
Freedom of information pages

Freedom Pages & understanding your rights

Monday, September 28, 2015



The productive people of this world are being abused. We all know it and we all complain about it. And most of the things we complain about (taxes, stupid laws, politicians and bureaucrats doing ridiculous things) are backed by large, powerful systems. That is why I chose “systemic abuse” for this article’s title.

The idea of a system being abusive by nature often bothers people in a deep and obscure way, but that characterization is true. If we try to blame “one bad actor,” we are lying and we know it.

I’m not going to waste time on the abuses of the current world systems. You must be aware of them, and you can get lists of complaints from many other sources.

Instead, I want to explain how we producers are really the controlling group in the world, even though most of us don’t know it. We as a group can end our abuse whenever we change our minds about it, and we as individuals can do a lot to bring that about.

But in order to face a life without abuse, each producer will have to do some serious soul searching and adjustment. That sounds strange, I know, but it is true. It will become clearer as we proceed.

Knowing Ourselves

Let me begin with this: You don’t have to be a superstar to count yourself among the producers. In fact, you don’t even need to have a job. What matters is that, given a choice, you would rather create than live off of the production of others.

If you feel good coming home from an honest day of work; if you like pointing at something and saying “I made that;” if you care about your work as a carpenter, trucker, housewife, nurse, welder, shopkeeper, clerk, farmer, rancher, engineer, or any of a hundred other professions, you are a producer.

This desire for production is in us from childhood and perhaps from birth. It is natural to beings who have the ability to perceive, to will, and to compare before/after results. Even infants get satisfaction from willing and succeeding. Buckminster Fuller said it well: Every child has an enormous drive to demonstrate competence.

With these being the essential characteristics of producers, it would seem natural for them to generally feel good about themselves and to be generally confident. You would expect them to be proud of being the source of all the products and wealth in the world.

This, however, is not what we see. Rather, we see producers who are morally timid, who shrink when someone accuses them of being offensive, who fear being envied. Most modern producers don’t feel they have full rights over their own lives. They believe it in measure, of course, but they also believe that other people (namely the operators of institutions) have a legitimate right to tell them how to drive, educate their children, spend their money, ingest substances, report their business dealings, and on and on and on.

As we’ve said a lot recently, this comes back to a perverse root assumption:

It is right for other people to order me around.

It is easy to see that so long as producers keep believing this, those who order them around will abuse them without end.

On the other hand, if the producers ever stop believing that their role in life is to be ordered around, the world changes in an instant – radically and dramatically for the better. The values of production, if ever dominant in the world or any section of it, generate not only prosperity, but morality.

The System and the Productive Class

As long as the productive class think it’s right for systems to order them around and siphon off their production, the producers will be abused forever. It is as simple as that. So, let me say something clearly and even with indignation, which I think is warranted:

We build the system’s roads, we build their monuments, we supply their banquets, we build and drive their limousines, we build their governor’s mansions, and we cut their grass and install their air conditioning and repair their roofs. We pay their policemen and their firemen and their tax men. We pay for their cars and their gas and their guns and their bullets and their uniforms.

Without us, they have nothing but words. If we ever decide not to play their game, they are done. It doesn’t matter how many enforcers they have on their payrolls – the moment we stop complying, those enforcers will see the end of their paychecks and will return home at night to face strong questions from us, their neighbors.

We producers are manifestly unhappy about what the systems of the world are doing to us, but most of us don’t think we have any right to dictate to them. The truth, however, is this:

Without us, they are destitute, and we don’t need them.

How This Happened to Us

What has happened is that we’ve been demoralized. We understand quite well that our wealth has been damaged; we understand much less well that our souls have been damaged.

In all of our lifetimes, the inherent dignity of work has been absent. Since the industrial revolution, when people took boring jobs simply for better pay, work has become something that most people try to escape. This has been a mistake.

Work is the insertion of creativity into the world. Creating things, improving things, or making it possible for other people to create is rewarding and important. Work is good, noble, and deserving of respect.

In our times, however, work has been replaced as something to respect by status, a gorilla-level instinct. It was a devolution.

We all learn about status at an early age, hearing stories about the rich, handsome prince and the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. We are told that only the exceptional few count.

All through our lives we are shown images of the unique and the few. For example, fashion models are not chosen merely for beauty, but for exclusivity. There are plenty of short, beautiful women, but they never show up in the ads, for the simple reason that they are many. Only the 1/50th of 1% who are exceptionally tall and good-looking are shown. The rest of us are then provided with products to make us feel we are approaching their exclusive level.

We have been living through a period dominated by hierarchy – where people who order other people around are important, and all others are an undifferentiated mass.

All of this is fraudulent and manipulative. Worse, it has left most of us with an inferiority complex. We are the unnamed peasants, the mundanes, the “workers.”

There are many types of beauty in the world, many types of greatness, many reasons for respect. We can all partake, not just the rarest among us.

The importance of work should be judged by its creativity and by the benefit it brings, not by how much it controls. People should esteem others because of their virtues, not because of their positions. People should do good deeds based on their personal sense of benevolence, and this should not be limited to things that are chosen by ‘leaders’ in high positions.

What the productive class needs most is to have their confidence restored. They need to see status and exclusivity as the barbaric and manipulative ideas that they are.

We can be much more than we have been, and we would enjoy it a great deal. The problem is that we haven’t considered ourselves worthy. After all, we’re not the people in high places who get to order everyone else around.

We need to get over this.

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace



 activism* Before anything else, I need to clarify my meaning: There are “activists” whom I respect and support. (Ernie and Donna Hancock leap to mind, as do several Bitcoin “activists.”) I divide these people from the activism of my title, because these people act, encourage, and teach directly, not through third parties.

This distinction will become clear to you as we proceed.

The Distinction: What Happened to the Cool Kids

Once upon a time, there were courageous computer types who defied mighty Western governments and worked around them to deliver usable cryptography to the world. It took skill, it took intelligence, and most of all, it took courage. But these people took the risks and did it, and I think they deserve credit for it.

Sadly, however, more than a few of those people descended from the ranks of the righteously disobedient to the level of mere activists. They spend their efforts these days encouraging legislation, engaging in dialog, and promoting causes.

In other words, they went from doing things themselves to begging overlords to do them. Consider the two models:

The first model required skill, intelligence, and courage. It required people to act against the will of the dominator.

The new model makes activists advisors to the dominator. In their imaginations, they are so smart that they can trick the dominator into doing “the right thing.”

Please note that model #1 removes power from the overlord and transfers it to individuals.

Then please note that model #2 enhances the power of the overlord. It is only the overlord who is held as a proper actor.

Sadly, model #2 has become the primary model of activism in the Western world, and this is the model that I oppose.

Specific Reasons Im Opposed to Activism:

#1: It enhances the existing order. As I’ve written before, mankind is now living with space-age technology and bronze-age rulership, a ridiculous and retrograde mode of organization. We desperately need to get past it, but rulership never willingly lets go of power. Supporting rulership – enthroning it as the only legitimate actor – is devolutionary; it drags us away from the future.

#2: It evades courage and risk. No one likes risk, but in a world controlled by bronze-age dominators, progress requires it. Under the modern activism model, however, almost no courage is required; the activist is a partner to power. Successful activism, under this model, ends with the ruler – and only the ruler – acting.

So long as we beg the ruler to act, we are harmless to power and even helpful to it. For example, while Alexander Haig was a major figure in the Reagan White House, he was confronted by anti-war protestors. His response was telling:

Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes.

Activism that relies on the existing order is no threat to the existing order. It benefits the status quo and it neuters potential activists of the first model, seducing them to avoid risk.

#3: It corrupts the activists. Activists of the second model tend to have problems with arrogance. That’s my observation, of course, and yours may differ, but the entire model rests on the ability of the activist to outsmart other people.

The model #2 activist outsmarts ruling factions to get his or her way. He or she works social media to get groups of people to repeat his or her slogans; he convinces masses to show up at his events; he gets TV cameras where they need to be when they need to be, then crafts sound bites that will play well on the news. In other words, he outsmarts everyone else.

The modern activist uses people as tools, especially the social media throngs. Thus, he or she gains a very real type of power. And as we should all know by now, power corrupts.

The successful activist, as a tool of his or her trade, must become famous, and fame corrupts at least as fast as more traditional types of power.

#4: It keeps the masses firmly within the status quo. People seeing the great, well-publicized successes of the model #2 activists never see any reason to move on their own. The brilliant activist gets things done by outsmarting power. That being so, their most sensible action is simply to support a successful activist.

Why should the concerned young person launch out on their own, seeing that famous gurus are already talking to the prime ministers, filing class-action lawsuits, and have thousands of online admirers? So, he or she finds a role inside the status quo that the activist is “changing.” Something feels naggingly wrong about it, but who is he or she to challenge the great guru?

And so the status quo continues forward apace.

#5: It creates and enhances a victim-based culture. Nothing gets better results in the modern age than portraying oneself as a victim or portraying one’s cause as in the service of victims. And so, that is precisely what the clever activist must do.

Worse, the activist needs his/her crowds to appear as victims and subtly encourages them to see themselves that way. Soon enough, the thousands do see themselves as victims, empowering the activist to champion their cause.

And please note that once we slide our minds into the role of “victim,” we give up agency over our lives. From then on, we become dependents, rather than confident actors on our own behalf.

In other words, we hand over our power to the activist and become dependent upon him or her.

Worse, we become morally dependent upon the activist, because the very role of “victim” requires a moral judgment. The guru activist then becomes a major force in our moral universe.

This amounts to a loss of personal power that is both subtle and pernicious, atrophying our ability to handle even our interpersonal interactions.

#6: It helps victims by using other people’s money. Convincing the state to “do something” is the easy way out. Rather than standing up and getting busy (and, god forbid, spending our own money), we empower the state to act. The truth, of course, is that the state does nothing without first stealing money, but we can easily imagine that it doesn’t cost us.

This model permits us to feel righteous at no expense. It’s false and wasteful, of course, but the illusion is easy to maintain… at least in the modern climate, where few things are called by their true names.


So, please engage in Model #1 activism: Use your own mind, your own cleverness, your own effort. Bless the world.

And once you do, give yourself credit. You will have earned it. You will have gained a real reason to feel righteous. Enjoy it.

Paul Rosenberg

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Agenda 2030 Translator: The UN’s New Sustainable Development Goals

Agenda 2030 Translator: The UN’s New Sustainable Development Goals

 It’s that time again: the United Nations is officially releasing the all new Agenda 2030 sustainable development plan, or what some have hailed as “the new Agenda 21 on steroids,” at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit kicking off today in New York City.

Since these supposedly non-binding international agreements can sometimes be a bit tricky to decode, what with all the weaponized buzz terms and semantics games, we’ve prepared a handy dandy translator on the 17 new Agenda 2030 goals below.

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Translation: Centralized banks, IMF, World Bank, Fed to control all finances, digital one world currency in a cashless society

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Translation: GMO

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Translation: Mass vaccination, Codex Alimentarius

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Translation: UN propaganda, brainwashing through compulsory education from cradle to grave

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Translation: Population control through forced “Family Planning”

Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Translation: Privatize all water sources, don’t forget to add fluoride

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Translation: Smart grid with smart meters on everything, peak pricing

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Translation: TPP, free trade zones that favor megacorporate interests

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Translation: Toll roads, push public transit, remove free travel, environmental restrictions

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
Translation: Even more regional government bureaucracy like a mutant octopus

Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Translation: Big brother big data surveillance state

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Translation: Forced austerity

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Translation: Cap and Trade, carbon taxes/credits, footprint taxes (aka Al Gore’s wetdream)

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Translation: Environmental restrictions, control all oceans including mineral rights from ocean floors

Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Translation: More environmental restrictions, more controlling resources and mineral rights

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Translation: UN “peacekeeping” missions (ex 1, ex 2), the International Court of (blind) Justice, force people together via fake refugee crises and then mediate with more “UN peacekeeping” when tension breaks out to gain more control over a region, remove 2nd Amendment in USA

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Translation: Remove national sovereignty worldwide, promote globalism under the “authority” and bloated, Orwellian bureaucracy of the UN

And don’t forget the One World Religion under the One World Pope!

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace

Where Is Jesus in the Awakening?

Where Is Jesus in the Awakening?

I began a reply to a very sincere question on my last post Cunning Craftiness and the Tools of Manipulation and it turned into quite a long explanation. It brings up a lot of important aspects regarding what’s going on right now as people are genuinely concerned about these recent turns of events and what seems to be unfolding, and are subsequently digging deep to get some spiritual footing in order to grasp as well as prepare for what appears to be quickly coming at us.

Here’s the question from Dewey:

Just curious, does your view of the awakening involve Jesus? From my understanding, the PTB are being allowed to do what they are doing for a short time, but will be brought down in due time. Thanks for all you do to help people become more aware.

Hi Dewey.

Thanks for your question. I started to answer your question in the comment section but it became quite long so I decided to write it up in this format as this is a big question many have asked that needs a more thorough explanation. I’ve talked about this a lot in previous articles, coming at it from different angles. This won’t be fully comprehensive but I’ll touch on the essential aspects of this as I understand it so far.

The awakening is a constantly unfolding convergence of consciousness and it comes through many vectors. I’m amazed at how awakened the Christian community is becoming in many ways, if you can call it that, as it’s a very diverse community from orthodox to mystical Christians and even those espousing Christ consciousness, although that is rarely attached to religious beliefs.

That wide spectrum aspect can be said about any and all religious paradigms. Many into psychic awareness in all forms, and other spiritual and metaphysical technologies, even new age thinking, are coming to this point of convergence that is bringing about a greater and greater awakening.

But with any of these, as well as philosophical viewpoints, there’s a certain letting go of cherished beliefs that needs to transpire to get to that ultimate conscious awakening, and that invariably presents some very tough hurdles to overcome. That is why the would-be controllers have been busy laying an ornate spiritual trap to catch those that don’t make the full transition and transcendence in order to draw them into their lair of  subjugation and control, a phenomenon we’ve seen utilized throughout human history.

letting go is not giving up

Transcending Cherished Beliefs

The problem arises when people take new challenges to their cherished beliefs and viewpoints as if it’s denying their personal experience, which it isn’t, although sometimes there are direct attacks against others that are just that, hence religious wars and the like. These are very low vibrational and obviously unloving  behaviors that are readily instigated as well as exacerbated by social manipulators.

Such attacks on others only serve to harden people’s stance and are extremely detrimental to the awakening process. If someone is attached to something and you try to rip it away from them, they’ll only hold on to it, or something like it, all the more ardently. They need to be fully persuaded in their own minds and hearts that there is a better alternative to what they’re clinging to, otherwise even if you succeed in forcibly stripping someone of something, they’ll only pick it or something else up again first chance they get in some form or another and it starts all over.

That’s where conscious awareness comes in, as those who truly are awakened are sincerely concerned about the individual and are motivated by love, offering a better way, but leaving the choice up to the individual, as it’s all about the process and personal empowerment if we’re to help birth a better world of fully awakened humanity.

I understand why people interpret their spirituality in terms of what Jesus means to them, or the overall concept of God, or other go-between figures such as Mohamed or Buddha or Krishna et al or the plethora of other manipulative cult like figures for that matter.

Faith and spirituality are very personal experiences and mankind has been carefully groomed to build dogmatic practices and belief systems around just about any teaching or understanding in order to translate this awareness into their daily lives. This of course is very easy to tamper with as well as direct in order to build these systems of behavior into whatever suits the purposes of those seemingly in charge.

My main concern is dependence on outside energies of any sort, when all we need is already within each of us, even as Jesus repeatedly said which is why the idea of “Christ consciousness” is very appealing to many. But all of the great enlightened teachers either stated or implied that we are God as well, as in being part of this “God” idea, which Jesus also clearly asserted.

That “no man comes unto the Father but by me” I don’t think he or any enlightened teacher ever said, another cornerstone of the exclusivistic “Yahwey or the highway” polarization of humanity as in all monotheistic religions. The fact is, ultimately almost every “belief” system ends up in a hierarchical structure or some sort of reinforced dogmatic dependence on an outside godhead idea when the exact opposite is the real truth.

Although there are admittedly all kinds of forces at work, the magificence of our creative Source is not only within us, but all around us.


The Adulterated Bible and Its Many Influences

The Bible, whatever its source as you may know, was hijacked, edited, rewritten, chopped up and deliberately adulterated from the start, the most famous of which was at the Council of Nicea under Constantine in 325 AD. This was followed by all kinds of convenient translations and further manipulations right up to the present, including the Scofield Bible that injected a heavy duty Zionist slant that is causing such horrific endorsement of today’s genocides and Zionism’s many other nefarious agendas. That’s a whole subject in itself, but it demonstrates the importance of getting blind religious zeal behind whatever the “powers that be” want to perpetrate.

These manipulations and adulterations of the Bible I mention above don’t even include the obvious influences of the Gnostic teachings found in the Nag Hammadi texts that predate the Bible. There’s even evidence that the Jesus figure could very well have been an especially enlightened Gnostic who was exposing the false god Yahweh and all the false religious clap trap of the day for which he was put to death. Then there are the many Christ-like figures throughout ancient history leading up to it that all were born of a virgin, again on December 25th or thereabouts, having the 12 disciple meme, and who performed miracles and were worshipped as sons of God in some form during their age.

In other words, even if there was an enlightened spiritual revolutionary at that time named Jesus or whomever, he was cleverly tucked back into the same old meme that was so successful at controlling humanity and keeping their attention through a seemingly powerful occult-driven influence towards a certain mindset.

This can be traced to a subject called astrotheology, with most of this hailing back to sun worship, the 12 disciples referring to the 12 signs of the zodiac and on it goes. The symbolism and obvious references in even the modern Bible to these astro-theological meanings are a study in themselves and well worth your investigation.

I don’t know how much you’re into all of this so forgive me if I seem to be making any assumptions about your beliefs. I’m not, but since you brought up the subject and I get this question often I want to give a more thorough perspective on this important phenomenon. However it is usually met with quite stiff resistance by “dyed in the wool” heavily indoctrinated “believers”, but so be it. It’s all part of the awakening from the spell humanity has been put under, and it’s my understanding that the hardest paradigms to fully awaken from are the religious ones.

And for people to “believe” the Bible is the infallible word of God sets the ultimate trap for limited understanding and behavior and thus control, no matter how much truth is in it. This applies to any dogmatic belief systems. And to top it off, that people depend on others to interpret texts for them, and as you know interpretation is quite subjective, it almost always leads to some form of spiritual abuse, using “God’s will” as a cudgel to keep people in line through guilt, condemnation and fear.

This hierarchical trap is very subtle, as it seemingly acknowledges and honors our innate spirituality, yet surreptitiously channels it, or shunts it, into powerless forms of unquestioning obedience and “worship” and again controlled, debilitating thought patterns and hence behavior.


Prophecy and Predictive Programming

There are prophecies in the Bible however that are very intriguing and I try not to throw out the baby with the bathwater here as there are many truths buried within the Bible. I’m very familiar with the Bible having intensely studied it for many years. The verse you’re referring to about “a little while” is about Satan being allowed or “loosed” to have full sway for a short time while the final chapters, seals, vials etc. take place. This scenario is hauntingly echoed in other spiritual writings and even non religious prophecies, and it sure appears to be unfolding that way.

You may also be familiar with predictive programming and the lengths these invading influences have gone to in order to trap mankind in their paradigm. It is thought that much of this, beginning in ancient Sumer if not earlier, could very well be programming for these events we’re witnessing. The purpose is to get humanity accustomed to and resultantly accept these events, causing a kind of over-spiritualization of what’s going on to prevent responsive action and to facilitate submission to their grand solution of a one world religion with a one world head. And more importantly, total dominion over humanity.

Howbeit distasteful, all this becomes a “fulfillment of prophecy” and so in a strange, abstract way an affirmation to “believers” that their paradigm is true and being a cause for comfort.

Christians are well aware of who that head would be as he’s repeatedly named as the anti-Christ, and they’ve been desperately looking to see who is going to arise to fulfill that role. That again is why this subject is so prescient as these dramatic world events unfold around us.

I think there’s definitely some truth to some of these scenarios but I don’t see it solely within the Christian paradigm. But it’s clearly part of the plan in having a one world dictator who will in some form or another demand worship in some form, for himself or some such figure in their new unholy counterfeit structure who as you know many will believe will be/is this activist Jesuit Pope Francis fellow or someone very similar. But complete obedience is definitely in the plan, which we’re witnessing incrementally in the current global crackdown on populations.

Another good example of this “faith hijack” is that now the growing consensus in the less than conscious Christian world is that Islam is the mark of the beast of revelation. Couple this with the Scofield Bible Zionism contamination we then see the creation of the perfect patsies to endorse and even help promote the current genocides in the Middle East, as well as support for Israel’s ongoing horrors on the Gaza strip and the elimination or expulsion of anyone within their Greater Israel agenda.

At the very least these dynamics are at play. But remember, these would-be controllers and social engineers and spiritual manipulators are a lot more cunning than any of us. When you realize the groundwork for this has been laid since at least Babylon as you trace it through history, including the creation of so-called Christianity and every other religion, never mind all of the other debilitating social engineering, the depth of their machinations is staggering. But we need to translate that understanding into a practical form which in turn further precipitates our conscious awareness and hence full on awakening.


Final Thoughts

The awakening is a profoundly liberating experience and brings tremendous peace of mind and heart. But it comes with a personal price. We have to let go of even our most cherished beliefs and “viewpoints” that have been holding us back as it’s by those misconceptions and attachments they are able to control and manipulate us.

True conscious awareness is way more transcendental and motivating than what any religion, or system I might add, can offer. Yet I also know the heart of each of us is ultimately the same. So I’m not denying whatever connection anyone has with true Source, however much their minds may misinterpret it or what they’ve unwittingly attached themselves to, as has happened to all of us to one degree or another.

The point is, we’ve all been there. None of us are better than another. We’re in this together and need to lovingly help each other along to where we can be the most effective and spiritually cohesive force for good and real spiritual transformation. But as you can see, without us getting the real big picture we’ll only feed into the booby trapped net they’ve laid for us and eventually be drawn to again reinforce a false, hierarchical and extremely disempowering paradigm which will only reinvent the next stage of human domination by very ill-meaning, parasitic forces.

I don’t pretend to understand everything and in fact realize how little I know the more I learn, but as I do learn and grow and I see the hindrances fall away for me, I like to share what I’m learning. But I’m always open to new information and understandings.

As the saying goes, “When we’re through changing, we’re through”.

Love, Zen

P.S. I’m only touching on many profound subjects here to give a sort of outline. If you’d like to know more on any of these topics you can go to my timeline and type any of these terms into the search bar (click the magnifying glass at the top right for it to appear).

Search the whole site as well, and do your own research if you feel so led. I consider this essential information as all of us are profoundly influenced by these concepts and teachings and fully awakening has everything to do with understanding the world around us and how and why society has been formulated the way it has.

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace

Donald Trump The fate of all effective reformers Before He Can Start a Revolution???

Donald Trump Will Be Assassinated Before He Can Start a Revolution

Is he for real? Will he survive his challenge to the autonomy and power of the globalists?
Is he for real? Will he survive his challenge to the autonomy and power of the globalists?

Trump mania is sweeping the country! Some view him as an out of control bigot. Some view him as the savior of the nation. Regardless of how one sees Donald Trump, he is galvanizing the country and getting the country to focus their discontent on the government unlike his Republic colleagues.

Donald Trump is waking America up to the fact that you cannot fool all the people all of the time.

lincoln fool all the people

I have always had ambivalent feelings toward Abraham Lincoln. On one hand, the man was an absolute despot who jailed protesters and reporter with whom he did not agree with. On the other hand, and for a brief moment, he brought America the closest it has ever been in fulfilling the meaning of the words “All men are created equal”, when he freed the slaves, although his motivation to do so and how he went about it, left much to be desired.

Despite Lincoln’s “Constitutional” shortcomings, he was absolutely correct on all counts when said:

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

In my world view, I think the globalists are fooling most of the people all of the time.  For far too long, we have been a nation whose poster child looks like this:

The face of the 2015 America Revolution. Just waiting to get fooled again.

The face of the 2015 America Revolution, just waiting to get fooled again.

America’s ineptitude and unwillingness to fight for what is right is re-elected in Rick Shenkman’s book, Just How Dumb Are We? Shenkman found that 87% of American college students could not find Iraq on a map. In fact, Shenkman also found that:

Only 1 in 5 know that we have 100 United States senators.
-Only 2 out of 5 citizens can name the three branches of the federal government.
-Only 20% of young Americans between the ages 18-34 read a newspaper daily. An amazingly low 11% report surfing Internet news sites. 
Among 18- to 24-year-old Americans given maps:
-83 percent cannot find Afghanistan on a map
-76 percent cannot find Saudi Arabia
-70 percent cannot find New Jersey
-11 percent cannot find the United States

What does this mass ignorance add up to? I believe the following photo captures this sentiment that most Americans are living in a state learned helplessness.

Yes we can get the government to give us EBT cards and Obama phones.
Yes we can get the government to give us EBT cards and Obama phones.
YES WE CAN, GIVE UP ALL OF OUR RIGHTS! But this is balanced by the belief that “Yes we can get the government to give us EBT cards and Obama phones?

There may, however, be a changing of the guard. The winds of dramatic change are blowing across our country and accompanying this change in national attitude is the emergence of feelings of extreme discontent and a growing sense of fear and foreboding that many of the American people are expressing with regard to their government.

Three Gallup Polls Reflect a Greatly Changing America

In the week of September 9-13, 2015, the Gallup Poll conducted three related polls regarding America’s feelings towards its government. For those who think America is nothing but a dumbed down mass of ignorance, may want to slightly alter their world view. Almost tw0-thirds of all Americans, who claim to be Republicans, do NOT trust their government. No government can survive with this lack of support, especially among its property class, without falling into extreme civil disobedience which can only end in civil war.

The following poll numbers reflect an America government that scares the hell out of half the country.

Do You Feel Threatened By Your Government?

Do you think the federal government poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens, or not?
Do you think the federal government poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens, or not?

Who Fears the Government the Most?

Percentage Viewing U.S. Government as Threat, by Political Party
Percentage Viewing U.S. Government as Threat, by Political Party

Why are so many Democrats living in a state of ignorant bliss?To answer that question, one must consider that most Democrats are so liberal that they think that the 10 Commandments are the 10 Suggestions and the Bill of Rights is an ideal not a legal right. Liberalism is an unqualified mental illness. People who think it is permissible to sell aborted fetuses body parts are psychopathic, genocidal mass murderers. The above poll numbers reflect how crazy many Democrats truly are. Most are uneducated and want something for nothing. Their patriotism is for sale and they would sell their political soul for an Obama phone, than to fulfill their duties as a United States citizen.

It is amazing how cheaply we will sell our future and our souls for.
It is amazing how cheaply we will sell our future and our souls for.

The Republican party is in shambles and abandoned its roots a very long time ago. And as bad as the Republican party is, today’s Democrats are a cut out of the revolutionaries who led the Bolshevik Revolution. A growing number of Democrats think that government is their third parent and will always be there to doll out the free stuff, courtesy of those who still have a job. In today’s America, Republicans have little respect for the Constitution. Democrats can’t even spell the word “Constitution”, much less know what it means.

There are a few Republicans who have tried to stay true to their Constitutional beliefs as they attempted to form the Tea Party. The Tea Party has totally been subverted and is an abject failure.

America is spinning its wheels and is virtually devoid of any leadership that could lead the people out of the wasteland of Satanic tyranny.  However, there is a growing feeling of resentment and discontent in this country. What is behind the growth of this undercurrent of fear and anger?

Why Do Americans Fear Their Government? Let Me Count the Ways


It is very interesting to note what concerns half of Americans who are beginning to wake up. Gun control and the Obama’s incessant desire to take guns away from the American people, is backfiring and is serving to wake people up to the spirit of tyranny that occupies the White House. Americans can sense that all is not right. If the government was not one day going to bring harm to many of its citizens, then why do they need our guns? The data shows that in concentrated areas of gun ownership, the crime rate is dramatically lower. On the other hand, when guns are taken away, history speaks very clearly to what follows:
History speaks is America listening?

History speaks is America listening?

Waiting for the Spark That Will Start the Revolution

Americans do not have the initiative to stand up to today’s overwhelming tyranny. However, a charismatic person who reflects the nations anger and mistrust of its government, might provide the impetus for revolution.

Many of us remember the classic character from the movie, Network, Howard Beale as he galvanized a nation against government and corporate corruption and greed prior to his assassination.

 trump supporters

trump us is hell hole

If Trump is sincere and his candidacy is not merely running interference for Hillary Clinton, then informed and aware Trump supporters already know where this is going to end.

If I were Donald Trump, I would be very, very worried. Why? Because Howard Beale was assassinated for real in 1963 and 1968, multiple times.

The fate of all effective reformers.
The fate of all effective reformers.

fire trump
Donald Trump is indeed Howard Beale.

Dave Hodges

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace

The Trump Phenomenon

I would like to suggest to the rest of the candidates that, maybe, just maybe, the time is ripe for you all to start cloning whatever it is that Mr. Trump is doing right, and kid yourselves not, he is doing something right

The Trump Phenomenon

As much as many of us may have missed it, there is, as far as I am concerned, a true nonpareil phenomenon taking place right before our very eyes in this running for the republican presidential candidacy deal, and I am not referring specifically to the uniquely crowded field of contenders, now in the hunt for the nomination.  That too, of course.  With 2 down and 15 to go, as of this date, I venture to say, this has to be one of the most contested races in politics as of late, bar none.  The fact that we have such a hefty fraternity of candidates running is truly a blessing in disguise for the GOP party.

But, moreover, more so than the quantity itself, the true blessing, unlike our democratic opponents, comes by way of the self-evident human capital now participating in the race; the unabated excellence found in the people that are running for the post– a true assemblage of smart, talented, skilled, and professional men and women, who have come together to let the world decide who will be the next candidate to represent the republican caucus in the 2016 presidential elections, which brings me to today’s central theme of dissertation -‘The Donald Trump Phenomenon’.

Permit me, if you will, to explain exactly what I mean.  As a professed aficionado of statistics, I embarked on a routine appraisal of the latest opinion polls regarding our republican race for the presidential candidacy.  As it pertains to politics, opinion polls are defined as surveys that are extrapolated from a sample universe, over which predictions are made as to the universes’ behaviors, political or otherwise.  We refer to pollsters, as all those, whose primary job is that of conducting opinion polls, making polling all but an exact science, albeit, the fact that there are still, always will be, inherent margins of errors to all forecasting activities.

By the same token, just as factual and accurate as the poll results may be, just as true, the fact that our techno-revolution which took place over the past century, offers today’s forecasters with added-value advantages brought about by renewed technologies, techniques and applied know-hows, all of which contributed to narrowing the aforementioned margins of errors.  More often than not, polls, in today’s political landscape are vested with remarkable accuracy of their predictions, giving man, for the first time ever the ability to forecast and predict events, in ways like never before possible.

Having said that but with the caveat that I still regard polls as an inexact science, I was given to the task of reviewing the polling of the republican presidential race over the past two months, notably, where Donald Trump has continued to show a clear path of leadership, with margins above and beyond the reach of his closest opponents. My unscientific research quickly revealed that there have been 51 polls conducted between Tuesday, August 4th, and Thursday, September 17th.  Of which, Mr. Trump has led 49 times, with a high of 40% in a New Hampshire poll and a low of 17% in Iowa – both key polling states in the election process.

Of the 49 times that Mr. Trump led in the polls, 17 times, he did so by a margin of 30% or more;  28 times his lead was between 20%  and 30% and only 4 times did his lead fall to less than 20%.  Most polling entities in my research included renown pollsters such as CBS News, The New York Times, ABC, The Washington Post, The Iowa Republican Presidential Caucus, Gravis Marketing, Quinnipiac, CNN, NBC, PPP (D), to mention a few.  Now, folks, I have tell you, even for the most skeptical amongst us, I think that winning 49 out 51 polls while leading by 30% in 17 of the 49 winning polls, is, by all accounts,  a remarkable feat at that.  The question being - What is it about this Donald Trump?

I mean, we are not talking here folks, just the fact that this man has been the undisputable leader of the race so far.  We are actually talking a lot more than that. We are talking about a true phenomenon - we are talking about a blockbuster sweep in a contest where the rest of the contenders are not precisely a group of middling, feeble-minded, run-of-the mill losers.  We are talking about a race with uniquely qualified nominees; a race where the combined talents of the rest of the field, would be enough, I should say, to make this a much, much closer race than it has been so far.  So…what is it?  What is it, really, about this Donald Trump, other than the fact that he is a successful billionaire businessman?

Well, let me try and attempt to dissect the answers to some of these puzzling questions as the nation is now faced with the cumbersome task of choosing our presidential nominee for the republican party - a magnanimous undertaking considering the ever present dangers posed at this crucial time in the geopolitical history of the nation – one where, I am sorry to say, there is absolutely no room for error whatsoever, none.  So, I think it behooves us all to take this matter of picking the republican presidential candidate, with all the sovereignty, sober-mindedness and seriousness it deserves, as again, there is no room for error – any mistakes on our part, the voters, may as well have an apocalyptic baneful outcome for mankind, I assure you - I make this claim with absolutely no hyperbolic overtones to the assumption, but with a true conviction of my beliefs – as I think it is that bad all over.

As I go about the business of dissecting the answers it may surprise you to learn that, from my humble perspective, not all of these [answers] may end-up having anything to do, whatsoever, with what you or I could expect to be discerningly rational or conventional.  But, then again, I cannot think of anything that pertains to Donald Trump which may, for that matter, be construed to be orthodox or punctilious in any way, shape or form.

The very first thing that really caught my eye with this Trump deal is the fact that from the very beginnings of the race, everyone, all the experts, the media, the forecasters, the political analysts and just about everyone, to this day, continues to think that it is just a matter of time before Mr. Trump begins to slide on the polls.  Haven’t you noticed?  Everyone seems to be anxiously awaiting for “the fall” - one that never seems to come, does it? Matter of fact, there have been times in the campaign trail when Mr. Trump’s statements were sanctioned by many as ‘politically incorrect’ leading people to believe it could be the end for Mr. Trump –an end that never was.

Just think of the time when Mr. Trump questioned Senator John McCain’s war heroism in the Vietnam War – an issue which sparkled all kinds of outrage from people of both parties.  And what about his comment regarding Carly Fiorina’s face?  Or, what about Mr. Trump’s stand on the first debate regarding his possible unwillingness to back-up the party’s eventual nominee – unless, of course, it was him?  I seem to remember that in each of these occurrences, the general consensus had it that, “this was it”, but it never was, was it?  Why?

Well, I am afraid, the answers to these and many other questions regarding Mr. Trump, begin pointing to issues which, have more to do with the polling universe, more so than the candidate himself. But, before we delve into the universe itself, let’s digress a little more on Mr. Trump, beginning, of course, with the fact that this is a truly a unique individual, no two ways about it. For starters, like I said earlier, the man is a billionaire and not many of us, I am afraid, can actually claim to be billionaires, can we? So, that, in and of itself, sets the man apart in a category enjoyed by a select few in the country – a very select minority if you will.

Other than the fact that he is a billionaire and a successful businessman, the man is also matchless in many other ways.  Among them, I personally think of Mr. Trump as somewhat of a marketing genius – a super-salesman.  Not only that, but he is a vainglorious braggadocio - arrogant, haughty, big-headed and presumptuous – all of which could probably be thought of, as simply undesirable traits – certainly unfit for a presidential contender, but not Donald Trump.  The man’s popularity, according to the polls, in spite of these unsavory qualities, it seems, continues to challenge our conventional wisdoms.

Honestly, I think that Mr. Trump’s success, so far, has less to do with the man himself and more to do with the voters’ mindset in the way that he is perceived by many people in the country.  Consider this, if you will.  Notwithstanding all of Mr. Trumps accolades and his evident personal successes, he appears to be, for the most part, unfamiliar with many of the key issues now facing the next president of the U.S., especially when it comes to, as pointed out by contender senator Marco Rubio, issues dealing with foreign affairs and international politics.  At times, Mr. Trump seems to come across as rhetorically bombastic – somewhat unrealistic, maybe?  The problem is, however, that Trump’s improbable solutions to some of the issues resonate, more so than we care to give him credit for, with the average man and woman in the nation, regardless of the accuracy with which Mr. Trump’s statements are conveyed.  The question, again, is still, why?

While there are not, not to the best of my knowledge anyways, any simple answers as to why this phenomenon of people rooting for a man who is clearly not too familiar with some of the issues, there are still answers which seem to give us the clue as to the man’s popularity, albeit, answers which, again, seem to depart from conventional wisdoms, if you will.  To begin with, I have to assume that our polling sample is, for the most part, composed of people that are completely unfamiliar with the issues themselves, as a great majority of grassroots Americans today are afflicted by an endemic epidemic of apathy, boredom and disinterest in everything or anything that deals with politics.  Mind you, most of them with good reasons for it, as for many years now, the nation has had to deal with a corrupt establishment, to where most people are totally fed-up with politics and politicians; with both republicans and democrats as well.

People have just about had it.  For one, people no longer care about “[the] issues” facing the nation as such.  I will make you a bet that most folks in the country nowadays don’t know or care to know who Benjamin Netanyahu, Bashar al-Assad or Raul Castro are. People don’t know where Iran is located in the global map, nor what the recent nuclear treaty was all about. Furthermore, people don’t care for the U.S. to send boots to the mountains of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan or Syria.  To some, I bet, ISIS is the name of their next-door neighbor. These are the same people who probably think that Cuba is one of the Hawaiian Islands – well, anyway, you get the message,

So, let’s be honest and real here, to most people in this twenty-first century voting universe, politics is a forbidden science of sorts– one that should be left to the more scholarly amongst us. That being the case, what people are really looking for in the candidates nowadays, as well as you may not like it, is for trivial and unencumbered issues. What people are looking for in the candidates are really for inconsequential matters such as looks, appearance, public appeal, speaking affluence, mannerisms or otherwise, non-issues and/or issues which are not necessarily consequential to electing the next president, but…it is what it is.  Sad, but true.

In line, again, with most peoples’ injurious feelings towards politics and politicians, is the fact that Mr. Trump, just as Carli Fiorina and Ben Carson happen to be ‘outsiders’ – giving these three a free-pass to the peoples’ hearts and minds.  The fact that these three candidates come from lands outside of D.C., and have not been an integral part of the establishment, gives all of them, Mr. Trump included, yet another lift in popularity.

So, there you have it folks.  It is not as mysterious as we all may have thought it was.  Mr. Trump’s success comes by way of a combination of factors, all of which are relative to the mindsets of the electorate.  All that Mr. Trump has done, really, has been to wisely hear the peoples’ clamor for straightforwardness and a spontaneous outcry for simplicity.  And all that Mr. Trump has done, as well as he did at a private level in his life, has been to, merely, tell people what they want to hear. He has done so using an authoritarian and commanding aura of haughtiness and autocracy – one which presupposes an innate ability to lead and give orders, as would a sergeant in the barracks of any military base in the nation, while many in the voting universe are still begging to be led.

But…wait a minute.  Isn’t this what we call demagoguery – the practice that makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power?  Is this not the common ailment afflicting virtually everyone who calls himself or herself a politician?  Is it not true that Mr. Trump’s immense popularity is one that draws its ‘mojo’ from being radically different than everyone else in the establishment? So what about Trump’s masterful use of demagoguery in this campaign.  You figure it out, as come the day of reckoning,  a great majority of voters will still be figuring out what is going on, hopelessly waiting for Trump’s fall – one which, according to the polls, may never come to fruition at all.

I, personally, do not think that Mr. Trump is the right man for the job.  I do not like men who boasts in swaggering self-aggrandizing ways.  It brings back memories of Barack Obama’s anointment, if yet, both Obama and Trump, each with their own flair of sumptuousness seem to think they can just do whatever they feel like doing, without any accountability to Congress and/or the Constitution of the United States – a perilous and treacherous presumption, which, frankly, we should all stay away from at whatever costs, regardless.

As recently as this morning, polls began to indicate a surge of the other two GOP ‘outsiders’, Fiorina and Carson.  I will not, however, under any circumstance, whatsoever, fall for the trap that many have in their wishful hopes for a Trump slump.  Matter of fact, I am at a stage of this game, ready, willing and able to support Mr. Trump’s nomination or, for that matter, any other candidate who we nominate as I am firmly convinced that whomever that choice is, it will always be a much preferred alternative than that of having another democrat as our next president.  No “ifs” or “buts” about it.  In the meantime, I will suggest to the rest of the candidates, if they truly want to make a run for the nomination, they should all go ahead and take some notes from Mr. Trump’s campaign strategies.  For any of them to beat Mr. Trump, they must, unquestionably revamp the blueprint of their strategies, maybe by reaching out to try and emulate the best of each other.  To me, that “best” would be a combination of factual and detailed discussions of the real issues now facing the nation, all to be mindfully conveyed in laymen’s terms, so that we all can, even the most unworldly amongst us, be challenged, once again, to returning our interests to our nation’s goodwill and future wellbeing.

There are still, you would figure, many attributes appurtenant to candidate Trump, such as those which made him the successful person he has been throughout the years.  While it is true that he might not be exactly [the] supreme candidate that most of us are looking to becoming the next president of the United States, we should all still praise Mr. Trump for all that he has been able to accomplish in the polls thus far. To that end, whether you love or hate candidate Trump, he is still worthy of our respect for all that he has achieved in this race, including but not limited to the immense T.V. audiences that have been attracted to watching the debates as a unique spectacle that combines politics with entertainment – to where Donald Trump himself was at center-stage of that entertainment.

In closing, I would like to suggest to the rest of the candidates that, maybe, just maybe, the time is ripe for you all to start cloning whatever it is that Mr. Trump is doing right, and kid yourselves not, he is doing something right - so right, in fact, that we may all be unwittingly surprised on the man’s chances of becoming [the] next nominee of the republican party for the presidency of the United States of America, such as what the polls have been suggesting all along, while we all continue to look for Mr. Trumps’ ultimate fall- again, one which may never come around.

Obie Usategui

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace

According to the left there is no ‘war on cops’

Saying there is no war on police in a society where threats made against men and women in blue are not considered serious and encouraged by those in the highest level of government, is absurd

According to the left there is no ‘war on cops’

The “war on cops” began in the wake of the shooting death of Michael Brown, aka the Gentle Giant. The killing set off the Black Lives Matters movement that began based upon the “hands up, don’t shoot” lie; that the black punk had his hands up attempting to surrender when he was killed by former white Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson.

It did not seem to matter that Brown did not have his hands up to surrender; rather he was rushing the officer. Nor did it seem to matter that Brown had previously tried to get a hold of Wilson’s firearm. No doubt had he obtained the gun, the innocent student would have taken it to school for show-and-tell.

Perhaps things would not have escalated to the point it did, had President Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder and the race baiters led by Al Sharpton, not all jumped in to stoke the fires of hatred of the men and women in blue.
Of course the left and the mainstream media will go to any length to defend the president who made MSNBC’s Chris Matthews’ leg tingle. Let’s face it, if Obama killed little puppies on live television, the headline the next day would be, Obama Makes America Safer for Cats.

So of course the mainstream media such as the Washington Post and NPR is now jumping to the defense of their messiah arguing there is no such thing as a “war on cops.” Working as a law enforcement officer in the United States is safer now than it has been.

Even if the studies referred to dispel the notion of a war on cops, the statistics used to highlight the deaths of law enforcement officers do not tell the whole story. According to studies, if the 2015 trend in police deaths continues throughout the year, this year will be the second lowest in decades.

The studies also point out that if one year’s numbers are examined in isolation it may be a statistical anomaly rather than proof of a trend. And it was also said deaths of police officers are generally lower now than they were in the 70s. But a lot of this has to do with improvements in both the protective equipment police wear and in trauma care. Also true.

But there is much more to the war on cops than just the number of police officers who are killed in the line of duty. These “studies” leave out a lot of facts that indicate there is in fact a war on police, carefully plotted by Obama, the Democrats, and Black Lives Matters.

Traditionally, police lost their lives in situations where the shooter was trying to escape or avoid arrest and a potential long jail sentence. Now we are seeing police, not killed in a shootout, but executed simply because they are police officers.
NYPD officers Wenjian Lin and Rafael Ramos were shot to death while sitting in their police car last winter. And at the end of August, Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth had 15 bullets pumped into him while filling up his cruiser at a Houston gas station.

These three law enforcement officers were executed. They were not in the process of arresting their respective shooters; in fact they didn’t even see them.

Then there are other cases that are not so obvious but they make you wonder whether the climate in Obama’s America led up to the decision to shoot at an officer.

These types of actions are encouraged by the Black Lives Matter crowd that recently marched in Minnesota chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon.” Although they claim they were “not serious,” it is this type of activity that is definitive proof of the current climate of the war on cops.

Then there have been several instances of police being refused service at restaurants or refused permission to use the washrooms. The left thinks this is perfectly okay while if these actions happened to another distinct group such as Muslims, they would be whining and moaning about “microaggression.”

And what is not shown in the statistics is the number of people in places such as Baltimore who are killed, wounded or otherwise made victims of crime because police are hesitant to act in the wake of the serious charges brought quickly against the six officers involved in the arrest of Black Lives Matters’ hero, Freddy Gray.

The people who are saying there is no war on police are the same ones who are saying because a person is more likely to die in a traffic accident than in a terrorist attack, ISIS and similar groups are really nothing to worry about.

Saying there is no war on police in a society where threats made against men and women in blue are not considered serious and encouraged by those in the highest level of government, is absurd.

Arthur Weinreb

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace

No Brains In Washington

This country is falling apart. Even when you come back from Argentina to the United States it looks like a third world country, and when you come back from Europe even more so.

No Brains In Washington

Washington’s IQ follows the Fed’s interest rate — it is negative. Washington is a black hole into which all sanity is sucked out of government deliberations.

Washington’s failures are everywhere visible. We can see the failures in Washington’s wars and in Washington’s approach to China and Russia.

The visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping, was scheduled for the week-end following the Pope’s visit to Washington. Was this Washington’s way of demoting China’s status by having its president play second fiddle to the Pope? The President of China is here for week-end news coverage? Why didn’t Obama just tell him to go to hell?

Washington’s cyber incompetence and inability to maintain cyber security is being blamed on China. The day before Xi Jinping’s arrival in Washington, the White House press secretary warmed up President Jinping’s visit by announcing that Obama might threaten China with financial sanctions.

And not to miss an opportunity to threaten or insult the President of China, the US Secretary of Commerce fired off a warning that the Obama regime was too unhappy with China’s business practices for the Chinese president to expect a smooth meeting in Washington.

In contrast, when Obama visited China, the Chinese government treated him with politeness and respect.

China is America’s largest creditor after the Federal Reserve. If the Chinese government were so inclined, China could cause Washington many serious economic, financial, and military problems. Yet China pursues peace while Washington issues threats.

Like China, Russia, too, has a foreign policy independent of Washington’s, and it is the independence of their foreign policies that puts China and Russia on the outs with Washington.

Washington considers countries with independent foreign policies to be threats. Libya, Iraq, and Syria had independent foreign policies. Washington has destroyed two of the three and is working on the third. Iran, Russia, and China have independent foreign policies. Consequently, Washington sees these countries as threats and portrays them to the American people as such.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin will meet with Obama next week at the UN meeting in New York. It is a meeting that seems destined to go nowhere. Putin wants to offer Obama Russian help in defeating ISIS, but Obama wants to use ISIS to overthrow Syrian President Assad, install a puppet government, and throw Russia out of its only Mediterranean seaport at Tartus, Syria. Obama wants to press Putin to hand over Russian Crimea and the break-away republics that refuse to submit to the Russophobic government that Washington has installed in Kiev.

Despite Washington’s hostility, Xi Jinping and Putin continue to try to work with Washington even at the risk of being humiliated in the eyes of their peoples. How many slights, accusations, and names (such as “the new Hitler”) can Putin and Xi Jinping accept before losing face at home? How can they lead if their peoples feel the shame inflicted on their leaders by Washington?

Xi Jinping and Putin are clearly men of peace. Are they deluded or are they making every effort to save the world from the final war?

One has to assume that Putin and Xi Jinping are aware of the Wolfowitz Doctrine, the basis of US foreign and military policies, but perhaps they cannot believe that anything so audaciously absurd can be real. In brief, the Wolfowitz Doctrine states that Washington’s principal objective is to prevent the rise of countries that could be sufficiently powerful to resist American hegemony. Thus, Washington’s attack on Russia via Ukraine and Washington’s re-militarization of Japan as an instrument against China, despite the strong opposition of 80 percent of the Japanese population.

“Democracy?” “Washington’s hegemony don’t need no stinkin’ democracy,” declares Washington’s puppet ruler of Japan as he, as Washington’s faithful servant, over-rides the vast majority of the Japanese population.

Meanwhile, the real basis of US power—its economy—continues to crumble. Middle class jobs have disappeared by the millions. US infrastructure is crumbling. Young American women, overwhelmed with student debts, rent, and transportation costs, and nothing but lowly-paid part-time jobs, post on Internet sites their pleas to be made mistresses of men with sufficient means to help them with their bills. This is the image of a Third World country.

In 2004 I predicted in a nationally televised conference in Washington, DC, that the US would be a Third World country in 20 years. Noam Chomsky says we are already there now in 2015. Here is a recent quote from Chomsky:

“Look around the country. This country is falling apart. Even when you come back from Argentina to the United States it looks like a third world country, and when you come back from Europe even more so. The infrastructure is collapsing. Nothing works. The transportation system doesn’t work. The health system is a total scandal–twice the per capita cost of other countries and not very good outcomes. Point by point. The schools are declining . . .”

Another indication of a third world country is large inequality in the distribution of income and wealth. According to the CIA itself, the United States now has one of the worst distributions of income of all countries in the world. The distribution of income in the US is worse than in Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cote d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Guyana, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malawi, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, UK, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Yemen. and

The concentration of US income and wealth in the hands of the very rich is a new development in my lifetime. I ascribe it to two things. One is the offshoring of American jobs. Offshoring moved high productivity, high-value-added American jobs to countries where the excess supply of labor results in wages well below labor’s contribution to the value of output. The lower labor costs abroad transform what had been higher American wages and salaries and, thereby, US household incomes, into corporate profits, bonuses for corporate executives, and capital gains for shareholders, and in the dismantling of the ladders of upward mobility that had made the US an “opportunity society.”

The other cause of the extreme inequality that now prevails in the US is what Michael Hudson calls the financialization of the economy that permits banks to redirect income away from driving the economy to the payment of interest in service of debt issued by the banks.

Both of these developments maximize income and wealth for the One Percent at the expense of the population and economy.

As Michael Hudson and I have discovered, neoliberal economics is blind to reality and serves to justify the destruction of the economic prospects of the Western World. It remains to be seen if Russia and China can develop a different economics or whether these rising superpowers will fall victim to the “junk economics” that has destroyed the West. With so many Chinese and Russian economists educated in the US tradition, the prospects of Russia and China might not be any better than ours.

The entire world could go down the tubes together.

For A Majority Of Americans, US Government Has Lost Legitimacy

Noam Chomsky (33:30 point on the video) tells us that in the November 2014 Congressional elections, US voter participation was at the level of 1830 when only white male property owners had the vote.

A September 25 Gallup Poll tells us why:

These are hopeful signs. They mean that the American people are beginning to see through the propaganda that confines them within The Matrix. A majority now understands that the US government represents a small oligarchy and not the citizens of the United States. Change requires awareness and knowledge of reality, and this awareness is now forming.

Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace

War, Propaganda and the Enemy Within

War, Propaganda and the Enemy Within

By Abby Martin & Chris Hedges:

 - Video -

Chris Hedges explains the 'folly of Empire,' the dangers posed by right-wing extremism and the urgent need for a new system.

Posted September 26, 2015

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Common Good, Common Nonsense

Common Good, Common Nonsense

In his recent speech to the U.S. Congress Pope Francis declared that “the common good is the chief aim of all politics” and that “freedom requires love of the common good.”  Legislation is “always based on care for the public,” the pontiff pontificated.  Only a naïve child could believe such a thing.

The pope said these things in the context of imploring the Congress to adopt some kind of Soviet-style central planning of the economy in the name of “fighting global warming,” while simultaneously exploding American welfare state spending by extending welfare benefits to all welfare parasites from every Third World nation on the planet.  Thus, if “Catholic social teaching” stands for anything these days, it stands for international socialism and egalitarianism gone wild.

In the context of politics there is no such thing as “the common good,” for such a concept implies unanimity and politics is never unanimous, especially in a country of over 300 million people.  Moreover, if everyone agrees on a course of action, then there is no need for government to coerce us into doing it.  There is no need for government at all in such instances.

As Ludwig von Mises pointed out in his book, Liberalism, the only sense in which “the common good” or “the public interest” makes any sense is in the case were property rights are well protected.  Secure property rights, wrote Mises, is the shortest road to peace and prosperity.  All legislation, however, is an attack on property rights because it invariably involves the placement of widely-dispersed burden on the majority for the benefit of a well-organized minority or special interest.  All legislation is the result of rent- or plunder-seeking by special-interest groups or by the state itself in order to expand its powers and budgets.  As such, all politics is the mortal enemy of anything that can be construed as “the common good,” exactly the opposite of the pope’s declarations.

Politics is the ultimate “robbing Peter to pay Paul” scam.  Peter, the hapless taxpayer, is effectively blindfolded so that he can be robbed for the benefit of Paul, the greedy special interest who kicks back some of the loot to his political patrons in the form of votes and “campaign contributions.”  Peter is “blindfolded” by the tricks of deficit spending and money printing, which hide the true costs of government, as well as the concentrated benefits/dispersed costs gambit whereby a small tax is imposed on the many to finance large benefits for the few and well connected.

Politics is thus never based on “care for the public,” as the pope said.  It is based on the self-interest of politicians. Their “chief aim” is not “the common good,” but keeping their jobs and expanding their pay, perks, and powers, the public be damned.

The rhetoric of “the common good” began with the French philosopher Rousseau, the intellectual godfather of communism and hater of private property.  The common good, said Rousseau, is something that is known to an elite in society.  This special knowledge supposedly gives them the right to impose their will on all others.  The communists certainly took this idea to an extreme, slaughtering tens of millions of dissenters, but all statists, including Pope Francis, rely on the same rhetoric.  They rely on repetition, obfuscation, and rhetorical game playing instead of terror and mass murder to get the public to acquiesce in their plans for international socialism with themselves, the world elite, in charge.

When socialism collapsed once and for all in the Soviet empire and elsewhere in the late 1980s/early 1990s socialist intellectuals did not just throw in the towel.  Many of them took the advice of the socialist/environmentalist guru Barry Commoner, who wrote in The New Yorker magazine that socialists should no longer advocate central planning in the name of helping “the people.”  People Schmeople.  It should be sold, said Commoner, in the name of “saving the planet” from capitalism.  Thus, the “watermelons” were born – green on the outside, red on the inside.  The pope is a recent convert to watermelon socialism with his embrace of the “global warming” hysterics’ agenda.  Religious figures like himself were always looked upon by Machiavellians like Commoner as useful idiots, to borrow the phrase from Stalin.  They send the message that socialist central planning is somehow God’s will – as though humans can know what is in God’s mind.

If American welfare spending explodes by extending benefits to millions of new Third World peasant immigrants, the Catholic Church stands to make a killing.  Catholic Charities receives more than half of all of its revenue from government grants.  As a recipient of these grants, it is forbidden from teaching Catholicism to the beneficiaries of its “charity.”  It is a welfare state conduit, which goes a long way toward explaining the pope’s wild enthusiasm for Third World immigrants.  It is the same agenda, in fact, of Ted Kennedy, the author of the 1965 federal immigration law that greatly reduced immigration quotas from Northern Europe while opening up the flood gates of Third World immigrants who Kennedy knew would be reliable Democratic voters/welfare parasites (See Peter Brimelow, Alien Nation).

If the Congress were to adopt the pope’s agenda of socialist central planning in the name of “saving the planet,” coupled with the internationalization of the American welfare state, it would be charting a course to become a Third World country.  At that point the socialist intellectuals –and perhaps even a future pope – would inevitably blame it all on “capitalism.”

Thomas DiLorenzo

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-



Free Minds, Free People.

The most violent element in society is ignorance.

Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace