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Monday, September 16, 2019

Above the Law... Outside the Law....

Above the Law... Outside the Law....

Democrats Say No One is Above the Law, BUT...!
The full context of that quote in the headline is:  “Democrats Say No One is Above the Law, but My Question is, How Come Illegals Are”?  To listen to the Democrat candidates for president, you’d think that anyone who can enter our country illegally should be accepted and taken care of, no ifs, ands, or buts.  Doesn’t that show that the Democrats are using a double-standard to justify their views on illegal immigration?

Since the Democrats and their acolytes in the main stream media (a/k/a fake news), parse every word or action of President Trump to make him look bad and unworthy of being president, they all seem to excuse the illegal acts of their own cronies such as Hillary and Bill Clinton, James Comey and assorted others from the Obama administration.  It seems they turn a blind-eye when one of their own has skirted the law.  In other words, their friends are “above the law”, which is the height of hypocrisy.

The American public, from most all polls, are against the free flow of illegal immigrants into our country, but the Democrat candidates all seem to take the opposite view of the “hated” President Trump.  No sane person could or should embrace illegal entry into our country.  In fact, just a few short years ago, many of these same Democrats were in favor of strict enforcement of the border, just as President Trump has.  They have included such Democrat powerhouses as ex-President Obama, Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and former Senate Democrat leader, Harry Reid, among many others.  With President Trump in office, these feckless Democrats are now opposed to all Trump decisions regarding the border, and have accused him of being a racist, a bigot, a xenophobe, a white supremacist.  I guess the same could be said of those Democrats who supported Trump’s policies in the past?  A typical Democrat double-standard.

Besides turning a blind-eye on the conditions at our border, they also have turned a blind-eye on the actions of Hillary Clinton and her actions while our Secretary of State in the Obama administration.  She blatantly disregarded the rules and regulations of her office, but no outrage on the part of her fellow Democrats.  Was she “above the law”?  It’ll be interesting to see what Attorney General Barr, Inspector General Horowitz, and Special Investigator Durham will come up with and expose when their investigations are disclosed to the public.  I believe it will be an eye-opener and a black eye on the Democrats and the hierarchy of the FBI and the Obama Department of Justice in their quest to undermine the Trump candidacy and the eventual Trump presidency.

Yes Democrats, no one should be above the law and to your chagrin, it’ll be your compatriots who will feel the wrath of the law when all the damning facts come out in the near future.  The beneficiary of these reports will be none other than the “evil” President Trump, who will be running for re-election in 2020.  Isn’t that ironic?

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