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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Blueprint for destroying the United States of America

Blueprint for destroying the United States of America

If I Wanted to Destroy America, This Is How I’d Do It

I was brainstorming recently, and I came up with a plan.  It’s an absolutely brilliant plan.  But it’s also absolutely wicked.  It’s so brilliant and wicked, in fact, that I hesitate to even tell you all about it, because somebody might actually act on it, and do a huge amount of damage.  One could even destroy a country—ours or someone else’s—if they were to fully implement this plan that I came up with.  But you know what?  I’m in a wicked mood right now, so I’m going to tell you all my plan, and the consequences be jiggered.

My plan is nothing less than a blueprint for destroying the United States of America.  If followed, it would be guaranteed to turn America into just another third-world country, with no economy, no freedoms, and no morals.  So you can see why I am so leery of telling anyone.  It’s just so dangerous.  Yet, as I said, I’m in an evil temper today, so here goes.

The first thing I would do, if I wanted to destroy America, would be to subvert and co-opt both political parties.  In a system such as ours was set up to be, it’s only natural that there will be two major parties forming broad coalitions of voter interest groups, and that minor parties would find it extremely difficult to compete.  So the best way to begin to lay my plans is to get the leadership of both parties into my corner.  Get control of both of them.  Maybe I could do it through bribery, of either the illegal, or even better, the “legal” sort.  Perhaps for some it might take a little blackmail—some pictures of a politician or two in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.  By hook or by crook, I’d get both these parties singing the same tune—my tune.  Sure, I might allow them to give the superficial appearance of differences on some issues, mainly to keep their respective bases happy so that my “kept men” get re-elected more easily.  However, when it comes down to substantive actions on any important issues, let’s say things like dealing with illegal immigration or defunding Planned Parenthood or repealing ObamaCare, the leaders in both parties will be marching in lockstep.

Getting control of both parties wouldn’t just allow me to control the political policy-making.  It would also allow me to circumscribe the range of “polite” and “allowable” political discourse as narrowly as possible.  When I direct the leadership of both these parties to parrot each other’s rhetoric, I would be able to rule “out of bounds” any other viewpoints.  If I got the leaders and hierarchies in both parties to support illegal immigration, then when any of the yahoos out there in flyover country start yapping about “getting control of our borders,” I could send out politicians from the yahoos’ own party to delegitimize and undercut them by calling them “racists” and “bigots” while avoiding any actual discussion of the issue.  In this way, I could control what is acceptable and what isn’t.  I could literally freeze opposition to the implementation of my plan by simply ruling anything that exposes or opposes it as “illegitimate.”

To make it even easier to get control of the narrative, I’d also co-opt the news media.  I’d actively work to centralize ownership of the various media outlets into as few hands as possible.  Ideally, I’d be able to get something like 90% or so of all television, radio, print media, and online news in the hands of a half dozen or so corporations, each one headed by pliable northeastern or West Coast liberals who would be on board with my plan.  Now, to throw the rubes off the scent, I’d create at least one news outlet that would appear to be different from the others.  I’d get the liberals to hate it, and get the conservatives to hate all the others.  But again, when push comes to shove and any policy that affects my plan was up for discussion, I’d make sure this “odd man out” news source still toed my line.  I’d make sure that the “Overton Window” remains as closed as possible.

But hey, you know what’s even better than trying to keep people from having the opportunity to think bad thoughts?  Controlling their minds from the very start so that they’re not even able to comprehend anything that goes against my plan.  For example, the ideal situation would be one in which a person, upon hearing a cogent, scientific argument against global warming, would either stare blankly and uncomprehendingly at the hatethinker, or else would become so frothingly enraged at this obvious hate speech that they would mentally block out anything and everything that person had to say ever again.  Either way, I and my plan win.

How to do this?  Well, I’d get control of the publik skoolz.  I’d introduce so much superfluous nonsense into the curriculum that all the actual “learning” gets drowned out.  I’d engineer a curriculum specifically designed to undercut all the badthink that these kids would get from their parents at home.  I’d definitely keep the kids from actually acquiring any skills at critical reasoning.

I’d also make sure that alternatives to the publik skoolz like homeschooling, religious, and private schools were outlawed, or at least so severely suppressed and made difficult to pursue that very few would.  I’d seek to see the number of badthinking misfits dwindle in each succeeding generation until the political climate became amenable to the final step of stamping these alternatives out completely.  After all, my plan doesn’t brook any competition.

Another thing I’d do is use my power over the media to help steer the culture into a godless and immoral direction.  I’d use the TV programs, the music, the comedy shows, even the cartoons in the local newspapers, to saturate consumers with a steady drumbeat of false premises designed to undercut the traditional morals and beliefs of the country.  I’d seek to get people thinking only in the here-and-now, never thinking beyond the instant gratification they hope to have within the next two hours.  This way, I could eliminate competition to my way of thinking.  I could replace traditional sources of authority with my own sources of authority, all the while hoodwinking the people into thinking that they were “questioning authority” and “living their own lives.”  I’d fool them into replacing God with me—with my plan and my purposes for their miserable, puny lives.

You know what’s especially wicked and delicious about this part of my plan?  I’d use their own religion to help do it to them!  I’d subvert all the major denominations, import some foreign religions, and even invent a few from scratch just to confuse things further.  But the one common denominator across all of them would be that they would push the plan.  They’d all promote sodomy as “healthy” and “created by God.”  They’d promote a social gospel that opened the way for socialism and class warfare.  They’d make excuses for selfish people who contribute to the breakdown of the family.  They’d be one of my best allies in promoting my plan.

Once I had gained control of the hearts and minds of the people, I’d then turn to the phase of my plan that involves taking over the material side of their lives.  I’d begin by jacking up the spending and driving the country deeper and deeper into debt.  See, I know that the borrower is servant to the lender.  Push them deep enough into debt, and the people would not really be the owners of their own country anymore.  And I’d get them to go along with it by making the lion’s share of the spending take the form of “entitlements” and convince a majority of the people that they were “owed” these monies.

And what about those people who wouldn’t get onto these “entitlement” programs?  I’ve got a plan for them, too.

See, the one thing my plan doesn’t need is a bunch of bourgeois middle class types enjoying a high standard of living and refusing to accept that they need my assistance in running their lives.  Therefore, my plan would destroy their high standard of living, and reduce as many of them as possible to a place where they’d need, even beg for, government assistance, which I’d readily provide.

How would I do this?  I’d start by making their energy costs skyrocket.  I’d use “global warming” as an excuse to slap ever more onerous regulations onto fossil fuel power plants.  I’d do everything I could to hinder oil and gas drilling.  I’d use my media arm to propagandize the people towards accepting government-funded “green energy” boondoggles that were never intended to succeed, but only to serve as rabbit trails for the people’s attention while I destroyed the real energy infrastructure of the nation.  And I certainly wouldn’t approve the building of any new oil pipelines to bring in cheap Canadian oil.  In short, I’d make their energy more expensive—more expensive to heat their homes, more expensive to drive their cars, more expensive to transport their goods so that everything they buy becomes pricier as well.

I’d dare the middle class to live an independent lifestyle once they’re spending half their paychecks just getting to work and staying warm in winter.  I’d make moving back to the city, using public transportation (which I would control, and would deny the use of to “terrorists,” er, people who oppose my plan), and living in tiny urban apartments seem positively attractive compared to going broke and moving back in with their parents.

If I wanted to destroy America, I would definitely have to rip apart the social fabric that makes America a “nation” instead of just a geographical expression.  To do this, I would encourage tens of millions of foreign nationals to immigrate, preferably without going through our legal immigration process, and then discourage them from assimilating and integrating into the larger American society.  I’d want these new guests to profoundly impact the culture of America, since America’s unique tradition of English common law and natural rights is one of the things that will most hinder putting my plan into place.  I’d flood the country with millions of people who come from social systems that reject individual liberties and capitalism.  I’d keep them here by using my co-opted politicians from both parties to paint some form of amnesty as the “only” way to address illegal immigration.  I’d certainly try to discourage any of the hayseeds in the Red states from suggesting we deport these unwanted guests by floating the idea that mass deportation “simply isn’t an option.”  Why this is would never be explored in my media.

I’d do everything I could to foment racial discord and animosity, since when people are at each other’s throats, they won’t be at mine—their real enemy.  I’d selectively promote news stories about “police brutality” that could be used to inflame tensions.  I’d invent clever little slogans that could be used to replace rational thought while providing a rallying point for the racists executing my plan—something like “Black lives matter,” or something along that line.  I’d use any excuse to cast the majority in the country as “racist” so that a maximum number of fracture points between them and the racial minorities would be introduced.  I’d undermine that majority’s history and heritage by fixing on symbols and using those as focal points of racial anger.  Anything to keep folks from coming together and stopping my plan.

Because the American military could pose a grave threat to bringing my plan to completion, should it ever decide to stop me, I’d do everything in my power to emasculate and weaken it.  I’d force its officer candidates to dress up in high heels, unmanning them in the eyes of their peers and the population at large.  I’d lower the physical standards for combat positions so that more unfit women could get into combat roles they were unprepared for.  I would turn the armed services into a clownish social experiment by allowing “gays in the military” and forcing them to accept “transgendered” troops.  I’d declare military recruitment centers and bases to be “gun free zones,” making the soldiers easy pickings for Muslim terrorists.  And if any of the troops used their personal weapons to try to stop a terrorist attack, I’d prosecute them and destroy their careers.  I’d make the military a place where nobody sane would want to be.

Also, I’d cut back the military’s funding while sending the troops to ever more warzones all over the world, demoralizing them, spreading them thin, and getting them killed.  And just because I’m evil, I’d then declare that the veterans who had post-traumatic stress disorder (due to all the stress my warmongering foreign policy had put on them) were all psychologically unfit and use that as an excuse to strip them of their 2nd amendment rights.

Oh, and speaking of guns, those simply will not fit into my plan for America at all.  The other major impediment to the fulfillment of my plan would be a vast body of armed American citizens willing to step in and put a stop to the plan once it became obvious what was going on.  I can’t have that.  Therefore, I’d do whatever I could to take their guns away.

All over the country, I’d pump psychologically unstable young men full of psychotropic drugs known to create paranoia and violent tendencies, knowing that sooner or later, they’ll steal a gun and go shoot up a public place.  Then, I could use that as a reason to punish law-abiding gun owners.  Further, I’d use the anti-police protests I’d been causing to make the police scale back their efforts in urban centers, leading to higher crime and more murders.  Again, another excuse to call for gun control.  Whatever it took, I’d get the guns out of the hands of the yokels and hicks out there in the sticks.

While I’m at it, I might use crime as an excuse to take away other constitutional rights, like the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments.  I could maybe even turn it into some kind of “war” on an inanimate object, injecting it with the “obvious” goodness and rightness of a moral crusade.  I’d bet I could get the conservatives to go along with that.

As I said above, this plan is dangerously wicked, and I hesitate to even go through with publishing it.  Honestly, the best thing I could probably do would be to simply delete this whole article and never even think about this plan again.  I shudder to think what would happen if someone saw this out on the internet somewhere and decided to try putting it into action.  Yes, that settles it.  I’ll step out for a bit, and when I get back, I’ll delete this whole thing…

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-


1 comment:

  1. Hello! everyone out here,I am James William from Portland Oregon United state.It has been my desire to help people out with their problems no matter how little my contribution may be.

    As regards to the promise i made to BABA ARUOSA if he could help me get back my girlfriend,i'm using this means to fulfill my promise and also let everybody know there's solution to your problem no matter how difficult you think it is okay.

    I loved a girl for more than 2 years and she told me she was going to marry me.But she would change her mind and tell me she didn't love me anymore and was seeing a guy,which i found out.I begged her to accept me and also tried every means possible to make her know i can't live without her because i really love her but she would pay deaf ears to me.

    We were working in the same company and each time i see her,i wish all this weren't happening.This pain continued till a friend of mine led me to BABA ARUOSA whom he told me was very extremely powerful and has helped with a problem.

    Soon as i contacted him,i knew he was the exact answer to my solution because i felt his powers from his carefully selected words and calmness.I explain all that happened to me and he told me what to do.I did as i was instructed and never doubted him.To my greatest surprise what i felt was almost impossible within the twinkle of an eyes was over.

    She called me pleading for my forgiveness for how she has treated me and that she loves me so much and will never cheat on me again and will marry me.And from that moment till now all we've been experiencing is happiness in our relationship.We'll be getting married

    I would advice anyone with problem to contact him via email : for his help.


Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right