
Freedom of information pages

Freedom Pages & understanding your rights

Thursday, March 20, 2014

This article is for my children..

all you beautiful people!!

This article is for my children..

Part #2: A Time To Break The Silence..

Many have asked me why would those who take job's or a career in the justice or law enforcement to protect the people, turn and betray the people, by and with abuse of power they have been intrusted with, or by the color of authority?
On more than one occasion I have mentioned, "There is no justice in America for those without money," This is a FACT..Money must serve not rule.

You see my friends, just as history has proven this to be true, it is simply this, money- it is the best trustworthy motive of all, money flows through the justice system by the billions, in many forms.  It is not idealism, not anger, not misguided patriotism. Money some say, the root of all evil, sometimes brutal and deadly nature of those in this so called system of justice.

You see for some the money justifies everything and anything.
For other's, a perverted sense of patriotism solved their guilt.
You sometimes hear a Noam Chomsky's statement, "that you can judge a society by the way it treats it's less fortunate and vulnerable." But in truth that's not the problem.

Threw my eyes it is all a political form or action. From a justice served up by street cops, to the court room, to the jail and worse of all probation, like welfare an endless cycle with few escapes..very little truths, found or sought. Political, nitty-gritty, the back room dealing's, the wheeling and dealing and the constant pleading for money in any way, shape or form. As well as a little justice for those with money, for those willing to give some justice in return for favor's later down the road.
As far as I'm concerned, the legal justice system and our nations political system is terribly broken, and it's not about to be fixed by any political party. It has grown beyond that, in laymen terms, congress in-act's law's and in our government today, congress votes to please and appease it's big money contributor's, whether or not it benifits the country or not.

The day's of the Senators and the congressmen of rival parties fiercely debating on the floor, then had a drink together, played poker, a shared family values are long gone and but a distant memory.

The best we the people can hope for is enough of the citizenry to undo the toxic of our governments policies and to build a consensus for a new and more progressive approuch to the nations legal system and the numerous problems and issues before we the people and future generations to come.

My dismay and disgust with our legal system is a motivation factor in my writtings and why I have sought out people world wide to learn from their voice. To date it's the same old song all around the world.

Now let's step back to, we the people.
I'm not suggesting that no one lies, and all criminal acts are exaggerated by the system. Let's take a look at it from a Behavioral Science point of view to get to the truth. What I'm saying is if you pick up on the subtle clues about how a person processes life, you'll be in a better place to judge whether he or she is telling you the truth.  The system plays very little on this and sets it's sites on conviction rates and stats to advance through the system.

If the legal system was just, then it to would be educated in Behavioral Sciences.

The same holds true when questioning a witness . You see, once you see how it is looked at through the courts eye's and how the court views a witness and or witnesses as well and how they tend to react to various stimuli and then act's upon them, you now have the best approach to breaking through the barriers he or she has put up. This also applies to the way the court can and does manipulate and coheirs people under, "the color of authority."

To better understand this, let me put it this way, there are three basic types of people.  Dionysians, Apollonians and Odysseans named after the mythical Greek Gods.
Dionysians, Apollo and the not so mythical Odysseans, by understanding these 3 types of people, we come to see how the system can use personal character traits against citizens, even those who are innocent yet led to false confessions and self incrimination, " Under the color of authority."

Let's start with Dionysus, he was a fun loving God.  He worshiped freely and with abandon his approach to life based upon freeing ones self through madness, ecstasy and wine.
People who are Dionysians tend to trust others. They're intuitive and make many decisions based on feelings rather than cognitive thought.

Appolo on the other hand was the God of logic, reason and order.
Apollonians tend to want to lead rather than follow.

Example: Place a Dionyssian and a Apollonian in a car, the Apollonian will choose to drive, the Dionyssian will be content to let him.

Dionusians are prone to being lead than Apolonians and at times to their own demise under extreme stress and distress this action is visible in all three types of people and is very relevant in and "under, the color of authority."

Then there are your Odysseans, they form the middle ground between Dionyssians and Apollonians, they tend to fluctuate between actions and dispair, between feeling and thinking. Yet, most people are Odysseans.

I have made this behavioral opinion as to help people see that the three types of people are very prevalent on all sides from the street cop to a full court room as well as how the system uses these traits against the public at large.

Fact Dionusians are most affected and controlled by the color of authority.  It is my deepest hopes that all who read this article take time out to inform themselves and those around them and find the truth in these words.  Do not fall prey to the system as I have, education is the key element of freedom in all forms.

Future generations will be counting on us to lead them to freedom and the truth.  Many will question my thoughts on this issue and look the other way do to the fact I am being detained.

FACT:  I have all ways told my friends, family and we the people the truth as I see it through my eye's, and that will never change to those who hold doubt of me.
I am being detained because I stand my ground and I am leading by example no matter the cost to me, I will not be silent.

I challenge you, we the people, to do better, find the courage to speak out and stand for something. Just a thought brother's and sister's, patriots and citizen's!!
Stand up and speak out for your children and their's, understand your silence, Thin outside the box, live outside the cage..

HOOOOOAH I say and doing it from the roof top's!!
Stand free people and your ground, feed another if you can and love one another, it is still the right thing to do.

Comming to you live, from the San Bernadino correctional center ca.

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right