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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

God Hears Prayers not Rabble-Rousing

Black Lives Matter, who have cancelled out all other lives mattering, seek to make cop killing the norm

God Hears Prayers not Rabble-Rousing

We should think of Barack Hussein Obama as so much dust because not only is it the natural order of things, but just like all the rest of us, that’s exactly what Obama really is.

“Dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return.” (Gn.3:19)

Today is Monday, July 18, 2016 anno Domini (Year of the Lord)  often translated to the Year of Our Lord.  It’s supposed to be Day 1, the beginning of the George Soros-funded, Obama-inspired take down of the Republican Convention and the fear-mongering of all who dare to attend it, by the far left.  Violence has been promised to blemish the event for months if not years.

So far the in-a-panic Progressive Left have done zilch to deter the ‘Be There or Be Nowhere’ attitude of Donald J. Trump supporters who have followed their preferred candidate by throngs of thousands.

Don’t know about where you are,  but Canada Free Press awoke this morning to a Monday moon that was hanging like a golden lamp behind windswept trees; a profound reminder that God is in the moon, just as He is in the sun and other stars of the sky, as it was He, and only He, who created them.

Bleak as our times are, it also comes as a reminder that God not only created the Universe but controls it, not the passing parade of carnival and dog-barking politicians and their attendant flash mobs.

Today’s Convention agenda has been given over to routine business matters, and only time will tell if malcontent mobs, paid for their rabble-rousing,  will try to stop folk from getting in to the Quicken Loans Arena.

Tomorrow dawns as a full moon, at which not only the wolves and coyotes but household dogs who hear them, will be howling.  But in otherwise normal Cleveland all donkeys will be loudly braying too.

The New Black Panther Party—who so proudly claim that the Convention won’t go down without violence—Black Lives Matter, who have cancelled out all other lives mattering, seek to make cop killing the norm.

Like the vultures that hover around fresh road kill, they are coming into the ‘Mother of All Protests’, egged on by considerable morale boosts—their Black Lives Matter leader was hosted at the White House by their hero, Obama; Soros will spring for their bail, if detained by arrest, and just like the jihadists they seem to emulate, no one with authority seems able to stop their barbarian rush on civil society.

Best of all to their wayward thinking is that their rabble-rousing is certain to gain victory for Hillary Clinton, running for president as Obama’s 3rd term.

As long as Obama and Clinton are still in power, so will be George Soros to keep them in pocket money.

To the New Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter and Co. protesting is a full-time job with no danger of lay-off.

If their opening ‘protests’ don’t send civilians scurrying for cover, there’s always the next one and the ones after that.

Foolishly, they copy their mentor Obama in thinking immortality while holding office or participating in paid-for fringe activism, is achievable.

Pushing for anarchy out on the streets

Going straight over their heads is the fact that the only true immortality that exists is the kind that Christ made possible in the Passion of His Cross, an immortality that takes entire lifetimes to achieve. And that it can only start with on-your-knees repenting.

Will average citizens be brutalized or killed trying to get in to the Republican convention?  Will there be any more cop killings while the Convention is underway;  will Islamic terrorists strike on American soil?

On his way out of the door, the progressives’ de facto leader wants to frighten folk off.  He wants to intimidate them; get them not knowing right from wrong; and make them believe that there is no way past him and Hillary Clinton.

Nothing in Obama’s policy or strategy has changed over the past eight years, with all hope dying the day he arrived in the Oval Office.

  Today it’s mob rule out on the streets.

Tomorrow, with help from the pooh-bahs at the United Nations, it will be global warming/climate change; communities overwhelmed by incoming ‘refugees’, Zika’s-gonna’-get-ya’ alarms and the next coming pandemic.

What to do to hold onto sanity?

Let the politicians do all the yakking, the protesters all the chanting while you do all the more powerful praying.

While they’re intently pushing for anarchy out on the streets, God is still, as always,  in His Heaven.

Judi McLeod

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right