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Question Everything!
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This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Open letter to Barack Obama
I speak on behalf of all us, the envious, the under-achievers, the resentful, the bitter, the aggrieved. We are all indebted to you Barry
Open letter to Barack Obama
Hope that by the time you receive this letter everything is well with you. Forgive me for using your real name, but I figured that you would want to quit using the Barack Obama pseudonym as soon as possible considering the 2016 elections are almost around the corner. As a matter of fact, I personally like the Barry Soetoro name much better.
I was glad to see you the other day with Alonzo in the golf cart at Martha’s Vineyard, but, hey man, the next time around, try and let more time go by between your James Foley phony speech and your golf photo shoot– after all, Barry, the man was beheaded and Foley’s mourning parents’ picture was all over the news almost simultaneously with your golf-cart photo-op. Eight minutes is not enough, and the American public just doesn’t understand how important your golf game is to you. They just don’t. Americans are still of the opinion that the beheading of one of America’s sons is a more important subject. What’s wrong with you? You have always been the master of image manipulation. Don’t tell me you are losing some of your “mojo” with old age.
Hey, bud, I was sorry to see how your popularity polls have plummeted. The problem, Barry, is that I think most Americans, in spite of their detachment with current events, have finally begun to realize who you really are. Hey, you know the old saying: “you can fool some of the people, some of the time…….etc.” I give you credit, though, you did fool Americans twice; first in 2008 and then again in 2012. Not easy, Barry, but…you were able to do it. Credit to you, my friend. I personally thought that with all the lies you had told America, you would never get away with it. I ran into some of our old mutual friends the other day and we harked back to some of the most memorable lies you told the American people. The one about your uncle in Auschwitz, you know, the uncle who was never in Auschwitz, boy that was incredible; the one about you being engendered during the Selma, Alabama, marches, that was even better. But what about the one where you claimed that your dad was brought over from Kenya to America in one of Kennedy’s airlifts, that was a really good one. The one where I really thought you outdid yourself was the one about you going to Jeremiah’s church for twenty years and not ever hearing him blasting the U.S. Wow! Only you, Barry. Never thought you would pull it off. But…guess what? You did, you son of a gun.
Missed you at our “class” reunion of the old Saul Alinsky School of Community Organizers
By the way, we all missed you at our “class” reunion of the old Saul Alinsky School of Community Organizers. Someone said, if the old man [Saul] were alive today he probably would dedicate his work Rules for Radicals to you in addition to Lucifer as he did. Everyone in the class praised you for a job well done in the presidency. Ayers, in particular, spoke highly of you, commending you for everything you are doing to the nation. He was particularly proud of helping you start your career as a politician back in Chicago. After all, where else but in the U.S. can a home-bred terrorist help launch the political career of a future president? Bill said your tripling the nation’s national debt was praiseworthy. Everyone in the group agreed on how great you have handled international politics, your doctrine of appeasement and pandering with the radical Muslim terrorists is truly laudable. All of us in the class conceded that our mission could not be in better hands than yours. The national scandals, the Benghazi deal, the IRS, the V.A., and the Mexican illegal immigration of children are all clear proofs that you do practice what you preach. And…of course, your shoveling Obamacare down Americans’ throats with the help of Nancy and Harry was commendable to say the least.
Oh, before I forget, Vladimir sends his thanks to you for allowing him to take over the Ukraine. He said you were a man of your word. Vladi told me that you did in fact live up to the commitment you had made to president Medvedev while in the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul when you told him: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility. ”
Wow Barry, speaks highly of you. You know, most leaders of our enemy-nations, are just as grateful to you as Vladi is. They all concur on how much you have helped them in gaining traction on their mission to wiping the U.S. off the face of the earth. The leadership of ISIS ( Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) is especially appreciative for assisting them to ensemble the first Islamic terrorist state, ever. It appears that ISIS’ beheading of 31-year-old journalist Steven Sotloff, yet the second American to be beheaded in less than a month, is just their way of acknowledging your lackadaisical demeanor in everything that deals with their terrorist threats during the past few weeks. And, of course, Benji asked me to tell you, he has had enough of your staged meetings rendering each other smiles and shaking hands. He says he knows how much you hate him and he knows how much he despises you, so he says there is no sense to go on pretending anymore. He did tell me, and I worry, that the fact that you carry the Hussein as part of your name is no coincidence. He says that you are, indeed, a Muslim and that is why you continue to show more support for the Palestinians than you do for the Israelis. Watch out, Barry, don’t let this thing get out of hand. What is it to you? Why don’t you call Benji and pretend some more? You got enough people turning on you already, you don’t need any more of this.
Anyway, so I guess you must be really gloomy knowing that the end is coming soon. Like they say, 2016 is around the corner. So…the end of the vacation is near. Poor you, I bet you and Michelle are going to miss all the free rides. But, then again, just remember you were able to travel the world on America’s dime; your golf-game is tremendously improved, and the nation is in complete distress. So what more can we ask for? You know, for someone like you of doubtful origins, whether it be Kenya, Hawaii or wherever it was, you have really come a long way. If only uncle Frank Marshall Davis was alive today, he would be the proudest communist on the face of the earth, and so would Karl Marx. Your taking away from the rich to give it to all the underachievers in America should make both Frank and Karl proud of what you have been able to accomplish in the short years since you took over the presidency. But, then again, you did make that commitment to fundamentally transforming the U.S., did you not?
Hey, I am sorry but I am going to have to let you go now. Actually, I think we are pretty much caught up on everything, only a couple of things left. Regarding Hillary, remember, you need to begin distancing yourself more from her; after all, she has gone through a lot. Putting up with Bill and the Monica deal and all that was, after all, her payoff to a presidential bid. Don’t spoil it for her. Americans really didn’t much appreciate the time she spent with you as Secretary of State and we are all really counting on her picking up where you left off. The only way we can accomplish this is by giving Americans an image of separatism between the two of you. We are counting on you, Barry. You have to remember, Barry, it was not easy at all to introduce communism to the American people, let alone having a communist be the president of the U.S. - a feat almost impossible to conceive a few years back. We need Hillary to continue the mission.
I realize that we were well organized in our militant efforts towards the takeover, but believe me when I tell you, we could not have done it without you. Your disdain for religion and religious beliefs are a testament to your being close to earning the title of the “Anti-Christ”. Who would have guessed? Your destruction of the United States of America, the greatest nation on earth, is also a testament to your lying skills and deceitful ways. The Alinsky model did payoff after all, didn’t it?
In closing, I can only wish you further successes in all your future endeavors while completing the mission. Your allowing North Korea, Iran and other enemy nations to build their nuclear stockpiles can only reassure us all that we are well on our way to Armageddon, as planned. You did it, my friend. You destroyed the U.S., and have set the stage for communism to continue taking over. You have also shown the radical Muslim world how weak you and our government are, thus the perfect setting for yet another 9/11; more beheadings of Americans and who knows what else. Thanks, Barry. We owe it to you. Wish we could change our constitution to make the presidency of the United States a permanent office so that we could keep you around to the end. I realize that this is wishful thinking on my part, but who knows. Maybe between you and Eric, you can both slip in another Executive Order to make it happen. You have done it before, so, hell, you can do it again, can you not?
Last, again, our eternal gratefulness to you, Barry, for all you have done. I speak on behalf of all us; the envious, the under-achievers, the resentful, the bitter, the aggrieved. We are all indebted to you, Barry. Kudos to you for a job well done.
Best regards,
You Know Who
By Obie Usategui
Open letter to Barack Obama
Hope that by the time you receive this letter everything is well with you. Forgive me for using your real name, but I figured that you would want to quit using the Barack Obama pseudonym as soon as possible considering the 2016 elections are almost around the corner. As a matter of fact, I personally like the Barry Soetoro name much better.
I was glad to see you the other day with Alonzo in the golf cart at Martha’s Vineyard, but, hey man, the next time around, try and let more time go by between your James Foley phony speech and your golf photo shoot– after all, Barry, the man was beheaded and Foley’s mourning parents’ picture was all over the news almost simultaneously with your golf-cart photo-op. Eight minutes is not enough, and the American public just doesn’t understand how important your golf game is to you. They just don’t. Americans are still of the opinion that the beheading of one of America’s sons is a more important subject. What’s wrong with you? You have always been the master of image manipulation. Don’t tell me you are losing some of your “mojo” with old age.
Hey, bud, I was sorry to see how your popularity polls have plummeted. The problem, Barry, is that I think most Americans, in spite of their detachment with current events, have finally begun to realize who you really are. Hey, you know the old saying: “you can fool some of the people, some of the time…….etc.” I give you credit, though, you did fool Americans twice; first in 2008 and then again in 2012. Not easy, Barry, but…you were able to do it. Credit to you, my friend. I personally thought that with all the lies you had told America, you would never get away with it. I ran into some of our old mutual friends the other day and we harked back to some of the most memorable lies you told the American people. The one about your uncle in Auschwitz, you know, the uncle who was never in Auschwitz, boy that was incredible; the one about you being engendered during the Selma, Alabama, marches, that was even better. But what about the one where you claimed that your dad was brought over from Kenya to America in one of Kennedy’s airlifts, that was a really good one. The one where I really thought you outdid yourself was the one about you going to Jeremiah’s church for twenty years and not ever hearing him blasting the U.S. Wow! Only you, Barry. Never thought you would pull it off. But…guess what? You did, you son of a gun.
Missed you at our “class” reunion of the old Saul Alinsky School of Community Organizers
By the way, we all missed you at our “class” reunion of the old Saul Alinsky School of Community Organizers. Someone said, if the old man [Saul] were alive today he probably would dedicate his work Rules for Radicals to you in addition to Lucifer as he did. Everyone in the class praised you for a job well done in the presidency. Ayers, in particular, spoke highly of you, commending you for everything you are doing to the nation. He was particularly proud of helping you start your career as a politician back in Chicago. After all, where else but in the U.S. can a home-bred terrorist help launch the political career of a future president? Bill said your tripling the nation’s national debt was praiseworthy. Everyone in the group agreed on how great you have handled international politics, your doctrine of appeasement and pandering with the radical Muslim terrorists is truly laudable. All of us in the class conceded that our mission could not be in better hands than yours. The national scandals, the Benghazi deal, the IRS, the V.A., and the Mexican illegal immigration of children are all clear proofs that you do practice what you preach. And…of course, your shoveling Obamacare down Americans’ throats with the help of Nancy and Harry was commendable to say the least.
Oh, before I forget, Vladimir sends his thanks to you for allowing him to take over the Ukraine. He said you were a man of your word. Vladi told me that you did in fact live up to the commitment you had made to president Medvedev while in the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul when you told him: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility. ”
Wow Barry, speaks highly of you. You know, most leaders of our enemy-nations, are just as grateful to you as Vladi is. They all concur on how much you have helped them in gaining traction on their mission to wiping the U.S. off the face of the earth. The leadership of ISIS ( Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) is especially appreciative for assisting them to ensemble the first Islamic terrorist state, ever. It appears that ISIS’ beheading of 31-year-old journalist Steven Sotloff, yet the second American to be beheaded in less than a month, is just their way of acknowledging your lackadaisical demeanor in everything that deals with their terrorist threats during the past few weeks. And, of course, Benji asked me to tell you, he has had enough of your staged meetings rendering each other smiles and shaking hands. He says he knows how much you hate him and he knows how much he despises you, so he says there is no sense to go on pretending anymore. He did tell me, and I worry, that the fact that you carry the Hussein as part of your name is no coincidence. He says that you are, indeed, a Muslim and that is why you continue to show more support for the Palestinians than you do for the Israelis. Watch out, Barry, don’t let this thing get out of hand. What is it to you? Why don’t you call Benji and pretend some more? You got enough people turning on you already, you don’t need any more of this.
Anyway, so I guess you must be really gloomy knowing that the end is coming soon. Like they say, 2016 is around the corner. So…the end of the vacation is near. Poor you, I bet you and Michelle are going to miss all the free rides. But, then again, just remember you were able to travel the world on America’s dime; your golf-game is tremendously improved, and the nation is in complete distress. So what more can we ask for? You know, for someone like you of doubtful origins, whether it be Kenya, Hawaii or wherever it was, you have really come a long way. If only uncle Frank Marshall Davis was alive today, he would be the proudest communist on the face of the earth, and so would Karl Marx. Your taking away from the rich to give it to all the underachievers in America should make both Frank and Karl proud of what you have been able to accomplish in the short years since you took over the presidency. But, then again, you did make that commitment to fundamentally transforming the U.S., did you not?
Hey, I am sorry but I am going to have to let you go now. Actually, I think we are pretty much caught up on everything, only a couple of things left. Regarding Hillary, remember, you need to begin distancing yourself more from her; after all, she has gone through a lot. Putting up with Bill and the Monica deal and all that was, after all, her payoff to a presidential bid. Don’t spoil it for her. Americans really didn’t much appreciate the time she spent with you as Secretary of State and we are all really counting on her picking up where you left off. The only way we can accomplish this is by giving Americans an image of separatism between the two of you. We are counting on you, Barry. You have to remember, Barry, it was not easy at all to introduce communism to the American people, let alone having a communist be the president of the U.S. - a feat almost impossible to conceive a few years back. We need Hillary to continue the mission.
I realize that we were well organized in our militant efforts towards the takeover, but believe me when I tell you, we could not have done it without you. Your disdain for religion and religious beliefs are a testament to your being close to earning the title of the “Anti-Christ”. Who would have guessed? Your destruction of the United States of America, the greatest nation on earth, is also a testament to your lying skills and deceitful ways. The Alinsky model did payoff after all, didn’t it?
In closing, I can only wish you further successes in all your future endeavors while completing the mission. Your allowing North Korea, Iran and other enemy nations to build their nuclear stockpiles can only reassure us all that we are well on our way to Armageddon, as planned. You did it, my friend. You destroyed the U.S., and have set the stage for communism to continue taking over. You have also shown the radical Muslim world how weak you and our government are, thus the perfect setting for yet another 9/11; more beheadings of Americans and who knows what else. Thanks, Barry. We owe it to you. Wish we could change our constitution to make the presidency of the United States a permanent office so that we could keep you around to the end. I realize that this is wishful thinking on my part, but who knows. Maybe between you and Eric, you can both slip in another Executive Order to make it happen. You have done it before, so, hell, you can do it again, can you not?
Last, again, our eternal gratefulness to you, Barry, for all you have done. I speak on behalf of all us; the envious, the under-achievers, the resentful, the bitter, the aggrieved. We are all indebted to you, Barry. Kudos to you for a job well done.
Best regards,
You Know Who
By Obie Usategui
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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right