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Monday, August 25, 2014

History will tell again, that no matter the war, American soldiers and veterans are survivors and not victims.

History will tell again, that no matter the war, American soldiers and veterans are survivors and not victims.

Post Obama Stress Disorder

At 93rd Annual Conference of the American Legion in Minneapolis, President Obama stated: “The days when depression and PTSD were stigmatized—those days must end”, simultaneously branding PTSD as the “signature wound of this war” and underlining that some of our veterans are not getting “the prompt mental health care that they desperately need”… During Obama’s reign, the histrionic “concern” about military mental health becomes poster child for labelling technique which boasts innuendos, hyperboles and direct patronizing. Senator Feinstein (Senate Judiciary Committee meeting, March 2013),even implied that veterans can’t be trusted with assault weapons:” I think we have to – if you’re going to do this, find a way that veterans who are incapacitated for one reason or another mentally, don’t have access to this kind of weapon”.

On August 10, 2013, Obama vowed that one of his priorities is “making sure that our veterans have the opportunity to pursue the American dream”, and yet seemed oblivious to the proprietary rights and needs of veterans. Costly research on PTSD will not substitute housing and employment, factors which ironically are the prerequisites for a successful transition to civilian life. Will cocktails of psychiatric drugs and “mood predicting brain chips” assure security and well-being of veterans living on the streets?

PTSD has become not only a scapegoat for the unsuccessful suicide prevention campaign, but in many cases, a requirement to get help. Should a “PTSD confession” turn into a mean to cut red tape and validate veterans’ rights?

Obama’s PTSD squad gains notoriety internationally, and not only due to shocking prescriptions of narcotic painkillers resulting in fatal overdoses. Minimizing the danger of malignant narcissism in DSM raised not only eye-brows, but also questions on credibility and ethics in present mental health care system. If a professional won’t label malignant narcissism as a severe mental disorder, how credible does he sound diagnosing veterans with PTSD? While trauma reactions are natural consequences to abnormal events, there’s nothing normal about malignant narcissism. Maybe mental health experts should spend less time demonising PTSD, and a great deal more adequately diagnosing malignant narcissists who are known to destroy lives and to play havoc with organisations…

Tampering with military, religious and moral values of patriotic people will inevitably cause discontent and distress. While Obama’s administration is very careful not to offend sentiments of Muslim population, it seems not sensitive at all with feelings of American patriots. What if majority of citizens dare to disagree with Obama’s policies? Will the people of United States of America be collectively diagnosed with Post Obama Stress Disorder?

Sometimes the only remedy for chaos is “Chaos”. General Mattis reminded us (Marines’ Memorial Club, April 23, 2014) of the importance of fighting spirit and critical thinking versus “exalted victimhood”. Right on target, the master straight-shooter fired: “I would just say there is one misperception of our veterans and that is they are somehow damaged goods, I don’t buy it.”

If Obama and his administration spent less time contemplating implantation of nano-chips, and more time listening to military heroes, they might even grasp the meaning of honor in military culture. History will tell again, that no matter the war, American soldiers and veterans are survivors and not victims.

Joanna Rosamond is a Coach for high stress jobs, a consultant on PTSD and burnout. Joanna has 16 years of professional experience. Unconditional support for our soldiers and veterans.

Editors Note :
Down & Outsourced humanizes the growing problem of outsourcing. American jobs are being outsourced to India, Hong Kong, The Peoples Republic of China, Panama, Manila, The Philippines; and many other countries by the thousands. Since 1986, corporate executives have outsourced over 15 million high-paying manufacturing jobs have left the American workforce to the countries with lower paying labor forces in order to increase their ever growing profits. Any job that can be performed in another location, preferably outside of the realm of American wages and work-related laws, are going. Yours might be next.

On any given day we the people have some 300,000 veterans on the streets of America Every day, 22 veterans take their own lives. That's a suicide every 65 minutes. As shocking as the number is, it may actually be higher. WITH YOUR HELP WE CAN ASSIST MANY MANY MORE

 it is our best hope that we can assist them were the government and other none profits do not or will not large amounts of money every day go to the organizations and less than half ever reaches the troops in need and I have found few places that will house a troop for more than a few days or give them the true support and love they need with our group of people 100% of everything we take in goes back to a troop we keep nothing for our time or like other organizations take a modest administration fee for the efforts which amounts to millions going to the one in need of nothing or no help we have seen this with our own eyes,our government is doing nothing for these vets and in fact as we all can see the VA is a dangerous place these days,

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