
Freedom of information pages

Freedom Pages & understanding your rights

Sunday, January 26, 2020

I am a American military veteran,

I am a American military veteran,

I am homeless living out of my vehicle with my disabled wife we have been living in the parking lot of my place of employment The TA Travel center located in Antioch TN,13011 Old hickory Blvd,
I work for the TA Truck services as a diesel Tech and am going to school or let me say studying and working on the job to become a master tech 8,
I am a PTSD survivor and over the last 15 years I have lost 3 family members to this mental illness and suicide My father Albert Frederick Barber took his own life do to PTSD and the pain and deep rooted loneliness felt by far to many troops returning from deployment
On Dec 12 2012, I lost my oldest son Joshua Barber to PTSD and drug abuse he to took his own life and Last year ,I lost my youngest brother Anthony Nagel to the same issues he hung himself just before Christmas .I was told I suffered from PTSD 5 years ago and in that time I have come to understand many of the issues our countrymen and women are experiencing by having to cope with my own depression and fears of abandonment and anger," I found the only way I felt I could save my own life and to prevent myself from falling into the same emotional cycle as those I held so close to me was to give my life to the lord"

I am a strong Christian. Not a perfect one—not close. But I strongly believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible. When I die, God is going to hold me accountable for everything I've done on earth. He may hold me back until last and run everybody else through the line, because it will take so long to go over all my sins.” Honestly, I don’t know what will really happen on Judgment Day. But what I lean toward is that you know all of your sins, and God knows them all, and shame comes over you at the reality that He knows. I believe the fact that I’ve accepted Jesus as my savior will be my salvation.

The One whom is disabled that being my wife of 32 years our homelessness all began on the streets of Oceanside Ca,@ 2;30 am 2 .5 years ago caused by The Oceanside Police Dept they showed no empathy or did they allow us the rights to do process of law ,
I gave up the booze all the things that would I believed take my eyes of my responsibilities, my family for the most part, I don't take the drugs the doctors have attempted to convince me will help heal my soul ,and on that I can not in good conscience believe the drugs they continue to give are countrymen and women through big pharma will ever do anything more than  steal your mind ,heart and soul all under the false truths its healing what only god and time can heal,
I have come to see that love is the greatest power we hold with in ourselves if we can find the courage to share that love with another.
Less than 5 months ago I was living and working in California living out of our vehicle because law enforcement used a thing call Asset forfeiture to take possession of our motor home and left me and my wife on the street all because the smog certificate was out of date,
I believe its called a 4000 A ,a none towable offense for most part but in the city of Oceanside Ca the feelings among the residents is not in my back yard it mattered not that was are home and we were two American veterans nor did it matter one of use was and is disabled this took place at a rest area north of Oceanside & 7, miles North of oceanside ca off interstate 5 next to Camp pendleton marine corps base .

The state police officers gave use no relief nor did they show any empathy to are issues and the fact we were at a state rest area as one officer stated this is not a camp ground and took what they wanted from us and left what they wanted us to have  from our motor home placed it on the street and towed our home away leaving us sitting 7 miles outside of town and in harms way any complaint, I made only fell on deaf hears,from the watch commander to the city attorney and the judge since that night me and my wife have been homeless going on 3 years, know ,
I have struggled every step of the way for the first year after loosing our home we lived in the bush ,I worked and we stayed to our selves work began to become hit and miss over time but we were able to get a Chevy Yukon donated to us and to the not for profit we have attempted to run called the veterans project ,founded after we lost are oldest son Joshua it was in his Honor and name that we founded the veterans project and I picked up pace in writing the things we were experiencing and speaking out on many of the issues we have seen and experienced since then ,The link below will give the proof that we were abused by the police and all rights ignored and that they did willfully place us in harms way

To force another to consent is terrorism by definition

But our good fortune was not to last long when the oceanside PD took the Chevy Yukon, given to us from the love of another's heart who gave us a hand up and out of the bush and in something for at least a little while seemed safe again the agents of the state used their tactic of asset forfeiture to strong arm rob me and my wife and again while laughing at us took our vehicle and what possession we had left and towed it away Again I state

To force another to consent is terrorism by definition

leaving us on the street for a second time again complaints were filed and we showed proof of insurance and financial responsibility. I was told by not one but two lieutenants of the oceanside police force we were not getting our property back take us to I attempted to do so only to find that any rights we have under the constitution of the united states are null and void in the eyes of the law and judiciary system in Oceanside california still we struggled to get back on our feet we did apply to the benefits we deserve and have earned and what we received was a heartbreak between me and my wife we received 56 dollars in food stamp decision to leave it took almost another six months

So having no one to turn to as a friend or family me and my wife spent days and weeks at a Time in the library in the day time and found my wife would stay there in the daytime while I worked and attempted to replace the second vehicle that were were robbed of by the very people most have come to expect as ones that are here for you to protect you and serve I took to a decision to leave it took almost another six months later and moved to Antioch Tn ,so we made it here and for the first time had a place tolay our head sop we thought place to lay our heads but we were wrong I worked for another 3 months to earn the money to have fuel and food to come to Antioch for the job I have at present working as a diesel Mechanic /Tech there is plenty of opportunity here with TA and the people I am working for I have all the experience and hands on practical use and purpose of the trade and its skills required to get paid of compensated for my labor and time Although I am but that is not going to come easy as the corporation in order for me to be promoted .

I am going to have to complete the required courses to get the pay I am seeking which on completion of the courses the general manager Carl Sanders ,whom is my direct supervisor who has assisted me as much as he can and allows us to stay in the parking lot so we have no issues within the local law enforcement.for that we are grateful @ present I am making $14 and hour and yet the minimum going rate for a diesel mechanic with my experience is 72,000 a year and the only reason is I lack the ASE certifications required by the corporation in order to receive such a pay check of that amount of money so I have made the choice to go to school and earn the certificates so fare I have raised $20 dollars towards my school fees and is why I started a gofund me personnel fundraiser to assist me in paying my school fees,
I work from 12 midnight till 12 noon everyday of the week and study in my off time its a challenge doing this out of our truck & tacking care of my wife and studying for the exams once I have the funds to pay for them I need to raise a total amount of $11,000 for the full course and instruction material having a past history of working in the trades has saved me a little over $8,000 dollars I have been able to come up with 80 percent of the tools I need to do the work and work the courses and the job I am performing

Any one who would like to contribute to this cause and help me help myself up, I will not for get what you have done for me and I will do everything in my power to pay it forward as it has been done for me,

I am Joseph F Barber Freelance syndicated writer ,editor and author activist and Blogger,Tradesmen ,veteran and PTSD survivor

 I am raising money to help me gain the ASE certificates I need to advance my career in heavy duty diesel Mechanics although I have over 20 years experience in one form or another in Gasoline and diesel powered vehicles bot light and heavy and yet with out the certifications I can not make the money its going to take to get me and my wife off the streets and from being homeless and living out of our suburban and on our feet ,what I am asking is a hand up two veterans one Army one Navy is a hand up yet are dream does not stop there it is with the certifications and the advancement at my present job and employer is were I will get advanced to 72,000 a year that's a considerable,larger amount than I am making at present which is $14 and hour which is not enough to get us of the streets and into a safe and stable home once I complete the courses and show my verifiable work history in the field that will certify me as a T8 Master technician, I at present work for TA Trucks Services In Antioch ,Tn Under the supervision of Carl Sanders He can be contacted @ 615-614-6731,or @ 931-982-2254,13011 Old Hickory Blvd ,Antioch Tn 37013 If any one wishes to verify my story then please feel free to contact carl at the numbers and address I have given in this post

Homeless survival packs Includes these items Help ease their burden. Just $25 helps provide homeless survival packs funds are needed immediately this time of year is hard for our programs and funds are short being a self funded group of veterans

I am Joseph F Barber, (aka Doc)

Diesel Mechanic at TA Truck Service

Freelance syndicated writer Author,

Blogger & Veteran Homeless citizen of America, PTSD survivor,

Founder of the veterans project. activist and Tradesmen,and Gas and Diesel Mechanic

Homeless veterans are more likely to die on the streets than non-veterans Since 2013, Veterans Project & The Family Assistance Campaign has provided free food assistance to more than 20,000 Veterans and their family members, distributing 445,000 lbs of food since our founding. Feeding Our Vets and citizens alike its  mission is to help Veterans in the United States, their spouses and children, whose circumstances have left them on the battlefield of hunger, and to involve the public in fighting Veteran& Citizen  hunger, through: (1) Community food pantries that provide regular, free food to Veterans and their families, (2) Distribution of related goods and services, (3) Public education and outreach. To protect our independents we except no government funds .Hopefully one day we won’t have any homeless vets, or homeless people at all. In the meantime, having a few care packages to hand out is a great way to help out,

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right