Question Everything!Everything!! |

Welcome to Truth, FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience. , is an alternative media and news site that is dedicated to the truth, true journalism and the truth movement. The articles, ideas, quotes, books and movies are here to let everyone know the truth about our universe. The truth will set us free, it will enlighten, inspire, awaken and unite us. Armed with the truth united we stand, for peace, freedom, health and happiness for all

Question Everything!

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This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.

"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier
Saturday, July 19, 2014
All politicians are corrupt. All federal agecies are corrupt. All governments are corrupt.
All politicians are corrupt. All federal agencies are corrupt. All governments are corrupt.

I know for a fact that this is all completely true. I found out a little over a year ago that I am part of a government program called Spies Are Us, all of my old friends and family are in on it too. They wanted me to become some big time dope dealer while the DEA and CIA put the users behind bars, each inmate in the prison system costs taxpayers 40,000 $ per year, that makes a large percent of the population worth more money in jail than out. It was a sick and horrible idea and luckily I have morals and will not get involved. Just wait until this news comes out, it’s going to be big.
they’re afraid of dying and loss of power and privilege.
I am publishing these articles under an extreme amount of personal distress. Every time I hit the send button I AM taking another step up the gallows. Somewhere out there they are going to hang us, both figuratively and literally speaking. many appreciate what we are doing, Now on a lighter not, if I have enough birthdays to remember back in 1972 when good ole’ boy Richard Millhouse Nixon gave birth to the DEA he went on television and said the DEA would not become another government bungling bureaucracy. In fact he stated that after five years [1977] the DEA would be shut down and dismembered because it would by that time have wiped out illegal drugs in America. What a farce! The other farce is that druggies can be rehabilitated. Until the drug addicts in this country are simply taken out and shot, which is better than they deserve, we will never clean this mess up!
If they won’t touch it with a ten foot pole, then I would surmise that this comes down from the highest level, BIS.
Life is a racket. So contrary to the life our Lord would have us live if He were in charge. His/our day is coming. Thankfully.
All the current events on the face of the earth and even below, are hastening the arrival of our great day. A thousand year day.
I Keep the faith and hope that this mess will all be closed out soon. Although I expect a mighty clash will take place between here and there. This mighty clash appears to be underway all around the world even at this moment. It just hasn’t come to a full boil yet.
The biggest, oldest names on the East Coast, our scion political and financial families all had their fortunes built on the China Trade .. which is a euphemism for Opium. Skull and Bones was founded with opium money and opium warlords. Forbes Magazine. The Russell Company. The first transatlantic cable system. Bell telephone .. Harvard, Yale founded with opium money even as the founders trained missionaries in the Methodist and Presbyterian religions to evangelize the native populations they were addicting to opium. What is Afghanistan’s economy based on? Where are our troops?
All politicians are corrupt. All federal agencies are corrupt. All governments are corrupt.
We have been invaded, Rome/Papacy, 386,000 foreign troops, drug cartels, illegal aliens, Jesuit infiltration in high and low places. And upcoming aliens( supposedly) from other planets which propaganda on TV is pushed to the limit right now. It won’t be aliens, but demons ! Yes we have been invaded, chemtrails, diseases,corrupt cops, politicians, corrupt religions that have the audacity to call themselves,” Protestants” and joined the papacy. Where is all this leading ? Religious persecution and the return of the pope as the world leader. As natural or unnatural events take place there will be a cry (which has already started) for a National Sunday Law that will come with a death penalty if refused to worship on the papal sabbath, Sunday. Regarding the invasion, I forgot to add Muslims !
I have experienced this scenario firsthand in a small town I lived in. A cocaine kingpin set up shop in a rundown boarded up building downtown, converted to a penthouse inside.Eventually, half the town’s police force and much of its community leaders were allowing protecting his business which flourished. On the streets you would meet people who once were smoking pot,suddenly doing heroin. see “The Bluegrass Conspiracy” That the DEA is repeating the same on an international basis is no surprise. Or that Chicago is the port of entry. Maybe we’ll get lucky and one of those agents will be found dead with a parachute and several pounds of coke on him. Thank you for revealing the operation, but I doubt they’ll let you live long. We’re talking MAFIA, elites, elected politicians, government agencies and drug cartels all in the same sentence.
Drug trafficking by the elite in this country apparently had its origins as far back as 1832. According to research by Kris Millegan, the Yale secret society, ‘Skull & Bones,’ was in the “poppy business” (heroin) since it began in 1832 and has coordinated drug running since then.’
In a 2004 lecture in San Francisco (internet video: ‘KRIS MILLEGAN AT THE 9/11 INTERNATIONAL INQUIRY’), Kris Millegan said that his father, Lloyd S. Millegan (1918-1990), who was in both G-2 and OSS and later the CIA, knew and worked with Colonel Lansdale who was actually a general with the CIA and was in Vietnam in 1956. Kris Millegan’s father related to him that the Vietnam War was “all about drugs” and the secret societies were behind it.’ And their plans were to get U.S. soldiers hooked on drugs while serving in Vietnam to keep the black market in place.
George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush are both members of ‘Skull & Bones’ which has CIA and CFR connections. In an article from the Feb.2012 ‘Ideas & Discoveries,’ THE CIA: A FREEMASON ORGANIZATION? it said this re George H.W. Bush– “Although it’s never been confirmed (of course), he’s said to be a Mason of the highest degree: the 33rd.” (The 33rd degree is said to be Luciferian!!)
In the book, ‘INSIDE SECRET SOCIETIES,’ by Michael Benson, the section on Skull & Bones quotes Lyndon LaRouche as saying, “Skull & Bones is no mere fraternity, no special alumni association and added mumbo-jumbo. It is a very serious, very dedicated cult-conspiracy against the U.S. Constitution. Like the Cambridge Apostles, the initiate to the Skull & Bones is a dedicated agent of British intelligence for life.” ‘It has been suggested that the Skull & Bones chapter opened at Yale in 1832 was merely a new chapter of a pre-existing society in Germany, the German Illuminati.’
‘Bonesmen (in Skull & Bones) who are also part of the Council on Foreign Relations constitute a secret society inside a secret society, and it is said that the Bonesmen wield the real power in the CFR.’
‘Apparently one of the matters of foreign policy of great interest to Skull & Bones is China. Since the U.S. developed a relationship with China during the Nixon administration, many of the U.S. ambassadors to that country have been Bonesmen, including the elder Bush. Some feel this is because of the huge amount of opium China produces.’
And, if you just read the introduction to Russell S. Bowen’s book, “THE IMMACULATE DECEPTION: The Bush Crime Family Exposed,” you come to see that in the years when George Bush was Director of CIA and then later was vice president, the “war on drugs,” that he headed was a sham as “tons of cocaine poured into the country” during that time!
In light of this, was it any surprise that the CIA was heavily involved in ‘Operation Fast and Furious’? In an August 12, 2011 report, Paul Joseph Watson said that, “Washington Times journalists Robert Farago and Ralph Dixon (or Nixon?) cited a “CIA insider” claiming that Operation Fast and Furious was a Central Intelligence Agency-orchestrated program to arm the Sinaloa drug cartel, a group that was also given the green light to fly tons of cocaine (on a 747 cargo plane) into the Untied States unmolested.” had this Feb. 2012 report—
‘Drug war hypocrisy: drug trafficking’s big money benefits Big Brother and corrupt banksters’
—- One way the CIA keeps their drug trafficking hidden from public view.
—- Government and big business using drug traffic profits is nothing new. corrupt-banksters/
((Sources include five websites))
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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right