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Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Strange Paradox, indeed

Unhinged pink pussy-hat wearing women, their testosterone-deficient, emasculated, self-loathing male supporters, march in solidarity to support right to use chemical weapons against innocents

A Strange Paradox, indeed

The pictures of children suffering horrible deaths from the apparent chemical weapons attack in Syria moved even the most callous of our population. According to one recently published report, the latest death toll stands at 72, including 20 children.

These victims experienced horrible, excruciating deaths. They suffered burns from the chemicals and dismemberment from the shrapnel and impact of the ordinances. The photographs and videos were difficult to look at and watch, but they were nonetheless presented by the media with minimal censorship for the greatest of impact.

The United States, largely moved by the shock created by the images and having the proper moral outrage, responded by firing 59 cruise missiles at a reported cost of $60 million to U.S. taxpayers.

Meanwhile, the same government that spent $60 million to avenge these horrific deaths on the other side of the world spent $500 million – a half-billion dollars –  of taxpayer funds at home last year not to save, but to supplement the cost of killing nearly one million children, in part, through the funding of Planned Parenthood.

The unborn children with fully formed bodies were also burned by chemicals and dismembered. More egregiously, some of their tiny body parts were then reportedly sold as documented by the authenticated covert video footage obtained by undercover operatives David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt Center for Medical Progress.

While the images of the children victims of the chemical attack in Syria continue to flood the media and social networking streams, the responses by the corporate media and social media monopolies to the images and videos obtained by Mr. Daleiden and Ms. Merritt were (and are) less than welcoming.

Schizophrenic reaction to the brutal and horrible murder of innocent children
Consider this paradoxical, if not altogether schizophrenic reaction to the brutal and horrible murder of innocent children. While the horrible slaughter of 20 innocent children warrants the launching of 59 tomahawk missiles, the continued slaughter of nearly a million unborn children per year is not merely ignored, but subsidized.

This is not intended to minimize or otherwise understate the brutal attack in Syria, but to further expose the naked hypocrisy of those who claim to be advocates of “the children.”

This blatant hypocrisy is further illustrated by the U.S. government’s response to the authenticated investigative footage secured by Mr. Daleiden and Ms. Merritt. Rather than having their investigative findings shown in the same manner as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, their investigative work product was confiscated by the government and used as the basis to file 15 felony charges against them on March 28, 2017 by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra.

The corporate media celebrates this selective prosecution by ignoring the larger and more despicable crime of selling human organs from the murdered unborn, brokered like the sale of car parts, while demonizing those who dare expose such crimes.

Unhinged pink pussy-hat wearing women and their testosterone-deficient, emasculated and self-loathing male supporters
The social media collective further facilitates this depraved agenda through selective censorship to advance this dystopian agenda under the absurd pretext of acceptable community standards.

Meanwhile, unhinged pink pussy-hat wearing Amazonian women and their testosterone-deficient, emasculated and self-loathing male supporters, in an embarrassingly shameful public display of their shared intellectual frailties, march in solidarity to support their right to use chemical weapons against innocents.

A very strange paradox indeed.

Doug Hagmann
 Douglas J. Hagmann and Canada Free Press,

Douglas J. Hagmann and his son, Joe Hagmann host The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, a live Internet radio program broadcast each weeknight from 8:00-10:00 p.m. ET.

Their new website is The Hagmann & Hagmann Report.

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