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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pied Pipers Of The Truth Movement: Where Exactly Are They Trying To Lead Us?

“Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” - Rumi

Pied Pipers Of The Truth Movement: Where Exactly Are They Trying To Lead Us?

Several of the previous articles on this blog have looked at the possibility that at least some of the high profile, celebrity, anti-New World Order researchers or campaigners are not quite what they seem. Others have also written on this subject as more people come to suspect that many of these 'truthers' are either shills or controlled opposition or at the very least deceived themselves into furthering the broader 'New World Order' agenda. Although it can't hope to be a definitive summary of what it is happening in this regard, this article will try to look at just a few of the conclusions that can be reached from this realisation.

The first and perhaps most obvious conclusion we can reach is that a degree of disinformation is being purposefully disseminated. It's not hard to see why this should be occurring. As the real agenda is being pursued it serves to confuse and divide those alert enough to know that something very wrong is taking place. Confusion is created by offering differing points of view as to what is happening. In the process any real truth tends to get lost in the haze of disinformation. That's not to say a deeper understanding can't be achieved but just that it's a much harder task.

Many people baulk at the idea of taking the, so called, 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' seriously. Primarily this is because they are deemed to be 'anti-Semitic' and one of the justifications of the persecution of the Jewish people by Hitler. There are many suggestions as to who the authors of the 'Protocols' were. The Rothschilds, of course, leading freemasons including Albert Pike and even the Jesuits. In short, the authorship of the document is shrouded in mystery and even if it were proved beyond doubt that it was elite 'Jewish' Zionists that wrote it, that wouldn't mean that all Jewish people were responsible or give cause to persecute them in any way. For example in Protocol 9 we read:

"Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren..." 

This alone proves that even if it was 'elite' Jews it certainly isn't for the benefit of the majority. My own feelings are that they are unlikely to be a solely Jewish production for solely Jewish aims. The occult 'elite' behind the drive for spiritual and temporal control of the world and humanity operate through many fronts. They also use many of these fronts as a form of cover. Suggesting the Protocols are Jewish then slandering anyone who points out that they accurately reflect events in the world as 'anti-Semitic' is, perhaps, an example of that cover. The occult 'elite' comprises of both Jew and Gentile and the ordinary Jewish person is every bit as deceived and manipulated as anyone else in the 'West', even if, perhaps, in different ways. Anyone bothering to read the 'Protocols' for themselves soon sees a remarkable similarity between the words in them and what is happening at the present time.

The reason I mention this is because I want to use several quotes from the 'Protocols'. For example, from Protocol 5 we read:

"In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by broadcasting so many contradictory opinions from all sides and for such a long time that it will make the Goyim lose their heads in a maze of confusion.  They will come to realise that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in political matters, especially when it is intended that the public should not understand the issues being discussed.  In that way the Goyim will leave the opinions and understanding of the issues to those who guide the public.  This is the first secret."

As noted in the 'Mass Immigration and the New Tower of Babel' article, William Carr, the author of the unfinished, manuscript, written in 1959, called 'Satan: Prince of This World', discusses the meaning of the word 'goyim'. Many believe it to mean gentiles or non-Jews. Carr suggested that its original meaning was 'the masses or common people' but then later became 'lesser beings' or 'the mob'. He then notes that revered American freemason of the 33rd degree, Albert Pike, used the word to mean 'human cattle', which does appear to be the way the occult hierarchy thinks of us. Another quote that is pertinent to this discussion is from Protocol 12, where we read:

"… we shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.."

We can certainly see how the above plays out in the mainstream press and media and I think it would be naive to think that the' so called' alternative media' is any different. As quoted before on this blog and many times elsewhere, Lenin said, "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves". There's little doubt that this is happening, all that's open to debate is the scale of it. 'Controlling the opposition' allows several things to happen. What information is revealed and how and when it is done so, is determined by the very force that is supposedly being 'exposed'. There's been such a great amount of previously 'suppressed' information revealed in recent years that it begs the question why and why now? Not all the information being 'released' can be classified as disinformation, not by a long way. So what is the role being played by the likes of David Icke, Ian R Crane, Charlie Veitch and others?

To some degree, particularly with regards to Icke, the role seems to be to bring the very idea of there being a 'conspiracy' of any sorts into disrepute. There is plenty in Icke's lectures that is verifiably true. However it gets mixed in with outlandish claims about the 'elite', including the British royal family, as being 'shape shifting lizards'. Throw in some other, equally strange, claims such as the moon being an artificial construct that serves as a base for a group of extraterrestrials that has been manipulating humanity for 'aeons' and it's easy to see why any talk of a 'New World Order' is ridiculed by so many people. That's not to say that Icke and others like him, still don't attract many followers. Those prepared to ignore the doubts and ridicule and listen to what he has to say at his frequent lectures, or read one of his many books, are treated to an alternative version of 'reality' that is made to seem highly plausible, if not true. This is precisely because much of what Icke exposes and talks about is based on the truth. This begs the question, why reveal all this now when it would appear to be of more benefit to keep it all suppressed?

My suspicion or hypothesis, as I've partly discussed before, is that much of what purports to be the 'anti-NWO truth movement' is little more than a psy(chological)-op(eration) designed to do several things. Before we look at what those might be we should clarify what is meant by the 'anti-NWO truth movement'. Not only are many of the celebrity 'truth' leaders' controlled but so, it appears, are many of the 'alternative' news outlets, let alone the mainstream media ones. Information is fed through these 'sources' into the broader 'truth' movement where it is either regurgitated or commented on by the many other bloggers (myself included), researchers or activists that are attempting to resist the 'New World Order'. The distinction then, is between the general 'anti-NWO truth movement' and those with a much higher profile. The one's that are selling books and DVD's, touring the world giving lectures or who even have their own iPhone app. None of which would be likely or even possible if they truly were a real threat to the established order.

As said previously, it appears that much is being 'exposed' on purpose. Writer Michael Hoffman suggests that this is something called the 'Revelation of the Method', the purpose of which is the implied consent of the populace. Hoffman's claim is that:

"…if no resistance is raised when they reveal the truth, the cryptocracy is free to continue to follow their satanic precept, 'do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.' In other words, when the cryptocracy reveal their evil manipulations and the majority of the people don't care, it's checkmate."

This theory has more merit if we take the agenda that is unfolding at face value. That is, broadly speaking, that the New World Order develops as expected without any concealed twists or deceptions. It is though likely to be at least a part of how things are being played out. I've discussed many of the subjects related to, what is best described as the NWO, with lots of different people. Even with those who have shown an interest and not dismissed the idea completely, there aren't any that have continued to look into things to any real degree. The idea is that by not resisting or even being so traumatised by events that we accept their 'solutions', we have made our choice. That is we have chosen by our own free will the new, Luciferian/Satanic, system being presented to us, though of course it may welll be disguised as something wonderful and the solution to all the problems They created in the first place.

Another context into which I think this 'revealing' can be placed is discussed by the Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov. He described the KGB's functions as being only around 15% traditional 'spying' with the rest being more general subversion tactics. He talks about the fourfold process of taking over a country. Step one is to cause a general demoralisation of the population, step two is to begin destabilise it, step three is to cause rebellion or insurgency and step four is the take over process which he describes as 'normalisation'.  I found myself wondering if 'exposure' of the 'NWO' was being used as a tool to demoralise, destabilise and incite rebellion? As we'll see it's certainly possible, if not highly likely. In a similar vein the aim of the Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School was to undermine Western culture and values, or in the words of Willi Munzenberg, 'make the West so corrupt it stinks'. Perhaps the steady stream of negative news stories that emanate from anti-NWO/alternative news sites in many ways serves this purpose. It's not that most of these stories aren't true but they serve the purpose of creating negative energy designed to demoralise, destabilise, incite us to anger and rebellion and to steer us in a preprepared direction.

Many of the sources of this 'news' fail to offer any concrete solutions beyond the need to blindly rebel. Alex Jones (see first picture) being a good example. He and others are also adept at spreading fear, despondency and hopelessness and leading their followers down many different rabbit holes. Anything but offer concrete solutions. When a solution is proposed it is usually along the lines of the need for us to unite because we are 'all one consciousness'. David Icke is the perfect example of this. As we saw in the article 'David Icke Debunked', based on the film of the same name, Icke 'exposes' the NWO then uses this as a tool to herd the newly 'awakened' into the very Theosophical, New Age, false utopia that it seems has been the aim all along.

This use of deceptive language or seductive, tempting ideas to manipulate people in a particular direction is an important thing to be very aware of. Perhaps another quote from the 'Protocols' can provide us with a good example of how feel good buzzwords and high principles are intentionally misused by the occult oligarchy.

"Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll-parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob."

"In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOY States."

The words 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity' will be instantly recognised as the national motto of France, with its roots in the French revolution. A revolution that, when investigated carefully, appears to have very different causes and aims than the accepted history books suggest. It becomes clear that one or other of the many fronts the occult oligarchy operate through were at work in those times, with freemasonry being, perhaps, the most obvious. This is not the place to dissect that particular event but suffice to say the the study of the French revolution should provide a cautionary tale for all those tempted by violent 'revolution'.

One more perspective can be gleaned from a section taken from the book 'The First Global Revolution', published in 1993 by the globalist think tank, the Club of Rome. The book makes the observation that:

"... divided nations require common enemies to unite them … either a real one or else one invented for the purpose.

This tactic of creating an external enemy to unite the populace has been used by the occult oligarchy for centuries. One of the benefits, of course, is that while the people's focus is elsewhere, they don't have time for thoughts of rebellion against their rulers. Most often these 'enemies' have been other countries or peoples. The book comes to the conclusion that 'because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, new ones must be identified'.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

How this fits in with the 'global warming/climate change' scam is another story, but what I began to wonder was, is the NWO itself, as perhaps commonly understood, a form of fabricated enemy that is being used to 'unite' us? An 'evil' NWO that is simultaneously being associated with the Western system in general, with perhaps a specific emphasis on Britain and America? Is this 'evil' NWO part of the process of demoralisation and destabilisation? Is it part of an overall effort to get us to 'rise up' and 'bring down the system'? We can see how many elements be they left wing, libertarian, anarchist or anti-NWO are being encouraged to rebel or revolt. If they truly want to bring in a New World Order then the old order has to be destroyed first. Who better to do that than us and by doing so give consent to what replaces it? If the aim is a sort of year zero, a fresh start, a New Order, New Age or New Earth, then all of the old ways need to be jettisoned and done away with. Perhaps this is why so much is being 'exposed'. It's all part of the 'old system' that is being 'replaced' anyway.

Theosophist and Luciferian, Alice A Bailey hinted at this interpretation of the agenda when she said:

"The New World Order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience...  [It] must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding."

As an aside, with this in mind I remembered something the researcher Alan Watt once said. He said that throughout history the power centres of the ruling elite have periodically shifted. This is done when the old one has been worn out and served its purpose. Before the shift takes place the old centre is subtly destroyed so that it can no pose no threat to the new one. Many suggest that it is Britain that is one of the centres of power in the New World Order agenda and has been for a considerable period. Looking at Britain today it's hard not to see it as being slowly destroyed, a death by a thousand cuts. Mass immigration is relentless and can only result in the genocide of the English, the main population of the British Isles. Our manufacturing and industry has been slowly exported, our armed forces sacrificed in wars that only serve the occult oligarchy and of course there's the slow but sure subjugation by the European Union to name but a few of the cuts we are facing. Is this all part of a process that sees Britain, America and by extension Europe and the 'West' in general, being set up as a sort of scapegoat for the real New World Order. By this I mean the people of Britain, the indigenous English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh and their democratic, Christian heritage, both of which are targets of the occult hierarchy. At the very least, it's a possibility that should be considered.

The Freemasons have a motto, 'Ordo Ab Chao' which essentially means order out of chaos. The charge is that the chaos will be created by Them so that They can shape the subsequent (New) Order. This seems to be what Bailey is describing in the previous quote. She was a founder of the Lucis Trust, which was originally called the Lucifer Publishing Company. On their website we read of something called 'World Goodwill' which is described as an 'activity' of theirs. It says:

"World Goodwill is an accredited non-governmental organisation with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations. It maintains informal relations with certain of the Specialised Agencies and with a wide range of national and international non-governmental organisations. World Goodwill is an activity of the Lucis Trust, which is on the Roster of the United Nations Economic and Social Council."

Elsewhere on the ‘World Goodwill' page of the Lucis Trust website we read.

This is a time of preparation not only for a new civilisation and culture in a New World Order, but also for the coming of a new spiritual dispensation."

I've previously equated the 'evil NWO' with Orwell's 1984. This is what we have been trained to think it's all about. As it develops it creates and puts in place all the necessary building blocks and globalist structures for the real NWO, the false, New Age, utopia. This will be a lot more like Aldous Huxley's, Brave New World where the majority of humanity has become 'a population of slaves who do not have to coerced, because they love their servitude'.

Bailey was the third head of the Theosophical society after the Fabian and occultist Annie Besant and the founder of the movement Helena Blavatsky. It's well documented that Blavatsky revered 'Lucifer'. She even created and edited a magazine of the same name. In her book 'The Secret Doctrine' she wrote:

"Lucifer represents..Life..Thought..Progress..Civilisation..Liberty..Independence.. Lucifer is the Logos.. the Serpent, the Saviour."

"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestrial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan' at one and the same time."

"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God.

It is supposed that the 'destructive' crises will likely involve some sort of banking and economic collapse that will inevitably be followed by food and energy sources becoming restricted. These in turn will likely trigger violent protests and a greater degree of disorder on the streets. Then there's what appears to be the seemingly inevitable war in the Middle East, centred around Israel. A war that could easily escalate into a wider World War Three involving Israel, America, Britain (with perhaps a large part of the Commonwealth) and much of Europe on the one side and many Islamic nations supported by China, Russia and a few other nations friendly to them on the other side. I don't for one minute think that either Islam, China or Russia are 'anti-NWO'. They are as controlled as any of the countries in the 'West'. In previous wars it has become apparent that They have controlled both sides and I don't doubt this will be any different.

A New World (Order) system must involve the uniting of West and East. In order for that to happen a significant number in the West have to become disillusioned with their system and see it as not worth fighting for. A disillusionment in part fed by the 'alternative media' as well as the policies being pursued by the political 'elite'. Out of the ashes (chaos) of the destroyed 'old order' (a corrupted, demoralised and degraded 'West' masquerading as the New World Order) will rise the 'phoenix' that will be the new system. This will be the 'order' from Their chaos. In her book 'A Treatise on the Seven Rays', Vol. 5, p. 309, Alice A, Bailey states:

"This process whereby civilisation periodically re-makes itself can be profoundly unsettling for those who live through it. This is especially true now, as the process accelerates. Moreover, people now live longer, and may expect to see many more changes in their life than previous generations. So, as the many changes accumulate, they may even come to feel that the civilisation they were born into is dying, and being replaced by something quite alien."

'Profoundly unsettling for those who live through it' reminds of a quote from H. G. Wells in his book, 'The New World Order'.

"... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people.

The previous quote from Bailey was used in a section of the Lucis Trust website entitled 'Phoenix Rising - the Re-birth of Civilisation' where Bailey further remarked that:

Dying civilisations are present in their final forms whilst new civilisations are emerging; cycles come and go and in the going overlap.

Make no mistake our 'civilisation' isn't just dying, it is being intentionally destroyed by the occult oligarchy that Bailey was, if not a part of, then in service to. Many of the problems in the world, particularly the wars, will be largely blamed on nationalism (nation states) and religion, both of which will be seen as 'problems' to be solved. This new system will, of course, be sold to us as the end of all wars, justice for all, sharing, equality etc but will actually be the very (Luciferian/Satanic) New Order/Age communitarianism the ruling 'elite' wanted all along and have been planning for a very long time. Here it's worth quoting again from the 'Protocols':

"When we have accomplished our coup d’etat we shall say then to the various peoples: ‘Everything has gone terribly badly, all have been worn out with suffering. We are destroying the causes of your torment – nationalities, frontiers, differences of coinages.’”

Yuri Bezmenov described a similar scenario.

"And after crisis, with a violent change in power, structure, and economy, you have the period of so-called normalisation [that] will last indefinitely. Normalisation is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda. When the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in ’68, Brezhnev said, ‘now brother Czechoslovakia is normalised.’ This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all these schmucks to promise all the goodies and paradise on earth…"

That's exactly how it seems it will play out on a wider scale. A traumatised humanity promised 'all the goodies and paradise on earth', a false utopia or 'New Age', will fall into the carefully prepared trap that is the real New World Order. This will be a humanity already brainwashed and indoctrinated into the Satanic/Luciferian occultism of the 'elite' by years of propaganda and perception management (brainwashing). This is particularly true of the young, as we saw in the last but one article, 'The Entire Humanity Must Be Reprogrammed'. In it we read about Dr. Robert Muller, the former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations for 40 years, who is considered by many to be 'the philosopher of the United Nations'. He set up something called the 'The Robert Muller School', officially a branch of The School of Ageless Wisdom, founded in 1974 by Gloria Crook. She was an Alice A. Bailey admirer and one of Muller’s close friends. Muller was responsible for the creation of something called the 'World Core Curriculum' that formed the basis and inspiration for the UN's global education movement. In the preface to the book it says:

"The underlying philosophy upon which The Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul (published by Lucis Publishing Co.)."

Djwhal Khul

'Djwhal Khul' is the 'ascended master' said to have dictated many of Bailey's books. As author Gary Kah pointed out:

"As difficult as it may be to believe, the U.N.’s global education of the future is being openly modelled after the teaching of a Luciferic trance-channeller and her demonic spirit guide.”

On the Robert Muller website we can read the following:

An educator wrote to me: ‘Through your world core curriculum, the world’s teachers can now have access to the soul of every man, woman and child on this planet.’ I hope this will be the case….. The entire humanity must be reprogrammed through a right global inducation (Latin ex-ducare, to lead out, in-ducare, to lead into).

This, it seems, is part of the preparation that Bailey spoke about as being necessary 'for a new civilisation and culture in a New World Order [and] the coming of a new spiritual dispensation.' A preparation that is taking place, along with much else, under the auspices of the UN.

We can only speculate what the new system will be. Some observers think the end game is for the China/Russia/Islam axis to 'win' and for the West to be subsumed into the Communist system. It's a possibility I suppose. The ruling 'elite' have certainly gone a long way towards building China up as an economic and military power. Would this have the desired 'utopian' effect though? I somehow doubt it. It would still have large numbers, particularly in the West, fully aware that they were enslaved. Although there are doubts as to the authenticity of the infamous 'Albert Pike, World War Three' letter it does give us an insight into how things could play out. Even if it were a forgery it would seem it has been released and distributed to serve a purpose. More 'revelation of the method' perhaps? In it we read the following:

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

A situation where neither 'win' but all are utterly demoralised, exhausted and traumatised seems more likely. If humanity is presented with a new 'system' that promises fairness, equality and most of all peace (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity?), the majority will eagerly embrace it, Luciferian or otherwise. At time of incredible crises such as described above most of humanity will have had their paradigms shattered and at such moments all are vulnerable to new 'programming'.

Another 'psy-ops' directed by the 'ruling elite' is the Zeitgeist series of films that used something called the Venus Project as a proposed future for mankind. As we saw in the article 'New Age Communism: The 'Zeitgeist' Agenda' writer Richard Evans described the Zeitgeist/Venus Project 'solution' as 'Communism repackaged to rope in the 21st century truth seeker'. It seems that something along these lines seems far more likely to be the proposed 'solution'. A cashless, collectivist (communitarian) global system presented as the end to war and 'fair' to all. The only way this will be possible is if first the concepts of free trade (capitalism in its true sense as opposed to the monopoly capitalism/cartelism we have today), money (as in cash, notes, coins etc) and nation states are destroyed. All of these things are currently being presented as 'the problem' with nation states (and religions) being cited as the main reason for any future Middle East clash and wider, subsequent, conflict. We also have the continuing saga that is the banking and financial system. It appears to be on a 'life support' of some sort, kept alive to crash at the opportune moment. By that time nobody will be left in any doubt that it has to 'change'. That change will be further moves towards a truly global currency and financial system if not the very thing itself. Indeed the banking system, as does the 'New World Order currently being 'exposed', appears to be designed to fail. A huge problem, reaction, solution maybe?

The 'communitarian' solution that looks likely to form the political and economic basis of the real New World Order has been described as a synthesis of communism and 'capitalism' similar to what has recently developed in China. It's been suggested that China is a model for the new system, socialism for the masses and monopoly capitalism for the 'elite' few. This theory is perhaps bolstered by a quote from David Rockefeller in an article entitled 'From a China Traveler', which appeared in the New York Time on August 10, 1973. He wrote:

"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history."

He wrote it after visiting China earlier that year. It was later in 1973 that he created the globalist organisation the Trilateral Commission. Of course the 'social experiment' incurred multiple millions of deaths in China which was then a communist dictatorship. Whether or not China can still be described as communist is debatable but it is still a dictatorship. Regardless this is a system that is greatly admired by globalists and world government advocates such as David Rockefeller.

As hinted at above, there are also spiritual deceptions at play in the 'exposure' of the New World Order by the, so called, 'truth movement'. In fact it seems that it's the spiritual element of the agenda that is the most important and attracts the most deceptions. Even if I made the claim that I knew what they all were (I certainly don't) unravelling them in a blog post would be impossible. To a large extent this is an area where we are all on our own and each of us has to make our own mind up. That said there are a few glaringly obvious deceptions and we can, perhaps, get an idea of the general direction that They are trying to steer us, though perhaps not in any great detail.

We've already discussed the 'oneness' meme, promoted by the likes of David Icke and others. It's fairly self evident that if you want a world government or new world system that you need to find a way to get people to unite. In much the same way that one of the previous 'protocols' quotes highlighted the deceptive misuse of the term 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity' in order to mislead people, it seems a similar play is at work with the cry for 'oneness'. In the case of Icke, Crane and others this false unity has theosophic (masonic) and new age overtones. Make no mistake, any attempts to reduce or stop altogether the many conflicts in the world is a good thing but that's very different from the promotion of the idea that 'we are all one consciousness'. Most, if not all, of those conflicts are either caused by, or greatly exacerbated by, the very occult 'elite' that now attempting to provide the 'solutions' to them.

Hand in hand with the cries for oneness is the idea we are all about to experience a 'consciousness shift'. This is heavily tied in with the general new age movement but more specifically with the 'end of the Mayan calendar/2012 meme. One of the features of this deception is that what we are witnessing now is just the old order crumbling away and the painful birth pangs of a wondrous new (order) age. In fact we don't have to do anything about the old order and their attempts at world control because they are destined to fail. A careful reading of this sees that it ties in with the theory outlined above. That is the New Word Order, as presented to us today, is being equated with the old order and that it is intended to fail. When it does the real New World Order or New Age will arrive.

Tony Blair once said, in a speech entitled 'Faith and Globalisation', that:

"… the forces shaping the world at this moment are so strong and all tend in one direction."

They are strong and tending in one direction because they are part of the occult oligarchy's drive to create a New World Order. The forces may be either spiritual or worldly but they are all moving the same way under the control and guidance of the ruling 'elite'. Whether it be the 'oneness' meme, mass immigration, the EU or the global warming scam, they are all part of the same, truly evil, agenda.

Blair is a willing and key servant of this occult oligarchy. He served his globalist masters well during his time as Prime Minister of Britain and he's continued to do so since he left. One of his new roles is the creation of the 'Tony Blair Faith Foundation'. Unsurprisingly we read the usual feel-good platitudes that his foundation aims to promote 'respect and understanding' between the world's religions. All well and good you might think but look a little deeper and it's clear that there's more going on here than meets they eye. It has to be seen in the context of the ecumenical drive for the unifying of the world's religions. This movement is seen by many as being led by Rome.

The fact that Tony Blair converted to Roman catholicism when he left office does little to cast doubts on this.

If a unity of the world's religions is to take place then it's inevitable that this will involve a form of compromise. In the speech mentioned above Blair spoke of the 'extremist and exclusionary tendency' within religions. We can already begin to see that anyone who resists this process is likely to be labelled with similar terms. From David Icke and the Zeitgeist films within the 'truth movement' and elsewhere within the broader new age movement, we've seen attempts to undermine and discredit Christianity. Of course the attempts by Zeitgeist and others have been thoroughly debunked but it does serve to show how Christianity, if not Jesus himself, is a target of the occultists. Realising this is only part of the story though, Christianity has itself been infiltrated and false teachers abound. Of course the Bible predicts that such events would occur but even so, seeing clearly through the many deceptions is far from easy.

One of the areas used to deceive that is relevant to what we're discussing here is the interpretation of Biblical prophecy. This area has long been debated and has an interesting history. Most, if not all, of the main protagonists in the Protestant Reformation pointed to the Papacy as being anti-Christ, a view with which many still concur. They had what was broadly referred to as a 'historical' view of prophecy. That saw it as an unfolding process throughout history that would culminate in the future with Jesus Christ's second coming. Essentially there were two other interpretations, 'preterism' and 'futurism'. The preterist sees all, or most, of prophecy as having already happened whilst the futurist sees almost all of it as happening in the future. Discussing the various elements of all three beliefs would take far too long. One thing that is significant though is that although the historical view was once the most widespread, that has now been replaced with a futurist or dispensationalist interpretation. Part of this view sees the creation of the state of Israel as evidence of prophecy unfolding. The futurist model, broadly speaking, foretells of a coming one-world dictator, the anti-Christ, who will makes a Treaty or Covenant with the 'Jews', then break it after 31/2 years and who is then worshipped in a rebuilt Jewish Temple, from which he will impose the Mark of the Beast. If nothing else I've come to the conclusion that this is an incorrect view of prophecy and is being used to deceive. It's not the only part but it is does seem to be an important element of the 'end times' delusion. It's worth noting that it seems a key aim of freemasonry is to see a rebuilt Temple of Solomon and this interpretation of prophecy does appear to be a possible way to bring this about. There's strong evidence that suggests that Israel and Jerusalem in particular, is intended to be the spiritual centre of the proposed new world system.

Even if you're not a Bible believer it's worth considering that the 'forces shaping this world' may be using a false interpretation of prophecy to help bring about their aims. To not get caught up in the deceptions that are likely to abound will take a great deal of discernment by each and every one of us. As has been noted earlier and in several of the articles on this blog Alice A Bailey, the third leader of the theosophists, has played and through her legacy continues to play, a decisive role in the spiritual dimension of the New World Order agenda. On the Lucis Trust website we read:

'Maitreya'  allegedly appearing
before crowds in Nairobi in 1988

"Humanity is not following an uncharted course. There is a divine Plan in the Cosmos of which we are a part. At the end of an age human resources and established institutions seem inadequate to meet world needs and problems. At such a time the advent of a Teacher, a spiritual leader or Avatar, is anticipated and invoked by the masses of humanity in all parts of the world….. Today the reappearance of the World Teacher, the Christ, is expected by millions, not only by those of Christian faith but by those of every faith who expect the Avatar under other names — the Lord Maitreya, Krishna, Messiah, Imam Mahdi and the Bodhisattva.

Of course Christianity is expecting the return of Jesus Christ and not the false 'christ' suggested by Bailey. It seems though that some sort of spiritual leader may well be presented as the saviour of a humanity traumatised by war and a whole host of other 'tribulations'. Taking this, the focus on Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple and the drive to unite the religions all into account, there's another possible scenario to look out for. The author of this article attended a lecture by someone called Bill Lambert who was the 'New England Director of the House of Theosophy'. The lecture was entitled 'Possible and Probable Events in the Future'. Amongst other revelations, what was foreseen was the building of a combined Temple, Church and Mosque in Jerusalem where the Theosophical 'christ' would be received. This scenario would obviously come about only after Alice A Baliley's 'destructive crisis' had swept the world and would form part of her 'period of reconstruction'. Such an endeavour makes more sense in terms of trying to unite the world's religions in a new 'one world' system.

The issue of being directed by 'entities' is a long and difficult one. As well as guiding the likes of Bailey and her predecessor Blavatsky, we've also seen that they are 'guiding' many that are involved in the new age, 2012 and truth movements. People such as David Icke, Jordan Maxwell and David Wilcock all purport to be in contact with 'entities'. Whether they be ascended masters, Ra or the Pleiadians they all seem to be saying a similar thing and attempting to move humanity in a particular direction. By their fruits shall ye know them and the deceptive nature of these 'entities' lends support to the idea that they are demonic spirits. A difficult concept to grasp for sure but one that the evidence suggests could well be true. When we look at how the entities, said to be guiding David Icke, are supposedly exposing the New World Order it seems there is only one conclusion. It is being deliberately revealed and simultaneously associated with the current systems of government, mainly in the 'Western' world. We are at the same time being encouraged to 'unite' (into one) and 'rise up' against this evil New World Order in order to destroy it. This process will contribute to the chaos out of which the Freemasonic/Theosophic, Satanic/Luciferian order will be imposed. The 'evil' New World Order's role is really to put in place the apparatus for the real one which is the false utopia that will be presented after whatever cataclysms and crises they've got lined up and the 'evil' New World Order has been 'defeated'. As well as being constantly fed with information about this 'evil' New World Order many are at the same time being simultaneously steered towards a sort of New Age/Masonic/Theosophic way of thinking. This will in turn form part of the new, occult, spiritual system of the New Age. Some have observed that this is what Bailey described as the 'Externalisation of the Hierarchy'.

Anyone reading this may well say, what can we do. I only wish I had some concrete answers. The problem that faces us is that the majority dismiss the idea of there being any sort of conspiracy. Their rebellion, if at all, will be of a purely political nature and to a large extent of the left wing variety. It's here I should mention one other, possible, twist in the tale. Writer Lee Penn sees the possibility that whilst at the moment most may see the danger as coming from a 'leftist' and 'new age' New World Order that an 'unexpected peril' may well be the emergence of a 'rightist' seemingly Christian one. This is essentially a variation on the idea of a false New World Order being seen to be 'defeated' then replaced by the false utopia planned all along. This theory sees the occult, theosophic and new age elements also 'exposed' and and a swing in the, seemingly, opposite direction is then manipulated. This 'Christian' New World Order would be an inversion of true Christianity and would take the form of a sort of theocratic dictatorship that promised to save us from the New World Order. Penn quotes the writer C.S. Lewis as saying:

The loftier the pretensions of the power, the more meddlesome, inhuman, and oppressive it will be.  Theocracy is the worst of all possible governments... "

He also refers to Matthew 24: 24 in the Bible:

"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect"

The point being that Biblical prophecy says that many true Christians will be deceived during the 'end times' and the scenario outlined by Penn is one way in which this might happen.

So what can we do. We appear to face a 'hydra-headed' monster that operates through numerous fronts. Those willing to do the research are faced with a, sometimes, bewildering amount of information and theories that shows any number of groups or organisations involved in the agenda. It seems that, to a large degree, this has been done on purpose and is part of the game being played. Some will say the capstone is the hierarchy of the Vatican, along with the likes of the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta. Others say it's the Zionists, the Talmudic and Cabbalistic Jewish elite along with the international bankers, possibly including the British Israel movement. It seems that somehow the Crown or City of London fits into this nexus, along with the royal and aristocratic bloodline families, mainly of Europe, perhaps with the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's, our won royal family, at the top of that particular tree. Then there's the secret society networks that include certain Freemasonic groups as well as the likes of Skull and Bones or the Ordo Templi Orientis. On a political level some will point to international communism or the Fabian socialists. Then there are the numerous organisations and think tanks such as the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Club of Rome, funded by the multi-billionaire 'capitalists' such as the Rockefellers. Essentially, it seems they are all, on one level, controlled and part of the same agenda. These are the 'forces' Tony Blair said were shaping the world. The question debated is who controls who? Can we know for sure? I'm not sure we can. My own best guess is that we can look to the Bible for an idea of what it is we face. A synthesis of the 'Synagogue of Satan' (those who 'say they are Jews, and are not') and 'Rome' with both having their roots in Babylon and in conjunction with the 'bloodlines'.

Attempts to 'take on' these forces at the current time may well be doomed to failure if for no other reason than the majority of people would dismiss the idea of there being an agenda of any sort, let alone the people mentioned being involved. There's a far greater appetite for some sort of major political change because most can't see past that level of control. The levers of power are pulled at a much higher level than a mere politician. Any solution that doesn't acknowledge that isn't going to meet with any real success.

On an individual level we can strive and even pray for, discernment in the coming tribulations. Each one of us has to come to our own conclusions about what we face and how we can avoid the carefully prepared traps. Any collective solution is hampered by the numerous deceptions that abound. My own thoughts are that instead of some sort of direct action against those we perceive as being the New World Order architects we should try and 'call their bluff', so to speak. Instead of just blindly rebelling without any real thoughts to a workable alternative we would need a clear idea of what it is we were fighting for. Perhaps a declaration, modelled on the American Declaration of Independence, could be sought. A document that not only stated what our aims were but also the reasons why the declaration was necessary. A secondary document could then provide the evidence for those stated reasons. Part of the original declaration would have to acknowledge the need for a constitutional review of some sort. The Chartists movement of the 19th century could provide inspiration. One example of such an effort appears to be already happening, though it appears unlikely that the 'hidden hand' of the ruling occult 'elite' has been acknowledged. It is still worth keeping an eye on though. Although there are groups, such as the BCG, out there encouraging a return to our constitution it's by no means clear that that constitution has ever truly served the interests of us all or whether it was for the benefit of just the elect few.

This would be no easy task at the best of times and it's beyond my capabilities to attempt to draft anything that would suffice. Collectively this might be possible but by whom and how. As we've seen we are being encouraged to rise up, rebel and revolt. This is seen as necessary because of what's wrong rather than being driven by a clear vision of an alternative to the current malaise. A blind rebellion can only play into the hands of the occult oligarchy. A declaration with which, if not all but at least most, agreed could serve as a rallying point and attempts to fulfil it could be made without resort to violence. Any suggestions along these lines would be gratefully received. In the meantime we can only educate ourselves and attempt to unravel the tangled web that has been woven.

If even a small number manage to see through the innumerable layers of deception then we may yet have a chance of defeating the New World Order dream of the occultists who control this world. Returning to Bible prophecy there's many who will be aware that something, at least very similar to what is happening now, is predicted in there. As mentioned earlier it does appear that there's an attempt by the ruling 'elite' to make a version of it seem to be coming 'true'. What then of the real thing. In recent months I've found myself drawn ever closer to the words and teachings of Jesus, particularly in the Gospels. A situation I never dreamt possible not too long ago. It's a Christianity not reflected in the organised churches, especially in the Catholic Church or Church of England. I've no qualms in saying that we are in, what can only be described as, a battle between good and evil. Perhaps even a battle for the soul and destiny of mankind. So should I, or anyone professing to be a Christian, just sit back and wait for prophecy to unfold? Safe in the knowledge that Satan (the opposer) will eventually get his just deserts. It seems to me the answer is no. Firstly it would be incorrect to assume that these are the predicted 'end times', which is not to say that we shouldn't be alert to the possibility that they are. Evil is always to be resisted and the unnecessary wars, false flag 'terrorist' attacks, engineered economic and banking 'collapses', wholesale brainwashing of the population, lies, deceit and manipulations of our self appointed 'elite' rulers can't be described as anything but evil. How we resist is for us all to decide for ourselves, but we must all be very wary of not inadvertently serving the very cause we thought we were opposing.

These are times like no other. When I survey the world around me, particularly 'modern' Britain, I really can't help but feel that only divine intervention can help us now.

Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber-
Revolution Harry


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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right