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Saturday, November 28, 2015

How Vulnerable Is America to Mass Starvation?

How Vulnerable Is America to Mass Starvation?

depression starvation 1
An estimated seven million people starved to death during the Great Depression. And amazingly, these people had food preparation skills that are basically a lost art in America today (e.g. canning).

With a staggering debt looming over the country, how vulnerable are Americans to starvation if and when an economic collapse takes down our economy?

depression starvation 2It is not a secret that the world is in a desperate situation when it comes to overall world hunger. The World Bank cites the disturbing fact that there have been 51 food riots in 37 countries in recent memory due to high food prices and the further escalation of food prices has no end in sight. The World Bank further speculates that the present state of food prices could lead to political instability and this is the kind of stuff that wars are made of. And what is the number one cause of rising food prices according to the World Bank? It is the increasing demand (see attached PDF)  for food from a growing population inside of China. The future military implications should be self-evident. But what about the United States? How vulnerable are Americans to the possibility of mass starvation?

A Snapshot of America’s Food Vulnerability

cbs reports on hunger in america
starvation in modern americastarvation please helpAlmost beyond belief, a full 79 percent of the people that use food banks purchase typically buy cheap, unhealthy food and still just have enough to feed their children.  The price of food continues to quickly out-pace the paychecks of most middle class families.  For example, the average price of ground beef has just hit a brand new all-time record high of $3.88 per pound! There are nearly 50 million Americans that are dealing with food insecurity in various degrees of distress. Just over one out of seven Americans rely on obtaining food from various banks at one point or another and these food banks are beginning to experience record shortages.

In a case of “defend the nation and starve”, military families are feeling even more stress  from not being able to obtain sufficient quantities of food as 25% of America military families require outside assistance in getting enough to eat. What does this say about an administration which uses our soldiers to defend the nation and then kicks them to the curb by denying their VA  health benefits as the government also starves their families because they cannot survive on what we pay our soldiers? This is disgraceful, but it is the Obama fundamental transformation of American way!

 America Has No Way to Keep Up with Food Inflation

food inflationIn calculating the overall inflation rate, the government does not count the price of food. However, there are several reliable food inflation figures and the food inflation rate is estimated to be between 19% to 22%.

In the article, “Food Price Inflation Scares the Fed” the commodity food costs were exploding on the upside. Calculation of the food inflation rate, given the lag in commodity costs impacting prices on grocery store shelves, we find that the annual U.S. food inflation rate is now running at a staggering +22% and the rate is increasing with no end in sight to the escalation.

The real and specific cause for food inflation is the low-end $940 billion of additional monetary stimulus from the United States Federal Reserve’s quantitative (bail out) easing over the last 18 months. No economy can sustain the value of its money, when currency floods the market like it has during the present administration. The net effect is that the value of your money has been seriously eroded thanks to such misguided practices as the bail-outs.

adams homeless foodAccording to the New York Times, the typical American family is now worth 36% less than it was worth only 10 years ago! child hunger

Shockingly, one out of every six men, ranging in ages from 25 to 54, are not employed. Median family income in the United States is 7% lower than it was in 2000. The United States is now in 19th place in the world and falling. There is no way that the majority of American families can keep pace with food inflation as the wages of Americans are now inversely correlated with the rising food prices. This is a prescription for disaster. The most vulnerable to starvation within the present economic climate are the children as an amazing twenty six percent of all children are living below the poverty level. And we certainly cannot ignore the fact that 50 million Americans are on some form of Federal Food Stamps. With these kind of distressing statistics, a significant number of Americans are vulnerable to politically motivated “food blackmail” in these  times of economic distress.

Just how many Americans are vulnerable to “blackmail by starvation”? Nobody can be totally accurate in the estimation, however, the numbers listed in the above paragraphs provide a good starting point from which to estimate the risk.

Disruption to Transportation Would Prove Catastrophic

The critical element which could most impact the number of Americans who would vulnerable to starvation has to do with disruptions in our transportation system. For the purpose of efficiency and to maximize profits “Just in time (JIT)” food deliveries take place at grocery outlets several times per day. Without these JIT deliveries, we would see immediate shortages occurring on day one of any disruption to the delivery of our food to its final destination.

Although, about 10% of all Americans live near substantial food supplies, my previous investigations have revealed the fact that transportation disruption would be life-threatening to most Americans and the effects would be realized within two days. Most Americans are, at most, nine meals away starvation, which is the amount of food that the average person has stored according to FEMA.

Threats to Transportation

There are many threats to transportation, but some of the more dramatic threats are as follows:

1. An EMP attack upon America would immediately and almost completely stop any food delivery. The effects of the resulting food shortages would be felt almost immediately and would be the second leading cause of death in this scenario which would kill an estimated 90% of all Americans within two years (Naval War College estimate).

2. A nuclear attack upon the United States. Such an attack would also contain an EMP component to it which is a significant byproduct of a nuclear attack.

soylent green 23. The spread of a pandemic, such as Ebola, would created a shortage of food deliveries caused by the fear that people would have about going out in public. One word to the wise, only report to a public facility as a last resort to obtain food.

Undoubtedly, there would be some public centers set up to distribute food. What would happen should the facility (e.g. sports stadium, shopping mall or FEMA camp runs out of food? How would they replenish their supplies? Do you think that once the food ran out, that the prevailing authority would open the gates and allow the hungry masses to run through the streets desperately looking for their next meal? Or, is it more likely that these centers could become what we came to know as soylent green centers in the 1973 classic move by the same name? Is it really so unimaginable?

The Government Threat

And of course, Henry Kissinger was only kidding when he stated the following:

kissinger useless eaters

Although it would not take much to push America over the edge with regard to mass starvation, there is  a precedent that the United States government would use food as a weapon against its own people if necessary.

In December, 1974, National Security Council directed by Henry Kissinger completed a classified study entitled, “National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” The study was based upon the unproven claims that population growth in Lesser Developed Countries (LDC) constituted a serious risk to America’s national security.

In November 1975 President Ford, based upon the tenets of NSSM 200 outlined a classified plan to forcibly reduce population growth in LDC countries through birth control, war and famine. Ford’s new national security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, in conjunction with then CIA  Director, George H. W. Bush, were tasked with implementing the plan and the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture assisted in the implementation of these insane genocidal plans.

NSSM 200 formally raised the question, “Would food be considered an instrument of national power? Is the U.S. prepared to accept food rationing to help people who can’t/won’t control their population growth?” Would this be done inside of America? Kissinger has answered these questions when he stated that he was predicting a series of contrived famines, created by mandatory programs and this would make exclusive reliance on birth control programs unnecessary in this modern day application of eugenics in a scheme that would allow Henry to have his cake and eat it too in that the world would finally be rid of what Henry Kissinger referred to as the “useless eaters!”

Third world population control, using food as one of the primary weapons, has long been a matter of official covert national policy and a portion of President Obama’s Executive Order 13603 (EO), National Defense Resources Preparedness is a continuation of that policy. Only now, the intended targets are not the LDC’s, but are instead, the American people and after Obama declares martial law, food will undoubtedly be used to subjugate the more resistant regions of our country.


America is already on the edge with regard to a starvation crisis due to economic conditions alone. An economic collapse, or no shortage of any other kind of disaster, would plunge this country into the depths of unimaginable horrors associated with extreme food shortages.

Some people are shocked and refuse to consider what many feel is the unthinkable. When an economic collapse comes to America, coupled with the nation’s extreme food vulnerability, just how desperate will people become?What have you done to prepare?

Dave Hodges

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-

Can Humanity Survive?

Can Humanity Survive?

Gandhi was not a man of token gestures. His life was dedicated to his search for the Truth and guided by his passionate belief that nonviolence was the means to reach it. He was a visionary who was profoundly aware of the damage human violence is doing to ourselves, each other and the Earth.

Despite his example, most of us are familiar with those horror lists that reveal the extent of our ongoing violence. Here is a sample just to refresh your memory.

Human beings spend $US2,000,000,000 each day on military violence, the sole purpose of which is to terrorise and kill fellow human beings. And we are poised on the brink of dramatically expanding the war against Syria with unknown (and possibly nuclear) consequences for us all. Because we spend so many resources on military violence, one human being in Africa, Asia or Central/South America is starved to death every two or three seconds – that is 35,000 people each day – and poverty and homelessness continue their relentless expansion in industrialised countries. In addition to this problem, ‘water starvation’ is becoming a frequent reality for many people and the collapse of hydrological systems is now expected by 2020. Human activity drives 200 species of life (birds, animals, fish, insects) to extinction each day and 80% of the world’s forests and over 90% of the large fish in the ocean are already gone.

As polluters, humans are supreme: Eighty-one tons of mercury – the most toxic heavy metal in existence – is emitted into the atmosphere each year as a result of electric power generation, there are 46,000 pieces of floating plastic in every square mile of ocean and each year we dump billions of kilograms of pesticides into the environment which pollutes the groundwater and seriously damages human health.

Moreover, as everyone knows, we pump vast quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and release radioactive contaminants into the environment too. How serious is this? According to James Hansen and colleagues, ongoing burning of fossil fuels at the current rate will cause catastrophic levels of global warming and burning all fossil fuels ‘would make most of the planet uninhabitable by humans’. (See ‘Climate sensitivity, sea level and atmospheric carbon dioxide’ And, according to Layne Hartsell and Emanuel Pastreich, commenting on just one aspect of the radioactive contamination problem, ‘Radiation continues to leak from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi site into groundwater, threatening to contaminate the entire Pacific Ocean.’ (See ‘Peer-to-Peer Science: The Century-Long Challenge to Respond to Fukushima’

Can humanity survive? The odds are now stacked heavily against us: despite the persistent warnings of visionaries, such as Gandhi, and scientists since the 1940s, we have breached far too many limits that it would have been wise to respect. And the forces still arrayed against us, particularly those corporations that profit from this violence as well as their political puppets, are not going to give way without a struggle. Moreover, they can use education systems and the corporate media to try to manipulate us into believing what they want, whether it is their denials of reality or that our resistance cannot work. In addition, they have the police, legal and prison systems to inflict more violence upon us when we do find the courage to resist.

But there is good news too. The good news is that there are a lot of great people. And by ‘great people’ I mean ordinary people like you and me who are willing to listen to the truth and then do something tangible to make a difference, sometimes by taking no risk at all and sometimes by taking a small, shared risk. So what can we do?

Gandhi once said: ‘If we are to reach real peace in this world and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with children.’ And I agree with him but in this respect particularly: we must end adult violence against children, the source of all other violence. This is because an integrated strategy to fight for human survival must be based on a precise understanding of why human beings are violent (see ‘Why Violence?’ and offer a comprehensive program for tackling this violence at its source and in all of its manifestations.

In 2011, a new worldwide movement designed to do this was launched. ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ invites people and organisations to consider publicly declaring their commitment to work to end human violence by signing an online pledge to participate in this worldwide effort. One way of doing so, for example, is to become involved in ‘The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth’ which is a simple way for individuals, households and communities to tackle the full range of environmental problems, irrespective of what governments and corporations do.

So far, many individuals and organisations in 57 countries have signed the Nonviolence Charter. Signatories include atheists, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jains, Jews and Muslims and endorsing organisations include academic, religious and women’s groups as well as organisations that work on peace, development, human rights and environmental sustainability.

The Nonviolence Charter has been signed by many great people, even if you have never heard of them. For example, Dianna Rivers works with indigenous people in Australia. Olga Lucia Alvarez Benjumea is a priest in Colombia. Susana Peñafiel Acosta is a human rights activist in Ecuador. Gifty Ayim- Korankye is a news website editor from Ghana. Sami Rasouli organises the nonviolent Muslim Peacemaker Teams in Iraq. Martina Chiuia is a social worker in Macedonia. Fah Yen Yin and Nurul Haida Binti Dzulkifli work at JUST International in Malaysia. Lily Thapa works to secure women’s rights in Nepal.  Angelica S. Febrer is a villager in The Philippines. Habib Beldi works with the Association to Achieve Dignity and Freedom in Tunisia. Malik Hammad Ahmad is a graduate scholar in the UK.

Robert Shetterly paints the portraits of ‘Americans Who Tell the Truth’ in the USA. And Mwewa Kabangasheshe is a school teacher in Zambia.

So how do you feel about this idea? Can we finally acknowledge the truth of the pervasive threats to human survival and act nonviolently in response to this truth?

Gandhi once said: ‘A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history’. Are you a ‘determined spirit’? If you are, you can wish Gandhi ‘happy birthday’ by joining the worldwide movement to end all violence, and chart a new human future, by signing online ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-

The RaceTo End Violence Before We End Life

The RaceTo End Violence Before We End Life

Can we take meaningful action to prevent our own extinction without ending human violence first?

The scientific evidence that human extinction will now occur before 2050 continues to rapidly accumulate. (See, for example, 'Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat Wave and Surface Firestorm': Of course, we can deny this scientific evidence because it frightens us, we can delude ourselves that someone or something else (perhaps governments) will fix it, or we can delude ourselves that a few painless measures, primarily taken by others, will sort it all out. Another option is to powerfully take responsibility for the problem and play a vital role in addressing it ourselves. This is the choice for each of us.

On 11 November 2011 a movement to end violence in all of its forms was launched around the world: 'The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World'. So far this movement has gained individual and organisational participants in 47 countries and the movement expands every day. But this is not a movement for the faint-hearted. This movement requires individuals and organisations that are willing to contemplate and take action on a range of deep and unpleasant truths about the state of our world because the time for pretence and prevarication is over.

So what is unique about 'The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World'? The Nonviolence Charter is an attempt to put the focus on human violence as the pre-eminent problem faced by our species, to truthfully identify all of the major manifestations of this violence, and to identify ways to tackle all of these manifestations of violence in a systematic and strategic manner. It is an attempt to put the focus on the fundamental cause – the violence we adults inflict on children – and to stress the importance of dealing with that cause. (See 'Why Violence?' It is an attempt to focus on what you and I – that is, ordinary people – can do to end human violence and the Nonviolence Charter invites us to pledge to make that effort. And it is an attempt to provide a focal point around which we can mobilise with a sense of shared commitment with people from all over the world.

In essence then, one aim of the Nonviolence Charter is to give every individual and organisation on planet Earth the chance to deeply consider where they stand on the fundamental issue of human violence. Will you publicly declare your commitment to work to end human violence? Or are you going to leave it to others?

And what, precisely, do you want to do? And with whom? The Charter includes suggestions for action in a wide variety of areas; for example, by inviting people to participate in 'The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth' - - which is a simple yet comprehensive strategy for individuals and organisations to deal with the full range of environmental problems. The Charter also provides an opportunity to identify and contact others, both locally and internationally, with whom we can work in locally relevant ways, whatever our preferred focus for action. In that sense, each participating individual and organisation becomes part of a worldwide community working to end human violence for all time.

So far, the movement has attracted some exceptional people long known for their work to create a world without violence. These people include renowned international peace activist and 'living legend' Ela Gandhi (granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi), Nobel Peace laureate Mairead Maguire, pre-eminent public intellectual Professor Noam Chomsky, president of the Malaysian-based International Movement for a Just World Professor Chandra Muzaffar, Director of Aksyon para sa Kapayapaan at Katarungan at the Pius XII Catholic Center in the Philippines Dr Tess Ramiro, the Deputy Moderator of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa Dr Braam Hanekom, prominent nonviolent activists (including Anita McKone, Anahata Giri, Tom Shea, Leonard Eiger, Tarak Kauff, Jill Gough, Jim Albertini, Lesley Docksey and Bruce Gagnon), the jurist Judge Mukete Tahle Itoe of Cameroon, author Anna Perera of the UK and the eminent human rights and communal harmony activist Professor Ram Puniyani in India. Apart from these and other prominent signatories, however, it is mostly 'ordinary people' who are making the pledge to work for a world without violence.

Many organisations are making the pledge too. These include Pax Christi Australia, Nonviolence International in Canada, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Cymru (Wales), the Human Rights Center in Georgia, the GandhiServe Foundation in Germany, Muslim Peacemaker Teams in Iraq, Women for Human Rights in Nepal, the Pan-African Reconciliation Centre in Nigeria, the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Otago in New Zealand, the Holy Land Trust in Palestine,
Buddha Dharma in Slovenia, the Forum for Community Change and Development in South Sudan, Facilitate Global and Share the World’s Resources in the UK as well as Bay Area Women in Black, the Blauvelt Dominican Sisters Social Justice Committee, It's Our Economy and Veterans for Peace in the USA. There are many others.

The Nonviolence Charter acknowledges our many differences, including the different issues on which we choose to work. But it also offers us a chance to see the unity of our overarching aim within this diversity. Hence, whatever our differences, we are given the chance to see that ending human violence is our compelling and unifying dream.

If you think it is time to end violence before we end life, you can join this movement. You can read and, if you wish, sign the pledge of 'The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World' online at

Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of 'The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense: A Gandhian Approach', State University of New York Press, 1996. His email address is and his personal website is at

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-

Trump's Operation Police State

Trump's Operation Police State

If elected president, Donald Trump says he would create a "deportation force" to carry out his pledge to expel more than 11 million people from the United States merely because they lack government permission to be here. "We have no choice if we're going to run our country properly and if we're going to be a country," he said the Republican debate Tuesday night.

Wrong on both counts.

Of course we have a choice. We can choose not to deport the 11 million individuals, the vast majority of whom have never harmed anyone. On the contrary, they've produced and purchased goods and services, not to mention enriching their communities. And the last time I looked, the presence of those peaceful folks has not kept us from being a country. (If not being a country means there's no government to bomb and deport people, then put me down for that.)

Once again, Trump's words bear no resemblance to reality. We should be used to this by now. He's the Bullshitter-in-Chief.

Fortunately, most if not all of his rivals think mass deportation is an insane idea -- not that they're any great shakes on immigration. They all support "securing the border," and I can't recall any of them condemning government sanctions for private enterprises that hire people who lack government papers (E-Verify).

Before continuing with Trump's horrendous proposal, we ought to acknowledge that Ted Cruz also distinguished himself on this issue during the debate when he said, to hearty applause:

I understand that when the mainstream media covers immigration, it doesn't often see it as an economic issue. But, I can tell you for millions of Americans at home watching this, it is a very personal economic issue. And, I will say the politics of it will be very, very different if a bunch of lawyers or bankers were crossing the Rio Grande. Or if a bunch of people with journalism degrees were coming over and driving down the wages in the press. Then, we would see stories about the economic calamity that is befalling our nation. [Emphasis added.]

If, as I've been told, Cruz in his younger years attended seminars on free-market economics, we can chalk up his nativist fear-mongering to sheer demagoguery (or perhaps poor memory) rather than economic illiteracy. Where is this economic calamity from immigration? If you think immigrants generally and substantially depress wages, see Bryan Caplan here,

Ben Powell,


and Dave Bier here.

Spoiler alert: the leading anti-immigration labor economist says the worst harm is a long-run 4.8 percent wage decline for high school dropouts; gainers include high-school graduates and those with some college education. As an economist friend says, if an unskilled Mexican who can't speak English threatens your job, you've got a bigger problem than immigration. (See more articles here.

 If you like video, see this.)

But back to Trump and mass deportation. The first thing to note is that it would cost a hell of a lot of money. Ben Gitis and Laura Collins of the American Action Forum write,

Depending on how the government conducts its apprehensions, it would need to spend $100 billion to $300 billion arresting and removing all undocumented immigrants residing in the country, a process that we estimate would take 20 years. In addition, to prevent any new undocumented immigrants going forward, the government would at a minimum have to maintain current immigration enforcement levels. This results in an additional $315 billion in continuing enforcement costs over that time period.

That's not cheap.

More important, however, is that Trump would need a pumped-up police state to pull off the deportation of 11 million people, many of whom have been in the country, and integrated into their communities for many years. They aren't walking around wearing patches on their clothing saying, "UNDOCUMENTED." (I should be careful about giving Trump ideas.)

As Rich Cromwell writes at The Federalist, a conservative website, "The great conservative savior who wants to "Make America Great Again" primarily plans to do so by creating vast new swathes of bureaucracy and swelling the police state."

What will Trump do when targets of deportation take refuge in sanctuary cities and churches. Will police SWAT teams or the Delta Force storm these places? That will be lovely international publicity for the USA.

And think of the violence done to families. Children born in the United States are citizens under the 14th Amendment's birthright-citizenship principle -- regardless of what Trump says. (The exception are the children of foreign diplomats.) Trump threatens to deport those kids too, but it's not going to happen. His proposed violence against families and communities is a recipe for social strife fueled by bigotry. Can't you see local vigilantes offering to give the federales a hand? That's some way to make America great again.

Keeping in mind that Trump promises to deport the 11 million in less than two years and that bureaucracies are notoriously inept, Michael Strain of the American Enterprise Institute foresees the bumbling detention and even deportation of many American citizens:

Does [Trump] understand how his police state would affect the country? Apart from the obvious ways that have been much discussed — breaking up families; a massive disruption for businesses, schools, churches, communities; potentially turning neighbor against neighbor — Trump’s powerful Department of Homeland Security would almost surely end up mistakenly apprehending and detaining U.S. citizens. And probably deporting some of them, too....
It’s hard to imagine that pace allowing for the careful deportation hearings that might significantly lower the rate at which U.S. citizens are incorrectly deported, or allowing for care to be taken not to mistakenly detain U.S. citizens in the first place. It’s much easier to imagine that pace requiring significantly more troubling, blunt methods — predicting a police state is entirely reasonable — that would be much more prone to mistakes. This timetable also drains credibility from Trump’s promise that his deportation force would go about their business humanely.

Using published data on the current error rate -- which would surely increase if Trump expanded deportations on such a tight schedule -- Strain notes that a 1 percent error rate would mean that more than 100,000 Americans would be caught in Trump's dragnet. "It eclipses in number the internment of U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry during World War II," Strain writes. Even a 0.1 error rate would mean thousands of citizens rounded up.

As noted, Trump promises the immigration roundup will be humane. At the debate he lauded the mass deportation (an estimated one million Mexicans, but likely less) during the Eisenhower administration -- the shameful Operation Wetback -- as the model of humane deportation.

Really? If you want to see how humane Operation Wetback was, consult Yanan Wang's article here.

Hundreds of thousands of Mexicans were "dumped" in the Mexicali, Mexico, desert, where temperatures reached 125 degrees. "After one such round-up and transfer in July," Wang writes, "88 people died from heat stroke.... Among the over 25 percent who were transported by boat from Port Isabel, Texas, to the Mexican Gulf Coast, many shared cramped quarters in vessels resembling an 'eighteenth century slave ship' and 'penal hell ship.'" (The terms are from this book.)

These deportation procedures, detailed by historian Mae M. Ngai, were not anomalies. They were the essential framework of Operation Wetback -- a concerted immigration law enforcement effort implemented by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954 -- and the deportation model that Donald Trump says he intends to follow.

Ultimately the case for freedom of movement is not about the U.S. economy. It's about whether people born outside the United States will be treated like human beings or, as Trump proposes, like animals.

But didn't these immigrants violate the law? As the natural-law philosophers understood, an unjust law is not a law.

By Sheldon Richman

TGIF -- The Goal Is Freedom -- appears (of course) on Fridays. Sheldon Richman keeps the blog Free Association and is a senior fellow and chair of the trustees of the Center for a Stateless Society.

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-

Fear Is the Name of the Game

Fear Is the Name of the Game

Americans are among the most fearful people in the world?

President Obama announced, “We do not succumb to fear.”

What did he mean with his use of the pronoun “we”?

He’s got to be talking about the military and the CIA — i.e., the national-security establishment — which undoubtedly will not be afraid to drop more bombs in the Middle East and kill more people in that part of the world.

He certainly can’t be talking about the American people. They are among the most frightened people in the world! They succumbed to fear a long time ago, on a permanent, ongoing basis.

Think back to the 9/11 attacks, when most every American was terrified that the al-Qaeda terrorists were coming to get them. That’s how Americans ended up living under a government with emergency totalitarian powers, including the power of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA to arrest Americans, put them into military dungeons and concentration camps, secretly spy on them, and even assassinate them, all without trial by jury or due process of law.

Fear did that. Americans were so terrified that Osama bin Laden and his million-man army of Muslim terrorists were coming to get them that they eagerly traded away their freedom to live under a regime with totalitarian powers — a regime that promised to keep them “safe.”

Fourteen years later, has their fear dissipated? Are you kidding? It’s bigger than ever! “ISIS! ISIS! ISIS! They’re coming to get us! Renew the PATRIOT Act! Give even more power to the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA! Do whatever is necessary to keep us safe!”

Look at how Americans are reacting to the possibility that Middle East refugees might be admitted into the United States. “Oh, my gosh, they’re going to come and get me and behead me, or make me read the Koran, or force me into a mosque! Don’t even think of letting those horrible people into my country,” the fearful beseech the president.

The dark irony of the refugee crisis, of course, is that it’s the U.S. government that is the major cause of the chaos, violence, and war that has caused people to flee their homelands in a desperate attempt to save their lives and the lives of their spouses and children.

Even more darkly, the Americans who have lived their lives in fear ever since 9/11 and who now fear the refugees have been major supporters of the interventionism that has caused the refugee crisis.

Remember Iraq? When the U.S. government invaded that country, it was the fearful who blindly supported the aggression. Neither the Iraqi government nor the Iraqi people ever attacked the United States. But U.S. officials preyed on the post-9/11 fear that held so many Americans in its grip. “Oh, my gosh, Saddam Hussein is coming to get us! WMDs! Mushroom clouds! Yellowcake uranium! Operation Iraqi freedom! Support the troops! ”

And now we see many of the same fearful ones railing against letting any of the refugees from Iraq come into the country because they’re afraid that some of them might be angry over what the U.S. government did to them, their families, and their country.

Even more darkly, these same fearful ones are scared to publicly condemn the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the lies and deception that went with it. They’re scared the U.S. government might get angry at them for that, maybe even cut off their Social Security, Medicare, or education grants.

Young people missed all the fear that took place in the 1990s. The entire decade was a daily litany against Saddam Hussein, who was called the “new Hitler.” Just think about how fearful people are about ISIS today and transfer that to Saddam. Day after day, Americans were treated to diatribes of fear against Saddam, just as they are today with ISIS (and, until recently, al-Qaeda). I recall a conservative friend of mine finally getting so frustrated and exasperated over “Saddam! Saddam! Saddam” on television every day that he said to me, “We just need to send the troops in there and take him out!” Never mind the large number of innocent people that would have to be killed in the process of taking him out. That didn’t matter.

Of course, my friend genuinely believed that if the troops or the CIA were to take out Saddam, he would finally be fear-free and live a life of inner peace. What a joke that was. I am sure the guy is more fearful than ever before and is exclaiming, “Oh, my gosh, ISIS, ISIS, ISIS!”

Consider Syria and the hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. The fearful are certain that if they’re admitted to the United States, a few of them will be terrorists. But why would Syrian refugees want to do anything bad to Americans? Well, the reason is because the U.S. government has been doing some very bad things to Syrians. It’s been killing them for the past several years.

Why has the U.S. government been killing Syrians? Because U.S. officials don’t like Syria’s president and want to replace him with another dictator. Like Iraq, Syria has never attacked the United States. The U.S. government is the aggressor there too. That’s why some Syrians — the ones who have lost brothers, sisters, parents, relatives, or friends because of U.S. interventionism — might be angry.

What has been the attitude of the fearful during the U.S. government’s regime-change operation in Syria? Either full-throated support or muted support. Remember: this is the national-security state we’re talking about. It’s the idol of the fearful. Through all the death and destruction that the U.S. national security state has wreaked in Syria and the rest of the Middle East for the past several decades, the fearful have just loyally and blindly repeated their favorite mantras: “Support the troops!” and “Thank you for your service.”

Actually, though I should say that U.S. officials don’t like Syria’s president anymore. The word “anymore” needs to be added because they used to love him. During the time they loved him, they struck a secret deal with him to torture a Canadian citizen on behalf of the U.S. national-security establishment. For that matter, they also used to love Saddam Hussein, which is why they furnished him with those infamous WMDs — so that he could use them to kill Iranians with.

What was the attitude of the fearful during those sordid love affairs between the U.S. national-security state and foreign dictators? Blind allegiance, rooted in fear. That’s how they have been able to excuse or support the U.S. renditions, torture, and assassinations, actions that are traditionally carried out by totalitarian dictators.

Of course, the fear goes back further, before 9/11. Don’t forget the Cold War, when Americans were absolutely terrified that the communists were coming to get them and turn American Red. That’s what the anti-communist crusade was all about, when the FBI was spying on innocent Americans — that is, Americans who were suspected of being communist moles — and when the civil rights movement was considered a communist front for turning America Red. Just ask the family of Martin Luther King.

An interesting part of the Cold War was that no one was afraid of Islam, the Muslims, or the terrorists. The fear of communists and communism was everything.

When President Truman was considering altering America’s original governmental system with the adoption of national-security state — a type of governmental apparatus inherent to totalitarian regimes — he was told that in order to secure the support of the American people to this radical and fundamental change to the U.S. government, he would have to scare the hell out of them.

Truman succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Despite their having the most powerful military and intelligence force in the history of the world, Americans are among the most fearful people in the world.

Or should I say that it’s because they have the most powerful military and intelligence force in history, Americans are among the most fearful people in the world?

Jacob G. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation.

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-

The Struggle for Humanity

The Struggle for Humanity

Sociologists, political scientists, activists of various persuasions and many others often describe social stratification in terms of such measures as class, race and gender. There is much talk in the academic and other literature about the working class, the middle class and the ruling class, for example. And about relationships defined by such factors as religion, employment, income and other measures.

In contrast, I would like to briefly highlight a measure of social stratification that gets virtually no attention: the social division between those who are sane and those who are insane. At first glimpse, you might think that there is little to discuss here, given that those who are insane are supposed to be locked away in psychiatric institutions or, even worse, prisons. And the rest of us are walking around freely. But it isn’t true.

There is a great deal wrong with our world and any psychologically healthy person is able to follow reputable news sources, consult the scientific, economic and other relevant literature when appropriate, and to consider and evaluate the evidence presented in relation to the environment, the economy and society. And take action accordingly.

The most casual perusal of the state of our world will reveal the ongoing threat of nuclear obliteration (on top of the ongoing and rapidly spreading radioactive contamination generated by Fukushima and the use of Depleted Uranium weapons), ongoing phenomenal levels of military spending, and the endless push from corporate and other elite interests for more wars. The global economy is teetering on the brink of collapse and, of course, from the viewpoint of those 50,000 people who starve to death each day or those one billion people who live in a state of semi-starvation and abject poverty in many parts of the world, it has already ‘collapsed’. And you might have noticed the ongoing attacks on everything from our civil liberties and right to privacy to our right to eat healthy food that has not been poisoned and/or genetically mutilated.

And if that is not enough to cause you concern, we also have a global environment that is under siege, with the collapse of civilisation now possible within a decade although, hopefully, we will have longer to avert it than this. The climate deniers might be finally in retreat but their backup strategy – to convince us that immediate action is unnecessary because it will be mid-century or even 2100 before civilisation unravels – is now being implemented with vigour. While most scientists are inclined to be conservative in their forecasts of how quickly civilisation will unravel – the Earth is a highly complex set of ecological systems making precise predictions difficult, and reputations and research funding are easily lost if a forecast is wrong – there is a solid consensus that the time to act is now (if not a decade or more ago). Whatever the timeframe therefore (and our timeframe might be limited to just one day if an accidental or intentional nuclear war is launched), the fact is that we are generating a ‘perfect storm’ as a result of our multiple, massive and unrelenting assaults on the environment which are now breaching one ‘tipping point’ after another. In this context, it is wise to be conservative in our estimate of the Earth’s capacity to withstand this assault. The downside for not doing so is simply too great.

More importantly, from my viewpoint as a social scientist and nonviolent activist, I understand only too well why it is difficult to mobilise people to change and how long this can take. Whatever the physical science says, my research and activist experience convince me that, from the viewpoint of mobilisation, time is very short, particularly given how much we need to do differently.

Despite the overwhelming evidence that we are now staring our own extinction in the face, the global elite is still acting to further concentrate resources in its own hands and to thwart any measure designed to move us in the direction of peace, justice and ecological sustainability. It is time to stop pretending that these people are acting in defense of ‘white privilege’, ‘male domination’ or even some ‘class interest’. They are insane and have no coherent conception of their own interest, let alone the interest of their children or anyone else if this interest is defined as a life that is lived with integrity, dignity, meaning and fulfilment within an amenable social setting and vibrant natural environment.

Insanity is widely understood to refer to a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behaviour or social interaction; it describes someone who is considered to be seriously mentally ill. And this is an accurate description of the global elite and those who serve it whether they be in political, business, legal, psychiatric, corporate media, academic or other circles. If you want to read more about this, you can do so in these sources, which reference further reading: ‘The Global Elite is Insane’, ‘The Wolves of Psycho Street: America’s Economic Enslavement by the Psychopathic Corporate Elite’, ‘Chomsky Talks about Psychopaths and Sociopaths’, ‘Psychopaths and Sociopaths’ and ‘Sociopathic Society: A People’s Sociology of the United States’. But why are individual members of  the global elite insane? For the same reason that anyone else becomes insane: it is the outcome of being terrorised by the violence inflicted on them as a child. For a comprehensive explanation of this, see ‘Why Violence?’

Ideally, we should provide appropriate emotional support to these individuals so that they can heal psychologically and become a meaningful member of a community in which solidarity with all life is the hallmark of society, not the compulsive accumulation of personal wealth and the use of (direct and structural) violence to get it. Until this happens, however, we will need to resist their insanity and violence strategically.

So let me tell you what some sane people are doing about our shared problems. They are resisting this violence so that we might all yet have a future.

These people include those ordinary people and grassroots organisations who have signed the pledge of ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ thus publicly declaring their commitment to work to end human violence in all of its manifestations. One way of doing this, for example, is to become involved in ‘The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth’ which is a simple way for individuals, households and communities to tackle the full range of environmental problems, irrespective of what governments and corporations do.

So far, many individuals and organisations in 65 countries have signed the Nonviolence Charter. Signatories include many prominent people but mainly those (extraordinary) ordinary people, like you and I, who must make the commitment to making a difference if we are to survive. Here are some of these people and their inspirational efforts and organisations.

Joseph F Barber The founder of FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience, a Truth organization from, Alabama,

Marianne Perez de Fransius is the founder of Peace is Sexy in Mozambique which shows the mainstream media how to portray peace ‘as sexy, engaging, fun, and possible’; Daniel Dalai is founder of the inspirational Earthgardens in Bolivia which nurtures the leadership potential of girls; John Seed directs the Rainforest Information Centre based in Australia and is one of the Earth’s great rainforest defenders; Ram Dongol works at SPACE in Nepal which envisions ‘an inclusive, peace loving and prosperous Nepalese society where all children enjoy equally the positive cultural, social and economic benefits of the 21st century by getting better education opportunity’; Margaret Owen is the inexhaustible Director of Widows for Peace Through Democracy in the UK which campaigns to ‘ensure that widows’ voices are heard by their governments, so that every widow [including child widow] is protected by law from discrimination, violence and abuse, and can enjoy her full human rights as an equal and valuable member of society’; Sami Rasouli organises the incredible nonviolent Muslim Peacemaker Teams in Iraq; Sandy Oestreich works with the National Equal Rights Amendment Alliance in the USA which campaigns for equal rights for women (‘which is already in place in every nation created since WWII’) in the United States; and Rene Wadlow, based in France, is the President of the Association of World Citizens ‘a transnational network of women and men working together for a more just world society’.

In summary, humans are on the brink of precipitating our own extinction because a substantial proportion of the population – including all of the global elite and most of its agents – has been terrorised into insanity during childhood. Unless we radically alter our approach to parenting and all of our social institutions so that they nurture, rather than destroy, the genetic potential of each human being, we are doomed to extinction, whether sooner or later. The struggle to save humanity is, obviously, a monumental undertaking. And will require fearless endeavour in pursuit of this objective by those of us who remain sane enough to recognise, acknowledge and act on the problem.

In conclusion, therefore, you are invited to consider this point: Are you sane enough to consider the evidence and to join (or recommit yourself to) the fight for human survival? If you are, then you might like to sign the Nonviolence Charter mentioned above so that we know that you are with us.

Human beings will end violence or violence will end human beings.

Robert J. Burrowes
Biodata: Robert has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ His email address is and his website is here.

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-

Being Thankful for the Left

Being Thankful for the Left

When we celebrate Thanksgiving, after being thankful for family and friends, for health and comfort, for food and shelter; we shouldn't forget to be thankful for the left.

There is no light without darkness and without evil, the good often fails to find their own voice. It is in the presence of slavery that we remember the worth of freedom. Men and nations are forged in war; not only the war of shell and shot, but the war of ideas. War teaches us to fight for what we have. Wars of ideas teach us to stand up for what we believe.

It is because conservatives are basically hopeful and confident that we are also prone to extremes of despair. Too many us were shocked at the decline of our society because of our great confidence in it. The faith that conservatives have in America makes them vulnerable to being crushed by the latest victory of the left.

I have seen far too much despair and defeatism, too many comments that suggest there is no hope for America and the only thing left to do is pour a glass of wine and watch the sun go down. But those comments testify to how sheltered Americans are from the struggles against tyranny around the world.

Eight years of Obama is bad, but try sixty-nine years of Communism on for size. That's what generations of Russians had to live through. Ask some of the conservative activists in Europe who have never had any of the freedoms that we still take for granted whether they've given up hope. Ask people from countries where criticism of Islam can mean death, whether they've given up hope.

There are countless tales of courage over the last century of men and women who did not stop fighting, who did not stop teaching their children so that they would not stop resisting. And those stories have not ended. They continue today in Europe, Asia and South America. And those people would envy the conditions under which we fight, where we can protest without being shot or sent to prison, where we can have a shot at winning elections if we try hard enough.

Where we are, compared to 100 percent of the rest of the world, still free.

We face a hard fight, not only for our freedom, but the freedom of the world. The international left has made America its special project. It knows that if it can extinguish the hope of liberty in this land then it will drive the rest of those who hope for freedom across the ocean deeper into despair. And it wants your despair. It wants you to give up so that the rest of the world gives up too and bows under its chains.

And yet this fight is a glorious one. This fight is our birthright. And we should be thankful for the fight.

It would be more pleasant if there were no Obama or Hillary. If Alinsky had never been born and Marx had never been whelped. It would be nice if we lived in a world where red was just a color and the Democratic Party was a rural movement suspicious of the Federal government and dreaming of an agrarian utopia. But then so would never having to work for a living or getting up out of bed.

Life is challenge and we face all kinds of different challenges. We get up early out of bed in the morning and drive to work. We rise in the middle of the night when the baby cries and we go to the hospital when our loved ones need us there. We do dreary things and terrible things that seem so different from the life we imagined as children. And we do them not only because they are duty, but because these challenges, the daily ones and the once in a lifetime ones, make us who we are.

Besides these prosaic challenges, the daily routines and the occasional tragedies, there are uncommon challenges that we face when the foe comes to our gate and demands that we bow and become slaves. This is the challenge that we face as a society, a nation and a people. It demands more of us and it ennobles us. It makes us a great people and a great nation, rather than only another people who seek to live in comfort with no thought for anything else.

Good emerges in response to evil. We need our enemies to remind us of who we are and what we can do when our backs are against the wall. We need evil to remind us of the good that we are capable of. As a whetstone sharpens a sword, so evil sharpens us into a weapon against it. It makes us morally stronger and teaches us the stark truths that we cannot take refuge from evil; we must confront it.

If there were no left, would there be nearly as much patriotism among true Americans as there is now? And if there were no left, how many of us would really contemplate the core principles of freedom and free enterprise? If there were no left, how many of us would ponder what we truly believe and what compromises we are willing and unwilling to make? If there were no left, would we be the same people that we are today?

For those of us who believe in the Bible, the Lord created both darkness and light. And if it were not for the darkness, would the light be nearly as precious to us? Imagine a world without sunrise or sunset, where the sight of rays of light clearing away the darkness would have no meaning? And then remember that things are treasured to the extent that they can be taken away from us.

Would we value freedom as much if we did not have to defend it? Would we hold it as dear if we did not fear that it would be taken away? Would we even be aware of what freedom is and what a free people must be if not for the dark hand of those who wish to strip us of those freedoms?

It is the left's opposition that has added urgency to a hundred issues, from the national debt to the War on Terror to freedom of speech and of religion. It has made us think about those issues, to take them out of the back of our minds and hold them up to the light as a reminder of how important they are and what must be done about them.

The left's corruptions remind us of the need for purification. As it gathers the worst of all around it, we find ourselves called to be better than we are. As the left works to doom our country, and as we suffer defeat after defeat, these defeats only serve to remind us that we must be better, that we must do more, learn more and become more in order to save our country.

War is the great teacher and this is a political war, short on bodies and heavy on minds, it is a war in which casualties are not taken in the chest or the arm, but in the mind, in reason and emotion, and against these weaknesses, we can and will prevail.

As we fight the left, we become stronger, more dedicated and more purposeful. We become the men and women that we were meant to be.

As you sit around your tables, thinking of all that you have gained and lost this year, remember and be thankful for the left, for though the winter ice gives way to the summer sun and bitter defeat gives way to sweet victory, it is defeat and hardship that teaches better than comfort and ease. We can learn more from our defeats than we ever could from our victories. Our defeats teach us endurance and fortitude, they teach us that defeat can be borne and that its sting can be turned into the weapon that unseats the foe. And our foes make us who we are.

Their evil teaches us to find the good within ourselves. Their strength teaches us to find our own strength. And their plots against what we have teach us how many treasures we have, not least of these being the full value of our freedom and our happiness that they wish to take from us.

Their war on America is teaching us to be better Americans. It may not feel that way right now, but we are privileged to have this opportunity and this fight.

We should be thankful for the left, its assaults on us are teaching us how to fight and its plots against our freedom are teaching us how to be free.

Daniel Greenfield 
Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-

Who Can We the People Trust?

Who Can We the People Trust?

If the truth is being deliberately embellished with respect to the overall success of efforts against ISIS, why should government claims about vetting of refugees be believed?

When It Comes to Homeland Security Issues, Who Can We the People Trust?

Among the more heart-breaking scandals emerging from the Obama presidency is the widespread loss of public trust in the veracity of what the president and top officials in his administration say to we the people.

Example: Recently, Obama issued a statement which sought to reassure Americans that the vetting process for Syrian refugees is exhaustive and can be relied on to cull out potential ISIS members who might be among the maddening crowds of mostly widows and orphans,

However, serious reservations about the effectiveness of government vetting have been openly voiced by both Republican and Democrat members of Congress and by other administration officials.

The dilemma for we the people is knowing who to trust. After all, Obama lied repeatedly to America about ObamaCare, among other important issues.

Significantly, the New York Times and other media outlets have alleged that the “books have been cooked” to make the administration’s efforts against ISIS appear more successful than warranted by cold hard facts!

The obvious question: If the truth is being deliberately embellished with respect to the overall success of efforts against ISIS, why should government claims about vetting of refugees be believed?

Who can we the people trust??

John Lillpop 

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-

We have a fake, owned President. It is beyond shameful to us all

We have a fake, owned  President. It is beyond shameful to us all

We need ‘Shock and Awe’ not ‘Slip and Drip’ with ISIS and its supporters

Like so many of you, I about lost my mind yet again with Obama’s ridiculous and punishing response in the media responding to the horrifying Paris attacks.  He was full of passion and punishing statements but it wasn’t against ISIS or radical ISLAM.  It was against the GOP and anyone who was against bringing in untold Islamic refugees and immigrants from Syria to the U.S.

We were told that anyone not wanting endless Syrian refugees, is un-American, not reflecting our values and literally void of compassion.  Never mind, as Obama conveniently avoids mentioning, that the majority of the killers who came into France were unvetted refugees.  These are just like the killing parade coming into America.  These aren’t persecuted Christians coming here, they are Islamic killing machines and plants.  They are gearing up for our Paris style attack and Obama has put them here.

As of today, we allegedly have 2,098 Syrian Muslim refugees who have been placed all over the U.S. and only 53 Christians.  I think you see the weight of Obama’s compassion and it is not for Christians and real victims.

If we had a real President who stood against evil and the enemies of America we would hear ‘shock and awe’ statements followed by fierce and real action.  It didn’t take too many ‘eye blinks’ in time for France to start air strikes in Syria at suspected ISIS locations.  This has been taking place during the time our President,  in the most indifferent and arrogant manner,  has played the political attack game against conservatives, GOP and Christians.  We are to love and embrace unvetted potential killers and plants sent to all our communities per Obama’s wishes.

It is time we demand ‘shock and awe’ from any potential candidate who runs for President.  We must demand ‘shock and awe’ from the House and Senate.  We must demand ‘shock and awe’ in our courts, with our Governors and with our citizens right now, or ‘Paris #2’…here we come.  ISIS is at war with us and the world.  It is high time we give them something more than ‘slip and drip.’

I like Trumps’ plan, find them and kill them all.  Just like our border security that has been largely ignored for decades while illegal aliens roared across our borders, we also have great intelligence and knowledge where ISIS and Al Qaeda leaders and groups are.  This has also been largely ignored. We have not had the will to take them all out.

We have a fake, owned ‘slip and drip’ President.  It is beyond shameful to us all.  Let us put in the White House in 2016 a high integrity, America loving, God serving ‘shock and awe’ President.  We will get through this.  Don’t give up.

Let the good guys live and be free.  Let the bad guys be killed and burn.  I’m a simple person.  What about you?

Dr. Laurie Roth 

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-

What am I thankful for and what will I do about it

What am I thankful for and what will I do about it

America:  Be thankful for the right things, or not thankful at all

People and groups who have been slowly boiled over time and corralled like cattle for destruction are thankful for just staying alive another day.  They are thankful for a found kernel of corn or survival provision the Government or Master gives them.  They are vaguely thankful for memories of what used to be, freedom of speech, thriving businesses and the right to bear arms and own guns.  These rights have been under assault and are falling to pieces before our eyes.  Is this enough water in your glass?

Those who have already caved in and are ‘drip drip drip’ dying away will only be thankful for what they see as ‘God’s judgment’, ‘just rewards’ and anything that can help them survive.  They may not know it yet but they are already the walking dead, the consumed and discarded that will be used as accomplices to take down America and the rest of our freedoms.  Hungry and scared people are quickly made and exposed.  They either rise up and fight or they give in to fear and sell out.  Which are you?

Those who are still alive and are thankful operate from a different playbook

Since we are thankful for our Christian heritage and the power of the Holy Bible that built this nation we are not thankful for insults, assaults and damage Obama and his attachments throw us.  Obama offers us beautiful smelling apple pie but any real America sees that it is a poison apple.  We know his plan is to make a nation of sleeping beauties he will either raise up as Obama working zombies or do away with.

We are thankful that God has used this nation to be a real light for freedom, achievement and power.  It has stood against evil that threatens to consume like fire from the beginning. Now we have evil from within from the White House on down.  We will survive this too.  Though never perfect in our responses to other’s needs, we have shown up and taken care of business again and again.  I am thankful for that and am most proud.  There is nothing for us to apologize for except for voting in Obama.  We will get it right next time.  I believe we have learned and are learning the hard way.

Most know by now if you are not among the walking dead, that Obama has attempted to transform and change us into a dictatorial and compromised version of ourselves that increasingly targets and control the masses.  In ‘Obama country’ you either obey, pay up and do what Obama and his agenda demands, or you are targeted for punishment and destruction.  Battle lines are being drawn in big ways all over America as we face the next election coming at us very soon now in 2016.  Will the people and God win? I say a big fat yes as we trust our Lord, pray, stand and be thankful for freedom and what is right…not what is expected and fed to us.

Living Americans who love God, our country and freedom are thankful enough for our real and God breathed core that we will stand up and fight if necessary.  No one will be allowed to violate our 2nd amendment rights and seize our guns, freedom of speech, right to build our own businesses and have the quality and life with military, health care and privacy we deserve.

Living Americans know that capitalism, Judeo-Christian values and our inventive and achievement genetics built this nation and have given life and hope to the world over and over.  Be thankful for that and never forget.

We have a critical election coming up.  Top GOP hopefuls have many great qualities.  Pay attention to the core basics and vote wisely.  Pray that our Lord will deliver us the right candidate and we beat what the DEMS throw at us.

America must have pride, passion, and thankfulness for who we are again.  I want a President who is proud of our country and is thankful for our core and what we were before our freedoms and incomes were plucked away by Obama.  I like much about Trump, Cruz and Carson.  Some parts I don’t like and no one is perfect.

We will see which candidates stay on point.  So far I love Trump’s love for America and promise to deal with real border security and not give in to the endless push for amnesty on all sides.  I love that Trump promises real and total tax reform, freedom of speech and restoration of religious rights while promising a much needed fight against radical Islam intent on destroying the world. 

I am not thankful for what Obama and his supporters have made and brought to America.  I am thankful that with Christ all things are possible and that millions of Americas will stand and fight for what is right, free and American no matter what the cost.  Are you alive or the walking dead?  Be thankful you can fight for the best,  freest country on earth and vote right.

Dr. Laurie Roth

Friday, November 27, 2015

A Declaration of Human Sovereignty

I HAVE AND IDEA WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS IS A Declaration of Human Sovereignty
Regarding Nations and Forces

We, the People of Earth, extend greetings to all races in the Greater Community of OF OUR PLANET. We acknowledge our common heritage before the Creator of all the Universe, both visible and invisible. We declare the planet Earth as humanity’s Planet of Genesis, our Homeworld, and our sacred inheritance. We pledge henceforth to sustain and preserve the Earth for all generations to come. We call upon all humanity to treat all races everywhere with wisdom and justice, here on Earth and throughout the Universe.

Fundamental Rights

We, the People of Earth, regard the need for freedom to be universal. Therefore, we hold that all individuals in all worlds are created equal and are endowed by the Creator with sacred and inalienable rights. Fundamental among these are the right to live as a free race on their Planet of Genesis, their Homeworld; the right of self-determination, self-sufficiency, and creative expression; the right to life without oppression; and the right to pursue in life a higher purpose and a higher calling that the Creator has provided to all.

Before the Greater Community of the planet earth, we, the People of Earth, do now invoke these fundamental rights for ourselves and for our Homeworld, along with certain rights that naturally derive from them, including:

The right of sovereignty. The People of Earth shall be self-governed and independent, neither subject to nor dependent upon any other authority.

The People of Earth shall be self-governed and independent, neither subject to nor dependent upon any other authority. No forces shall contravene or abrogate the human sovereignty of this planet.

The right of planetary sanctity. As our Planet of Genesis, the Earth shall be free from intervention, intrusion, interference, or exploitation, both mental and physical. No forces shall make close approach, or assume or engage in trade, except openly and with the expressed consent of the People of each nation achieved through a democratic means.

The right of sanctity of biological and genetic material. No power shall take, possess, or manipulate human biological or genetic material for any purpose whatsoever.
The right of occupation. As the native people of the one known inhabited planet of this planet, we claim this planet as our sphere of influence.

The right of peaceful navigation. We claim the right to travel and explore within our planet without interference or restraint from any forces ,
We, the People of Earth, consider it our rightful responsibility to assert and defend these fundamental rights, and to give and receive aid consistent with these rights. In the case of any dispute with governmental forces, the burden of proof of innocence shall fall on those who are not native to their home nation.

To governments worldwide we must stand and be counted When in the course of their evolution it becomes necessary for the native people of a planet to unite, to transcend the conflicts and differences that have separated them from one another, and to assume among the powers of the Universe a separate and equal sovereignty, a respectful consideration of that sovereignty requires that they declare the causes which impel them to this present course of action.

Although the Earth has undergone a long history of government intrusion and loss of freedoms , the current situation is that the People of Earth are now suffering the effects of a global government intervention into human affairs. This intervention employs a strategy of deception, manipulation, and exploitation, the goal of which is control over humanity, which will result in the loss of human freedom and self-determination. It is now the sacred right and duty of the People of Earth to oppose, resist, and repel this Government intervention, to declare and defend our sovereignty, our freedom, and our independence from all governmental forces.

Let these violations be considered by those supporting the cause of freedom throughout the Greater Community:

Intervening forces have refused to openly disclose and reveal the nature and intent of their activities on and around Earth. This presence is clandestine, covert, uninvited, and unapproved by the People of Earth. These forces have concealed their own identity, their political or economic alliances and allegiances, as well as the authorities and powers which they serve.
As is becoming increasingly apparent from their actions, governmental and corporate forces intend to exploit the Earth, its resources, and its people, and are engaged in a systematic program of colonizing humanity into a subservient client state to be ruled by agents of these forces. The intervention and occupation seeks commercial gain, economic power, and the strategic advantage offered by this world our world we the citizens of humanity.

Governmental and corporate forces have repeatedly and with impunity violated national and international laws of the Earth’s people. These offenses, which still continue today, have included violation of restricted airspace; abduction and transportation of humans without their consent; murder, rape, torture, sexual abuse, interbreeding with humans, and cruel experimentation; theft and trade of human biological and genetic materials; theft and trade of Earth’s natural resources; covert mental and psychological influence; mutilation of humans and animals; tampering with and disabling of military defense systems; and clandestine infiltration into human society.

Follow me here people Governmental and corporate forces have secretly negotiated treaties and agreements with human individuals and groups, without the informed consent of the People of Earth.

Governmental and corporate forces have systematically attempted to persuade and mislead humans through extending false hopes and promises of wealth, power, and protection; ; and spiritual salvation and enlightenment.These forces have exploited and exacerbated human conflicts to serve their own ends.

These forces have been disempowering humanity by leading us to believe that we can only survive with their help and their advanced technology, thus fostering our complete dependence upon them and denying our ability to ensure our own survival.
Demands and Declarations

Accordingly, we, the People of Earth, do hereby declare all previously existing agreements or treaties between any human government, group, or individual to be forthwith null, void, and permanently suspended. We demand that any such previously existing treaties or agreements be fully and publicly disclosed. Any future agreements or treaties between human governments, groups, or individuals must be negotiated only with the full consent of the People of Earth, publicly and openly expressed by an international democratic body representing the nations and peoples of Earth.

We demand that all Governments and corporations now cease all operations and activities of war that you have created against we the citizens of humanity

We demand that all extraterrestrial organizations who have established or operated bases on the Earth, its Moon, or anywhere else within this Solar System, dismantle these bases and fully disclose their nature.
We further demand that all living humans who are now in custody of forign governments be returned immediately in good health; further, we demand a full accounting of all humans who have been taken or held by governments world wide, including those who have died in captivity. In addition, we demand that all human biological or genetic materials taken from any individuals be accounted for and destroyed, and their intended use be identified. Any devices implanted in living individuals must be identified so that they may be safely removed.

We, therefore, do solemnly declare that the People of Earth are and should be a free and independent people; that all humans are hereby absolved from all allegiance to Governmental and corperate powers, and that all political and economic connections between them and the People of Earth are totally dissolved; that as a free and sovereign race in the Greater Community of the planet earth, we assume full power within this governmental power System to conclude peace, levy war, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to undertake all other actions which a sovereign planetary race may rightfully and ethically do.

The Declaration of Human Sovereignty

Concluding Statement

Let it be understood that in making this Declaration of Human Sovereignty, we, the People of Earth, affirm our future and destiny as a free race within a Greater Community of intelligent life. We recognize that we are a part of this Greater Community and that we are destined over time to encounter many different races in our world.
To them and to all others, we hereby declare that our intention is not conquest or domination in of our planet . We declare that the rights and privileges that we affirm here for ourselves, we also affirm for all races of beings whom live on this planet with we the citizens of humanity.

In making our Declaration of Human Sovereignty & Freedom, we proclaim our rights, responsibilities, and privileges as a free race in order that we may pursue greater unity, peace, and cooperation within the human family without unwanted or unwarranted intrusion and interference by any outside nation or force from the Greater Community. We make this proclamation as an expression of our Divine right and honorable intent for the human family and for all races in the world who seek to be free.

How is that for you beautiful people naive maybe but only you can make the right choice choose wisely my friends

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber