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Sunday, June 21, 2015

World War III, Walmart, FEMA Camps, Jade Helm: A Clergy Response Team Insider Reveals What Lies Ahead

World War III, Walmart, FEMA Camps, Jade Helm: A Clergy Response Team Insider Reveals What Lies Ahead

church fema picture

Yesterday, one of my listeners sent me the following short video made by Alex Jones. In the video, Alex is wondering out loud why he has not left the country because his insider sources say that all hell is going to break loose by October.

I have said, a hundred times, in a hundred different ways to myself, the same exact words as Alex says here in the video. I have written these words a dozen times. But it is one thing to intellectually understand what is happening to our country, and it quite another to feel it in your heart, your gut and your soul all at the same time. After I watched the video the first time, I turned the sound off and watched it again as I observed Alex’s body language. I have never, ever seen him like this. His facial expressions said “this is zero hour and I cannot believe it is really hear”. There was sheer terror reflected in his face. At that moment, Alex’s entire life flashed before his eyes as he spoke of his children and the realization that their future was about to be destroyed.

For the 12 minutes I spent watching the video,  Alex Jones and Dave Hodges became the same person. After watching the video, I sat in abject horror for what must have been about 30 minutes with the realization that everything that I have been writing and talking about is arriving at our collective doorsteps and the coming  events could soon spin out of control.

Certainly, a major part of my being was feeling what Alex said when I wrote an article, two days ago, advising some people to leave the country as soon as possible.

Also, in the video, as you heard, Alex spoke about the numbers of elite and people in the know who have left America or somehow have gone into hiding. I have been writing about this development for over 30 months. In that time, I have five articles about leaving the United States. This is different, this where heart, the mind, the body and the soul all coalesce.

What am I going to do? What are you going to do? What are any of us going to do?

The Elite Actually Began to Run for Cover In Late 2012

Ex-intel going into hiding.
Ex-intel going into hiding.

Something big is about to happen. So many say of us that we can feel it in their bones. These persons would be correct. How do I know?  Some of my very best contacts told me, almost three years ago, that it is time to stop warning the people, because it is now time to start hiding from the wrong people and some very bad events coming our way. My initial reaction was to not believe them, but there are too many well-placed sources that tell us that we are living in very dangerous times which will bring great upheaval and grave danger. For example, a migration to underground hideouts began two plus years ago in earnest for members of the alphabet soup agency retirees. I knew one of these “refugees” personally and he pointed to 2015 as the time when he anticipated that “all hell was going to break loose”. I previously wrote an article, in December of 2012, about the defection of my friend and former FEMA contact, his family as well as several like-minded individuals from FEMA and DHS, during the holiday season of 2012. I have former friends in hiding, or who have relocated, and I still continued on my path thinking I had a lot of time to keep exposing the globalists. I, like Alex Jones, fear that we may be about out of time unless there is a dramatic shift in events.

The Coming Attractions

For the past three years I have been repeating the mantra that Alex spoke of in his video release on June 20, 2015. I have repeatedly stated that we would see the destruction of America coming in three waves:

A series of False Flag attacks on American soil.
The extraction of Red List dissidents.
Resulting martial law coupled with foreign troop occupation. Once the country is subjugated, we would be thrown into World War III.

The Rubber Meets the Road

With the advent of Jade Helm, and with Russia and China preparing to attack the United States as well as the subsequent discussion of Walmarts and FEMA camps, the revelations made by Pastor Walter Mansfield, in a personal conversation I have with him, have again taken center stage.  For many the following is what could lie ahead if one is not able to be out of harm’s way when when Jade Helm related events begin to unfold. I agree with Alex, the time to have left America was years ago. There may not be the time you need to get your money, possessions and family safely out of the country.

If You Stay, You Do So At Great Risk

Many people in the independent media have reported that an estimated 28,000 pastors were recruited by FEMA/DHS, as part of the Clergy Response Team, and that their initial and primary training was to tell their flock to obey the DHS version of Romans 13. Romans 13, in the King James version of the Bible, begins:

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Romans 13:1
Many of us have been quick to point that this bastardization of the Romans 13 is designed to force compliance to government edicts who might not otherwise comply.

Certainly all governments are not established by God. Were the governments of Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, all ordained by God? What about George the III? Most people in the independent media think that this is the extent of the threat posed by the existence of the Clergy Response Teams.

Romans 13 Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Why do I bring up Romans 13? Because it is symbolic of the complete servitude that the remaining people in America will soon face and the Christian church is at the tip of the speer with regard to moving America into an unprecedented level of tyranny.

Clergy Response Teams

I have discovered that the Clergy Response Teams are taking on much more nefarious duties and it can be accurately stated that the pastors associated with the DHS/FEMA/Clergy Response Teams are going to be doing a whole lot more than encouraging their flock to obey the government.

Several months ago, I conducted a telephonic interview with Pastor Walt Mansfield. Pastor Mansfield was among the first of the pastors recruited to become a part of the Clergy Response Team. The revelations he conveyed to me about this program had pastors doing a whole lot more than preaching Romans 13. But before going to the disturbing contents of the interview, let’s take a look at relevant legislation which helps to legitimize Pastor Mansfield’s outrageous claims.

Background Legislation

Both Alex’s and my fears have an historical basis in undeniable fact.

ndaa fema campsOn December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law which in addition to allocating $662 billion to the Pentagon also contains a measure which allows U.S. citizens to be taken into custody and held indefinitely without ever being charged with a crime.

Not only can any citizen deemed a threat to “national security interests of the United States,” be held forever without receiving a trial, but the military will be the ones arresting those citizens.

NDAA Section 1022, subsection c allows “(1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.”

fema camps superdome
The National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645 mandates the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations for the purpose of to providing “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” according to the bill.

The legislation also states that the camps will be used to “provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations”.

The bill also provides that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs”, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. This a Carte Blanche mandate that many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting following a national emergency or a total economic collapse. An economic collapse is what Alex spoke of in the video.

Pastor Mansfield’s “Insider” Revelations

Pastor Mansfield was recruited to become a member of the Clergy Response Team which would operate under the control of NOVAD and DHS. Mansfield’s revelations about his experiences are stunning and concerning at the same time.

Pastor Mansfield attended several briefings and he could barely believe his ears. He learned of the government’s plan to enact martial law as well as to implement forced population relocations. Mansfield emphasized that when martial law is enacted, the enforcement would be immediate. In other words, family members will be separated from each other and part of the training that the clergy received was how to comfort separated family members.

Pastor Mansfield emphasized that the FEMA/DHS drills were predicated on bioterrorism. This is exactly what my relocated FEMA source told me before he and his family left. The pastors were trained to go to homes were people refused to be relocated by the authorities and  their immediate job was to convince the reluctant to willingly go to the relocation camps. Ostensibly, this was to be done in lieu of sending in the SWAT teams.

I asked Mansfield if FEMA camps were real and he stated that much of the clergy training focused around this scenario of pastors operating within the forced relocation centers. The main goal of a pastor assigned to a FEMA was to bring order and encourage compliance with DHS requests, hence, the emphasis on Romans 13.

The pastors were forced to sign non-disclosure. Interesting, the pastors were told not to quote Scripture. The DHS document which was prepared for the pastors clearly stated that Scripture had been used to “oppress” people in the past and the presenters strongly discouraged the its use. Please see the following excerpt from one of the DHS training manuals:

Healing Scripture and Prayer In the Pastoral Crisis Intervention

“During a time of crisis people do go through a  “crisis of faith.”
Sometime quick mention of God and scripture may not be helpful. As we all know the Scripture has been used to oppress, dominate and at the same time used for healing and reconciliation- renewing of relationship with God and people. If the pastor senses it is appropriate to use the scripture and prayer, it must carefully be done for healing of victims not to uphold pastoral authority.” (Page 14)
In other words, all legitimate pastoral authority was abrogated by the pastors who participated in the roundup of American citizens.
Also on page 14 of the same training document, pastors were admonished to avoid “Unhealthy God talk….” Specifically pastors are ordered to avoid using references to God when helping people cope with the loss of a loved one:

        “4. God must have needed him/her more than you.”
        “5. God never gives more than we can handle.“

Pastor Mansfield also revealed that pastors will be issued badges under the Clergy Response Team program. Any pastor not displaying the badge, indicating that they have been trained under these guidelines, will not be permitted into the established and designated “DHS safety zones”. This reminds me of the banishment of religious figures from Plymouth Colony who, in good conscience, refused to go along with some of the extremism of that day. Along these lines, the Clergy Response Team is also a “Kool-Aid drinking program”. Pastors are absolutely forbidden to publicly to speak about any aspect of the program. If you were to ask your pastor if they are a FEMA trained pastor, they will not likely tell you.

Disturbingly, Pastor Mansfield reiterated several times that the number one job of these pastors is to calm down people and encourage their compliance within the people’s new surroundings.

Pastor Mansfield also stated that pastors will be utilized as informants. This violates the legal privilege of confidentiality between pastor and church-goer, that is currently recognized by law. All church-goers can no longer trust the sanctity of personal confessions and revelations made to pastors, priests or rabbis’. This one illegal act by DHS completely undermines the Christian Church in America!


I am not sure that even Pastor Mansfield could have anticipated what is going on inside of the closed Walmarts in preparation of welcoming new company.
From the Midland, TX. Walmart where they are hauling away the old to make way for the new.  Who are they making room for?

From the Midland, TX. Walmart where they are hauling away the old to make way for the new. Who are they making room for?


What pastor could, in good conscience, participate in this heinous program? Mansfield told me that there are an estimated 28,000 FEMA trained pastors. The pastors in America are being coerced to participate because when an emergency is declared, no pastor, who does not have the “FEMA-trained government badge” will be allowed to be in a declared “emergency” area. Pastor Mansfield felt strongly this was the government’s way of removing Jesus from America’s landscape and set the stage for the ushering in of a new-age religion.

It is mindboggling to fathom how so many reporters and media types deny the existence of FEMA camps under these circumstances. It is also disturbing that any pastor would agree to participate in a program in which Jesus and the Bible end up on the cutting room floor. The most disturbing thing is that these threats to our lives are now here and are waiting to manifest. Jade Helm is the manifestation.

Since interviewing Pastor Mansfield, I have been contemplating the potential wisdom of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in which made the following quote:

Solzhenitsyn once said that
“We should have resisted the KGB at the front door. If the KGB thought that they might not go home that night, the Russian people might have had a different fate”.

Alex Jones has strongly insinuated that the prudent move is to leave. I just think it is important for all to realize that staying behind could come at a very steep cost.

by Dave Hodges

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right