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Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Terraist Letters

The Terraist Letters

Dear infected and afflicted,

We are The Dropouts. We are Ephraim Gregory Nicholas Romanov
Rasputin Moscovitch, fourth generation descendant of the formerly
secret Romanov/Rasputin bloodline and Colonel Ryan J. Arlington,
former Engineer for an unnamed Army unit based in a somewhat secret
underground military base, whose location will remain secret, for now.
Ephraim is a high school dropout. All dropouts have their
personal reasons for dropping out, but there is one commonality all
dropouts share; realization of corruption and an exit. High school
dropouts only lack the vocabulary to gracefully explain dropping out.
The indoctrination of the New York City public school system prevents
people from explaining themselves and restricts thinking. Only after
dropping out did Ephraim learn how to effectively communicate.

Dropouts know something is wrong, only sometimes they lack the
education, diluted with tradition and training, limited by their very
vocabulary, to be able to properly explain themselves.
Scholastic bureaucracy was built for multiplication of human
monoculture and employment of teachers rather than enlightenment of
students. Because of training rather than instruction, because they
learn the truth about conditions and how they’ve been lied to about
conditions dropouts bailout. All dropouts know something is wrong,
intuitively or exactly, and perform the only moral act at their

After dropping out one can begin asking and answering real
questions. We are wet from the immersion in total
institutionalization and dehumanization, whether NYC public education
or the military. Dropouts are just people whose morality and
curiosity eventually engage. Dropouts realize wrong and act on it.
The education system is institutionalization comparable to prison and
the military is the same only more direct about it. Dropouts realize
something is wrong with the dutiful induction of future prisoners and
future minders raising their hands to answer questions in class and
salute the brass, so they bail.

Colonel Ryan J. Arlington dropped out from the highest echelon of
the global military industrial complex. He dropped out much later in
life and from a much higher position than Ephraim, but for the same
reasons; corruption and wrongdoing. The Colonel was a high level
operative whose clearance was so high, he didn’t have an official
clearance, nor did he have a true rank or serial number, nor was his
unit ever named as existent. In fact the unit operates so secretively
there is no official record of The Colonel at all, in the military or
otherwise. For The Colonel to dropout he had to go AWOL from black
ops. We both felt the same though, we were enabling wrong and had to
leave. Currently we are being hunted down by the very global military
industrial complex to which The Colonel gave over thirty years of his

They want to kill us because we’re dropouts who know secrets. We
are privy to the most diabolical series of secrets to ever concern
humanity, at any time, ever before. Because of what we know about the
threats to humanity’s existence, our existence is threatened. Because
our existence is threatened we are revealing what we know publicly.
Dropouts are far more trustworthy than your average authoritarian
copout, credentialed bowout or intellectual sellout. Dropouts are
unofficial and unaccredited. As noted we are being hunted by killing
machines of great capability. We have nothing to lose. But more
importantly, as dropouts, we have nothing to gain. That’s why you can
trust dropouts, because they have nothing to gain.

People are trained to ignore unofficial dropouts as baseless.
These same people lend complete trust to official copouts, bowouts and
sellouts and revere collegiate or corporate credentials, but these
aren’t evidence of honesty, but commitment to lies. If you spend any
time out from under the wing of the institutions you know it takes
honesty and integrity to dropout. No degree reflects honesty, however
dropping out is indicative of some measure of it. It takes higher
mental focus and more acute awareness to dropout. To live outside the
box you have to be more observant and to survive you have to be
honest. Dropouts are the realest people on Earth. Jesus was a
dropout, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. too.

Being a dropout is a serious qualification. We dropped out
because the war perpetuated by the global military industrial complex.
Being enlisted in war or local law enforcement is the only growing
industry on the planet today. Becoming a pair of muted boots in the
global military industrial complex and stepping on people at the whim
of strangers is the easy way to earn a living and get benefits today.
It’s a copout. Anybody can get a job working for the biggest industry
on the planet, as long as you adopt legality and throw out morality.
It takes real honesty to go against the grain. Signing up with
uniformed bullies in support of the global military industrial complex
is easy, but it’s a lie. Dropping out and living one’s life following
the Golden Rule is always difficult, but especially now in an economy
based on indiscreet war. But it’s honest. The world is set up for
lying copouts, bowouts and sellouts. And dropouts are usually well
positioned to be grinded up by the machinery and alternatively are
normally the only ones to stand up to it.

The machinery of war and terror, the terror and war of today, one
endlessly resulting in the other, feeds the copouts, bowouts and
sellouts. Just as the drug war builds the prison system, produces
motivation for contraband gangs and pushes half of society to conclude
pharmaceutical escape is a decent choice after all, even if it’s
illegal. The global war on terror leads to buildup of the war
machines, terrorists and terrorism. And all war leads to
environmental destruction and decay. All war enslaves all people, all
war is war on humanity and earth itself. The insider exploits of the
Roman, Jewish and corporate conspirators inspired Jesus to curse the
military industrial complex of two thousand years ago. Dropouts toss

They are lying to you. That’s what Jesus said too. Practically
everything you know is a lie. And practically every lie is related to
the concealment of the bloody web that is the global military
industrial complex. It’s all a lie, an act to conceal wars horrors
and inspire enlistment. Everything you know and everything you
thought was education and valuable tradition was all just training to
compel you to like what you do; keeping your place in the pyramid
system that holds down the many to benefit the few. Yet all the lies
and corrupt conspiracies weaved by the oligarchies of the global
military industrial complex for the last two thousand years are all
relatively unimportant to our current quandary. It’s bigger than that
Ephraim is a dropout from a family of royal exiles. He is the
direct descendant of Olga Romanov and Gregory Rasputin. Because of
his birthright, he was told secrets. Because of the Colonel’s
military experience he was granted access to secrets as well. When
put together the secrets formed an understanding of the world more
complete than any before and of a situation more complex than any
before. Together we possessed an understanding of the world history
and the possible future.

Ephraim’s biggest secret, which became near trivial after learning
of the affronting dilemma The Colonel was burdened with, has been kept
secret for millennia by very powerful cabals and kingdoms, including
the Romanovs. The secret was implemented by royalty and leaders in
religions, despots, cults, aristocracies, corporations and democratic
governments alike, to control people and benefit from that control.
The secret is not a political trick to hold people down, it’s an
ancient biological one.

The secret is a fluke. The secret is the human fluke and the
ongoing parasitic behavior modification of mankind. The human fluke
has been our constant companion, always reducing the human narrative.
Nearly everyone has been infected at one point or another and
somewhere in the neighborhood of eighty-five percent of people are
hosts at any given time. The parasitic predicament influences
individuals and collectives, and has done so throughout history.
Practically all children are exposed to it and many never rid
themselves of the affliction. Some people live their entire life
never knowing anything but a steady stream of near unconsciousness as
a host, subject to and acting out parasitic impulses. The millennia
long subjection to parasitic behavior modification has shaped the

There are numerous human flukes resulting in varying severity of
infection. Yet all the human flukes live in one of two ways,
resulting in one of two extremes of modified behavior. The first
form, the slightly more common type, is bacterial dependent flukes.
The second form is the fungal dependent fluke. The flukes utilize and
essentially cocoon themselves within bacterial or fungal clusters.
The clusters and flukes attach to the nervous system. The bacterial
dependent infestations result in tolerant, passive behavior, like
sheep. The fungal infections result in scheming, aggressive behavior,
like coyotes.

This parasitic predicament, as with everything in nature, results
in balance, and in this case so as to form an eloquent dis-symbiosis.
The different parasites develop an interdependent balance with the
bacterial and fungal clusters as well as their human hosts, and more
complexly, they relate to each other through modifying the behavior of
their hosts. The parasitically guided interaction between the
sheepish and coyote-like is traditionally viewed as some sort of right
wing/left wing constant, but it is actually the result of a population
under biological duress. Parasitic behavior modification results in
outright evil or total toleration of outright evil. The behavior of
eighty-five percent originates not from themselves, but from the human
fluke inside them.

The flukes are frequently mistaken for tumors or cysts by both
ignorant and insistent physicians. They normally attach themselves to
the spinal cord near the base of the neck and through the bacterial or
fungal clusters leech sustenance from the host. Eventually they
effectively control their human hosts through primordial impulses.
The tolerant, passive, oblivious and bullied, those who seek to be
controlled in order to survive are host to bacterial dependent flukes.
The authoritarian and selfish, those who place themselves above all
else, with a reckless abandon as it concerns their surroundings and
others, those who seek to control in order to survive, are host to
fungal dependent flukes. The flukes, despite being among the lowest
life forms in the universe, simply seek to survive and control their
hosts simply as their only means to do so, but in the process they
degrade the human condition.

Being severely skinny is indicative of fungal dependent flukes.
Hosts to bacterial dependent flukes bloat. Otherwise there are no
discernible physical symptoms. There are many alchemical antidotes.
However all the diagnoses and treatments are unnecessarily risky.
Alchemical cures involve calculations of quantity, potency and
frequency of dose pertaining to the particular individual and the
particular fluke, at that particular time and place. Mercury, cyanide
and large quantities of gold are the active ingredients in these
remedies. In appropriate dilution they can kill the parasites and
leave the host unharmed. If the dilutions are off the parasite might
strengthen or the host might die.

There are holistic cures too, secretively exchanged among nomads
and monks, long utilized by those in the know. The parasites cannot
survive in a host with a vegan diet. Massive amounts of almonds and
apricots eaten in combination will kill the flukes. In stomach acid
they produce therapeutic cyanide. Certain extracts of wormwood,
tobacco and cloves can kill human flukes as well. However the exact
quantities, modes of delivery or time and periods required for
effectiveness are unknown. Practicing yoga or tai chi is said to
hasten the results of holistic cures, but even still the apricots and
almonds cure can take up to three months.

The only practical cure is contraband. It is the consumption of
large quantities of, cannabis sativa, marijuana. It’s safe, quick and
inexpensive, relieving the host of parasites in one or two weeks and
just one dose will often loosen the parasitic grip. The reason
marijuana is globally prohibited is because cannabinoids kill the
flukes and those in power, those in the know use and foster the
parasitic predicament for their own parasitic gains, adding to the
complexity of the dis-symbiotic relationship of the fluke and man.
Those in power have tried to eliminate knowledge of all cures and
restrict access to the most reasonable one; marijuana.

Parasitic behavioral modification has influenced all of world
history. People announce deductive reasoning for their actions and
yet frequently, eighty-five percent of the time, foreign biological
impulses are controlling their motivations. Scientists are well aware
of parasitic behavior modification in the animal world, but most
refuse to consider the possibility of human flukes. Others will
openly acknowledge the possibility of infections however they won’t
address it further. They can’t.

Of all the scientifically acknowledged behavior modifying
parasites toxoplasma gondii is one of the most researched. It depends
on felines to reproduce and as commonly understood, it doesn’t harm
the cat, but mice and rats host to toxoplasma gondii lose their fear
and every motivation for self-preservation. Rats infested with
toxoplasma gondii choosing to bowout to cats. The rats have their own
reasons for the undertaking, but the toxoplasma gondii is in control.
And the cat kills the rat, according to the toxoplasma gondii plan.
Grasshoppers infested with spinochordodes tellinii individually
conclude it’s sensible to jump into water, but it’s the worm’s plan to
burst forth from out the drowning grasshopper and swim away. And in
the same way ants taken over by ophiocordyceps unilateralis likely
believe, in whatever capacity ants believe, they are deciding to climb
to the top of the stalk, but it is only so the parasite can have a
nice place to spore out from within the ant. The parasite is in

In the same way human hosts have their individual rationale for
being fascist enslavers or upholding eloquent principles in being
obedient and oblivious slaves to fascists, but the fact is the real
reason people act dominant or submissive is a biological one. They
are hosts, in a parasitic predicament more elaborate than that of the
rat, the cat and toxoplasma gondii.

Toxoplasma gondii has been known to make old ladies lose it and
lure young children to play catch in traffic. It can only reproduce
in felines though and because of this, it tricks its host, to lose its
most primal fear. In the case of the rat the fear is the cat or the
smell of cat urine. People infected with toxoplasma gondii frequently
take part in risky and destructive behavior, so that they die and the
parasite is released, all according to parasite’s plan. Humans,
sheep, bovines or whatever else becomes host to toxoplasma gondii are
all affected in one way or another. Fungal dependent parasites, like
toxoplasma gondii and like the fungal dependent flukes, increase the
production of testosterone, and the bacterially infected hosts are
drawn to that testosterone.

The human flukes are dependent on primates to reproduce, only
unlike toxoplasma gondii they remain with their hosts indefinitely.
The parasitic predicament, this dis-symbiosis of man, comes together
in a way more intricate and complicated than perhaps any other system
on the planet, of parasite with host, parasite with complimenting
fungi or bacteria, the afflicted hosts acting out parasitic impulses
among collectives and parasitic people fostering the parasites and
restricting the cure to control collectives.

Because we never had access to proper medical education we do not
know the specifics of the parasite’s lifecycle. The most important
things to know about the affliction is that through it people control
people and the cure is marijuana.
Exposure to fecal matter is the most common mode of transmission.
Undercooked flesh is another. The specific life cycle, how long they
live or how they reproduce is inconsequential. They make people
unreasonably aggressive or inhumanly passive and people foster the
parasitic predicament to control people. And the most practical cure
is marijuana.

And yet there is a threat to man greater than parasitic behavior
modification. The first affronting secret related to the survival of
our species is the secret of climate change or global environmental
destruction. The destruction is everywhere, worst though, in the
atmosphere. The sun used to be a mellow golden color and now it
appears whiter. This is due to atmospheric breakdown from the
radioactive particulate of nuclear experimentation. The atmospheric
turbulence and global warming is because of the increasing inability
of the atmosphere to release heat due to radioactive pollution.

The global military industrial complex began a geoengineering
experiment in attempts to restore the atmosphere in 1999 according to
documents The Colonel was privy to. The degradation of the atmosphere
is in part the result of the expulsion of chemicals and gasses into
the atmosphere. Just as climate change is in part due to such burning
and releasing of gasses. But the human activity primarily responsible
for the degradation of the atmosphere and global warming is nuclear
experimentation. The wave emitting particulate in the atmosphere is
at the root of atmospheric destruction, now notable in the appearance
of the sun.

The geoengineering project is a multifaceted operation. The main
pronounced reason is to inject negatively charged particulate into the
atmosphere to attract the positively charged radioactive particulate
so in theory it then falls out of the atmosphere. The injection of
particulate to reduce the problem of the atmospheric radioactivity
causes global dimming and limits our capability to obtain vitamin D,
as well as dosing people with radioactive fallout. Lacking vitamin D
makes all beings more susceptible to sicknesses including the
parasitic predicament.

The operation to fortify the atmosphere with negatively charged
aluminum, barium and fluoride is the final futile act to salvage the
unsustainable era of nuclear experimentation, the wave emitting
particulate of which is destroying Earth’s atmosphere. Instead of
announcement on the degradation of the atmosphere and instituting
change, the global military industrial complex instituted the secret
program to counteract the atmospheric degradation from nuclear

The secret of the parasitic predicament and the occult who foster
it is almost laughable compared to the secrets the Colonel was
burdened with, beginning with the atmospheric degradation. The
atmospheric degradation caused by radioactive particulate is just one
of many threats spurred by nuclear experimentation. The real story of
nuclear experimentation has never been told publicly, until now.
The U.S.A. gathered together some of the wildest scientific minds
in history and eventually set off the first nuclear detonations. The
first one was in New Mexico and then two more were dropped on Japan.
The world war was won with a bang and world history was forever
altered. The experiment was so dangerous, the forces so outrageous
that the scientists debated on whether or not the detonation would set
off a chain reaction igniting the atmosphere, killing all life on

The first nuclear detonation did not start a chain reaction
setting the atmosphere afire. It did however start a chain reaction
that began the atmospheric degradation we see today. The first
nuclear experimentation detonation also set off another more dangerous
chain reaction involving subjects and events very much beyond
traditional human comprehension of science, nature and otherwise.
The first nuclear experimentation detonation occurred in the New
Mexico desert basin, in the valley accurately named the Jornada del
Muerte, meaning the route of the dead man. The code name for the
first test was Trinity and the bomb itself was known simply as The

On July 16, 1945 man began the journey of death in secret. A
couple weeks later, on August, 6 and 9 the most horrific nuclear
experimentation yet took place, the bombings of the cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then the whole world knew of the journey.
A few people survived both bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
having gone from one city to escape the other. Around 70,000 human
spirits were instantly vanquished in Hiroshima and nearly that many in
Nagasaki. But it’s impossible to tally an exact figure for most were
instantly vanished, totally vaporized, atomized. Many more hundreds
of thousands died as a result of burns, injuries and cancers from the

July 16, 1945 is a date that will live in infamy. July 16, 1945
is the day everything changed. The experiment opened Pandora’s Box
and humanity set forth on the journey of the dead man. Incidentally
there was a box set next to the first nuclear detonation in the New
Mexico desert which supposedly contained a living being of some sort
for a top secret experiment. Some say there was a demon inside it.
Others say the explosion itself released the demon. The official
story states there was sensitive testing equipment next to the
detonation. There is no denying that allegorically a demon was
released on the world, but the literal demon is an unsubstantiated
rumor. Some called it the demon core which is often mixed up an
accident-prone piece of plutonium called the demon core too. Some say
the same name supposedly covered up the actual demonic experiment.
Nuclear experimentation began in a stew of secrets, lies, omissions,
whispers of evil, additions of conjured rumors, silenced science and a
way to kill.

July, 16, 1945 initiated the nuclear experimentation era, the
total war on terra. Since then thousands of nuclear bombs have been
detonated; in the atmosphere, on the ground, underground, on the ocean
and in the ocean. Each one of the detonations started chain reactions
of physical entropy we are only beginning to understand. Now hundreds
of nuclear experimentation reactors boil water to produce electricity,
each requiring constant attention. The waste is so dangerous it can
only be made into weapons or buried or blasted off to Jupiter or put
in pools requiring attention for the next ten thousand generations.
Tons of depleted uranium ammunition has been exploded to kill people
and an unknown tonnage of radioactive waste is now enveloping the
planet from standard releases and routine accidents. Nuclear
experimentation is war on terra, war on humanity, on all living

J. Robert Oppenheimer was the most prominent scientist to work on
the Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer opened Pandora’s Box.
Coincidentally his last name comes from a region in Germany which
eerily enough means open home. He opened the box and opened the door
to our home. Incidentally he was a friend of the Rosenburgs, who gave
nuclear technology to the Soviets. Oppenheimer famously quoted a
passage from the Bhagavad after witnessing the fruition of his
handiwork in New Mexico.

“We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed.
A few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line
from the Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita. Vishnu is trying to
persuade the prince that he should do his duty. And to impress him
takes on his multi-armed form and says, ‘Now I am become death, the
destroyer of worlds.’ I suppose we all thought that.”

There is no going back after Pandora is released. Japan
surrendered and would have surrendered after the first bombing if they
were allowed to. The U.S.A. was proudly the world’s first super power
because of nuclear experimentation. The detonations on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki got the attention of the world. Ironically though, the top
secret detonation in New Mexico already got the attention of the

Nuclear detonations create a unique electromagnetic pulse as well
as cause destruction traceable in radioactive particulate. There is
the notable explosion, the electromagnetic pulse, the radioactive
fallout and the detrimental atmospheric chain reactions due to
introduction of the wave emitting particles, but there are also,
according to Colonel Ryan J. Arlington, extra-dimensional chain
reactions. The detonations crack the space-time continuum.
The detonation from the explosion in New Mexico sent a detectable
wave with a unique signature effectively notifying the universe of a
nuclear detonation. And each subsequent detonation was a ping across
the sea of the universe which said, ‘We’re here. And we’re stupid.’
On July 16, 1945, the Trinity detonation pinged the sea of the
space-time continuum.

The pings got the attention of most all intelligent life in the
universe. Extraterrestrial beings soon arrived to Earth to
investigate the nuclear experimentation detonations in our remote
corner of the universe. Some were aware we were here prior and some
only learned who was and where we were through the pings.
The Federation of intelligent bipedals were aware of us before the
pings. And soon enough Federation representation contacted earthen
leadership, but unbeknownst to either party, a rogue race outside the
Federation, had clandestinely arrived to Earth before the Federation.
July 16, 1945 was the beginning of modern times. And on July 17
postmodern decay began.

The Federation’s immediate concern was that nuclear
experimentation be ceased. Their concern was for all life killed by
the detonations. The Federation had equal concern for mouse and man
alike. They informed the leadership that beings killed in such
detonations are not just killed, their very spirit is obliterated,
permanently dematerialized and atomized. The detonations physically
destroy beings and places, crack the space-time continuum and most
detrimentally, they incinerate spirits, the most ungodly act a being
can do. The Federation revealed the true scope of the detonations and
insisted the existence of spirit within all living beings from
cockroach to Chihuahua. They further revealed the existence of god
which is said to have greatly disturbed the politicians.
The Federation provided a myriad of reasons to discontinue nuclear
experimentation, chief among being the destruction of the very
ethereal essence. They informed the earthen leadership that the myth
of Pandora’s Box is about nuclear experimentation. And that nuclear
experimentation would result in eternal ostracism from the Federation,
generational biological degradation and inevitable extinction.
The Federation knew about our legend of Pandora’s Box, they knew
our languages and cultures and mythology. They knew the whole human
story, every legend and every myth. They didn’t know about the last
seven hundred years, but they knew our history.

They arrived in July, 1952 and went straight to Washington D.C.
By then 37 detonations had taken place. The Federation visits to
Washington D.C. that summer made national headlines. Videos,
photographs and reports of their visits to Washington D.C. in 1952,
number in the thousands. President Harry Truman himself addressed and
denied the public questioning concerning extraterrestrials landing on
the White house lawn.

The Federation gave the leaders information on the catastrophic
results of opening Pandora’s Box and the history of humankind, which
was much like our history on Earth, dotted by wars and regrettable
acts. The heavily redacted history goes that a long time ago there
was a great war between bipedals in the Andromeda System over a
magical mineral. The rejuvenating mineral compound was thought to be
in limited supply. And beings risked their existence for it. After
realization there was plenty of the mineral, the war ended. And after
investigations it was found humans instigated the conflict and hid
where the mineral could be found in abundance, solely because we
didn’t want a specific race to have the mineral. The newly formed
Federation debated on the extermination of mankind for starting the
war, but instead they genetically altered our mental capacity and then
banished humans to remote prison planets. The reason people only use
seven percent of our brain capacity is because of the genetically
implemented mental deformity causing generational debilitation.
Supposedly when humans first arrived to prison Earth people quarried
stones and erected structures with simplistic devices powered by
electromagnetics and the mind.

They knew about free energy technology, apparently considered
simple invention among bipedals without the genetic mental hindrance.
Free energy technology utilizes the electromagnetic Higgs Boson
counter-wave to manipulate and transform gravity and consciousness.
All subatomic particles behave as waves and only a very few, actually
have weight, they are known as Higgs Boson particles. The
counter-wave can make the dense malleable, the heavy light and
transform darkness into light. But generations later we became
incapable of understanding how to use the force.

The Federation informed the leadership that if we continued
nuclear experimentation we would never be allowed free energy
technology. Originally it was assumed the Federation meant it would
restrict our access to free energy technology as a consequence, but
the disruption of the space time continuum and electro-magnetosphere
caused by nuclear experimentation is what prevents access to the
unlimited energy through the otherwise smooth and malleable space-time
continuum. Nuclear experimentation disrupts the space-time continuum
in a way that makes the counter-wave practically inaccessible. Free
energy is near impossible to create in the present electromagnetic
conditions here on Earth.

There are other planets of mentally deformed humans, but only we
have conducted nuclear experimentation. In fact, only a few other
species in the whole universe have ever transformed their planet into
a nuclear experiment and their fate is ours, deformity and extinction.
No one in the universe is considered as stupid and violent as
Earthlings. And at the same time, human humor is renowned throughout
the universe. Even today, despite our mental deformity, our jokes are
still considered some of the finest entertainment known. Beings now
travel light years just to watch us.

Harry Truman, in true manly fashion, did not trust the Federation.
After all, the aliens were critical of nuclear experimentation and of
the obliteration of Japanese cities, the very act that made the U.S.A.
the world’s super power. They told him to cease nuclear
experimentation and make peace on the planet and in exchange they
would offer membership into the Federation. Harry Truman took this to
be a sly extraterrestrial plot and after winning World War II no one
in the universe was going to tell the United States to disarm. Harry
Truman didn’t believe one thing they said, not after what happened at
Roswell and elsewhere.

The Federation insisted if there was peace on Earth, if nuclear
experimentation was ceased, they would provide free energy technology,
interplanetary travel technology and systems of planetary defense from
rogue races. The Federation did not know that one of those rogue
races was already here. The race we know as the Greys were the first
race to detect the signature atomic ping from Earth and the first to
arrive here. The Earthen leadership was suspicious of the Federation
because of their experiences with the Greys.

The Greys possess all the technology the Federation does, but
they’re rogues and operate outside the Federation law. And when it
comes to detection of nuclear experimentation the Greys possess
technology superior to that of Federation. In fact there is no race
which understands nuclear experimentation better than the Greys and
consequently no race more negatively altered by it. The Greys learned
more about nuclear experimentation than any other race in the universe
and in the process destroyed their home planet as well as their
genetic viability. They are a dying race.

The Greys completed their journey to Earth in 1947. A scout ship
crashed in Roswell, New Mexico that summer, a hop skip and jump away
from the Trinity test site. The crash landing ended in a
confrontation between the Greys and man. The events at Roswell and
other provocative actions made Harry Truman distrust the Federation.
The Greys were aware of our history, but only learned of our
location when we pinged the cosmos. The Greys were banished from the
Federation for opening Pandora’s Box thousands of years ago, in
another portion of space. Ultimately they had to evacuate their home
planet because of failed nuclear experimentation. The Greys are
highly intelligent, but their ardent theology states they are God’s
chosen bipedal. They simply believed they could not be harmed by
nuclear experimentation because they were the chosen bipedal.
The Greys were a dying race. They had been traversing the
universe seeking an unclaimed and habitable planet and the DNA and RNA
of a suitable race to use to reconstitute their genetic viability.
The Gadget went off just in time for them to find us, a whole planet
of near unaltered genetics.

After the Greys became aware of the Federation they made their own
friendly introduction and deal with certain groups in order to subvert
the Federation. In exchange for technology, not including free energy
or interplanetary travel technology, the Greys were allowed to harvest
people for their DNA and RNA. The missing persons of the world may
very well have ended up kidnapped by Greys.
Eventually the Federation became aware of the Greys and informed
the Earth governments of the trickery. The Greys subverted the
efforts of the Federation to stop human nuclear experimentation,
because they want us to destroy ourselves. They wanted our genes, and
now they want Earth. And if humans are no longer genetically viable,
under Federation law, the Greys could have Earth. And the only way we
could lose our genetic viability is through nuclear experimentation

Earth powers continued nuclear experimentation, believing we were
tapping into the power of the sun. The Greys are now just waiting for
nuclear experimentation to eliminate our biological viability, at
which time, the Federation would consider the prison planet a failure,
whereupon they would be shed of responsibility and the Greys could

The Greys have infiltrated society and implemented the nuclear
experimentation industry as it is today, to kill us. Nuclear
experimentation is perfect madness and has exposed us to a mad, mad
universe. The policy shared by the world’s super powers of nuclear
armament toward deterrence of war is just one aspect of the madness.
This process is known as MAD, mutually assured destruction. It’s the
idea that we deter war through the capability of destroying the
planet. The Greys have an agenda to kill Earthlings and have
infiltrated the upper echelons of every relevant institution to do so
beginning in 1952. They’ve been pushing war and nuclear
experimentation since, so we kill ourselves and the Federation leaves
Earth to them.

The have hybrids of grey skinned men and even though they might
only be a few years old they appear as if in they are octogenarians.
They are appear Grey pale, aged, and they are extremely intelligent
though lack emotion and any sense of humor. They typically are named
Frank, Moe, Beaver or Elmo or some other name they picked up from
1950’s Americana.

The Federation is monitoring the situation. Their often visit
nuclear experimentation facilities routinely shutting down missile
systems and taking out launched, unarmed ICBMs with their ships like a
collie tracking down a Frisbee. Colonel Ryan J. Arlington watched a
UFO, likely Federation he would later learn, zap a laser at a missile
facility and disable the guidance systems of multiple missiles, three
nights in a row.

The Federation can legally do no more than monitor the situation.
They cannot force their will on prisoners, they have to protect the
prisoners -until they are no longer genetically viable, and they are
required to prevent nuclear experimentation throughout the universe so
as to preserve spirit and assure the space-time continuum doesn’t
crack apart resulting in a theorized excruciating implosion of the
universe or Big Ping.

The Federation is capable of disabling missiles from being fired
and destroying them after they are launched, but even the Federation
can’t cease the ongoing reactions at the nuclear power generation
experiments. The Federation legal conundrum has resulted in a waiting
game. The Federation considers Earthlings and Greys as rogue races in
a battle over Earth. Only Earthlings are mostly unaware of the
battle. The Federation considered freeing us from our genetically
implemented earthly binds, but we were distrustful and conniving and
we couldn’t stop nuclear experimentation, unconsciously believing that
perhaps, we too, were so liked by god, that we could defy the
consequences of nuclear experimentation.

Earth could have been the first human planet allowed into the
Federation, we could have been a human voice, but we proved unready.
The Greys reached our solar system a dying race. They disappeared
thousands of people over the decades and utilized our genetics to
revitalize their altered chromosomes. And now they want Earth. The
Federation is stuck in a legal conundrum unable to assist us, unable
to force us to cease nuclear experimentation and required to prevent

We’ve been invaded. Practically every major institution has been
compromised to some extent or another and the nuclear experimentation
industry has been almost totally compromised by the Grey hybrids, for
many institutions can control us, but nuclear experimentation can kill

The nuclear experimentation industry is saturated with Grey
hybrids to set up our most certain MAD. The best way for the Greys to
cease humanity’s biological success is to release radioactive
particulate. All they have to do is promote nuclear experimentation
and make sure people allowed it to continue, for eventually it will
fail and they will win Earth.

The nuclear experiment is out of control. Nothing is as it was.
Rising cancer rates are the first sign of the nuclear experimentation
gone awry. It will next cause corresponding declining birth rates.
Tobacco was at one time safe when used in moderation. It was sacred
to the American Indians and beneficial when smoked with sage as they
did. Now tobacco grown outside is dusted with so many radioactive
particles, it’s deadly. It is an out of control experiment, a

Nuclear experimentation has degraded all life since 1945. It
produces such persistent toxins as to be cancerous for generations,
making future generations less intelligent, less attractive and less
biologically successful. Its waste is cancerous, negatively alters
genetics and some of the elements, like Krypton 85 can result in
global drought. Radioactive particles emit heat for thousands of
years and are now dispersed globally in all strata reducing the
atmosphere’s ability to release heat and increasing the likelihood of
volatile holes in the ozone and the new norm of powerful storms.
The secrets concerning the increase in cancer, decline in
birthrates, global warming, drought, the parasitic predicament and the
occult who cultivate it, our shackled mental capacity, the fact
underground bases exist all over the world partly as contingency plans
in case of nuclear devastation are all insignificant next to the
takeover. It is humans versus Greys. And the only way to win is to
cease nuclear experimentation. And the only way to do that is to
become conscious of the problem. The only way to become conscious at
all is by eliminating the parasites by smoking copious amounts of
marijuana, preferably marijuana grown indoors to minimalize ingestion
of radioactive particulate.

Only when we cease nuclear experimentation will the Federation
consider siding with humanity. And only when we cease nuclear
experimentation will the Greys leave. Until nuclear experimentation
ceases, until marijuana is freely distributed, we will take action to
shut down all nuclear experimentation. If nuclear experimentation is
not ceased there will be another Hiroshima and there will be another

The likelihood of multiple nuclear experiment failures is low,
currently. However Colonel Ryan J. Arlington is privy to information
on a huge massive object or HMO. The HMO is expected to careen
through the solar system and when it does the object may cause the
oceans to rise variously by twenty feet or more, which would be minor
all things considered, except for the nuclear power plants on the
coasts. The HMO could also cause a solar flare on a scale that might
burn half the planet and could set off a series strong earthquakes.
And yet it only takes a minute act of god to result in nuclear
catastrophe. If the sea level rises just five feet, savage nuclear
experimentation industrial death is possible. Even if the HMO only
causes sporadic flooding and earthquakes failure of nuclear
experimentation is highly likely. Stop nuclear experimentation or we
will stop it. Stop all nuclear experimentation or it will stop us

Colonel Ryan J. Arlington and Prince Ephraim Gregory Nicholas Romanov
Rasputin Moscovitc

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Anyone is welcome to use their voice here at FREEDOM OR ANARCHY,Campaign of Conscience.THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA FOR THOSE WITH OUT MONEY if you seek real change and the truth the first best way is to use the power of the human voice and unite the world in a common cause our own survival I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, ones own family or ones nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace,“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Love and Peace to you all stand free and your ground feed another if you can let us the free call it LAWFUL REBELLION standing for what is right