Question Everything!Everything!! |

Welcome to Truth, FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience. , is an alternative media and news site that is dedicated to the truth, true journalism and the truth movement. The articles, ideas, quotes, books and movies are here to let everyone know the truth about our universe. The truth will set us free, it will enlighten, inspire, awaken and unite us. Armed with the truth united we stand, for peace, freedom, health and happiness for all

Question Everything!

This blog does not promote
This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.

"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier
Thursday, May 30, 2013
The Rise of the Fourth Branch, imbalance of power
well my friends I am off to do some work I leave you with this post long it may be but a well informed opinion I say the fourth branch of government is the people
The Rise of the Fourth Branch, imbalance of power
The Tables Have Turned on “Useful Idiots”
Now that the tables have turned, the “useful idiots” appear wide awake and do not like the unlawful scrutiny and searches they’ve been subjected to without their knowledge – they feel duped.
Who can they blame?
According to the Washington Post, it is “the rise of the fourth branch.” A large chart pictured the “imbalance of power;” at the top is the Executive that implements laws, below are the co-equals, the Legislative that makes laws and the Judicial that interprets laws. Underneath all, in a huge bubble, is the “Administrative state that makes, implements, and interprets its own rules without any accountability.” Featured prominently in this green bubble were the FCC and the EPA. (Jonathan Turley, “The Rise of the Fourth Branch,” Washington Post, May 26, 2013)
Jonathan Turley, considering the recent events, opined that “the 19th century Know-Nothing Party had returned to Washington. President Obama insisted he knew nothing about major decisions in the State Department, or the Justice Department, or the Internal Revenue Service. The heads of those agencies, in turn, insisted they knew nothing about major decisions by their subordinates. It was as if the government functioned by some hidden hand.” Turley defends the Executive by saying, “the suggestion that someone, even the president, is in control of today’s government may be an illusion.”
Unions, who were the main financial backers and supporters of Democrats and the unfortunately named The Affordable Care Act, thought themselves immune, they were too big to fit under the proverbial bus of Obamacare, with the rest of us, the “unwashed masses” living in a parallel universe. They were wrong.
To paraphrase Nancy Pelosi, who was in a terrible hurry to pass the Affordable Care Act in the middle of the night, Let us pass the law so you can see what’s in it. No more Cadillac plans, no special subsidies for Big Labor, nothing but reduced choices, higher premiums, rationing of care, and many other “unforeseen consequences” that the conservative opposition warned the public about constantly but such forewarnings fell on deaf ears.
The Affordable Care Act is so unaffordable, daunting, and potentially third-worldish that the mighty Congressmen, their staff, and Big Labor want exemptions, including the IRS union, the very people who are going to administer Obamacare and levy tax penalties for non-compliance on other people. Too bad Americans are not allowed to plead the Fifth when audited as the IRS’s Lois Lerner did when asked to testify.
It is hard to imagine how the federal government, with the efficiency of the post office and draconian empathy of the IRS, is going to enforce our collective health care efficiently and compassionately when they are running out of money to set up federal exchanges - the HHS Secretary is asking insurance CEOs for funds to establish health exchanges. The infamous 15-member death panel is having difficulty finding conservatives to serve on this committee. Who wants to make life and death decisions, to tell people that their health care is being rationed when they need it most desperately?
AP reporters, whose rights to privacy were violated when their phones were tapped, are finally speaking out. Fox News is outraged that their reporters are targeted. Could it be a little too late to put out the raging fire?
The liberal MSM, setting aside any decorum of objectivity held in the past, has been the overt propaganda arm of this administration, vilifying and marginalizing conservatives, Tea Party groups, veterans, and other like-minded Americans who did not like the excessive government intrusion into their lives, the IRS audits, denials of tax-exempt status, and firings, all because they exercised their freedom of speech and assembly.
Citizens did not speak out when Boston was under curfew without a declaration of Martial Law; people were marched out of their homes with their hands up like criminals, their houses searched without a warrant under the excuse that a 19-year-old alleged bomber was on the loose. This fugitive was subsequently found hiding in a boat by a private citizen out for a smoke in his back yard.
Nobody defended Dr. Michael Savage, a prominent member of the press, when he was “banned from Britain” several years ago. The MSM was so silent, you could hear crickets chirping. His good name, reputation, excellent writing, outstanding career, and scholarship spanning decades were trampled by placing him in the same category with nefarious individuals and criminals, while the British press mocked his unrivaled and extraordinary talent as a “shock jock.” He was doing his job, reporting the truth as he saw it, exercising his freedom of speech. You may have disagreed with what he said, you may not have liked his style, his delivery, his abrasiveness, his directness - you had the choice to turn the dial and not listen to him, but you should have defended his right to speak.
Who is going to defend the “useful idiots?” I suppose they can hire expensive lawyers and plead the fifth like any other government employee. After all, nobody is held accountable anymore, we no longer have checks and balances, there is one party in power, and Congress does its bidding.
Money is printed ad infinitum via quantitative easing (QE), buying our own debt, and thus monetizing the deficit. The low information voters are kept happy with generous welfare while the shrinking labor force, pensioners, and savers are paying the price. Much wealth has been lost and re-distributed from the producers to the slackers. Congress cannot stop spending just like a kid in a candy store.
The dollar is devalued, interest rates are kept at near zero by the Fed, saving accounts pay pennies each month in interest, and people are losing wealth and purchasing power. Inflation is officially reported to be low. In reality, it is around 9 percent because the Fed bought so much of its own debt, there is too much money chasing too few goods in a very slow growing economy plagued by uncertainty and lacking sufficient investment and consumer confidence. Food and gas are no longer included in the basket of goods used to calculate inflation. The unbelievable excuse is that prices for food and gas are volatile. Prices are actually manipulated and influenced by deliberately unwise energy policies, such as using corn for biofuel, speculating on commodities, compounding scarcities from lower-yield crops, and lack of rain.
There is tremendous uncertainty in the economy, acting like a drag on investment to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Business confidence and consumer confidence are quite low. The Ginni index that reflects the poverty level in the country shows that people below the poverty line in America have become poorer every year of the current administration in spite of empty promises of “leveling the playing field” and creating non-existent “shovel-ready jobs.”
Do useful idiots understand the gravity of the situation, how close we are to economic disaster, once we hit $20 trillion in national debt, not counting unfunded liabilities? On some level, is it possible that we are all useful idiots?
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) said in a statement to Fox News last Friday, “The fact that the president and the vice president are hosting illegal immigrants in the White House while constricting citizen tours and refusing to meet with immigration officers says it all. The White House will not even grant ICE officers a low-level White House meeting but invites illegal immigrants into the Oval Office.”
MSM reported in scripted unison that the War on Terror is over, just “onesies” and “twosies” isolated cases, Al Qaeda was on the run and gone, Benghazi was just a nuisance story, it was long time ago, what difference does it make, and the IRS scandal was too much ado about nothing because nobody knew anything, it was just some rogue lowly employees. The spoon-fed talking points were identical on every cable news channel.
The “useful tool” obviously staged protest and rant by Medea Benjamin of Code Pink in support of closing Gitmo and releasing the remaining terrorists is another example of how this administration uses far lefties to promote its agenda and to change the discussion from serious scandals to theatrical, uninterrupted heckling by a single Code Pink member. It is a known fact that many of the released prisoners from Guantanamo Bay have gone back to the battlefield and have killed many Americans.
For the last five years “useful idiots” have extolled the virtues and fantastic accomplishments of the dream presidency with a Nobel Peace Prize under its belt for expanding the Afghanistan war and the use of drones. Now that the tables have turned on them, is MSM going to wake up from this surreal dream?

Healthcare is not the goal of ObamaCare. Depopulation is the goal!
Healthcare is not the goal of ObamaCare. Depopulation is the goal!
The Transparent IRS Agenda!
The challenge of being a politician, especially if he/she is attempting to act responsibly within the midst of a political scandal and a media hostile to the seeking the truth is having to rein in questions that must be asked to arrive at the truth.
Recently, Representative Thomas McClintock (R-CA) asked why the IRS was so intent upon demanding the names from conservative groups seeking to organize under Section 501. Actually, the agenda of the IRS is very transparent, but discussing the agenda demands the discussion of a conspiracy, and who would ever accuse this regime, or prior regimes of being conspiratorial?
The common belief is that the Office of President of the United States is the most powerful political position in the world. That may have been the truth decades ago, but only the politically naive would believe that now. It is easier to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and/or the Tooth Fairy than to believe the President of the United States is the most powerful politician in the world. The President may be the most visible politician in the world, but the President of today dances to the collective will of faceless, gutless, and narcissistic elitist hood rats who have stolen control of both major political parties, and who seek the destruction of our constitutional republic.
Exposing the abuses of the IRS against conservative organizations is a key to the potential arrest of a devious agenda to punish conservatives for having the temerity of opposing the regime. Additionally, with faith, fiscal and constitutional conservatives being labeled as potential domestic terrorists, it is apparent to the politically astute that there is an agenda beyond the imposition of ObamaCare as an attempt to ‘improve’ healthcare accessibility and delivery within the U. S. Why did the IRS target conservative groups, demanding the names of members, volunteers, donors, family members, business associates, speakers and audience members at group meetings. The inquest was not limited to these abuses, but this offers ample evidence that conservative American citizens have been targeted by a regime gone rogue!
Healthcare is not the goal of ObamaCare. Depopulation is the goal!
Among the many un-redeeming aspects of the puppeteers is that they are a cabal of zero/de-population fanatics. Healthcare is not the goal of ObamaCare. Depopulation is the goal! Consider this quote by Zbigniew Brzezinski on November 17, 2008, to British elites at Chatham House, ‘… in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill, than to control …’ This prompts the question of why are 16,500 IRS officers being hired to ‘enforce’ an abominable health insurance fraud?
Having access to an individual’s tax return provides access to specific, non-health information about the individual. Is an individual employed within the government, or within the private sector? Is the individual self-employed, a business owner, or a Form 1099 tax filer? Is the individual a member of a union (government sector or private sector)? Does the individual tithe to a church or synagogue? Does the individual contribute to any pro-life organizations /causes? Also, ObamaCare ‘allows’ for health insurers and healthcare providers to ask if an applicant or insured owns any guns.
If you are a Leftist collectivist seeking to depopulate the citizenry of our constitutional republic in a surreptitious and selective manner, wouldn’t you want to have an easy-to-follow program so even the lowest-brow Leftist would know to whom to allow access to healthcare and to whom to deny access to healthcare? Of course, there is also the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which is a creative name for a panel established as a way of denying the payment for healthcare. This panel is comprised of not elected, but appointed political hacks, whose sole ‘responsibility’ is to deny healthcare and the cost of healthcare according to an undisclosed ‘elimination’ process.
Let’s consider what we know has transpired under the current puppet’s regime, and how this might translate into the application of ObamaCare, once it is fully imposed!
Obviously, the first lines of separation/discrimination would be the health issue and the applicant’s age. Certain health issues will not be covered, and others will be subject to a phasing out of coverage, dependent upon age and/or severity of the health issue. Following these initial disqualifiers, this is where the IRS can impact who receives healthcare, and who doesn’t. By the way, there is a huge difference between having health insurance and obtaining actual healthcare.
Let’s say an applicant has survived the initial separation/discrimination benchmark. With teamwork between the IRS and the IPAB, what happens to an applicant who works in the private sector, is a Form 1099 tax filer and/or self-employed, and/or tithes, and/or contributes to pro-life organizations/causes, and/or owns a gun, or guns? Based upon recent revelations, do you really think that this individual has the same opportunity for healthcare as someone who is a government and/or union employee, a W-2 employee, a skinflint in not tithing and/or supporting charitable causes, especially pro-life causes, and does not own a gun, unless, of course, the person is a union member?
Besides the ominous costs that continue to mushroom, making health insurance and healthcare out of reach for the small business owner and self-employed and the declining proletariat, wouldn’t it be great to have a system rigged to eliminate those most likely to oppose the imposition of tyranny under the guise of social justice? This is the true Trojan Horse of ObamaCare.
Conservatives need to wake-up to the fact that they are under attack by traitors within the upper echelons of our federal government and non-U. S. elites, who seek to impose their politically correct, unsustainable sustainability/U. N. Agenda 21 upon a distracted populace. The Republican leadership must be put on notice that the world is watching how it executes the investigation and interrogations regarding the abuses of the IRS. Of course, they are also on notice regarding the Benghazi massacre and the abuse of members within the media, but the IRS abuse is one abuse to which every American taxpayer can relate.
In fact, shouldn’t every abuser within the IRS, and above, be held to the same heartless, even ruthless aggressiveness for which the IRS is famous? It appears that the abuses within the IRS could be systemic. As a government agency empowered to impose the wrath of a financially insatiable government, IRS employees at all levels may feel legally entitled to intimidate those who fund their paychecks and generous benefits packages!
A lot must be done before ObamaCare becomes fully imposed. Of course, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives has the ability to save us from the imposition of ObamaCare, but the leadership has stubbornly refused to do so, opting to say ‘it is the law of the land’. The Gutless Opposition Party (GOP) leadership continues to act as if everyone is a low information voter, passing legislation to repeal ObamaCare, knowing that this is a waste of time. The legacy of this GOP leadership will be defined by the fact that ObamaCare has been defunded, or implemented under its watch in the House. It is apparent that the IRS is acting according to orders given up-line. As citizens and/or taxpayers, it is our responsibility to pressure those in positions to save our republic to do so, or pay the price, politically and legally. We can begin by inviting God into the battle to save us from ourselves!

Our country is being sold out
Our country is being sold out, our Constitutional republic is being undermined, and We, the People, are being set up for life under a collectivist, totalitarian police state
Craven Cowards
It has been clear for the past five years that conservative politicians are a bunch of craven cowards. Fear of being called racists, or even mean-spirited sets them to whimpering, trembling, and hand-wringing, eyes rolling as they desperately search for the nearest hole to hide their heads in.
They have lost the ability to use words like “liar,” “abuse of power and/or office,” “criminal acts,” much less “treason” and “traitor.” They cower in the background, literally letting Obama, Holder, H.R. Clinton, Jarrett, Axelrod, Timmy “The Mouthpiece” Carney, Rahm Emanuel, et al. get away with murder.
The current rash of “scandals” is but a continuation of the lawlessness that has characterized the Democrats for the past 60 years. The craven cowards seem to have totally forgotten that it was Democrat Lyndon Johnson who completely fabricated from whole cloth – that’s made up a huge lie, for those of you who were “educated” in government schools – the so called Gulf of Tonkin Incident, a supposed attack on U.S. naval forces by the North Vietnamese, that he used to justify massive insertion of American troops into Vietnam. Bush’s supposed lie regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq doesn’t even come close, even assuming he did lie, nonsense only far-left Marxist Democrats believe, yet the craven cowards in Congress utter not a peep.
Nor do the cowards have the backbone to bring up the fact that in 2009, the bailout of Chrysler resulted in 789 dealerships being closed, nearly all owned by Republicans, or Democrats who opposed Obama. Leftist apologists like Snopes and others bent over backwards to spin this as a not intentional coincidence, but given Obama’s abuses of power, before and since, this sure looks like more of the same. Nixon appears a rank amateur compared to Obama & Co.
This despicabley craven behavior has allowed Obama and the self-avowed Marxist revolutionaries he has appointed to dozens of positions of power within the administration to move forward, virtually unobstructed, with their looting of the treasury, emasculation and hobbling of the military, undermining of national security, persecution of Christians, vilification of conservatives, especially those who believe in government by the Constitution. The craven ones have allowed the border of our once sovereign nation, and our immigration laws which served us so well for so long, to be turned into a memory. They have said nothing about elections like the blatantly fraudulently one in Minnesota that foisted Al Franken on We, the People, or the one in Nevada where the votes of thousands of criminal invaders from Mexico let fascist Harry Reid steal the election from solid Tea Party conservative, Sharon Angle, and continue his reign of corruption as Democrat Senate Majority Leader. It allowed leftist political hack, Sherod Brown, to steal the Ohio Senate election from solid Tea Party conservative, Josh Mandel.
The Senate clearly should have had a Republican majority, but the craven cowards can’t object when their heads are…er…uh…buried in the sand. The radical racist who runs the Injustice Department has totally refused to even consider investigating, much less bringing charges. No surprise, since, with the unequivocal approval of his boss, B. Hussein Obama, he has decided that he and the administration are above the law, and can do anything they d-mn well please.
The chances of any serious resistance to B. Hussein’s selling us out to radical Islam, at home and abroad, are not even slim, they are none. The Benghazi debacle was, among other things, about gun-running to Obama’s al-Qaeda allies who have taken over the anti-Assad forces in Syria. Yet the taqiyya Liar-in-Chief had the temerity to publicly announce – again – that al-Qaeda has been defeated and that Muslims are a “fundamental part of the American Family.”
The nearly totally corrupt Senate Foreign Relations Committee has just voted 15-3 to approve S. 960 to fund sending weapons, money, and American troops to “aid” the al-Qaeda dominated Syrian “rebels.” Strangely, Rand Paul was joined by uber-liberal Democrats Undall (D-NM) and Murphy (D-CT) in voting against it. The rest of the Republicans on the committee turned traitor. It looks like our traitorous Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and his bloodthirsty rubber stamps in the Senate are about to get us into another war in the Middle East, a war in which we have zero, zip, nada national interest.
Our country is being sold out, our Constitutional republic is being undermined, and We, the People, are being set up for life under a collectivist, totalitarian police state. Unfortunately, We, the People, through our neglect of our civic duty to be active in the affairs of our towns, counties, states, and nation, have allowed this to happen. The Question is: do we have the necessary backbone ourselves to stop it?

Poverty at a Glance
Poverty at a Glance
There is a diversity of faces and voices that define people that are currently living in poverty. If you seen them on the street would you know them? Who are these unfortunate people? Do you think you could point them out? Where do they come from? While some impoverished people are apparent -many are hidden and walk amongst us everyday, fighting to survive, playing the societal game, and hoping to rise up and leave behind a life of poverty and despair. The impoverished is made up of people from all aspects of life with differences in age, race, color, and ethnicity. This group also includes fallen power elitists; impoverished by greed or over consumption of addiction. The issues of poverty and homelessness go hand and hand. The two are so closely intertwined that we often fail to see that they are in reality one problem, and that the homeless, excluding the handicapped, the aged, and the mentally ill, is merely the most severe expression of it. Charity and handouts do not solve the problems, although they often soften the blow. The impoverished continue to fight their battle to survive, and hope, and pray that the next day will be better then the last.
When we speak of the poor, we speak as though they are an unchanging and faceless group to be pity despised or feared. To talk of the "poverty problem" is to talk of some depersonalized permanent fixture on the U.S. landscape. The poverty is people, it's people standing in welfare lines, it's people standing in soup kitchen lines and unemployment lines. It's people living in rat-infested projects and people sleeping on the streets. It's people struggling to acquire things that the rest of society takes for granted. It's people coming up short in their quest for the American Dream. It's 13% of the American population that came up short of the American dream in 1999 (U.S. Census Bureau, 1999).
However, what truly defines poverty? Is it a lack of money, or lack of food or even lack of proper hygiene? Although these characteristics alone or combined can often define people living in poverty, the truth is that these are only perceptions. To live in poverty means that your income falls below the official poverty line for a given family size. In a broader sense, the living conditions of the poor are difficult to measure, both because annual cash income is only one factor related to living conditions, and because the poor are quite heterogeneous (Federman, Garner & Short, 1997). The perceptions or "myths" that the population has about poverty are distinguished by a "high degree of constancy" across generations and by an "equally pronounced capacity for evolution", adapting to changes in knowledge and social circumstance (Blumenburg, 1995 pp.34). Society buying into these myths and some impoverished adhering to the myths feed the fuel for society's beliefs and perceptions.
So why is there a need to change society's view of those living in poverty? The truth is that these perceptions and myths aren't just generalizations about the mass of impoverished because most of them "fit" the mold. While the belief is that the impoverished are homeless, the fact is that 48% own their own homes, compared to 78% of those not living in poverty. Typically, these home are three-bedroom houses with one-and-one-half baths. The average values of these homes are $65,000 (Goldman 1999). Not only does a good percentage of the impoverished own their own home; they also own the amenities to go along with it. Ninety-two percent of the impoverished own a color television, with nearly half of that population owning two televisions (Bartlett, 1998). Three quarters of the population of those living in poverty have VCR's, microwaves, telephones and even a car in the driveway (Bracey, 1997). Their homes are in good repair and are not overcrowded. Moreover, by their own report, the poor are not hungry -and even have sufficient funds to meet all essential needs (Susser, 1997). While life is not opulent, it is far from what the popular consensus understands by poverty.
Poverty is the inability to secure for onesself the benefits of 'civilization': necessities, comforts, pleasures. What are the causes of this 'shortage'? What was formerly done by human hands is now done by machines (technology). These machines are owned by the minority (the rich) and are worked by the majority (the poor) for the benefit of the minority (the rich). The minority also own the land. The majority must pay the minority for the 'priviledge' of being permitted to live in the place of their birth. Generally, the majority works hard and lives in poverty so that the minority may live lives of luxury without working. Poverty is caused by Private Monopoly; landlordism, employerism, ownership.
Until recently, poverty has never been simply the existence of poor people. It was that, combined with a set of understandings about how poor people fit into the overall scheme of things, how economic destitution and its possible eradication relate to ideas about divine providence, human nature, and the ideal society (Russel 1997). These larger meanings inspired the non-poor to take an interest in poverty and to commit their selves to do something about it. Today, however, the idea of poverty has been reduced to a drab, predominantly economic issue. It is a social problem encompassing other social problems --drug abuse, violence, panhandling, children having children--inspire few visions of opportunities to enhance compassion, equality, and justice (Bracey, 1997; Goldman 1999; Russel 1997; Susser, 1997). Their vileness is stark, encouraging the rest of society to block out poverty and retreat to its own more comfortable and intelligible world.
In these circumstances, increasing numbers of non-poor are opting for an alternative posture. Lacking confidence in and commitment to the proposition that poverty can be eliminated, we at least can order where we live, where our children go to school, what we read, and whom we encounter in such a way that we insulate ourselves from contacting or even thinking about the poor with their sordid lives and criminal tendencies. This is the coming solution to the problem of poverty: to make it go away by the cheap and simple expedient of refusing to acknowledge it (Bracey, 1997; Goldman 1999; Susser, 1997).
The impoverished meaning of poverty, and the resulting indifference toward it, enables and encourages politicians to join the rest of us in turning our backs on the poor. The structure of our society is not condolent to helping those in poverty or to improve their situation (Bartlett 1998; Gibbs 1995; Goldman 1999; Susser, 1997). While the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, it seems that if you bend down to help someone up, there is someone else there to kick you down.
Poverty is a disease of "The Money (Profit) System" (Susser, 1997). The smallest group "the rich " does little or nothing and enjoys the abundance of things made by the largest group - "the poor "- who live lives of semi-starvation and misery. The newspapers (just one of many devices invented and fostered by those who are selfishly interested in maintaining the status quo) are full of accounts of 'crimes' committed by the impoverished ('theft of trade' mainly).
When people in mainstream America think of violence, they also think of poverty: the deviant, defiant, dangerous "underclass" or "undeserving poor" (Federman, Garner & Short, 1997). Such stereotypes contain a grain of truth amid their untruths; the typical American stereotype of an impoverished person is one that is marked by numerous defiant behaviors. Though often seen as drug using, welfare abusing, baby making, jobless minorities, this is rarely the case.
While the myth is that the vast majority of the poor are blacks and Hispanics, the fact is that forty-eight percent of the poor are white, 27% are African Americans, and 22% are Hispanics (Bracey, 1997). Another common belief is that most people are poor because they do not want to work, but, facts show that 7.5 million poor adults work at least 27 weeks out of the year (Hale, 1999). What also must be taken into consideration is that 60% of the poor in the U.S. were not able to work due to their age (to young or to old), or due to disability. This can further be broken down as: 40% were to young 10% were over 65 with the remaining 10% as disabled (Federman, Garner, & Short, 1996). A myth held by many is that most poor get welfare so they aren't really suffering and once they are on welfare they stay on for long periods of time and make no effort to improve the situation. However, most poor citizens do not receive aid from the government, either because they are not eligible, not willing to apply, or do not know that they are eligible. For those families receiving welfare most did not receive aid for more than two years at a time (Thomas, 1997). It is believed by many that:
"Welfare mothers are promiscuous. Most are morally weak and undeserving. If women do not want to be poor they should make different choices, and change their behavior. This is the myth of the "culture of single Motherhood"" (Thomas, 1997 pp. 351).
Women on welfare are shown to have fewer births in comparison to the rest of the population (Hale 1999). Most welfare recipients are not teenage moms as the media hype and recent myth-driven welfare reforms tend to indicate. In fact, no more than 7% of the U.S. welfare families are headed by teen moms (Thomas, 1997). Another, strongly held myth about the poor is that they are heavy drug and alcohol abusers, statistics show that one out of every four people living in poverty is a substance abuser, many of these are included in the 25% who are mentally ill (Corcoran, 1995).
However, the truth is that bad apples exist in all classes, from muggers among the poor to manufacturers of defective products among the wealthy. Either street crime is primarily caused by poverty and unemployment, or it is not; this need not be a matter of permanent debate. After all, the middle and upper classes do not mug. The crimes that the middle and upper class commit are rarely the crimes that are exploited day in and day out on television, newspapers or media in general. This is due to the fact that the upper classes control society's views, interests and biases. There is historical bias in the law that favors the power. The power of the powerful interest groups in society determines who and what are deviant by using the power of social control (Corcoran 1995). Social control is used to punish or neutralize organizations or individuals that deviate from society's norms, especially the poor (Corcoran 1995). However, the only real crime that the poor as a society commit is that they are unable to fill in the gap between the goal of success and the means to attain it. With the biases in hand, the only real and lasting solution to changing the relationship between the poor and the deviant is to radically transform society.
The following is a personal journey to Gods Kitchen to learn more on how the poor and impoverished live:
My journey to God's Kitchen was a true eye opening experience. I was surprised to see all the hungry people inside, surprised to see all the hungry people standing in line and surprised to see all the hungry people outside . . . and surprised to see that many of them look like you and I. While many people don't take a second look at the man on the street begging for change, I took a second look while I was at God's Kitchen. This person could be my neighbor, a co-worker or even a fellow churchgoer. I found it most ironic that in a place called God's Kitchen, you couldn't see the difference between the impoverished and your fellow man. The feeling that I got inside from helping these people far outweighed any joy or excitement that I ever received from a material object. From this event, I was able to close some of the biases that I had against the poor and impoverished and learned that we could share the same goals, beliefs and ideas. The real tragedy I feel is that mainstream America appears to be unwilling to give the poor a chance at decent full-time jobs. They need a means to fill the gaps in their search and many are not only willing, but also able to fill various available positions. Without these jobs, the lure of the streets will be too strong, and the incentive to move into seemingly secure and well-paying criminal occupations too great.
Foreign Troops Are Landing By The Plane Loads All Across The Country
Foreign Troops Are Landing By The Plane Loads All Across The Country
So Many That It Can Only Mean One Thing – Surrender To The UN
I’m getting cell phone calls that there are huge transport jets landing in
West Virginia, Jacksonville, Fl, and Camp Atterbury, and possibly others.
Plz post if you are seeing similar heavy air traffic in your areas. It
appears we have a UN invasion developing.”Just had a phone call from a man
in Jacksonville Florida who lives right on the flight path of the Naval Air
station there who advised that starting early yesterday morning there has
been a constant flow of huge unmarked military transport planes landing
non-stop since. He thinks they’re C130′s and C17′s also. He said he’s never
in all the years there seen more than a dozen per day. These jets are
silver and plain, no tail markings. Do we have anyone here who can add to
”I had several high level militia members call me with Intel confirmed on
UN soldiers being flown into Indiana on 130s and c17s bein issued US army
name tapes and ranks and being put under order of DHS on top of that
multiple armed swat raids being led by IRS in south multiple people taken
Texas Florida Mississippi an Georgia.”
When soldiers asked about incoming flights they are told you did not see
what you thought you saw.

Jihad, the Great Struggle, (war) is to subjugate all who are not of Islam.
Jihad, the Great Struggle, (war) is to subjugate all who are not of Islam.
Islamic lying
Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary. ~ Reinhold Niebuhr
We live in the greatest example of Democratic thought and practice to ever go awry. In reality, we’ve taken the quotes of great minds i.e. Socrates, Solon, Aristotle, Cicero and Marcus Aurelius. They’re examples of great philosophers in the ancient world. We learned from them appreciatively. They fertilized the thinking of such American greats as Franklin and Jefferson, James Madison, Justices John Jay and Joseph Story soon to be followed Justices Learned Hand and Oliver Wendell Holmes as well as a host of others. We’re acceptant of differing opinions and thoughts.
Philosophy is opinion coupled with logic for the most part. Logic stains the litmus presentation allowing you to see there’s something there you weren’t aware of before you conducted the test. It’s the gimbal levels the thought in your mind before you allow it to direct your moral compass.
The common denominator of all these great minds was the way they reached outward with their thought and shared it with posterity. They took their knowledge of what was and sent it to the people so the people could understand how the business of politics in their world was being conducted. They opened the minds of the people and deposited comprehension allowing the people to make choices and decisions based on clear thought leading toward truth.
But, truth is a subjective thing. It lives in a shadow and must have the full light of day cast upon it to see what it means. A stronger light needs to be shined on it for all to appreciate truth as fact and not casting deeper shadows. To do this we return repeatedly to that place, those philosophers and the books codified our foundational belief systems and taught us our ethics and how we’ll relate to our brothers and sisters.
Moral thought and direction in Western thought were originally guided by the person’s education in, understanding of and acceptance of Judeo-Christian teaching inherited from Old and New Testaments. In Far Eastern cultures the teachings of Buddha, Confucius and the adherents of the Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism developed different theories and practices seeking to align their understanding of the higher power(s) directed their lives.
But, one thing was a common to all of them. They preached tolerance and harmony between people, beings and spirits unseen. They preached acceptance. They practiced (when not succumbing to man’s more base instincts) their faith as defined by a tolerant religion.
All but one did this.
Where other faiths preach truth, honor, integrity and communal thought along peaceful lines to acquire the joys of a positive afterlife, Islam preaches the way to heaven and all of its regards is to kill and/or subjugate infidels (non-believers) unless they surrender to accept Islam under duress. Islam teaches it’s acceptable and expected an Islamist may lie, cheat and steal in the interests of Islam. All other non-Islamic religions teach lying; stealing and cheating are antithetical to an honorable existence and thus prohibitive of entry into Heaven.
Islam preaches strict, fundamentalist adherence to the letter of the law. Muhammad proclaimed himself the prophet of his higher power. No others may supersede him. NO others may deviate from the written and stated letter of the law as stated in the Qur’an. Muhammad was the ultimate speaker for his God. No others may contest this, or interpret it or stray from the fundamentalist cause it espouses: the complete and total subjugation of all infidels under the banner of an Islamic deity. No other faiths or religions may exist.
It’s written in the Qur’an this way and is inviolable. None may question Muhammad’s words as he says Allah spoke them to him. According to Bukhari (V7B67N427): “The prophet said, ‘If I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.”
That means no matter the words to spill from an Islamist mouth, his ethics and loyalties will always be questionable. Islam expects a strict, no-holds-barred approach to the conquest of infidels. No other practice is acceptable. And for that reason the words of so-called “moderate” Muslims is and always will be suspect when it comes to the condemnation of violent Radical, Fundamentalist Islamists actions. They can lie about anything and Islam will forgive them if it’s in the best interests of Islam.
They read from the same book. They accept the same philosophy as the word of their higher power (I refuse to call it a god). They recite the same scripture as proof of their piety before that higher power. Bukhari (52:269) says: “The prophet said, ‘War is deceit.’”
And Jihad, the Great Struggle, (war) is to subjugate all who are not of Islam.

You CANNOT kill an idea!
Radical Islamic terrorism
You CANNOT kill an idea!
You CANNOT kill an idea! And, Obama just can’t get it. He refuses to understand Al Qaeda isn’t dead. It isn’t even seriously wounded. Because he’s worked so hard to make America a third class member of a fourth class New World Order, he refuses to see Islamic Terrorism has morphed into a Guerrilla Warfare activity sponsored and fueled by Al Qaeda doctrine and ideology.
This has happened because of our attempted placement into a world community highlighting weakness as a participant quality and defining element of the equal partnership we’re supposed to be part of. The individual becomes as powerful as the greatest nation. Organizational causes can hold sway over the rights of the many if they possess sufficient firepower; or if they work internally to attack its people and destroy like a virus attacking the vital organs of the nation. The ideology reigns supreme.
The cause is a conduit conducting the free-flow of ideological hatred and practical delivery of the venom spouted by its adherents. This Jihad has transitioned to a state of being similar to the cell phone community. It operates from individual power sources and brain trusts comprised of as few people as two and occasionally by the lone gunman. Violence of action, speed of delivery and ingenuity of assault are the hallmarks of this new style of warfare affecting civilized, national centers of the western world.
Obama keeps looking at the problem as Al Qaeda being an entity unto itself, like a club or a social organization. Al Qaeda roughly translates out to “The base”. It’s the structural foundation of the Radical Islamist movement.
By decimating the Al Qaeda leadership, Obama and his predecessors have removed ONLY 10% of the organizational leadership. He hasn’t even come near the other 90% of the participant members of the movement. You can’t get near that number (90%) because each present member is tasked with recruiting and training multiple replacements for his individual self should he be removed from the equation.
This operation isn’t diminishing, it’s morphing like a virus, changing and mutating into shapes and forms resistant to its destruction by continually developing greater and greater resistance. Its chemical composition and construction adapts to the influences being exerted against it at any given moment. It develops immunity to what once worked by changing organically. It’s a living, breathing, feeding mass bent on the destruction of all not like itself. It’s indiscriminate in its attacks. It cares nothing for its neighbors or those not of similar construct.
Obama’s refusal to address the fact Radical Islam exists is emblematic of his unsuitability to command the armed forces of the United States of America. He wants to negotiate with people espousing the right and propriety of lying to enemies to gain the upper hand in those negotiations. He wants to fetter the military with economic restraints and fiscal austerity assuring they don’t have the resources to strike with their full capabilities. He wants to assure that claim of delivering “fundamental change” to America takes place no matter the cost.
The inability of Obama and his administration to recognize and acknowledge the presence of Radical, Fundamentalist Islam is worse than the ostrich burying his hand in the sand. It’s more a matter of becoming ready to bury our people under the influence of a battle ready, violence supported and theologically authorized dementia hell-bent on the destruction of anything and everybody not in alignment with their thinking.
Obama’s stealthy and fundamentally flawed agenda has been obvious to many who were accused of being conspiracy nuts and drama-queens chewing the scenery to get attention for what they plainly saw but others denied because (“shucks, that kinda crap can’t happen here! We’re a democracy!”) was the prevalent theory.
It’s precisely because we are a democratic republic Obama’s kind of malfeasance can exist. A democratic republic with a constitution and bill of rights such as our protects the freedom of speech and right to bear arms of any and all nutcases declaring themselves enemies of our state to rise up, overthrow the seated government and replace it with one they feel works better. It’s how we became who and what we are endangers us in reference to clowns like Obama setting the agenda for how America and Americans will defend themselves.
Until fatuous clots like Obama understand and recognize Radical Islam is the enemy and Al Qaeda is only its foundational support for the agendas of individuals skulking in warm, dry shadows like roaches we’re in danger from within more than from without.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
what life becomes when human beings and the ecosystem are ruthlessly turned into commodities
what life becomes when human beings and the ecosystem are ruthlessly turned into commodities to exploit until exhaustion or collapse. And we wanted to expose as impotent the formal liberal and governmental institutions that once made reform possible, institutions no longer equipped with enough authority to check the assault of corporate power.
What has taken place in these sacrifice zones — in postindustrial cities such as Camden, N.J., and Detroit, in coalfields of southern West Virginia where mining companies blast off mountaintops, in Indian reservations where the demented project of limitless economic expansion and exploitation worked some of its earliest evil, and in produce fields where laborers often endure conditions that replicate slavery — is now happening to much of the rest of the country. These sacrifice zones succumbed first. You and I are next.
Corporations write our legislation. They control our systems of information. They manage the political theater of electoral politics and impose our educational curriculum. They have turned the judiciary into one of their wholly owned subsidiaries. They have decimated labor unions and other independent mass organizations, as well as having bought off the Democratic Party, which once defended the rights of workers. With the evisceration of piecemeal and incremental reform — the primary role of liberal, democratic institutions — we are left defenseless against corporate power.
The Department of Justice seizure of two months of records of phone calls to and from editors and reporters at The Associated Press is the latest in a series of dramatic assaults against our civil liberties. The DOJ move is part of an effort to hunt down the government official or officials who leaked information to the AP about the foiling of a plot to blow up a passenger jet. Information concerning phones of Associated Press bureaus in New York, Washington, D.C., and Hartford, Conn., as well as the home and mobile phones of editors and reporters, was secretly confiscated. This, along with measures such as the use of the Espionage Act against whistle-blowers, will put a deep freeze on all independent investigations into abuses of government and corporate power.
Seizing the AP phone logs is part of the corporate state’s broader efforts to silence all voices that defy the official narrative, the state’s Newspeak, and hide from public view the inner workings, lies and crimes of empire. The person or persons who provided the classified information to the AP will, if arrested, mostly likely be prosecuted under the Espionage Act. That law was never intended when it was instituted in 1917 to silence whistle-blowers. And from 1917 until Barack Obama took office in 2009 it was employed against whistle-blowers only three times, the first time against Daniel Ellsberg for leaking the Pentagon Papers in 1971. The Espionage Act has been used six times by the Obama administration against government whistle-blowers, including Thomas Drake.
The government’s fierce persecution of the press — an attack pressed by many of the governmental agencies that are arrayed against WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and activists such as Jeremy Hammond — dovetails with the government’s use of the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force to carry out the assassination of U.S. citizens; of the FISA Amendments Act, which retroactively makes legal what under our Constitution was once illegal — the warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of tens of millions of U.S. citizens; and of Section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act, which permits the government to have the military seize U.S. citizens, strip them of due process and hold them in indefinite detention. These measures, taken together, mean there are almost no civil liberties left.
A handful of corporate oligarchs around the globe have everything — wealth, power and privilege — and the rest of us struggle as part of a vast underclass, increasingly impoverished and ruthlessly repressed. There is one set of laws and regulations for us; there is another set of laws and regulations for a power elite that functions as a global mafia.
We stand helpless before the corporate onslaught. There is no way to vote against corporate power. Citizens have no way to bring about the prosecution of Wall Street bankers and financiers for fraud, military and intelligence officials for torture and war crimes, or security and surveillance officers for human rights abuses. The Federal Reserve is reduced to printing money for banks and financiers and lending it to them at almost zero percent interest; corporate officers then lend it to us at usurious rates as high as 30 percent. I do not know what to call this system. It is certainly not capitalism. Extortion might be a better word. The fossil fuel industry, meanwhile, relentlessly trashes the ecosystem for profit. The melting of 40 percent of the summer Arctic sea ice is, to corporations, a business opportunity. Companies rush to the Arctic and extract the last vestiges of oil, natural gas, minerals and fish stocks, indifferent to the death pangs of the planet. The same corporate forces that give us endless soap operas that pass for news, from the latest court proceedings surrounding O.J. Simpson to the tawdry details of the Jodi Arias murder trial, also give us atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide that surpass 400 parts per million. They entrance us with their electronic hallucinations as we waiver, as paralyzed with fear as Odysseus’ sailors, between Scylla and Charybdis.
There is nothing in 5,000 years of economic history to justify the belief that human societies should structure their behavior around the demands of the marketplace. This is an absurd, utopian ideology. The airy promises of the market economy have, by now, all been exposed as lies. The ability of corporations to migrate overseas has decimated our manufacturing base. It has driven down wages, impoverishing our working class and ravaging our middle class. It has forced huge segments of the population — including those burdened by student loans — into decades of debt peonage. It has also opened the way to massive tax shelters that allow companies such as General Electric to pay no income tax. Corporations employ virtual slave labor in Bangladesh and China, making obscene profits. As corporations suck the last resources from communities and the natural world, they leave behind, as Joe Sacco and I saw in the sacrifice zones we wrote about, horrific human suffering and dead landscapes. The greater the destruction, the greater the apparatus crushes dissent.
More than 100 million Americans — one-third of the population — live in poverty or a category called “near poverty.” Yet the stories of the poor and the near poor, the hardships they endure, are rarely told by a media that is owned by a handful of corporations — Viacom, General Electric, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., Clear Channel and Disney. The suffering of the underclass, like the crimes of the power elite, has been rendered invisible.
In the Lakota Indian reservation at Pine Ridge, S.D., in the United States’ second poorest county, the average life expectancy for a male is 48. This is the lowest in the Western Hemisphere outside of Haiti. About 60 percent of the Pine Ridge dwellings, many of which are sod huts, lack electricity, running water, adequate insulation or sewage systems. In the old coal camps of southern West Virginia, amid poisoned air, soil and water, cancer is an epidemic. There are few jobs. And the Appalachian Mountains, which provide the headwaters for much of the Eastern Seaboard, are dotted with enormous impoundment ponds filled with heavy metals and toxic sludge. In order to breathe, children go to school in southern West Virginia clutching inhalers. Residents trapped in the internal colonies of our blighted cities endure levels of poverty and violence, as well as mass incarceration, that leave them psychologically and emotionally shattered. And the nation’s agricultural workers, denied legal protection, are often forced to labor in conditions of unpaid bondage. This is the terrible algebra of corporate domination. This is where we are all headed. And in this accelerated race to the bottom we will end up as serfs or slaves.
Rebel. Even if you fail, even if we all fail, we will have asserted against the corporate forces of exploitation and death our ultimate dignity as human beings. We will have defended what is sacred. Rebellion means steadfast defiance. It means resisting just as have Bradley Manning and Julian Assange, just as has Mumia Abu-Jamal, the radical journalist whom Cornel West, James Cone and I visited in prison last week in Frackville, Pa. It means refusing to succumb to fear. It means refusing to surrender, even if you find yourself, like Manning and Abu-Jamal, caged like an animal. It means saying no. To remain safe, to remain “innocent” in the eyes of the law in this moment in history is to be complicit in a monstrous evil. In his poem of resistance, “If We Must Die,” Claude McKay knew that the odds were stacked against African-Americans who resisted white supremacy. But he also knew that resistance to tyranny saves our souls. McKay wrote:
If we must die, let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,
Making their mock at our accursèd lot.
If we must die, O let us nobly die
So that our precious blood may not be shed
In vain; then even the monsters we defy
Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!
O kinsmen! We must meet the common foe!
Though far outnumbered let us show us brave,
And for their thousand blows deal one death blow!
What though before us lies the open grave?
Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!
It is time to build radical mass movements that defy all formal centers of power and make concessions to none. It is time to employ the harsh language of open rebellion and class warfare. It is time to march to the beat of our own drum. The law historically has been a very imperfect tool for justice, as African-Americans know, but now it is exclusively the handmaiden of our corporate oppressors; now it is a mechanism of injustice. It was our corporate overlords who launched this war. Not us. Revolt will see us branded as criminals. Revolt will push us into the shadows. And yet, if we do not revolt we can no longer use the word “hope.”
Herman Melville’s “Moby-Dick” grasps the dark soul of global capitalism. We are all aboard the doomed ship Pequod, a name connected to an Indian tribe eradicated by genocide, and Ahab is in charge. “All my means are sane,” Ahab says, “my motive and my object mad.” We are sailing on a maniacal voyage of self-destruction, and no one in a position of authority, even if he or she sees what lies ahead, is willing or able to stop it. Those on the Pequod who had a conscience, including Starbuck, did not have the courage to defy Ahab. The ship and its crew were doomed by habit, cowardice and hubris. Melville’s warning must become ours. Rise up or die.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Intellectual Arrogance
There are really only two forms of government that have ever functioned effectively, even if only briefly. A republic, rooted in individual freedom, and depending on educated citizens who carefully watch, monitor, and if need be, rein in the government that they themselves created. The other is dictatorial tyranny. Naturally no one advertises that they are tyrants or tyrannical wannabes. They create a fresh, new “brand” identity. And the result has been the many labels for this dictatorial tyranny – statism, Nazism, theocracy, fascism, communism, socialism, absolute monarchy and the divine right of kings and so on. But in final analysis, they are all simply a form of dictatorial tyranny.
Intellectual Arrogance
Thinking about the direction the country is being taken by the ever bolder agenda of the progressives in both parties, the similarities in attitude and behavior of 21st century progressives and the defenders of slavery of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries are striking.
follow along I will explain my points of view Free Speech
In 1680, Virginia passed ordinances forbidding blacks and slaves from congregating in large numbers. In 1702, New York went even further declaring any meeting of more than three slaves to be illegal. The only exception to this was a church service if, and only if, a white clergyman was in attendance. The slave masters didn’t want ideas being put into the heads of their slaves which might create resistance to their plight.
Today that same mindset and goal is evidenced in the “Fairness Doctrine” and “Net Neutrality.” Progressives don’t want the soon-to-be-completely-subservient citizen to entertain any non-progressive thoughts. Public meetings within a school setting (at least at the collegiate level) are frequently, and sometimes violently, interrupted to prevent the dissemination of views that are anathema to the progressive script. Voters have been intimidated and so-called town hall meetings have been disrupted by supporters of elected officials to deny citizens the opportunity to voice grievances. It should not tax anyone’s memory to recall that those opposed to the direction that the progressives in government have taken us, have been verbally assaulted as “tea baggers”, a particularly vile sexual reference, or accused of being racist, radicals, extremists or even potential terrorists. Some have even been physically assaulted in efforts to discourage their protests.
In the antebellum South, slaves were forbidden by law from being given any education, even reading or writing. Following the Nat Turner Rebellion of 1831, several states passed laws that not only forbade teaching blacks to read and write, but banned slaves from attending public meetings of any kind.
Fast forward to the 21st century. Progressives have been running the nation’s school systems for nearly 100 years, and there are constant complaints that our children are not learning. They are being indoctrinated as to what to think, rather than being taught how to think.
Intellectual Arrogance
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, slave holders defended their efforts to maintain slavery by insisting that black slaves were not capable of caring for themselves. They were too dumb, too uneducated, too naïve to chart their own course in life. They needed to be civilized before they could survive as free people.
Those, like Bill Maher, who speak for 21st century progressives (see Stuart Schwartz’s article at have repeatedly told us that the American people are dumb.
Progressives say that Americans are too dumb to understand that Obamacare is really good for them.
Progressives point to the “fact” that Americans are too stupid to appreciate the onrushing danger posed by climate change.
Progressives tell us that Americans are too idiotic to understand that Congress, by spending enormous amounts of money that we don’t have, and that will have to repaid by our children and grandchildren, is somehow really doing it to help us.
In fact, they say that Americans are so feebleminded that progressives need to make these decisions for us. They tell their less intellectually gifted fellow citizens that they, and only they, the “educated class,” or the “elite” have the acumen to make such decisions. One can only wonder why, since progressives control America’s public schools, how they can possible act surprised by the public being “dumb”. Wouldn’t that lack of intelligence be an indictment of their superior decision making ability vis-Ã -vis education?
Gun Control
In the 17th, 18th centuries and the first half of the 19th century, slave owners were fearful of the outcome of arming black slaves for any reason. In fact, as early as 1662, Massachusetts passed a law outlawing the training of black slaves in the use of arms. New York, Connecticut and New Hampshire followed suit. In 1680, Virginia outlawed any bearing of arms by blacks and slaves. The lack of arms always prevents resistance to oppression.
Today, 21st century progressives are completely dedicated to the eradication of the 2nd Amendment, citing case after case of the alleged dangers posed by the private ownership of firearms. Of course they won’t admit that the real danger is their inability to control the masses if the masses are armed. Of course the inability of Progressives to repeal the 2nd Amendment, and the string of Supreme Court decisions that affirm the citizen’s right to bear arms may have led directly to President Obama’s call for “…a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded, [as the military].” While I’m sure that our Progressive President is only trying to protect us, like his healthcare initiative, he fails to tell us a key component or two of this plan. The questions that immediately spring to mind, of course, are “Just who are we being protected from?” and “If we are not being protected, who will actually be protected, and from what?”
Personal Liberty
During the colonial period and in the antebellum south, slaves were literally property. They didn’t even own their own bodies. They could be used, abused and sold. Slave marriages, religious beliefs, age, infirmity, or children meant nothing to the slave owners. Slaves were not free beings who had any control over their futures. They were property, like a table or a chair. They owned the slave. They could do whatever they wished. Slaves were never consulted, obviously, or asked to express a preference.
In the 21st century, there is a now move afoot in the Illinois legislature to treat your body as the property of the state, at least when you’ve reached the point of not being of any further use as a source of tax revenue. The Canada Free Press reports that Illinois State Senator Dale Risinger (R, Peoria) has offered a bill, SB 3613, the Presumed Donor Bill, which would amend the Illinois Anatomical Gift Act to define all Illinois patients as “presumed donors” unless they specifically avail themselves of the opt out clause. In other words, unless you specifically tell the government that, in the case of your presumed brain death, you don’t want your body parts cut out and donated to other patients, they will be removed and given to others. And thank you for your (forced) donation. As the synopsis of the bill states: “This bill, ‘Provides that, on and after July 1, 2012, each resident of Illinois who is of sound mind and who has attained the age of 18 years is presumed, by operation of law, to have given all of his or her body for any organ donation purposes.’ ”
At least the last bit excludes anyone who dies while just passing through Illinois. Of course if the law had included everyone, and that little fact became widely known, tax revenues from tourism would have taken quite a hit.
A similar statute has been introduced in New York State by Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, citing that 24 other nations use the system. Both New York and Illinois are states which are controlled by Progressive liberal Democrats.
see the similarity's against the free
Obama administration has picked a fight with Iran and Russia in Syria which could trigger World War III
Obama administration has picked a fight with Iran and Russia in Syria which could trigger World War III
The Benghazi cover-up is the proxy battle with the war with Iran
The immediate concern for the Obama-Clinton regime after the attack in Benghazi was to cover up the connection with Iran and Syria to Ansar al Sharia and Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), according to my Benghazi whistleblower source. The attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, was not a terrorist attack; it was a nation-state attack, an escalation of war, and an opening of a new front in the tit for tat conflict with Iran and by extension their proxy partner Russia that is now being fought in Syria.
For anyone who thinks Americans will be told that Benghazi was a nation-state attack by ex-CIA chief David Petraeus in the near future they are in for a disappointment. He is part of the problem and has been for years. He sold his soul for shiny medals and financial perks and circuses long ago—and as his record shows, he will roll over again and again. Recall how Petraeus fell into lock-step rank-and-file with President Obama and Hillary Clinton when he joined them in falsely misleading America before the 2012 elections by blaming an “out-of-control demonstration prompted by a Youtube video” for the Benghazi attack to the House Intelligence Committee three days after the attack. He’s as dirty as they are.
In addition, tell me please, how can a man who sends troops to war, on multiple deployments, with duffle bags full of medications, under suicidal, unwinnable polices like catch and release and COIN, while watching the military suicide numbers soar (22 a day or one every 65 minutes) have a conscience or any sense of right and wrong? To be fair that question includes the morally bankrupt Congress, particularly the long serving members who have allowed these policies that are destroying America’s military to continue unabated for years through the Bush and Obama administrations. As I previously reported, Petraeus is getting off easy for simply apologizing about sex. Take the scales off your eyes, and stop idolizing this gravely flawed man with blood on his hands—the “celebrated General,” as some media types call him. By their fruits you shall know them. Indeed, we know David Petraeus and his fruits are rotten to the core—unless Petraeus finds his soul, a conscience, and makes a deal in exchange for criminal leniency, he will keep toeing the line.
Moreover, freshman Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx) is correct. You can’t trust the Republicans either. As I reported, the Republican Committee in their Benghazi Interim report already rolled over when they shockingly confirmed the administration’s dishonest story that no one was denied help during the Benghazi attack. As their report states: “No U.S. government element refused or denied requests for emergency assistance during the crisis (page 15),” which as I reported was a lie and here’s why. The Republicans have yet to explain why they were wrong when they backed up the Obama-Clinton regime’s latest falsehood, and thus far have refused to answer my queries. Everyone makes mistakes but at least have the decency to admit it and explain what happened.
Therefore it is up to us, you and I, and all the brave whistleblowers and journalists, who at great risk must reveal the truth of Benghazi. “What difference does it make?” declared Hillary Clinton during the Foreign Relations Committee hearings—a big one because the truth of Benghazi affects not only America’s future but the entire world.
Here we go.
Let’s break it down. Remember the pictures of the three suspects that the FBI released in relation to the Benghazi attack on May 1? One of my sources with direct information on Benghazi informed me that of those three terrorists, the one on the right is a Yemeni national who was part of the jihadist group Ansar al Sharia. Ansar Al Sharia, according to Saudi intelligence, is backed, funded and directed by Iran. They are enemies of the Saudis and are trained by Iran’s Quods forces.
Normally, if the FBI is trying to track down bad guys who are possibly involved in something like a terrorist attack that killed Americans, the FBI offers some sort of reward for any information that will lead to their arrest. Notice how that did not happen with the men in Benghazi? Where’s the incentive for anyone to cooperate? As my source explained, “The game was given away when they gave that picture out. They did the same thing with the Boston Marathon bombers—played dumb, even though we now know they knew who these guys were all along. They are doing the same thing with the Benghazi guys. Saudi intelligence and Western intelligence agencies are very aware of who they are.”
It was these Iranian-backed men in the FBI photos, Ansar al Sharia, who went to Benghazi to build up a militia and radicalized some locals. As my source explained, “when you have an Iranian funded group sent into Benghazi to radicalize the locals that means you are in a proxy battle with the war in Iran.” Why? That’s a two-part answer.
First do you think Iran was happy when seven Iranian Red Crescent workers were kidnapped by gunmen in Benghazi on July 31, 2012? Recall how these Red Crescent workers (equivalent to the Red Cross), still held captive during the Benghazi attack, were released less than a month after, and flown out of the Benghazi Benina International Airport. These weren’t your typical aid workers handing out food and supplies. According to my source,they were taken off the streets because they were probing the gunrunning operation into Syria when someone picked them up.
Next it’s been well documented that the Saudis have been heavily involved in everything in Benghazi and Libya in general, the Muslim Brotherhood in the region, as well as supplying arms to the rebels in Syria to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad—with US assistance despite the line drawn by Russia.
Who else was in Benghazi? A faction of AQIM Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb backed by Syria. Syria, like Iran was in Benghazi. What was going on in Syria? There was gunrunning and arms smuggling from Libya through Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan into Syria as well as bringing in fighters to engage in a war with Syrian President Assad—the backdoor to Iran.
Meanwhile shortly after the Benghazi attacks reports of secret meetings with Obama’s chief advisor, Valerie Jarrett, with representatives of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Qatar regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons program that had been going on before the Benghazi attack began to widely surface. The Obama administration wanted to announce a breakthrough agreement in Iran’s nuclear standoff—a diplomatic victory to ensure his reelection. While the Obama administration denied these reports, my source confirmed they are true. “The Iranians played them.”
Because the attack in Benghazi was a nation-state attack, with the 2012 elections coming up the Obama-Clinton regime did not want American voters to know that thanks to their under-handed policies of gunrunning into Syria to overthrow Assad with the Saudis that America was in a proxy war with Iran, and by extension their proxy partner Russia. Do you think American voters would have re-elected President Obama had they known that America is about to be pulled into another major conflict?
Nine months later, the administration still doesn’t want the public to know the truth about Benghazi which is why, as the Associated Press reported last week, despite the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) identifying five men who might be responsible for the attack no arrests have been made. “The men remain at large while the FBI gathers evidence”—the same FBI that the Obama-Clinton regime denied access to Benghazi for almost a month after the attack—the perfect way to thwart evidence collection and skew official conclusions as previously reported and documented here.
This is also why President Obama, last week during his speech at Ft. McNair’s National Defense University in Washington, called the attack in Benghazi a “localized” threat. Obviously he doesn’t want you to see the bigger picture that is literally unfolding in the Middle East before your eyes as you read this that his administration is responsible for, the so-called Arab Spring.
What is happening is America is the final stages of the run up to the next major military conflict coming up in the Middle East. But unlike Iraq and Afghanistan or the smaller operations in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, Syria won’t implode it will explode and spread throughout the region in an epic bloody, deadly Sunni-Shiite conflict. Christians, people of all faiths, non-believers will be persecuted if not outright slaughtered. Think Islamic Caliphate time.
The security and existence of Israel will also be in jeopardy. As Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz recently warned; Israel must prepare for a three-front war, presumably having to defend themselves from Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. Already sectarian violence is flaring up in Lebanon and Syria. On top of Iran’s nuclear program, Israel will have to defend herself from Syria’s massive weapons arsenal that includes “advanced anti-aircraft missiles, anti-ship missiles and surface- to-air missiles. Syria also has large stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, advanced artillery as well as the other components of a large conventional military force,” reports Caroline Glick. In addition Israel could also become the target of the weapons that went missing from Libya and Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s vast weapons arsenal that the Obama-Clinton funded rebels looted from Gaddafi’s warehouses and includes the most advanced Russian surface-to air missiles, SA-24s that are easily launched from a person’s shoulder or a truck bed that can take down low-flying military and commercial aircraft.
I repeat massive bloodbath ahead, genocide and ethnic cleansing draws near if Obama’s underhanded policies are not stopped. As Time Magazine reported from Libya this magnified nightmare awaits the troops:
“Stockpiles of old Soviet artillery shells and land mines gave Iraqis enough car bombs, roadside bombs and suicide vests to run an eight-year insurgency that has killed thousands of Americans and many tens of thousands of Iraqis. “If you just take one of these, you have a car bomb,” [Tom Bouckaert of Human Right’s Watch during an interview in Libya] says, pointing to a box containing 130-mm antitank shells. There are hundreds more stacked in the same room.
A nearby sandy lot holds thousands more antipersonnel and antitank mines, with trip-wire triggers to rig booby traps already available nearby. Hundreds of such stockpiles have been located across Libya. Human Rights Watch found some 60 weapons warehouses in the eastern city of Ajdabiyah alone, all of them looted. “The storage facilities we found in Iraq were minuscule compared to what we’re finding here,” says Bouckaert (emphasis mine).”
One can’t help but ask what did the Obama-Clinton regime think would happen when they funded al Qaeda rebels to topple Gaddafi? Either they are dangerously stupid or this is what they wanted to happen considering they have been gearing up for the next stop Syria for well over a year now. As previously reported, the State Department will not provide an inventory or location of the weapons recovered in Libya as part of the MANPAD weapons recovery program that Hillary Clinton funded using $40 million tax dollars.
Are you awake yet? Is it becoming clear now? I repeat. According to my source, Benghazi was a nation-state attack—not simply a terrorist attack. There has been a U.S. proxy war with Iran since Benghazi. It is heating up by the day.
Look, events are confirming my source’s accuracy. Iranian soldiers and Hezbollah are fighting for Assad in Syria—even the State department had to recently, finally admit this.
Ding! Ding! Russian soldiers and the Syrian Army are fighting the Syrian rebels.
Cannibalism alert! A Syrian rebel, Al Hamad, a Sunni, with a sectarian hatred of Alawite Muslims (that would include Shiites and all other “infidels”), cuts out the heart and lung of a Syrian soldier and eats it.
Now do you understand why Russian President Vladimir Putin recently kept Secretary of State John Kerry waiting for three hours? You know the world is upside down when Putin rightfully distrusts the truth-challenged Kerry who already betrayed his own country and the troops during Vietnam. Moreover, Putin has been warning for over a year the “catastrophic” consequences that would befall if the West and Arab nations persist with their military intervention in Syria which will lead to war with Iran. Obviously, Putin does not want the Muslim Brotherhood on his doorstep either. Would you? (Incidentally, the FBI denied my Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on John Kerry prior to his Secretary of State confirmation. As previously reported, Kerry participated in the Benghazi cover-up as well.)
Still not awake or retreating into denial? Think about this. Could the Saudis, without the U.S./NATO intervention, have overthrown Assad by arming the Syrian rebels alone to install the Muslim Brotherhood and expand their reach? No, if the Saudis could have accomplished that, Assad would have been gone months if not over a year ago. The Saudis need U.S./NATO intervention. Do not be deceived. As reported here, the same applied for Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and Col. Muammar Gaddafi in Libya—two leaders who had banned the Muslim Brotherhood in their countries. Are you awake yet?
Remember when the Benghazi nation-state attack that killed four Americans happened, America was in the final weeks of the 2012 presidential election cycle. A proxy war with Iran could not be known to the public. It was unacceptable for Americans to know that at any time troops could be sent into Syria which will explode into Iran. This is the reason why the Obama-Clinton regime pulled out this obscure Youtube video as the chief culprit to blame for the attack in Benghazi—a YouTube video that doesn’t appear anywhere in their infamous “Talking points” that were repeatedly edited to deceive Americans. The Youtube video was intended to distract the public’s attention to what is really going on in the Middle East. It worked. Indeed. Under a heavy fog of deception Obama was reelected.
Hillary Clinton and the cover-up
If you don’t address the Iranian and Syrian connection to the nation-state attack in Benghazi, you can’t get to the Clintons. Hillary’s starring role is definitely in the Benghazi cover-up because nine months later it still has not been “officially” confirmed whether Ambassador Christopher Stevens was wearing his State Department hat or his CIA hat at the time when he was murdered. What is undeniable is Hillary was one of the first top administration officials to publicly falsely blame the Youtube video. She, with President Obama, appeared in a paid advertisement costing $70,000 to disavow the Youtube video that aired in Pakistan. She lied to Tyrone Woods’ father face about the death of his son. Her State Department self-investigation, the Advisory Review Board (ARB), blamed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and a lack of funding for the Benghazi attack to conceal the truth. Hillary’s friends, Admiral Mike Mullen and Tom Pickering, who headed the ARB, as reported in the fix was in, didn’t bother to interview the Turkish Counsel General who Ambassador Stevens last saw before he was killed—neither have the Republicans thus far. Pickering finally admitted on NBC’s Meet the Press what I and others, like Doug Hagmann, have been reporting for months that the ARB was a rigged travesty. As Pickering put it, “The Accountability Review Board was there to look at the question of security. We did not examine talking points after the fact. It was not in our remit (emphasis mine).” Indeed. A lot was not in Pickering’s remit.
The next time someone, be it in the media, President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry or members of Congress, like the insufferable Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.S.), say the U.S. needs to overthrow Syrian President Assad for humanitarian purposes, ask them what they think will happen next. Are they really so stupid to actually believe that freedom, democracy, unicorns, peace and lollipops will take over Syria after Assad is removed, or will another vacuum be created for the Muslim Brotherhood to fill? A vacuum that will be filled by massive bloodshed, ethnic cleansing, genocide that could set the entire region on fire with American and NATO troops being dragged in to serve the interests of someone else who are using America’s military might to create the United States of Islam. You already can see it happening in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.
Wake up America. Wake up the useful idiots now. The Obama administration has picked a fight with Iran and Russia in Syria which could trigger World War III. It intensified with the Obama-Clinton regime’s gunrunning out of Libya into Syria. As the WSJ reported, Hillary’s State Department provided the “diplomatic cover” in Benghazi. Do not be deceived. Benghazi was a nation-state attack.
By their fruits you shall know them.
You have been warned.
States becoming "Ground Zero" for gun legislation
States becoming "Ground Zero" for gun legislation
You’re out of order!
The 1979 movie And Justice For All is arguably the best cinematographic display of insanity and corruption in our legal system that continues to hold relevance today. It remains a near perfect illustration of judicial absurdity combined with personal and professional hubris that is repeated over and over in the U.S. The faces and names might change, but it was, and still is, a clear indictment of our legal system and certain individuals who believe themselves to be above the law.
In the battle against citizen’s rights to bear arms, such individuals not only occupy seats of power in the federal government, but in various state governments as well. The issue of gun control has largely been most visible at the federal level over the last century. Due to the Constitutional issues beyond the scope of this article, it is arguable, however, that an individual’s rights to own firearms under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, independent of federal control, might well fall within the jurisdiction of each state. This is exactly what we are now witnessing. At present, there are approximately 1,300 bills pending at the state level to change firearm laws, according to the San Francisco based Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The majority of such legislation is decidedly against the law-abiding, gun-owning citizen. Virulently so.
States becoming “Ground Zero” for gun legislation
One popular scene from And Justice For All played out almost verbatim during an April 30, 2013 meeting of the New Jersey State Law and Public Safety Committee when committee chairman New Jersey State Senator Donald Norcross shouted to one constituent, identified as New Jersey resident James Kaleda “You’re out of order!” Almost as if he was following the script written for Al Pacino, James Kaleda retorted “this meeting is out of order!” It was, perhaps, the most fitting assertion during an otherwise uneventful four-hour long session where it appeared that the passage of seven-(7) new restrictive state gun control measures was decided long before the hearings began.
Exactly what egregious offense did Mr. Kaleda commit that compelled Senator Norcross to shut off his microphone and have him physically escorted from the public meeting? Some might contend that it’s a bit difficult to tell, but it seemed that a simple utterance of the words “gun control” might have played a part. It appears that Senator Norcross, acting with the imprimatur of the federal government to disarm his law-abiding constituents, has also been emboldened to forcibly disallow discordant discussion despite its intellectual value. And there it is, ladies and gentlemen, a textbook example of the inextricable connection between our right to bear arms and our right to free speech.
While this might seem like a non sequitur at first blush, let me remind you that it was this gun control “lawmaking process” of the New Jersey Law and Public Safety Committee that was the stage setter for the “hot mic” comments captured at the conclusion of the New Jersey Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee just nine days later. It was during the latter meeting where the candid comments of three New Jersey State senators revealed their true intent of gun legislation: confiscation.
While that meeting received the most public attention as everybody loves the unscripted “hot mic” moment, the unbridled tyranny displayed during this meeting slipped under the radar of many. It shows that we, the American people and residents of certain states, are not being treated as citizens, but instead as subjects to a royalty that dare not be questioned. It illustrates the exact reason why we must never accept constraints on the rights delineated by our Constitution, the very document that so many have died for and the reason behind today’s holiday. It also shows the depths to which certain elected miscreants will sink to avoid having the truth spoken in a public forum.
The rest of the story: Fighting back
James Kaleda was effectively silenced by the arbitrary, tyrannical actions of a power-imbibed state senator with his fingers poised trembling over a microphone kill switch. He was escorted from the building with the wave of his hand by armed state police sworn to uphold the Constitution, but instead serving as the official state muzzle of unbridled tyranny and the hubris of one man. The story, however, does not end there.
As I watched the two-minute, forty second video, I was alarmed at the audience clapping, with some giving a standing ovation, as Mr. Kaleda was being escorted from the halls of injustice. Why, I asked, were these people clapping at their own rights being ripped from them? Have we all finally succumbed to some ultimate brainwashing? Not at all, according to attorney Billy Baer, who, with Daniel Haggerty, was present at the meeting and secured the video footage of this entire incident.
The spectators at the meeting were incensed. They were outraged at the behavior of not only Senator Norcross, but of the behavior of the entire committee of elected officials turned royalty. When told to sit down and shut up (my words) by the king’s court, many within the gallery rose and began to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in defiance of the trampling of the rights of not just Mr. Kaleda, but all residents of New Jersey and all citizens of America.
Befitting to his majesty’s smug position of royalty, Senator Norcross remained seated during this pledge to the patriotism of our country and for which it stands. In fact, not one of these royal elites had the decency to stand.
In the event Senator Norcross and those like him have any doubt whatsoever, Americans are getting angry. From the crowd, you can hear one man yelling… “you woke a sleeping giant!” We are getting angry at the cesspool of arrogance that exists among the elected elite, and we’re reaching a point where it will no longer be tolerated.
Contrary to your belief that America is your kingdom, we will not be ruled like subjects. You have shown that you are able to turn off the microphone and escort one person from your presence who disagrees with subjugation, but you will not be able to extinguish the voices of all of us. Today of all days, as we look upon the acres of tombstones of those who have died before us, know that there are more willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so our children can live in freedom and not under tyranny.
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