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Friday, April 29, 2016



Even for a veteran of Capitol Hill such as myself, the mountain of disinformation is difficult to dig through to find the truth. Telling the truth to Capitol Hill staff is even more difficult than finding out what the truth is to start with.
A prime reason for this is the many catch phrases that have been put into play that are less than truthful, but have been said over and over again so many times that they are accepted as truth by virtually everyone, including the media. For instance, it is utter fiction that there was a “peaceful” uprising against the Syrian government in 2012, only turning violent after there was a “brutal crackdown.” The uprising was actually violent from the start and led by radical Sunni Muslim rebels who had been supplied arms by the Qatar and Saudi Arabia royal families. The revolt, supported by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, was actually against Syria’s secular government that protected religious minorities such as Christians.
The same was true in Egypt where the Obama administration, with Hillary Clinton riding point, took down a secular government and installed the Muslim Brotherhood as leaders. The so-called “free election” at the time has since been exposed as a charade in which the election board was ordered to declare the Muslim Brotherhood as the winner. The people revolted and expelled the Muslim Brotherhood, much to the dismay of Hillary Clinton and her Muslim Brotherhood assistant, Huma Abedin.
Whoever controls the State Department controls the chatter in Washington, D.C., about foreign affairs. House members and senators, as well as their staffs, receive whatever information they have on foreign affairs from State Department briefings. When a constituent writes a letter to his congressman or senator, or perhaps makes a call, the staff turn to an answer book provided by the State Department or sometimes the Pentagon.
This is why a letter to a constituent from a Democratic congressman in New York is often very similar to a letter sent from a Republican congressman in Texas on the same subject. Even if the two congressmen vote differently, they accept the “facts” given them by the State Department or Pentagon. These congressmen seem to forget that the Obama administration runs the government and that any briefing book is going to provide only the “facts” that support what the administration wants them to believe.
In plain English, the State Department and Pentagon hand lawmakers the administration’s propaganda, slanted to support the president’s actions. The media, both liberal and conservative, accept these “facts” also, even if they draw different conclusions from them.
My favorite line, accepted by almost everyone is: “Iran is the greatest exporter of terror in the world.” In fact, Iran is Shiite, and 99 percent of all the Islamic terror in the world is perpetrated by Sunni Muslims. Virtually all the funding of terror comes from the royal families and the rich in Sunni nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar. BUT we can’t tell the truth about Sunni terror and who finances it, because Sunni Saudi Arabia is “our best Muslim ally” and “a key part of our coalition to fight terror.” Translation: “The Saudis have a lot of money and oil.”
Sunni-run Saudi Arabia holds a gun to the financial head of the United Sates. “Do what we say or we will divest of the dollar and kill your economy,” threaten the Saudi royals. A good example is the current legislation in Congress to allow 9/11 attack survivors and family members of those who died to file lawsuits against the Saudi individuals who financed that jihad attack. This time the threat is very public. The Saudis bluntly stated that $750 billion in U.S.-dollar held securities would be dumped, just about crashing the dollar and greatly harming our economy. On the order of the Saudi royals, 28 pages of the official 9/11 report that implicated Saudis in the attacks have been kept secret. Almost all of the 9/11 jihadi attackers were Saudi citizens; none was Iranian.
On Capitol Hill, the United States is everything but a Christian nation. Most Republicans put on a good show at Christian events, but I get to see a lot of them in their natural state on Capitol Hill. Just as with the Democrats, the real religion of Republicans is politics.
The American-Russian cease-fire in Syria was less than two weeks old when trucks headed into Syria from Turkey with American-made arms for Sunni fighters. Separately, Turkey (our NATO ally) helped move hundreds of armed Al-Nusra (which is al-Qaida in Syria) fighters into positions in Syria to fight the Kurds. In the northern regions of Syria and Iraq, the Kurds are allied with the Christian militias. The same weapons Al-Nusra is using against the Kurds they are also using against the Christian militias!
On the order of the Saudi royals the United States is arming Sunni Syrian “rebels” during the cease-fire and has offered them advanced weapons, including missiles, to “counter the Syrian and Russian air forces” if the cease-fire falls. The message to the Sunni rebels is: “If you break the cease-fire, America will give you more and bigger weapons to kill more Shiites and Christians.”
It’s clear that he Sunni government of Saudi Arabia orders the United States around like a puppet on strings. In the midst of all of this, we continue to hear from Democrat President Barack Obama and Republican Speaker Paul Ryan that Saudi Arabia is “our best ally in the Middle East.”
It is very hard to tell the truth on Capitol Hill – unless you want a black eye.


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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right