mind. We can point to this or that success but taking the world as a whole, it has never been so satanic, polluted and debased.

 The self-serving ego of polarity

There is a lot of variation in the matrix game, and the animal rights movement is a good example of all ‘progressive’ movements, colour revolutions and ‘fighting’ for whatever.

Animal rights has many shirt-tail relatives: the egoistic and charismatic leader that divides rather than unites, the self seeking martyr complex; the self righteous indignation of the cat and dog brigade who tell us they love animals, but think nothing of consuming a dead lamb, or a crated veal calf that has never seen the light of day. These fractals are an anchor weight for any spiritual movement and often destroy from within. They are ego driven,  mindless bags of squirming appetites, the Impostor Consciousness of the parasitical predator: my meat, my dick, my pint and my “intellectual” barrack room opinion.

The parasite called I

Humanity’s problem is the gatekeeper, the parasitical, spiritual hit-man of our species. The watcher at the threshold of our immortality. The fearful ego I that keeps us locked into the abyss, and the game of “us and them”. The watcher is the servant of the enemy of life, and the third dimension is its playground. The glare of the serpent’s eye is hypnotic, and it can and does engage our minds, and lives its life of self gratification through our awareness and emotions… until we die. It is the chattering voice of distraction, the guard at the gate that leads to the All, the reptilian implant that has usurped our divinity. Only the foolish think the Law of Duality: The Law of Polarity can change. There can be no utopia in duality, in the world of the predator there is only I, me and mine.

Human beings are all action and reaction[duality] and the way the game is rigged, we pile up energetic debt that draws us back life after life into the brutal game of the abyss. The pendulum swings back and forth, age after age, and man the farm animal comes out of the caves and goes back in…ad infinitum and ad nauseum.

We don’t realise we have a mind parasite, and the cause of the problems in the world are energetic. The  conflict is spiritual, and the manifested world is a reflection of ourselves; our impostor consciousness of hereditary entitlement to scar and rape the living world.

Consciousness of the third kind.

‘The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation.’ Einstein.

There are some of us who have an innate love for the planet. Our hearts break as the butterfly nations disappear, their remaining habitat destroyed for a god-damn road or a piece of worthless furniture;  and when the last white rhino on the planet has to be guarded from the predations of the unkindest beast that ever walked this earth…extinction is looming on our horizon.

But so few of us seem to have this understanding…this planetary connection. Perhaps there is an inner knowing, an awareness on a deeper level that ‘That Art Thou.’ [see my article Satanic Reality] Or maybe we have already on a conscious level re-connected with the All.

The solution

Once we leave the energy of the “game of us and them” and take our power back, with vigilance and introspection, we can overcome the parasitical dictates of the reptile mind. We can shut out the whispering urging voice of sin, and view the events unfolding on this planet and in our own lives with non dual contemplation.

Elva Thompson

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

Moving to the Next Level

Deaf Ears, Foot Dragging and Moving to the Next Level

It’s reality check time. When you realize the person or persons you’re delivering an important message to doesn’t want to hear it nor do anything about it, and in fact vehemently rejects it and humiliates and even punishes you for bringing it up, it’s time to take the hint.

The so-called rulers have no interest in our petitions, protests and even demonstrations of disapproval. While supposedly being elected to represent our interests, those concerns we have are clearly the last thing they have in mind. It couldn’t possibly be any clearer than it is today.

Oh they’ll do a little sidestep or pretend to make some slight adjustment to calm the masses down and allay a few fears or grievances, but their overall program generally goes on. At least in this current paradigm of control.

Delayed and partial reactions are fundamentally non-reactions.

The real point or core of the issue is very rarely being addressed. Because they aren’t serving us. In their minds we are serving them and do it best when we think we’re free. So this kind of foot dragging lip service is just part of keeping the illusion of freedom up.

The Turning Point
What’s unique about this particular turning point is that it’s now gotten to where they’re not even concerned about keeping up the smokescreen of giving a damn and or even trying to relate to our ability to participate according to their rules. They’re rapidly outright removing these freedoms they’ve so graciously “granted” us, and they’re doing it with abject impunity.

Peaceful demonstrations are met with brutality. Even freedom of assembly is slowly being prohibited. Journalists, political dissidents and even active students are being conveniently clustered as “threats” by the new buzzword “radicalized” to imply potential ISIS or otherwise terrorist associations which are being liberally applied to anyone they deem unsavory to the status quo.

This is a serious situation.

Act Fast, Act Now

Despite the unresponsive nature of the powers that shouldn’t be, redress still matters. Raising our voices should never cease but we need to think beyond the box of action-reaction they’ve herded humanity into.

The key is hitting it hardest on a local scale. The instruments of mass information are under their tight control so whatever inroads we do make won’t even be reported, or just minimally. Seeing a sway in public opinion will be marginalized, twisted, ridiculed or in most cases completely sidestepped and ignored as if it isn’t even happening.

Insist on complete change – firstly in your own life. Disengage from participating. Boycott banks and matrix enforcing commercial outlets. Turn off your mind control idiot box tele-visor people still think is their innocuous friend and open news and entertainment source. Free your mind and heart and fill your life with love and empowering information and interactions. It starts there.

Then apply it at your local level. Move from the nearest influences that are working against humanity right up through your local administrators. When enough communities do this, even winning over their judicial and law enforcement officials who are from their own communities, independent hubs of full on resistance spread far and wide will be impossible for them to stop. With enough impetus this kind of grassroots community based action will eventually supplant their influence altogether.

This is why they move law enforcement personnel from neighboring areas into “trouble spots” and why the US is importing foreign and UN troops to do their dirty work on American soil. It’s to break these heartfelt ties where common sense and compassion bind hearts and create conscious, empathic responses. Divide and conquer is their credo.

Therefore, it’s clear their fear is that we will unite and stand together.

The Importance of Banding Together

The beauty of our grassroots revolt and affirmation of our humanity is our connectivity. We realize we’re not in the least bit alone in our perception, frustration and even desperation to stop today’s insanities. We have a common purpose and goal which is extremely simple: the betterment of humanity’s condition through the simple allowance to get on with our lives without interference. Anyone half awake can see that is completely contrary to the role of government and globalist mandates, all working toward indifferent, mechanized one world central control.

It’s extremely Orwellian in nature which has been pointed out countless times, yet we keep petitioning these psychopaths as if these megalomaniacs can possibly be “addressed” with our grievances and needs.

Let’s wake up. It’s time for Plan B.

A Full on Frontal Assault

There’s a degree of hope for addressing local officials. There’s also a degree of hope for further exposure of their wickedness and abject depravity, never mind their neglect of duty to the populations they claim to serve. At the higher levels I’m not holding my breath for change, but true information is empowering constituents with more fuel for indignation and a desire to take action, most of all locally.

We can take a stand and turn the tide, if we want to.

Conscious awareness based in love must be our foundation. But don’t think your righteous indignation isn’t part of that. The point is to turn the power on, and up. If you’re into intending the vibrational change then do so – but turn it up. If you’re into community activism on any level, from seeding crystals to meditation to community gardening to approaching officials, turn it up. If you’re into information dissemination using exposure and empowerment, turn it up.

Do it all with increased intentionally aware acumen. We have an opportunity to turn the tide but the hour is crucial. The vibrations are high and rising on the side of love and truth but the oppressors are busy making their last moves to put their building blocks in place. It’s a formidable foe of destructive entropic energy but charge their bastions of lies we must.

Take Heart, and Take Action

It’s hard to say what is the full on solution in this soup-like milieu of confusion we’re living in. All I can say it that it’s time to take your personal calling seriously and act on it. I don’t care what it is, Universe is wondrous and we are all so different, but the cry of the heart is the same in each of us.

Promote love and harmony, protect the vulnerable, and expose the perpetrators of abuse, manipulative control and exploitation. Now.

It’s not that complicated. But people need to wake up out of their induced (and too often readily accepted I might add) stupor to respond accordingly.

If you care, act out. Change your life into a statement. Be responsible and respond as if you mean it. Every man and woman counts.

If that isn’t clear to you yet I don’t know what else to say.

Just respond. Consciously and with determination.

Love always, Zen

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

Don’t Be Attached to the Shitstorm

Don’t Be Attached to the Shitstorm

This is not a time to be tuning into the overall state of humanity without great care and awareness. We’re in a vortex of change such as humanity has never been exposed to. And it will hurt your heart. This confluence we’re in the midst of is very serious business.

We’re all being taken on a wild ride that can lead nowhere, or somewhere. It all depends on our original orientation. The unaware will be taken down paths of deceitful manipulation while the aware will find a ride to empowerment and even further confirmations regarding what’s truly transpiring.

What path we choose is paramount.

The best analogy is a stream or river of water, or even a turbulent sea. When in one, when and where you direct your vessel is what it’s all about. Especially when the stream or ocean is moving rapidly and with seeming reckless abandon. There’s nowhere to hide from these “current” influences. Our options appear to be somewhat limited, but only without conscious awareness and the ability to rise above the turmoil and so not be driven or steered by what is coming at us.

Operating from an intelligently detached perspective, like a wise, informed ship captain in a turbulent sea, must be our conscious point of reference.

When to Tune In, and Out

Empaths specifically are particularly sensitive and instinctively “take on more water” in their foundational nature of attuned compassion. The shared passion for others is what their hearts readily “take on board”. But be careful. Empathy alone will not mitigate a survival situation.

So many are and will be suffering through these eddies, rip tides and gushing engineered rapids being foisted on humanity that the heart cries of the innocent will resound loudly in the empath’s ears. This is potentially like the seductive sirens of Ulysses’ journey if we’re not careful to regulate what we tune into. We need to be touched by the “feeling of their infirmities” but never compromise nor forsake the manning of the ship.

What we know and represent is their lifeboat. As well as our own.

Much like rescuing a drowning swimmer, the lifeguard has to approach the situation with great caution and wisdom, or he too will go down with the panicking victim. That’s not to say nothing should be done. It just needs to be handled intelligently and in a sense, unemotionally. If we tune into the fear and panic we do no one any good and our positive potential is completely compromised.

I know those I’m addressing are hearing this loud and clear. Those who feel estranged from this sentiment I’m expressing may yet wake up spiritually to our inter-connectivity at which time this will become clear. For now this just needs to be said.

Mind Your Psychic Awareness

Mind your tuning and reception device. There’s a time to turn it up, and a time to turn it down. Know the difference and act judiciously.

I know many wonderful people in various states of upheaval over these latest turns in the world situation and what appears to lie ahead of us. It’s taking a toll on people’s health, energy, minds and hearts. It’s no small thing we’re going through, nor is it some kind of situation we’re going to escape by flipping into 4 or 5D or have a galactic intervention or some such to save us from it all.

My advice is to beware of all of that, but entertain what you want. The only “escapism” we can enjoy is true conscious awareness based in compassion and determination. And it’s nothing to snicker at. Those who know this perspective at whatever level understand what I am saying.

It is sober, it is responsible, it is caring to the utmost degree. It’s just intensely aware to not get duped into foolish mind flips and fanciful escape hatches or side tracks, all of which seem to be popping up faster by the day.

I have a tremendous love for humanity and strong conviction concerning its potential, as do so many of you. Let’s all keep awakening those around us, but guard your energy in times like these. Not to be selfish, but wise.

Stay strong. We’re at our battle stations. Be vigilant.

And it’s an honor to serve with so many wonderful, caring souls.

Love and gratitude always,


Zen Gardner

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

Orwellian Justice Upholds NSA Spying on Americans

Orwellian Justice Upholds NSA Spying on Americans: Court of Appeals Upholds Unconstitutional Mass Surveillance

Virtually unrestricted NSA data mining tramples on Fourth Amendment rights brazenly. In December 2013, Federal District Court of the District of Columbia Judge Richard Leon ruled NSA spying unconstitutional, saying:

The threshold issue is whether plaintiffs have a reasonable expectation of privacy that is violated when the Government indiscriminately collects their telephone metadata along with the metadata of hundreds of millions of other citizens without any particularized suspicion of wrongdoing, retains all of that metadata for five years, and then queries, analyzes, and investigates that data without prior judicial approval of the investigative targets.

I cannot imagine a more ‘indiscriminate’ and ‘arbitrary’ invasion than this systematic and high-tech collection and retention of personal data on virtually every single citizen for purposes of querying and analyzing it without prior judicial approval.

Surely, such a program infringes on ‘that degree of privacy’ that the founders enshrined in the Fourth Amendment.

On Friday, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals overruled him. It’s perhaps America’s most extremist appeals court. People for the American Way (PFAW) explained its character and power as follows:

Despite progressive victories in 2012, the far right’s outsized influence on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit gives them the power to undermine progressive laws and thwart the agenda that Americans elected President Obama to pursue.

This court’s decisions affect the entire country, making it second only to the Supreme Court in national importance. (It’s) dominated by right-wing ideologues who are deeply hostile to the use of a robust federal government to tackle national problems and make our lives better.

It has exclusive judicial authority over federal agency decisions and regulations affecting everyone. Its rulings are “almost guaranteed to be the last (judicial) word,” said PFAW.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) called its Friday ruling “disappointing and, worse, based on a mistaken concern about the underlying facts.”

It remanded the case back to Judge Richard Leon. Klayman plaintiffs must prove the impossible – provide evidence that their phone records were collected. No ruling was rendered on metadata collection constitutionality. Friday’sdecision effectively endorsed it.

EFF explained recent government “releases…make clear that the plaintiffs’ records were in fact collected.” Documents obtained from a New York Times FOIA request revealed Verizon Wireless collects bulk telephone records of its subscribers without their knowledge – at least since 2010, likely earlier.

“The government should give up its shell game here and admit the time frame that it collected the Klayman plaintiffs records, along with all other Verizon Wireless customers,” said EFF.

Most important is unconstitutional mass NSA spying on virtually all Americans – for phony national security reasons. An earlier article explained the following:

In June 2013, the ACLU challenged “the constitutionality of the National Security Agency’s mass collection of Americans’ phone records (ACLU v. Clapper).

It argued that doing so violates Fourth and First Amendment rights, saying:

Because the NSA’s aggregation of metadata constitutes an invasion of privacy and an unreasonable search, it is unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment.

The call-tracking program also violates the First Amendment, because it vacuums up sensitive information about associational and expressive activity.

NSA claims authorization under the Patriot Act’s Section 215 – the so-called “business records” provision.

It permits warrantless searches without probable cause. It violates fundamental First Amendment rights. It does so by mandating secrecy.

It prohibits targeted subjects from telling others what’s happening to them. It compromises free expression, assembly and association.

It authorizes the FBI to investigate anyone based on what they say, write, or do with regard to groups they belong to or associate with.

It violates Fourth and Fifth Amendment protections by not telling targeted subjects their privacy was compromised. It subverts fundamental freedoms for contrived, exaggerated, or nonexistent security reasons.

At the time of its suit, the ACLU said “(w)hatever Section 215′s ‘relevance’ requirement might allow, it does not permit the government to cast a seven-year dragnet sweeping up every phone call made or received by Americans.”

The 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) authorized surveillance relating to “foreign intelligence information” between “foreign powers” and “agents of foreign powers.”

It restricts spying on US citizens and residents to those engaged in espionage in America and territory under US control.

No longer. Today anything goes. America is a total surveillance society. Obama officials claim no authority can challenge them. Governing this way is called tyranny.

The US Second Circuit Court of Appeals agreed. It held Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act doesn’t permit bulk collection of Americans’ phone records. A three-judge panel ruled unanimously – overturning a lower court decision.

The Obama administration argued that the ACLU lacked “standing” to challenge NSA surveillance practices, and Congress “precluded” judicial review except by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court most often only hearing government arguments.

The appeals court rejected this reasoning, saying:

If the government is correct, it could use Section 215 to collect and store in bulk any other existing metadata available anywhere in the private sector, including metadata associated with financial records, medical records, and electronic communications (including e‐mail and social media information) relating to all Americans.

Such expansive development of government repositories of formerly private records would be an unprecedented contraction of the privacy expectations of all Americans.

The DC Circuit Appeals Court refused to strike down mass data-mining – violating the constitutional rights of millions of Americans – effectively supporting tyranny by not opposing it.

“Instead, it endorsed the government’s argument that no public, adversarial court can review its actions unless those seeking review can prove with some certainty that they were one of the millions whose records were collected,” said EFF.

Its ruling requires mass data mining challengers to “perform an almost impossible task – proving the still secret details of an admitted mass surveillance program in order to have a court determine whether it is constitutional.”

The ruling further erodes freedom in America, fast disappearing altogether. It’s a triumph for tyranny. EFF said it’ll “continue to fight to hold the NSA accountable for mass collection of Americans’ private information. Our phone and Internet networks should be protected from unfettered government spying.”

Enactment of the Orwellian USA Freedom Act (the renamed Patriot Act) changed little. NSA and other US spy agencies continue trampling on constitutional protections.

Big Brother is real. Unconstitutional mass surveillance is official US policy. It’s one of the most defining characteristics of unchecked police state power.

Edward Snowden said he “do(esn’t) want to live in a world where there’s no privacy and therefore no room for intellectual exploration and creativity.”

Nor should anyone tolerate unconstitutional intrusiveness.

Stephen Lendman

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mexico Lost Its War On Drugs 75 Years Ago

Mexico Lost Its War On Drugs 75 Years Ago

A US ultimatum demanding that Mexico ban previously legal narcotics ‘forced addicts and producers to take up arms’
A US ultimatum demanding that Mexico ban previously legal narcotics ‘forced addicts and producers to take up arms’

Mexico’s drug trade is synonymous with violence, corruption and cartel bosses battling for territory. But it could have been so different, it’s claimed in a new book, had the US not issued an ultimatum 75 years ago  which ignited the war on drugs – leading to death and destruction on both sides of the border.

Documents in the book reveal that Mexico legalised drugs in 1940, after doctors convinced the then president, Lazaro Cardenas, that prohibition was damaging public health. Doctors believed that the best way to tackle drug-related ills was to treat addicts rather than lock-up smugglers and producers.

Mexico launched a diplomatic campaign to halt the global trend towards prohibition by addressing the League of Nations about the health benefits of legalisation. Several countries were supportive, but America and Canada, led by the US federal narcotics chief and staunch prohibitionist Harry Anslinger, objected and counter-campaigned to smear the Mexican doctors and their scientific studies.

Mexico resisted for four short months, during which Lola La Chata – the country’s first female drug trafficker and tabloid sweetheart – was livid at the downturn in her business as addicts started receiving drugs on prescription. But the government caved in when the Americans threatened to block the supply of legal pharmaceuticals. At that time, Mexico was almost completely dependent on the US for modern medicines. This historic U-turn set Mexico on the violent path it is still on.
A new President, Manuel Avila Camacho, sworn in at the end of 1940, aligned himself wholly with the US prohibitionist movement. Within months, he launched the first military operation against peasant farmers growing marijuana and poppies for heroin in the Sierra Madre mountains. The region is now known as the Golden Triangle – the epicentre of the powerful Sinaloa cartel and its boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.

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President Manuel Avila Camacho of Mexico, left, who aligned himself with America’s prohibitionist movement, welcomes his US counterpart Franklin Roosevelt to Mexico in 1943 (Corbis)

Froylan Enciso, a historian and author of the new book Our Drug History: Passages to (Re)legalise Drugs in Mexico, toldThe Independent: “This was a key moment that Mexico has never come back from. Before this the drugs trade was peaceful in Mexico. But these military operations created an incentive for producers and smugglers to arm themselves and pay bribes.”

Enciso has investigated Mexico’s complicated relationship with drugs dating back to pre-Hispanic times, when people used natural substances such as peyote to connect to the spiritual world. His book focuses on pivotal moments in the 19th and 20th centuries – such as the arrival of cocaine and morphine from Europe and the first prosecutions of small-time smugglers in the 1920s – which he argues shaped Mexico’s current $30bn drug trade, and the ill-fated policies that have led to 100,000 deaths and 26,000 disappearances since 2006.

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Froylan Encisco argues that the Mexican drugs trade used to be peaceful before US intervention

Born in Sinaloa, Encisco traces his home state’s transformation into one of world’s most important producers of drugs and drug lords back to the huge Pacific port of Mazatlan – one of the most important in the 19th century. It was here that opium from India and China and marijuana seeds marketed by European pharmaceutical companies first arrived in Mexico.

Documents reveal that the first production in Sinaloa began in 1931, prompted by the opium wars and wave of prohibition across Asia which contributed to a worldwide shortage. A local merchant asked poor unemployed miners – left destitute by the gold crash – to cultivate marijuana. The soil and climate were perfect and so began the boom in drug cultivation in Sinaloa.

In 1936, a politician helped poverty-stricken peasant farmers in the municipality of Badiraguato to start cultivating marijuana. Many of Mexico’s most notorious drug lords, including Guzman, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada and the Beltran Leyva brothers, were born and raised in the Badiraguato hills.

During the 1970s, these future cartel bosses witnessed increasingly aggressive US-Mexican military operations against their communities, who were taking advantage of soaring global heroin prices.

Encisco documents one operation witnessed by Guzman in 1974, during which his village was robbed, women forced to undress and a child shot. He said: “These villages were the laboratory of human rights abuses, and the victims went on to become the aggressors. Mexico’s relationship with drugs is all about violence, corruption and pain, but it wasn’t always like that, and doesn’t have to always be.”

Dear Corporate America,

Dear Corporate America,

I haven't written to you in a while. At least not since my television broke down, my toaster developed a taste for human flesh and my phone company ran away with my phone number to Mexico.

Rachel Maddow says we're both on the right and are really close together. But then again Rachel Maddow also says the Republican Party drinks the blood of small children. So she can be a little factually challenged on occasion.

Still I'm on the right and you're occasionally sort of, but not really, on the right. I support lower taxes. So do you. At least for yourself. I support deregulation. You only support deregulation when it suits your narrow interests, but not when it lets smaller businesses and freelancers compete against you.

What you seem to want is a country with low taxes, your preferred forms of deregulation and the population of Mexico.

These things are not compatible. Mexico is currently governed by the Institutional Revolutionary Party; a member of the Socialist International. It has a multi-generational teachers' union whose members pass on their jobs to their children and whose riots have to be put down by armed force.

When it comes to ease of doing business, the United States is ranked 4th, Mexico is ranked 48th, coming in ahead of Kazakhstan. A Comparmex report showed that companies spend 10% of their revenue on bribes.

Is this what you really want for America?

Your lobbies and associations keep pushing for amnesty for 12 million illegal aliens even while your companies keep fleeing California.

If you don't like doing business in California, which is turning into the American version of Mexico, why do you want to turn the rest of America into California?

You keep talking about how we need "immigration reform" to be more globally competitive. Are there superpower rivals desperately trying to import 12 million people whose great dream is to put their entire families on social welfare? Are there Chinese recruiting agents showing up at the border to urge the DREAMERS clambering over the fence to try Shanghai instead?

I understand why you would rather pay a Pakistani or Chinese programmer on an H-1B visa half of what you would pay a talented American programmer. And that's your choice. And paying fifty bucks for the full version of that programmer's work, instead of ten times as much on your licensed edition based on a program once created by American programmers but reassembled into an update by H-1B employees until it has more bugs than features, is mine.

That's how the free market works.

But while those H1-B employees will forward all your confidential information back to Chinese intelligence and occasionally set off bombs while shouting Allah Akbar, they don't threaten your ability to do business.

Sure one of your execs might be flying on the plane that goes down in a burst of exploding underwear and next month a bunch of programs that look suspiciously like yours will come flying out of Zhong Guan Cun undercutting your international market share. And the next time you're negotiating with a Chinese company, they'll just happen to have access to all of your corporation's emails.

But you can live with that. Can you really live with full amnesty and the consequences of destroying the Republican Party as little more than a protest vote in a Socialist International America?

You spent the last election whining about how hard it is to do business in America under the Democratic Party. You hate ObamaCare, despite promoting it, and then you do everything in your power to make Democratic Party rule permanent through amnesty.

I'm not a psychiatrist and it would be hard for me to get all of Corporate America onto a couch for a session, but it seems to me that you're suffering from a severe bout of schizophrenia.

You want workers who will take low pay without complaining about working conditions. And you can get that with illegal aliens who don't speak the language and don't know their rights, until they hook up with community organizations backed by the entire Democratic Party and then you're up to your neck in lawsuits and minimum wage bills.

At which point you'll threaten to move to Mexico or China... to escape a problem that you caused.

Maybe I'm misjudging you, but I don't think you really want an open economy where deregulation cuts out the government bureaucracy and makes it possible for both workers and corporations to do business on better terms.

I think that Mexico is exactly what you want. Sometimes in business you have to take yes for an answer. And I think that in this case yes is the answer.

You want a closed system where there is no competition and cronyism is the only way things get done, where the corporate taxes are a bit lower, but the difference is more than made up by bribes, a society sharply divided between the vast armies of the unprotesting poor who are resigned to their fate and a small wealthy elite that enjoys its superiority in ways that it can't on this side of the border.

You don't really want to build things. You want to keep other people from building them while you enjoy a monopoly on the things that someone innovative built twenty years ago before he was forced to leave the country.

Paul Ryan is your boy and few other politicians represent the complete disconnect between the economic and immigration policies of your kind better than him. Ryan wants to cut social benefits and legalize 12 million illegal immigrants. He wants to cut money for the "takers" and add million more takers to the voting rolls to ensure that any legislative changes he makes will vanish in a wink.

So what does Paul Ryan really want? Does he want to cut spending more or does he want amnesty more? He's willing to sacrifice his budgets for amnesty, but not amnesty for his budgets.

Ryan may spout nonsense about how this generation of "family-oriented" illegal aliens will start lots of business and keep social security afloat, and how they, in a complete reversal of history, will be all for cutting social spending and voting Republican. But I doubt that he or McCain or anyone else is stupid enough to believe that nonsense.

Given a choice between America, the Republican Party and Amnesty, they're willing to sacrifice America and the Republican Party, not to mention Conservatism, on the altar of Amnesty.

The real question is why. Not why Ryan is choosing such a course, but why his backers who claim to want legislative reforms and economic freedom are pursuing an aggressive and well-funded course that will ensure that America will never have any more economic freedom than can be bought by a bribe or a family connection? Why are the people who claim to be concerned about our debt and our unsustainable spending determined to take both up to eleven?

Maybe we're all part of the problem. Maybe as a society we're no longer capable of producing leaders capable of thinking in terms of long term consequences. We want what we want and we want it now.

Corporate America has decided that it needs cheap labor now and the tens of millions of unemployed and unskilled Americans don't do. In the long run, amnesty will make America all but impossible to do business in for any company that doesn't have General Electric, Duke Energy or Tesla in its name. But in the long run, the sun may go nova. That's how people like that think.

Maybe it's as simple as pumping and dumping America, cashing in on a few years of cheap labor and then heading somewhere else and profiting from selling the last remnants of the collapsing economy to Qatar or Saudi Arabia. It appears to be happening in Europe. Why not America?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for capitalism in the same way that I'm for democracy. As Churchill said, it's the worst possible system except for all the alternatives.

Capitalism, like Democracy or Wikipedia, isn't innately good, it's just better because it's decentralized and that allows people to pursue their own dreams, agendas and anything else they like. The sum total of this crowdsourced wonderland is sometimes good, sometimes bad, often in-between, but on average better than any tyranny of politics, economics or articles on breeds of armadillo would be.

Democracy gave us Barack Obama. Capitalism gave us GE. Wikipedia lists a blue armadillo that doesn't exist in nature. All these flaws remind us that crowdsourcing is imperfect. It doesn't give us good results. It gives us better results.

But dear Corporate America, despite what Rachel Maddow says, I kind of like you. You make decent toasters. Or at least you design decent toasters that China makes. And if you ever decided to dump the Green energy labels, the abstract art and the million dollar donations to gay rights groups and turn into the monstrous cryptofascist conspiracy that liberals claim you are, we might get somewhere.

But we both know that's not going to happen.

You're not conservative. You're certainly not right-wing. There are exceptions, but they're not the rule. Like most of our elites, you're liberal. At best you're occasionally libertarian, but in a limited way. You're all for opening up the borders, but you're all for requiring businesses to get permits if they're in a competing line of work. And you feel guilty, about ice caps, black kids in the inner city and all the other stuff that comes in your mail.

But don't feel too bad, Corporate America. You're not uniquely awful. You're just part of a society whose best and brightest have lost their way and whose proud and prosperous have spent too much time listening to them.

In a decaying society, you have learned to grab what you can without believing that the society and the nation are worth protecting as more than sources of loot. In your comfort zone, the transnational idea has come to seem plausible and the world and its many nations seem infinitely redundant to you. If America doesn't work out, try China or Mexico or Qatar or Singapore.

That comfort zone in which you can thrive on transnational fantasies while still vacationing on Martha's Vineyard is brought to you by a Pax Americana. The peace of the American mercantile empire that your forebears put into place with sailing ships and armed men enables you to sell and buy across the globe, to jump in a jet plane and pop from airport to airport and from luxury hotel to luxury hotel.

All this is not the fulfillment of some Tom Friedmanesque fantasy about the inevitablity of globalism and the flattening of the world. It's not a new era of history. It's the last days of a peaceful empire that  made your wealth and power possible. And that you are destroying the same way that the Romans destroyed theirs.

Yes, for a time you will have your estates in Gaul and compliant barbarians who will clean your floors and look after your kids at cut rate prices. The wine will be plentiful and the circuses shocking. And one day you will wake up and discover that your grandchildren have become barbarians, that the civilization you knew is gone and the virtues that made your way of life possible are gone with it.

I won't preach to you about sacrifice.I'll leave that to Elizabeth Warren and her ilk who will bleed you for every cent you have unless you pay her off first. I will tell you that actions have consequences and not just of the class action lawsuit kind. Power is not the same thing as control. That's not only a lesson that Obama must learn. It's a lesson that you must learn as well.

To build a thing, you must know what it is you are building, you must test the structure, practice with the tools and make it real. Destroying a thing is easier. All you have to do is tear down what works and replace it with a slipshod structure made out of poor materials and tools you don't know how to use as cheaply as possible.

That's what your amnesty push will do to America. And when it's done, when America is California and California is Mexico and organized crime is indistinguishable from government and the only way to do business is with a handful of bribes, then you really will have built that.

On that day, there will be no Tea Party to save you and no Republican Party left to defend you.

You will flee to Singapore or China or Africa, only to realize that you are no longer a wealthy American, but the citizen of a fallen empire without protection in a world where the old rules made by the Pax Americana no longer apply. When the last bribes have been squeezed out of you and your company has been taken over and looted by the son of some government official, perhaps you will finally come to know the worth of the civilization you so foolishly destroyed.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure my DVD player no longer works.



Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-
Daniel Greenfield



Free Minds, Free People.

Connected Dots Reveal that UN Military Forces Are Now Prepared to Invade the United States

Connected Dots Reveal that UN Military Forces Are Now Prepared to Invade the United States

 The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States.

The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover
of the United States.

Yesterday, and despite being a speed reader, I spent almost three hours reviewing a mountain of material that I have been sent by people from around the country. About half way through my review, I had an epiphany. I began to see the interconnections between events unlike I have ever seen before.

Previously, some of the material stood out as stand alone information. However, as I moved from one item to another, I began to connect the dots like I have never done before. Please allow me to provide for you the dot connections followed by a comprehensive analysis of what is coming in a more precise manner than I have previously reported.

DOT CONNECTION #1: Secretary of State, John Kerry, Signs the UN Small Arms Treaty In Violation of the US Constitution
Secretary of State, John Kerry, signing away America's freedom, security and longevity by putting his name on the UN Smalls Arms Treaty in violation of the Constitution which states that any treaty must be approved by the Senate on a two-thirds vote.

Secretary of State, John Kerry, signing away America’s freedom, security and longevity by putting his name on the UN Smalls Arms Treaty in violation of the Constitution which states that any treaty must be approved by the Senate on a two-thirds vote.

The above photo of Kerry signing the UN Small Arms Treaty reminds me of Neville Chamberlain’s infamous quote about having “peace in our time” after he signed the Munich Accords with Hitler just prior to World War II. Inside of these “accords” contained the seeds for World War II.  Inside this UN treaty lies the destruction of American culture and society as we have known it.

Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words.
Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words
as this will be the net effect of the UN Smalls Treaty.

Secretary of State, John Kerry, and President Obama are "yucking it up" after setting up Americans up to be totally defenseless in the face of tyranny by obliterating the Second Amendment.
Secretary of State, John Kerry, and President Obama are “yucking it up” after setting up Americans up to be totally defenseless in the face of tyranny by obliterating the Second Amendment and a citizenry’s right to self-defense.

The clear intent of President Obama’s administration to disarm the American people should be very concerning to all Americans who know and appreciate their knowledge of world history. According to the University of Hawaii’s Democide Project, there were 19 genocides in the 20th Century. Everyone of them was preceded by gun confiscation. President Obama is a Harvard man and, as such, should we not assume that the President has some working knowledge about this aspect of history.

DOT CONNECTION #2: Humvee Vehicles Needed to Fix Walmart Plumbing Issues

UN Vehicles Being Transported to Texas

The following video shows Humvee vehicles in a Texas Walmart. Additionally, UN vehicles have been photographed as they are being shipped into Texas. Texans, prepare to defend yourselves!

The following video presents the aforementioned information beginning 5 minutes into the presentation.

This action commenced in April of 2015 and continues through today. In fact, The Common Sense Show has been reporting on the sightings of UN military vehicles in this country, in significant numbers, for longer than a year.

DOT CONNECTION #3: The American Military Is Being Systematically Being Disarmed

Not only does the Obama administration plan to disarm the people of America, they are systematically disarming the military as well while, at the same time, beefing up the foreign troop presence on United States soil.

As UN vehicles continue to deploy into the United States, we are witnessing the systematic disarming of the American Military. DAHBOO 777 first published the following account of the American military disarming itself by putting what everyone thought was excess military equipment into mothballs at underground munitions storage areas such as the one featured below at the Red River facility. The reason that it is quite clear that this is a disarming is that if a rapid deployment of this equipment were ever needed in time of war, the grid lock that would result at a facility like this or any other storage facility constructed in this manner, would prevent the timely and proper deployment of men and equipment.

DOT CONNECTION #4: We Now Have the Lens of Historical Perspective

DAHBOO 777 first published the above featured video on March 2, 2015. At the time, I wasn’t initially that suspicious of this activity. We were reducing our military operating size in the Middle East and subsequently, at the time, this seemed like an outgrowth of this activity. Please keep in mind this video was published almost a full month before the public revelation of Jade Helm 15.

The first time that most had heard of Jade Helm is when the following photos were released from a March 27, 2015 Ft. Lauderdale Special Operations Forces dissident extraction drill in which the following photos were captured by concerned local citizens.

 Ft. Lauderdale dissident extraction drill executed on March 27, 2015.
Ft. Lauderdale dissident extraction drill executed on March 27, 2015.

Also on March 27, we witnessed waiting white vans designed to transport these (actors) political dissidents to their new residences at the nearby FEMA camps. These van have also been seen traveling through select neighborhoods through out the country. This political extraction drilll, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. exposed to two lies: (1) Jade Helm was not supposed to start until July 15 and (2) Jade Helm was only in 7 states. Florida was not on the original Jade Helm maps and documents.

Also on March 27, we witnessed waiting white vans designed to transport these (actors) political dissidents to their new residences at the nearby FEMA camps. These van have also been seen traveling through select neighborhoods through out the country. This political extraction drilll, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. exposed to two lies: (1) Jade Helm was not supposed to start until July 15 and (2) Jade Helm was only in 7 states. Florida was not on the original Jade Helm maps and documents.

The the country was quickly introduced  to Jade Helm maps and the infamous and mysterious logo.

Jade Helm 15 Color Coded Legend Red Denotes a "hostile state" Brown is uncertain, leaning towards hostile. Dark Blue is "Permissive" meaning supportive of the government. Light Blue is "Uncertain, leaning friendly". .
Jade Helm 15 Color Coded Legend Red Denotes a "hostile state" Brown is uncertain, leaning towards hostile. Dark Blue is "Permissive" meaning supportive of the government. Light Blue is "Uncertain, leaning friendly". .

If this won't wake up the nation, then nothing will.

If this wont wake up the nation, then nothing will.

There is a reason why Obama is downsizing the military at a time when we are facing the strong possibility of going to war with China and Russia. This action by Obama is highly suspicious. Further, the military movement of equipment in this country is unprecedented and has been covered, in detail, on this site for the past six months.

The strategy seems clear: Reduce the size of the military, disarm much of the military as we see with Red River and as you will take note of in the next section, there is a growing foreign troop presence that is very well documented. Further, these events have caused me to view Jade Helm in, yet, another light. What Jade Helm also accomplishes besides dissident extraction and the implementation of martial law, is the mobilization and control of most of our domestically based military under one central authority, Jade Helm. If I wanted to neutralize the American military prior to a take over, this is exactly what I would do.



On August 29, 2015, I received a very disturbing email from a reader.

My son-in-law is a wild land firefighter based in Chelan, WA. As I’m sure you are aware the fires in Washington are some of the worst in the nation right now. I spoke with him last night after he came off of a 20 day shift. He has been battling the Wolverine fire which lies in a very remote part of the county only accessible by Boat or Helicopter. This is the same remote area that the U.S. Army Airborne division has been using to practice helicopter mountain training.

( While battling the fire and establishing fie lines around Holden Village, he and his crew came upon two Blackhawk helicopters on the ground in a remote part of the forest. He said that soldiers drew their weapons on his US Forest service fire crew and told them they couldn’t be in the area because it was a restricted Military zone.  He said all of the soldiers were in US Army uniforms, but two of them appeared to be Russian (wearing US Army uniforms) and in his opinion the Russian soldiers seemed to be in charge. My son-in-law challenged the soldiers stating they were there to save structures threatened by the fire and they would continue to do their job, at which point all the rifles in the company pointed at him. At this point he said he actually felt threatened for his life and he and his crew retreated going around the helicopter crew. This led to a discussion as to whether or not the US Army had been involved in possibly starting the fires which now burn approximately 135,000 acres.

Please withhold my name for obvious reasons.

This is not the only time we have seen, or heard of Russian troops in places where they should not be. As far back as 2011, Sherrie Wilcox sent to me a video of Russian soldiers training inside of DHS vehicles.

To one more of hundreds of documented incidents of this type, here are pictures of Russian commandos at Ft. Carson.
This picture and depicts Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans, Canadians, Danes) are part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand down.

This picture and depicts Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans, Canadians, Danes) are part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand down.

They are not coming, they are here.
They are not coming, they are here.

The Russians have even been depicted the Mural at Denver International Airport near baggage.
The Russians have even been depicted the Mural at Denver International Airport near baggage.

Don't forget about Obama's 2010 great giveaway of oil-rich Alaskan Islands which could be used as a prelude to invasion.
Don’t forget about Obama’s 2010 great giveaway of oil-rich Alaskan Islands which could be used as a prelude to invasion.

Soon this will be a familiar sight in our communities only their helmets will be blue.
Soon this will be a familiar sight in our communities only their helmets will be blue.

Please allow me to remind the readers that Steve Quayle, Doug Hagmann and myself have been on the front line warning about these events over the past several years. And through Agenda 21, America will soon lose control over 90% of its land as depicted below in a biodiversity map. Agenda 21 is synonymous with the United Nations.
Put this map into your GPS, it will tell where you soon cannot go. The UN's manifestation of forcing people into stack and pack cities.

Put this map into your GPS, it will tell where you soon cannot go. The UN’s manifestation of forcing people into stack and pack cities.

The Impetus for the Take Over of the United States

All of these connected dots will coalesce along the lines of a catastrophe which would legitimize the use of UN aid in the form of blue-helmeted troops and their military equipment which is already being stored on US soil.

Most people would point to a false flag which would be needed to set the take over into motion. However, I do not think that a false flag will be needed. All the globalists have to do is let nature

Who are the massive amounts of DHS acquired bullets for?
Who are the massive amounts of DHS acquired
bullets for?

take its course and let the economy collapse and the ensuing chaos would provide the backdrop to justify the placement of UN troops on the street. And these UN troops would be a buffer against a military that may not cooperate with the give away of the country by the current President.

The new enemies of the state.

The new enemies of the state.

DHS tipped its hand about the direction this was going several years ago when they acquired 2700 armored vehicles and over two billion rounds of ammunition. And let’s not forget that DHS has not only acquired ammunition and armored vehicles, they have been practicing. And who have they been practicing for? You are not going to like the answer to this question as depicted in the above target shooting poster created by DHS.

by Dave Hodges

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

How Much Food Do I Need to Survive What Is Coming?

How Much Food Do I Need to Survive What Is Coming?


How Much Food Do I Need?

In these days of extreme uncertainty, many are wondering how much food does my family need?  In fact, the most common question that I receive from readers and listeners is, how much food do I need in order to survive what is coming?  Since things like serving sizes, calories and appetites all factor into the equation, there is not a “one-size fits all” answer to the question.  I can, however, use the information that I have, along with some simple math, to help you make an informed, intelligent decision regarding your storable food needs.

As mentioned earlier, the key factors in determining your food storage needs are Servings and Calories.  The servings per bucket are clearly outlined on the Food for Liberty website, and the calories per serving for Numanna food is 270 calories per serving.  I have also fielded numerous questions regarding packaging and freshness.  Once you open the Mylar bag containing the food, you need to merely re-seal it with the zipper-lock seal provided with each bag.  You will no longer have a 25 year shelf life once you open the bag, it will, however, last for quite some time as long as it’s kept dry. Please understand that the recommendations below are intended to be merely a guide, for everyone’s appetite is different.  With those factors in mind, let’s get started.

***  It is my recommendation that you have a minimum of 2 years of food on hand and a 1 year supply of food for each family member is the absolute bare minimum.  However, I am going to use a 3-month supply in the example below for those who may have budgeting concerns.***

For an average adult needing about 1500 calories a day, one would expect to consume 11 servings over 2 days.  If you go out 3 months, you have 495 Servings in total.  To meet that criteria, you would purchase the following:

3 Months- 1 Adult

3 – Family Pack ( 140 servings x 3 = 420 servings)

1 – One-Month Grab-n-Go (76 servings)

Total = 496 Servings


2 – Family Pack ( 140 servings x 2= 280 servings)

2 – Defender Nutritive Pack ( 120 servings x 2 = 240 + Grains and Sprouts)

Total = 520 Servings

***Gluten-Free Option***

1 – Gluten-Free Triple Pack (126 servings x 3 = 378 servings)

1 – Gluten-Free Family Pack (126 servings )

Total = 504 Servings

1 Year -1 Adult

1 – 1680 serving family pack (12-pack)

1 – Triple Pack Grab-n-Go

1 – One Month Grab-n-Go

Total = 1984 Servings

***Gluten-Free Option***

2 – Gluten-Free Family Pack (6 pack) ( 756 servings x 2 = 1512 servings)

1 – Gluten-Free Triple Pack (126 servings x 3 = 378 servings)

1 – Gluten-Free Family Pack (126 servings )

Total = 2016 Serving

I would suggest that you use this as a guide

by Dave Hodges

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

Jade Helm FEMA Camp Preparations Are Entering the Final Phase

Jade Helm FEMA Camp Preparations Are Entering the Final Phase


The above picture is eerie and it has been mostly associated with the transport of civilian detainees presumably to a FEMA camp. Many have questioned the authenticity of the photo and have subsequently made allegations of photo shopping this picture in order to make it look like a FEMA transport trait. I have known that this was authentic for sometime and have had on eyewitness guests appear on my talk show which have authenticated the existence of these “FEMA trains”.

FEMA Prison Train Spotted in St. Louis

The following communication was sent to me, by email, in a which a picture of a FEMA train was taken and it is identical to other pictures of the same in which critics have maintained are a fraud. To the critics, feast your eyes on what follows:

Attached is a picture taken today at I-44 and Jameson in downtown St. Louis, eastbound.
An acquaintance took it and posted it online. Details from Google maps also attached. Within the city itself, headed across the Mississippi river eastbound.
He has acquired a bit of a reputation of a crazy-loon as of late, but I disagree. He’s paying attention.
I am not one to email and post publicly on social media about anything, esp. this type of thing, but I when this is in my area….hell, I’m already listed somewhere anyway, and every form of communication seems to be compromised anyway.
Not using my name, or complete name, is appreciated. Not due to subject material but just don’t like my name online for search engine archiving.

fema st louis train


fema st louis train 2

Camp Ripley, MN.

FEMA trains have been encountered by troops training at Camp Ripley as evidenced by the following communication:

Dear Dave,
Your radio show and website have helped to wake up many in my unit. I will not give you my unit because we do not need the bounce back that would accompany my disclosure.
Since this past Spring, we have been training at Camp Riley and also at other locations. We are training to intern American citizens. Or rather should I say we are training for troops such as Germans, Danes and Russians to detain American citizens. The reason that I know that we training to occupy our country is because we are teaching these foreign troops the colloquialisms that go with the English language in order that these troops can better be interfaced with Americans.
Here are somethings that I know you will find interesting. Men, women and children are separated. I know you have written about this before. Now, I have seen it. Actors have been hired to play each role.

The men are loaded onto a train that looks like a prison car and you have posted this photo before on your website. I have seen the inside of these trains. There are rows of chairs with floor mount chains. There is also an enclosed place where a guard would presumably sit and guard the detainees. See below.

Women are herded into trucks and children are placed on school buses. These are retrofitted convoy trucks that I have never seen before. Along the long bench where they would sit are lap belt restraints.

The buses that we have loaded child actors on have no restraints. They are made to look like school buses and there is nothing out of the ordinary about them.

One weekend, we trained with another unit. I cannot say which one but that could lead back to me. However, this unit told us that they were training to go to Guantanamo and detain American citizens. They said their training included enhanced interrogation techniques which means the torturing of US citizens.

My sense is that the men and women who are boarded into these trains/vehicles have a lot to worry about. I know I am reading a lot into this, but I know what I have seen and I am truly frightened and this is coming from someone who had multiple tours in the Middle East.
Whoever is behind this, are ready.

I know this is July 23rd, but please do not release this until after August 21st and please take the precautions that I sent in a separate communication.

I also know that you will think this is about Jade Helm. I do too. However, we are not permitted to mention the words Jade Helm in any situation.

Please protect my identity and thanks for all that you are doing. And please pray for me, I cannot do what they are going to ask me to do.  Take care,

A False Flag Coming to Florida?

As I have said many times, a major false flag will precede martial law and this is what I think I am seeing in Florida.

The Midland Walmart

At the present time, there is nothing new to report regarding the strange goings-on at the Midland, TX. Walmart. However, the people in the area have a foreboding like none I have sen in the moder time. Please take note of the following billboard, sent to me by a reader, which was recently erected near the Midland Walmart.

This might be good advice for everyone.

by Dave Hodges

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

Obama Administration’s Direct Connection and Material Support for Known Terrorists Intent on Destroying America

Obama Administration’s Direct Connection and Material Support for Known Terrorists Intent on Destroying America

The above comment needs no elaboration.

Why does Lois Lerner, the head of the IRS, and Hillary Clinton need an e-mail address while using a fake identity? The only answer that makes any sense is that they are both involved in criminal activities that they need to “keep off of the books”. Secondly, the fact that the attempted concealment of the Lerner and Clinton emails was being handled in the sam manner is not a coincidence. Whoever, created the attempted cover for Lerner, also created the identical strategy for Clinton. This means that Clinton and Lerner’s criminal behaviors are linked.

 Please visit this link: from Mr. Shoebat’s article which shows to images which clearly proves the IRS Director, Lois Lerner, has used an alias when dealing with classified as well as engaging in illegal activities (e.g. Tea Party harassment) and Lerner’s signature is at the bottom of an United States tax exempt foundation request for terrorist Malick Obama, the President’s half brother, who is in charge of finance and arms procurement for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Mr. Shoebat is to be congratulated for a stellar piece of investigative journalism. Mr. Shoebat’s work fits hand in glove with what I have been reporting for the past two years and in the following paragraphs, I will demonstration one degree of separation contact between the Obama administration, Muslim Brotherhood terrorists and their joint intention to destroy the Constitution and the integrity of the United States government.

Other key discoveries, as reported by Mr. Shoebat, are as follows:

“Lerner headed the IRS division that processed applications for tax-exempt status. The IRS acknowledged last year that agents had improperly scrutinized applications for tax-exempt status by Tea Party and other conservative groups”.
Author’s Note: Isn’t it ironic that Lerner harasses American citizens (i.e. Tea Party organizations) operating within Constitutional boundaries, while giving aid and comfort to the enemy, Malik Obama?

“The IRS was able to generate 24,000 Lerner emails from the 2009 to 2011 because Lerner had copied in other IRS employees. The agency said it pieced together the emails from the computers of 83 other IRS employees.
But an untold number are gone. Camp’s office said the missing emails are mainly ones to and from people outside the IRS, “such as the White House,Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices.”
Author’s Note: This is exactly the same pattern as we are seeing with Hillary Clinton’s emails. In other words, whoever set up the private server for Clinton, so she could covertly communicate on matters of national security from a private email and under an alias, did the same thing with Lois Lerner’s emails as well. As this matter is looked into with more regularity, we will undoubtedly see the same pattern with other Obama administration officials. The plan is simple: Simply put all damning information on a private email, under an alias , and that information can be made to disappear when questions start being asked. I believe that Clinton and Lerner’s emails are the mere tip of the iceberg.

The Shoebat Take-Away From the Lerner/Clinton Email Scandals

 The President and his half-brother, Malik Obama.
The President and his half-brother, Malik Obama.

It is clear, that while operating as an Obama senior official, Lois Lerner is aiding and abetting our terrorist enemies (e.g. Malik Obama). It is also clear that Clinton and Lerner are obfuscating the truth by illegally using private emails to conduct classified and top secret government business. This violates several provisions of our laws related to treason. And the mere fact that an alias is being used is speaks to an intent to obstruct justice and this is precisely what brought down the Nixon administration. We need no more information than we already possess to indict Hillary Clinton and Lois Lerner. There is no question that this scandal would end up in the Oval Office. However, there is a deeper aspect to this story which is extremely disturbing!

Judicial Watch, Hamas, Hezbollah, Russia and ISIS

ISIS base camp near El Paso.
ISIS base camp near El Paso.

Informed Americans were stunned when they learned of the presence of an ISIS camp eight miles from El Paso, TX. Judicial Watch connected ISIS to the Mexican drug cartels. As I previously reported, Hamas and Hezbollah are connected to the cartels. We have now seen evidence that the Obama administration is deeply connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and more proof, to this fact, will be offered near the end of this article.

Back in 2010, an internal memo was leaked from the Tucson Police Department. which stated that Islamic terrorist groups are commencing operations in Mexico and forming alarming ties with the country’s brutal drug cartels. In turn, the drug cartels are now associated with Hezbollah and ultimately their partner, Hamas. The memo also references a large weapons stockpile in Mexico as evidenced by the 2010 Tijuana arrest of Hezbollah militant Jameel Nasr, who was given the job of establishing a well-armed Hezbollah network in Mexico and South America. Nasr was apparently bringing this terror network north when he was captured. The memo also discussed the April 2009 arrest of Jamal Yousef in New York, which exposed a huge cache of assault rifles, hand grenades, explosives and anti-tank munitions. According to the report, the weapons were stored in Mexico, but only after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah. As a temporary aside, where do you think ISIS is getting its weapons? The preceding references contained in the Tucson Police memo just answered that question.

The memo further warns that there could be dire consequences due to the new level of cooperation between Hezbollah and Mexico’s drug partnerships and this could be disastrous given Hezbollah’s advanced and new weapons capabilities. The report goes on to state that some Mexican criminal organizations have started using small IEDs which is clearly illustrative of the use of car bombs which is a hallmark trait of Islamic terrorists. IED’s are clearly the least of our worries with regard to the increased influx of MS-13 terrorists.

For the past eight plus years, the United States government has acknowledged the fact that Hamas and Hezbollah have strong ties to the Mexican drug cartels. We also know that Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood have partnered with the CIA in the formation of ISIS. Click this link to listen to former Special Operations Officer, Scott Bennett, establish that the CIA formed and is funding ISIS, with help.

In 2006, Rajab Hilal Hamida, a Muslim Brotherhood member serving in the Egyptian parliament, said:

“From my point of view, bin Ladin, al-Zawahiri and [the late radical Islamist] al-Zarqawiare not terrorists in the sense accepted by some. I support all their activities, since they are a thorn in the side of the Americans and the Zionists.”

“In May 1991, The Muslim Brotherhood produced an “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” This document was written by Mohamed Akram Adlouni, a member not only of MB’s governing Shura Council, but also of its Planning Committee, its “Special Committee,” its Curriculum Committee, its Palestine Committee (which provided “media, money and men” to Hamas), and its QZT Committee (a high-level entity identified only by its initials).

Asserting that the Brotherhood’s mission was to establish “an effective and … stable Islamic Movement” (EDITOR’S NOTE: THIS WOULD BE THE MODERN DAY ISIS) on the continent, this document outlined a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” for achieving that objective. It stated that Muslims “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.” Through stealth jihad, the Brotherhood would seek to impose Islamic values and customs on the West in piecemeal fashion — gradually, incrementally gaining ever-greater influence over the culture. The memorandum listed some 29 like-minded “organizations of our friends” which sought to realize the same goal”.

There is more to this travesty as it has been revealed that “At a 1995 conference (hosted by the Muslim Arab Youth Association) in Toledo, Ohio, MB spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi vowed that Islam would “conquer Europe [and] America — not through sword but through Da’wa [proselytizing].” He also urged Muslims to “continue to fight the Jews” and “kill them.”
“In January 2010, Muhammad Badi [a.k.a. Muhammad Badie] was named as (the) Muslim Brotherhood’s new Supreme Guide. Badi has described the U.S. as an infidel nation that “does not champion moral and human values and cannot lead humanity.” He has characterized America and Israel as “the Muslim’s real enemies,” asserting that “[w]aging jihad against both of these infidels is a commandment of Allah that cannot be disregarded.” And he maintains that the “change that the [Muslim] nation seeks can only be attained through jihad and sacrifice and by raising a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life.”
Malik_Montage-e1391079475338 (1)

Please permit me the opportunity to state the obvious: A senior Obama appointee, Lois Lerner the IRS Director, has been implicated in providing material support to a known and major MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD terrorist figure, Malik Obama. Malik Obama, the President’s half brother, has been granted undeniable special privilege under U.S. law and in granting that privilege, Lerner even used an alias and a private email server, initially, to complete the act. In other words, she knew what she was doing was treason and she was attempting to cover it up.  Again, the plot worsens.

The Refugee Resettlement Program

In light of these revealed facts, ask yourself why persecuted Christians from the Middle East cannot gain entry into the United States. However, anyone else (e.g. Muslims from Syria, Somalia, etc.) are not even screened as they are granted access to the United States by the thousands at a time in the Refugee Resettlement Program.  Once again, it only gets worse.

The Muslim Brotherhood Invasion of the White House

Is any interpretation needed to see where this is headed?
Is any interpretation needed to see where this is headed?

The Deputy Chief of Staff to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin

The embarrassed and disgraced wife of deposed Congressman, Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, has undeniable family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. In an interview with FrontPageMag, anti-Islamist activist and author Walid Shoebat explained that Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, is and was deeply involved with the Muslim Brotherhood and that Huma’s brother, Hassan, is on the board of the Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies (OCIS) where he is a fellow and partners with other board members including “Al-Qaeda associate, Omar Naseef and the notorious Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi; both have been listed as OCIS Trustees.” Has the FBI stopped vetting Federal governmental employees in highly sensitive positions?

Department of Homeland Security Deputy Mayor, Arif Alikhan

In the publication, Discover the Networks, the editors discuss the background as it relates to highly sensitive federal agency employment (e.g. DHS) and the Muslim terrorist affiliations ofArif Alikhan. Alikhan’s resume is very impressive.

“Former deputy mayor of Homeland Security and Public Safety for the City of Los Angeles
Was responsible for derailing the LAPD’s plan to monitor activities within the Los Angeles Muslim community

Was appointed as assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Development in Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security in 2009

Became a Professor of Homeland Security and Counterterrorism in 2010.”

Now serving as a distinguished, visiting professor at the National Defense University.
Alikhan was responsible for derailing the LAPD‘s efforts to monitor radical and potentially terrorist activities within the city’s Muslim community, where numerous radical mosques were known to have provided aid and comfort to the 9/11 hijackers.

Alikhan, an openly devout Sunni Muslim, has openly participated in a Muslim Public Affairs Council fundraiser titled “Be the Change,” in order to support that organization’s leadership-development programs which openly advocates for the Sharia Law takeover of the United States. The open support for this Sharia Law intention to overthrow the U.S. government, on the part of an American citizen, is illegal. When such an advocate is a Federal employee in a sensitive position this person should disqualify one from holding sensitive positions within the government.

Obama Administration Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel

If you were on the FBI team vetting Presidential appointees, would you grant your seal of approval to the grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, Siraj Wahhaj, who was named as a co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and who has defended the convicted WTC bombers. Well, somebody thought Eboo Patel, the man in question would make a splendid member of Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

Additionally, Patel, himself, spoke at a Muslim Students Association and ISNA Convention, while appearing on a panel, and also being partnered with Tariq Ramadan.

Ramadan is the grandson of Siraj Wahhaj, who was named as a possible co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and has defended the convicted WTC bombers. Wahhaj allegedly advocates for the Islamic takeover of America under the banner of Sharia Law.


In the two plus years I have written about the interconnections between the drug cartels and known terrorist groups along with their connection to this administration, very few people wanted to listen. Perhaps now, Americans will collectively sit up, take notice and fight back. Please forgive me, because I have a tendency to be over optimistic.

by Dave Hodges

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.