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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Fabians Well & Alive in America - 2016

The Republicans

Fabians Well & Alive in America - 2016

I watch with shock and dismay at the attitude from people who vote Republican. The vitriol against the two candidates by supporters on each side is troubling to say the least.
One thing we can say about the Democrats. They support Sanders or Clinton but don’t indulge in this pure trashing of the other.

Under the guise of “Social Justice” this narcotic has been rammed down our throats

I’ve seen lies, innuendos and abject distortions on both Cruz and Trump.  In every instance, they can be explained and have been by each candidate at nauseam.  But as the Democrats continue with their lies and misleading commentary about Conservatives, Republicans are doing the same against Cruz and Trump.
How different is the Republican establishment from their Democrat counterparts?  We already hear of manipulation of the delegates and a contested Convention.
The political left has been at war with the middle class for over 150 years.
Under the guise of “Social Justice” this narcotic has been rammed down our throats.  Everybody is equal, they want sameness—but not for them of course.  We commoners know nothing.  Our choice at the ballot box means nothing. But those who walk the halls of universities, bureaucrats, and the scared grounds of Washington DC,  think they know better than us folk who are too stupid to decide anything for ourselves. This is classic Fabian Socialism.
A new nomination for the Supreme Court looms larger than life.  So let’s take a look at that.
The Judiciary Act of 1789 established a Supreme Court with one chief justice and five associate justices. As the Nation grew, Congress increased the number to seven in 1807, to nine in 1837, and to 10 in 1863.  Later, Congress passed the Judicial Circuits Act of 1866. However, only two seats were freed up by 1869, so there were eight justices. Congress added one seat back in, and decided that there should be nine justices. The Judiciary Act of 1869 officially set the number, and it has not changed since.

Supreme Court

The census of 1870 shows the US population at 38,558,371.  Today it has grown to somewhere around 320million.
The question is why has the SCOTUS number not changed to accommodate the growing population?  Why are nine justices in black robes as is now so famously quoted, allowed to make decisions for millions?  Obviously, our voices are just not being heard, as the appointees have become more and more agenda driven and political by nature.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave notion to the idea that the Constitution was a “living” document.
In 1897 Ramsay MacDonald, later Prime Minister of Britain (1920s) visited the USA.
On his return home MacDonald reported to a gathering of the Fabians that the academics from Boston to DC and beyond were unhappy with the restraints of the US “written” Constitution and wished that the USA had a situation as in Britain, where a Parliament Majority could decide whatever it wanted.
Could a reform be in order for our current judicial system?  If there is a will, there is a way to do this without a Constitutional change.  With the right POTUS the ills of the past and present liberal/progressive administrations, can be corrected, but the help and control of Congress is needed.
The number of Supreme Court Justices need to be increased, to accommodate the current USA population.  That same question arises about the Appellate Courts.  As an example, why does the 9th Circuit Court (established 1891), in San Francisco have jurisdiction over Arizona?  Arizona was not a State till 1912.
Not since the brief period (109th Congress, 2005-2006), have the Republicans had the opportunity for a sweeping victory of House and Senate attached to the coat tails of a people’s choice Republican President.
Like it or not, whatever message Trump is giving out, he’s changing the Party’s perception of one that supports fat cats, to a Party that represents the middle class and blue collar workers.
His success with tens of thousands showing up to his rallies and millions voting for him are exposing the Democrats for the Party of Elitists that they are.  For the first time the middle class are seeing who are truly in the hands of Wall Street.  How learning institutions Nationwide from grade school through universities have been indoctrinating our children for decades in a false narrative of who the true aristocratic snobs are - the Collectivists who have been at war against the bourgeois.
The nerve of it!  The middle class are being reduced to a lower status to even the playing field to the lowest common denominator.  Call them whatever you want, Democrat, Collectivist, Socialist, Communist, Marxist or Fabian their goal remains the same.  Control over the masses, for only they, the superior arrogant masters know what is best, and they can achieve that by total Government control over our lives.  Their grabbing at the hearts of people with sad stories of social issues are showing up as irrelevant in the minds of voters scared stiff over the loss of security for our Nation.
Can Ted Cruz do this?  Of course he can!  But he must address these rank and file issues in plain language and not the elegance of his superior brain and intellectual prowess. He has to show that the Republican Party does represent John Q. Public and throw the darts right back at the supercilious condescending Democrats who want to take care of all of us.
If the Republican establishment plays any shenanigans, the Nation may be better off if the party collapses and a new party is born to represent the wishes of the middle class and not the NEOCONS who are nothing more that Scoop Jackson Democrats in disguise.
Keep in mind that in 2012, four States that Obama won, accounted for 66 Electoral College votes.  Of these States, the maximum differential in one State for Obama was 166,000.  Considerably less in the other three.  Flip these and Romney would have won with 272 Electoral College votes.
If the GOP steals the election from either Cruz or Trump, then many will walk away and vote third party.  Trump for one could encourage his supporters to vote for the Libertarian Presidential Candidate, who will be on the Ballot in all 50 States. So it will be Hillary.  Another four years of a blood bath for the American people.  But the ultimate collapse of the Republican Establishment.  Perhaps then the populace voice will be heard and the people’s choice, not a manipulated alternative will be elected.
Libertarians advocate a smaller Federal Government, return to Constitutional governance and a Foreign policy that defends the USA and not be policeman of the world.  Libertarians want to close most of the 700 bases overseas.  Many angry Trump supporters may find the Libertarians more acceptable than a fake Republican Fabian, and once they defect, will they ever return to the Republican Party?
As an ordinary American Citizen, I ask both Mr. Cruz and Mr. Trump to refocus on the real issues and stop with the distracting nonsense.  I ask my friends to do the same.  I say, no one cares about whose wives are what and who has slept with whom.  Bill Clinton, lowered that bar and the Nation has moved on from that.  Perhaps if our candidates take the lead, the Republican voters will do the same.  After all, with a few exceptions, won’t we in the end all come together and vote for the nominee?
Let’s all observe Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment.

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right