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This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.


"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier

Monday, December 16, 2013

Cowardice is Ruling & Ruining American

Forget Impeaching Barack--Statesmanship's Been Outlawed in the USA

Cowardice is Ruling &; Ruining American Politics, Institutions & Life Itself

American history is defined by greatness borne of courage. Yet, at a time of unprecedented power and authority, both military and moral, America has entered into a strange period of apparent imminent internal collapse. This inexplicable funk, a time of testing in the desert, has no certain outcome.

In the political realm, superficial posers of both parties buzz around like pesky mosquitos. These characters so long outlive their purpose, yet remain a zombie-fest of ideologically animated corpses. Regardless of the topic, these brain-dead, Marxist-directed drones continue to belch up the long disproved ideas of dead socialist ne’er-do-wells.

But where are the brave Conservatives who accept their responsibility to fight leftism no matter the cost, unsure of the short-term outcome? Fortune favors the brave and America desperately needs a few brave Conservatives to fight the leftist horde knowing that, if we do not turn back from the fight, we are destined to eventually prevail. This certainly beats simply acquiescing to a godless tyranny where all rights are sacrificed to the all-powerful state.

I. The Call: Brave Conservative Champions Needed

It cannot be doubted that this is the time that tests America’s soul. But with so many bonfires burning on the horizon, marking countless political battles—with leftists seeking not just to change history, but enslave mankind—we must ask: Where is the Conservative Response? Do not relentless liberal policy failures represent countless opportunities for challenge and counter-revolution?

Further, along the lines of the earlier Conservative heroes, such as the lightning-quick and super-aggressive Lord Horatio Nelson and General George Patton—why dither when opportunities for victory hangs in open sight? Instead, since these battles will either occur—or America the Great will fall, Conservatives must strike while the iron is hot and our ideological foes back-peddling after continual policy disasters. Time to call for action by our Reagans, Burkes, Charlemagnes and Sampsons!

Consider the redistributive bleating of such Marxist sheep as Jerry Nadler, Harry Reid, Jan Schakowsky, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, or John Conyers and his idiotic United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Or examine when Nadler attended the 14th Annual Socialist Scholars Convention, titled: “Two Cheers for Utopia: Regaining Socialism.” And yet, Barack Obama towers over all these leftist politicos, in comparison.

Following are the same kinds of disasters as produced by Obama, created by his intellectual and spiritual forebears.

II. ObamaCare: Liberal Policy Disasters as Maoist Godzilla Theater

There is something so bizarre, yet childishly touching about the unparalleled failure of ObamaCare, emerging at every single level of the program. This stillbirth, dead-at-conception beginning symbolizes everything one ever needs to know about epic attempts by liberals to commandeer huge swaths of the private economy, as well as every giant project ever conceived by communist despots. These catastrophes are a good reminder of why ObamaCare needs to be destroyed as soon as possible. It’s too late to wait for Barack to become an educated leader, to commit himself to America, or to create well-designed policies. He’s America’s most intractable foe.

It is a simple fact of history that Communist regimes have given birth to some of the most audacious failures ever produced by mankind. Further, it is a virtual given that socialism and communism must produce failures as a natural result, for the most pedestrian of reasons. This is because socialism attracts to the highest levels persons untested by leadership because well-versed and successful leaders instinctively know these theories cannot work in practice. Further, since Marxism is all about the enlargement of power at the cost of every other outcome, efficiency and normal success do not even rate. Therefore, staying in power becomes the only metric of success by which socialist movements are measured. For example, after the Russian Revolution, only untrained political affiliates filled important positions, as explained by this author in the article, Vladimir Lenin: Russia’s Original Cold-Blooded Communist Revolutionary:

Of the leading Bolsheviks, none had the slightest outside leadership experience of any kind, or history of administering any organizations, nor any business experience. Yet this did not stop them from assuming posts of national leadership, or nationalizing all businesses. As Clarence Carson puts it in Basic Communism: Its Rise, Spread, and Debacle in the 20th Century, “The Bolsheviks knew no more about making an economy work than they did about rearranging the orbits of the heavenly bodies.” Given their intellectual background and doctrinaire Marxist ideology, this group believed all they needed to successively lead a country was a set of untested socialist theories stuck in their back pockets.

Following are a few epically failed Marxist leaders with some of their notable failures. The mention of these will certainly bring a knowing look and sigh to the countenance of even the most casual Obama critic.

A. Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) was the first leader of a country to implement Marxist theory. Since Marx himself outlined the problems with capitalism, but did not detail a communist system, Lenin was left to his own devices to interpret Marx’s writings. Lenin’s ideas were an important influence on subsequent Marxism. The results of Lenin’s ambitious yet untested Three Year Plan were catastrophic:

Lenin once said, “Any cook should be able to run the country.” Yet, after the civil war, the Bolshevik regime experienced an unmitigated chain of failure in every conceivable undertaking, in all sectors of government, and on each attempt at public policy. For example, by 1921, economic productivity had fallen to less than 20% of the 1913 level. In just three years, the Marxists ruined a functioning economy. One reason was the confiscation of land, factories, banks, etc. The economy was handed to inexperienced socialist functionaries. Workers commandeered factories, then failed to manufacture anything. Big farms were run by peasants puzzled by large-scale agriculture. Money and other liquid assets were confiscated as fiat money was printed, causing spiraling inflation, debasing the currency. When the economy crashed, the government used the army for labor, and then turned the labor force into a wing of the army.

Five million peasants starved from the debacle. Fortunately, Vlad Lenin died an early death, probably from the results of syphilis, his brain strangely ossified almost into stone. Yet, the worst was yet to come in the form of the man of steel, Joe Stalin.

B. Joe Stalin

Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) murdered more of his own people than any other dictator, save Mao. His paranoia, ruthlessness and illogic were legendary. But he also killed the economy of his country while trying to apply Marx’s economic theories. Robert Conquest, in Stalin, Breaker of Nations, describes Stalin as absurdly egotistical:

Psychologically, it is astonishing. Once again Stalin is shown as—openly—exhibiting a manic, even on the face of it, self-defeating egotism. His conviction that he could judge a situation better than the professionals was to be with him all his life—not only as to military science, but in physics, biology, and other fields, and always to the detriment of his own plans.

Compare this to a strangely similar sentiment from Barack’s own stated, megalomaniacal self-analysis:

I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it. It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known. I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.

Given Stalin’s absurd level of confidence and pseudo-knowledge of fields he never studied or labored in, it comes as no surprise that he was a catastrophic failure as a leader. Unable to learn the lessons of failure from Lenin’s mistakes, Stalin launched his own 5 Year Plan in 1929, as described in Joseph Stalin: Memoirs of a Leftist Madman:

This put the entire economy under state control. The government promised if the people worked hard to meet the goal of tripling production, the outcome would be an increased standard of living for all. Neither took place. Instead, Alec Nove, a specialist in the early socialist Russian economy declared, “1933 was the culmination of the most precipitous peacetime decline in living standard known in recorded history.”

C. Chairman Mao Zedong

China’s Chairman Mao (1893-1976) was the most successful mass murderer in history, and the most spectacular example of a failed leader in world history, as his Great Leap Forward illustrates. Again, Mao failed to learn the lessons of the command economy from his failed predecessors Lenin and Stalin. His policy catastrophes are described in this author’s article Who was Chairman Mao, Lionized by Obama’s White House?

In 1958, Mao announced the Great Leap Forward to transform China into a modern state. In Mao’s mind, his plan to revolutionize China would then transfer to the rest of the globe. The Great Leap would occur when collectivized farms saw food production spike from new methods. A compliant press celebrated massive increases in harvests, such as 100-fold gains in productivity. Yet, after 6 months, the program was exposed as a massive failure, and instead of swelling production, widespread food shortages resulted. When reported to Mao, he replied all people would eat less since it was healthier anyway. Up to 40 million Chinese died as a result of the Great Leap.

The Great Leap Forward reveals Mao’s unhinged approach to “industrialization.” Among many harebrained growth schemes, Mao ordered multiple canal and lake excavation projects, using primitive means, resulting in many peasant deaths. Yet, most either failed or were abandoned. Another dumb plan was ridding China of the “Four Pests,” being rats, sparrows, flies and mosquitoes. Unfortunately, when Chinese sparrows were wiped out by crowds of broom-waving peasants, it was discovered sparrow “pests” actually reduced real insect menaces. Many died when pestilence broke out.

Another astounding plan was the “Make Steel” program. Since Chinese steel mills couldn’t upgrade fast enough, Mao ordered private citizens to build foundries. These “backyard furnaces” were constructed by 90 million peasants encouraged to melt down any metal available, including farm implements. Mao bragged China’s steel output would excel Britain’s in three years, and America’s by ten. Instead, an absurd failure resulted, revealing Mao’s utter ignorance of scientific or economic principles.

All of Mao’s programs are reminiscent of Barack’s own failures. First, Mao didn’t know anything about the areas he was trying to change, just as Obama knows nothing about medicine, but still feels confident overhauling the industry. Second, Mao’s plans were undeniably stupid, much like Barack’s Cash for Clunkers, his Stimulus Bill, his discouraging US oil production with “We can’t drill our way out,” or his ObamaCare program, etc. In other words, Barack seems to have convinced himself he’s a natural genius who doesn’t need to study anything to know everything.

III. Time for Courage

Why, in the midst of unparalleled opportunity, have American Conservatives turned cowardly? For example, with Barack having launched his biggest policy on countless lies, and with this policy failing at every turn—Why has there been no concerted effort to impeach the president? Especially with his poll numbers tanking! Even if it failed, would this not put Barack on notice it’s time to stop pretending he’s a god and stop the dishonesty? Further, isn’t the only alternative to challenging Obama instead of simply watching him take control of our health care system while ruining it?

If ever there were a time when liberalism has been revealed as a shockingly stupid series of ill-conceived policies which are impossible to implement, and which threatens America—this is it. The only antidote to this reign of stupidity is Conservative principles and policies. But until a person eloquent enough to explain the ideas, bold enough to challenge the liberal elites, and wise enough to know when to fight, versus negotiate, stands up—there will not even be a hope for Conservative revolution.

So, calling all Conservatives, Libertarians and GOP faithful—this is your opportunity to fight against evil and, help establish a return to sanity—and by vanquishing socialism, put your name down in the annals as a hero for liberty.

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right