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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obama To Stab Backs of Military Again By Reducing Pensions 10%

When did our country become so anti-military that our president theoretically spits on them and strips them of their daily means and their dignity as well?

By Jerry McConnell (Bio and Archives)  Tuesday, March 18, 2014
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Not content with reducing military levels to dangerous and even suicidal plateaus of pre -WWII strengths but with cutting personal pay for military personnel who will put their lives on the line ad infinitum; Obama now plans as well on cutting the military retirement pension plans to involve personal contributions from their newly lowered rates of pay for their service.

I believe that little gambit of our Fuhrer is not going to be totally legal as it has always been my understanding that when military pay rates are being computed, there is an imputed deduction before applying the new levels.  I hope someone of knowledge in these matters checks that out before a double dip deduction is damnably decreed by ‘der dictator’.

According to Investors Business Daily (IBD) online posting of March 14, 2014, “Obama Cuts Military Pensions, Exempts ObamaCare Subsidies” that is what will happen; i.e., “cut by 10 percent the military pensions of those who served their country while giving public employees a break by exempting their ObamaCare subsidies from sequestration.”

As IBD points out in their posting (see above) the cuts to the military are egregiously unfair because military retirees along with active duty military members being non-union, are not allowed to strike or even participate in collective bargaining.  The labor unions cover public sector employees who will retain their union benefit plans. This could create a huge schism where military personnel who are theoretically on duty 24/7 and expected to put their lives on the line for their country will be considered less than second class citizens when compared to their civilian labor union co-workers, who enjoy the protections of strong and forceful labor unions while at work in the same proximities and under the same roofs.

So much for our government’s creation of incentives to recruit and keep men and women in our military branches of Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.  Some of the military entry rank pay grades during compulsory service days (draft) were really ‘ultra’ low compared to public sector wages.  But after years of earning barely ‘out-of-poverty’ pay levels, a compassionate America realized the value of our entry level military ranks who were the fodder from which our future leaders were chosen and pressured federal government leaders to loosen the purse strings for those who sacrificed so much for their country.

The IBD reminds us that “to cut the retirement benefits of the military after these genuine heroes have fought with honor and distinction for 13 years in Iraq and Afghanistan is unconscionable. It’s particularly despicable to treat American military retirees worse than other public employees.”  But our less than ideal, anti-American leader in the White House wishes to punish those brave souls who bravely answered the call to arms to protect America, not forced into it through a compulsory draft system, while young civilian market employees are free from any such degradation.

The wheels of fairness have long since dropped off our engine of governance in a nation where preference is being given lavishly to those who openly despise our way of life and government.  Those who are next of kin to terrorist murderers and are openly anti-Americans reap the better benefits through the graces of our anti-Christian and pro-Shariah law bogus president.

The IBD gives the example of Obama’s open preference of public-sector unions and their benefits relating an instance when “Obama spoke forcefully to the National Governors Association at the White House on Feb. 28, 2011:

“I don’t think it does anybody any good when public employees are denigrated or vilified or their rights are infringed upon.”

Obama is showing by example and execution “That cost-saving measures are to be applied only to the military and not to politically favored groups and programs.”

To paraphrase you, Mr. Obama, I don’t think it does anybody any good when brave non-union protected military employees are denigrated or vilified or their equal rights to fair compensations are infringed upon.

The IBD also explains, “Cutting military benefits is one way to make sure the administration’s redistribution of taxpayer money continues unabated. The Military Officers Association of America has calculated that the typical Army sergeant, as a result of pension and other benefit changes (reductions), stands to lose up to $5,000 in annual benefits under the administration’s fiscal 2015 budget.”

How fair is that to punish those who only wished to serve their country? They haven’t asked or made public demonstrations for ANYTHING, much less higher benefits such is always prevalent in the public sector.  Obama’s 2015 budget also calls for slashing subsidies for military base commissaries, a 5% increase in the cost of military housing and a 1% cap on annual active-duty pay increases, according to the Investors Business Daily.

How about that for a good swift kick where it really hurts to those American citizens who only want to help us?  What sort of gratitude does that show for service on call for 24 hours out of every day?  When did our country become so anti-military that our president theoretically spits on them and strips them of their daily means and their dignity as well?

I’ll tell you when:  On January 20, 2009.

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OldretiredSFdude • 19 hours ago
As a retiree myself, I feel nothing short of putting a gun to Odummer and each of his bumbling staffs heads. But simply feeling and doing noting but spouting off on some blog are like wishing and hoping. Rarely does it do any good for an outcome that will be of any value to the victims of this corrupt, incompetent administration. Only actions will have an impact on these kinds of people. Violence usually gets their attention. But it must be violence of a constructive nature and not that of simple destruction. I.E. a march on the WH and Congress, shutting down the gov and putting a stranglehold on DC might well go a long way to getting the attention of these fools. Problem would be getting the active side to stand united with retirees. These are the kinds of actions that need thinking about. Just say'n.
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marilyn • 20 hours ago
Ain't he great. Obama,took you all for fools, like a smooth con man, liar, muslim by birth. He is a dandy. If there is a next election please think for America and vote for a real leader who has some smarts.
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john4637 • a day ago
It is only a matter of time until the enlisted ranks get pizzed off and move on the dictator.
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walt • a day ago
Again- Where's congress who is just as much responsible?
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Jay Sprueill • a day ago
Don't let your hearts be troubled, this is the end of days as we know them, and he will get what he has coming to him. Someone is keeping score don't ever doubt it.
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American patriot • 2 days ago
all we need to see is what Obama is doing to our military to know that man is a traitor and at worse a spy because his documents are a phony as his life story. Obama is not even an American. we've seen no proof he was born here or to American parents. one needs to have both of your parents be citizens when you are born this makes you a natural born citizen. no other combinations will do. and its time we got the truth out of the king of lies Obama. and we should possibly put him in jail for a long long time.
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SadPuppy  American patriot • 20 hours ago
Actually, you may be a wee bit misguided, it's in here.... I would love to be proved wrong!
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Tish • 2 days ago
OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING 16 MAY 2014 in DC...This is our take back this nation before it's too late.. remember the anger ya'll felt, reading these articles and commenting in opposition.. Now is the time to take a stand and do something about it !!
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John Illinoils • 2 days ago
Smart Dictators know enough to be certain that their military is paid!
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BruceMichaelGrant • 2 days ago
I retired in 1997 after twenty years Naval service. Shortly afterward I began receiving Veterans' Administration disability compensation. I discovered that disabled/ retired vets had one dollar stolen from their retirement pay for every dollar of VA disability compensation paid. They called it an 'offset' which is merely a euphemism for armed robbery. Before I reached the percentage of VA disability compensation that allowed me to collect full and concurrent retirement and disability I had been robbed of over $100,000 of lawfully earned retirement benefits. Democrats did nothing to correct this. Only when George W Bush took office did any constructive effort to correct this massive injustice take place.
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Fran • 2 days ago
So Barry will be reducing the pensions of the people that have refused to demand that the fraud produce all his papers. Thank God LTC Laikin doesn't have to deal with this garbage.
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ML NJ • 2 days ago
This would be okay with me so long as bureaucrat and political pensions are eliminated entirely.
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Watr Grrl  ML NJ • 2 days ago
Absolutely! NO pensions for legislators AND term limits for them - not careers.
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USARetired • 2 days ago
He must be deposed from office by any means possible and given a choice, deportation to 'Tim-Buck-Too', or Federal Prison!
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Benton H Marder • 2 days ago
Screwing over the military is a sure-fire way to bring on a coup. Forget about the 'perfumed princes' and the REMFs. Coups can be by junior officers or senior non-coms. In our case, it might be brought on by military retirees. Just keep up, Barry. The last words you might get to hear will be the orders given to a firing squad.
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Watr Grrl  Benton H Marder • 2 days ago
Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!
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American patriot  Watr Grrl • 2 days ago
WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO DEMAND IT! they have forgotten they are not our rulers they are nothing but employees and its time we remind them who their boss is. we need to frog march a bunch off to jail who thought they could do what no politician is authorized to do. they are not allowed to pass and gun laws. they are not allowed to violate religious freedoms or free speech. they are not suppose to be passing any laws that violate our rights. Its high time we put the ones in jail who thought they could violate the constitution. this is more than a crime this is an assault on our way of life our nation and our form of government. nobody voted for them to screw us.
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The Watchman • 2 days ago
Excellent article, excellent summation. And where would our feckless congress be right now I wonder? Perhaps it is time for our Generals and Admirals to get some guts and stand up for their people. I think it is past "high time" for the Joint Chiefs of Staff to tell Obama to shove is anti military attitude, and take one last vacation back to Kenya where he and his family belong. Once he's there with all his entourage with Reid, Pelosi, Durbin and Schumer in tow. The Commander of the Air Forces could simply recall Air Force One back to America, totally void of the treacherous passengers it carried to the shores of Africa.

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