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Question Everything!

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This blog does not promote, support, condone, encourage, advocate, nor in any way endorse any racist (or "racialist") ideologies, nor any armed and/or violent revolutionary, seditionist and/or terrorist activities. Any racial separatist or militant groups listed here are solely for reference and Opinions of multiple authors including Freedom or Anarchy Campaign of conscience.


"I don't know how to save the world. I don't have the answers or The Answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of generations past and present. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth's inhabitants, none of us will survive - nor will we deserve to." Leonard Peltier

Monday, November 3, 2014

Anti-Israel Left: Netanyahu Threatened to Kill Obama by Saying “Lawn”

Anti-Israel Left: Netanyahu Threatened to Kill Obama by Saying “Lawn


The latest loony idea spreading through the ranks of the anti-Israel left is that Netanyahu threatened to kill Obama by talking about lawns.

The origin of this latest BDS mental breakdown seems to be Anti-War Paultard Justin Raimondo who claimed that Netanyahu said…

When there are pressures on Israel to concede its security, the easiest thing to do is to concede. You get a round of applause, ceremonies on grassy knolls, and then come the missiles and the tunnels.

Raimondo then took a double handful of meds and wrote that,

Bibi, who spent many years in the United States, is surely cognizant of what his grassy knollreference connotesAnd so the question must be asked: was Bibi threatening the President of the United States?

“…As we’ve seen recently, the White House isn’t exactly an impregnable fortress. In the meantime, it’s time to start reevaluating the special relationship” in light of an Israeli leader who talks about the “grassy knoll” while denouncing an American president.

Netanyahu wasn’t talking about a grassy knoll. He was talking about the Rose Garden ceremony where Rabin shook hands with Arafat.

It’s not a subtle point since Netanyahu mentions a ceremony and applause. I don’t think the JFK assassination came with applause.

Furthermore Netanyahu was speaking in Hebrew. He didn’t say grassy knoll. He said something like manicured lawn. But it’s hard to stop crazy once the ball begins rolling.

Anti-Semitic hate site Mondoweiss swiftly picked up Raimondo’s claim where demented bigot Annie Robbins quickly began spinning another conspiracy theory.

Last time we checked in with Annie Robbins, a Mondoweiss editor, she was suggesting that the Kansas City shooter who tried to Jews was really a Mossad agent.

Faces of Anti-Semitic Meth
Faces of Anti-Semitic Meth

This time around, Annie Robbins insisted that the press was covering up Netanyahu’s death threat of lawn. (Because they’re run by the Jews. Obviously.)

Do you think anyone at the White House noticed Netanyahu’s phraseology? Me too. So why the silence from the press? Grassy knoll, it only means one thing here in America

Also mental illness only means one thing in America.

But wait, maybe Netanyahu traveled through time to kill JFK? Why the silence from the press?

Mondoweiss commenters, who make their editors look sane, chimed in to explain that Israel had killed JFK. From there it drifted on to even messed up places like Stormfront, where the Neo-Nazis hang out, closing the same classic circle that had actually helped lead to the Kansas City shootings when a Neo-Nazi began mainlining left-wing anti-Israel propaganda from bigots like Max Blumenthal.

And now it’s all over Twitter. Because that’s how the anti-Israel left works.

Veterans Today vomited up this, “Let’s imagine Bibi decides to really, truly fly a 9/11 plane into the Grassy Knoll – by arranging another JFK-style assassination of the President of the United States.”

If Netanyahu flies a plane into Obama, that means the Secret Service really sucks.

Rhone Fraser, Ph.D, a self-proclaimed gay marxist Christian, with a degree in African-American studies, claimed that Haaretz was engaging in a coverup of what Netanyahu had said.

And the whole thing climaxed, as it always does, with a new era of sensitivity.

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At the JFK memorial. Putting it on a grassy knoll was a bit insensitive, to my mind.

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